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Final mark awarded


Assessment Cover Sheet and Feedback Form 2013/14

Section A: Record of Submission

Record of Submission and P a!iarism "ec aration I declare that this assignment is my own work and that the sources of information and material I have used (including the internet) have been fully identified and properly acknowledged as required in the referencing guidelines provided.

Student Number:

You are required to acknowledge that you have read the above statements by writing your student number(s) above.
(If this is a group assignment, please provide the student numbers of A## group members) "etai

s of Submission

ote that all work handed in after the submission date and within ! working days will be capped at "#$. o marks will be awarded if the assignment is submitted after the late submission date unless e%tenuating circumstances are applied for and accepted. I& I' Y()* *+',( 'I-I.I&Y &( /++, 0 *+1(*2 (3 0.. 4(*/ ')-5I&&+2. 0n electronic copy of your work should be submitted via -lackboard. 4ork should also be submitted to the member of academic staff responsible for setting your work. 4ork not submitted to the lecturer responsible may, e$ce%tiona &, be submitted (on the submission date) to the reception of the 3aculty

'odu e Code: AS132 Assi!nment -o: 1 Assi!nment (it e: (asks:

'odu e (it e: Pro)ect 'ana!ement * (echni+ues -o. of %a!es in tota inc udin! this %a!e: / Pro)ect P annin!

#ecturer: ,van 'a$imum 0ord Count: 31000 e+uiva ent

refer to pages " and !

Section 2 : 'arkin! and Assessment

&his assignment will be marked out of 6##$ &his assignment contributes to !#$ of the total module marks. __________ hours on this &his assignment is bonded 7 non8 bonded. 2etails 9 Submission "ate: 13/01/14 0000A' assignment. Feedback "ate: It is estimated that you should spend appro%imately

"ate Set: 1/11/13

#earnin! 3utcomes
(his assi!nment addresses the fo o4in! earnin! outcome5s6 of the modu e:
1ritically evaluate the role and responsibility of the pro:ect manager and analyse the tools and techniques employed in the field of pro:ect management.

'arkin! Scheme
1. Forms of %ro)ect mana!ement 2 2usiness case and %ro)ect a%%raisa 3. 02S and estimation 4 Critica Path and resource a ocation

'arks Avai ab e 2/ 2/ 2/ 2/

'arks A4arded

Assessment Criteria (3(A#

Performance #eve 3ail (; "#$) <rd 1lass 7 ,0'' ("#$ 8 "=$) .ower >nd 1lass 7 ,0'' (!#$ 8 !=$) )pper >nd 1lass 7 5+*I& (?#$ 8 ?=$) 6st 1lass 7 2I'&I 1&I( (@#$ A) Criteria


0ppreciates the relationship between theory and practice but limited application 0ppropriately Integrates theory with practice

Integrates theory to practice in a range of situations Integrates theory and practice in an informed and comprehensive way Inter8relate theory with practice showing creative thought

Section C : 'arker7s Feedback


*eport structure *eferencing

*esearch ,resentation


&eam work

#ecturer7s si!nature:


'ark a4arded:

A marks are sub)ect to confirmation b& the 2oard of ,$aminers

(ask 1 820
Compare and contrast the following forms of project management: Pure project Matrix Program New venture Product Ad hoc committee/task force For each of the forms listed give an example of an organisation where it ma !e used"

(ask 2
#a $iscuss the purpose of a !usiness case stud for internal projects" %hat does the stud include and who prepares it& #! Amica!le 'ousing is considering the implementation of a refur!ishment programme on one of its housing developments( which would reduce maintenance and heating costs( and ena!le a rent increase to !e made" )elevant data is as follows: Num!er of houses: *++ Annual maintenance cost per house: ,*++" -his will !e reduced ! #./ on completion of the refur!ishment of each house" Annual heating cost per house: ,.++" -his will !e reduced ! *+/ on completion of the refur!ishment of each house" Annual rental income per house: ,#0++" -his will !e increased ! 0./ on completion of the refur!ishment of each house" -wo contractors A1C 2td and 345 2td have each 6uoted a price of 7#+++ per house to implement the refur!ishment work" -he 6uoted completion profiles for each contractor are as follows:

i" ii" iii" iv" v" vi"




Contractor A1C re6uires ,0+++++ at the commencement of the work and the !alance of the contract price in proportion to the num!er of houses completed in each of ears 0 to *" Contractor 345 re6uires ,*+++++ at the commencement of the work and the !alance of the contract price in proportion to the num!er of houses completed in each of ears 0 to *" An eight8 ear period from the commencement of the work should !e used as the time hori9on for the evaluation of the via!ilit of the refur!ishment programme" Assume that all events and cash flows arise at ear end points" :avings and rent increases will commence in the ear following refur!ishment" ;gnore taxation" Assume the cost of capital is 0</" Num!er of houses refur!ished 4ear 0 4ear # 4ear * =+ =+ 0#+ 0.+ =+ >+

