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Business Opportunities in Hong Kong

Volume 8, Issue 1&2 Consulate General of India, Hong Kong

Contents 1. India-Hong Kong bilateral trade report ------- 2 2. Trade Queries from Hong Kong: ------------ 11 3. Tenders -------------------------------------------- 12 4. Event Alert: Major Exhibitions during the period of March-April, 2008 ----------------- 14 5. Contact us ----------------------------------------- 18

Commercial Wing Consulate General of India Hong Kong

2. India-Hong Kong bilateral trade report

India-Hong Ko ng bilat era l trade for ca lendar ye ar 2007 was US$ 10.5 billion , a gro wt h o f 38 % compared to the sam e period in ye ar 2006 . Ind ia is the 12th largest trading partner o f Hong Kong . Indian exports for t he year 2007 were US$ 6,122 million wit ness ing a gro wth of 2 9.7%. Of t his, goods worth US$ 4,325 million were re-exported to o ther co untries from Hong Ko ng. Indian impo rts from Hong Ko ng totaled US$ 4,463 million (+51.2%). The tra de balan ce fo r t he ye ar 20 07 is in Indias fa vor to the exte nt of US$ 1,659 million . Table 1: India - Hong Kong trade [Amount in US $ million]
20 05 T ot al Indi a n E x por t s t o Hon g Kon g Hong K on g t o Indi a Do mest i c E xp or t s R e-E x por t s Tot al E x por t s t o In di a T ot al B i l at e r al T rad e Tr ad e B al an ce for Ind i a 45 71 G r owt h % + 21 . 4 T ot al 47 19 2 00 6 G rowt h % +3 . 2 Ja n- De c 2 00 7 T ot al 6 , 12 2 G r owt h % +29 . 7

1 28 2, 6 62 2, 7 90 7, 3 61 + 1, 7 81

+1 18 . 8 + 30 . 7 + 33 . 0 +25 . 6

1 57 2, 7 94 2, 9 51 7, 6 70 +1, 7 68

+ 23 . 2 +4 . 9 +5 . 8 +4 . 2

13 8 4 , 32 5 4 , 46 3 10 , 58 5 + 1 , 65 9

- 12 . 5 +54 . 8 +51 . 2 +38 . 0

(Source: Census and Statistic s Dep artment , Hong Kong) Indias s hare in Ho ng Ko ngs total tr ade for t he p er iod J an-Dec ember 2007 is abou t 1.5%. Table: Month-wise break up of India-Hong Kong trade [Amo unt in Million s of US$]
M ont h J an F eb Ma r ch Apri l Ma y J une J ul y A ug ust Sept e mb e r Oct ob e r N ov e mb er De ce mb e r INDI AN E X P ORT S T O HK 20 06 20 07 % C ha ng e 3 29 4 23 28 . 7 3 67 3 51 - 4.5 4 81 6 34 31 . 5 4 11 4 72 14 . 7 3 71 4 42 19 . 3 3 72 5 09 36 . 5 3 72 5 59 49 . 9 3 58 5 89 64 . 9 4 46 5 68 27 . 2 4 40 6 45 46 . 3 3 95 4 55 15 . 3 3 78 4 85 28 . 4 INDIAN IM P O RT S F ROM HK M ont h 2 00 6 20 07 % C ha ng e Ja n 22 6 2 45 8. 6 F eb 22 9 2 19 -4 . 2 Ma rc h 24 4 3 50 4 3. 1 Apri l 26 4 3 24 2 2. 8 Ma y 21 9 3 16 4 4. 5 Ju ne 24 8 3 78 5 2. 3 Jul y 25 1 4 33 7 2. 3 A ug ust 21 8 4 82 12 1 Sept e mb er 23 9 3 42 4 2. 9 Oct ob e r 26 9 4 72 7 5. 4 N ov emb er 27 2 3 71 3 6. 3 Dece mb er 26 6 5 36 10 1. 3

[Source: Ho ng Kong Ce nsus a nd Statist ics Department ] 2




During Dece mb er 2007 , India exported a to tal of US$ 485 million (+28.4%) worth of products to Hong Kong. Ind ia s basket o f exports to Ho ng Kong ma inl y inclu ded pearls, precious & semi-prec ious stone s ( US $ 3 88 millio n), followed b y Raw Hides & Skins [ US $ 2 7 millio n], Electric al machiner y [ US $ 24 millio n], Cotton [US $ 12 million], Co pper & Articles thereof [ US $ 4 millio n], Fish & Crusta ceans [ US $ 4 millio n], Silk ( US $ 3 millio n), Anima l or vegetab le fats (US $ 2 millio n), Prepared Feathers and Dow n and articles made of feather s or down art ificia l flowers; Artic les of huma n hair [US $ 2 million and Iron and Steel [ US $ 2 millio n].

