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Home Expenditure Management

Project Report On

Prepared By
Mitesh Nilkanthbhai Rana. Exam Number !"" #.$.B%&

'ubmitted (or Partial )ul(illment o( B%& *egree. +","-,,.

'hree P.M.Patel %ollege o( %omputer 'cience . #echnology. 'ardar Patel /ni0ersity.
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Home Expenditure Management

*epartment o( 2n(ormation #echnology

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Home Expenditure Management

Shree P. M. Patel College of Computer Science and Technology

Managed By Anand Peoples Medicare Society Near Sardar Bag, Opp. New Bus Station, Anand -388001


This is to certify that Mr. Rana Mitesh Nilkanthbhai of TYBCA (Seat No. !"") Has worked on ro!ect entit"ed Home Expenditure Management# fro$ 3uly - +"," to )eb - +",,. This (BCA%&'() is in% ho)se Pro!ect co)rse of three credits. He*She was reg)"ar in his*her work and de+oted aro)nd 2'' ho)rs for the ro!ect inc")ding ana"ysis and design. He*She has co$ "eted the ro!ect satisfactori"y.
,ate - 2.%'2%2'11 Head*Princi a" S) er+isor

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Home Expenditure Management

Ch. No 1 Contents Introduction 1.1 Brief Introduction of project 1.1.1 Proposed System 1.1.2 Project Profile 1.2 Project background nalysis 2.1 !e"uirement nalysis 2.1.1 !e"uirement nalysis 2.2 System !e"uirements 2.2.1 #ard$are !e"uirements 2.2.2 Soft$are !e"uirements 2.% &easibility nalysis 2.%.1 'perational &easibility 2.%.2 (echnical &easibility 2.%.% )conomical &easibility 2.%.* 'ther &easibility 2.* +&+s and &lo$,chart 2.*.1 &lo$ +iagrams 2.*.1.1 dministrator &lo$ +iagram 2.*.1.2 -ser &lo$ +iagram 2.*.2 +ata &lo$ +iagrams 2.*.2.1 Conte.t /e0el +iagram 2.*.2.2 1ero /e0el +iagram 2.*.2.% &irst /e0el +iagram 2.*.% -2/ +iagrams 2.*.%.1 Case +iagram for dmin 2.*.%.2 Case +iagram for -ser Page
4 5 6 ," ,, ,! ,7 ,4 ,5 ,5 ,6 +" +" +, +, ++ +8 +8 +9 +! +! +7 +4 8" 8" 8,

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% 2.*.* +ata +ictionary Implementation +etails %.1 SP.N)( %.1.1 .N)( &rame$ork %.1.2 SP.N)( %.2 2icrosoft S3/ Ser0er 2445 %.2.1 S3/ Ser0er 2445 %.% 2odules 'f (he System %.%.1 +escription 'f (he 2odule Implementation !esults *.1 Snapshots *.2 (esting and 6erification pplications and /imitations 5.1 pplication 'f #ome ).penditure 2anage 5.2 /imitation 'f #ome ).penditure 2anage Conclusion and &uture )nhancements 7.1 Conclusion 7.2 &uture )nhancement Bibliography
8+ 87 84 86 99 9! 96 !" !8 45 58 58 5! 5! 57

* 5 7

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I am student of S#!)) P.2.P ()/ C'//)8) '& C'2P-()! S)CINC) 9 ()C#N'/'8: feel glad and belie0e that I am 0ery lucky for getting opportunity to de0elop an IN#'-S) Project in the form of Subject BC ,%4; for the fulfillment degree of B.C. . (his project shall be incomplete if $e do not con0ey our heart felt gratitude to those people< from $hom $e ha0e got considerable support and encouragement during this project. 2any people ha0e helped< pro0ided direction< technical information and it is our pleasure to say a 0ote of thanks to all of them. =e $ould like to our gratitude to 2r. >amlesh !ohit the Principal of my college for pro0iding us all guidelines regarding project. =e $ould also like to thank 2r. +harmesh Patel $ho is my Project 8uide for their full co,operation in guiding for a right $ay to accomplish this project $ithin a timeline. s our project $as an ),Commerce type and market so $e are also thankful to all the e.ternal features from $hich $e got help and guidance. I am also greatly thankful to the entire (.:.BC in completion of this project directly or indirectly. $ho has helped me

Thank you

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Home Expenditure Management

(he project presented here gi0es us an idea about ho$ far technology has progressed since it made its ad0ent. In today?s $e find that e0erything is becoming a part of technology. Internet has defied all the geographical distances. =e are closing in on the era of paperless office. 2ost of the fields are getting automated and computeri@ed. Since ages bulk of the $ork has been done by man himself. Papers ha0e been the main source of data store. No$ is the time $hen technology takes o0er and relie0es man of most of his duties. Programming and system de0elopment has also been an area $here lot of human effort $ere put in. but thanks to the technology< 0arious tools ha0e been de0eloped and system de0elopment process has been greatly simplified. #ome ).penditure 2anagement is a =ebsite de0eloped using the latest in technology and trends< $ith the aim to mo0ing to$ards the paperless era and to combine 0arious applications under a single interface that $ould make $ork fun< fast and easy.

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Chapter 1
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Introductio n
Brief Introduction Project Project Background of

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Part 1
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Brief Introduction Project

Proposed System Project Profile


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1.1.1 Proposed System.

