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NightOwl Purpose Statement

The purpose of our campaign is to:

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

Put NightOwl magazine at the forefront of our target publics minds and create brand interest. Get people talking about NightOwl and encourage our target publics to buy our magazine when it comes out. Include a way to build a database of people who are interested in NightOwl and plan to convert them into readers and buyers later. Harness new and traditional media, PR and publicity to read potential readers. Get people talking about NightOwl, by giving them a stated or implied invitation to participate online at the Trade Fair. Be fun.

NightOwl Situation Analysis

NightOwl magazine is written for people who like to work, create, and play during the nighttime. In order to have a successful magazine launch that gets our name known, and to invite people to read about us, we must consider the following items:

NightOwl has subject matter that appeals to a niche market. Our magazine explores the night from a different perspective that is local, and enjoyable to read. Our target reader demographic is for different kinds of night owls, like shift workers, artists, students, and insomniacs. They all have one thing in common: the night. The NightOwl team is well equipped. Each of us has different talents that will help the magazine and the launch respectively. Each member brings a background of diversified work experience. We have three strong writers and editors who have been published in the past, and two experienced photographers and layout designers who have a strong media presence. As a team, we can balance the workload and help each other in the areas needed.

As students, we have a limited budget. This will restrict our options in the way we set up our presentation and signage for the booth. We will also need to be creative in how we spend the money that we raise. Timing is very important. Because we dont have a lot of time in class, we need to schedule time outside of class. Making sure we have everything done on time is key to being successful. We have scheduled a time to meet each week to make sure this doesnt become a problem in the future.

Since we are students at the Red River College Exchange District Campus, it is a great opportunity. Our launch will take place in The Atrium, which is great for NightOwl because the campus is filled with artistic students who we are targeting to be part of our readership. During the launch, students will walk by the booth and interact with our team members. We are hoping to exploit social media and encourage visitors at our booth to post photos to social-media sites. With the amount of foot traffic at this event, there is a good opportunity for networking. Many alumni and industry professionals in the Creative Communications field will be attending the launch.

This is a good opportunity for our team to mingle with professionals and get our name known. It could also allow for future employment opportunities.

We are considering setting up a photo booth station beside our table. We will bring masks and costumes for guests in which to dress up. Having a photo booth means having a camera. If the equipment is slow, or doesnt save properly, we wont have photos to post on social media. Our competitions booths is other magazines at the fair. What other teams do is out of our control. This means that our publics will have other places to visit and may have limited time at our booth.

As a magazine group, we need to work together to create an interesting magazine for our readers, and to plan a launch event to successfully reach our goals. We need to make sure we talk to our target audience to give them exactly what they will want to read. Reader input is essential.

NightOwl Audience Analysis

Primary Target: Creative Arts Students
Creative Arts Students attend Red River College, Exchange District Campus. They are in Creative Communications, Graphic Design, and Digital Media Design. Males and females fit this target group and range from age 18 to 28. These students love creative arts as much as they love their caffeine. They enjoy working on their homework during the night, as thats when they feel more creative. They also stay up late on the weekends, enjoying the Winnipeg nightlife and hanging out with their friends. Most of the students have part-time jobs like waitressing or bartending to help them get by on a student budget. Creative Arts Students live in their parents basement or in small apartments downtown. They enjoy reading interesting, local stories. They are constantly looking for different venues that are open late around the city to hang out with friends or just relax after a long school week. Lives: In his

Name: Jake Age: 22 Relationship Status: Single Lives: In his Lives: In his parents basement in River Heights Likes: Coffee, Jack Daniels, Muse and Twitter Hang-outs: Kings Head, Tim Hortons, the computer lab in The Roblin Centre Description: Jake is in his first year of the Graphic Design program at Red River College, Exchange District Campus. Jake works one shift a week on the weekends as a bartender at JOEY Polo Park. He prefers to stays up all night to work on his homework because he feels more creative. Since Jake has spend a semester in Graphic Design, he has balanced his social life and his school work. He now has spare time on the weekends and some evenings for doing the things he enjoys, like reading and painting.

Desired outcomes
Before the Creative Communications Magazine Fair takes place, we would like our primary target audience to be aware of NightOwl magazine. We will do this by the use of social media and word of mouth around the Red River College campus to generate buzz. We will create word of mouth by guerrilla marketing and coffee invitations to the event.

