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Report on Olive Oil and its fractions

Olive Oil esi!nations & efinitions Olive Oil and Gastrono"# $a%le Olives A%o&t Olives '(# Olive Oil Indian Mar)et for Edi%le Oil India *e# Econo"ic Indicators $rade Statistics on Olive Oil I"port Re!&lations on Edi%le Oils in India I"port &t# on Olive Oil in India Ma+or Indian I"porters of Olive Oil, Edi%le Oil I"portant lin)s to Or!ani-ations & Govern"ent Bodies of Edi%le, Olive Oil S&""ar#

Olive Oil Designations & Definitions

Dubbed as Liquid Gold by Homer, olive oil has been used for food, medicine, magic, beauty and divine rituals for ages. Olive oil is the major roduct of the olive tree in most of the roducing countries and li!e "ines, it varies in flavor, color and aroma de ending on variety, soils, climates and rocessing methods. Olive oil is the oil obtained solely from the fruit of the olive tree #Olea euro aea L.$, to the e%clusion of oils obtained using solvents or re&esterification rocesses and of any mi%ture "ith oils of other !inds.

MARKETED in accordance with the following designations and definitions: Virgin oli e oils' (irgin olive oils are the oils obtained from the fruit of the olive tree solely by mechanical or other hysical means under conditions, articularly thermal conditions, that do not lead to alterations in the oil, and "hich have not undergone any treatment other than "ashing, decantation, centrifugation and filtration.
)*+ for consum tion' E!tra irgin oli e oil' (irgin olive oil "hich has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of not more than ,.- grams er .,, grams, and the other characteristics of "hich corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard. Virgin oli e oil' (irgin olive oil "hich has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of not more than / grams er .,, grams and the other characteristics of "hich corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard.

"rdinar# irgin oli e oil' (irgin olive oil "hich has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of not more than 0.0 grams er .,, grams and the other characteristics of "hich corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard. .1. 2O+ )*+ for consum tion' La$%ante Virgin "li e "il' (irgin olive oil not fit for consum tion as it is, designated lam ante virgin olive oil, is virgin olive oil "hich has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of more than 0.0 grams er .,, grams and1or the organole tic characteristics and other characteristics of "hich corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard. *t is intended for refining or for technical use. Refined oli e oil' 3efined olive oil is the olive oil obtained from virgin olive oils by refining methods, "hich do not lead to alterations in the initial glyceridic structure.*t, has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of not more than ,.0 grams er .,, grams and its other characteristics corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard. "li e oil' Olive oil is the oil consisting of a blend of refined olive oil and virgin olive oils fit for consum tion as they are. *t has a free acidity, e% ressed as oleic acid, of not more than . gram er .,, grams and its other characteristics corres ond to those fi%ed for this category in this standard.01. "li e-%o$ace oil' Olive& omace oil is the oil obtained by treating olive omace "ith solvents or other hysical treatments, to the e%clusion of oils obtained by re&esterification rocesses and of any mi%ture "ith oils of other !inds.

Olive Oil and Gastrono"#

2o"adays the use of olive oil is no longer limited to areas "here the olive tree is gro"n and it has come to re resent quality coo!ing almost all over the "orld. +he alteration undergone by vegetable oils "hen heated for frying is quic!er and more intense the higher their content of olyunsaturated fatty acids #seed oils$, and the higher the initial acidity of the oil #it is more stable if it has a high content of natural antio%idants & vitamin 4$. +his alteration also varies according to tem erature and length of time heated, number of times used, manner of frying #in continuous frying it changes less$, and the ty e of food being fried #frying fish, es ecially oily fish, increases the olyunsaturated acid content of the oil, facilitating its decom osition$. +o retain its ro erties it must be !e t a"ay from e%cess heat, air, and dam and, above all, from light.

Fr#in! .it( Olive Oil

)rying is one of the fe" characteristics common to the entire 5editerranean area, be it 4uro ean, 6sian or 6frican, and to the three religions racticed, 7hristian, 5uslim and 8e"ish. *t is one of the oldest methods in e%istence of coo!ing food. 3ecent investigations have sho"n that frying is beneficial to the organism, articularly from the hysiological oint of vie". 9ecause of this, it has e%tended to areas "here formerly it "as not as o ular. :hether the food fried is digested easily or lies heavily on the stomach de ends to a great e%tent on the ty e of oil used, the tem erature of the oil and the manner in "hich the food "as fried. ;tudies underta!en on healthy subjects and atients "ith gastroduodenal roblems #gastritis, ulcer, liver and biliary com laints$ have sho"n that there is no relationshi bet"een food fried in olive oil and these illnesses. +he alteration undergone by vegetable oils "hen heated for frying is quic!er and more fatty acids #seed oils$, and the higher the initial acidity of the oil #it is more stable if it has a high content of natural antio%idants & vitamin 4$. +his alteration also varies according to tem erature and length of time heated, number of times used, manner of frying #in continuous frying it changes less$, and the ty e of food being