=eb based systems and applications deli0er a comple. array of conte.t and functionality to a broad population of end user. Some of the attributes of $eb applications areA Net$ork intensi0eness Concurrency -npredictable load Performance 0ailability Security esthetics

Ho e E!penditure

ana"e ent Sy#te

is also a $eb application

$hich takes into account the abo0e attributes. -sers record $ould be sa0e in the secure database system. !egistered and authenticated user $ill login in the application can use 0arious type of modules of the application like ).pens manage <2ember $ise ).pens<Sub 2ember create< Category manage. 2any categories and particular subcategory for that selected category are displayed to the user. dministrator has right to change a category and subcategory e.pense in the table and he can also change a -ser details and sub member. dministrator $ill get an le0el $hen any sub e.pense is going our of e.pense. -ser can get a report after making a group $ise or a member $ise or he can make a sub member details any day that $hat he buy. &inally user can log out from his secure profile.

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1.1.2 Project Profile.
Pro$ect Tit%e & #ome ).pense 2anagement B=)B SI() approach'

Ser(er #ide Re)uire ent So*t+are & 2icrosoft 0isual Studio 244C D&ront,)nd toolE 2icrosoft S3/ Ser0er DBack,)nd toolE PentiumF * CP- 2.778#@ 18B of ! 2



C%ient #ide re)uire ent So*t+are Hard+are ,ocu entation Pro$ect Partner# & & Internet ).plorer 5.4 or /ater PentiumF % CP- C442#@ or higher< 5122B of ! 2 & & 2icrosoft =ord 244% 1 persons

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Part ___________________________________ ________

Pro$ect Back"round
Background Information

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System rchitectureA
N,(ier rchitecture
(he fundamental characteristic of any N,tier application is that the entire application is split into se0eral pieces , both logically and physically. )ach one of these pieces performs a specific task Bdisplaying -I< +ata ccess< Business logic etcG. (here can be a number of layersHtiers of such pieces and therefore the name that it is commonly called todayA N-Tier. #ere $e ha0e used *,(ier rchitecture. 1G 2G %G *G Presentation /ayer Business /ogic /ayer +ata ccess /ayer +ata Base /ayer

*,(ier rchitecture

Presentation /ayer

(he presentation layer is nothing but a piece of soft$are that deals $ith the user interface of your application. +isplaying data to the end user and allo$ing them to interface $ith it is the core functionality of this layer. In any large scale application< there $ill al$ays be cases $here data entered by the end user $ill need some process to be e.ecuted. (his is $here the business logic comes in.

Business /ogic /ayer

+ate ccess /ayer

(he core of any application $ould end $ith data being stored and retrie0ed. (his task is handled by +ata ccess /ayer.

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Home Expenditure Management

+ata Base /ayer (he data base layer contains all back end task< i.e. in S3/ Ser0er 2444. In this layer all tables< stored procedures etc. database related things are there.

(o a beginner or a no0ice< this architecture $ould seem really unnecessary and might e0en be considered as an o0erhead $ith respect to time and other factors. But benefits are ama@ing< gi0en belo$A (he application is di0ided into logically isolated pieces therefore ending or reducing tight coupling bet$een the -ser Interface< business logic and database. (able and column names can be effecti0ely eliminated from the client, side code. It?s pretty easy to change or add to your application ne$ functionalities< $ithout breaking or recompiling the entire client,side code. Client application $ill no longer ha0e S3/ statements embedded in it. (herefore it remains de,coupled from rest of the application. Client application $ill no longer ha0e S3/ statements embedded in it. (herefore it remains de,coupled from rest of the application. change in one tier or layer does not affect the rest of it.

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Chapter ___________________________________ ________

!e"uirement nalysis System !e"uirements &easibility nalysis +&+s and &lo$,chart

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Part 1
___________________________________ ________
Re)uire ent Ana%y#i#
!e"uirement nalysis

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2.1 !e"uirements analysis /'8INA
In this module user can be registered by submitting the online form $ith fulfilling the suitable re"uirements. (his form $ill contain the detailed information about total income and user contact.

(his is the ne$ly added feature to our $eb site. fter login process user $ill be getting this facility. #ere he or she can make a discussion on the sub member created.

)IP)NS)S '& 2)2B)!A

(his is the most important part of our $eb site. fter login process user can select the Sub member from e.penses manage. #e or she can select the category and sub category $ise manage. -ser can select the category of e.pense and they $ant to decided by the e.pense manage. #ere he can select any types of home e.pense a0ailable. #e or She can $e e.pense manage of sub member of indi0idual manage of the system. =e can them pro0ide the user and sub member reports generates and the e.pense calculation of the remaining income.

2'+I&IC (I'NA
#ere again there $ill be a second 0erification for the main user. #ere after logging in he can make change the sub member details and category of all e.pense as per user or sub member also generate the e.pense details and make changes in it. #ere $e can e.pense short listed. #ere user can see an account history ($o sub modules $ill be here. '$ner. -ser.

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2ember nd ).pense +etailsA
#ere user $ill get the details of after logging in. #e $ill also get the contact information for that.

Part ___________________________________ ________

Sy#te Re)uire ent
#ard$are Soft$are

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2.2.1 #ard$are !e"uirements. BiG -ser Client,side
PC compatibles $ith minimum of the follo$ing configurations Intel Pentium I6 1.;;8#@ processor 5122B ! 2 542B #ard disk space Color 2onitor DC44 I 744 +isplayE

BiiG -ser Ser0er,side

PC compatibles $ith minimum of the follo$ing configurations Intel Pentium I6 1.;;8#@ processor 18B ! 2 5442B #ard disk space

2.2.2 Soft$are !e"uirements. BIG -ser Client,side

ny =indo$s 'perating SystemB;C or higherG =eb Bro$ser BI.)< <2o@@ila etcG 2acromedia &lash Player J or #igher

BiiG -ser Ser0er,side

=indo$s 'perating System B;C or #igherG 2acromedia &lash Player J or #igher 2icrosoft S3/ Ser0er 2icrosoft 6isual Studio244C and .Net &rame$ork %.4 Page No.2'

