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COACHING RATES :SL. N ,. 3. 0. :. 7. 8. =. 9. 6 S-. S-'+-!R &'N N S-. 5R!S-!N" (-!&(R# S-. S.R'S- ; "&!N# /R. (. #. S#N;S-. /'5!+ +.&!R &/S +.N> S+!"#N; !C!/'&% S-. $#N / +.&!R !C"#$#"% S- R!&. (#LL#!R/S F#". C'N"'R "'NN#S "!(L' "'NN#S "!'+* N/ S<.!S% ;! S+!"#N; #N"'R&'/#!"' "'NN#S C !C-#N; &'&('R Rs. 01/)2,/3 -r.4 Rs. 31/)2,/3 -r. Rs. 011/) Rs. ,7/) Rs. 811/) Rs. ,111/) Rs. :11/) Rs. 311/) Rs. 3111/) Rs. 311/) Rs. 011/) Rs. ,111/) Rs. ,=71/) N N)&'&('R Rs. 01/) Rs. 31/) Rs. 811/) Rs. 01/) Rs. 911/) Rs. ,311/) Rs. 811/) Rs. :11/) Rs. 3711/) Rs. :11/) Rs. 711/) Rs. ,311/) Rs. 3111/) #N *''+
,, !& to , 5& 3.11 5& to 6 5&

8 /ays /aily 0 /ays 8 /ays 8 /ays 0 /ays 7 /ays 2 "uesday to Saturday4 7 /ays 2 "uesday to Saturday 8 /ay 0 days a ?ee@ 8 days a ?ee@

Rates / Fees of Coaching are subject to change. Contact Reception of the complex for joining any of the above schemes. Fees as applicable should be deposited at the Reception and receipt obtained.

'xclusive Service "ax A,3.3:B Column. No 3 C =

1. Membership Detai s D) Membership Type



&/ship granted during the &onth 2#ncl. "ransfer in C Rstored4

#ndividual ,618 Corporate 2C&4 -onorary 2-&4 Special -onorary 2S-4 Non Resident #ndian 2NR#4 Foreigner 2F&4 Staff &ember2S&4 :8 !ssociate 2!&4 10 Special "emporary 2S"&4 1, Senior CitiEen 2SG4 36= #C' 2only for SFSC4 "enure &/ship 2"R&4 !ra"# T$ta )


Cancelled ;. "otal / #nd. "o Sr. CitiEen. #ncl. FF"ransfer out4 during the month , ,6,,

&/ship No. of cancelled absentee till date &embers


1 1, 1 1,

1 1 1

:8 1: 1, 369 ++,,%- E./ 0#i"1 2 Spe/ia Temp$rar34 51

%&"#.'SM'S() *

+. Stat0s $6 Appr$7e# Capita 8$r9s :4 ;a/i ities t$ be A##e#< Up1ra#e# Appr$7e# b3 SM= %N$. 2 Dt. )< VC $r ;.M. 5ut up for S&( approval Prese"t Stat0s Stat0s $6 Estimate Sa"/ti$" 5' yet to be approved A/t0a imp eme"tati$" %S/he#0 e 2 Tar1et #ate) ))))))))

(as@et (all CourtH %oga -all


>. De7e $pme"t $6 Mi"i Sp$rts C$mp %as appr$7e# i" SM=) Name $6 Mi"i Sp$rts C$mp e. Appr$7e# i" SM= N$.<Date Pr$1ress Remar9s

,. M0 ti13ms i" P a3 ;ie # :4 Name $6 M0 ti13m (aba ;ang Nath Sports Complex S?imming pool Name $6 Li/e"/ee
&/s R. R. 'nterprises &/s +a@e Fenves

Peri$# $6 Li/e"/e ,=)17)3118 to ,8)17)311= 1,)1:)311= to 01)16)311=

Le7e $6 Mai"te"a"/e Satisfactory


?. Li/e"se# ;a/i ities i" Sp$rts C$mp :4 ;a/i it3 Snac@ (ar 5ro Shop -ealth Club 2*here available4 SPEC&AL PROV&S&ON ;OR SC@OOLS <COLLE!ES Sl. No ,. 3. 0. :. N!&' F S5 R"S "!(L' "'NN#S (!/&#N" N "'NN#S C .R"S 2S%N"-'"#C4 S<.!S- 2;lass *all4 SC- L / C LL';'S S5 R"S !SS C#!" N / F'/'R!"# N RS. ,71/) 5'R "!(L' 5'R /!% RS. ,71/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. 711/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. 011/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% "-'R #NS"#"."# NS RS. 011/) 5'R "(!L' 5'R /!% RS. 011/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. ,111/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. 811/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% Name $6 Li/e"/ee &/s !nand Snac@ (ar &/s (obbin Sports Li/e"/e ;ee Per M$"th ,,37/) ,00,/) Peri$# $6 Li/e"/e ,0)10)311= to ,3)10)311= 1,)10)3118 to 13)10)311= Remar9s N#" under process Run /epartme ntally

ON MONT@LY =AS&S ;OR SC@OOLS< COLLE!ES ONLY ? DAYS A 8EEK i. e. TUESDAYA 8EDNESDAYA T@URSDAY 2 ;R&DAY. Sl.No ,. 3. 0. :. N!&' F S5 R"S "!(L' "'NN#S (!/&#N" N "'NN#S C .R"S 2S%N"-'"#C4 S<.!S- 2;lass *all4 R!"'S RS. 011/) 5'R "(!L' 5'R /!% RS. 011/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. ,111/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!% RS. 811/) 5'R C .R" 5'R /!%



RULES 2 RE!ULAT&ONS INTRO#UCTION $asant +unj Sports Complex has been set up by the /elhi /evelopment !uthority as a part of development and gro?th of Sports in /elhi. "he name of the body ?ill be /elhi /evelopment !uthorityH $asant +unj Sports Complex. #t ?ill have flood lit "ennisH (as@etballH (adminton and playing facilities for SIuashH "able "ennisH (illiardsH Cric@etH !erobicsH %ogaH "ae@?ondoH &ultigymH S?imming and >ogging. Facilities for other sports may be added subseIuently. O=JECT&VES "he objectives of the //! $asant +unj Sports Complex 6hereinafter called the Sports Complex4 are D) i4 "o provide recreational and healthy environment to the citiEens of /elhi @eeping in vie? the reIuirement of &aster 5lan. ii4 "o induce sports activities and spirit of mutual help and good?ill among citiEens fo /elhi in general and in members of the body in particular. iii4 "o promote various sports e.g. "ennisH SIuashH "able "ennisH (illiardsH (admintonH "ae@?ondoH !erobicsH S?imming and other team games. !ENERA O=JECT&VES i4 "o buyH supplyH sell or deal in all @inds of apparatus. &aterials used in connection ?ith games provided by the sports complex. ii4 "o purchaseH hireH ma@eH or provide and maintain all @inds of furnitureH implementsH toolsH utensilsH linenH stationeryH cards and other items reIuired in connection ?ith the running of the Sports Complex. iii4 "o hireH engage and employ mar@ersH coachesH instructorsH groundsmen and other staff reIuired for day to day running of the complex and to pay to them as per service conditions as may be agreed upon. iv4 "o ?or@ under overall controlHH supervision and direction of the &anagement (oard under the chairmanship of -onJble L.;. of /elhi for promotion of sports facilities in /elhi. v4 "o do all other la?ful things as are incidental or conducive for the attainment of the above objectives. vi4 "he &anagement (oard shall have po?er from time to time to ma@eH alter and repeal all such rules/bye)la?s as they may deem necessary or convenient for the proper conduct and management of the sports Complex. MEM=ERS@&P $arious categories of membership are given belo? and are defined in succeeding paragraphs. &embership in respect of all the categories ?ill be approved by or on behalf of the &anagement (oard. &embershipH ho?everH only provides playing rights in the sports complex. a4 #ndividual &embership K #ndian /Foreign CitiEen b4 /ependant &embership c4 !ssociate &embership d4 Senior CitiEens &emberships e4 Corporate &embershipL #ndian /Foreign CitiEen f4 Non Resident #ndian 2NR#4 &embership

