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Human Resources Management is the part of the organization that is concerned with the people dimension.

Human Resources Management deals with human relations of an organization starting from recruitment to management. Any Organization is the most important part of Human Resources Management It is a process of acquisition, development, motivation, and maintenance of human resources of an organization. Previous I discuss Human Resources Management part-1 in Bangladesh function of Human Resources Management and fundamental of Human Resources Management in Bangladesh now I discuss this part -4 Job Analysis in BangladeshModern Concept.

Purpose of Job Analysis: No matter what method is used to gather data,

the information amassed and written down from the job analysis process generates three outcomes: Job descriptions, Job specification, and job evaluation. It is important to note that these are the tangible products of the work not the job analysis, which is the conceptual, analytically process or action from which we develop these outcomes. Lets look at them more closely. Job Descriptions: A job description is a written statement of what the jobholder does how it is done, under what conditions it is done, and why it is

done. It should accurately portray job content, environment, and conditions of employment. A common format for a job description includes the job title, the duties to be performed, the distinguishing characteristics of the job,environmental conditions, and the authority and responsibilities of the jobholder. When we discuss employee recruitment, selection and performance appraisal, we will find that the description acts as an important resources for (1) describing the job (either verbally by recruiters and interviewers or in written advertisements) to potential candidates; (2) guiding newly hired employees in what they are specifically expected to do; and (3) providing a point of comparison in appraising whether the actual activities of a job incumbent align with the stated duties. Furthermore, under the Americans with Disabilities Act, job descriptions have taken on an added emphasis in identifying essential job functions. Job Specification: The job specification states the minimum acceptable qualifications that the incumbent must process to perform the job successfully. Based on the information acquired through job analysis, the job specification identifies the knowledge, skills, educations, experience, certification, and abilities needed to do the job effectively. Individuals processing the personal characteristics identified in the job specification should perform the job more effectively than those lacking these personal characteristics. The job specification, therefore, is a important tool in the selection process, for it keeps the selectors attention on the list of qualifications necessary for an incumbent to perform the job and assists in determining whether candidates are essentially qualified. Job Evaluations: In addition to providing data for job descriptions and specifications, job analysis is also valuable in providing the information that makes comparison of jobs possible. If an organization is to have an equitable compensation program, jobs that have similar demands in terms of skills, knowledge and abilities should be placed in common compensation groups. Job evaluation contributes towards that end by specifying the relative value of each job in the organization. Job evaluation, therefore, is an important part of compensation administration. In the meantime, you should keep in mind that job evaluation is made possible by the data generated from job analysis.

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