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8th Grade Science

Science is not belief, but the will to find out,

Unknown Author

Cut and discard this bottom portion.

Scientific Process

Science Equipment & Measurement

Balance Mass (g/kg) Graduated Cylinder Volume (ml/L)

Magnifying glass Size

Goggles Safety

Ruler Length (mm/cm/m/km)

Thermometer Temperature (C)

Spring Scale W = Mg

Stopwatch Time (sec/mins)

Hotplate Apply Heat

Scientific Investigation & Reasoning Skills

Units of Measurement
Density: Mass (g) Volume (ml, cm3)
Work is measured in Joules (J)

Area: length x width= cm2

Force is measured in Newton's (N)

Volume: the amount of space something occupies. To find volume of a liquid use a graduated cylinder. Make sure the graduated cylinder is on a flat surface and read the level of the liquid at the meniscus (at eye level or the bottom of the curve).
To find volume of a solid object use LxWxH=cm3
To find volume of an irregular object, subtract the initial volume from the final volume.

meniscus 19.4ml

King Henry Died Unfortunately Drinking Chocolate Milk

Kilo Hecta Deka Unit Deci Centi Milli

.0156 .156 1.56 km kl hm hl dkm kg hg dkl dkg

meters liters grams

156 1560 15600 dm dl cm cl mm dg cg ml mg

Ex. 15.61 m = 156.1 dm Scientific Investigation & Reasoning Skills

Properties of Matter
Physical Properties- mass, volume, weight, density, state of matter, etc.
Phases Density Freezing Boiling Pts Conductivity Solubility Luster Malleability Specific Heat

Chemical Properties
Flammability Rusting Reactivity w/acid Reactivity w/water

Types of Substances
Element Solution Mixture Compound

Atomic Structure

Harder to Separate

Easy to Separate

Valence electrons are the # of electrons on the outer most energy level/shell/electron cloud.

Changes in Matter
sound produced
digesting decomposing oxidation

gas or light produced

changes shape and size

changes texture and density

changes conductivity and state of matter

explosion or odor produced

chemical change

precipitate forms

freezing evaporating melting

physical change

no new chemical substance formed

Endo- or ExoReaction



rotting burning rusting sours

eroding dissolving condensing boiling

sliced tearing breaking crushing


Types of Chemical Reactions

Exothermic, Endothermic, Rusting, Burning, Oxidizing, Decomposing, Exploding, Digesting

Balancing a Chemical Reaction

Counting Atoms

Counting Atoms

Reporting Category #1 Matter & Energy

Forms of Energy
Potential Energy: energy that can not be seen (stored energy).
Kinetic Energy:
energy that is in motion. Energy can be seen.

Mechanical Energy

Radiant Energy

Sound Energy

Chemical Energy

Heat Energy

Electrical Energy

Nuclear Energy

Energy Can Change Forms

Mechanical Mechanical

Force & Motion

1. Newtons 1st Law: Inertia 2. Newtons 2nd Law: Force = Mass X Acceleration 3. Newtons 3rd Law: Action/Reaction

A) Speed change in distance divided by time B) Velocity the speed and direction in which it moves. C) Acceleration - change in speed per of unit of time divided by time

A) Work can be made easier with the help of a machine. B) Machine changes the amount of input force needed. C) So Work = force X distance

Resistance Forces Friction: Rubbing of 2 surfaces Gravity: What goes up must come down Force: a push or pull (N=Newton)$
Unbalanced Force

Speed = Distance Time

Specific Heat
thermal (heat) energy needed to change the temperature of 1g of a substance by 1 degree Celsius.

Metal Cement
(Lower specific heat because it takes shorter time to heat up)

Wood Grass
(Higher specific heat because it takes longer time to heat up)

Reporting Category #2 Force, Motion, & Energy

The Earth, Moon, Sun System

The Earth rotates on its axis. Takes 24 hrs or 1 day to complete one. The moon revolves around the earth. Takes about 28 days. The Earth revolves around the Sun and Takes about 365 days or one year. The Suns gravity keeps us in orbit, this
is based on mass and distance.

