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My name is Feby Christianto. I was born in Bekasi, February 26, 1993 at Puri Astuti hospital, from Mother Surantini.

I come from a father, a mother, 2 children called Caturwarga. I was the second of two brothers. My father named Suharno who was born in Sragen, Central Java and my mother Surantini was born in Jakarta, West Java. And my sister is Hesti Handayani.

When I 4 year-old, I study at Mandalahayu Kindergarten. I was in Jasmine class. Childhood looks at, full of ignorance, innocence, and they only think of fun moment.

I continued higher studies to elementary school, Bani Saleh 1, Bekasi, West Java. 6 years in primary school has been completed and many achievements that have been achieved among others, was ranked 10 in the class, won an Olympic champion mathematics as Bekasi, and got third rank of sports futsal champions Jabodetabekmi level.

I continue to junior schools in SMPN 1 Bekasi. SMPN 1 Bekasi including the best schools in Indonesia because it is the national standard. Many children smart and intelligent at the school. It increases adrenaline to increase the spirit of learning. But it is still not success the top 10 and I just won a big 15 ranking for 3 years.

I continue to a higher level is high school in SMAN 1 Bekasi. SMAN 1 Bekasi including schools in Indonesia because it was R-SMA-BI, international level. The curriculum has been likened to ICGSE in Kentucky, United States. During the 3 years following the teaching-learning process, I won big again ranked 15th in class.

I continued studying at UB, majoring in accounting. Accounting majors are my favorite since high school. Can said that accounting majors in the same field with the major IPS in the field of medical science.

I have a life plan. First, Will be an accountant of professionalism. The nature of the professional providing more confidence in a company. In their work, much needed trait honest, diligent, and courageous in taking risks. Second, Will be an entrepreneur of professionalism. Someone who has the soul of the entrepreneur must possess a professional and successful entrepreneurs are those who dare to take risks in any condition. Third, Will be successful man. I have a dream to have a lot of money. Therefore, I have the determination to be successful. Fourth, Go to Baitullah with my parent. At high school, I already have the intention to go to Hajj with my parents, but I prefer my parents. Fifth, Get married with my beloved girl. There is no order to marry someone who is not loved. Because households will ease, if with a woman whom we love. And finally, have 2 child. Once "a lot of kids, lots of food" but now inversely "a lot of kids, lots of unemployment". I have a strategy to achieve my life plan. First, worship is primary because it will not succeed if we forget our God as creator. Second, study hard is the second key to success. Science is very important to support my career. Third, fourth, and fifth have a continuity that is, courage. Socializing is important because getting a job easily if I have a lot of relationships. And I have a principle of life. Convenient and laugh in life will make our life colorful and youthful. Although they laugh caused by garing something, maybe.

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