fried #frying fish, es ecially oily fish, increases the olyunsaturated acid content of the oil, facilitating its decom osition$. Olive oil is ideal for frying. *n ro er tem erature conditions, "ithout over&heating, it undergoes no substantial structural change and !ee s its nutritional value better than other oils, not only because of the antio%idants but also due to its high levels of oleic acid. *ts high smo!ing oint #/.,<7$ is substantially higher than the ideal tem erature for frying food #.-,<7$. +hose fats "ith lo"er critical oints, such as corn and butter, brea! do"n at this tem erature and form to%ic roducts. 6nother advantage of using olive oil for frying is that it forms a crust on the surface of the food that im edes the enetration of oil and im roves its flavour. )ood fried in olive oil has a lo"er fat content than food fried in other oils, ma!ing olive oil more suitable for "eight control. Olive oil, therefore, is the most suitable, the lightest and the tastiest medium for frying. *t goes further than other oils, and not only can it be re&used more often than others, it also increases in volume "hen reheated, so less is required for coo!ing and frying. +he digestibility of heated olive oil does not change even "hen re&used for frying several times. Olive oil should not be mi%ed "ith other fats or vegetable oils and should not generally be used more than four or five times. +he oil used for frying should al"ays be hot= if it is cold the food "ill soa! u the oil. +here should al"ays be lenty of oil in the an "hen dee frying. *f only a small amount is used, not only "ill it burn more easily but the food being fried "ill be undercoo!ed on to and overcoo!ed on the bottom. )rying tem eratures' :hen heated, olive oil is the most stable fat, "hich means it stands u "ell to high frying tem eratures. *ts high smo!ing oint #/.,< 7$ is "ell above the ideal tem erature for frying food #.-,< 7$. +he digestibility of olive oil is not affected "hen it is heated, even "hen it is re&used several times for frying. TEM&ERAT'RE 5edium #.0,>.?@< 7$ Hot #.@@> .B,< 7$ (ery hot #.B@>.C,< 7$ T(&E ") )""D High "ater content' vegetables, otatoes, fruitA 7oated in batter, flour or breadcrumbs, forming a crust ;mall, quic!ly fried' small fish, croquettes

$a%le Olives
+en ercent of the "orlds olives go for table consum tion. +his ercentage may seem small but it translates into a figure of .,@,,,,,, 5+. +able olive varieties are characteriDed by features as good fruit siDe, e%cellent taste, a good flesh&to&stone ration and east detachment of the flesh from the stone.

A%o&t Olives
+he olive fruit is a dru e. *t has a bitter com onent #oleuro ein$, a lo" sugar content #/.E&EF$ com ared "ith other dru es #./F or more$ and high oil content #./&0,F$ de ending on the time of year and variety. +hese characteristics ma!e it a fruit that cannot be consumed directly from the tree and it has to undergo a series of rocesses that differ considerably from region to region, and "hich also de end on variety. ;ome olives are, ho"ever, an e%ce tion to this rule because as they ri en they s"eeten right on the tree, in most cases this is due to fermentation. One case in oint is the +hrubolea variety in Greece. Oleuro ein, "hich is

distinctive to the olive, has to be removed as it has a strong bitter taste= it is not, ho"ever, ernicious to health. De ending on local methods and customs, the fruit is generally treated in sodium or otassium hydro%ide, brine or successively rinsed in "ater. +able Olives varieties are blac! olives, green olives, ri e olives and semi&ri e olives. )or more information, lease clic! on this lin! htt '11""".olive/

'/Y Olive Oil0 Olive oil1 stands o&t for its &ndenia%le or!anoleptic 2&alities1 is an inte!ral part of t(e c&lt&ral and c&linar# (erita!e of t(e Mediterranean co&ntries1 %&t %esides its sensor# attri%&tes1 it (as n&tritional and t(erape&tic properties .(ic( are %ein! easil# corro%orated %# science3 N&tritional Attri%&tes and /ealt( Benefits of Olive Oil
Olive Oil has been found to be a healthier coo!ing medium "orld over. *t fights coronary heart disease. Olive Oil has the highest content of monounsaturated fats #5G)$ and among the lo"est amounts of other harmful fats. 5G) reduces bad cholesterol #LDL$ and triglycerides. Olive oil is effective in lo"ering high blood ressure. Oleic acid in Olive Oil reduces the ris! of breast cancer. Large amounts of antio%idants in Olive Oil, such as (itamins 6, D, 4, H and 9&carotene, hel revent other cancers, reduce the effects of aging and increase life e% ectancy significantly. Olive oil also hel s to revent and control diabetes, facilitate the digestion system, revent formation of gallstones, reduce dementia as "ell as rotect and tone the s!in and hair.