Table 2: Indian Exports to Hong Kong - Top 10 products (for 2007)

[Amount in US $ million]
HS C om modi t y CODE 71 P ear l s, P r eci ou s S t on es/ M et al s 41 R aw Hi d es and S ki ns 85 E l ect r i c al M ach i ner y 52 C ot t on 74 C o pp er & Ar t i cl es t h ere o f F i sh and C r u st ac e an s Silk An i mal or veg et abl e f at s and oi l s and t h ei r cl e ave pr od u ct s P r ep ar ed F eat h er s and Down; ar t i cl es mad e o f feat h er s or d own ar t i fi ci al fl ow er s; Ir on and S t eel Ja n F eb Ma r Apr M ay Ju n Jul A ug Sep Oct N ov De c % Gr owt h* 4 7. 4

3 31

2 79

5 28

36 7

3 29

3 93

4 54

4 89

4 79

5 35

35 8

38 8

22 12 9 8 4 8

14 14 8 9 3 3

23 19 15 18 4 -

27 16 13 8 3 10

27 18 10 17 2 8

26 16 9 14 4 12

27 17 11 11 2 6

26 20 15 9 2 5

24 25 6 8 3 1

26 27 4 5 6 18

25 27 6 6 5 7

27 24 12 4 4 3

2. 8 3 7. 2 7 2. 9 -7 -28 . 2 -31 . 8

03 50 15






-93 . 9

(Source: Census and Statistic s Dep artment , Hong Kong)

Pea rls, preciou s stones and metals . A total of US $ 3 88 millio n worth of pearls a nd precious sto nes w ere e xported during t he mo nt h Decemb er 2007, a growth of 47.4% comp ared to the same period in year 2006. Indias top exports in this cat e gor y inc luded Diamond s of less than 1 cara t-metric per piece (US $ 298 million, +41 .5%); Articles of je well er y & parts o f gold, Diamond mounted or set ( US $ 53 millio n, 246.6%), Diamonds o f more than 1 carat-metric p er piece , non- industrial, worked (US $ 19 million, + 56.8%), Diamond, Non -industrial, un-worked diamonds (US $ 14 millio n, - 22 .5%) and Other precio us stones a nd s emiprecious sto nes ( US $ 2 million, - 32 .1%). Leather and leather items . Exports to HK for the mont h D ecember 2007 stood at US $ 2 7 millio n, 2.8 %). In 8- HS Co de terms, Ind ia s top leat her expo rt items included HS 41131000 or Goat/Kid leat her furt her prep ared after tanning/rusting (US $ 9 million, -15.2 %); HS 4 1071210 or Whole Hide/S kin of Bo vine A nima l, Grain Split s, Prepared (US$ 9 millio n, 6 .5%),; HS 41 079200 or leather fu rther prepared (US$ 3 million, 24.1%) and HS 4112000 0 or leat her further prepared after tanning or crusting includ ing p archment-dressed leat her of s heep o r lamb wit hout wool on (US $ 2 millio n, 34.6%). Machiner y : India e xpo rted Machiner y wo rth US $ 24 millio n to Ho ng Kong fo r t he mont h De cember 2 007, wit nes sing a growth of +37.2% co mpared to the s ame per iod in 2006 . Our major items o f export under this categor y inc luded Mob ile te lepho nes ( US $ 1 7 millio n,), E lectronic Connecto rs for a volta ge no t e xceed ing 1 000V ( US $ 1 m illion) a nd Ot her electr ica l inductors NESOI (US $ 1 millio n). Silk : India e xpo rted Silk worth US $ 3 million to Hong Kong for the perio d December, 2007, - 3 1.8%. Major items o f e xport under this category inc luded Wo ven fabrics, conta ining 85% or more b y weight of other Bomb yx Mori S ilk, o ther than no il s ilk (04 kg.) ( US $ 3 millio n, 38.8%). Cotto n : Exp orts of cotton ha ve w it nesse d a growth of 72.9% wit h exports to talling US $ 12 million du ring December, 2 007. Ind ia s basket of co tton expo rts included: HS 52010000 or Cotton, not carded or co mbed (US $ 5 millio n, + 88.7%), HS 52052400 or Cotton yarn, 85% or mo re b y weigh t of cotton, not retail sale, single, combed fab ric, measuring les s than 1 92.31 DTEXBUT (US $ 2 million, 155.3%); HS 52052 300 or Co tton ya rn, 85% or more by weigh t of cotton, no t retail sale, single, co mbed fabric ( US $ 1 million, 10.4%) and HS 52052200 or Cotton yarn, 85% or more b y weight o f co tton, n ot retail sale, single, co mbed fabric, measuring less than 714.29 DTEXBUT (US$ 1 million, 140.5%). Coppers and articles ther eof: Ind ia expo rted copp er and articles thereof worth 4 millio n to Ho ng Ko ng during D ecemb er, 2007, a growth of -7%. Our major items of export under this cate gor y inclu ded Wire of refined copp er, wit h a maximum cro ss se ctio na l d ime nsio n of o ver 6 MM (US $ 2 million, 72.5%) and Wire of refine d co pper, wit h a maximum cross sectio nal dimens io n o f not over 6 MM (US$ 2 million, - 15 .4%). 4