g4 h4 i4 j4 @4 l4 m4

"emporary &embership Special temporary &embership -onorary &embership Special -onorary &embership Staff &embership 2//! Staff only4 ;uest &embership Casual &embership 2 5ay C 5lay 4

&ND&V&DUAL MEM=ERS@&P !ny #ndividual above 3, years of age shall be eligible for becoming a regular member. the membership once granted shall not be transferred. #ndividual member can nominate his/her spouse and children 2bet?een age of 7 years to 3, years4 as dependant. #t is necessary to nominate dependants at the time of applying for individual membership. "he monthly subscription in respect of dependant members as prescribed from time to time shall be effective from the date of approval of individual membership. "he total monthly subscription shall thus be calculated as per the family details given by the member. the dependant members once nominated are liable to continue as dependant members till they attain the age of 3, yearsH the eligible age for !ssociate &embership. "he &anagement (oard ho?ever reserves the right to refuse or accept the membership of the dependants. DEPENDANT MEM=ERS@&P i4 Spouse and legal children bet?een the age of 7 years to 3, yearsH are eligible to become dependant members. /ependantsH ho?ever have to be nominated by the member and their details should be disclosed in the application form/ bye)la?s form at the time of applying for any category of membership. ii4!ny member ?ho gets married after obtaining the membership of the sports complex may get his/her spouse included as dependant from the date of marriage. SimilarlyH children on attaining the age of 7 years are permitted as dependents. "he onus of including the name of dependantsH and payments of their subscription lies ?ith the member. the monthly subscription in such cases shall be effective fro the month of their getting married or children attaining the age of 7 years. iii4 .nless payment of subscription for dependants in made from the date of approval of individual membership H dependants ?ill not be issued the membership card. iv4 /ependant Children ?ill cease to be dependant member on attaining the age of 3, years. "hey must surrender their membership card. v4 "he individual member intending to enroll his dependants as members at a later stage shall have to pay the monthly subscription as applicable ?ith retrospective effect i.e. from the date of approval of his/her membership. vi4 /ependant cards for children ?ill be issued for a period of 7 years at a time and ne? cards ?ill be changed after very 7 years ?ith the latest photographs. ASSOC&ATE MEM=ERS@&P n attaining the age of 3, yearsH the dependant children of a member ?ho have used the complex for a minimum period of one year may apply for !ssociate membership if he/she ?ishes to continue the use of the complex. /epending upon the availability of vacanciesH the Sports &anagement (oard may grant !ssociate &embership subject to follo?ing conditions ,4 5ayment of a non)refundable entrance fee is eIuivalent to 71B of prevalent entry fee. 34 "he monthly subscription for associate members ?ill be same as for individual members. 04 !ssociate members are not permitted to add dependants C to bring guests.

SEN&OR C&T&(ENS MEM=ERS@&P Senior CitiEens membership is meant only for those ?ho have attained the age of 81 years. "his ?ill be against the proof of age. nly Spouse ?ill be permitted as dependant member. CORPORATE MEM=ERS@&P 5ublic Sector and private commercial firms are eligible for Corporate membership subject to approval and payment of prescribed entrance fee. ne nominee along ?ith his/her family ?ill be allo?ed to use the facilities on payment of monthly subscription as prescribed from time to time. "he sponsoring firm may get the name of nominee changed by giving prior intimation and ta@ing approval before change of nominee is effected. "he cards of the previous nominees along ?ith his/her family 2if any4 ?ill be surrendered. NR& MEM=ERS@&P NR#s are eligible to obtain individual membership subject to payment of prescribed entrance fee. "he amount should be paid by draft in Rupees from non)resident account of the NR# through a scheduled ban@ along ?ith a certificate from the ban@ certifying that the amint has been debited from NR# account of the individual. TEMPORARY MEM=ERS@&P "emporary &embership is for a period of 0 months on one time non)refundable payment of fee as prescribed. #t is a family membership. Spouse and children constitute the family. /ependants 2spouse C children4 pay the prescribed fee for the dependant membership. 5ayment should be made in advance by ?ay of /an@ /raft /5ay rder or cash. "emporary members are not allo?ed to bring ;uests. i4 "emporary membership is given by the Secretary of the complex on first come first serve basis / subject to availability of vacancy. ii4 !pplicant is reIuired to submit t?o stamp siEe photographs of self dependants for separate membership cards. ! copy of birth certificate for dependant legal children bet?een the age of 7 years to 3, years is also reIuired. SPEC&AL TEMPORARY MEM=ERS@&P nly Central ;ovt. or State ;ovt fficials residing ?ithin the radius of 3 @ms from the complex are eligible for this type of membershipH subject to approval by the &anagement (oard and on payment of Rs. 0111/) as one time non refundable fee for one year for the applicant spouse and children 2children bele?o 3, years4. fficials ?or@ing in (an@sH public Sectors and autonomous bodies are not eligible for this type of membership. @ONORARY MEM=ERS@&P 5ast and present chairmanH $ice ChairmanH Finance &ember and 'ngineer &embers of //! ?ill be the honorary members. SPEC&AL @ONORARY MEM=ERS@&P "his is offered to !rjuna !?ardees or to exceptional National /#nternational players residing in /elhi as per the rules framed by the Sports &anagement (oard. Special -onorary member ?ill be exempted from paying the entry fee but ?ill be charged normal monthly subscription as per prescribed rates. STA;; MEM=ERS@&P "his type of membership is restricted only to employees of the //!. !UEST MEM=ERS@&P ;uests can be brought by the regular members to avail facilities of the complex as per bye)la?s of the complexH subject to payment of Rs. 37/) per day or as revised. "he name of the guest and that of the member ?ill be entered in the boo@ @ept for the purpose. "he duty in charge has the right to refuse or accept guest membership. i4 ! member ?ill be responsible for the conduct of his/her ;uest.


&anagement /duty in)charge has a right to refuse any guest during pea@ hours i.e. 8.11 to 9.11 !& and =.11 to 6.11 5& 2in summer 4 C 8.01 !& to 9.01 !& and 8.01 to 9.01 5& 2in ?inter4 for any facility.