)or more information on health benefits of olive oil for 7ardiovascular diseases, cancer, diabetes, obesity, aging and antio%idants lease clic! on the lin! given belo"' htt '11""".olive/

Indian Mar)et for Edi%le Oil

*ndia is the "orlds fourth largest vegetable oil economy and is a leading im orter of vegetable oil in the "orld. During /,,E&,B, 4uro ean Gnion "as the "orlds largest im orter of .B ty es of various edible oils at ., million tonnes, follo"ed by 7hina at -.E million tonnes and *ndia in the third lace at @.? million tonnes. 4ach year *ndia consumes around ./ to ./.@ million tonnes of various edible oils. +otal annual sales of branded coo!ing oils in *ndia are estimated at rs. @, billion #I... billion$, and have been gro"ing annually at B to - ercent over the ast five years. 9randed edible oils account for only C ercent of the total edible oil mar!et by volume and .B ercent by value. 5ustard, sunflo"er, and eanut oils together account for around -, ercent of branded edible oil consum tion. +he edible oil com anies are focusing their mar!eting strategy on the emerging healthy eating habits of a gro"ing number of *ndian consumers. 9randed layers attem t to deliver better value for money through innovative ac!aging. 6lthough there are hundreds of regional1local rocessors and brands, the national&level layers are Godrej, Dhara, 5arico, Liberty, and 3uchi. *nrecent years, a number of multinational com anies including 7argill, 6dani :ilmar, and 9unge have set u o erations in *ndia, either through ort&based refineries, trading subsidiaries, or brand acquisitions.

India *e# Econo"ic Indicators

*ndia is today a trillion dollar economy. *ndias GDJ, currently gro"ing at C.? ercent, "ith some rojections for /,,B&,- climbing to ., ercent, ma!es it one of the fastest gro"ing economies in the"orld. Ke# Indicators &o%+lation Re$ar*s .../ billion #Grban o ulation & 0, ercent$ I/-E billion #only 0.C ercent is organiDed retail$. 3etail trade is booming in the country due to increasing dis osable incomes of middle and u er middle class 0B@ sho ing malls by /,,B from /@ in /,,0= 4stimated s ace' C, million sq.ft. 0,, million and estimated to be gro"ing at @ ercent annually I-,? billion #/,,E estimates$

Retail M*t, -i.e

/rowth of Malls

/rowing Middle-class


/D& /rowth

4stimated - ercent or higher in /,,E&,B


;ervices equal @? ercent of the GDJ= industry and agriculture equal ?E ercent .,th largest economy in the "orld and one of its fastest gro"ing= fourth largest in urchasing& o"er arity terms IB/, in /,,@&,E, #double the figure of t"o decades ago$. Of the ... billion eo le, 0C ercent live on less than I. er day *n /,,E, a ro%imately .-,&/,, million eo le had gro"ing urchasing o"er, thus creating a gro"ing middle&class consumer o ulation Over @- ercent of the *ndian o ulation is under the age of /,. +hat is over @E? million eo le, nearly t"ice the total o ulation of the Gnited ;tates


&er ca%ita inco$e

&+rchasing %ower

(o+th &ower

Cons&"er Afforda%ilit# and Affl&ence

6ccording to the latest rojections by 2ational 7ouncil of 6 lied 4conomic 3esearch #27643$, significant numbers among the countrys consuming class "ill move u the affordability and affluence ladder by /,,C&.,.

-tr+ct+re of Indian Mar*et 1'r2an 3 R+ral4 Inco$e 1Rs,5Ann+$4 5(ear Ho+sehold in 6777

899:-9; .,,,,,,,,. K 6bove @,,,,,,,. > .,,,,,,,,, /,,,,,,,. > @,,,,,,,, .,,,,,,,. > /,,,,,,,, @,,,,,. > .,,,,,,,, /,,,,,. > @,,,,,, C,,,,. > /,,,,,, 9elo" C,,,,, @ .. E0 .-C E@. 0,--. /-,C,. .0.,.BE

<778-7< /, ?, /,. @?E .,B./ C,,0? ?.,/E/ .0@,0B-

<77;-7=> @/ .,0 ?@? .,.// 0,/./ .0,.-0 @0,/BE .0/,/?C

<779-87> .?. /@@ .,0B /,0B0 E,.B0 //,/EB@,0,? ..?,0C?

