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Knez Nelipac i hrvatski velikaki rod Nelipia, Zagreb, 2006. (doktorska

disertacija izraena na Odsjeku za povijest Filozofskog fakulteta u Zagrebu), Gza PLFFY, Plemika obitelj Budor iz Budrovca u razdoblju od 15. do 18. stoljea, Podravina asopis za multidisciplinarna istraivanja, 2./3., 2003., 5.-75 The most important manuscript for the problems presented in this paper is Hilandar 382, which is a late copy of a collection most likely compiled during the reign of Symeon. On leaf 74 r, the text contains a list of world empires, including Macedonia, aft er which are also listed the kingdoms of the pagan lands, namely obrsko i ougorsko. Obrsko refers without any doubt to the kingdom of the Avars, who are commonly referred in Old Church Slavonic as Obri. By the same token, ougorsko could be translated as Hungarian, as the Old Church Slavonic word for Magyars or Hungarians was Ougri. While obrsko may refer to the Avar khaganate in existence until the early ninth century, it is less clear why the Hungarian polity was included in a presumably tenth-century text in a list of world kingdoms. In fact, Greek translations of Methodius Apocalypse typically refer here to Tourkoi (Turks), not to Ou(n)groi (Hungarians). Most other Old Church Slavonic manuscripts including this text refer at this particular point to a barbarian kingdom, namely that of the Turks and Avars (tsarstvo varvarskoe, ezhe sout Tourtsi i Obri).27 Th is is in fact a direct translation of the corresponding passage in the original, Syrian text written in the late 600s.28 Th e Turkic and Avar khaganates at that time were indeed great powers. Th e name Tourkoi was fi rst applied to Magyars in the course of the tenth century within the circles associated with the imperial court in Constantinople.

O bakom arhiakonu Bernardu Bnffyju nema pouzdanih vijesti. Ipak, navod o njegovu dubrovakom podrijetlu uklapa se u podatke o genealogiji ugarske obitelji Bnffy. Naime, jedan odvjetak obitelji razvio se od pripadnika obitelji Thallczy (hrvatski Talovac), iji su najpoznatiji predstavnici bili Matko, Franko i Perko, hrvatski banovi, inae potomci dubrovake obitelji Lukarevi.

Njihovi su nasljednici, s obzirom na to da su bili potomci banova, u drugoj polovici 15. stoljea uzeli prezime Bnffy, to je maarski oblik prezimena Banovi (usp. Vjekoslav Klai, Povijest Hrvata: od nastarijih vremena do svretka XIX stoljea, sv. 3. Zagreb: Nakladni zavod Matice hrvatske, 1985: 155-156, 302; A Pallas Nagy Lexikona, natuknica Bnffy (Tallci) cmer) (dostupno na; pristup 20. svibnja 2012).

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