CASUAL MEM=ERS@&P %PAY 2 PLAY) Casual membership 2valid for the day4 may be allo?ed by complex in charge subject to payment of Rs. :1/) and Rs. ,11/) for #ndian Nationals and Foreign Nationals respectively and other charges as may be prescribed from time to time. "his category of membership ?ill be allo?ed subject to availability of sports facilities. MEM=ERS@&P TO 8&NDO8S < 8&DO8ERS #n the cases of ?ido? /?ido?ers of a deceased individual memberH ?ho applies to be admitted as an individual memberH she /he may be made a memberH subject to the approval of /irector 2Sports4. No entrance fee shall be payable in such cases. -o?everH previous outstanding dues ?ill be settled before membership is allotted. MEM=ERS@&P CARD i4 'ach member and dependant member 2except for casual member 4 ?ill be permitted to use the facilities only on production of membership card. Separate membership cards for members and dependants are reIuired to made on payment. &emberJs dependantJs coloured photograph of siEe ,M N , O P has to be fixed on the card. ii4 #t is the responsibility of the member to apply for preparation of membership card and to collect it after the due date. iii4 Not applying or collecting the cards ?ill not be an excuse for not paying monthly subscription or using the facilities ?ithout having the membership cards. iv4 Loss of card ?ill invite a penalty of Rs. 37/) plus additional charges as prescribed above for ma@ing a duplicate card. v4 #f a card is lost the member has to apply for duplicate card along ?ith copy of 5olice Report. #n case of loss of card by dependantH a reIuest is reIuired for duplicate card. vi4 $alidity of dependant card for children is 7 years or the date of attaining the age of 3, years ?hichever is earlier. n completion of 7 years from the date of issue of the card the member should apply for the fresh card specially for the dependant on payment and surrender the old card. ENTRANCE $EE % SU SCRIPTION $EE $OR MEM ERSHIP "he follo?ing are the rates for entrance fee and monthly subscription. "hese are subject to revision from time to time. &'&('RS-#5 'ntry Fee &onthly Subscription Remar@s 2non refundable4 &ember /ependant 'xclusive Service "ax 2Rs.4 2Rs.4 A ,3.3:B !. #ndividual a. Indian Citizen ii. ;ovt. ServiceFF iii. ther 2Non)service iv. Staff &embership 2//!
nly spouse is dependant

v. Senior CitiEen b. Foreign CitiEen c. Non resident #ndian d. !ssociate

Rs. 7H111/) Rs. ,1H111/) Rs. ,H111/) Rs. 3H111/) Q ,711 Q ,111 Rs. 7H111/)

Rs. ,31/) Rs. ,31/) Rs. 71/) Rs. =7/) Q 71 Rs. ,31/) Rs. ,11/)

Rs. 71/) Rs. 71/) Rs. 07/) Rs. 71/) Q ,1 Rs. 71/)
/ependant not entitled

2Q eIuivalent in Rs. 2Q eIuivalent in Rs.

(. Corporate membership 2oneR nominee4 i. #ndian Company ii. Foreign Company C. "emporary &embership 2for 0 months only4 i. #ndian CitiEen ii. Foreign CitiEen

Rs. 71H111/) F Rs. 711/) Q 7H111 F Q =1

)) ))

F #ncluding dependant F including dependant 2Q or eIuivalent in Rs. From NR'/NR# account4

Rs. ,H111/) Rs. 3H111/) Rs. 0111/) 'xempted Nil Nil

)) )) )) Rs. ,31/) Rs. :1/) Rs. 37/)

Rs. ,71/)
per dependant

Rs. ,71/)
per dependant

/. Spl. "emporary 2, year4 '. Spl. -onorary F. !bsentee &embership ;. ;uest &embership 2accompanied ?ith the member4

)) Rs. 71/) Rs. 31/) ))

#ncluding /ependant

-. Casual &embership 25ay C 5lay4 i #ndian CitiEen Rs. :1/) )) ii Foreign CitiEen Rs. ,11/) )) Note D !ll the charges/fee are subject to change ?ithout any notice. 'ntry fee of membership is non)refundable and non)adjustable FF ;ovt. Servants K employees of Central ;ovt. and local bodies i.e. &C/H N/&CH />( C /$( PAYMENT O; SU=SCR&PT&ON i4 No bills ?ill be sent to the members. /ues as per the rate of subscription may be sent by cheIue or paid in cash to the !ccountant/ Cashier of the Sports Complex 2 bet?een ,1.11 !m to 0.11 5& on all ?or@ing days4 subscription may be paid in advance for a IuarterH six months or for full year ii4 &embers may also drop the cheIue of monthly subscription even at odd hours in the cheIue (ox affixed outside the !dministrative (loc@ ?ith the follo?ing information on the bac@ of the cheIue D) a4 b4 c4 d4 Name of &ember &embership Number Number of dependants 5eriod of payment

"he cheIue must be crossed !/C payees only dra?n in favour of P V&s&'( K)'* Sp+r(s C+mp,e-. ##AM . utstation cheIues ?ill not be accepted. iii4 Receipt of such cheIues ?ill be available at the Reception / in pigeon (ox affixed in the !dministrative (loc@. iv4 CheIue may also be sent by post or through courier. "he receipt of such cheIues ?ill also be available at the Reception / in pigeon (ox.

EXEMPT&ON ;OR SU=SCR&PT&ON i4 -onorary &embership and their dependants shall not be liable to pay any entrance fee or monthly subscription. ii4 //! officials ?ho are ?or@ing in the Sports Complex in carious capacities are exempted from paying subscription including their dependants as long as they are ?or@ing in the Sports Complex. iii4 //! 'ngineersH. !rchitects etc.H ?ho are associated ?ith the development of Sports Complex ?ould also not be charged monthly subscription till such time they are associated ?ith the Sports Complex. -o?everH monthly subscription for their dependants ?ould be payable at normal rate. Such cases ?ill be processed and approved individually by /irector 2Sports4 in receipt of ?ritten reIuest from the members. TERM&NAT&ON O; MEM=ERS@&P &embership can be terminated for any of the follo?ing reasons D) a4 n the &embers reIuest b4 For non)payment of dues for a period of 0 months or more. "he &anagement (oard ?ill not be responsible for non)receipt of letters/ dues notices by the members. c4 For misconduct or any act considered prejudicial to the good name and smooth functioning of the Sports complex or infringement of rulesH regulations and bye la?s of the Sports Complex or if any member is adjudicated as ban@rupt or insolvent. d4 #f being a subject of a foreign State ?here ?ar has been declared bet?een #ndia and the State of ?hich he/she is subject. e4 #f any member is convicted for any offence considered as misconduct or moral turpitude by the &anagement (oard. f4 #f in the judgment of the Chairman/$ice ChairmanH //!H the continuance of the membership is prejudicial to the interest of the Sports complex. g4 "he members are not allo?ed to form any forum or !ssociation or any "rade .nion activities ?ithin the //! Sports complexesH failing ?hichH such members ?ill be liable to be expelled from membership and their membership ?ill be terminated. #n this behalfH the decision of the Sports &anagement (oard or $ice KChairmanH //! shall be final C binding. NON4PAYMENT O; DUES !ny member ?ho does not pay his subscription in advance for a period of three months i.e. one Iuarter ?ill be sent a registered notice addressed to his last @no?n address as per record of complex as@ing him to clear ?ithin ,7 days of the issue of notice. #f the members fails to pay the dues ?ithin the stipulated periodH his./her name ?ill be put up in the defaulterJs list on the complexJs Notice (oard for another ,7 days and thereafter his membership ?ill automatically stand terminated. RESTORAT&ON O; CANCELLED MEM=ERS@&P Restoration of membership is normally not permitted except in exceptional cases if applied ?ithin a period of t?o years subject to the satisfaction of /irector 2Sports4 and on payment of ,/0 rd of the current membership entrance fee along ?ith upto date payment of arrears including the period for ?hich membership remained under cancellation. ReIuest for restoration of membership ?ill not be entertained ?here membership ?as cancelled D) i4 n the members reIuest ii4 For misconduct or any act considered prejudicial to the good name and smooth functioning of the complex or infringement of rules/regulations and bye)la?s of the sports complex. iii4 #f any member is proceeded against for any offence considered as misconduct or moral turpitude by the &anagement (oard.

