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What you really need to know to Ace the Biology EOC

1. Lab Safety: a. graduated cylinders measure volume b. goggles, aprons, gloves (point test tubes away from you) 2. Experiments a. Independent variable !"at you c"ange at t"e beginning# t"e difference bet!een t"e groups b. dependent variable $ !"at you are loo%ing for# t"e data t"at you !ill record c. hypothesis $ a possible ans!er to a problem d. theory $ an accepted idea t"at "as support from many different "ypot"eses. Examples: t"eory of: evolution, relativity# cell t"eory &. 'rganic (olecules made of C, ,O a. carbo"ydrates $ for energy usage. (ade of sacc"arides (glucose, sucrose, fructose, starc", glycogen) monomer is glucose b. proteins $ made up of amino acids! made in the ribosomes functions: movement, defense (antibodies) examples: en)ymes, "emoglobin c. lipids $ monomer is fatty acid functions" energy storage, insulation d. nucleic acids: monomer: nucleotide# can ma%e copies of itself# "as genetic info. e. *esting for organic molecules: iodine#starch+blue blac%, lipid#paper+ grease spot Benedict$s#sugar+ orange bro!n, Biuret$s#protein+ purple ,. -ells a. pro%aryotes no membrane bound organelles %primitive& no nucleus %they do have ribosomes& e'amples" bacteria %smaller in si(e& b. eu%aryotes $ have a nucleus and membrane bound organelles e'amples" animals, plants, protists, fungi %larger cells& c. nucleus contains t"e ./0 d. ribosomes ma%e proteins e. mitochondria $ !"ere energy is produced f. vacuoles" store !ater or food g. Chloroplasts: for p"otosynt"esis ". plasma membrane: barrier for t"e cell i. total magnification: lo! po!er: 1112 3ig" po!er: ,112 (ob4. lens 2 eyepiece) 4. )lant cells: cubed5box s"aped, "ave large vacuoles5cell !all l. animal cells: sp"ere s"aped, smaller vacuoles, no cell !all. 6. 7"otosynt"esis a. plants make glucose %C* +,O*& and O, from sunlight and CO, %reactants& b. occurs in chloroplasts! in t"e leaves of plants c. 'xygen and glucose are t"e products 8. 9espiration a. "appens in A-- O./A0I121 b. ma%es A3) from glucose and '2 c. occurs in t"e mitochondria d. CO, and A3) are t"e products e. A4) A3) 5 stored energy A3) A4) 5 released energy f. aerobic respiration creates &8 0*7 !"ile anaerobic respiration creates none. g. 0naerobic respiration: lactic acid fermentation (in our muscles), and alcoholic fermentation :. *ransport across a membrane a. passive transport6 0o energy (diffusion and osmosis)

b. diffusion particles move from higher to lower concentration c. osmosis WA3E. moves from higher to lower concentration d. to figure out !"ic" !ay !ater moves: salt sucks. ;ater moves to!ard t"e salt (or sugar) t"in%: solute + salt (salt doesn<t really pull t"e !ater, but it "elps to t"in% it does) e. Active transport re7uires energy particles move from low to high concentration f. semipermeable membrane6 some t"ings pass t"roug", some t"ings don<t. (aintains homeostasis (temp. p3, !ater balance, glucose levels in t"e body "elp us %eep "omeostasis) =. -ell reproduction a. mitosis6 makes , identical cells %ase'ual& b. meiosis6 makes 8 different haploid cells (one of eac" %ind of c"romosome) c. diploid6 2 of eac" %ind of c"romosome (all body cells except sex cells) d. haploid 1 of eac" %ind of c"romosome (sex cells) e. crossing over in meiosis ma%es eac" c"romosome a little bit different. f. nondis9unction" c"romosomes do not separate as t"ey s"ould (trisomy 21) >. ./0 a. double stranded "elix t"at codes for proteins: b. 0?* @?c. shape and structure discovered by Watson and Crick d. made up of nucleotides: sugar, p"osp"ate, nitrogen base e. replication a complete copy of ./0 is made f. transcription" making m.0A (messenger9/0) occurs in t"e nucleus a copy of a 40A gene is made: %m.0A is made& .0A" A;< /;C <;A C;/ g. 3ranslation (a%a protein synt"esis) making a protein occurs at t"e ribosome 6t.0A brings amino acids to the ribosome m9/0 tells t"e order, t9/0 brings amino acids to ribosome based on t"e m9/0 order 11. @enetics a. /regor 2endel b. 7unnet SAuares gametes on the outside, possible offspring on the inside +==> dominant !"en t!o purebreds cross ?"+ ratio when crossing , hetero(ygous monohybrids @"?"?"+ ratio when crossing , hetero(ygous dihydrids c. .ominant al!ays s"o!s up if present %big letter& d. alleles are alternate forms of a gene (example: tall and s"ort) e. genotype6 !"at t"e genes say, (genetic ma%eup) f. phenotype6 !"at you can see, !"at t"e organisms loo%s li%e ". carriers6 t"ose t"at "ave one recessive allele (little letter), but do not "ave t"e disease i: incomplete dominance neit"er allele is completely dominant. 9ed 2 !"ite + pin% 4. co6domininance6 9ed 2 !"ite + red and white. (red and !"ite co! is called a roan) Blac% cat 2 !"ite cat + black and white cat: %. Sex lin%ed in"eritance: more common in (E/ t"an !omen ;"yC hemophilia and color blindness AA remember to make sure to look if they are asking for > of total offspring or 9ust > of males or > of females: l. (ultiple alleles: more than , alleles for any gene: E'ample" blood types D0D0 D0Di, DBDB DBDi, D0DB, ii (babydaddy problems) m. polygenic inheritance" many genes for a trait: E'amples" hair color, eye color, skin tone, body shape: AABBCC44 B aabbccdd 5 AaBbCc4d n. autosomes: all c"romosomes except sex c"romosomes.