Phases of the Moon

Earths Revolution & the Seasons

Moons Gravity & the Tides

Earths Tilt & Sunlight

The Big Bang Theory- states that the universe began with a giant explosion. Our galaxy (The Milky Way) is a spiral galaxy & is made up of billions of stars.

Types of Galaxies

Hertzsprung Russell

Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Reporting Category #3 Earth & Space

Full moon is always opposite of the sun.

Earths Structure and Formations

The crust is the layer that we inhabit and the layer that we interact with the most. The crust has various landforms that make different parts of the world unique. These landforms are always changing due to slow and rapid forces on earth.

Rapid Changes Volcanoes

*Adds new layers to Earths surface. Destroys Ecosystem around it.

Slow Changes Weathering

Breaking down rock by wind, water, Ice and growth of plant roots Physical and chemical Weathering..

*Sudden movement of plates beneath surface cause changes in the surface of the earth.

Movement of soil, sand, or sediment by wind, water or ice.

Mass movement of land due to gravity or other conditions that destabilize the land.

Soil, sand & sediment is carried away and new landform.

More Changes to Earths Surface

Earths surface was once covered by one super continent known as Pangea. As the plates beneath the surface of the earth shifted so did the land masses on earth. Along with weather related changes these cause the earths appearance to constantly change.

Plates Tectonics

Plates Tectonics This theory is that

Continents separated into todays land masses from Pangaea. *Plates move because the land lies over a layer of melted material called the mantle. Convection currents are underneath the crusted made of melted rock and cause it to rise (less dense), while cooler melted rock sinks (more dense). As convection currents move, the lithosphere (rocky outer shell of earth made of the crust and the upper part of the mantle) also moves Plate tectonics causes - volcanoes, earthquakes, tsunamis
1. Transform Boundary -two plates slide past each other. - produces earthquakes
Ex. San Andreas Fault in California

2. Convergent Boundary -two plates collide (crash) -produces mountains, volcanoes - Subduction -movement of one plate under another. 3. Divergent Boundary -two plates diverge or separate from each other. -most divergent boundaries are in ocean floor -they build undersea mountain ranges.
Ex. Mid Atlantic Ridge also known as ocean floor spreading.

Through all of this change, we use topographical maps to show us the contour of the land. They show elevations of land, both low and high. Most topographical maps only show natural land features, but some can show man made features as well.

Reporting Category #3 Earth & Space

Recycling of the Materials on Earth

When solid rock is formed, over time forces like erosion and weather act upon it, causing it to become soil, sand, and sediment over time. This material is then deposited in the earths crust again, and buried deep into the crust, where it is subject to heat and pressure. The amount determines the types of rocks that form over time. We call this the very important rock cycle.

Igneous Rock can form Below Earths surface INTRUSIVE Magma characteristics examples large crystals granite On Earths surface EXTRUSIVE Lava characteristics examples small crystals basalt/pumice Visible bands examples Marble & Quartz

Metamorphic Rock can be Unfoliated WITHOUT Foliated WITH parallel layers & visible lines examples Slate, Schist, & Gneiss

Sedimentary Rock which can be Clastic Organic formed from Compaction Cementation
Such as conglomerates Breccia Sandstone


material once living

Such as Coal Chalk Coquine

Dissolved minerals
Such as Evaporites Halite Gypsum

Cycles That Support Life

The water cycle provides plants and animals with water to meet one of their basic needs and survive. It also helps shape the surface of the land. The energy to drive this cycle is provided by the Sun. The carbon cycle uses the process of photosynthesis to take in carbon dioxide, sunlight and water, to produce oxygen for plants and animals, and food for itself. Photosynthesis is a chemical reaction

The nitrogen cycle is another cycle that helps convert nitrogen gas into nutrients that plants can use to help them grow. Bacteria in the soil converts nitrogen gas into nitrates and nitrites that the plants can use to help them grow.