5roof of outstation / residence submitted for restoration of membership ?ill not be entertained for absentee membership of period 2affected period4 for ?hich membership remained under cancellation. D&S@ONOURED C@EBUES &embers ?hose cheIues deposited ?ith the complexH are dishonoured either due to Prefer to /ra?erM M funds not cateredM or Pstoppage of paymentM or for any other reason ?ill be reIuired immediately to pay their dues in cash along ?ith the penalty of Rs. 07/). #n the event of payment not being made ?ith in the specified period as given in the rulesH the membership is liable to be terminated. NOT&CE TO MEM=ERS #n all cases ?here it is necessary to give notice to members under any of the ruleH it shall be sufficient that such notice to be sent or posted to their last @no?n addressH save as other?ise provided. &N;RACT&ON O; RULES 2 =YE4LA8S "he &anagement (oard is empo?ered to suspend the membership of any member for infraction of rules and bye)la?s and can disIualify him/her for the use of complex facilities. CONDUCT O; MEM=ERS #n case the conduct of a member or dependantH in the opinion of the complex incharge is injurious to the character and interest of the complexH his /her membership shall be suspended/terminated for any period by the /irector 2Sports4. A=SENTEE OUTSTAT&ONS MEM=ERS@&P &embers ?ho may be remaining temporarily out of /elhi/Country for a minimum period of three months at a time may apply for absentee 2outstation4 membership. "his ?ill commence only form the date of their departure and subject to the receipt of ?ritten communication along ?ith documentary proof in the form of office orderH transfer certificateH passport/visa etc. !bsentee 2outstation4 membership ?ill be approved on the surrender of cards ?hich can be reclaimed on return by the member. /ependants ?ill also be treated as outstation absentee member along ?ith the member. /ependantsH ho?ever can be granted permission for being outstation absentee members separately if they are staying outside for studies etc. subject to providing proof and surrendering of cards. Not using the complex for any reason is no excuse for claiming absentee 2outstation4 membership. Satellite to?ns li@e NoidaH FaridabadH ;urgaonH ;haEiabadH (ahadurgarh are treated as being ?ithin /elhi. &onthly subscription for absentee membership is Rs. :1/) per member C Rs. 31/) for each dependant or as revised. !bsentee 2outstation4 membership ?ill not be granted for a maximum period of five years continuously. !bsentee 2outstation4 membership ?ill not be granted ex post)facto. #t ?ill commence from the date of receipt of ?ritten reIuest C. completion of usual formalities. USE O; COMPLEX =Y !OVT.<RECO!N&SED SC@OOLS< COLLE!ES <&NST&TUT&ONS. 5ermission to Schools/Colleges to use the facilities of the complex can be granted on batch

boo@ing basis for a period of one month. "his is applicable to games li@e (as@etballH FootballH "able) "ennisH (admintonH SIuashH etc on nominal charges as fixed from time to time for each category per hour per month. "his permission ?ill be granted subject to availability of grounds/courts/tables. COP&ES O; RULES 2 =YE4LA8S ! Copy of rules C bye)la?s ?ill be available in the complex !dministrative shall be furnished to members of the complex on payment of prescribed fee.

ffice for any reference and

!ny person ?ho has ta@en up membership of the complex is bound by the rulesH regulations and bye)la?s of the complex. UT&L&SAT&ON O; SPORTS ;AC&L&T&ES =Y STUDENTS 8@O ARE NOT MEM=ERS Students are permitted to use sports facilities at sports complex bet?een ,1.11 !& to :.11 5& on production of their #dentity card and Rs. 311/) per month or as revised rates of fee. ther rules C regulations C. bye)la?s of the complex ?ill remain the same for them. COAC@&N! Coaching in certain disciplines is available in the complex. "he complex has engaged the services of Iualified coaches from time to time. /etails of coaching classes C fee can be obtained from the office of the sports complex. !part from the complex coaches no other private coaching is allo?ed in the complex from the members or any guest and other persons. Complex authority ?ill not be responsible for cheating or any misconduct by such persons. #f somebody is found indulging in private coachingH the complex authority has full right to debar such member/coach from the complex and disciplinary / punitive action ?ill be initiated against such member. T&M&N!S "he "imings of opening and closing of sports complex and of any facility provided therein ?ill be as per the order of the &anagement NormallyH timings ?ill be 8.11 !& to 6.11 5& in summer. #n ?interH the sports complex ?ill open at 8.01 !& and members can use the facilities upto 9.01 5&. &onday ?ill be observed as closed day for sports facilities. "he &anagement (oard may set apart specific timings/days for use of facilities by juniorsH for coaching and training too. "he &anagement (oard may also prescribe specified days on ?hich guests may not be allo?ed. COMPENSAT&ON A!A&NST ANY LOSS<&NJURY< DAMA!ES S"he membersH their dependants/guests and other persons are reIuired to ta@e all precaution so that no lossH injury or damage is caused to any person. "he //! and/or the &anagement of the Sports Complex shall not be responsible for any injuryH loss or damage sustained or caused to any memberH his/her dependantsH any other person brought to the complex or passing through the Sports Complex or using any facilities of the Sports Complex. "he //! and the &anagement shall not be responsible for any lossH injury or damage caused to any person on any account including the negligence or other?ise of other member or persons on the complex or using the complex and the //! and its &anagement shall be indemnified and shall al?ays be @ept indemnified by the members and other personsS. NOTES: #t shall be the responsibility of the applicant to enIuire about approval of his membership ?ithin 01 days form the date of submission of application formH if approval/non)approval of membership is not received. Non)receipt of such a letter shall not tantamount to any claim of the member.

No bills ?ill be sent for monthly subscription. &embers ?ill be reIuired to clear their dues on or before the ,1th of every calendar month. #t is mandatory to sho? the membership card/ receipt to the Security personnel/game attendant posted at reception / gate before entering into the facility area. &embership card can be chec@ed at any time any ?here by complex officials/officers.