Fish and Crusta cea ns, Molluscs and other Aquatic invertebrates : India exported Fish and Cru stacea ns, Mollus cs a nd o ther Aquatic invertebrates to Ho ng for the mont h December, 2007 worth US $ 4 millio n (- 28.2%). Majo r item of e xport und er this catego r y included Fish, dried, whet her salted or not, but not smoked, NESOI (94 Kg.) (US $ 2 million, 30.7%). Animal or veg etable fats and oils and th eir clea vage p roducts : India expo rted Anima l o r veget able fa ts and oils and their clea vage products worth US $ 2 millio n to Hong Kong for t he mo nt h Dec ember, 2007. Major it ems of exp ort under this c ategory included Peanut O il and it s fract ions wo rth US $ 2 million. Prepared Feathers and Do wn; articles made of feathers or do wn artificia l flowers : Ind ia e xported Prepared Feathers a nd Do wn; art icles made of feat her s o r down artificia l flowers worth US $ 2 million to Ho ng Kong for the mo nt h December, 2007. Majo r items o f export under this category included Human hair, animal hair, thinned, dressed, bleached or otherwis e wo rked wo rth US $ 1 million, + 614.3% and complete w igs of hu man hair worth US $ 1 million. Iron an d steel : India exp ort of Iron and Stee l to Hong Ko ng stood at US $ 2 million for t he mont h of Dec ember, 2007 (- 93.9%). The major items under this head inc luded Bars and rods of stainle ss steel, coldformed or cold -finis hed, (94T, 02 Kg) (US$ 1 million, - 10.2%).




India imported US$ 536millio n (101.3% ) worth of good s from Hong Ko ng during Decemb er 2007 . The impo rtant it ems of impo rts are pearls, p reciou s and semi-precious stone s [US $ 337 million], Electr ica l ma chiner y [ US $ 1 22 millio n], Nuclear Reactors [ US $ 23 million], Optica l, Photographic, Measuring, Medica l instrument s and parts ( US $ 7 millio n); Cloc ks & Watc hes [ US $ 6 millio n], Misce llaneous Manufactured Articles [ US $ 3 millio n], Paper a nd Paper Board [US$ 3 millio n], Cotton ( US $ 3 millio n); Sa lt; Sulphu r, Earths a nd Stones, p la stering mater ia l, lime ad jace nt (US $ 3 million) and P rint ing books, newspapers, pictures and other products of the print ing [ US $ 3 millio n].

Table 3: Indian Imports from Hong Kong - Top 10 products

(Amount in US $ million)
HS C OD E 71 85 84 90 91 C om m o d it y P ear l s , pr ec ious s t ones/ m et als E lec t r ic al m ac hinery M ac hinery O pt ic al, m edic al i ns t r um ent s C loc ks , w at c hes & par t s t her eof Jan D ec 2006 1465 726 260 55 38 Jan 130 53 18 5 4 F eb 97 67 16 5 4 M ar 197 83 29 6 2 A pr 187 75 17 5 3 M ay 169 74 21 6 4 Jun 226 90 19 5 4 Ju l 274 90 22 4 3 A ug Sep 320 84 31 6 3 193 79 24 5 4 O ct 299 90 33 6 5 N ov 194 102 25 4 4 D ec 337 122 23 7 6 % G row t h* 180. 9% 80. 9% - 13% 31. 1% 10. 9%

96 52 48



M is cel laneous m anuf act ur ed 38 4 ar t i c les C ot t on 122 3 P aper and 31 2 P aper boar d S alt ; Sulphur , E ar t hs and S t ones , 1 plas t er ing m at er i al , l im e adjac ent P r int i ng books , news paper s , 1 pic t ur es and ot her pr oduc t s of t he pr int i ng * Com par ed t o D ecem ber 2006

3 2 2

3 2 3

4 3 3

5 2 3

4 2 2

4 3 3

4 3 3

4 4 3

5 3 4

4 3 3

3 3 3

- 9. 6% - 16. 4% - 4. 9%

607. 5%

536. 5%

( Sour c e: C en sus and St at i st i cs De par t ment , Hon g Kon g)