L Jrojections ;ource' 27643' +he Great *ndian 5ar!et= 2ote' *ncome figures based on /,,.&,/ rices.

Edi%le Oil Mar)et in India 4incl&din! oliveoil5

4dible Oil 5ar!et *ndia is the "orldMs fourth largest vegetable oil economy and is a leading im orter of vegetable oil in the "orld. During /,,E&,B, *ndia ran!ed third in total edible oil im orts by any country "ith an im ort volume of @.? million tones.

6rod&ction & Cons&"ption

4ach year, *ndia consumes around ./ to ./.@ million tones of various edible oils.

#;ource' *ndia Oilseeds K Jroducts 6nnual /,,B, )6; Jost 4stimates$ 7urrently, *ndia accounts for .../ er cent of vegetable oil im ort and C.0 er cent of edible oil consum tion. 6lthough edible oils are "idely consumed, the er ca ita consum tion is around .. !gs er year, considerably lo"er than in most develo ed countries.

&rod+ction? A aila2ilit# 3 @ons+$%tion of Edi2le "ils in India 1Do$estic and I$%ort -o+rces4 Million MT

Oil Near #2ov. &Oct.$

2et availability of7onsum tion of 4dible Oils Jroduction of edible oils from all#from domestic and im ort Oilseeds domestic sources sources$ E.CE E.,.@ @.?CC E..?E ?.EE? B..? B./?B -./0B C.@-/ .,./.. C.EBE .,.?EC.,/C ./.?0 ...B-C ./.@/@

.CC-&.CCC /?.B?.CCC&/,,, /,.B.@ /,,,&/,,. .-.?? /,,.&/,,/ /,.EE0 /,,/&/,,0 .?.-0C /,,0&/,,? /@..-E /,,?&/,,@ #4st.$ /?.0@? /,,@&/,,E #Jrov.$ /B.B0.

#;ource' Directorate of (anas ati, (egetable Oils K )ats, De t. of )ood and Jublic Distribution$

Cons&"ption 6attern of Edi%le Oils in India

#;ource' *ndia Oilseeds K Jroducts 6nnual /,,B, G;D6&)6;$ )or e%am le, eo le in the ;outh and :est refer groundnut oil "hile those in the 4ast and 2orth use mustard1ra eseed oil. Li!e"ise several oc!ets in the ;outh have a reference for coconut and sesame oil. *nhabitants of northern lain are basically hard fat consumers and therefore, refer (anas ati, a term used to denote a artially hydrogenated edible oil mi%ture. (anas ati has an im ortant role in our edible oil economy. *ts roduction is about ../ million tonnes annually. *t has around .,F share of the edible oil mar!et. *t has the ability to absorb a heterogeneous variety of oils, "hich do not generally find direct mar!eting o ortunities because of consumers reference for traditional oils such as groundnut oil, mustard oil, sesame oil etc. )or e%am le, ne"er oils li!e soyabean, sunflo"er, ricebran and cottonseed and oils from oilseeds of tree and forest origin had found their "ay to the edible ool largely through vanas ati route. Of late, things have changed. +hrough technological means such as refining, bleaching and de& odorisation, all oils have been rendered ractically colorless, odourless and tasteless and, therefore, have become easily interchangeable in the !itchen. 2e"er oils "hich "ere not !no"n before they have entered

the !itchen, li!e those of cottonseed, sunflo"er, alm oil or its liquid fraction # almolein$, soyabean and ricebran. +hese tend to have a strong and distinctive test referred by most traditional customers. +he share of ra" oil, refined oil and vanas ati in the total edible oil mar!et is estimated at 0@F, @@F and .,F res ectively