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Part .
___________________________________ ________
Fea#i/i%ity Ana%y#i#
'perational &easibility (echnical &easibility )conomical &easibility 'ther &easibility

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'ne of the main meanings of the feasibility study is possibility. Checking of different criteria for successful system is included in this feasibility study section. (hese criteria are cost< time< efficiency etc. ll these factors play an important role in achie0ing objecti0es of the system. (hat means the system should be such that it gi0es optimum performance at minimum cost< time and re"uirements. (he types of feasibility study areA,

2.%.1 'P)! (I'N / &) SIBI/I(:

(he system should be easy to operate by the system user. (he user should be gi0en operating manual about the system. Proposed projects are beneficial only if they can be turned into information systems that $ill meet the organi@ationKs operating re"uirements. (he ne$ system is 0ery efficient regarding to its operations on data. (here is sufficient support for the system from management and users. -sers $elcome this system and accept it $ithout any resistance.

2.%.2 ()C#NIC / &) SIBI/I(:

(echnically the system configuration should be less comple.. #ere< for soft$are system technically feasibility means technically it should be comfortable for further maintenance. (he proposed system has technical capacity to hold the data and pro0ide technical supports $hich is e.pected. (he ne$ system pro0ides ade"uate responses to in"uires of all users. (he system has technical guarantees of accuracy< reliability< ease of access and data security.

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2.%.% )C'N'2IC / '! &IN NCI / &) SIBI/I(:

ccording to the concept of economical study< the system should be completed $ith minimum cost. (his is the most important factor for any system. (he proposed system is cost effecti0eness. (his system is in range of budget $hich is assumed or declared for de0eloping it. So< it is economically feasible. In this budget the cost of hard$are and soft$are for the class of application is being considered.

-0.01 OTHER FEASIBILITIES TI2E FEASIBILIT3 (ime feasibility study is a determination of $hether a proposed project $ill be completed $ithin gi0en time< $e ha0e achie0ed this thing in our system.

2ANA4E2ENT FEASIBILIT3 It is a determination $hether the #ome ).penditure 2anagement $ill be acceptable to the management.

SOCIAL FEASIBILIT3 Social feasibility is a determination of $hether the ne$ system $ill be acceptable to the people or not.

SCHE,5LE FEASIBILIT3 Projects are initiated $ith specific deadline. =e need to e0aluate $hether the deadlines are mandatory or desirable. (ime is the one of the critical factor in the de0elopment of any system but this kind of feasibility is hardly perfect in any system. Page No.2&

Home Expenditure Management

=e ha0e been asked to complete the project $ithin the $orking days of the organi@ation ha0ing period of *,5 months appro.imately. So $e ha0e managed to complete the project before gi0en deadline. In the Project Planning section $e elaborate our ideas to de0elop the system $ithin the gi0en period. #ence< it is feasible to de0elop a system in predetermined time inter0al.

Part 1
___________________________________ ________
,F,# 6 F%o+ Chart#
&lo$ +iagrams +ata &lo$ +iagrams -2/ +iagrams +ata +ictionary

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-0101 F%o+ ,ia"ra # -010101 Ad ini#trator 0F%o+ ,ia"ra


New 7e9)ests: 8; ense Price# Category and s)4 category e; ense.

3iew 8; ense

3iew 6ser ,etai"s

3iew S)4 5e$4er ,etai"s

3iew 6ser 7e ort


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Home Expenditure Management

-01010- 5#er 0F%o+ ,ia"ra 6ser


S)4 5e$4er Create

S)4 5e$4er wise 8; ense $anage

7e orts <enerate


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,ata F%o+ ,ia"ra #A -010-01 Conte!t Le(e% ,ia"ra

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-010-0- 7ero Le(e% ,ia"ra #A

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-010-0. Fir#t Le(e% ,ia"ra Proce## 1& Re"i#tration

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-010-0. Fir#t Le(e% ,ia"ra Proce## -& Su/ 2e /er

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-010-0. Fir#t Le(e% ,ia"ra Proce## .& E!pen#e ana"e

6ser Acco)nt

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-010. 52L ,ia"ra # -010.01 5#e ca#e dia"ra *or Ad in


Reorder user Details

Add/Edit Expense Category/ Subcategory

View Sub Member

Memberwise Reports


Update Expense

View o users reports

Manage !ro ile

Contact details o user

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-010.0- 5#e ca#e dia"ra *or 5#er

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Select Sub Members details

Select Member "ise Expense

View member

Add sub member

7egistered 6ser

Searc# member report

6nregistered 6ser

Expense entry

Searc# user report

Expense reports

Manage !ro ile

Sign Up

Log $ut

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-0108& ,ata ,ictionary 5#erdetai%#

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Cate"ory a#ater


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Chapter .
___________________________________ ________
I p%e entation ,etai%#

2icrosoft S3/ Ser0er 2445

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2odules System of the

Part 1
___________________________________ ________

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.N)( &rame$ork sp.Net

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.0101 0Net Fra e+ork
9hat i# 0NET Fra e+ork: Co pi%in" Source Code into 2ana"ed 2odu%e# If you use the .N)( &rame$ork< your code targets the common language runtime BC/!G< $hich affects your decision about a programming language. (he common language runtime is just $hat its name says it isA runtime that is usable by different and 0aried programming languages. (he features of the C/! are a0ailable to any and all programming languages that target it,period. If the runtime uses e.ceptions to report errors< then all languages get errors reported 0ia e.ceptions. If the runtime allo$s you to create a thread< then any language can create a thread. In fact< at runtime< the C/! has no idea $hich programming language the de0eloper used for the source code. :ou may de0elop your code in any programming language you desire as long as the compiler you use to compile your code targets the C/!. 2icrosoft is creating se0eral language compilers that target the runtimeA CLL $ith managed e.tensions< CM Bpronounced NC sharpOG< 6isual Basic.N)(< PScript< Pa0a< and an intermediate language BI/G ssembler. In addition to 2icrosoft< there are se0eral other companies creating compilers that produce code that targets the C/!. t this $riting< I am a$are of compilers for lice< P/< C'B'/< Component Pascal< )iffel< &'!(! N< #askell< 2ercury< 2/< 2ondrian< 'beron< Perl< Python< !P8< Scheme< and Smalltalk.