After the Creative Communications Magazine Fair, we hope to have established ourselves in the Creative Arts Students minds. We want them to be aware of what our magazine has to offer. We also want to show our range of content, from humorous stories about staying up late, to where to get the best burger at 2 a.m. We will do this by having copies of our magazine for them to look at. We also want the Creative Arts Students who havent added our Twitter and Instagram to add and share it with their friends. We will make it easy for them to find our handle by putting a sign at our booth with our Instagram and Twitter name. We will take pictures at the Creative Communications Magazine Fair, post them on Instagram and Twitter, and tag the students in the posts. That way the students will find us easier and bring them to our social media sites.

Secondary Target: Coffee-Loving Cops

The Coffee-Loving Cops are male and female and range from 25 to 45. Each officer works three alternating shifts: daytime, evening and over-night. These police officers enjoy protecting their city, and mingling with co-workers. They like to talk over coffee at Tim Hortons in The Roblin Centre on their breaks. Most of the officers are starting families or have families. They own or rent houses in Winnipeg.

Name: Mike Age: 38 Relationship Status: Married Lives: In his Lives: North Kildonan Likes: Double-double Tim Hortons coffee, Journey, and Law & Order: SVU Hang-outs: Tim Hortons, Shapes, and Transcona Golf Course

Description: Mike has been with the Winnipeg Police Service for 10 years. He has a degree in education and loves to read. Mike has been married for 14 years and has twin girls. He prefers to work in the evening or the overnight shift so he can spend more time with his girls. During his breaks, he likes to go to the Tim Hortons across the street in The Roblin Centre.

Desired Outcomes
For the secondary target audience, our desired outcome is to give a positive attitude toward working overnight shifts. We will do this by showing the officers our magazine and pointing out the articles that discuss what Winnipeg has to offer at night. We will also show them the humaninterest articles, written by different perspective. This will show how NightOwl is interesting and different to read. We want the police officers to tell and share NightOwl magazine with their fellow employees, and their families. We will give them business cards that have a link to a PDF version of our magazine, and send them an email with the link. We will ask for their emails at the Creative Communications Magazine Fair. We also want them to subscribe to the magazine during the Creative Communications Magazine Fair. We will make this easy for them by walking around with an iPad and typing in their information.

NightOwl Strategy
NightOwl magazine is participating in the Creative Communications Magazine Fair on April 4, 2014. At Red River College, Exchange District Campus in The Roblin Centre. The theme for our overall strategy is Become a creature of the night. We will execute this theme through three phases. Our main goals for this event are: - To introduce NightOwl magazine to our publics - To put NightOwl magazine at the forefront of our target publics minds - To create brand awareness - To get people talking about our magazine - To have our publics subscribe to our magazine - To make sure everyone has a good experience

Phase 1: The night before

Our main goal for the first phase is to launch NightOwl magazine via a multi-faceted public awareness campaign.

1) Coffee Invitations
The week before the magazine fair, the team will hand out small cups of coffee to students, staff, and campus visitors in The Roblin Centre. An invitation to the magazine is written on the cups. As we hand people a coffee, we will explain what the fair is, personally invite them to attend, and tell them there will be more coffee and treats. Rationale: When you personally invite someone to an event, they are more inclined to come. We want to use the identification principle to insure that our publics will attend. We also want to introduce the NightOwl team to our publics so that they can see the face of the magazine. This will help bring the publics to the event, because they will look forward to talking to us again.

2) Posters
Two members of the NightOwl team, Margaret and Scott, will distribute NightOwl posters. They will hang them in The Roblin Centre, and around the Exchange District. The posters will invite our publics to the event describe what the event is, when, where it is happening, and how to get free stuff/merchandise. Rationale: We want to invite as many people as possible to the magazine fair. We will persuade them to come through posters that include information of the direct benefit of attending. The posters will have an intriguing picture of a coffee-bean owl with text under saying well supply the coffee. Under the text is an explanation of what NightOwl is, when the launch is, and why you should come.

The posters will work because it is the identification principle. We are telling them something that will appeal to our publics.