$rade Statistics on Olive Oil

Introd+ction: 4dible oil roduction in 5N /,,B1,- is forecast to increase from this year to E.C million tons, due to antici ated larger crush availability of mainly ra eseed, soybean and cottonseed. 4dible oil consum tion for 5N /,,B1,- is forecast at ...- million tons "ith e% ected im ort de endence of ?. ercent. 5ean"hile, 5N /,,E1,B edible oil im orts are estimated at @./ million tons "ith 0.@ million tons and ..@ million tons of alm oil and soybean oil im orts res ectively. +he Government of *ndia #GO*$ has reduced the im ort duties on edible oils by "ithdra"ing the s ecial additional duty, "hile the basic im ort duties for sunflo"er oil and alm oil have also been lo"ered in antici ation of lo" domestic oilseed roduction and higher international rices. +he edible oil im orts from October /,,E > 6 ril /,,B are sho"n belo". 6 ercent change over the same eriod during /,,@&,E is also sho"n in the section of this table. Edi2le "il I$%orts 1"cto2er <77;-A%ril <77=4 OctM,E& OctM,@& F DecM,E 8anM,B )ebM,B 5arM,B 6 rM,B 6 rM,B 6 rM,E 7hange 39D alm olein 7rude alm oil 7rude alm olein 7rude alm !ernel oil +otal alm oil 7rude soybean oil 3efined soybean oil +otal soybean oil 7rude sunflo"er oil 3efined sunflo"er oil +otal sunflo"er oil 7oconut oil .B 0.. / 0 000 B , B /E , /E . . /,C ? . /.? -? , -? .0.@ , .? . . .,B @ / ..@ ., .., ., ? /./ @ , //. @@ , @@ ?. , ?. , /@? ? . /EB 0@ ? 0C , , , , ?/ .EE? /., .B?? ?BE ? ?-, .., ..0 -? ...C 00 .0 ./?-B/ .. --0 B. BC / &?C.@? ?-.BE &.@./@ &/?.-/ 0C.B, &?@.0C &E0.?, &?@.E/ @,.,E &.,,.,, ?-.,/@...

T"TAL A;= A8A 8:8 A8B A7; <ACC <<8A #;ource' *ndia Oilseeds and Jroducts 6nnual /,,B, G;D6, G6*2 3e ort$


INDIA "LIVE "IL IM&"RT DATA Virgin /rade "li e "il "ther /rades of "li e "il 3 its fractions 1E!cl+ding Virgin4

*nstitutional im orts are an im ortant element in the consum tion of olive oil. *taly and ; ain are the leading su liers, and the most o ular name in *ndia is the )igaro #; ain$, "idely available in retail and beauty stores. VIR/IN "LIVE "IL *ndia im orted ./E.BB 5+ of (irgin Olive Oil for /,,@&,E eriod valued at G; I ,.?. millions. *taly is the largest virgin oil e% orting nation "ith virgin olive oil e% orts of B0.,? 5+ and occu ies largest share in *ndias total virgin olive oil im ort volume. *t is closely follo"ed by ; ain "hich occu ies the ne%t osition of *ndias total virgin olive oil im ort volume. Other im ortant countries e% orting the virgin grade olive oil to *ndia include countries li!e +ur!ey, Greece, GH, 6ustralia and G;6.

Virgin "li e "il 1H- @ode 8:7987774 (alues in G; I 5illion /,,?&,@ *taly ; ain +ur!ey GH Others Total ,.,/ ,.,E , , ,./ /,,@&,E ,./0 ,..0 ,.,. ,.,. ,.,0 Ouantity in 5+s /,,?&,@ EE.C/ .B.EB /.E/ ,.BC ?.?B /,,@&,E B0.,? 0E.BC ?.0.// -.C/


7,<B 7,C8 9<,C= 8<;,== #;ource' Directorate General of )oreign +rade #DG)+$, 5inistry of 7ommerce K *ndustry, *ndia$

"LIVE "IL 3 IT- )RA@TI"N- 1ED@L'DIN/ VIR/IN4 of Edi2le /rade *ndia im orted ..,,.@@ 5+ of other grades of Olive Oil #4%cluding (irgin$ of 4dible Grade for /,,@&,E eriod valued at G; I?./. million. ; ain is the largest e% orting nation in this category "ith e% orts of B,/.B 5+ and occu ies largest share of *ndias total im ort volume in this grade. *t is closely follo"ed by *taly "hich occu ies the ne%t osition of *ndias total im ort volume in this grade. Other im ortant countries e% orting the virgin grade olive oil to *ndia include countries li!e +ur!ey, Greece, GH, 6ustralia and G;6.

"li e "il 3 its )ractions1E!cl+ding Virgin4 of Edi2le /rade 1H- @ode 8:7997874 (alues in G; I 5illion /,,?&,@ ; ain *taly +ur!ey GH Others Total ..B ...,.,E , , /,,@&,E /.@ ..@C ,... , ,.,. Ouantity in 5+ /,,?&,@ ?@B./ 0,-.E? //./B ,..0 ,.-E /,,@&,E B,/.B. 00E./0 /C.C@ ,.?@ ../.


<,9C C,<8 =B9,8 8877,9: #;ource' Directorate General of )oreign +rade #DG)+$, 5inistry of 7ommerce K *ndustry, *ndia$

INDIA TA0LE "LIVE- IM&"RT DATA "li es &re%ared5&reser ed? Not )ro.en &ro isionall# %reser ed "li es

"li es &re%ared5&reser ed? Not )ro.en *ndia has im orted @E.0B 5+ of olives re ared1 reserved not froDen "orth G;I //,,,,.,, during /,,@ &,E. ; ain is the largest e% orter of fresh olives to *ndia occu ying more than -@F of *ndias im ort volume in this grade.