pplied .N)( &rame$ork Programming

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Home Expenditure Management

Part +escriptionA Inter ediate Lan"ua"e ;IL' CodeA (his is the

code that $as produced by the compiler as it compiled the source code. I/ is later compiled by the C/! into nati0e CP- instructions.

(he .N)( &rame$ork Class /ibrary

Included $ith the .N)( &rame$ork is a set of &rame$ork Class /ibrary B&C/G assemblies that contains se0eral thousand,type definitions< $here each type e.poses some functionality. ll in all< the C/! and the &C/ allo$ de0elopers to build the follo$ing kinds of applicationsA =eb Ser0ices. Components that can be accessed o0er the Internet 0ery easily. =eb ser0ices are< of course< the main thrust of 2icrosoft?s .N)( initiati0e. =eb &orms. #(2/,based applications B$eb sitesG. (ypically< $eb form applications make database "ueries and $eb ser0ice calls< combine and filter the returned information< and then present that information in a bro$ser using a rich #(2/,based -I. =eb forms pro0ide a 6isual Basic 7 and Inter+e0 like de0elopment en0ironment for $eb applications $ritten in any C/! language. =indo$s &orms. !ich =indo$s 8-I applications. Instead of using a $eb form to create your application?s -I< you can use the more po$erful< higher,performance functionality offered by the =indo$s desktop. =indo$s form applications can take ad0antage of controls< menus< mouse and keyboard e0ents< and can talk directly to the underlying operating system. /ike $eb form applications< =indo$s form applications make database "ueries and call $eb ser0ices. =indo$s &orms pro0ides a 6isual Basic 7,like de0elopment en0ironment for 8-I applications $ritten in any C/! language. =indo$s Console pplications. &or applications $ith 0ery simple -I demands< a console application pro0ides a "uick and easy

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solution. Compilers< utilities< and tools are typically implemented as console applications. =indo$s Ser0ices. :es< it is possible to build ser0ice applications controllable 0ia the =indo$s Ser0ice Control 2anager BSC2G using the .N)( &rame$ork.

(he Common /anguage Specification

C'2 allo$s objects created in different languages to communicate $ith one another. (he C/! goes further. It integrates all languages to let objects created in one language be treated as e"ual citi@ens by code $ritten in a completely different language. (o make this possible< the C/! defines a standard beha0ior for types< embeds self,describing type information BmetadataG< and pro0ides a common e.ecution en0ironment. /anguage integration is a fantastic goal< of course< but the truth of the matter is that programming languages are 0ery different from one another. &or e.ample< some languages lack features commonly used in other languagesA Case,sensiti0ity< -nsigned Integers 'perator o0erloading 2ethods that support a 0ariable number of parameters

.010- ASP0NET &ront hand tool SP.N)( and +'.N)( Introduction to the SP .N)(
SP.N)( is a set of 2icrosoft .N)( &rame$ork technologies used for building =eb applications and I2/ =eb Ser0ices. SP.N)( pages e.ecute on the ser0er and generate markup such as #(2/< =2/ or I2/ that is sent to a desktop or mobile bro$ser. (he 2icrosoft .N)( &rame$ork and cti0e Ser0er Pages.N)( B SP.N)(G allo$ de0elopers to create $orld,class =eb applications and =eb ser0ices "uickly and easily. =eb applications built $ithin the .N)(

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&rame$ork can integrate $ith any operating system running on any de0ice. =eb ser0ices are reusable component applications that enable distributed computing on the Internet< using standard protocols like #((P and I2/. +e0elopers con0ersant in .N)( can no$ deli0er more dynamic applications to market more "uickly SP.N)( pages use a compiled< e0ent,dri0en programming model that impro0es performance and enables the separation of application logic and user interface. Both SP.N)( pages and SP.N)( I2/ =eb Ser0ices files contain ser0er,side logic Bas opposed to client side logicG $ritten in 6isual Basic .N)(< CM .N)(< or any .N)( compatible language. =eb applications and I2/ =eb Ser0ices take ad0antage of the features of the common language runtime< such as type safety< inheritance< language interoperability< 0ersioning< and integrated security.

()C#N'/'8: -S)+ IN .N)( Platform

&rom a technology standpoint< .N)( is the. Platform and the .N)( e.periences built on top of the platform. (he platform includesA (ools Q to build applications and I2/ =eb ser0ices B.N)( &rame$ork and 6isual Studio.N)(G< Ser0ers Q on $hich to build< host and deploy those applications and ser0ices B=indo$s 2444 Ser0er and the .N)( )nterprise Ser0ersG Ser0ices Q a core set of .N)( building block ser0ices BN#ailstormO ser0icesG<

B'-( +'.N)(
+'.N)(A ).plicit and &actored (he functionality that the +' !ecordset pro0ides has been factored into the follo$ing e.plicit objects in +'.N)(A the +ata!eader< $hich pro0ides fast< for$ard,only< read,only access to "uery resultsR the +ataSet< $hich pro0ides an in,memory relational representation of dataR and the +ata dapter< $hich pro0ides a bridge bet$een the +ataSet and the data source. (he +'.N)( Command object also includes e.plicit functionality such as the ).ecuteNon3uery method for commands that do not return ro$s< and the ).ecuteScalar method for "ueries that return a single 0alue rather than a ro$ see &or$ard,'nly !ead,'nly +ata StreamsA +ate !eader

