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Explore some of the new functionality in ArcMap 10

Scenario In this exercise, imagine you are a GIS analyst working for Old Dominion University. Construction will begin shortly on renovation of the new football stadium. This renovation will require the temporary closure of a segment of 49th Street. The city requires the notification of land owners within 1000 feet of the construction site so businesses and residents can prepare for the changes in traffic routing and travel delays through the area. Step Open ArcMap 1 In this step, you will open a map document. Open ArcMap. On the ArcMap Getting Started dialog box, under Existing Maps, click Browse for more. Browse to your \ArcMap10\Data\Inputs folder in the class directory, click on ODU_buildings.mxd, and click Open. The map shows the ODU Norfolk Campus. From the Bookmarks menu, choose Construction Zone. The construction zone is near the center of your map. You will select the stadium seating under construction in a later step. Step Use the Catalog window 2 In this step, you will begin adding data to help you determine the parcels that are near the construction project. On the right side of the ArcMap display, click the Catalog tab. Note: If you don't see the Catalog tab, click the Catalog window button toolbar. on the Standard

Using the Catalog window is much like using Windows Explorer except that the Catalog window focuses on viewing and working with GIS information. It shows you a list of folder connections, geodatabases, and GIS services. In the Catalog window, if necessary, expand the \ArcMap10\data\inputs folder. The home location of your map document also contains a geodatabase called Zoning and a Norfolk_zoning layer. Depending on how you have your data organized, you may not see the data in the same
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location as your map document. From your Home location, click the zoning layer and drag it onto your map. Zoom to this layer once you have added it to the display. The zoning layer shows the different land-use zoning categories for the area around the construction zone. Now zoom back to the Main Campus bookmark. Examination of the attribute for the zoning blocks in this area reveals that most of the areas near the Campus are primarily zoned residential. The attribute table contains links that describe each zoning classification. Step Dock windows using docking targets 3 In this step, you will use the docking target to allow you to dock windows within ArcMap. You will also use the auto-hide functionality of the windows. By default, the Catalog and Search windows are available as tabs on the right side of the ArcMap display window. If necessary, open the Catalog window. Notice the Auto Hide icon at the top of the window. Clicking this icon allows you to keep the window displayed while using other parts of the ArcMap application. If Auto Hide is not clicked, the window will hide automatically when you move your cursor off the window. You will not be able to drag the window to a new location until you click the Auto Hide button to disable the Auto Hide behavior. Click the Search tab. Note: If you don't see the Search tab, click the Search window button on the Standard toolbar. At the top of the Search window, click the Auto Hide button on the title bar. Click the title bar and drag the window away from its docked position and into the map area. Notice the blue docking targets at the top, bottom, left, and right side of the application. A larger docking target also appears near the center of your ArcMap window, as shown in the following graphic.

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Drag the Search window onto one of the blue docking targets at the center of the ArcMap application. Notice that a large transparent blue area will appear, showing you where the window will be placed when you release your mouse button. While on top of one of the docking targets, release your mouse button and notice how your window is now docked at its new location. Open the Catalog window and click the Auto Hide button. Click the title bar on the Catalog window and drag the window on top of the small blue docking target on the far left side of the ArcMap window, as shown in the following graphic:

Release your mouse over the docking target. Notice that the Catalog window is now to the left of the table of contents. On your own, dock the Catalog and Search windows in their original location on the right side of your ArcMap window. Click the Auto Hide button on both windows to hide them from view when they are not in use. Both of these windows should now appear as tabs on the right side of the ArcMap window. Step Search for data 4 In this step you will use the Search window to search for data you need for your map. Open the Search window. Before you can search for data, you need to set the locations on your network in which you want to enable your search. This is done by adding a location and creating an index of the tools and data available. Click the Index / Search Options button click Add. . On the Index / Search Options dialog box,

Click the Home button. Then click the Zoning geodatabase, and then click Select. At the bottom of the Index / Search Options dialog box, click Index New Items. ArcGIS is building an index of data and tools located within the ArcMap10 folder. The index will take a few moments to create. You can monitor the progress of the index in the Indexing Status section of the Index / Search Options window.
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When the Indexing Status is set to Active, the new index is built and ready for search. Click OK. In the Search Window, click the Data link. This will restrict your search to data. You can also search for maps and tools by clicking the appropriate link. In the Search window, enter parcels, as shown in the graphic. Click the Search button parcels that were found. to execute the search. In the search results, review the data