"LIVE- %r%d5%rs d, Not )ro.en 1H- @ode <77:=74 (alues in G; I 5illion /,,?&,@ ; ain *taly Others Total ,../ ,.,. ,.,0 /,,@&,E ,..C , ,.,0 Ouantity in 5+ /,,?&@ ./.C0 ,.@. B./ /,,@&,E ?-.C@ ,.?. B.,.


7,8; 7,<< <7,;C :;,A= #;ource' Directorate General of )oreign +rade #DG)+$, 5inistry of 7ommerce K *ndustry, *ndia$

&R"VI-I"NALL( &RE-ERVED "LIVE *ndia has im orted C?.B/ 5+ of rovisionally reserved olives "orth G;I ,.,/? millions during /,,@ &,E. ; ain is the largest e% orter of rovisionally reserved olives to *ndia. *taly ran!s the second biggest e% orter of rovisionally reserved olives to *ndia.

"LIVE- &R"VI-I"NALL( &RE-ERVED 1H- @ode 7=88<7774 (alues in G; I 5illion /,,?&,@ ; ain *taly Others Total ,../ ,.,. , /,,@&,E ,./ ,.,/ ,.,/ Ouantity in 5+ /,,?&,@ @,.0? ..,E ..@B /,,@&,E -?.0? ?.,@ E.00


7,8A 7,<C :<,9= 9C,=< #;ource' Directorate General of )oreign +rade #DG)+$, 5inistry of 7ommerce K *ndustry, *ndia$

I"port Re!&lations on Edi%le Oils in India

Oilseeds and edible oils are t"o of the most sensitive essential commodities in *ndia. *ndia im orts a large volume of edible oil each year to meet its consum tion "hich has sho"n a steady incline over the ast decade. +o regulate, monitor and control the edible oil im orts, Government of *ndia has enacted several la"s and regulations that fall under 5inistry of Health and )amily :elfare, 5inistry of 7onsumer 6ffairs and Jublic Distribution and 7ustoms under 5inistry of )inance. ;ome the regulations are discussed belo" under the follo"ing sections.

/"VERNMENT ") INDIA 1/"I4 MINI-TR( ") HEALTH AND )AMIL( WEL)ARE 1MH)W4? DIRE@T"RATE /ENERAL ") HEALTH -ERVI@E-? DE&ARTMENT ") HEALTH 1DH4? &REVENTI"N ") )""D AD'LTERATI"N R'LE-? 89:: +he la" to rotect *ndia against im ure, unsafe, and fraudulently labeled foods is the Jrevention of )ood 6dulteration 6ct #J)6$ of .C@?, "ith the J)6 3ules of .C@@, as amended from time to time. +his is the most im ortant food la" of the country. J)6 standards and regulations are to a ly equally to domestic and im orted roducts. +he J)6 covers various as ects of food rocessing and distribution, such as food color, reservatives, esticide residues, ac!aging and labeling, and regulation of sales. +he la" is enforced by the Director General of Health ;ervices, De artment of Health #DH$, 5inistry of Health and )amily :elfare #5H):$, Government of *ndia #GO*$. )or more details refer to +he Jrevention of )ood 6dulteration 3ules, .C@@ lease refer the lin!' htt '11mohf".nic.in1noti.html

MINI-TR( ") @"N-'MER A))AIR-? )""D 3 &'0LI@ DI-TRI0'TI"N DIRE@T"RATE ") VANA-&ATI? VE/ETA0LE "IL- AND )ATDirectorate of (anas ati, (egetable Oils and )ats #D((O)$ is an attached office of the De artment of )ood K Jublic Distribution #5inistry of 7onsumer 6ffairs, )ood K Jublic Distribution$, "hich is the nodal de artment for vegetable oils, articularly edible oils, and is res onsible for the coordinated management of distribution of vegetable oils, oilca!es and meals, their rices, internal trade and commerce, administration of industries as also all olicy matters relating to these items.

