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Ecological Wisdom in Irrigation Areas in the Highlands of West Sumatra Eri Gas Ekaputra*) *)Chairman of the Commission on Flood

and Drought Management KNI - West Sumatra ICID period from 200 to 20!0" Abstract #ie$ed from the field of engineering% ma&or pro'lem in the utili(ation of $ater resour)es for agri)ulture arises from the fa)t that the $ater is *er+ limited '+ time% pla)e% ,ualit+ and ,uantit+" In the sphere of agri)ulture% $ater sa*ing irrigation is part of the $a+ of )i*ili(ing so)iet+ 'eha*ior% to in)rease produ)ti*it+ and irrigation $ater usage" -)ologi)al )hallenges in hills is a ma&or pro'lem in ri)e field $ith $ater% 'e)ause the slope )ondition is high enough% then the distri'ution of irrigation $ater is not eas+ to do in a fair and e,uita'le $a+" .ut '+ loo/ing at te)hnologi)al tool for $ater lo)all+ /no$n as 01ara/u0% $hi)h is generall+ operated in hill+ area% this potential )hallenge is a'le to o*er)ome" 2his paper has dis)ussed the de*elopment of thin/ing and des)ri'ing some of the e3perien)es of lo)al $isdom of West Sumatra% espe)iall+ in the hills% in an effort to in)rease utili(ation of sustaina'le $ater resour)es" From this des)ription )an 'e dra$n in )on)rete some of the learning 'enefits asso)iated $ith sustaina'ilit+ of $ater resour)es parti)ularl+ in terms of4 5 a) information a'out ho$ $ater resour)e management is traditionall+ held on the hills 56pland area)7 5') ideas a'out en*ironmental )onditions affe)ting the management me)hanism and utili(ation of $ater resour)es '+ farmers% and 5)) the ideas a'out the en*ironmental )onditions that )an 'e ad&usted (adjustment) to streamline the management of $ater resour)es '+ farmers" A. Introduction #ie$ed from the field of engineering% ma&or pro'lem in the utili(ation of $ater resour)es for agri)ulture arises from the fa)t that the $ater is *er+ limited '+ time% pla)e% ,ualit+ and ,uantit+" Water originating from rainfall in the region of Indonesia that has $et tropi)al monsoon )limate% $ith the amount of rain per +ear is relati*el+ fi3ed" 8o$e*er% the nature of rainfall in the form of hea*+ rain during rain e*ents per season is *er+ di*erse7 e*en in the rain+ season often dry spell 5the period of no rain in the rain+ season) until the de)ade era" Weather )onditions li/e this% $ill affe)t the gro$th and +ield of )rop produ)tion 5espe)iall+ for seasonal )rops)" -*en fre,uent )rop failures due to drought" Moreo*er% fre,uent rainfall )on)entrates in a short time% has a high intensit+7 5and sometimes the shape of the storm) and the potential for the erosion 58udson% !9:97 Mohr% !9 27 Williams% !9 07 ;a)/son% !9 and 1usposutard&o !99<)" 2he mo*ement of $ater sa*ing is important% not onl+ in rhetori)" Water-sa*ing )riteria identified in terms of effi)ien)+ means that% te)hni)all+% sho$ing the inflo$ and outflo$ pro)esses% and generall+ that refer to $ater loss in distri'ution to $ater use" In the sphere of agri)ulture% $ater sa*ing irrigation is part of the $a+ of )i*ili(ing so)iet+ 'eha*ior% to in)rease produ)ti*it+ and irrigation $ater usage% to allo)ate it to produ)ti*e agri)ultural 'usiness o'&e)ti*es '+ ta/ing into a))ount the $elfare aspe)ts of peasant )ommunities% ensure the $ater needs of a fair and e,uita'le as $ell as maintaining the )arr+ing )apa)it+ of sustaina'le $ater resour)es and sustaina'le 5=an+% !99:)" 2he paradigm of $ater resour)e de*elopment that emerges at this time tends to emphasi(e on sustaina'le de*elopment that )an meet present ne)essities% $ithout sa)rifi)ing the a'ilit+ of future generations to meet their needs in $ater" In this )onte3t% the need to )hange the managers and users attitudes of irrigation $ater to$ard the de*elopment of $ater s+stem *alue% $hi)h is 'ased on prin)iples of effi)ien)+ and fairness" -ffi)ien)+ of irrigation $ater in padd+ field is limited '+ the needs and limitations of natural resour)es% espe)iall+ $ater" While $hen it is *ie$ed from the efforts of management and utili(ation of $ater resour)es done at present% it generall+ onl+ refers to efforts in redu)ing loss of $ater and setting the optimal $ater deli*er+% adapted to the needs of $ater for plant gro$th and )ropping settings relating to )limate" 8o$ to di*ide flattened $ater to e*er+ field often forgotten% although this is pre)isel+ one of the fundamental )on)ept of sustaina'ilit+ of $ater resour)es hold on four prin)iples namel+7