Note: If you have other data on your network that was found during the search, the search results will display multiple data parcel listings. Below each of the returned parcels is the path name indicating the location of the data. Drag the word Parcel_GISNORFOLK_Parcels onto your map. You should now see the parcels layer added to your map and the table of contents. Using the same search process, search for data named streets. Youll notice that ArcGIS cannot find a streets layer. Its possible that the file is not named streets, but contains the word street in the name. Well use a wildcard in our next search. In the search box type *street. The * symbol is used to represent any character or set of characters that preceded the word street. Click the search button and youll see that the file is actually called newstreets. Drag the streets layers into your ArcMap table of contents. Step Open multiple attribute tables 5 In this step you will examine the interface for attribute tables and learn how you can show multiple attribute tables at the same time. In the table of contents, right-click the Parcels layer and choose Open Attribute Table. You will use the LRSN attribute later in this exercise when you create the parcel maps used to notify each owner about the construction project. Click the title bar of the Table window and start to drag the window. Notice that the blue docking targets appear, allowing you to dock this window the way you
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docked the Search and Catalog windows. Many windows in ArcGIS can be docked in this way, including the Toolbox and Identify windows. If necessary, undock the Table window. At the top of the Table window are several buttons for quickly accessing table functions, including Related Tables , Select By Attributes , and Switch Selection .

At the bottom of the attribute table, notice the Parcel tab. You can open several attribute tables at the same time, and can view them one at a time using the tabs or display them side by side. Open the Zoning attribute table. Notice that a new tab is added at the bottom of the table view. You can click the tab for the table you want to view. Next, you will view both tables in the Table window at the same time. Click the Parcel tab and drag the tab into the table display area of the window. Notice the blue docking target in the middle of the window. Drag the tab onto the left docking target to have the tables displayed horizontally.

Note: You may also choose the top or bottom target to display the tables vertically. Click the Zoning tab and drag it next to the Parcel tab. This will set the Table window back to only showing a single table, allowing you to choose which table to view by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the window. You can close one of the attribute windows by clicking the Close button in the top right corner of each attribute table. To close all the attribute tables, you would click the Close button in the upper right corner of the window. Close the Table window to close all the attribute tables.

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Step Symbolize road under construction 6 In this step, you will use the search capability of the Symbol Selector to symbolize a road segment that will soon be under construction in the city in your scenario. Confirm that your map display is zoomed to the Construction Zone bookmark. Right-click the Streets layer and choose Properties. Click the Symbology tab. On the left side of the dialog box, under Show, click Categories, and confirm that Unique Values is selected.

Under Value Field, confirm that Repair is selected. This field uses coded values; 1 representing that the street segment is under repair, and 0 representing no repairs. At the bottom of the dialog box, click Add All Values You now have two categories of features, 1 representing the segment of 49th Street that is under repair and 0 representing all others. Since 0 and 1 are are only values, uncheck the box next to <all other values>. Click OK to close the Layer Properties. Next, you will use the Symbol Selector to symbolize the road segment under construction. In the table of contents, click the symbol next to the number 1. The Symbol Selector appears which enables you to change the symbol for the segment under repair. If you hold your mouse over one of the window corners, your cursor will change to a two-sided arrow, allowing you to change the size of the window. At the top of the Symbol Selector, click inside the field that says Type here to search. Search All Styles, Type repair and click the Search button .

Note: If you have not previously searched for symbols, the search may take a few moments to complete because an index of all symbols needs to be created. After the initial search, subsequent searches are much faster. Two symbols should be listed in the search results, as indicated in the following graphic. Two symbols are returned that contain the word repair, one contained in the ESRI style and one contained in the ESRI_Optimized style. By default, all symbol styles are searched. If you want to search only the
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styles that are turned on, you can click the button next to Referenced Styles near the top of the dialog box. Click the symbol under the ESRI style. On the right side of the Symbol Selector, click the down arrow next to the color patch and select a red color from the color palette. For Width, type 0.8. The Color and Width properties should look like the following graphic:

Click OK to close the Symbol Selector. You will label your map with the names of the streets later in this exercise. Now repeat the process for the roads not under repair. Use road as your search term and select Road, Undefined as your symbol under the ESRI symbols (youll have to scroll down past the other symbol groups). Once you have changed your symbology, right click on the street layer in the Table of Contents and select Save as Layer file. This will preserve your symbology. Step Locate Parcels close to the construction zone 7 In this step, you will select the road segment that will be built. You will then use the new search functionality to locate and run a geoprocessing tool to determine the addresses whose businesses and residents will need to be notified about the construction project. From the Selection menu, choose Select By Attributes.

For Layer, choose Streets. For Method, choose Create a new selection. Build the expression:

"FID" = 9336'

Click OK. You should see the selected street segment highlighted in blue near the center of your map. Open the Search window. At the top of the window, click Tools.
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In the Search field, type Buffer and click the Search button. In the list of search results, click the Buffer (Analysis) tool. Clicking the tool name in the search results opens the tool, just as if you had opened the tool from ArcToolbox.

For Input Features, choose newstreets. For Output Feature Class, browse to your Zoning geodatabase and name the output Buffer1000. For Linear unit, type 1000, and confirm that units are set to feet.