Reporting Category #3 Earth & Space

Weather and Weather Patterns

Cold Front

Warm Front

Ecosystems of the World

Ecosystems are large scale environments, where certain animals and plants live, the climate there determines which organisms are able to survive there and which arent, they include:
dry & hot



hot & humid cold & dry



warm & wet

Deciduous Forests

Ecosystems can change over time. They can change from one type to another. The evolution of land can cause this, when this happens we call it primary succession. When a natural disaster changes an ecosystem, mother nature can help it comeback, this is called secondary succession. Nature has a way of balancing things out on its on through ecological succession.

Primary Succession

Secondary Succession

Reporting Category #3 Earth & Space

Interactions in the Ecosystem

Prey- animal that gets eaten. Predator- animal that hunts Ex = . Deer Ex. = Lion

Producer- plants that make food.

Consumer- animal that eats. Decomposer- bacteria that eats the remains 3 types of consumers: Herbivores- plant eaters Carnivores- meat eaters Omnivores- eat both plants and meat

Ex. = Grass
Ex. = Frog Ex. = Fungus

Energy is transferred in a food pyramid from plants herbivores carnivores

tertiary consumers secondary consumers primary consumers producers

Hawks (carnivores)

Frogs (carnivores) Grasshoppers (herbivores)


Organisms interactions dictate the flow of energy in an ecosystem.

Adaptation, Survival, & Darwinism

Natural selection is the process by certain traits are passed down to an organisms offspring. These traits help organisms adapt over time and survive and more importantly reproduce. This helps the organism evolve over time.
Adaptation change over time to survive or reproduce. Niche- role of organism within ecosystem. Symbiosis- a close relationship between 2 species. Limiting factors- food, water, living space, mates. Carrying capacity- largest population in one area possible. Camouflage- blending to your surroundings.

Dichotomous Key

Learned Environmental
Things that are taught to you or have been learned from experience.

Innate/ Inherited

Characteristics you are born with.

eating habits



likes dislikes

eye color



G e n e t i c s

A=Tall a=Short

A= Dominant (strong, visible) Gene

AA, Aa, aa Phenotypes: 3 tall and 1 short

25% 25%

25% 25%

a= Recessive (weak, hidden) Gene A or a = alleleses Homozygous= same alleles= AA Heterozygous= different alleles= Aa AA=homozygous dominant traits Aa=heterozygous dominant traits aa=homozygous recessive traits

Genotype = combination of alleles AA Phenotype = the way the genotype is physically expressed in an organism Tall

Reporting Category #4 Organisms & Environments

Organisms Structure and Basic Parts





organ system community

organism ecosystem





Feedback Mechanisms: messages in the body used to maintain equilibrium. (stay balanced-body temp.-foreign material-ex. vomiting)

Turgor Pressure: pressure caused by the fluid inside an organism that keeps an organism sturdy in an upright position.

Human Body Systems

The human body is a very complicated system. It is made up of many systems working together. Each system has a job, and all of the systems together keep us alive. Below are the most important systems for you to know.

Circulatory System Circulate blood throughout the body

Reproductive System Organs that work together to help us reproduce

Respiratory System Supply blood with oxygen for the body.

These systems help the body maintain Homeostasis

Digestive System Circulate blood throughout the body

Excretory System
Removes excess material or waste

Reporting Category #4 Organisms & Environments

Human Body Systems Contd

Every system has a job and those jobs help keep your body balanced or in homeostasis. Feedback mechanisms are ways of keeping this important balance. When you sweat you cool down, when you eat you stop starvation, your body tells your brain, and it tells the body what to do.

Endocrine System Secretes hormones into bloodstream to regulate the body.

Integumentary System This system protects the body from damage. It uses skin, hair, etc.

Nervous System Coordinates the actions of different parts of the body.

Systems working together to maintain Homeostasis

Skeletal System Provides the body with form, shape and structure. Muscular System Provides the body with the ability to move.

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