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!eturning a Single 6alueA Command 'bject ,S ).ecute Scalar +isconnected ccess to +ataA +ataset !etrie0ing and -pdating +ata from a +ata SourceA +ata +ataset dapter 9

+'.N)( Components
(he +'.N)( components ha0e been designed to factor data access from data manipulation. (here are t$o central components of +'.N)( that accomplish thisA the +ataset< and the .N)( &rame$ork data pro0ider< $hich is a set of components including the Connection< Command< +ata !eader< and +ata dapter objects. (he +'.N)( +ataset is the core component of the disconnected architecture of +'.N)(. (he +ataset is e.plicitly designed for data access independent of any data source. s a result it can be used $ith multiple and differing data sources< used $ith I2/ data< or used to manage data local to the application. (he +ataset contains a collection of one or more +ata (able objects made up of ro$s and columns of data< as $ell as primary key< foreign key< constraint< and relation information about the data in the +ata (able objects. (he Connection object pro0ides connecti0ity to a data source. (he Command object enables access to database commands to return data< modify data< run stored procedures< and send or retrie0e parameter information. (he +ata !eader pro0ides a high,performance stream of data from the data source. &inally< the +ata dapter pro0ides the bridge bet$een the +ataset object and the data source. (he +ata dapter uses Command objects to e.ecute S3/ commands at the data source to both load the +ataset $ith data< and reconcile changes made to the data in the +ataset back to the data source.

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Pe r% Enterpri#e Ser(ice#

Fa( a


Windows Forms

Secure? ea#i%y dep%oya/%e rich c%ient c%a##e#

9indo+# For #




C%a##e# and en"ine *or /ui%din"? dep%oyin"? and runnin" 9e/ app%ication# and #er(ice# e

Co Tranon Lan"ua"e Runti 2e##a Acti(e 2ana "e #= ,irect IIS "e= <ueui actio ory ent n" n#


C%a##e# *or %oo#e%y=coup%ed data acce##

Common Language Runtime

E!ecute# code? aintain# #ecurity? hand%e# co ponent @p%u /in"A /in"A and dependencie#

Enterprise Services

A co p%ete #et o* *eature# ena/%in" tran#action#? e##a"e )ueuin"? etc0

&ig 2.2 Inside .Net frame$ork

ASP 0NET SP.N)( pro0ides a complete en0ironment for building< deploying and running .N)( =eb pplications. )ase of +e0elopment. , Simplified page de0elopment model. , (arget any =eb client BPC or mobile de0iceG. , 2odular< $ell,factored< e.tensible architecture. , Superior debugging and tracing support. Performance< Scalability< !eliability. , Compiled< not interpreted. Page No./0

Home Expenditure Management

, !ich Caching Support. , =eb farm scalable session state. , utomatically detects and reco0ers from errors. )ase of +eployment and Configuration. , No need to bring do$n $eb ser0er. , +eploy and upgrade running apps $ith IC'P:. , I2/ Configuration files.

SP .N)( =)B &'!2S

SP.N)( makes pages dramatically easier , !e"uires a lot less code to be $ritten , )nables much cleaner code to be $ritten , Can handle automatic Nup le0el H do$n le0elO scenarios SP.N)( enables support for ser0er controls. Controls can handle rendering and interaction.

Single file

Separate files (codebehind)


9e/For 10a#p!0(/

For 10a#p !

9e/For 10a#p!

&ig 2.%

SP .Net =eb &orms

SP.N)( 2.4 Pro0ides (hese Benefits

Support for 0arious programming languages Cross,language de0elopment Content and application logic separation Secure user authentication

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Home Expenditure Management

Ne$ ser0er processing architecture Standards integrationA I2/< S' P< and more Standard toolset 2oderni@ed languages like 6B.Net < 6CM.Net =eb &orms 9 =eb Ser0ices Built on .N)( &rame$ork Simple programming model 2aintains page state 2ulti bro$ser support IC'P: deployment I2/ configuration Complete object model

Par#e ASPB En"ine 4enerate Code= /ehind c%a##

Re)ue#t Re)ue#t



4enId Pa"e C%a##

Co pi%e

Re#pon#e Re#pon#e

Pa"e C%a##

In#tantiate? Proce## and Render

&ig 2.* !untime Compilations

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Home Expenditure Management

Part ___________________________________ ________

2icro#o*t S<L Ser(er -JJ8
S3/ Ser0er 2445

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Home Expenditure Management

.0-01 S<L Ser(er S3/ S)!6)! )IP)SS 2445 )IP!)SS )+I(I'N

S3/ Ser0er ).press is a free and easy,to,use database product that is based on S3/ Ser0er 2445 technology. It is designed to pro0ide a database platform that offers superior ease of use< enabling fast deployments for its target scenarios. (he ease of use starts $ith a simple and robust graphical user interface B8-IG setup that guides the user through the installation process. (he 8-I tools that come for free $ith S3/ Ser0er ).press include S3/ Ser0er 2anagement Studio ).press )dition B(echnical Pre0ie$ 0ersion a0ailable at launchG< Surface rea Configuration (ool< and S3/ Ser0er Configuration 2anager. (hese tools simplify the basic database operations. (he design and de0elopment of database applications are made easier by the integration $ith 6isual Studio projects. In addition< I introduce the ability to deploy database applications by mo0ing them like typical =indo$s files. (he ser0icing and patching are also simplified and automated. S3/ Ser0er ).press uses the same reliable and high,performance database engine as the other 0ersions of S3/ Ser0er 2445. It also uses the same data access PIs such as +'.N)(< S3/ Nati0e Client< and (,S3/. In fact< it is differentiated from the rest of the S3/ Ser0er 2445 editions only by the follo$ingA

/ack of enterprise features support /imited to one CP'ne 8B memory limit for the buffer pool +atabases ha0e a * 8B ma.imum si@e

&eatures like uto,Close and the ability to copy databases as files are enabled by default in S3/ Ser0er ).press< $hile the high a0ailability and business intelligence features are absent. It is 0ery easy to Tscale upT if that becomes necessary< as ).press applications $ill $ork seamlessly $ith S3/ Ser0er 2445 =orkgroup< Standard< or )nterprise editions. (he =eb do$nload enables a free< fast< and con0enient deployment. Page No..'