3) Twitter Contest
Clara and I will be in charge of a Twitter contest for our followers. We will send out a tweet asking a question about night animals. The person who answers correctly will win a prize, or a gift card, from a local coffee parlor. The contests objective is to get people talking about NightOwl. We will do this by getting our publics to think about the magazines content, and to introduce our theme for the magazine fair. Rationale: We want to popularize NightOwl on social media. Having a contest is a good way to interact with our followers and promote our brand. We will also use the identification principle to insure that our publics will participate in the contests. By using the contests and getting our publics to tweet out to NightOwl, their followers will also be introduced to NightOwls Twitter. We hope to expand followership on Twitter.

4) Radio Ads
Mike will be in charge of producing ads that will air on Red River Radio. These ads will introduce NightOwl magazine and invite the listeners to the fair. The ads will play after 6 p.m. Rationale: Our target markets are people who are Night Owls. We want our ads to play later in the evening so theyre directed to the target publics. We also want to reach other people who may have missed the other advertisements during the day.

5) Guerrilla Marketing
We will have five evenings dedicated to painting the town two weeks before the fair. We will order stickers in bulk that have the NightOwl logo on them. We will divide Winnipeg into large areas and travel to one area a night. Rationale: We want to put NightOwls logo in the forefront of our publics mind. Having a guerrilla campaign will allow us to introduce NightOwl to new publics or to remind our publics.

Phase 2: The night of

Our main goal for the second phase is to have guests subscribe to NightOwl. We will do this by inviting guests to visit our booth, social media sites, and look at our magazine.

1) Espresso Shot Bar

At our booth during the magazine trade fair we will have an espresso maker, and nocturnal animal cookies. While the guests are looking through NightOwl magazine, Clara and Scott will be making espresso shots. If the guests sign up for a subscription of NightOwl, they will receive a shot and a cookie. Rationale: We will use the identification principle to our advantage. Having people stand around our booth, while drinking espresso will also bring other guests. Because they will want to see what is going on, and get free coffee.

2) Nocturnal Animal Photo Booth

A black backdrop will be next to our main table, along with different nocturnal animal masks and props. I will be responsible for bringing my camera equipment and setting up the area. Every guest that comes by the table will bring their friends to the photo booth to take photos. After I take the photos, I will let the guests know the pictures will be available on our social media pages an hour after the trade fair. Rationale: This will be a good way to bring guests to our booth, interact with the guests, and incorporate our night animals theme. By putting the photos up on social media, our publics will look through our pages and follow us. It also allows guests to interact with the NightOwl team this will allow us to talk about the magazine on a personal level.

3) Interactive Owl
We are going to rent an owl costume for Mike to wear at the fair. He will walk around The Atrium, in The Roblin Centre, wearing the costume and inviting guests to our booth. Mike will also have an iPad to type in the guests information when they are interested in a subscription. Rationale: We want to have someone in the crowd directing guests to our booth. Having Mike dressed as an owl will be something that differentiates us from the rest of the booths. We will have a life-sized poster of Mike in the owl costume next to our booth so the guests can connect him to us.

4) Live Tweets
Throughout the magazine fair, our team will stream live tweets pertaining to the event. We will have a screen behind us that shows every tweet we send out, tagged in, and has our hashtag, #NightOwlwpg. Margaret will be in charge of setting up the screens and connecting our Twitter account. Rationale: Incorporating social media into our event is important for reaching a wide audience, and to connect not only with those in attendance, but with those not present. Having a screen that gives a real-time feed of our Twitter trends will provide a fun way to get involved. It will also allow the guests to participate, so they can see their tweet on the screen.

Phase 3: The night after

Our main goal for the last phase is to make the guests feel appreciated, and to sell our magazine.

1) Email
As a group, we will split up the contacts from the event and send an email to everyone. We will thank them for coming and participating at our booth. We will also include a link to a free PDF of our magazine. Rationale: We want to show our appreciation and thank the guests for coming. Starting a foundation of reliable readership is important to NightOwl.

2) Photo Posting
One hour after the fair, I will post the pictures from the photo booth online. I will tag as many people as I can, and include our hashtag, #NightOwlwpg. Rationale: Posting the pictures on social media, and tagging the guests in them, is a way we can bring them to our sites, and keep us in the readers minds.

