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Principal System Developer - Level 11

Thank you for your interest in applying for this vacant post at Statistics South Africa and for taking time to complete this competency exercise

PURPOSE OF EXERCISE The purpose of the exercise is to assess your logical thinking and your potential skills.


1. 2. 3. 4.

You are re uired to complete uestions provided !elo". #l"ays read the uestion carefully !efore ans"ering. $f you need clarity on any aspect please ask for assistance. This exercise is manual in nature and all ans"ers should !e "ritten in this document 5. # maximum of Three hours has !een allocated for the completion of the competency exercise. 6. Please keep your ans"ers detailed and concise. Please complete the details !elo". %nce you have completed the competency exercise please hand this document !ack to the administrator.

NAME OF CANDIDATE: _______PSD 013_________ IDENTITY NUMBER: ___________________________________ TEL CELL EXT: __________________________________________ DATE: ______________________1! M"# $01$_________________________ TIME STARTED: ___________________________%&00____________________________ TIME COMPLETED: ________________________1$&00________________________

PART ONE ' Theor#

1( De)*+e "+, -*.e " shor/ e012"+"/*o+ o) " S/ore, Pro3e,ure 456 $t is a reusa!le code that is coded so that a function can call it to perform an action "ithout having to re"rite it . &any functions can use it to perform the same action and it is "ritten in S l !y 'ust calling it or executing it from your front end

$( 7h"/ *s #our 8+o92e,-e "+, 3o+3e1/ o) O:;e3/ Or*e+/e, Pro-r"<<*+-= 456 $ts programming that uses controls and for example "hen u dou!le click or click it populates the event $t is o!'ect driven and make programming simple !y including classes. (ith oop you !arely have to create your o"n control of "hich most of them are already created in oop #lso !y looking at the interface you can sort make a conclusion of "hat the program is expected to do

3( 7h"/ *s #our 8+o92e,-e "+, 3o+3e1/ o) So)/9"re Tes/*+-= 456 $t is "hen soft"are has !een "ritten and should go for testing "here!y "e search it for correctness of functionality or !ugs. Testing can !e done !y a programmer or an analyst or assigned testers "ho is assign also can !e done !y end user to see if the soft"are "ould not crush. Testing can !e stress testing "here u test the "hole function or a particular piece of the soft"are

>( The re?u*re<e+/s "re /o ,e.e2o1 " so2u/*o+ /h"/ +ee, /o :e ,e12o#e, *+ % 1ro.*+3es( 7h*3h ,e12o#<e+/ <e/ho, 9*22 9or8= G*.e ",."+/"-es o) su3h <e/ho, 456 Deploying on the server "ill "ork for this as all the provinces can access the deployed solution from ur server using their rights and install the solution it in their sites #dvantages are 1. are real time access ) meaning they can get it no" *. + only deploy once instead of nine times

,. -ost saving ) electricity or !and"idth

PART T7O 4@0 <"r8s6

7r*/e " s#s/e< us*+- /he s1e3*)*3"/*o+s :e2o9: Specifications. The skills you need to master are: register a user, login a user inserting data extracting and listing data editing data, and Deleting data. NB: All the functions must work ( Create a folder and store all your code and theory) Instructions using VB .NET / C# (C sharp) 1 Think your application through and create a database in MS ACC SS consisting o! t"o tables #ser $ user%D , name , surname , username, pass"ord& 'roduct $ 'roduct%D , 'roductCode, 'roduct(ame, A)ailability, 'rice , Description& *. Your application will have the ollowing unctionalit! *.1 A registration !orm

This !orm must contain the !ollo"ing !ields: title $use a drop+do"n select box&, name, surname, username, pass"ord, and con!irm pass"ord.

*.* ,ogin !orm $-n Click& "ith !orm submission, and using )arious i!.else/s throughout, the data is checked against the database. Are the t"o pass"ords the same0 1as the user already registered, i.e. does the username already exist in the database0 %! no to either, the user is returned to the registration !orm page. %! not, the user data is inserted into the database and the user is in!ormed that they ha)e success!ully registered and can proceed to login.

*.2 %nsert 3orm !orm to capture in!ormation

*.4 ,ist 3orm A !orm that retrie)es records that has been entered into the database out o! the database and presents it in table, per ro". %n the last t"o columns o! each ro" there appear t"o links, named 5 dit5 and 5Delete5.

6hen the user clicks on the 5 dit.Delete5 link the record is updated or deleted. 2. Test Case 6rite a test case using the template belo" !or 7egister 3orm

Test Case ID Test Case: Description: Important Notes: Expected Result: Prerequisites: Test Steps:

The user to register , log in and insert product data and then display it Registration Action
Register a user

Expected Result Continue to login and insert product Returns to ain

Notes If user exists or so ething !rong essage displays Re"enter info


Alternati e Flo! Test "eri#ication: Tested $%: Test Comments:

Registration fails

Procedural Steps Date Tested Pass #es $%o


8ood ,uck9


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