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Name: ___________________ Ms.

Hensler Honors English 9 Date: ____________________ ESTABLISHING CONTEXT HOMERS ODYSSEY WEB PROJECT OVERVIEW Homers The Odyssey tells the story of Odysseus, a soldier on a long journey home from the Trojan War. To modern readers, the epic can seem confusing, as many of the places, figures and events are no longer part of our cultural lexicon. However, at the time when the poem was composed, Homers audience would likely have belonged to Greek culture and have been very familiar with the poems historical and mythological context. Your task: In order to understand the poem and its events, you will need to learn about Greek culture, mythology and history. However, this is a very large task for any person to take up on his or her own. Therefore, for this assignment, you will select one aspect of ancient Greece to research independently, then present your findings to the class on a class web page. Step 1: Research Today in class, you will select one aspect of Greek life, which you will research over the next several days in the media center. As you research, you will be expected to keep a record of your big ideas, or the most important pieces of information that you will include on your web page, including citation information. Step 2: Informative Web Page After you have completed your research on your topic, you will compose a page that will be a part of our class website on Roman life. Web Page Expectations: No introduction or inclusion required, Two (2) paragraphs of research material. A conclusion about Roman society or key figures that youve drawn from your research. Proper MLA parenthetical citations throughout. At least one relevant, school-appropriate image. Ends with Works Cited section that includes at least two referenced sources, including images. Step 3: Class WebQuest After completing your webpage, you will turn in to Ms. Hensler a statement that expresses the conclusions about Roman society or key figures that you have drawn from your research. You will then complete a WebQuest assignment that will require you to view and evaluate the information your classmates have found on Roman society and draw conclusions based on their research.

MAJOR POINTS OF RESEARCH The Trojan War Troy (city) Helen of Troy The Trojan Horse The Iliad Agamemnon Odysseus (as a warrior) Achilles Hector The Aeneid

Greek Religion and Mythology The Titans Zeus Poseidon Athena Hades Hermes The Muses Greek Culture Xenia (Greek law of hospitality)

War and the Greek Empire Map and Key City-States Odysseuss Route to Ithaca Mythical Creatures Circe Calypso Sirens Scylla Charybdis Cyclops/Polyphemus

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