While the tool is running, you will notice the name of the tool scrolling at the bottom of your ArcMap window. The Buffer tool executes in the background, allowing you to continue to use ArcMap while the tool is running. When the tool is finished, a pop-up message will appear at the lower right corner of your computer screen. This new feature in ArcGIS Desktop 10 allows you to be more productive by continuing to work in ArcMap while you are running geoprocessing tools in the background. When the Buffer tool is finished, the Buffer1000 feature class is added to your map as a new layer. You should see the Buffer1000
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layer draw on top of the parcels, with the selected segment of 49th Street, drawn on top of all other layers. Note: Your colors may be different from those shown in the graphic. If necessary, close the Search window. Next, you will select the parcels that intersect the buffer. The owners of these properties will be sent a notification letter and maps showing the construction area. From the Selection menu, choose Select By Location.

For Selection method, confirm that select features from is selected For Target layer(s), choose Parcel.... For Source layer, choose Buffer1000. For Spatial selection method, confirm that Target layer(s) features intersect the Source layer feature is selected.

Click OK to execute the spatial selection. You should see the parcels selected that intersect the construction zone buffer. Several buttons located along the top of the table of contents allow you to view your layers in different ways. At the top of the table of contents, click the List By Selection button . This view allows you to see which layers are selectable and how many features are selected. The Click to toggle selectable button selectable. can be used to make a layer selectable or not

The Click to clear layer selection button the selected features for a specific layer.

will clear all

Your table of contents should look like the left example for the Parcels and Streets layers. Click the List By Drawing Order button original view. to set your table of contents back to the

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Next, you will export the set of selected addresses as their own feature class. You will use these points on your notification maps in an upcoming step. Right-click the Parcels layer and choose Data, and then click Export Data. Click the Browse button and if necessary, browse to your Zoning geodatabase.

For Name, enter Notification and click Save. Click OK on the Export Data dialog box. Click Yes when prompted to add the exported data to the map as a layer. On the Standard toolbar, click the Clear Selected Features button .

In the table of contents, click the symbol for the Notification layer to bring up the Symbol Selector. In the Symbol Selector, for Fill Color, click the color patch and choose No Color. For Outline Width, type 2. For Outline Color, choose an orange color such as Seville Orange. Note: Hover your cursor over a color square to see the color names. Click OK to close the Symbol Selector. Right click on Notifications and save it as a Layer file. Remove the Buffer1000, Parcels and Zoning layers from your map. Your table of contents should look like the right graphic: Save your document and CLOSE ArcMap.

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Step Explore ArcGISonline layers and Making a Map 8 In this step you will add a Map service from ArcGIS Online. Open a new empty ArcMap document. Open the ArcCatalog window, expand GIS Servers and select Add ArcGIS Server. Select Use GIS Services and click next. Choose the Internet connection and type in the Server URL dialogue box and then click Finish. Your ArcCatalog menu should now include entries for data services found on ArcGIS Online. Browse to the service titled I3_Imagery_Prime_World_2D and drag this into your ArcMap Table of Contents. Once you have added the imagery, add your Buildings, Streets, and Notifications layers into ArcMap. Note: Choose the layer (.lyr) files rather than shapefiles (.shp) to import the proper symbology. Right click on the Notifications layer and select Zoom to Layer.

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Now that you have all the layers in your map showing the construction zone and affected parcels, you will create the maps that will be sent to each of the parcel owners. Step Join a table to provide necessary information and add dynamic text to the map layout 9 Join a table: If you examine the attribute table for the Notification (parcels) layer, youll notice that there is no owner contact information listed. Lets join a table to the Notification layer in order to provide this necessary information. In the NorfolkParcel database, add the data table ownership. Right click and open this table to examine the data. Youll note that the table contains owner information for each parcel and also contains the LRSN number which we will use to link the table to the parcels layer. In the Table of Contents, right click on the Notifications layer and select Joins and Relates Join. At the Join dialogue use the following parameters: What to join: Join attributes from table 1. Field to base join on: LRSN 2. Table to join: ownership 3. Field to base join on: LRSN Join options: Keep only matching records Click OK. If prompted to create an index, click Yes. Review the attribute table of the Notifications layer again. Because we have joined the ownership information, the table now contains all information from the matching records from both tables. This will be useful when generating the list of parcel owners affected by the road construction. Add dynamic text: Before you create the maps for the parcels in the Notification layer, you will add a special type of text called dynamic text to your map layout. When dynamic text is placed on a map layout, the text changes according to the properties of the map document. Date, time, user name, map document
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name, and page number are examples of dynamic text that can change as your map document changes. From the View menu, choose Layout View. Your display might default to a portrait view. Given the east-west orientation of the ODU campus, youll need to change this to a landscape view. On the Layout toolbar, select the Change Layout icon. On the Select Template dialogue, scroll the top tab list to the right until you see Traditional Layouts. From this menu, select LetterLandscape.mxd. This will apply a standard template to your existing map data. Now you will add dynamic text to this layout. On the Standard toolbar, enter 7000 for the map scale. From the Insert menu, choose Dynamic Text, and then click Current Date. The text is added near the center of your page and is highlighted with a blue dashed line. Note: The color and size of this and other map template text may be difficult to read with the imagery layer turned on. Turn the I3_Imagery layer off now so that our other map features will be more visible On the Tools toolbar, click the Select Elements tool . Drag the new dynamic text to the bottom of the page and place it below the scale bar. Also drag the scale bar and compass rose into positions that do not obscure the main body of the map. Now, Double click on the map title and change it to something more descriptive. Your map layout should now look similar to the following:

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You will add one other dynamic text elementthe parcel numberin the next step. Step Use Data Driven Pages 10 In this step, you will create a separate map for each parcel in the Notification layer using Data Driven Pages. This allows you to create a series of layout pages from a single map document. An index layer divides the map into pages based on each index feature in the layer and generates one page per index feature. The index layer may be a series of pages of equal area or of irregular, overlapping areas, such as a strip map along a highway or river. The first step in using Data Driven Pages to produce your maps is to create an index layer. In this case, the Notification layer of parcels will serve as your index layer. Data Driven Pages will create one map page for each of the parcels in this layer. On the Layout toolbar, click the Data Driven Page Toolbar button . . On the Data Driven Pages toolbar, click the Data Driven Page Setup button

In the Setup Data Driven Pages dialog box, you will set the properties for how each page will be generated by ArcMap. On the Definition tab, check the Enable Data Driven Pages box. For Layer, choose Notification. This layer will serve as the index layer. For Name Field, choose LRSN. Each page of the Data Driven Page series has a page name, which can be a number or other text string. For your map, each page will be identified by the unique LRSN number shown on the map. As Data Driven Pages iterates through the features in the index layer and each page is defined, the attribute value for the chosen Name field is used as the page name displayed in the Data Driven Pages toolbar. This value can also drive a dynamic text element in the layout, which you will add to your map later in this exercise. Leave the other values at their default settings. Click the Extent tab. Three options are available to control the map extent on each page. For your parcel maps, you will want each map shown at the same scale. Click the button next to Center And Maintain Current Scale and click OK. Before you view your pages, you need to create a layer which will be used to highlight each unique parcel on each page.
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In the table of contents, right-click the Notification layer and choose Copy. Right-click the Layers data frame and choose Paste Layer(s). Rename the layer Displayed Parcel. Open the layer properties for the Displayed Parcel layer and click the Definition Query tab. On the Definition Query tab, notice the Page Definition button. This button appears when your map document uses Data Driven Pages. Click Page Definition and complete the dialog box as shown in the following graphic: Click OK to close the Page Definition Query and Layer Properties dialog boxes. The page definition query is similar to a standard definition query. However, this query is dynamic and is changed with each map page. In this case, the APN attribute value in the Displayed Parcel layer will be used to match the APN page name. In the table of contents, turn off the Notification layer. You do not want these parcels shown. Remember that this layer serves as the index for each page, but the parcel boundary shown will come from the Displayed Parcel layer. Your map now should show only one of the affected parcels, as below.

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To display the street names, right-click the Streets layer and click Label Features. On the Data Driven Pages toolbar, click the down arrow next to Page Text and click Data Driven Page Name. The page name, which is the LRSN attribute value, is added as a dynamic text string to the center of your map. Use the Select Elements tool to drag the dynamic text next to the parcel boundary symbol in your map as shown in the following graphic: Double-click the dynamic text string to open its properties. Notice that the dynamic text is made up of tags with values. You will make this more descriptive in your map legend by adding text in front of the dynamic text tags. In the Text box, add the text Parcel number: to the left of the existing dynamic text tags. Your text box should resemble the following:
Parcel number: <dyn type="page" property="name"/>

Click OK to see the changes to your map. To view each map page, click the Next Page button on the Date Driven Pages toolbar.

Now that your pages have been created, you will see how they can be exported. From the File menu, choose Export Map. For Save as type, choose PDF from the drop-down list of export formats. Under Options, click the Pages tab. Notice the different ways in which you can export the map pages. All pages or only specific pages may be exported. Click the drop-down arrow under Export Pages As. Notice that you can export all pages to a single PDF file or export each page to its own PDF file. In this case, each parcel owner needs his or her own map, so the appropriate choice would be to have a separate PDF file created for each page. Due to the large number of maps, you will not export your pages to PDF. However, the Export Map dialog box would be the final step in creating your output with Data Driven Pages functionality. Click Cancel. Save your map document and close ArcMap.

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