2he prin)iple of effi)ien)+ in the utili(ation of $ater resour)es do not go o*er'oard until the )arr+ing )apa)it+ threshold and also not to not utili(ed" 2he prin)iple of suffi)ien)+ in resour)e use must 'e up to the limits of use 5not redundant) 2he prin)iple of )onsisten)+ in terms of s+stems of s+stems must 'e in harmon+ $ith ea)h other and $ith the $ider s+stem" 2he prin)iple of pruden)e% it is summari(ed in the ?io de)laration of !: prin)iples in e*er+ a)ti*it+ that is resour)e use should not damage the e)os+stem"

De*elopment of Andalas 6ni*ersit+ 51SI-SDAC1 6nand)" 2he results of these studies )an 'e a )onsideration in irrigation de*elopment in the future '+ marr+ing the prin)iples of lo)al te)hnolog+ $ith modern te)hnolog+ of Irrigation" ." De elopment of Ideas In !he E ent of !he "tili#ation of Water $esources Sustainable% Efficient% &air and Sa e 1rior to this )on)ept that tal/s a'out% it should ha*e 'een uniformed in meaning of $ater resour)es" A))ording to terminolog+% $ater resour)es $hi)h are standard in Ca$ No" D 200> )on)erning Water ?esour)e 1s" ! item !% is 5,uote)4 'Water resources are (ater% (ater sources% and (ater resources contained in it.' While the $ater sour)e is defined as 5,uote 1s" ! point :)4 'Source (ater is the place or the natural (ater containers and ) or made a ailable in% abo e% or belo( the surface'. Water resour)es in 1s" ! point E is defined as 5,uote)4 '!he po(er of (ater is the potential of (ater contained in the (ater and ) or on the (ater source that can pro ide benefits or disad antages for human life and li elihoods and the en ironment.' Furthermore% a))ording to 1usposutard&o 5200:)% understanding more a'out the terminolog+ that is used in SDA Ca$ No" D 200> 1s" ! items !% )ast dou't on a deal of meaning in general sense" Dou't is due to% the meaning of Water ?esour)es 5SDA) of Ca$ No" D 200> 1s" ! point ! differs from the meaning of water resources is translated as $ater resour)es" In addition to 'eing a mass-energ+ $ith the ph+si)al properties possessed )hemi)al% $ater resour)es must also 'e interpreted 'ased on the meaning or usefulness to the o*erall mass of the $ater of life 5Fimmerman in !9B0 Fein% 1usposutard&o !99 )" In a))ordan)e $ith the definition of $ater resour)es is the produ)tion of $ater resour)es a))ording to e)onomi) appro3imation is all forms of a)ti*ities that aim to )on*ert the $ater resour)es of a parti)ular shape and lo)ation to 'e more useful for man+ purposes the produ)tion and )onsumption further" So% the $ater $ill 'e more meaningful as resour)es $hen 'eing in a