&"LI@( "N IM&"RT ") EDI0LE "IL*n ursuance of the olicy of liberaliDation of the Government, there have been rogressive changes in the *m ort Jolicy in res ect of edible oils during the ast fe" years. 4dible Oil, "hich "as in the negative list of im orts, "as first de&canaliDed artially in 6 ril .CC? "hen im ort of edible vegetable almolein "as laced under O en General Licence #OGL$ subject to E@F of basic 7ustom Duty. Regulation/ Control Orders +he 3egulatory )unctions are erformed basically through the follo"ing three Orders. P 4dible Oils Jac!aging #3egulation$ Order, .CC-= P (egetable Oil Jroducts #3egulation$ Order, .CC-= 6nd P ;olvent 4%tracted Oil, De&Oiled 5eal and 4dible )lour #7ontrol$ Order, .CEB )or more details lease visit De artment of )ood and Jublic Distribution, 5inistry of 7onsumer 6ffairs, )ood and Jublic Distribution at """

I"port &t# on Olive Oil in India

"n A%ril 8? <77B? the go ern$ent red+ced c+sto$s d+t# le ied on all grades of oli e oil to =,:E fro$ the %re io+s rates of C:E on irgin oli e oil and C7E each on refined oli e oil and oli e %o$ace oil, QOlive oil rices in the country "ould remain stable, and contrary to e% ectations, "ould not fall as a result of the governments reduction of im ort duties to B.@F from 6 ril .,R (2 Dalmia, resident, *ndian Olive 6ssociation #*O6$ told )4. +he 6ssociation is the national a e% association of olive and olive oil roducers, gro"ers, distributors, im orters, users and consumers. Olive oil s ot rices in the domestic mar!et may remain steady at the current level in the ne%t fe" days mainly on a reciating euro value against the ru ee amid steady im orted su lies. 4arlier, it "as e% ected that domestic rices "ill fall by .,&.@F on fresh im orts after duty reduction, rovided e%change rates remained stable. Q6 henomenal rise in euro value has revented olive oil com anies from reducing rices,R said Dalmia. +he fact is that much of the duty reduction benefit has been "i ed out due to the recent a reciation of euro. 7urrent s ot rice of olive omace oil is largely steady, around 3s ?,, a liter, he said. 4uro value against the ru ee "as a reciated by ..F, since 6 ril. +he e%change rate in early 6 ril "as about 3s E0. 4uro rate no" hovers above 3s E- "ith ban!s rojecting 3s B, as conceivable in the near future. Q*f this rise in rate continues, "e may have to thin! of increasing rices,R he said. +he rice differential of olive oil has reduced dramatically "ith the rise in rices of other edible oils. :ith the vast health benefits inherent in olive oil, the reduced rice differential resents great value for consumers to secure quantum im rovements in their health, sources said.

It is esti$ated that the co+ntr# $a# i$%ort C?:77 tonnes in <77B, The co+ntr# i$%orted <?A77 tonnes of oli e oil in <77= $ainl# fro$ -%ain and Ital#,
Indian @+sto$ and I$%ort D+t# of "LIVE "IL AND IT- )RA@TI"N-? WHETHER "R N"T RE)INED? 0'T N"T @HEMI@ALL( M"DI)IED

P H@ode

Ite$ Descri%tion


@+sto$ D+t#

'nit T#%e

I$%ort &olic#


#7ha ter .@ $ & ;ection ***&6nimal or (egetable )ats and Oils and their cleavage Jroducts= ;ection 2otes Jre ared 4dible fats= animal or (egetable "a%es .@ 7ha ter .@' 6nimal or (egetable )ats and Oils and their 7leavage Jroducts= Jre ared 4dible )ats= 6nimal or (egetable :a%es OL*(4 O*L 62D *+; )367+*O2;, :H4+H43 O3 2O+ 34)*24D, 9G+ 2O+ 7H45*76LLN 5OD*)*4D 6ll goods #e%ce t crude ,.&5ar& alm oil and crude alm /,,stearin$ having )ree )atty 6cid #))6$ /, ercent or more and falling under heading .@,B, .@,-, .@,C, .@.,, .@.., .@./, .@.0, .@.? or .@.@, im orted for the manufacture of soa s, industrial fatty acids and fatty alcohol by a manufacturer having lant for ,/&6ug& s litting u of such oils /,,B into fatty acids and glycerols 6ll goods #e%ce t crude ,.&5ar& alm oil$, having )ree /,,)atty 6cid #))6$ /, ercent or more, and falling under heading .@,B, .@,-, .@,C, .@.,, .@.., .@./, .@.0, .@.? or .@.@ for the manufacture of soa s, industrial fatty acids, and fatty alcohol 7ustoms 9asic ./.@F Duty' 9asic Duty Jref' 6ddl Duty#7(D$' ; l 6ddl Duty#; l.7(D$' 4%cise 7ess 7ustoms 7ess 7ustoms Duty 7alculator 7ustoms 9asic Duty' 7ustoms Duty 7alculator ./.@F 7ha ter 2otes *m ort Licensing 2otes De artmental 7larifications ;u limentry 2otes 7ase La"s 2+9s 2otes ;ub&Heading 2otes


7ustoms 9asic E@F Duty' 9asic Duty Jref' 6ddl Duty#7(D$' ; l 6ddl Duty#; l.7(D$' 4%cise 7ess 7ustoms 7ess 7ustoms Duty 7alculator E@F

,/&6ug& 7ustoms 9asic /,,B Duty' 7ustoms Duty 7alculator 6ll goods #e%ce t crude ,.&5ar& alm oil$, having )ree /,,)atty 6cid #))6$ /, ercent or more and falling under heading .@,B, .@,-, .@,C, .@.,, .@.., .@./, .@.0, .@.?