Pea rls, Gem s and jewellery, etc.: Ind ia imported Pearls, G ems a nd J eweller y worth US $ 336 million, +180.9%) from Ho ng Ko ng d uring Decemb er 2007 . Top Indian imports under HS 71 includ e US $ 217 millio n worth of Dia monds o f less than 1 ca rat-metric per p iece (9 4CM), a growt h of 212.9%; US $ 5 7 million worth of Non-industrial diamonds, un -worked or simp ly sawn , a growt h of 4 4.3%; US $ 38.7 millio n wort h o f S ilver, unwrought Ne soi (Ot her than po wer, 94 G, 02KG); US$ 8.8 million wort h of Diamond of 1 o r more tha n 1 Carat-metric per p iece, non- industrial, worked (94CM) a growth o f 186.9 %. and US $ 7.7 millio n worth o f Artic les of jewe ller y a nd parts thereof (6 6.3%) Electri cal Mach in ery: Ho ng Kong exported worth US $ 121.6 millio n to India during December 2007, a positive growth of +80.9% co mpared to the s ame mo nt h last ye ar. India n imports in t his cat e gor y inc luded parts of telepho nes for cellular networks or fo r other wire less networks worth US $ 2 8 millio n; Mobile telephones wo rth US $ 19 millio n; Other mac hines for the receptio n, convers ion and transmis sion or rege nerat io n of vo ice worth US $ 13 million; Ot her e lectronic int egrated cir cuits, worth US $ 5.7 millio n; Ot her e lectr ica l stat ic co nverter s NESOI worth US $ 4.7 million + 171.6%; Lead-acid storage batteries wo rth US $ 4.4 million, + 164.9% and Parts o f colour tele visio n rece iver s worth US $ 2.2 million, + 104.8%. Machiner y Ho ng Ko ng exported wo rth US $ 23.4 millio n to Ind ia during December 200 7, - 13 % compared to the same mont h last year. India n imports in t his cat ego ry inc luded Parts and acce ssories for au tomatic data process ing m ac hines and unit s thereo f, m agnet ic or optical readers (US $ 8.5 million, - 20 .6%); Po rtable automatic data p ro cess ing machines, Notebook (US $ 4 million); S ewing ma chine s other t han the ho use hold or automatic t ypes ( US $ 2 millio n, 114.3 %) and Hard d isks drives ( US $ 1 million). 6

Op tical a nd Medica l Instrumen ts (HS Code 90) imports b y Ind ia for the mont h of D ecember 2 007 totalled US $ 7 million, a growth of 31.1% compared to the s ame mo nt h last ye ar. Major imports und er this category in 8 HS co de includ e Chro matography a nd Electrophoresis Instru ment s (94 No.) (US $ 1.5 millio n, + 95%) and Instrume nt and ap paratu s NESOI, especiall y des igned for teleco mmu nicat ions (94 No.) (US $ 1 Millio n, + 4.6%).

Clock s and watches - Imports b y India for the mo nt h of Dec ember 200 7 totalled US $ 5.5 million (+ 10.9%). Major imp orts under this catego ry inc lude wrist w atc hes, e lectr ic all y operated (US $ 2.4 Millio n, 56.9 %) a nd Watch mo vem ent s, complete and a ss embled , e lectricall y operated (US$ 1 million, + 174.7%).

Miscellaneous manu factured articles: Imp orts b y India for Decemb er 2007 totalled US $ 3.3 millio n, - 9.6%. Majo r imports u nder this category includ e Buttons of base metal (not covered with te xt ile mat er ial) (US $ 1.1 millio n, - 5.4%) and Buttons of plast ic ( not covered wit h t e xt ile mater ial) (US $ 1.1 million, 31% ).

Paper a nd Articles of Pa per Import of paper and articles of paper fo r the Month of November, 2007 sto od at US $ 3 million wit h a growt h o f 15.4%. Major items under t his cat egory inc luded Pap er and paperbo ard lab els of all kind s, printed (US$ 3 million, + 12.9%). Cotto n Import of Cotton for the month of December 20 07 totalled US $ 3 millio n (-1 6.4%).

Paper and p aperboard - Import of Pap er or Paperboard , Articles o f paper pulp for the M onth of December 200 7 totalled US $ 3 million, 4.9%). Major items under this cate gor y included Paper and paperbo ard lab els of all kinds, printed (US $ 3 million, - 2.7%).