-ffi)ien)+ of $ater use in relation to the sustaina'ilit+ of the 'enefits of $ater resour)es% the traditional irrigation is often not inferior $hen it is )ompared $ith irrigation 'uilt '+ the go*ernment" 2his )an 'e seen in some )ases in West Sumatra% for e3ample% the area around of Merapi and Sago Mount has de*eloped a s+stem for the $ater to ri)e fields $ith 'en)hmar/s as fair and e,uita'le land area pro)essed" In the s+stem in use tool for $ater )alled "Kalimbatang", or "paraku". @n the island of .ali this te)hnolog+ /no$n as "tembuku" or "pemaroan", in ;a*a are usuall+ referred to as "cowal" in West ;a*a and "penaro 0South Sumatra" A))ording to Am'ler in !9B9% this tool is also found in the 1a/istan area )alled0 choukhat 0% in Nepal )alled0 saacho 0% in Sri Can/a )alled the0 karahankota 0and in 2hailand the+ are )alled '+ the name0 tai nam nam ataau Kiang 0" -)ologi)al )hallenges in hills is a ma&or pro'lem in ri)e field $ith $ater% 'e)ause the slope )ondition is high enough% then the distri'ution of irrigation $ater is not eas+ to do in a fair and e,uita'le $a+" .ut '+ loo/ing at te)hnologi)al tool for $ater lo)all+ /no$n as 01ara/u0% $hi)h is generall+ operated in hill+ area% this potential )hallenge is a'le to o*er)ome" 2he ,uestion is $hether this lo)al te)hnolog+ s+stem 5a tool for irrigation $ater) and $ater management s+stem 'ehind this s+stem $as ,uite effi)ient% e,uita'le and e)onomi) in $ater usage" 2o ans$er these ,uestions% it has 'een )ondu)ted resear)h on the prin)iples% operating pro)edures and maintenan)e of irrigation s+stems implemented '+ 1ara/u '+ the $riter and the team of Irrigation Stud+ Center of Cand and Water ?esour)e

lo)ation has a *alue of )ertain 'enefits in a))ordan)e $ith the needs of the )ommunit+ in these lo)ations 5!9 04B9 in 1usposutard&o Dorfman !99 )" 6nderstanding the meaning of $ater resour)es is the *alue of $ater resour)es $hi)h )onsists of intrinsi) *alue% $hi)h is an intrinsi) *alue and )an not 'e )hanged% and the utilitarian *alue of the d+nami) nature and relati*e usage" 2he *alue of sustaina'le utili(ation is limited '+ the lo$er threshold of 'enefit from the )onser*ati*e use and the threshold for 'enefit from the preser*ati*e use 51usposutard&o !99 7 !99B)" After understanding the meaning of $ater resour)es% it results on )on)lusion that some pre*ious studies ha*e a))ommodated the d+nami) nature of the *alue of a resour)e" Ci/e man+ of the highlighted 51asandaran% !99:7 8ando/o% !99:7 Sinulingga% !99:7 Illi)h% !99E7 Dumair+% !9927 and No'e G Sampath !9BE)" 2here are some trends sho$n '+ these $ritings4 &irst that the utili(ation of irrigation $ater management approa)hes need to pa+ attention and plant gro$th phase% the )apa)it+ of the soil and )limati) elements of the other as a determinant e*apo-transpiration and rain" In this )onne)tion there are some things that need to 'e an attention of4 !" In terms of management approa)h to $ater use management )om'inations 5 "demand management") and management of $ater suppl+ 5 "supply management") (Pasandaran, !99:)"


In terms of agronomi) fo)us is getting the 'alan)e 'et$een $ater suppl+ and the *egetati*e phase generati*e phase 58ando/o% !99:)"

2he use of high $ater )an 'e 'ad for the seed filling phase% $hereas e3)essi*e fertili(er )an in)rease *egetati*e gro$th" So% in this )onne)tion to note the intera)tion 'et$een the fa)tors of plants% soil and )limati) elements so that other )an 'e determined '+ optimum utili(ation of $ater" In anti)ipation to drought% )an 'e performed to determine the s)hedule of planting and distinguish 'et$een the dr+ season and rain+ season in relation to the period of plant gro$th" Second% that for sustaina'le $ater management needs to a*aila'le information and the $a+ the regular pro*ision of $ater $ith institutional support" Some things that are rele*ant in this )onne)tion are4 !" Need to 'e done in*entor+ing pro)ess of irrigation areas $hi)h ha*e good $ater se)urit+ in the rain+ and dr+ seasons" In this $a+ during the preparation of the soil and the )riti)al periods of )rop gro$th )+)le% espe)iall+ the generati*e% so that an optimum $ater a*aila'ilit+ )an 'e a)hie*ed 5Sinulingga% !99: )" 2" 1lease note ho$ the pro*ision of $ater for the plants under )onditions of $ater suppl+ and drainage are )ontrolled through4 5!) determining the planting s)hedules7 52) planting pattern7 5<) manage $ater distri'ution in a fair and e,uita'le7 5>) impro*e the effi)ien)+ of $ater users% and 5:) organi(ation of farmersH $ater users" <" Minimi(e the suppl+ defi)it $hi)h in)ludes7 5i) redu)ing the defi)it of $ater in dr+ season7 5ii) 'alan)ing irrigation $ater defi)it in the $hole s+stem of truth% 5iii) minimi(ing the o*erload s+stem during $et periods or seasons" allo)ation patterns $ill 'e assessed '+ seeing ho$ mu)h $ater the ri*er )an meet the $ater needs% is e)onomi)all+ effi)ient allo)ation pattern $ill 'e seen from the *alue of $ater to 'e reali(ed '+ the ri*er $iala+ah than a)tual potentiall+ reali(ed"While fairl+% asso)iated $ith pleasure and a sense of &usti)e to $hi)h the *alue of $ater )an 'e en&o+ed '+ users of $ater" 2he ne3t prin)iple of parti)ipation is defined here as the a)ti*e in*ol*ement in de)ision ma/ing" And sustaina'ilit+ in $ater management means ha*ing a prett+ good *alue and dura'le" 5@smet% !99E)

