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MS 2 Management of Human Resources December 2003

1 What are the advantages and disadvantages of the various external recruitment sources Wh! is it significant for organisations to have an effective "ob of recruiting 2 Discuss the im#ortance of training to$ards the develo#ment of an organisation% Ho$ do !ou identif! the training needs of an organisation and $hat are the ste#s involved in it &laborate% 3 Discuss briefl! the gro$th and develo#ment of em#lo!er's association and their functions% ( &xamine the role of a regulating mechanism of industrial relations% )s it to enable or to control industrial relations Discuss% * What is motivation Wh! is it a critical issue for managers in organisation +om#are and contrast Maslo$'s need hierarch! theor! $ith Her,berg's t$o-factor theor! of motivation% . Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing/ 0i1 2erformance a##raisal vs 2otential a##raisal 0ii1 Man#o$er #lanning 0iii1 +areer #lanning vs Succession #lanning 0iv1 )ndustrial tribunal 0v1 Sus#ension vs Dismissal

3une 2003 1 Wh! should an organisation introduce a grievance #rocedure &x#lain the #rere4uisites of a grievance #rocedure% 5riefl! outline the features of a grievance #rocedure and the ste#s in grievance handling% 2 What is the role of $or6er's #artici#ation in management Discuss% 5riefl! discuss the level and forms of $or6er's #artici#ation in management% +omment u#on the effectiveness of an! one of the forms discussed%

3 Distinguish bet$een career and succession #lanning% Suggest the measure for effective career #lanning and develo#ment%

( Define #erformance a##raisal% What are its ob"ectives Discuss different methods of a##raisal and their merits and demerits%

* &x#lain the #ur#ose of induction and ho$ it should be conducted% Ho$ can it be made more effective Discuss%

. Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing/ 0i1 Man#o$er #lanning 0ii1 Retrenchment vs Dismissal 0iii1 Motivation and morale 0iv1 +ollective bargaining 0v1 S+72& December 2005 0Set )1 1% Define #ersonnel management% 5riefl! discuss the ma"or functions and o#erations of #ersonnel management% 0201 2% &x#lain the #ur#ose and t!#es of intervie$ in the organi,ational context8 and discuss their limitations% 0201 3% Describe an! t$ro methods of #erformance a##raisal% +om#are their advantages and disadvantages% 0201 (% 5riefl! outline the features of a grievance handling #rocedure and the ste#s involved in it% +ite a suitable case stud! to su##ort !our ans$er% 0201 *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0a1 )nduction 0b1 &valuation of training #rogramme 0c1 Maslo$9s need hierarch! theor! 0d1 2rinci#les of salar! formulation 0e1 Sus#ension and dismissal 0Set ))1

1% :race the evolution of Human Resource Management8 Discuss the strategic and #olitical #ers#ectives of HRM% 0201 2% Wh! is human resource #lanning im#ortant Discuss the #rocess of human resource #lanning% 0201 3% Discuss the com#etenc! a##roach to "ob anal!sis% 5riefl! describe an! t$o methods of com#etenc! ma##ing% 0201 (% Discuss training need evaluation and describe various training evaluation techni4ues% 0201 *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0201 0a1 2erformance coaching 0b1 Human Resource )nformation S!stem 0c1 ;ringe benefits 0d1 )ndustrial democrac! 0e1 7utsourcing December 2006 0Set )1 02re-Revised1 1 % Discuss the #rocess and methods of recruitment% Discuss the im#ortance of induction% 2% Define $or6 motivation% Differentiate bet$een h!gienes and motivators% Discuss fe$ dimensions on $hich managers can $or6 to create #ro#er motivational climate in an organisation% 3/ Discuss the conce#t of relevance of em#lo!ee disci#line% )dentif! the im#ortant methods of grievance handling8 $ith exam#les% (% Discuss different methods of $age and salar! fixation in )ndian industries% Discuss com#ensation #lanning at macro level% *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing 0a1 +ollective bargaining 0b1 Dismissal vs% Sus#ension 0c1 7n-the-"ob training 0d1 +areer #lanning 0e1 ;orms of #artici#ation

0Set ))1 0Revised1 1% Define tiuman Resource Management' and trace its evolution% &laborate criticall! on the challenges associated $ith HRM in )ndia% 2% 7utline the ste#s involved in human resource selection #rocess% <:ests often do not reflect an individual's true abilit!% == >ive !our comments on this statement% 3% What is career #lanning Discuss its needs8 #ur#ose and ob"ectives in toda!'s ra#idl! changing environment% 3ustif! !our o#inion $ith suitable exam#les% (% Discuss the #resent status of training in various organisations% &x#lain ho$ training can be made as a strategic function of an organisation% *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing 0a1 &xecutive +om#ensation 0b1 White-collar ?nion 0c1 :eam develo#ment 0d1 7utsourcing 0e1 Se#aration June 2007 cruitment and differentiate it from selection% Discuss different methods of recruitment% 3% Discuss the conce#t of #otential assessment and its uses% &x#lain com#etenc! ma##ing% (% What are the basic #rinci#les of com#ensation administration @nal!se the $age structure in )ndia8 citing suitable exam#les% *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing 0a1 >rievance handling #rocedure 0b1 Roles and obiectives of trade unions 0c1 Mentoring