Salt, sulphur, earths an d sto ne Import of sa lt, su lphur, eart hs and stone for the Mont h of Decemb er 200 7 totalled US $ 3 m illio n, + 607.5%). Major it ems under t his cate gory i nc lu ded Fluorspar, containing b y we ight 97% or of calc ium fluoride (US$ 2 million). Printed book s, newspapers, pictures and other products of th e prin ting industry Import of p rinted boo ks, newspapers, pictures, etc., for the mo nt h o f December, 2007 stood at US $ 3 millio n (+536 .05%). Major item s u nder this catego ry inc luded Plans and drawings for arc hitectu ral, engineer ing, indu str ial, commercia l (US $ 2 millio n) a nd Printed boo ks, leaflets, brochures a nd s imilar print ed materia l ( US $ 1 millio n, + 284.7 %).


J an De c 06 J an F eb Ma r Ap r M ay Jun J ul A ug Sep Oct % N ov De c Gr owt h *

HS C od e 85

C omm od i t y E l ect r i c al ma ch i ner y and equ i p me nt and p ar t s t h ere o f P ear l , pr eci ous st on es, g ems and j ewel l er y Nu cl e ar r ea ct or s, b oi l er s, ma ch i ner y and me ch ani c al a ppl i anc es; p ar t s C l oc ks, wat ch es an d p ar t s t h ere o f M i sc. manu f act u re d art i cl es S al t , su l ph ur , ear t hs & st on es C ot t on Opt i c al an d M edi c al In st r u men t s P ap er & p aper bo ar d s ; ar t i cl es o f p aper Kn i t t ed or cr och et ed f a br i c s * C omp ar ed t o

54 6


44 . 7











8 6. 5


11 1


2. 4










9 08


15 0


12 . 4











-1. 9





2. 5

-1. 8


3 32 23

3 2

1. 7 2

2 3

3 2

1 2 2

2 2

3 2

3 3

4 2

2 2

1 3 3

3 3 2

6 06 . 8 -2 9. 1 3 6. 6

52 90



1. 7

1. 2

4. 9



1. 2

2. 4

-36 . 1

De c emb er 2 00 6

(Source: Census and Statistic s Dep artment, Hong Kong)


(Source: Census and Statistic s Dep artment , Hong Kong)
20 07 Ja nC omm od i t y De c Ja n 20 06 Pe ar l , pr eci ou s 2 00 st on es, 16 ge ms an d j ewel l er y R aw hi d es an d ski n s ( ot h er 1 92 14 t han fur s ki n s) and l eat h er C ot t on 82 5 C op per and ar t i cl e s t her e of E l ect ri cal Ma chi n er y Si l k Pr e par ed Fe at her s and Down ; ar t i cl e s mad e of f eat h er s or down Ma chi n er y Ir on & St eel F eb Ma r Apr M ay J un Jul y A ug


[Amount in US $ millio n]
% G rowt h*



N ov

De c












2 7. 5











2 1. 4



6 3. 4




32 8

2 -

2 -

4 -

4 -

3 -

4 -

4 1

4 -

4 -

4 2

4 3

3 1

6 4. 9 -18 . 1

43 2

1 -

1 -

1 1

1 1

1 -

1 -

2 1

1 1

2 -

2 -

2 -

1 1


* C o mpar ed t o Dec e mb er 20 06


Table 4: Hong Kongs to ta l trade for Jan-Decembe r 2007 2005 Total Exports Domestic Exports Re-exports Imports Total Trade Trade Balance US$ billion 288.5 17.4 271.0 298.6 587.1 -10.2 2006 January-December 2007 US$ Growth % billion 344.5 +9.2 13.9 330.5 367.6 712.2 -23.1 -18.9 +10.8 +10.3 +9.8 N/A

Growth US$ Growth % % billion +11.4 315.5 +9.4 +8.0 +11.7 +10.3 +10.9 N/A 17.2 298.3 333.3 648.8 -17.8 -1.1 +10.0 +11.6 +10.5 N/A

Ho ng Ko ngs total world trade for Jan-December 2007 totaled US $ 712.2 billio n, a growth of +9 .8% co mpared to the same period last year. I n 2006, export stood at 9.4 %, compared to 11.4 % in 2 005. Exports wer e spearheaded b y t he st ead y d ema nd from mainla nd China, especiall y for indu strial inputs for expo rt production, notab ly e lectro nic s parts a nd co mpo nents, w hic h constitu ted the s ingle lar ge st product in Ho ng Kong' s export basket. Table 5: Hong Kongs top trading partners [Jan-December 2007]
Ra n k 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 C oun t r y China US A Ja pan T ai w an S i ng ap ore Kor ea R e p Ger man y UK M al aysi a T hai l and % 4 7. 5 9. 1 7. 3 4. 6 4. 4 3. 1 2. 3 1. 9 1. 6 1. 6 % I nc re as e/ Dec rea se + 12 . 3 + 2.5 +4 . 7 +4 . 5 + 14 . 9 +0 . 5 + 7.6 +7 . 0 + 10 . 6

