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Project Report Submission

The entire Project report for the Managerial Economics course should ideally consist of the following sections: 1. Introduction: In this section, you can start by introducing the topic to the reader. Then you can give a brief review on the topic and it may be relevant to business world in general. The final part of this section should highlight how you want to analysis the topic you have chosen, and particularly how your analysis may help a business manager. 2. Methodology and data: In this section, you should talk about the estimation methodology you are using. learly state your dependent variable and independent variables of your model and how they are measured. learly specify your regression e!uation and state, with appropriate reasoning, what kind of relation "positive or negative# you are e$pecting between the dependent variable and each of the independent variables. Mention the data source"s# from where you obtain the data for the variables in your model. %. &ummary statistics: 'se this section to e$plore the data. (or e$ample, compute means, standard deviations of the variables. If you have data over time, compute average values of your variables "particularly dependent variable# and analy)e the trend. Try to plot a few graphs to show the relationship between the dependent variable and some of the independent variables "the effect of the independent variables on your dependent variable you are most interested to look at#. *. +egression results: ,erform the regression and interpret the results in this section. -e sure to mention about the sign "in what direction your dependent and each independent variables are moving, magnitude "how much each independent variable is affecting your dependent variable#and statistical significance of your estimates. .lso talk about +2 and comment on how your model is overall e$plaining the variation of your dependent variable. /. onclusion: &ummari)e what you obtained from your analysis and propose any recommendation from a business manager0s point of view.

Deliverables: The project report has to be delivered in two parts:

,art 1: 1ach group must submit section 1 and 2 on or before 23113241%. I will give my feedback on your submissions of ,art1 which you will incorporate while making your final submission. ,art 2: (inal submission of the entire report. In the final report you will write about the remaining % sections "%, *, /# and also add the corrected sections 1 and 2. &o your

final report will have all the sections. This report has must be submitted on or before the last day of classes, which will be 243113241%. LATE SUBMISSIONS WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES

.ll submissions must be computer typed. The font should be Times 5ew +oman and font si)e should be 12. 6ine spacing should be 1./. T E !RONT PA"E O! BOT T E PARTS MUST CONTAIN T E !OLLOWIN"# PRO"RAM$ COURSE NAME$ TILTLE O! T E PRO%ECT$ "ROUP NUMBER AND NAMES O! "ROUP MEMBERs WIT T EIR SI"NATURE AND DATE& ALL SUBMISSIONS MUST BE MADE IN ARD COPY&

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