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S3/ Ser0er ).press $as de0eloped $ith t$o distinct uses in mind. (he first is as a ser0er product< especially as a =eb ser0er or a database ser0er. (he second is as a local client data store $here the application data access does not depend on the net$ork. )ase of use and simplicity are key design goals. (he three main usage scenarios for S3/ Ser0er ).press areA Nonprofessional de0elopers building =eb applications IS6s redistributing S3/ Ser0er ).press as a lo$,end ser0er or client data store #obbyists building basic clientHser0er applications S3/ Ser0er ).press pro0ides an easy,to,use and reliable database platform that is Tfeature,richT to co0er these scenarios. Special consideration is gi0en to the ease and reliability of setup and deployment to make it easy for IS6s to use and redistribute.

Key Feature# in S<L Ser(er -JJ8 E!pre## Edition

S3/ Ser0er ).press uses the same database engine as the rest of S3/ Ser0er 2445< and all the programmatic features are the same. (he S3/ engine supports 1 CP-< 1 8B ! 2< and a * 8B database si@e. (his mechanism permits easy differentiation from other S3/ Ser0er 2445 editions by ha0ing $ell defined cut,off points. S3/ Ser0er ).press can install and run on multiprocessor machines< but only a single CP- is used at any time. 2ultiple S3/ Ser0er 2445 ).press installations can on the same machine along $ith other installations of S3/ Ser0er 2444< S3/ Ser0er 2445< or 2icrosoft +esktop )ngine B2S+)G. In general< it is best that S3/ Ser0er 2444 instances be upgraded to Ser0ice Pack * BSP*G. (he ma.imum limit to the number of S3/ Ser0er ).press instances is 17 on the same machine. (hese instances must be uni"uely named for the purpose of identifying them. S3/ Ser0er ).press is designed to be easy to use< and the graphical user interface B8-IG tools make it easy e0en for database no0ices to use the basic database functionalities in S3/ Ser0er ).press.

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S3/ Command is an '/) +B 0ersion of the e.isting s"l tool. It not only attempts to maintain functional compatibility $ith s"l< but also includes support for ne$ S3/ Ser0er 2445 data types. ll command line options output information to standard output< e.cept error messages that may appear $hen an operation failed. S3/ Bro$ser is a ne$ ser0ice in S3/ Ser0er 2445 that is used to identify the ports that named instances listen on. Since shared memory does not use it< this ser0ice is turned off in S3/ Ser0er ).press by default. (his means that the user $ill ha0e to start this ser0ice so that net$ork access can $ork. S3/ Ser0er 2445 ).press supports the same nati0e and managed pro0iders as the rest of S3/ Ser0er 2445. (his has the huge ad0antage that an application $ritten for S3/ Ser0er ).press $ill $ork seamlessly $ith other S3/ Ser0er editions. S3/ Ser0er 2445 ).press supports +'.N)( for managed access. =e recommend using the S"lClient data pro0ider for de0eloping ne$ applications< since most of the application ICopy features is a0ailable only $ith S"lClient. (he +'.N)( 2.4 data pro0iders Ba0ailable in 6isual Studio 2445G support the ne$ S3/ Ser0er data types like 0archar B2 IG and I2/< as $ell user, defined types. &or S3/ Ser0er ).press< goals are to pro0ide secure defaults for the different components. &or instance< the net$orking protocols such as (CPHIP and Named Pipes are turned off. S3/ Bro$ser ser0ice is not started unless the user e.plicitly asks for this in the setup command line. (he S or System dmin account is disabled by default if =indo$s uthentication is used. Normal users on the machine ha0e almost no pri0ileges on the S3/ Ser0er ).press instance. /ocal administrator on the ser0er must e.plicitly grant rele0ant permissions for normal users so that they can use S3/ functionality. -ser Instances are a ne$ feature in S3/ Ser0er ).press that pro0ides the ability to treat databases like files. (he local database can no$ be mo0ed< copied< or e,mailed along $ith the application. t the ne$ location< no additional configuration is needed to make it $ork. (here are three main features that enable the pplication -ser Instance support in S3/ Ser0er ).pressA the ttach+B&ilename option in the connection string< the lack of a re"uirement to specify the logical database name< and the -ser Instance option. uto,Close e.isted in S3/ 2444 and is enabled by default in S3/ Ser0er ).press. (his feature releases the file locks on the user databases $hen there are no acti0e connections to it. (hus< the database is ready to be mo0ed or copied after the application that uses it is closed.

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S3/ Ser0er ).press setup is a simplified 0ersion of the S3/ Ser0er 2445 process. It is robust< reliable< and supports both 8-I and the silent install modes. 'nly =indo$s Installer,based B.msiG technology is supported.