(Source: Census and S ta tistics D epartment, Hong Kong)

Hong Kongs Top 10 Imports from the world [December 2007]

[All figures in US$ bn = Billion]
HS CODE 85 84 71 90 27 C om m od i t y E l ect r i c al mach i ner y Ma chi n er y Pe arl s, pr eci ous st on es/ met al s Opt i c al , medi cal i nst r u ment s Mi n er al fu el s/ oi l s/ w axes Amou nt 1 3. 7 bn 3 . 9 bn 1 . 6 bn 1 . 2 bn 1 . 2 bn I mp ort s f ro m I nd i a . 0 24 bn . 0 01 bn . 3 88 bn . 0 01 bn % Share of I nd i a 0 . 17 % 0 . 02 % 2 4. 2 % 0 . 08 % --


39 95 61 62 64

Pl ast i cs To ys, g ames an d s p or t s r equ i si t es Ar t i cl es o f ap par el & cl ot hi n g, kni tt ed Ar t i cl es o f ap par el & cl ot hi n g, n ot kni t t ed Fo ot w e ar, gai t er s an d t h e l i ke

1 . 2 bn . 9 80 bn . 8 15 bn . 77 0bn . 4 91 bn

. 0 01 bn . 0 01 bn . 0 01 bn --

0 . 08 % -0 . 12 % 0 . 12 % --

From the abo ve tab le it ca n be s ee n that t here is treme ndous po tentia l for India to increase it s s hare in Hong Ko ng s glob al impo rts, particular ly in areas of India n stre ngt h, name l y plast ics, machiner y, to ys and footwear.

Hong Kongs top 10 exports to the world [December 2007]

[All figures in US$ bn = billion]
HS C om modi t y CODE 85 84 71 61 62 39 90 95 42 91 E l ect r i c al machi n er y Ma ch i n er y Pe ar l s, pr eci ous st on es/ met al s Ar t i cl es of a ppar el & cl ot h i ng, kni tt ed Ar t i cl es of a ppar el & cl ot h i ng, not kni t t ed Pl ast i cs Opt i c al , med i cal i n st r u ment s To ys, ga mes an d s por t s r eq ui si t e s Ar t i cl es of l eat h er , h an d bag s, et c. C l oc ks an d t her eo f w at ch es an d par t s A mou nt 12 . 7 bn 3. 7 bn 1. 4 bn 1. 2 bn 1. 1 bn 1. 1 bn 1. 0 bn 1. 0 bn . 5 85 bn . 57 2 bn E x p ort s t o I ndi a . 1 22 bn . 0 23 bn . 3 37 bn . 0 01 bn . 0 02 bn . 0 02 bn . 0 07 bn . 0 02 bn . 0 01 bn . 0 06 bn % Share of In di a 0. 9 6% 0. 6 2% 24 . 07 % 0. 0 8% 0. 1 8% 0. 1 8% 0 . 7% 0 . 2% 0. 1 7% 1 . 0%

[Source: HK Custo ms & Sta tistics Department]

3. Trade Queries from Hong Kong:


M S. CONNIE SO New Harvest Int'l Dev. Ltd. Rm 601 Golden House, 28 Pottinger St., Central Hong Kong Tel : 852-28516459/2 Fax : 852-28516463 Mobile : 852-90217222 E mail: MR. JOHN GROVE Grove Industries (FE) Ltd Tel: (852) 2314 6884




Fax: (852) 2314 3694 Hong Kong E-mail: 3 MR. TERRY LEUNG Pollyform Lingerie Ltd. 22/F, Billion Plaza, 8 Cheung Yue St. Cheung Sha Wan, Kowloon, HK Tel: 2700 9788 F: 2700 9799 Website: E-mail: MR. FRANKLIN CHEUNG Foods, Oils and Miscellaneous Division Dah Chong Hong, Ltd. Tel: (852) 2768-2164 Fax: (852) 2815-5220 Hong Kong E-mail: M S. SELINA Heng li industry park ,xia keng 168Rd,tong le ,long gang District ,Shenzhen City, Guangdong Province. China,
Tel no: .+8613480192770, .+86-0755-83980229 Fax: +86-0755-83981221 E-mail:




Website: 6 MR. ROSEMARY LIN Tian Hai Second Industrial Zone, Qiaotou District, Houjie Town, Dongguan City, Guangdong Province, PRC 523950. Tel : 86 769 8575 6600 Fax: 86 769 8575 2882 Website : E-mail: MR. JOHN HO F&Js International Development Co. Ltd Hong Kong E-mail: EXPORT HYDROMA EXCELLENT PP CUTTING


4. Tenders
1. Cleansing and supporting services for Hong Kong Public Libraries Reference No. Closing Date : : LCT 6009/07(s) 11 April, 2008 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time).