0utosomal disorders: 1ickle Cell Anemia, cystic fibrosis, untington$s disease, )C< o. %aryotype: a picture of the chromosomes, used to find abnormalities: 11. @enetic tec"nology a. recombinant 40A is 40A that has been changed: A small piece has been added from another organism b. plasmids" circular 40A found in bacteria: <sed in recombinant 40A c. .estriction en(ymes6 cut ./0 at specific spots d. gel eletrophoresis6 separates different si)es of ./0, used to identify bodies, or convict criminals. e. uman /enome )ro9ect6 locating every "uman gene on t"e c"romosomes. f. transgenic organism6 organism t"at "as a ./0 from a different species. ". gene therapy treating illnesses by correcting genes. i. 40A fingerprinting using electrop"oresis to compare ./0 samples (see d above) 4. stem cells cells t"at "ave t"e ability to create different types of cells 12. Evolution a. Charles 4arwin $ studied @alapagos Dslands# formulated t"e t"eory of /atural Selection. b. )asteur disproved spontaneous generation (abiogenesis)# formulated t"e t"eory of biogenesis c. 0atural 1election6 1. more offspring t"an can survive, 2. variations in t"e offspring, &. some variations "ave a better advantage, ,. *"ose !it" t"e most advantageous traits survive. d. fossil record showing past organisms that are similar to those of today %relatve5absolute dating) e. speciation $ creating two or more species due to geographic or reproductive isolation f. vestigial structures useful in ancestors, but not in that organism g. Organisms with the favorable variation will survive and reproduce: ". gene pool all t"e genes in a population i. co6evolution t!o organisms evolve toget"er. Examples: flo!er and "ummingbird. 4. Antiobitics and pesticides develop a resistance because some of the bacteria or insects are not affected at all: 3he unaffected organisms reproduce and create offspring that are also not affected by the antibiotics or pesticides: %. convergent species loo% similar but are not related. 4ivergent $ species are related by a common ancestor, but t"ey loo% different l. organisms !it" similar amino acids and 40A are related. m. .emember" organisms -0//'* pass do!n traits t"ey acAuire in t"eir lifetime. 1&. -lassification a. -innaeus developed a system based on structural similarities. b. homologous structure similar in structure, but different functions analogous structure different structures, same function (bird, insect !ings) c. Embryology studying embryos to decide "o! closely related organisms are. d. kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, species: e. cladograms: diagrams t"at s"o! relations"ips among different organisms f. dichotomous key: used to identify organisms. A-WAD1 start at the top: g. symmetry: asymmetry, radial symmetry, bilateral symmetry 1,. -"aracteristics of 'rganisms a. animals "eterotrop"ic, multicellular, eu%aryotic, /' cell !all annelid worms: breat"e t"ru s%in, "ave closed circulation, "ermap"rodites art"ropods: insects" metamorp"osis, & body parts58legs. Arachnids"2 body parts5=legs lobster#crabs amphibians"metamorp"osis, breat"e t"ru s%in, "ave & c"ambered "eart,eggs in 321 reptiles" &.6 c"ambered "eart, scaly s%in, eggs "ave s"ells mammals", c"ambered "eart, eggs in placenta (some in a pouc"), "air, endot"erms. b. plants autotrop"ic, multicellular, eu%aryotic, cell !all made of cellulose c. Eungi "eterotrop"ic, multicellular, eu%aryotic, cell !all made of chitin d. )rotista" some "eterotrop"ic, some autotrop"ic, eu%aryotic, some "ave cell !alls, some "ave c"lorop"yll e. viruses not made up of cells# 4ust protein and ./0