Contractor A1C Contractor 345

Prepare financial summaries and advise the management !oard whether to accept the 6uote from Contractor A1C or Contractor 345"

(ask 3
$awn :mith( project manager at :tark ;ndustries( is planning and coordinating the compan ?s move to a new !uilding currentl under construction" $awn wants the move to commence as soon as the !uilding is read for the estimated @une 0 st occupanc A still # months awa " -he entire move( which will affect < departments and >++ people( is to !e completed within 0 week" 1ecause timing is critical( $awn starts her planning ! preparing a Bantt chart" At the project level( she draws a !ar 0 week CD da sE long and then su!divides it into * major categories: F0G pack office supplies( e6uipment( and furniture C* da s allottedEH F#G move ever thing C# da s allottedEH and F*G unpack and arrange it at new location C# da sE" :he then estimates the total num!er of !oxes( e6uipment( and furniture that will have to !e moved in # da s( gives the estimate to a moving contractor( and receives a priced 6uote" -o assist in packing and unpacking !oxes and e6uipment( $awn intends to hire temporar workers" :he estimates the num!er of workers needed( gives it to a temp agenc ( and receives a priced 6uote" $awn shows the completed plan to ou( her manager( and asks for a review of it" -he plan consists of the Bantt chart and a !udget that is largel !ased on the priced 6uotes from the moving agenc and temp agenc " 0" %hat do ou think a!out $awn?s approach to scheduling work and estimating the costs& $o ou consider her plan to !e comprehensive stating wh ou have reached that opinion& #" Prepare a draft action plan in readiness for a meeting with $awn that outlines our guidance points that $awn will need to adhere to when re8drafting her plan"

,5-(/ wait i check -' ?#?= ,art 69>#6# ,2 ?#@=8"9 >##? Cuide to ,ro:ect 5anagement 5eredith D 'amuel ,ro:ect 5anagement9 0 5anagerial 0pproach, 4iley International

(ask 4
-a!le 0 !elow lists activities for constructing a !ridge over an operational railwa line"


Activity Description

$etailed site investigation and surve $etailed planning $etailed design Preparation of site )elocate services )e8align overhead track electrification Access road and ramp construction Piling Construct foundations and a!utments Construct temporar supports Fa!rication planning of structural steel components -a!le 0 Activities re6uired M Manufacture structural steel components Coff siteE N -ransport structural steel components and erect on site P Irect p lons and fill with concrete K Construct main span deck on precast concrete !eams ) ;nstall sta ca!les and lift the !ridge off temp supports : )emove temporar supports Ilectrical s stem installation L )oad surfacing M Finishing and ancillaries % Commissioning 3 Formal handover and ceremon 4 Project sign8off 5 Administrative closure AA Project end

A 1 C $ I F B ' @ J 2

Duration Predecessor [Months] s # 8

> > < * < 0 # * # # # 0 # * * 0 0 # # 0 0 0 0 +

A 1 C C C(I $ B ' F(B C 2 M @ '(J(N(P K ) : : -(L M % 3 % 4(5

-a!le # lists the resources re6uired to perform the activities


Activity Description


A 1 C $ I F B ' @ J 2 M N

$etailed site investigation and surve $etailed planning $etailed design Preparation of site )elocate services )e8align overhead track electrification Access road and ramp construction Piling Construct foundations and a!utments Construct temporar supports Fa!rication planning of structural steel components Manufacture structural steel components Coff siteE

-ransport structural steel components and erect on site P Irect p lons and fill with concrete Ingineer( Contractor K Construct main span deck on precast concrete Ingineer( Contractor !eams ) ;nstall sta ca!les and lift the !ridge off temp Ingineer( Contractor supports : )emove temporar supports Ingineer( Contractor -a!le # )esource allocation Ilectrical s stem installation Ingineer( Contractor )oad surfacing Ingineer( Contractor Construct aL network diagram for the project M andFinishing Ingineer( Contractor late start and and ancillaries finish times 0" ;ndicate earl Commissioning Ingineer( Project critical path #" ;ndicate the% Manager( Contractor *" ;ndicate the total and free float for each activit 3 Formal handover and ceremon Ingineer( Project <" Allocate the resources to the activities and indicate the workload re6uired for Manager( Contractor :mooth the resources as necessar " ." each resource" 4 Project sign8off Ingineer( Project 5 AA Administrative closure Project end Manager( Contractor Ingineer( Project Manager Project Manager

:urve or( Ingineer( Project Manager Ingineer( Project Manager( Contractor Ingineer Contractor( Project Manager Ingineer( Project Manager Ingineer( Contractor Contractor Contractor Ingineer( Contractor Ingineer( Contractor Ingineer( Manufacturer Ingineer( Manufacturer -ransporter( Ingineer

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