2e)hni)all+% $ater management approa)h "fever management" to note is% the s)hedule of planting% planting patterns and ade,uate sele)tion of *arieties in response to $ater shortages" 2he $ater suppl+ management approa)h to "supply management" among other impro*ements in)lude pro*ision of $ater $a+s% $ater using ground as )hannel% the ma/ing of -m'ung te)hnolog+% all of $hi)h 'ases on7 5!) the prin)iples of effi)ien)+% 52) the prin)iple of &usti)e% 5<) the prin)iple of parti)ipation% and 5>) the prin)iple of sustaina'ilit+!
! 2

2he effi)ien)+ prin)iple here $ould 'e seen tie te)hni)al effi)ien)+% as $ell as e)onomi)"2e)hni)all+% the effi)ien)+ of $ater

!hird% in the utili(ation of $ater resour)es needs to 'e done through inter-dis)iplinar+ approa)h as a unit )alled 08idronomi/a0 5Dumair+% !992)" 2here are t$o things to note in this regard !" Aspe)ts of natural s)ien)e and so)ial as )o*ering7 5!) 8+drolog+27 52) engineering7 5<) -)onomi)s7 5>) Agri)ultural 2e)hnolog+7 5:) -)olog+7 5E) Meteorolog+7 and 5 ) So)iolog+" .asi) prin)iple here is the need for inter-dis)iplinar+ perspe)ti*e in dealing $ith $ater resour)e management" 1rin)iples of $ater resour)es management are efforts to 'alan)e demanding side 5so)ioe)onomi) dimension) $ith offering side 5te)hni)al D ph+si)al en*ironment and )limate dimension)"

In irrigation $ater management% an effort to optimi(e sustaina'le $ater resour)es li/e the a'o*e approa)h a)tuall+ has 'een done in *arious situations" In the follo$ing se)tion presented se*eral )ases% e)ologi)al $isdom% lo)al so)iet+ e3perien)e in $ater resour)e management of sustaina'le% effi)ient% e,uita'le and effi)ient $ater )ultured" *. E+periences in West Sumatra. 2here are se*eral studies related to optimi(ation of $ater issues in West Sumatra< under )onditions of less $ater a*aila'ilit+ along the ri*er" ?esults - results of resear)h alread+ )arried out the impli)ation that the de*elopment of irrigation net$or/s )an 'e seen from the )onte3t of ri*er 'asin as a $hole% 'e)ause the de*elopment of a net$or/ $ill affe)t the a*aila'ilit+ of irrigation $ater from other irrigation net$or/ along the ri*er stream 58elmi% !990)" Ne3t% 8elmi and Am'ler 5!990) proposed three possi'ilities that )an 'e done in the distri'ution of $ater 'et$een the irrigation s+stem along the ri*er in an attempt to optimi(e or 'alan)e the a))ess to $ater from the sour)e 5irrigation net$or/s 'et$een upstream and do$nstream areas) or $ithin the s+stem itself" 2he possi'ilit+ of do these are4 5!) in)reasing the a*aila'ilit+ of $ater at the )ore sour)e% 52) Set a s)hedule and different )ropping patterns in areas along the ri*er 'asin% and 5<) impro*e the effi)ien)+ of $ater distri'ution in ea)h irrigation s+stem" !he first possi'ilit+ seems to 'e more diffi)ult to 'e due to the limited a*aila'ilit+ of $ater at the sour)e 5ri*er) and it depends on the state forest or )onser*ation land% $ill 'e attempted if it $ill ta/e a long and su'stantial )osts" 2he second possi'ilit+ $ith respe)t to setting a s)hedule and planting pattern% this possi'ilit+ seems is one option to redu)e the


