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J January 28th, 2014 E Eve Adams, M.P.

H House of Co ommons O Ottawa, Onta ario C Canada K1A A 0A6

D Dear Ms. Adams, R RE: Mail se ent to Members of the Oakville No orth Burling gton Conservative Riding Associa ation We are a writing to o you on beh half of the Bo oard of Direc ctors of the O Oakville Nor rth Burlington n C Conservative e Riding Ass sociation. It has s come to the attention of o the Board that you ha ve sent mail to Member rs of the Ass sociation. he Ontario P W We also hav ve reports tha at present and former members m of th Progressive Conservativ ve Party r residing in th he federal rid ding have als so received mail from yo ou. In some e cases the m mail was a h holiday c card or a full-colour infor rmation circu ular. Nume erous Memb bers have ex xpressed the eir alarm to t the Board at t receiving yo our mail. Th hey c complained to t the Board d about the misuse m of the eir confident tial personall information n. They have e told us that when they joined the e Conservat tive Party of Canada the ey never con nsented to re eceiving mail from M Members of Parliament from f other ri idings. They y are upset t that their personal inform mation was a accessed an nd used in a manner they y never cons sented to. T They are dee eply concern ned about ho ow s secure the Conservative C e Party maint tains the per rsonal inform mation of its Members. They have a asked us to rectify the situation. As yo ou can understand, the Board B is und der tremendo ous pressure e. We are tr rying to address c complaints about a the mis suse of pers sonal informa ation and at the same tim me allegatio ons that the B Board h has been negligent in no ot preventing g such misus se. As a res sult we are o obligated to i investigate t this m matter and to o address th he concerns and compla aints the Mem mbers have expressed t to the Board d as a r result of your mailing. We are a unaware of any provision in the Conservative C e Party of Canada Cons stitution or in n the O Oakville Nort th Burlington n Conservative Associat tion Constitu ution which w would permit t you to use the p personal info ormation of the t Members s in the Oak kville North B Burlington Riiding in orde er to conduct t your m mailing. There efore we are e requesting your assista ance with ide entifying the e authority ac ccording to w which y you have use ed the perso onal information of the Members M of t the Oakville North Burlin ngton Riding g to send them mail. We W understa and that you are a Memb ber of Parliam ever, to our understanding that ment. Howe m mere fact do oes not give you the auth hority to use the persona al informatio on of the Mem mbers of our Riding in the manne er you have. (If you believe it does, kindly provi de your auth hority for suc ch statemen nt s supported by y the Constit tution, a Policy, Bylaws, etc.)

We have a duty to act swiftly on this issue. Therefore, we will require a response from you by no later than February 12th, 2014. After you identify the authority for your mailings, we will pass along that explanation to our Members. If we have not received your response by February 12th, 2014, then we will assume that you have no authority to send the mail and we will have no other choice than to explain that to our Members as well. We look forward to your quick reply. OAKVILLE NORTH BURLINGTON CONSERVATIVE RIDING ASSOCIATION 267 Gatwick Drive, Oakville, Ontario L 6H 7K4 Per: ________________________ Gerry Cunningham Secretary

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