7ustoms 9asic E@F Duty' 9asic Duty Jref' 6ddl Duty#7(D$' ; l 6ddl Duty#; l.7(D$' 4%cise 7ess

Ma+or Indian I"porters of Edi%le Oil, Olive Oil 4789:; 7<=7 >; Control5
6*:O L+D 6 (O+34 ;62+4 & 24: D4LH* 7H4269 *5J4S & 5G596* D6L5*6 7O2+*242+6L J(+. L+D & D4LH* DH62N6 6;;O7*6+4; & 7H4226* HOLNL62D 736)+; *2+4326+*O26L & 24: D4LH* H6L44;G:63* 34)*243N J(+ L+D & 7H4226* 562*;H6 *2+4326+*O26L J(+. L+D. & 24: D4LH* 2637O 4SJO3+; & GG3G6O2 OL*(4 +344 +36D*2G 7O & JG24 36* K ;O2; J(+.L+D & 24: D4LH* 3OD668* 7O5J62N & 24: D4LH* 3.3. OO5439HON J(+. L+D & 5G596* ;6H;H65 *5J4S J(+. L+D & 24: D4LH* ;3* 3OD6 )OOD; & 24: D4LH* ;GJ3*54+6 4S*5 & 5G596* ;G34;H HG563 K 7O. & D4LH* +68*3 J3*(6+4 L*5*+4D & 5G596*

)or com lete details of the mentioned above list of im orter lease clic! here' htt '11""".olive/india.com1olive1indiamar!et1im

I"portant lin)s to Or!ani-ations & Govern"ent Bodies of Edi%le, Olive Oil

+he *nternational Olive Oil 7ouncil is the intergovernmental organiDation res onsible for administering the *nternational 6greement on Olive Oil and +able Olives. *t is the ideal forum for e% erts to meet and debate, and rovides an e%ce tional setting for reflection and decision&ma!ing "here the broad lines of action to secure the future of "orld olive gro"ing are ma ed out. htt '11""".internationaloliveoil.org1 Other useful lin!s of 6ssociations1 OrganiDations and Government 9odies of 4dible1 Olive Oil'
OLIVE LINKS International Organizations International Associations Ministries under Govt. of India Indian Health and Nutrition Organizations India Commodity Organizations Indian Olive Oil Association;

*t is boom time for olive oil in *ndia. *ndiansM obsession "ith nutritious food has ensured a stee rise in the consum tion of olive in the country.

6ccording to *ndian Olive 6ssociation, olive oil consum tion "ill rise to a record ?/,/.- tonnes by /,./, gro"ing at a rate of B@ er cent a year. +he 6ssociated estimates that the target for olive oil consum tion this year "ill be around ?,@,, tonnes. +he 6ssociation resident ( 2 Dalmia said that the consum tion of olive oil has ic!ed u by B0 er cent in the last t"o years. He said the high&end *ndian consumer doesnMt mind aying e%tra buc!s for a healthy diet. TOlive oil has com onents "hich hel chec! cardiac diseases,R Dalmia said. +hough the government has reduced im ort duty on olive oil to B.@ er cent from ?@ er cent, the rices remain stable o"ing to a continuous rise in euro against ru ee, he said. Olive oil rices in the domestic mar!et ranges from 3s ?,, to 3s C,, for different grades. *ndia im orts "hole of the olive oil available in the domestic mar!et. +he country is ta!ing to the olive lantation for the first time in the form of a ilot roject in 3ajasthan in collaboration "ith an *sraeli firm *ndolibe 4nter rises for cultivation in over /@, hectares. Q*f the rojects become a success, the 3ajasthan government is lanning to e%tend the cultivation to about /@ million hectares,R Dalmia said. +he 3ajasthan roject is a three&"ay joint venture bet"een the state government, June&based Jlassron *ndustries and the *sraeli firm. Junjab and Himachal Jradesh have also announced similar rojects "ith *ndolibe and ; ain& based ;ojivit res ectively for cultivation in over 0,, hectares.

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