No'e and Sampath 5!9BE) argue that% it relates to 0or)hestrating ph+si)al and 'iologi)al resour)es '+ using the s/ills of *arious dis)iplines in 'ringing $ater to root of plantsI (one in order to impro*e food and fi'er produ)tion for all )lasses of farmers0" &ourth% the a*aila'ilit+ of $ater resour)es )an also affe)t the )ontinuing pro)ess of $ater )onsumption and management a)ti*ities 'e+ond irrigation management 5@smet% !99:)" Irrigation management a)ti*ities might 'e managed to 'ring $ater into the root (one% 'ut the a)ti*it+ at the gro$th stage settings is management a)ti*ities as $ell" 2hus% understanding the management of $ater resour)es for the )ontinuing of agri)ultural support re,uires a thorough understanding ranging from $ater resour)e management at the ri*er le*el to the le*el of $ater management Farmers 5 "farm management"). A)ti*ities outside the $ater resour)e management are rele*ant emphasis on efforts to meet the o'&e)ti*es of the so)iet+ itself asso)iated $ith% effi)ien)+% &usti)e% emplo+ment and regional e)onomi) de*elopment% and impro*ement in maintenan)e of en*ironmental ,ualit+ and sustaina'ilit+ 5@smet% !99E420B)"

8+drologi)al aspe)ts% namel+ the s)ien)e of e3amining the issues inundated /ete/nisan $hi)h is the 'asis of ,uantitati*e anal+sis of $ater suppl+ for de*elopment pro&e)ts of $ater resour)es"

a" D" Fein% d//!9BE" 0Management of Minor Irrigation in West Sumatra4 ?egional Comparison of Wet% Medium and Dr+ Flo$ ?egional .atang 2ampo D Selo% 2anah Datar% Su'din West Sumatra 1ro*in)e Water ?esour)es and 6ni*ersit+ of Ne$)astle" '" ;ohn S" Am'ler% !9B9" 0Indigenous and Aid4 Management of Small-s)ale Irrigation in West Sumatra% Indonesia0% Cornell 6ni*ersit+ dissertation" )" 8elmi% et al !99!"1ilot 1ro&e)t Management Coordination Inter-?egional Water Irrigation in the Irrigation .ran)h of 1u'li) Wor/s Department .atusang/ar% West Sumatra% Ditgasi I% the Dire)tor =eneral of Water ?esour)es Department of 1u'li) Wor/s and 1SI Andalas 6ni*ersit+"