Provision of cleansing and supporting services for Hong Kong Public Libraries. 2. Supply of visual materials for the Hong Kong Public Libraries Reference No. Closing Date : : PT/0332/2007 (AE411252007) 7.4.2008 (12:00 Noon Hong Kong time) 12

Supply of visual materials for the Hong Kong Public Libraries as a 24-month contract commencing 12 May 2008 or from date of acceptance of offer, whichever is the later. 3. Supply of aerial ladder platform to the Fire Services Department Reference No. Closing Date : : PT/0383/2007 (A2511752007) 7.4.2008 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time).

Supply of aerial ladder platform to the Fire Services Department from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations. . 4. Tender for Provision or the Procurement of the Provision of Aviation Legal Liability Reference No. Closing Date : : HSQ/S29/07 28.3.2008 (12:00 noon Hong Kong Time).

Tender For the Provision or the Procurement of the Provision of Aviation Legal Liability, Property all Risks and Electronic Equipment Insurance for the Government for its Activities and Operations in connection with Civil Aviation. 5. Provision of Maintenance Service for Terminals of the Digital Trunked Mobile Platform Reference No. Closing Date : : PRS 134/2007 27 March, 2008 (12:00 Noon).

Provision of Maintenance Service for Terminals of the Digital Trunked Mobile Platform for the Hong Kong Police Force. 6. Supply of major pumps to the Fire Services Department Reference No. Closing Date : : PT/0385/2007 (A2511772007) 28.3.2008 (12:00 Noon).

Supply of major pumps to the Fire Services Department from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations. 7. Supply of medium buss (police version) Reference No. Closing date : : PT/0388/2007 (A0611792007). 28.3.2008 (12:00 Noon).

Supply of medium bus (police version) to the Land Transport Division of Government Logistics Department as a 12-month contract commencing from date of acceptance of offer. 8. Design, supply, delivery, installation of hardware and software, implementation, commissioning and maintenance of the immigration enquiry services system. Reference No. Closing date : : PT/0371/2007 (A2811562007) 14.3.2008 (12:00 Noon).

Design, supply, delivery, installation of hardware and software, implementation, commissioning and maintenance of the immigration enquiry services system to the Immigration Department from date of acceptance of offer to fulfillment of contractual obligations. 9. Supply of 6000 square metres of cattle shoulder leather. Reference No. Closing date : : PT0389/2007 (A4011802007) 17.3.2008 (12:00 Noon) 13

Supply of 6000 square metres of cattle shoulder leather to the Correctional Services Department as a 24-month contract commencing from date of acceptance of offer. 10. Provision of cleansing services. Reference No. Closing date : : FEHQ 5016/07. 13.3.2008 (12:00 Noon).

Provision of Cleansing Services for Kwun Chung Municipal Services Building in Yau Tsim District. 11. Suply of traffic protective breeches. Reference No. Closing Date : : PT/0407/2007 (A3712032007). 15.4.2008 (12 Noon).

Supply of traffic protective breeches to the Hong Kong Police Force as a 36-month contract commencing from date of acceptance of offer. 12. Supply of one complete set of on-air router system. Reference No. Closing Date : : PT/0420/2007 (A4312192007). 14.4.2008 (12 Noon).

Supply of one complete set of on-air router system to the Radio Television Hong Kong. Delivery is required to be made 90 days from the date of order.


Event Alert: Major Exhibitions during the period of Mar-April, 2008

Details of important trade exhibitions and conferences are given below. Please click on the hyperlinks to get the organizers address and more information about the event.

2008 Mar 28



The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong

Five Years After SARS: The Chamber Conference Pandemic Planning for Room. Businesses A Report from the US Centers for Disease Control By registration. and Prevention Admission Fee: HK$250 (member) HK$350 (non-member) Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge Hotel Miramar. By registration.

2008 Mar 28

The International Seminar on Occupational Rehabilitation

Occupational Safety and Health Council

2008 Mar 31

U.S. Textile and Apparel Trade Policy in a Post-Quota World

The American Chamber of Commerce in Hong Kong


2008 Mar 31 - Apr 01

U.S. Export Controls Seminar 2008

Admission Fee: HK$390 (member ) HK$510 (non-member) Holiday Inn Golden Mile By registration.

Federation of Hong Kong Industries

2008 Mar 31 - Apr 02 2008 Mar 31 - Apr 02 2008 Mar 31 - Apr 02

Admission Fee: US$130 Fashion Access - Handbags, Hong Kong Convention and Travelware, Footwear, Leather & Exhibition Centre. Fur Garments and Fashion Accessories (an APLF Fair) Trade Only. Materials, Manufacturing and Hong Kong Convention and Technology (an APLF Fair) Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration.



