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AP Vergil Fall Syllabus (2012)

Texts: LaFleur, Richard A. and Alexander Mc ay, !ds. A S"ng "# $ar (Pren%ice &all) provided 'radley, a%herine and 'arbara $eiden '"yd. A Vergil Workbook ('"lcha(y)*arducci) provided $es%, +a,id, %ransl. -he Aeneid. A /e0 Pr"se -ransla%i"n (Penguin)
Here are my goals for you this year: 1. 1"u 0ill love Vergil2s Aeneid and *aesar2s de bell Gallic 2. 1"u 0ill master %he ,"cabulary, syn%ax, and c"n%en% "# Vergil and *aesar 3. 1"u 0ill earn a gold medal "n %he /a%i"nal La%in !xa4 5. 1"u 0ill sc"re a 625 "r ab",e "n %he SAT II: Subject Test 6. 1"u 0ill sc"re a% leas% a 4 "n %he AP Vergil Test 7. 1"u 0ill exempt "u% "# %he en%ry le,el La%in classes a% 0ha%e,er c"llege y"u enr"ll (%hr"ugh ei%her %he SA- 88. Sub9ec% -es%, AP -es%, "r c"llege en%rance exa4)

Tentative chedule Week I. Lines 1.1)5:. Week II. 1.60)73; Test (1.1)73); 1.75)<6.
Aen. '""= 8 in %ransl.

Week III. 1.<7)123; Test (1.75)123).

Aen. '""= 88 in %ransl.

Week IX. 2.27>)2:<; Test (2.50)67, 201) 2:<); 66:)6>3. Aen. '""= V888 in %ransl. Week X. 2.6>3)720; 5.170)1>>.
Aen. '""= 8? in %ransl.

Week IV. 1.125)1<:.

Aen. '""= 888 in %ransl.

Week XI. 5.1>:)21>; Test (2.66:)720, 5.170)21>); 5.26:)2><.

Aen. '""= ? in %ransl.

Week V. 1.1>0)20:; Test (1.125)20:).

Aen. '""= 8V in %ransl.

Week XII. 5.2>>)371.

Aen. '""= ?8 in %ransl.

Week VI. 1.51>)550; 5:5)61:.

Aen. '""= V in %ransl.

Week VII. 1.620)6<>; Test (1.51>)550, 5:5)5<>).

Aen. '""= V8 in %ransl.

Week VIII. 2.50)67; 201)25:.

Aen. '""= V88 in %ransl.

Week XIII. 5.76:)<06; Test (5.26:)371, 76:)<06). Aen. '""= ?88 in %ransl. Week XIV. 7.2:6)332; 3>5)510. Week XV. 7.511)526; 560)5<7; >5<)>6:. Week XVI. 7.>70)>::; Perf. Final Week XVII. Re,ie0 Week XVIII. Final Exams

Here is ho! this semester !ill !ork: (a) !ach day, %he s%uden%s (in gr"u@s "# 2)3) 0ill %ransla%e %he assigned se% "# lines #"r %he #irs% 20 4in. "# class. (b) -he sec"nd hal# "# class 0ill be de,"%ed %" re,ie0 "# %he assigned lines by 0ay "# s%uden% %ransla%i"n (@ar%ici@a%i"n grade) and class discussi"n c"ncerning %he cul%ural, his%"rical, and li%erary signi#icance "# %he @assage. (c) Much "# %he s%uden%s2 grades (50A) 0ill be based "n h"0 @re@ared %hey are during %hese sessi"ns; %here is n" Bh"4e0"r=2 s@eci#ically assigned, al%h"ugh %he ar%icle res@"nses 0ill be d"ne a% h"4e and any @re,ie0ingCre,ie0ing necessary %" =ee@ @ace 0ill be d"ne a% h"4e. (d) !,ery class 0ill s%ar% 0i%h a Duic= %ransla%i"n Dui( ",er a #e0 lines #r"4 %he @re,i"us day2s c"r@us "# La%in. F"r e,ery Echun=F a s%uden% ans0ers c"rrec%ly, he "r she earns a b"nus @"in% "n %he nex% %es%. (e) S%uden%s 0ill be %es%ed (26A) <)> %i4es ",er %he se4es%er (ab"u% e,ery 100)120 lines)

(#) n" ,"cabulary Dui((es G y"u are inde@enden%ly res@"nsible #"r learning %he ,"cabulary a@@r"@ria%e %" each sec%i"n as @ar% "# %es% @re@ara%i"n.