pressure of $ater shortage% 'e)ause ea)h region $ill ha*e ade,uate $ater at different times" 2he third possi'ilit+% the le*el of irrigation s+stems should also )onsider the $ater distri'ution s+stem in an optimal fashion% '+ see/ing effi)ien)+ of irrigation $ater '+ di*iding the fair and thrift+" In understanding the di*ision of $ater in this $a+ re,uired so)ioengineering *ie$s )on)erning all aspe)ts of the operation and maintenan)e% ranging from manpo$er mo'ili(ation% )onfli)t pre*ention in infrastru)ture and the distri'ution of $ater" @f traditional irrigation resear)h e3perien)e in West Sumatra% the e3a)t use of traditional te)hnolog+ )alled "Paraku" % the possi'ilities mentioned a'o*e seem to 'e implemented" 2he stud+ sho$ed that "paraku" is one tool for effi)ient $ater and )an share $ater e,uita'l+" 2he results of field o'ser*ations sho$ed that for the a)hie*ement of agri)ultural land produ)ti*it+ is not simpl+ a te)hni)al a)ti*it+% 'ut also interse)ts $ith human 'eha*ior 5farmersI organi(ations) in order to use the right amount of $ater and time" @rgani(ation of farmers is important to )ondu)t a series of a)ti*ities in*ol*ing all aspe)ts of operations and maintenan)e% from the mo'ili(ation of manpo$er% infrastru)ture and handling of )onfli)ts% espe)iall+ in the distri'ution of $ater 5-/aputra% !99 )" Figu re 2" the same as figure ! 'ut a tool for this has 'een para/u made of )on)rete" ;udging from the performan)e of the traditional irrigation s+stem% a tool for *alue paraku has a *er+ high )ontrol on the )ondition that $ater a*aila'ilit+ is *er+ limited and flu)tuating" 2his te)hnolog+ helps in pre*enting farmers for $ater 'lo)/ade e3aggerated resulting in odd $ater distri'ution " 2he resear)h that $as mentioned earlier 5-/aputra% !99 )% sho$s that ea)h farmer has their o$n )hannel '+ )hannel densit+ range 200 m D ha to <00 m D ha% mu)h higher that re)ommended '+ the ICID (!nternational "ommission on !rrigation and #ranage)is :0 m D ha" With su)h te)hnolog+% planting intensit+ diareal )an 'e done simultaneousl+% the region upstream% middle and do$nstream $ith the intensit+ of planting 'et$een 2 times a +ear to : times in t$o +ears" In other $ords% planting intensit+ )oeffi)ient rea)hes 2 to 2":" Paraku is onl+ a $ater distri'ution de*i)e that is pla)ed in the 'ran)hes of the )hannel" Irrigation $ater used '+ farmers $ho paraku regulated in a))ordan)e $ith the proportion of takuak agreed and then al$a+s )onfirmed through )onsultation of farmers led '+ $uo %anda 5airport management)" 2a/ua/ $idth ma+ not 'e altered% e3)ept for )olle)ti*e de)ision through deli'eration farmers" Figure !" -,uipment for para/u a7 a part for the ri)e field% '7 part of the map the fields 'elo$% and )7is the main )hannel As an illustration% it )an 'e ta/en from Situgar Irrigation Area )ase" In this irrigated area, $uo %anda is the )hiefs or headman of a tri'e $hi)h has a)reage in the irrigation area in ,uestion" %anda $uo this fun)tion is to ma/e poli)+ on the management of irrigation net$or/s and utili(ation of ri)e as planting s)hedule% the di*ision of $ater% repla)ement of e,uipment "paraku" $hi)h has 'een damaged and )onfli)t resolution" Sur*eillan)e of $ater distri'ution 5through paraku) )ondu)ted '+ the &iak %anda. 2his &iak banda is appointed through )onsultation $ith


-rigas 0-fforts to Impro*e Irrigation Water Distri'ution -fisieni% 1ossi'le 6se of 1ara/u In .roader S)ale" #ision irrigation Indonesia #ol !< !99 "

mem'ers of the sele)tion:" &iak %anda $as usuall+ one farmer $ho $as ele)ted in the )onsideration he has a *er+ high importan)e to the sustaina'ilit+ of irrigation and parti)ularl+ the fun)tion of paraku. 2he main )riteria of this are to ha*e the largest area and lo)ated in the do$nstream portion" 8opefull+ $ith these )riteria% &iak %anda $as ele)ted $ill ha*e more moti*ation to perform its fun)tion" Sia/ 'anda repla)ement s)heduled for ea)h meeting of farmers after the har*est" 2he duties and o'ligations of &iak %anda is to pro*ide $ater from its sour)e to the area of ri)e fields '+ the time it ta/es and ta/e )are of the )hannel and "paraku". &iak %anda also set $hen the $ater flo$s )ontinuousl+ and $hen $ater is stopped% su)h as the fields of $ater treatment is gi*en )ontinuousl+% $hereas in the rainy season &iak %anda )losed )hannels to a*oid a flood or flooding that $ould damage the irrigation net$or/ and a tool for "paraku". If se*ere damage to the irrigation net$or/ % &iak %anda must report it to the $uo %anda, and the report $uo %anda mo'ili(e farmers $or/ together to fi3 it" For his $or/% &iak %anda gets re$ard" =reat remuneration determined in )onsultation farmers" Compensation is )olle)ted dire)tl+ from farmers" -a)h farmer pa+s a )ertain amounts7 it )ould 'e in the form of ri)e% a proportional amount of the total area under ri)e that is irrigated '+ irrigation )on)erned" Si(e to determine 'road field 'ased on the num'er of seeds are generall+ used" All agreements are generated through farmer )onsultation and automati)all+ 'e)ome the order must 'e o'e+ed" Apparentl+% the rules regarding Paraku is al$a+s emphasi(ed at the 'eginning of the planting season and follo$ed that farmers tend to a)t as a po$erful oath that reads "$akuak tetap paraku balumuik" $hi)h in this )ase means that the tools for "paraku" )an not 'e )hanged espe)iall+ $ithout the appro*al of %anda or 'inik $uo or (amak" If there is a )ollision% the person $ho does this )ollision imposed '+ magi) spell of "bapucuak !ndak ateh ka, ka under !ndak baurek, digiriak $angah ditangah)beetle" is meant to 2op no 'ud% no deep do$n the middle and eat the 'eetle pests in terms of people $ho *iolate the no longer )onsidered so)iall+ so)iet+"