DE;&N&T&ON "he term TmemberJ as used in these Pbye)la?sM includes #ndividualH CorporateH "emporaryH CasualH StaffH -onoraryH Special -onoraryH !ssociateH NR#H and Senior CitiEen members. 8ORK&N! DAYS 2 T&M&N!S "he complex ?ill remain open on all days of the ?ee@ except &onday ?hich ?ill be observed as closed day for sports facilities and on days specified by the &anagement from time to time and on three National -olidays 2i.e. 38th >anH ,7th !ugust C 3nd ctober4. "he complex ?ill normally remain open form 8.01 !& to 9.01 5& in ?inter i.e. ,st /ecember to 39th Feb. and from 8.11 !& to 6.11 5& in summer i.e. ,st &arch to 01th Nov. the complex ?ill remain partially closed on -oli 2forenoon4H /ussehra C /eepa?ali 2 after 3.11 5&4 /etailed timings for various sports / activities ?ould be approved by the &anagement (oard. "hese ?ill ho?ever be notified from time to time. "he !dministrative /!ccounts office of the complex ?illH ho?ever remain closed on every SundayH 3 nd Saturday and all ;aEetted -olidays. "he payment ?ill be accepted by !ccount office bet?een ,1.11 !& to 0.11 5& except lunch brea@ from ,.11 5& to 3.11 5&. "he &anagement (oard may prescribe specified days on ?hich guests are not allo?ed and also set apart specific timings/ days for use of facilities by sports persons for coaching and training. COMPLEX STA;; &embersH their guests and dependants shall not abuse any of the complex staff or use violence ?hatsoever to any person of the staff. #n the event of the member having any occasion to find fault ?ith any person of the staff of the complexH a report of the case should be made in ?riting to the Secretary on the same / next ?or@ing day and it should be entered in the compliant (oo@ dept ?ith the &anager. "he Secretary may either deal ?ith the case or refer it to the &anagement (oard as may be found necessary. "he complex staff ?ill not be sent on any errand or ?ith the message or other?ise ?ithdra?n from his place of ?or@ by any member. dependants or guests. T&PP&N! TO STA;; No member shall give any money by ?ay of tips to any complex staff. "he staff / complex employee is prohibited to solicit or accept gratuities. SUPPLY O; PLANTSA SEESL&N!S 2 SAPL&N!S Sale of plantsH seedlings C saplings is not permitted. &embers ?ill not as@ gardeners or any staff members for the same. ;ardeners are forbidden to supply plantsH flo?ers etc. to members.

SELL&N! O; &TEMS < MATER&ALS Selling of any material of any @ind other than by the authoriEed shop in the complex premises is strictly prohibited. /isciplinary action ?ill be initiated against such person. =REAKA!ES Full value ?ill be charged for all brea@ages of the complex property from membersH their guests and dependants or their servants. -o?everH if in the opinion of the &anagementH the brea@ages are ?illfulH the members may be reIuired to pay upto six times the value of the article. SU!!EST&ON 2 COMPLA&NTS Suggestions C ComplaintsH if anyH should be entered in the suggestion/compliant boo@ @ept for this purpose and can be obtained by any member from the &anager. "he suggestion/ complaint ?ill be loo@ed into by the Secretary and the &anagement (oard and disposed off accordingly. Spouses C dependant children areH ho?everH not permitted to enter any suggestion or complaint in the suggestion complaint boo@. "his may be done by the members themselves. ART&CLES O; T@E COMPLEX 5roperties of the complex such as furnitureH croc@ery or other eIuipment ?ill not be issued / lent to any member or to any organiEation outside the complex premises. PETS /ogs/ pets are not to be allo?ed in any part of the Complex. For each violation of this bye)la?H the o?ner of the dog / pet may be charged / fined upto Rs. 711/) CYCLES < SCOOTERS CyclingH riding scooters and motor cycles on the la?ns / courts of the complex is not permitted. Cycles C Scooters/&otorcycles should be par@ed in the Cycle / Scooter 5ar@ing. NOT&CE !ny printed / circular material for the notice board of the complex must be sent to the complex Secretary for approval and got initialed by him before being placed on the notice board. &embers are not permitted to place any notice. Notices ?ill normally be displayed for a ?ee@ only. PAYMENT "he management ?ill into be responsible for payments made in cashH unless such payments are made to cashier against a proper receipt. CheIues cannot be encashed by members. "he use of complex funds for encashing of members cheIues is strictly forbidden. PARK&N! O; VE@&CLES &embers ?ill par@ cars / scooters / motorcycles etcH in the proper area specified for the purpose. &embers //ependants shall be liable to pay the penal charges as prescribed in case of par@ing in the PNo par@ing areaM.

"he sports complex shall not be held responsible for the loss of any vehicle or any belongings or fitments either @ept inside or fitted in the vehicle. 5ar@ing of vehicles including cycles inside the sports complex is purely at o?nerJs ris@. OVERSPEED&N! &N T@E COMPLEX *hile entering in the complexH cars / scooters/ motorcycles must slo? do?n to a speed of not more than ,1+m per hour. verspeeding and hon@ing of horns on the complex roads in not permitted. DRESS RE!ULAT&ONS &embers ?ill ensure that proper decorum ?ith regard to ?earing of dress in the complex is al?ays maintained. .nder no circumstances the gentlemen ?ill be permitted to visit the complex in Sal?ar +ameeE/ +urta 5yjamaH vest Chappals/ (athroom Slipers or dressing go?ns etc. 5roper Sports +it ?ill be ?orn for each sport/ game as designated in the bye)la?s. RE;RES@MENT Snac@ bars ?ith light refreshment are located at convenient places for the convenience of members. DR&NK&N! 2 SMOK&N! Consuming LiIuor or alcoholic drin@s and smo@ing in the premises of the complex is strictly prohibited. &embers are reIuested to co)operate and avoid indulging in drin@ing or smo@ing. S@OOT&N! < P@OTO!RAP@Y Shooting 2Still/$ideo 4 in the premises of the complex is not permitted ?ithout prior approval of the !dministration. SUSPENS&ON O; MEM=ERS@&P ;OR &ND&SC&PL&NE /irector 2Sports4 is empo?ered to suspend any member and dependant for indiscipline as per rule 30H 39H C 36 of the complex. "he follo?ing actions ?ill be ta@en on suspension of member D) i. ii. iii. iv. ! Suspended member shall hold his/her lien over the membership status. -e /she ?ill surrender membership card. -e /She ?ill not be allo?ed to use the facilities until the suspension is revo@ed. !fter holding an inIuiry if the member is found innocentH he/she ?ill be liable to clear the arrears. #f the member is found guilty his / her membership ?ill be terminated after a formal enIuiry. N$ arms a"# amm0"iti$" are a $Ce# i" the premises $6 the /$mp e..