3) Ending Twitter Contest

Four days after the fair, we will have a Twitter contest to remind our publics its not to late to register for a PDF. Clara will send a tweet, asking what everyones favorite part of the fair is, and what is their favorite nocturnal animal. Everyone who tweets back gets a NightOwl PDF. Rationale: We want to keep communicating with our followers after the magazine fair. Allowing them to express their opinions for a reward is a way we want to communicate. Our Twitter will have the most number of followers, so having a contest on Twitter will allow for more people to have a chance to entire the contest.


Schedule Before
Coffee Invitations
Posters Twitter Contest Radio Ads Guerrilla Marketing Everyone Scott & Margaret Kaylene & Clara Mike Everyone

Espresso Shot Bar & Cookies
Clara & Scott Kaylene Mike Margaret Photo Booth Interactive Owl Live Tweets

Picture Posts Twitter Contest Everyone Kaylene Clara


Preliminary Budget
Purchase Animal masks Poster board Owl costume rental Sample magazines Posters Prizes Espresso beans Tablecloth/Booth decorations Cookies Napkins Team shirts Salary/Expenses Cost $50 $40 $120 $75 $30 $50 $ 25 $100 $25 $10 $80 $2,500

Total= $ 3,105


Before, during, and after the trade fair, we need to ensure that we have successfully completed the following objects. Below are indicators of success we must reach to consider ourselves successful.

Objective 1) Getting our publics excited about our magazine. 2) Promotion compared to competitors. Indicators Social media coverage from the publics. 50 coffee invitations accepted. 25 questions asked from the publics about the trade fair. Brand and logo recognition from 50 people. Social media awareness and use of 100 NightOwl hashtags #NightOwlwpg from the target publics. Logo recognizable Social media awareness and use of NightOwl hashtag #NightOwlwpg from the publics. 100 people who attended events NightOwl tweeted about. Over 150 followers collected. Logo recognition. 150 followers on social-media. 300 publics have been invited. 30 posters hung around community and the school.

3) Successful online efforts.

4) Groundwork to advance trade fair is successful.


Objectives 1) Our efforts to encourage people to attend the fair and purchase the magazine have been successful. 2) Our efforts to attract media attention have been successful. 3) Our efforts to build an audience database have been successful. 4) Our trade fair booth is a success. 5) Our online component of the trade fair is a success. Indicators 175 guests visited the booth. 50 emails received for the PDF of the magazine. 100 guests who interact with us about the magazine. 50 messages and social-media coverage from the guests at the fair. Social media coverage from the guests using the hashtag 50 times or more. 75 followers gained during the fair. 25 guests who ask about our social media pages. 10 guests who ask specific questions about NightOwl. 100 guests who tweet us a picture of them at the fair. 80 invited guests who attend. 100 guests who come to the booth. 80 compliments from guests. 200 social media coverage from guests about our booth. 200 plus smiles seen at the booth by guests. 90 guests that visit our social media pages. Over 68 times the NightOwl hashtag is in use. 155 guests who visit our Instagram page to see their picture from the photo booth.


Objectives 1) Our efforts to convert our audience into buyers have been successful. 2) Our magazine is one of Winnipegs most-buzzed about publications. 4) We have got people talking about the magazine. 5) Weve surprised and entertained people. 6) The audience is aware/has attended to/has acted upon our message. Indicators 55 guests to sign up for an online copy. 30 tweets that ask where to download the online copy. 40 tweets sharing the online copy link. 50 plus times the hashtag is used. Logo recognition 50 plus times. 35 times NightOwl comes up in a conversation. 100 tweets sent out from NightOwl. 27 tweets that mention NightOwl from outside Winnipeg. 67 tweets that mention NightOwl. 100 people who tell their family and friends about NightOwl. 100 positive comments made in person about the trade fair. 78 positive tweets about the fair. 50 retweets and favorites NightOwl has overall. 15 people who participated in contests. 250 people who attended the fair. 30 people signed up to receive a PDF.

3) Our readers around the world are being reached.


Appendix A
Interactive Owl: This will be the costume we will rent for the fair.

Night Animal Photo Booth These are some examples of the masks we would have at our photo booth. We would make them ourselves or purchase them.


Appendix B

Espresso Maker that will be used for the launch by the NightOwl team.

Samples of the moon-cookies the team will make.


Appendix C

A sample of the poster we will be using to invite the public to the launch.


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