From the )onditions des)ri'ed a'o*e "paraku" is the reali(ation of lo)al /no$ledge% $hi)h is )onditioned to the ph+si)al-te)hni)al and so)ial lo)al institutions )an 'e &udged from the aspe)t of optimi(ing the utili(ation of irrigation $ater at a suffi)ient le*el of optimal" 2his is sho$n '+ the prin)iple of proportion 'et$een the $idth of the door $ith the $ater ser*i)e area% and irrigation performan)e is suffi)ient" 2he ?esear)h of -ri =as 5!99 ) sho$ed that the $idth of the $ater threshold at $hi)h para/u has a linear relationship $ith its ser*i)e area 5)orrelation )oeffi)ient *alue J 0"99)" 2his means that means for a tool of 1ara/u $hi)h ta/es into a))ount &usti)e and e,uit+ and optimi(ation of $ater use" In other $ords a tool for "paraku" has 'een a'le to ser*e as a means of )ontrolling *arious en*ironmental *aria'les to the a)hie*ement of irrigationE optimi(ation *alue of the use of in the utili(ation of $ater resour)es" .esides% this te)hnolog+ re,uires onl+ a minimal operating )ost 2hus% a tool for $ater s+stems "paraku" ha*e )ontri'uted to the de*elopment of pro'lem sol*ing% espe)iall+ in the field of irrigation% espe)iall+ $ith the finding of irrigation $ater management strateg+ '+ using te)hnolog+ as a tool for sa*ing $ater% $hi)h ma+ fit $ith the en*ironment as in the hills of West Sumatra" From e3perien)e $ith $ater resour)e management s+stem H1ara/u 0in West Sumatra% is suita'le to support the agri)ultural s+stem of S?I(&ystem of *ice !ntensification) in $hi)h% the pro*ision of $ater at S?I farming s+stems are not pooled% 'ut until macak)macak or $et limit% so the irrigation s+stem needed is intermittent irrigation (intermittent irrigation). 6nder these )ir)umstan)es the irrigation s+stem of 0 Paraku0 easil+ )ontrolled and )ontrolled in e*er+ 'uilding for him" D. *losing ,ote and &uture Implication 2his paper has dis)ussed the de*elopment of thin/ing and des)ri'ing some of the e3perien)es of lo)al $isdom of West Sumatra% espe)iall+ in the hills% in an effort to in)rease utili(ation of sustaina'le $ater resour)es" From this des)ription )an 'e dra$n in )on)rete some of the learning 'enefits asso)iated $ith sustaina'ilit+ of $ater resour)es parti)ularl+ in terms of4 5 a) information a'out ho$ $ater resour)e management is traditionall+ held on the hills 56pland area)7 5') ideas a'out en*ironmental

So in sru/tural position 02uo .anda0 higher than 0Sia/ .anda0" 2hus .anda Sia/ more operational fun)tions% $hile fun)tioning in .anda 2uo too/ the poli)+ and determine the dire)tion

See the e3planation of the prin)iples 8idronomi/a in the pre*ious se)tion" 2he nature of te)hnolog+ that di*ides $ater para/u automati)all+ and proportionall+ not $ant the intensit+ of monitoring and high settings"