"ennis "able "ennis (adminton SIuash (illiards/Snoo@er "ae@?ondo %oga >ogging "rac@ (as@et ball S@ating Children 5ar@ Chess "ennis 5ractice *all S?imming Fitness Center

Clay Courts -ard Courts C Synthetic Courts are available for tennis. "here ?ill be no charge for clay and hard courts. Synthetic courts shall be utilised on pay and play basis by membersH guests and casual members as per the prescribed charges on hourly basis. &embers/dependants ?ill enter their name C membership number in the Register maintained ?ith the attendant along ?ith the time of arrival before playing. &embership Cards/Receipts ?ill be sho?n to the attendant/complex authority on demand. 5riority to play ?ill be on Sfirst come first serve basis.S "?o courts ?ill ho?everH be specifically reserved for members as per timings given belo?. Should the courts be free during these timingsH others may play but ?ill vacate as soon as a member arrives. "emporary / casual members C guests ?ill not have any priority after 8 5& C. = 5& during ?inter C summer respectively. 5eriod of play ?ill be permitted for half hour or a set ?hichever is earlier. ! tie brea@er ?ill be played at 7 all. Should there be rush of membersH only a short set i.e. not more than ,, games ?ill be permitted. 8armi"1 0p ) nly 0 minutes ?arming up play is permitted ?hich ?ill be included in the 01 minutes play period. Si"1 es 4 Singles ?ill be played if no doubles or Smade up fourS is ?aiting. P a3i"1 !ear 4 ?n "ennis rac@ets and balls are to be brought by members/dependants for play. No ball boys are permitted or ?ill be employed.

Sm$9i"1 4 Smo@ing is not permitted in the court. Dress 4 *hite shirt / ")shirtsH ?hite shorts 2s@irts / sal?ar)@ameeE for ladies4 C tennis shoes should be ?orn for play. "rac@ suit is permitted only in ?inter. C$a/hi"1 4 &ar@erUs services ?ill be available for coaching on prescribed fee. ne of the hard courts is reserved for coaching. Pra/ti/e 8a 4 ! practice ?allH consisting of half courts is available for practice. ! maximum of t?o persons can practice on each half court. #f other members are ?aiting for practiceH the use of ?all ?ill be restricted to ,1 minutes at a time. T&M&N!S : S0mmer 4 2,st &arch to 01th Nov.4 8 !& to ,1 !& C 0 5& to 6 5& 8i"ter 4 2,st /ec. to 39th Feb.4 8.01 !& to ,, !& C 3 5& to 9.01 5& 2&onday closed4 SYNT@ET&C COURTS "his is pay and play facility. "he boo@ing charges for a court are D) a4 /ay light hours ) Rs. 71/) per hour per court 2Court lights are not s?itched on4 b4 'vening ) Rs. =7/) per hour per court 2Court lights are s?itched on4 "he boo@ing charges ?ill be paid at the Reception. (oo@ings can be done 3: hours in advance. No eatables or drin@s of any @ind are allo?ed inside the courts. "he balls being carried inside the courts must either be in a can ?ith rubberiEed base or in a card board box. "he pressurised can containing balls must be opened and left outside the courts. Chairs/tables ?ith ?ooden or aluminium base are not allo?ed inside the courts. Shoes ?ith non)mar@ing soles are only allo?ed in the courts.

&embers C dependants may use the facility as per timings given belo?. ;uests and casual members may also use the facility on payment as per prescribed rates. !ll those intending to play ?ill enter their names and membership numbers at the time of arrival in the Register maintained ?ith the !ttendant. &embership card/receipts of payment should be sho?n on demand to the complex official. Pri$rit3 $6 P a3 ) 5laying is permitted on Sfirst come first serveS basis. !ttendant ?ill supervise proper use of tables. #n the event of rushH S SinglesS may not be permitted and instead SdoublesS ?ill be allo?ed. Peri$# $6 P a3 4 5lay is permitted for 31 minutes or one game ?hichever is earlier. *arming up time is a maximum of 0 minutes inclusive of 31 minutes. P a3i"1 !ear 4 ?n table tennis bats and balls ?ill be brought by the players. Dress ) Short/trac@ lo?er. ")shirt and sport shoes are permitted ?hile playing. Sm$9i"1 4 Smo@ing is strictly prohibited inside the "" -all. 5roper decorum is to be observed as underD 2a4 *hen table is not in useH s?itch off the lights.

2b4 bserve Silence 2c4 $acate the "able on Completion of the game/time. 2d4 bserve dress regulations 2e4 Register your name C membership number along ?ith arrival time 2f4 /o not stand along the sides of the ?alls. (e seated on the chairs provided.

S0mmer 4 2,st &arch to 01 th Nov.4 8.11 !& to 6.11 5& 8i"ter )2,st /ec. to 39th Feb.4 8.01 !& to 9.01 5& 2&onday Closed4

&embers C dependants may play in the badminton courts as per timings given belo?. Casual members C guests may use the courts on payment for the day as per prescribed rates. "hey ?ill ho?everH not be permitted to use the courts after 8 5& C = 5& in ?inter C summer respectively. !ll those intending to play ?ill enter their nameH membership number C arrival time in register maintained ?ith the attendant. &embership Card/Receipt of payment should be sho?n to the attendant. Pri$rit3 $6 P a3 4 #t ?ill be on Sfirst come first serveS basis. !ttendant ?ill allot the court as per serial no. on the arrival register. a4 Court No. , C 3 ) for members b4 Court No. 0 ) for dependants. Peri$# $6 P a7 D +5 minutes or one game ?hichever is earlierL 0 minutes ?arming is permitted. "his is inclusive in overall time of 31 minutes. Singles ?ill only be played if no SdoublesS is ?aiting. Sp$rts !ear 4 ?n rac@ets and shuttle coc@s are to be brought by the players. Dress 4 Short or "rac@ lo?er ?ith ")shirt C sports shoes.

S0mmer 4 2,st &arch to 01 th Nov.4 8 !& to ,1 !& C 0 5& to 6 5& 8i"ter )2,st /ec. to 39th Feb.4 8.01 !& to ,, !& C 3 5& to 9.01 5&

&embers C dependants may use the complex courts as per timings given belo?. Casual members C guests may use the court on payment for the day as prescribed rates. "hey ?ill ho?everH not have any priority after 8 5& and = 5& in ?inter and summer respectively. !ll those intending to play ?ill enter their nameH membership no. C arrival time in the register maintained ?ith the attendant/ mar@er. &embership Card/Receipt of payment should be sho?n to the attendant. Pri$rit3 $6 P a3 4 #t ?ill be Sfirst come first serveS basis. !ttendant/&ar@er ?ill allot the court. Peri$# $6 P a3 ) 01 minutes or one gameH ?hichever is either. Not more than 0 minutes @noc@ing/?arming up time is permitted ?hich ?ill be inclusive of 01 minutes period of play. Reser7e# C$0rts 4 No.l court ?ill be reserved for individual members only after 8.11 5& and =.11 5& in ?inter and summer respectively.

Sp$rts !ear ) ?n sIuash rac@ets C balls have to be brought by the players. Dress 4 *hite shorts/")shirts and sports shoes are only permitted for play. "rac@ suit may only be ?orn for ?arming up. C$ $0re# s$ e# sh$es are "$t permitte#. &embers ?ill ?ipe their shoes before entering in the court. Smo@ing is not permitted in the court or in the spectators gallery.
1+. T&M&N!S :

S0mmer 4 ,st &arch to 01th Nov. 8 !& to ,1 !& C 3.01 5& to 6 5& 8i"ter 4 ,st /ec. to 39th Feb. 8.01 !& to ,, !& C 3 5& to 9.01 5&.