S3/ Ser0er ).press &eature Components tree

&eature Components 8-I &eature Components Command /ine ParametersA Pro0ide a comma, delimited list $ith no spaces of the features to install after ++/'C /. S3/U)ngine S3/)ngineU+ataU&iles S3/U!eplication ClientUComponents Ser0erUtools Connecti0ity S+>

S3/ Ser0er +atabase Ser0ices +ata &iles !eplication Client Components S3/ Command /ine (ools Connecti0ity Components Soft$are +e0elopment >it

/ N8- 8) S-PP'!(A,
(he S3/ Ser0er ).press database engine supports all of the 12 languages that 2S+) supports. (he targeted languages are )nglish< Bra@ilian Portuguese< +utch< S$edish< Simplified Chinese< (raditional Chinese< &rench< 8erman< Italian< Papanese< >orean< and Spanish.

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Home Expenditure Management

S-PP'!( C'NSI+)! (I'NSA,

S3/ Ser0er ).press is supported 0ia ne$sgroups< as $ell as =eb,based documentation and resources such as S3/ Books 'nline and $hite papers.

Part .
___________________________________ ________
+escription modules of

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Home Expenditure Management

.01 LO4IN&
In this module user can be registered by submitting the online form $ith fulfilling the suitable re"uirements. (his form $ill contain the detailed information about total group income and user contact. In this form user $ill be registered by filling his 0alidate and correct information and then he ha0e been assign his particular uni"ue I+.from this id he can login in $eb application. /ogin form $ill make a successfully login for user.

.0- S5B 2E2BERSA

(his is the most important part of our $eb site. fter login process user can select the sub member from menu. #e or she can select the sub member or e.pense category from the e.pense manages. #ere he can select any one member of home e.pense manage for the indi0idual a0ailable. #e $ill get a home for his order by manage. -ser can make a $ide selection of e.pense category from his particular sub category of e.pense. (hen he can ha0e a particular manage member id $ise e.pense management. #e $ill be ha0ing a member e.pense category of the sub category and custom e.pense of entry of the user. (hen bill $ill be calculated automatically and user can ha0e a copy of reports in his screen and he can directly make a print at his home on client side. .

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#ere again users $ill be gi0en options to do $hat he can see his account history. nd he can edit his all data .e.pect userid. -sers can see all his details $hat he has done during the $indo$ e.pense manage. (his module $ill help to user $hat he has done. nd session $ill be maintain for the bill no and users both.


#ere client $ill get the details of the user and regencies after logging in. #e $ill also get the contact information for that.

.08 A,2IN LO4IN

#ere admin can maintain all his rights .he can reorder the e.pense he can llo$ to be franchiser as a member.

6ser Acco)nt

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Home Expenditure Management

Chapter 1
___________________________________ ________
I p%e entation Re#u%t#

Snapshots (esting 6erification and

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Home Expenditure Management

Part 1
___________________________________ ________
Snap Shot#

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Home Expenditure Management

101 5#er #ide *or # Screen 1A /ogin screenA $hen user $ill run $eb application in
bro$ser the first look $ill be this pro0iding secure login controls

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen 2A Contact us &ormA #ere user can information to $eb site
to home e.panse and the contact to de0eloper.

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Screen %A Ser0ice &ormA #ere users are unregistered to the ser0ice
are pro0ide to the information of the #ome ).penditure management System.

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Screen *A bout us &ormA #ere user unregistered can $e pro0ide
the about us.

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Screen 5A #elp &ormA #ere users are unregistered to the
information to #ome ).penditure management System.

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Screen 7A /oginA #ere user can 0alid user id and pass$ord can be
enter to the #ome ).penditure 2anagement login to the successfully Ne.t form.

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Screen JA Success /oginA
fter user enters correct id and pass$ord he $ill get a success full login page and he can access all the facilities pro0ide buy a $eb site.

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Screen CA Sub 2ember moduleA

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#ere user can select sub member on the basis of category and then add it to his. #ere is a $ide range of category

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen ;A Sub 2ember -pdateA #ere user can update for sub
member details. fter the $rong information to the change for member id can be change the details. -ser can edit his sub member information and insert a changed data.

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Screen 14A Sub 2ember +eleteA #ere user can be sub member
delete to the permanently.

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen 11A 2ember $ise ).penseA #ere -ser can insert

hisHher $hich he has gi0en at and then he can make a e.pense enter after that he $ill get a printed bill on his printer

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Screen 12A ).pense update 9 deleteA #ere user can be sub
member $ise e.pense delete to the permanently. -ser can edit his sub member information and insert e.pense details of a changed data.

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Screen 1%A Sing -p &ormA this form is for user $ishing to join our
$eb application. =ith getting intake of the perfect 0alid information.

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Screen 1*A Change Pass$ordA #ere user can change the
pass$ord of login into the home e.penditure management.

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Screen 15A Profile A #ere user can be change the information of

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen 17A -ser !eportsA #ere user can pro0ide the group
e.pense a report generates.

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen 1JA 2ember =ise !eportsA #ere member $ise reports
generate. nd the indi0idual e.pense manage to the member reports.

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Screen 1CA2ember +etail !eport A #ere ho$ sub member
create to the reports pro0ide to the member details.

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10- Ad in #ide *or # Screen 1A dmin #ome pageA #ere admin user can add< delete or
modify the item and category in the ).pense manage. #eHShe can also see the details of the ).pense manage -ser and also their bill details.

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Screen 2A ).pense +etailsA #ere user can add ne$ Item in the
).pense manage 2enu /ist for the user.

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Screen %A Sub 2emberA #ere user can add Sub member in the
).pense manage /ist menu.

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Screen *A 2odify Category and ItemA here user can modify
Category and Item in the ).pense manages 2enu /ist.

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Screen 5A -ser +etailA #ere admin can see the details of particular

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Home Expenditure Management

Screen 7A ).pense +etailA #ere admin can see the details of any
bill nd sub category manage to the admin.