Prime Source Forum 2008

Prime Source Forum

2008 Mar 31 - Apr 02

GaimAsia 2008

Admission Fee: To be confirmed. JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. ICBI By registration.

2008 Apr 01

Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. Accelerated Practical HR Series: The Chamber Conference Module III - "Employee Room. Motivation" By registration. Admission Fee: Please visit the website for details. Renaissance Harbour View Hotel. By registration. Admission Fee: US$2199 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade and public. Admission Fee: HK$20 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. By registration. Admission Fee: Free of charge for industry participants from financial institutions.

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

2008 Apr 01 - 02

Trade and Supply Chain Financing Conference - Asia

Euromoney Seminars As

2008 Apr 03 - 05

Hong Kong International Wedding Trade Fair 2008

Audace International Fairs Limited

2008 Apr 09 - 10

The 4th Banking and Finance Technology Forum

Euro Events Management Co Ltd


2008 Apr 12 - 15

China Sourcing Fair: Underwear AsiaWorld-Expo. & Swimwear Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 China Sourcing Fair: Electronics AsiaWorld-Expo. & Components Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 Hong Kong Electronics Fair 2008 Hong Kong Convention and (Spring Edition) Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge. Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge.

Global Sources Exhibitions

2008 Apr 12 - 15

Global Sources Exhibitions

2008 Apr 12 - 15

China Sourcing Fair: Fashion Accessories

Global Sources Exhibitions

2008 Apr 14 - 17

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

2008 Apr 14 - 17

International ICT Expo 2008

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Co-organisers : Torch High Technology Industry Development Center, Ministry of Science & Technology, China

2008 Apr 14 - 17

2nd Annual Fund Forum Asia 2008

Office of the Government Chief Information Officer, The Government of Hong Kong Special Administrative Region JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. ICBI By registration.

2008 Apr 15

Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. Legal issues related to setting up The Chamber Conference company and M&A in Mainland Room. China (Cantonese/Putonghua) By registration. Admission Fee: Please visit the website for details. The Chamber Conference Room. By registration.

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

2008 Apr 16

Application of company law in Mainland China (Cantonese/Putonghua)

The Hong Kong General Chamber of Commerce

2008 Apr 16 - 17

Admission Fee: Please visit the website for details. HR Directors' Forum Hong Kong JW Marriott Hotel Hong Kong. Key Media International Ltd. 2008


By registration. Admission Fee: Please contact the organiser for details. AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100 AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100

2008 Apr 20 - 23

China Sourcing Fair: Gifts & Home Products

Global Sources Exhibitions

2008 Apr 20 - 23

China Sourcing Fair: Baby & Children's Products

Global Sources Exhibitions

2008 Apr 21 - 24

Hong Kong Houseware Fair 2008 Hong Kong Convention and Exhibition Centre. Trade Only.

Hong Kong Trade Development Council

Admission Fee: HK$100 per person 2008 Hong Kong Gifts & Premium Fair Hong Kong Convention and Apr 28 - May 2008 Exhibition Centre. 01 Trade Only. Admission Fee: HK$100/US15 per person AsiaWorld-Expo. Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge.

Hong Kong Trade Development CouncilIn cooperation with : The Hong Kong Exporters' Association

2008 Hong Kong International Auto Apr 28 - May Parts & Accessories Fair 2008 01

Hong Kong Trade Development Council Paper Communication Exhibition Services Hong Kong Electronic Industries Association Ltd. Co-organisers : Automotive Parts and Accessory Systems R&D Centre Hong Kong Auto Parts Industry Association Society of Automotive Engineers Hong Kong Section Hong Kong Trade Development Council CIEC Exhibition Company (HK) Limited Co-organisers : The Hong Kong Printers Association Graphic Arts Association of Hong Kong

2008 Hong Kong International Printing AsiaWorld-Expo. Apr 28 - May & Packaging Fair 2008 01 Trade Only. Admission Fee: Free of charge.


5. Contact us The following Officer can be contacted for any assistance regarding your business with Hong Kong. MRS. SRIPRIYA RANGANATHAN CONSUL (COMMERCIAL) CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA 16 D, UNITED CENTRE; 95, QUEENSWAY; HONG KONG Tel: 852-2866 4027; Fax: 852-28664124 Email: Web: Mr. J.S. VARIAAH CONSUL (COMMERCIAL) CONSULATE GENERAL OF INDIA 26-A, UNITED CENTRE; 95, QUEENSWAY; HONG KONG Tel: 852-2528 4475/76; Fax: 852-25290421 Email: Web: www We look forward to receiving your comments, queries, and suggestions. If you do not wish receive this email newsletter in future please send an email to & with subject Remove from BOHK.


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