Facilities of (illiard room are available to membersH their dependantsH temporary/ casual/guest members. /ependants belo? the age of ,3 years are not allo?ed in the billiard room. &embers ?ill be reIuired to sho? their cards/ payment receipts of the day to the mar@er/ complex official and enter the details of membership/timings etc in the register @ept for the purpose. ! charge of Rs. 31/) 2subject to change4 per half hour per player ?ill be levied for the use of a table irrespective of @ind of game or number of players. 5ayment ?ill be by cash/ coupons ?hich can be obtained from the reception at the time of boo@ing the table. No refund of money ?ill be made if lights go off or due to some other unforeseen circumstancesH play is not possible. No member ?ill start the game ?ith the mar@er ?hen other members are ?aiting for a table but a game ?hich has been commenced earlier may be permitted to be completed. ! member playing ?ith the mar@erH pays for the game. *hen the table is already occupiedH members desirous of playing shall enter their name on the register provided for the purpose. "hey must be present on completion of the previous gameH other?ise their turn ?ill be forfeited. ! table may not be reserved for any sort of game for more than 01 minutes. #n case a player plays in a manner ?hich is li@ely to cause damage to the tableH the mar@er is empo?ered to stop the game and not permit the person to play any further. 5layers are not permitted to sitH lie or place glasses on the table. Smo@ingH eatableH teaH cold drin@s etc. are strictly prohibited in the billiards room. Spectators are reIuired to observe silence ?hen the play is in progress. #n case of any damage caused to the table or its cloth either by a member or his dependantH guests or by a casual memberH the member ?ill be responsible to ma@e good the loss. #f the damage so caused is a major oneH he ?ill be charged such amount as the management may determine. #f in the opinion of the managementH the damage ?as ?ilfulH then upto six times the value may be charged.

C$a/hi"1 4 &ar@ers are permitted to coach. Coaching fee ?ill be Rs. ,1/) per half hour. Coaching timings ?ill be from ,, !& to , 5& in summer and ,1.01 !& to ,3.01 5& in ?inter. Timi"1s 4 (illiards room ?ill remain open during the follo?ing hours daily except &onday D S0mmer Timi"1s 4 ,, !& to 6 5& 8i"ter Timi"1s 4 ,1.01 !& to 9.01 5& 2Lunch brea@ ) , 5& to 3 5&4

&embersH their dependants may join "ae@?ondo classes on payment of prescribed fee. "ae@?ondo classes ?ill be conducted on every "uesdayH "hursday and Saturday bet?een 7 5& to 8.01 5& 2?inter4 and 8 5& to =.01 5& 2summer4. 5layers/participants should be present in the practice area ten minutes before commencement time.

a4 5articipants are permitted to attend only in proper ?hite "ae@?ondo uniform. b4 ?n uniforms are reIuired to be brought. c4 No shoes shall be allo?ed inside the practice area. Finger/toe nails of participants should be properly cut. Nobody except participants should be allo?ed inside the practice area. Spectators may ?atch from outside the area. Smo@ing is strictly prohibited inside the playing area. Strict discipline as per rules ?ill be maintained in the class. Coach/incharge reserves the right to stop practice or expel a player for misbehaviour or for not observing the rules. "he prescribed fee ?ill be paid by the participants/parents to the authorised staff of the complex and receipt obtained. "he receipt ?ill be authority for admission to the coaching class.

%oga classes ?ill be conducted for members and dependants in the complex. %oga ?ill be carried out in the area designated for it under the neem tree by Iualified instructors on payment of prescribed fee. =) Non)members may be permitted on payment of fee subject to availability of vacancies in the class. "imings for the classes ?ill be notified from time to time. Dress 4 /ecent apparelH preferably looseH comfortable clothing may be ?orn. No shoes ?ill be allo?ed inside the practice area. /uries/mats are to be brought by participants themselves for yoga practice. Nobody except participants are permitted inside the practice area ?hen a class is in progress. Spectators may ?atch from outside. Smo@ing is strictly prohibited during yoga classes.

Silence should be observed ?hile practicing yoga. Strict discipline should be maintained in the class. %oga teacher reserves the right to stop practice and may as@ a participant to leave for indiscipline or misbehaviour. Special classes under the instructor of yoga teacher may be run from time to time.

&embers C. dependants may play on the (as@etball Court as per timings of the complex. Non members ?ill either come as guest or as casual member on payment of prescribed charges. T&M&N!S: S0mmer 4 2,st &arch to 01th Nov.4 8.11 !& to 6.11 5& 8i"ter 4 2,st /ec. to 39th Feb.4 =)8.01 !& to 9.01 5& 6.11 !& to 0.11 5& if allotted to Schools/Colleges4.

2"he court may not be available bet?een

rganised team play is permitted from 8 5& to 9 5& 2during summer4 and from 7 5& to = 5& in ?inter. "he management reserves the right to allot the court for the same. Dress ) ShirtsH ")Shirts and shorts/"rac@ lo?er C sports shoes. Ladies may ?ear Ssal?ar +ameeES or shirt C s@irt. ?n (as@etball ?ill be brought by individuals/team. Smo@ing is not permitted. &embership card/receipts for the play should be sho?n to officials of the complex on demand. /iscipline C playing decorum ?ill be maintained during the play. !ny infringement of the complex rules/bye)la?s may debar a person from the use of facility.

&embers and dependants may use s@ating rin@ as per timings of the complex. Casual members and guests may also use the s@ating for the day as per prescribed rates. 'ntry to the rin@ ?ill ho?ever be subject to availability of space in the rin@ and may be restricted by the !ttendant/Coach from time to time. &embers//ependants and others ?ill enter their nameH membership no.H receipt no. and arrival of time in the register maintained ?ith the attendant before entering the rin@. &embership card/receipt of payment ?ill be sho?n on demand. "here ?ill be a special concession for school children. "hey canH bet?een ,1 !& to : 5&H use the rin@ by paying Rs. ,1/) at the reception. rganised groups from school/ institutions/colleges can also use the rin@ on a fixed time by prior boo@ing.

?n s@ates and other protective head/body gear ?ill be brought by the individuals. "he complex is not responsible for any injury sustained by the s@ater. S@ating ?hich may endanger the safety of the participants is not permitted. S@aters ?ill not cut across the rin@. Spectators ?ill not enter the rin@. Sitting on railings around the s@ating rin@ is strictly prohibited. "he spectators ?ill ?atch from the spectatorUs gallery. Smo@ing and eating is not permitted inside the rin@. Strict discipline and proper decorum ?ill be maintained by the participants. !ttendant/Coach reserves the right to stop a s@ater or expel him from the rin@ for misbehaviour for not observing the rules/ dangerous s@ating. No s@ate boarding is permitted. Steel ?heel s@ates are not allo?ed. Roller s@ates ?ith artificial bra@es fixed on the front of shoe are also not allo?ed. "he members/dependants may join coaching in s@ating ?hich ?ill be organised from time to time on payment of prescribed fee. "he timings ?ould be bet?een = !& to 6 !& and 7 5& to 9 5&. "he coaching timings for beginners ?ould be bet?een 7 5& to = 5&. /uring this period only such members ?ho ?ant coaching are permitted. Speed s@aters are not allo?ed to use the rin@ during this period to avoid any accident. !fter = 5& advance coaching 2speed s@ating4 ?ould be imparted during this timeH others can also use the rin@. "he s@ating fee ?ill be paid at the reception and receipt obtained.