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Home Expenditure Management

Part ___________________________________ ________

Te#tin" Ceri*ication and

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Home Expenditure Management

TESTIN4 2ETHO,S& Black Bo. and =hite Bo. (esting
!ac" #o$ testing relies on the specification for the system or the component< $hich is being tested to deri0e test cases. (he system is a VBlack,Bo.K $hose beha0ior can only be determined by studying its input and their related output. nother name for this is V&unctional (estingK because mathematical functions can be specified using only their inputs and outputs.

&ig %.1 B%ack Bo! Te#tin"



W%ite #o$ testing assumes that the specific logic is important and must be tested to guarantee the systemKs proper functioning. (he main use of the $hite bo. testing is in error,based testing< $hen you already ha0e tested all objects of an application and all e.ternal or public methods of an object that you belie0e to be of great importance. In $hite bo. testing< you are looking for bugs that ha0e a lo$ probability of e.ecution< ha0e been carelessly implemented< or $ere o0erlooked pre0iously.

&ig %.2=hite Bo. (esting


Internal Working


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Home Expenditure Management


1 -nit (esting &or /ogin Ta/%e 1A Common (esting &or Ne$ /ogin
Te#t ,e#cription Ca#e No0 1 &orm opens successfully 2 &orm looks properly and uniformly % 2essage of error and $arning are specific * +ate format is gi0en by the Calendar E!pected Re#u%t +isplay form Proper display )rror handling done :es Actua% Re#u%t Pass Pass Pass Pass

Ta/%e -& &orm specific testing for ne$ /ogin

Te#t Ca#e No0 1 2 % ,e#cription =ithout entering user name and pass$ord no one can login +isplay errors on not filling the mandatory fields ll the function in this form are $orking E!pected Re#u%t uthentication pro0ided )rror handling done Proper functioning Actua% Re#u%t Pass Pass Pass

- 5nit te#tin" *or Add Ne+ Cu#to er Ta/%e .& Common (esting &or dding Customer
Te#t Ca#e No0 ,e#cription E!pected Re#u%t Actua% Re#u%t

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Home Expenditure Management

1 2 % * &orm opens successfully &orm looks properly and -niformly 2essage of error and $arning are specific +ate format is gi0en by the Calendar +isplay form Proper display )rror handling done :es Pass Pass Pass Pass

Ta/%e 1& &orm Specific (esting &or dding Customer

Te#t Ca#e No0 1 2 ,e#cription )0ery field has ma.imum si@e to store data 2andatory fields are necessary E!pected Re#u%t 6alidation done 6alid. done Actua% Re#u%t Pass Pass

. 5nit te#tin" *or Cirtua% Cart Ta/%e 8& Common (esting &or dding 'rder
Te#t Ca#e ,e#cription No0 1 &orm opens successfully 2 &orm /ooks properly and uniformly % 2essage of error and $arning are specific * +ate format is gi0en by the ddHmmHyyyy E!pected Re#u%t +isplay form Proper display )rror handling not done :es Actua% Re#u%t Pass Pass Pass Pass

Ta/%e L& &orm Specific (esting &or dding 'rder

Te#t Ca#e No0 1 2 % ,e#cription )0ery field has ma.imum si@e to store data 2andatory fields are necessary 'nly a user $ho has registered is E!pected Re#u%t 6alidation done 6alid. done 'rder add Actua% Re#u%t Pass Pass Pass

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Home Expenditure Management

able to add items in 0irtual cart and maintained successfully

Chapter 8
___________________________________ ________
App%ication# and %i itation#


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Home Expenditure Management

801 App%ication# o* Ho e E!penditure 2ana"e ent
#ome ).penditure is $eb application ha0ing (arget audience like employed $omen and the one $ho are busy in their routine can ha0e a direct e.pense manage. #ome e.penditure pro0ides an account history so that any one can ha0e a detailed report.

80- Li itation# o* Ho e E!penditure 2ana"e ent

It doesnKt pro0ide a mobile support system so that user can ha0e a confirmation message on mobile. Can pro0ide pass$ord protection make a site features more protecti0e. Billing can be done on ser0er side and client side. (his application $ill only $ork out for the house le0el. #ere user can $e pro0ide a sub member authority to the home e.pense manage.

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Home Expenditure Management

Chapter L
___________________________________ ________
Conc%u#ion Enhance ent#



Conclusion &uture )nhancement

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Home Expenditure Management

#ome ).penditure is the site that is 0ery user friendly. (he -ser here first of all registers itself to the site and e.pense manages. (he process of handling orders is to be managed by the administrator. dministrator has to 0ie$ the status of the orders and then do the appropriate processing. dministrator has also reorder management so that he can reorder the items. #e can 0ie$ report of all register users and also admin ha0e rights to manage the user. In brief< the #ome ).pense is fully $orking site $here easily one can easily manage hisHher e.pense through some mouse clicks only. #e can ha0e his e.pense related problem solution globally. #e can 0ie$ his account history $ith just a fe$ information.

Future Enhance ent#&

Implementing the payment gate$ay module and integrating it $ith the running system. =e are the reports for date $ise and month $ise generates. Better security features can be pro0ided to both users and dministrator. 2obile and 'ther communication can be implemented so that user can make a use $ith mobile. It doesnKt pro0ide a mobile support system so that user can ha0e a confirmation message on mobile.

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Home Expenditure Management

Bi/%io"raphy Re*erence Book#&= Beginning SP.N)( 2.4 =ro. publication Professional SP.N)( 2.4 $ith cM =ro. Publication Professional S3/ Ser0er 2445 Programming =ro. publication He%p *ro the 9e/&=

$$$ $$$ $$$.India( $$$.& $$$ $$$.).perts) $$$

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