Final Exam: 20% Preparation and reading: 40% Tests: 2 % !eading "#i$$es: % %
-he parti&ipation grade (50A) is deri,ed #r"4 "ur reading sessi"ns %"ge%her as a class. A% each sessi"n, y"u 0ill each read in %urn and 8 0ill assign y"u a grade "# %' based "n y"ur @re@ara%i"n and execu%i"n "# %he assigned lines. 8 0ill %a=e ,"lun%eers #irs% and %hen call "n s%uden%s rand"4ly. 5: completely prepared" mistakes" if any" are minor issues #tense of verb for instance$ 4: prepared" but you make several mistakes" including vocabulary% your response is lucid and fluid 3: some!hat prepared" but you are making critical mistakes% your response is labored and unpolished 2: not prepared and there many mistakes" but you roughly have the overall sense : totally unprepared% unresponsive $hen 0e read %"ge%her, y"u 4ay /H- ha,e a %ransla%i"n 0ri%%en "u%. &"0e,er, i% is 4"nu4en%ally i4@"r%an% %ha% y"u =ee@ a c"4@endi"us lis% "# un=n"0n ,"cabulary and n"%es "n di##icul% #"r4s and syn%ax Gy"u need %" buy a B4"le)s=in2 c"4@"si%i"n b""= "r s"4e "%her s"r% "# b"und c"4@"si%i"n b""=. 8 als" highly suggest %ha% y"u not 0ri%e "u% a %ransla%i"n period; i% 0ill be, n" 4a%%er h"0 4uch y"u #eel y"u need i%, a cru%ch and i% 0ill als" sl"0 y"u d"0n. 8 0ill ex@lain %he bes% 0ay %" use y"ur c"4@"si%i"n b""= in class during %he #irs% 0ee= and 8, again, sugges% %ha% y"u #"ll"0 i% %" %he le%%er. 8nheren% in %his is y"ur abili%y %" acDuire g""d n"%e)%a=ing s=ills b"%h in @re@ara%i"n #"r and in res@"nse %" class discussi"n. -he tests 0ill be 4"deled "## "# %he Ad,anced Place4en% %es% (sh"0n bel"0). -his #"r4a% is #"r y"ur bene#i% in 4a=ing %he AP -es% i%sel# a 4"re success#ul ,en%ure #"r y"u. (e&tion I (50A). &ultiple 'hoice (eDual @ar%s gra44ar, %ransla%i"n, and allusi"nCex@lica%i"n "# in#erence; 1)2 Dues%i"ns each "# 4e%rics, #igures "# s@eech, and cul%uralCli%erary bac=gr"und). Iues%i"ns are based "n %0" @assages G "ne read and "ne unread be#"re. (e&tion II (70A). (ree )esponse (%0" s4all %ransla%i"ns "# 3)6 lines each and "ne essay in%er@re%ingCres@"nding %" a @ar%icular @assage "r c"4@aring %0" @assages) Addi%i"nally, ",er %he c"urse "# %he se4es%er, y"u 0ill read %he en%ire Aeneid in %ransla%i"n. -he +a,id $es% @r"se %ransla%i"n is sugges%ed, al%h"ugh y"u are #ree %" buy any %ransla%i"n y"u 0an%, including "nline ,ersi"ns. H%her @"@ular %ransla%i"ns are by Mandelbau4, Fagles, "r Fi%(gerald. Ea&) Frida* of t)e first t+el,e +eeks, 0e 0ill ha,e a reading Dui( ",er "ne b""= "# %he Aeneid. -hese Dui((es 0ill be open'note, -#t all reading and n"%e)%a=ing +ill -e done in &lass. 8 0ill se% aside a %"%al "# 20)26 4inu%es "# class %i4e M"nday G -hursday #"r y"u %" read and %a=e n"%es. 8# y"u are n"% d"ne by Friday2s Dui(, y"u 4ay c"4e in be#"re sch""l "n Friday %" #inish in 4y r""4. JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ S%uden%2s Signa%ure JJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJJ Paren%2s Signa%ure

'ibli"gra@hy "# Selec%ed Ar%icles A,ery, $illia4 -. EAugus%us and %he Aeneid.F The 'lassical *ournal 62, n". 6 (1:6<). 226)22:. +uc=0"r%h. Ke"rge !. E-he Aeneid as a -ril"gy.F The Transactions and +roceedings of the American +hilological Association >> (1:6<). 1)10. Feeney, +. *., E-he -aci%urni%y "# AeneasF The 'lassical ,uarterly 33 (1:>3). 205)21:. Karris"n, +aniel &. E-he Language "# VergilF in Iuinn, 2000. @. 52)56. &ighe%, Kilber%. The peeches in Vergil-s Aeneid. Prince%"n, /.L..Prince%"n Mni,ersi%y Press, 1:<2. &ughes, Lisa '. E+id" and Aeneas, an &"4eric &"4iliaNF .atomus 71 (2002). 33:)361. han, &. A=bar. E!xile and ingd"4. *reusa2s Re,ela%i"ns and Aeneas2 +e@ar%ure #r"4 -r"y.F .atomus 71 (2001). :07):16. n"x, 'ernard M.$. E-he Ser@en% and %he Fla4e. -he 84agery "# %he Sec"nd '""= "# %he Aeneid.F The American *ournal of +hilology <1, n". 5 (1:60). 3<:)500. Mac=ie, *.L. EA /"%e "n +id"2s Ances%ry in %he Aeneid.F The 'lassical *ournal >> n". 3 (1::3). 231)233. Michels, Agnes. E-he Many Faces "# Aeneas.F The 'lassical *ournal :2 n". 5 (1::<). 3::)517. Iuinn, S%e@hanie. Why Vergil/ A 'ollection of 0nterpretations. $auc"nda, 8L. '"lcha(y) *arducci, 2000. Rudd, /iall. E+id"2s *ul@aF in 1xford )eadings in Vergil-s Aeneid, ed. S.L. &arris"n, 156)176. Hx#"rd and /e0 1"r=. Hx#"rd Mni,ersi%y Press, 1::0. Sla,i%%, +a,id. Virgil. /e0 &a,en. &er4esC1ale, 1::2. S%aley, Kreg"ry A. EAeneas2 Firs% Ac%. 1.1>0)1:5F in Iuinn, 2000. @. 62)75. -racy, S.V. ELa"c""n2s Kuil%.F The American *ournal of +hilology 10>, n". 3 (1:><). 561)565.

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