&embers C dependants may avail the s?imming pool facility on payment of prescribed fee subject to availability of capacity in the pool. ;uest accompanied by the members may be allo?ed entry provided there is capacity available in the pool on payment of reIuired fee. 'ach member is reIuired to deposit his/her s?imming pass/receipt and enter his/her nameH membership number at the time of entry and exit in the register maintained at the reception. 5ass holders ?ill be allo?ed to s?im only in the allotted time and session as indicated in their monthly/seasonal pass. 5ass holders must report ,7 minutes before the shift time failing ?hich time slot ?ill be allotted to another member. !ll s?immers shall ta@e sho?er bathH before entering the pool. "hey are also reIuired to be attired in the proper costume. Cap is compulsory for long haired s?immers. !ll instructions imparted by the Coach/Life ;uard are to be strictly follo?ed. "he &anager/ Coach is authorised to refuse any person from s?imming for misbehaviour and/or infringement of rules. "he management accepts no responsibility for any accident or mishap. !ny injuries/loss of life ?hile availing the facility ?ill be at the s?immerUs o?n ris@. Li@e?iseH no compensation claim shall be entertained in case of any mishap or loss of life. Non s?immers/beginners shall not cross the barrier put up for restricting them from going into the deeper portion. *earing a red cap is compulsory for the beginners. #n case a non s?immer violates the above restrictionsH he/she shall do so at his/her o?n ris@.

&embers are reIuested not to spit in/pollute the pool in any ?ay. !ny one suffering from s@in disease/cough or cold ?ill not be allo?ed to s?im. $isitors are not allo?ed to enter in the pool dec@. "hey may occupy the visitorUs galleryH Children belo? the age of 7 are not allo?ed inside the pool premises. -o?everH those above the age of 7 and belo? 9 years may come if accompanied by an adult. No person is allo?ed to @eep any valuable e.g. ?atch / purse / money / ornaments in the change room. #f anybody does so he/ she shall do the same at his/her o?n ris@ and responsibility. "he management does not accept the responsibility of safeguarding valuables of members. rnaments li@e ChainsH RingsH (angles are not permitted to be ?orn ?hile s?imming. No eatable are allo?ed in the pool premises. Smo@ing and consumption of alcohol is strictly prohibited. No pets are allo?ed in the s?imming pool area/complex "he pool ?ill remain closed on every &onday. "he permission for use of s?imming pool to any s?immer can be terminated at any given time ?ithout assigning any reason. Refund of s?imming fee 2daily/monthly/ seasonal4 ?ill not be paid for closure of s?imming pool for any reason ?hatsoever. &NSTRUCT&ONS ;OR &NST&TUT&ONS #nstitutions may boo@/hire the pool on payment of prescribed fee. ! maximum of 71 students ?ill be permitted at a given time. Responsibility of safety of students ?ill entirely rest ?ith school/college. #f the s?imming pool is boo@ed by any institution for coaching/competitionH that institution ?ill compensate in full for any damage caused to the s?imming pool. "he boo@ing of pool by any institution /organisation can be cancelled at any time ?ithout assigning any reason. #n case of the organisation/institution cancelling their boo@ingH 37B deposit ?ill be deducted as cancellation charges. "-' FL *#N; R!"'S *#LL (' !55L#C!(L' *.'.F. 1,S" !5R#LH 311= #N R'S5'C" ;!&'S D) Sl. "%5' F #NS"#"."' / R!"'S /!#L% 5'R - .R RS. 71/) Sports Rs. ,11/) Rs. 311/) Rs. 011/) Rs. 711/) @AND&CAPPED PERSONS RATES Rates for physically challenged / handicapped persons for s?imming at $+SC N R!"'S F "'!&

N & N"-L% (!S#S 2,

R;!N#G!"# N i4 ii4 iii4 iv4 v4 ;ovt. School ther School C Colleges ;ovt. rganiEation !ssociations C Federations ther #nstitutions Foreign #nstitutions

(!S#S -R. 5'R /!% F R *''+ /!%S ".'S/!% " FR#/!% RS. 011/) Rs. =71/) Rs. 3711/) Rs. 0711/) Rs. 8111/

"he rates for physically challenged / -andicapped persons is as under D a4 "he rates for physically challenged / -andicapped persons are Rs. ,1/) 5er /ip per -our or Rs. 311/) 5er &onth 25er /ip / 5er -our4 b4 !ttendant ,4 Rs. ,1/) 5er /ip / 5er -our 34 Rs. 311/) 5er &onth 25er /ip / 5er -our4 Note :- The Handicapped / Physically challenged persons will be issued special passes at the rates mentioned above after they submit a certificate from recognized body / institute /Society dealing with handicapped /physically challenged persons

S8&MM&N! C@AR!ES<;EES FR & 1,"- !5R#L " 01"- S'5"'&('R) 311= M$"th 3 Pass 2for &embers nly4 Seas$"a Pass 2for 5ermanent &embers nly4 M$"th 3 Pass 2for Staff &embers nlyH //!4 Seas$"a Pass 2for Staff members nly4 Temp$rar3 Members !" #onths compulsory$ B0arter 3 Pass %51st Apri t$ >5th J0"eA5F) B0arter 3 Pass ;r$m %51st J0 3 t$ >5th Sept.5F) Coaching Fee DA&LY ;EE %DURAT&ON ONE @OUR) a) Member !%nly for Permanent #ember$ b) !0ests a"# $thers members Rs. >5<4 per /ip Rs. 1+5<4 per dip Rs. ,55<4 Rs. 1E55<4 Rs. 155<4 Rs. ,55<4 Rs. 1,55<4 Rs. 1,55<4 Rs. E55<4 Rs. ,55<4 %p.m.) per pers$"

NOTE : "emporary &embers can not avail the facility of P/aily /ipM. "he forms are available at R'C'5"# N at the cost of Rs. ,1/) per form. "he members may note that /!#L% /#55'RS ?ill also be reIuired to fill the form and get it signed by the medical officer C clearance from !ccount (ranch. #n absence of thisH the members ?ill not be issued the entry tic@et T&M&N!S

MORN&N! 8.11 to =.11 !. &. =.11 to 9.11 !. &. 9.11 to 6.11 !. &. 6.11 to ,1.11 !. &.

EVEN&N! 3.11 to 0.11 p.m. 0.11 to :.11 p.m. :.11 to 7.11 p.m. 7.11 to 8.11 p.m. 8.11 to =.11 p.m. =.11 to 911 p.m. 9.11 to 6.11 p.m. COAC@&N! @OURS EVEN&N! >.55 PM t$ ?.55 PM ?.55 PM t$ ,.55 PM ,.55 PM t$ F.55 PM F.55 PM t$ G.55 PM

MORN&N! G.55 A. M. t$ E.55 A. M. E.55 A. M. T$ H.55 A. M.

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