)onditions affe)ting the management me)hanism and utili(ation of $ater resour)es '+ farmers% and 5)) the ideas a'out the en*ironmental )onditions that )an 'e ad&usted (adjustment) to streamline the management of $ater resour)es '+ farmers" .asi)all+% these ideas )an 'e in)orporate into strategies used '+ the go*ernment so far in running the operation and maintenan)e of irrigation net$or/s on a $ider s)ale" From these ideas% Stud+ Center for Water ?esour)es Irrigation Cand and De*elopment of Andalas 6ni*ersit+ 51SI-SDAC1 6nand) has 'egun to design a stud+ of the implementation of programs of agri)ultural s+stems in terms of lo)al S?I that is /no$n as 0Padi &abatang0 at the le*el of tertiar+ net$or/% in the )ase of the traditional irrigation s+stem as 01ara/u0 " $eferences

Approa)hes" 1ro)eeding of an In*ited Seminar Series Sponsored '+ the International S)hool for Agri)ultural and ?esour)e De*elopment" West*ie$ 1ress" .oulder" 5smet% 1226. Sistem 1engelolaan Air Menun&ang 1em'angunan 1ertanian +ang .er/elan&utan" Ma/alah dalam Co/a/ar+a 1ersaingan dalam 1emanfaatan Sum'erda+a Cahan san Air% .ogor% <! @/t-2 Nop !99:" .asandaran% E. Hermanto% !99:" L1engelolaan Sistem Irigasi 8emat Air dalam ?ang/a Mempertahan/an S$asem'ada .erasM" Ma/alah dalam Co/a/ar+a Nasional 8emat Air% .andung 2 - 29 ;uni !99:" .usposutard7o% S dan Susanto. !99<" L1erspe/tif Dari 1engem'angan Managemen Sum'erda+a Air dan Irigasi 6ntu/ 1em'angunan 1ertanianM" Kog+a/arta7 C+'ert+" !99< .usposutard7o. S. 1228. +awasan (,isi) Pengairan (asa #epan #alam Kaitan #engan Pengelolaan &umberdaya -ir. Ma/alah Kang disampai/an pada Co/a/ar+a 1em'erda+aan 1engairan 2ing/at ?egional% Dire/torat ;endral 1engairan% .ali" Sinulingga% ,. 9alem. 1226" L -feisiensi Air Irigasi Sehu'ungan dengan 1engelolaan Air dan 1ola 2anamM" Ma/alah dalam Co/a/ar+a Nasional 8emat Air% .andung 2 - 29 ;uni !99:" :ein% dkk1234" L1engelolaan Irigasi Ke)il di Sumatera .arat4 1er'andingan Daerah .asah%Sedang dan Kering di Daerah Aliran .atang 2ampoDSelo% Ka'upaten 2anah Datar% Su'din 1engairan 1ropinsi Sumatera .arat dan 6ni*ersitas Andalas"

Dumair-% !992" -/onomi/a Sum'erda+a Air" .1F--Kog+a/arta" Ekaputra% Eri Gas. !99 " L 6pa+a mening/at/an -fisiensi Distri'usi Air Irigasi" 1eluang 1enggunaan 1ara/u Dalam S/ala +ang Ce'ih Cuas" Dalam #isi Irigasi Indonesia No !< 1SI-SDAC1 6nand" Gan-. Hafied% A. !99:" LKe'i&a/sanaan 1emerintah dalam 1enda+a =unaan dan Sum'er Da+a Air di Indonesia% .u/ittinggi 2 - 29 Agustus !99 "

Handoko. I dan Efendi .asandaran % !99:" L1engelolaan Air .erdasar/an 1ende/atan 1ola 2anam dan Analisa Data I/lim untu/ Mengefisiensi/an Irigasi% .andung 2 - 29 &uni !99:" Helmi dan /ohn S Ambler% /% !990" L 1engem'angan Irigasi Ke)il dalam Konte/s Wila+ah Sungai4 1engalaman Sumatera .arat dan .ali" 1SI-6nand% ma/alah net$or/ 1SI-6nand @/to'er !990"

Illich % !99E" @ptimal Design of Water ?esour)es in 2he Sustaina'le De*elopment Frame$or/ $ith 2he Com'i/ Case Stud+ % ;a/arta !E ! ;anuari% !99E" ,obe 0.* dan $.0. Sampath% 1234. LIntrodu)tionM" Irrigation Management in De*elopmant Countries4 Current Issues and

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