0d1 Succession #lanning 0e1 )ndustrial democrac! June 2005 0Set )1 02re-Revised / Managing Men1 1% Define man#o$er #lanning% &x#lain the methods for #ro"ecting man#o$er su##l! and demand at organisational level $ith exam#les% 01*1 2% Describe and evaluate fe$ methods of recruitment8 citing organisational exam#les% 01*1 3% Distinguish bet$een Motivation and Morale% &x#lain Maslo$9s and Her,berg9s theories of motivation and discusstheir relevance in the #resent context% 01*1 (% &x#lain ho$ salar! structure is designed in an organisation $ith the hel# of exam#les% 01*1 *% Revie$ the gro$th and develo#ment of em#lo!ers9 organisations in )ndia% Discuss their role8 functions and 2resent status% 01*1 .% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 01*1 0i1 Sus#ension 0ii1 2ur#ose of industrial democrac! 0iii1 3ob descri#tion 0iv1 >rievance handling 0v1 )ntervie$ 0Set ))1 0Revised / Management of Human Resources1 1% &x#lain the changing role of HRM in the emerging business scenario in )ndia% +om#are it $ith the $estern models% 01*1 2% &x#lain the conce#t of organisational socialisation% Discuss socialisation factors in organisational set-u#s% 01*1 3% Describe the #rocess of #erformance a##raisal% Discuss thesignificance of assessment centres for im#rovingorgani,ational #erformance% 01*1 (% Discuss role s!stems% &x#lain the conce#t of role efficac!% 01*1

*% A@ #a! #ac6et alone is not ade4uate to attract and retain com#etent em#lo!ees%A &laborate the statement and discuss the related conce#ts% 01*1 .% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0i1 Mentoring 0ii1 5enchmar6ing 0iii1 &m#o$erment 0iv1 Bo6 @dalats 0v1 7utsourcing June 2006 0Set )1 02re-Revised1 1% Define 3ob @nal!sis8 3ob Descri#tion and 3ob S#ecification% Discuss the relationshi# bet$een the three% &x#lain the #rocess for evaluating "obs8 $ith suitable exam#les% 2% Define #ersonnel management% What are the ob"ectives of #ersonnel management &x#lain the relevance of #ersonnel de#artment in an organisation8 $ith the hel# of illustration% 3% Discuss the #rocess involved in selection% Ho$ does it differ from recruitment 5riefl! ex#lain the methods of selection% (% Distinguish bet$een motivation and morale% Discuss the significance of morale and its relationshi# to #roductivit!% *% What are the features of trade unions Revie$ the status and #roblems of trade unions in )ndia% Suggest ho$ trade unions can be made an elleclive tool for )R% .% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0i1 2erformance a##raisal 0ii1 :raining and develo2ment 0iii1 Succession#lanning 0iv1 Wage boards 0v1 &m#lo!ers association 0Set ))1 0Revised1

1% Define Human Resource Management and distinguish it from traditional #ersonnel management% Describe the ma"or com2onents of HRM% 2% Discuss the methods and techni4ues of recruitment% What are the advantages of recruiting from external sources 3ustif! !our ans$er 3% @ns$er the follo$ing / 0a1 What ate the #rinci#les in designing an HRD s!stem 0b1 What are the different com#onents of "ob anal!sis (% &x#lain the conce#t of #erformance a##raisal and its ob"ectives% 5riefl! discuss the methods of #erformance a##raisal% *% Discuss the causes and effects of grievance9 7utline the features of a grievance #rocedure and the ste#s involved in it% .% Discuss the level and forms of Wor6ers9 2artici#ation in Management 0W2M1 +om#are the forms of W2M in >erman! and Cugoslavia% June 2007 1% &x#lain the sco#e and im#ortance of HRM in the #resent da! context% Differentiate bet$een traditional #ersonnelfunction and HRD% 0201 2% What is Human Resource 2lanning 0HR21 Discuss the #rocess of HR2 and the #roblems associated $ith it% 0201 3% Discuss the conce#t of com#etenc! ma##ing% 5riefl! ex#lain the methods of com#etenc! ma##ing% 0201 (% What is HRD S!stem &nlist the #rinci#les in designing an HRD s!stem% 20 *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing/ 0201 0a1 ;ringe benefits 0b1 :rade ?nion recognition 0c1 >rievance handling 0d1 7utsourcing 0e1 )m#ortance of teams June 2009 1% Define HRM and differentiate it from traditional 2ersonnel Management% 7utline the ob"ectives and functions of HRM% 0201 2% &valuate the im#ortance of 2erformance @##raisal 02@1 in an organisation% +om#are an! t$o methods of 2@ and their merits and demerits% 0201