reproduce only in a "ost cell# can mutate over time e. viruses (continued) 1ome attack 7uickly: E'amples" influen(a, smallpo' Faccine: %ills viruses 1ome say hidden for years causing no damage, until they begin to destroy cells: E'amples" IF, erpes 3uman Body a. Cell;tissue;organ;organ system;organism b. .ight side of heart "as deoxygenated (oxygen poor) blood. c. left side of heart "as oxygenated (oxygen ric") blood. d. Arteries carry blood away from t"e "eart# veins carry blood to the heart: e. /as e'change occurs in t"e alveoli in t"e lungs. f. B cells ma%e antibodies. Some are memory cells. g. 3 cells "elp B cells ma%e antibodies. Ciller 3 cells %ill infected cells. ". Active immunity6DO< ma%e t"e antibodies. @et sic%, or get a vaccine. Lasts forever i. )assive immunity;you 4O0$3 ma%e t"e antibodies. -omes from anot"er organism. .oesn<t last forever. 4. neurons (nerve cells) carry electric impulses. 0eurotransmitters are bet!een neurons. %. (ost nutrients are absorbed in t"e small intestine: l: Insulin lo!ers glucose levels. m. 7oor nutrition leads to obesity, malnutrition, and deficiencies. (diabetes& 7lants a. photosynthesis in the leaves: b. A-- plants must do respiration, tooGGG c. 0onvascular plants" "ave no tubes to carry !ater and food around. 1mall plants: E'ample" mosses d. Fascular plants" "ave tubes to carry !ater and food around. -arger plants e. Eerns" vascular, but "ave no seeds. Spores ma%e gametes, and gametes fuse. AAmosses and ferns must have water for spores to be released and gametes to meet: f. /ymnosperm" seed is in a cone made of !ood. ". angiosperm" seed is protected by a fruit. (t"ey "ave flo!ers) i. seed" embryo is on t"e inside. 4. *ranspiration: water is released from the leaves: 0nimal Be"avior a. Innate: genetic (born !it" it) suckling (instinct) ta'is (insects moving to!ard lig"t) migration estivation#hibernation: sleep in t"e summer5!inter b. -earned" examples habituation (get used to it) imprinting (figuring out !"o mama is) classical conditioning ( learn by associating t"ingsE bell rings, dogs drool) trial and error c. 1ocial" communication" pheromones courtship" dancing or fighting, etc: territorial defense" fighting fish, seals patrolling beaches d. )avlov: came up !it" classical conditioning# dogs and ringing a bell. e. /oodall" observed c"imp be"avior Ecology a. species;population;community;ecosystem;biosphere b. biotic factors" living t"ings! abiotic factors" nonliving t"ings c. symbiosis: mutualism" when both organisms benefit commensalism" one benefits, the other is not harmed, no benefit

parasitism" one is harmed, the other is benefited 7arasite does not intend to %ill its "ost. d. predator#prey" bot" rely on eac" ot"er# predator al!ays follo!s prey on t"e grap" e. carrying capacity" go above it, and organisms die. f. limiting factors" t"ings t"at limit si)e of populations (lac% of food, !ater s"elter, natural disaster) g. exponential gro!t"" H curve. .oesn<t "appen in nature. ". )roducers at t"e bottom of pyramid# bottom of food !eb i. -onsumers eat producers. ighest order consumers at top of food web and pyramid 4. autotrophs make their own food, heterotrophs can$t make their own food: %. 7roducers "ave "ig"est amount of available energy. 'nly 11F is passed on. l. *oxins li%e mercury or lead !ill accumulate as it goes up pyramid. 0ffects top of t"e pyramid t"e most. (called biomagnification#bioaccumulation& m. 0rro!s ( ) in food !eb + energy transfer n. Carbon cycle" plants use -'2. 0LL organisms release -'2 into t"e atmosp"ere o. .achel Carson" 1I-E03 1).I0/ birds dying from 443 p. uman impact" deforestation acid rain introducing non6native species greenhouse effect#global warming#climate change CEC" o(one depletion %hole in the o(one& )esticides#to'ins 1>. En)ymes a. special proteins t"at speed up c"emical reactions b. very specific" only !or% !it" specific substrates. c. are reusable# t"ey are not used up in t"e reaction d. !or% best in a certain p and certain temperature 21. 7arasites a. vector" animal that carries the parasite but is not affected by it %mos7uito& b. malaria" Plasmodium vivax" protist carried by some mosAuitos

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