3% What is HR2 Discuss Human Resource 2lanning 2rocess% 0201 (% @nal!se the need for training in an organisation% Ho$ can !ou ma6e :raining a strategic managerial function Discuss% 0201 * % Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0201 0a1 3ob @nal!sis 0b1 )ndisci#line 0c1 Dualit! circle 0d1 Succession #lanning 0e1 &m#lo!ee stoc6 o#tion #lan June 2006 0Set )1 02re-Revised1 1% )dentif! the similarities and differences bet$een Maslo$9s theor! and Her,berg9s theor! of motivation% Discuss the relevance of these theories in #ractice8 citing exam#les% 2% Define recruitment% Discuss the methods of recruitment $ith illustrations% 3% &x#lain the need for career #lanning in an organisation% )dentif! the merits and limitations of career #lanning% What are the determinants of success in career #lanning (% Discuss the conce#t and ob"ective of labour $elfare% &x#lain the significance of labour $elfare measures and social securit! benefits in )ndian context% *% Distinguish bet$een training8 education and develo#ment% &x#lain the essential #rere4uisites of a good training #rogramme% .% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0i1 &m#lo!er9s association 0ii1 3ob enrichment 0iii1 ;ringe benefits 0iv1 +ollective bargaining 0v1 Morale

0Set ))1 0Revised1 1% Define com#etenc! ma##ing% 5riefl! discuss the conce#t and ob"ectives of com#etenc! ma##ing% &x#lain the methods of com#etenc! ma##ing% 2% Discuss some of the commonl! used t!#es of tests in #ersonnel selection% Wh! is intervie$ing the most useful selection method Discuss% 3% @ns$er the follo$ing / 0a1 What are the ob"ectives of #erformance coaching 0b1 What are the basic #rinci#les of com#ensation administration (% &x#lain the meaning and conce#t of industrial disci#line% 5riefl! discuss the stages of disci#linar! action and #rocedure8 $ith exam#les% *% 9When an organisation is designing its overall com#ensation #rogramme8 one of the critical areas of concem is the benefits #ac6age%9 &x#lain $ith the hel# of suitable exam#les% .% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing/ 0i1 Wor6ers9 #artici#ation in management 0ii1 7utsourcing 0iii1 Re$ard Management 0iv1 Human resource audit 0v1 )ndustrial democrac! December 200. 0Set )1 02re-Revised1 1% Describe career #lanning and its #rocess% Discuss the essential #re-re4uisites for ma6ing career #lanning a success% 2% Define #erformance a##raisal and differentiate it from #otential a##raisal% &x#lain the #roblem of validit! and reliabilit! in #erforance a##raisal s!stem%

3% &x#lain the conce#t of com#liance% &xamine different t!#es of #o$er and their organi,ational conse4uences and cite suitable exam#les% (% Eee#ing in vie$ the changing social context8 discuss the various tents of HRM% +ite suitable illustrations *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing/ 0i1 )nduction 0ii1 3ob evaluation 0iii1 &m#lo!ers association 0iv1 ;ringe benefits 0v1 2rocess of bargaining 0Set ))1 0Revised1 1% Discuss the im#ortance and sco#e of HRM% )dentif! the different #ers#ectives on HRM8 citing suitable exam#les% 2% >ive reasons $h! it is desirable to carr! out human resource #lanning in organisations% Discuss the #roblems associated $ith it% 3% Distinguish bet$een #erformance and #otential a##raisal% &x#lain briefl! the notion of assessment centre% (% Define training% Describe the methods of training esluauon% +ite exam#les% *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing 0i1 )ndustrial democrac! 0ii1 2erformance coaching 0ill1 Human resource audit 0iv1 3ob mobilit! 0v1 )ntervie$ December 2005 0Set )1

02re-Revised1 1% )dentif! the sailent features of #ersonnel functions in the organisational context 6ee#ing in mind strateg!8 structureand s!stems% 0201 2% Define career #lanning% &x#lain im#lementaion of the #rocess of career #lanning $ith the hel# of exam#les% 0201 3% Discuss the salient features of "ob anal!sis% &x#lain $hat ste#s the HR manager is re4uired to ta6e for carr!ing outthe function of "ob descri#tion% 0201 (% )dentif! the factors leading to indisci#line% &x#lain the "udicial #rocess of dealing $ith indisci#line% 0201 *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0201 0a1 2rinci#les of learning 0b1 5ehaviourall! @nchored Rating Scales 0c1 Selection criteria% 0d1 Morale 0e1 +onsultative machiner! 0Set ))1 0Revised1 1% Define and discuss the ob"ectives of Human Resource Management% Discuss the changing role of human resources in vie$ of changing social scenario% &x#lain $ith suitable exam#les% 0201 2% Discuss the conce#t of outsourcing and its conse4uences from HR #oint of vie$% 0201 3% What is $or6ers9 #artici#ation in management Discuss the factors res#onsible for its success% 0201 (% &x#lain the #rocess of coaching% What are the conditions necessar! for effective coaching 0201 *% Write short notes on an! three of the follo$ing / 0201 0a1 :eam develo#ment 0b1 &xecutive com#ensation 0c1 Se#aration 0d1 Human resource research 0e1 :alent management

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