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Alpha Phi Omega


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M|nutes of the Meet|ng
Date: Apr|| 11, 2014
1|me: 6:00 M to 8:00 M
Venue: Annex 100, Ve|ez Co||ege

1. Sls 1lna MonLeclllo 8aLch 1993-A
2. Sls vanessa ulzon - 1oralba 8aLch 1993-8
3. 8ro Ldmund Alfred Ang 8aLch 1998-8
4. 8ro uavld Chan 8aLch 2002-8
3. Sls Sandra MaLsuzakl 8aLch 2003-A
6. 8ro !osef MangulllmoLan 8aLch 2003-A
7. 8ro Mark uomlnlc LasLlmoso (C) 8aLch 2008-8 *reslder
8. 8ro Lbenezer uaryl Manzano (CC) 8aLch 2011-8 *SecreLary

1. 1ambayan 8ehablllLaLlon
2. ChapLer Annlversary AcLlvlLles
3. Sem-Lnder AcLlvlLy
4. Summer Servlce
3. 8ecrulLmenL for Summer and llrsL SemesLer
6. ChapLer lunds and lund 8alslng AcLlvlLles
7. CLher maLLers

1he meeLlng sLarLed aL 6:00 M led by 8ro. Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso who preslded Lhe meeLlng.


1hls ls ln reacLlon Lo Lhe decllne of Lhe quallLy of Lhe AC 1ambayan lnslde velez College, locaLed ln fronL of Annex 100 and
Lhe hosplLal Morgue. 1he AC 1ambayan currenLly does noL have Lhe benches unllke before. 1he old benches were placed
ln fronL of Lhe morgue and are now rusLlng. 1he 1ambayan currenLly has only one bulleLln board wlLh glass.

8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso proposed LhaL we have a Lambayan LhaL wlll be lnLeracLlve enough Lo aLLracL posslble recrulLs.
8ro Lbenezer Dary| Manzano suggesLed LhaL we need Lo have a llsL of Lhe Lhlngs LhaL we can lmprove ln Lhe Lambayan so
LhaL we can sLarL Lhe canvasslng and for Lhe fund ralslng. S|s Sandra Matsuzak| polnLed ouL Lhe need Lo have wooden chalrs
noL lron chalrs Lo prevenL Lhe rusL from sLalnlng Lhe sLudenLs' whlLe unlform.

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1. AddlLlonal 8ulleLln boards
2. new (wooden) Chalrs
3. 8epalnLlng of Lhe roof
4. Levellng of Lhe ground surroundlng Lhe Lambayan

Alpha Phi Omega

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A sollclLaLlon leLLer conLalnlng Lhe needs for Lhe Lambayan rehablllLaLlon LogeLher wlLh Lhe oLher agenda wlll be submlLLed
and posLed onllne.


1hls year's chapLer annlversary wlll fall on a 1hursday, !uly 17, 2014. 8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso suggesLed LhaL we have
Lhe celebraLlon of Lhe ChapLer Annlversary moved Lo Lhe nearest Saturday on Iu|y 19, 2014 so LhaL we can accommodaLe
more broLhers and slsLers. Pe furLher suggesLed LhaL Lhe chapLer wlll sLlll ce|ebrate on Iu|y 17, 2014 wlLh broLhers and
slsLers from oLher chapLers and we have aL Lhe ICCD Akk (near the AS8 or new Ve|ez 8u||d|ng) so LhaL sLudenLs would
see us geL LogeLher and we could also enLlce Lhem Lo [oln our fraLernlLy and sororlLy.

8ro Lbenezer Dary| Manzano polnLed ouL Lhe need Lo have a grand servlce for Lhe celebraLlon of Lhe chapLer annlversary.
8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso suggesLed LhaL we have on Lhe mornlng of Lhe SaLurday celebraLlon. 8ro Ldmund A|fred Ang
furLher suggesLed LhaL we have on Lhe SaLurday before Lhe celebraLlon or on !uly 12, 2014 Lo afford Llme Lo Lhe broLhers
and slsLers who would be presenL ln Lhe servlce Lo change and freshen up for Lhe occaslon. 1he body agreed.

1he body declded LhaL Lhe chapLer should have a Med|ca|-Denta| M|ss|on on Iu|y 12, 2014 (SaLurday) aL 8:00 AM unt||
11:00 AM at the 8arangay Cogon kamos Gymnas|um as Lhe body has ldenLlfled Lhe communlLy sulLable for Lhe servlce due
Lo Lhe locaLlon of Lhe school Lo Lhe venue and lL ls Lhe adopLed communlLy of Lhe CommunlLy LxLenslon servlce of velez

A leLLer wlll be senL ouL Lhe 8arangay offlclals asklng for Lhe avallablllLy of Lhe venue and for gaLherlng Lhe S0 pat|ents
(elLher pedlaLrlc or adulL paLlenLs) for Lhe evenL. LeLLers wlll be senL Lo our broLhers and slsLers for Lhe physlcal and flnanclal
help Lo help ensure Lhe success of Lhls evenL.

ln Llme for Lhe celebraLlon of Lhe annlversary, 8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso proposed LhaL we have a unlform polo shlrL for
Lhe chapLer. 8elow ls Lhe proposed deslgn of Lhe shlrL:

*lronL deslgn has Lhe AC 1orch logo (*-#/5# (&5$#</$( %.# 7-4# 7/3;<$)48() and Lhe ChapLer name and back parL has Lhe
address of Lhe velez AC lacebook page. ((#5&<8 &5 ')$ (&5*-/+ *4$*)5#= 6&8)$ (#%/&-5 9&-- 7# /%%#8(#( %) (4$&8< '&8/-&>/%&)8)

rlclng for Lhe shlrL ls yeL Lo be deLermlned.

Alpha Phi Omega

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1he yearly sem-ender gaLherlng of Alpha xl has been held aL Lhe velez lamlly Summer 8esldence aL San 8emeglo for
Lhe pasL years. 8ro Iosef Mangu|||motan proposed LhaL we could have a venue near Lhe ClLy so LhaL we can have
more broLhers and slsLers Lo aLLend. A proposal of Lhe CaLmon coLLage worLh h 10,000 was lnLroduced by 8ro
Ldmund A|fred Ang, Lhe venue has an lnflnlLy pool and faclllLles for cooklng. Powever Lhe body declded Lo adhere Lo
Lhe defaulL venue noLlng LhaL Lhere ls no more Llme Lo sollclL for Lhe funds for Lhe sem-ender and LhaL we can spend
more for our recrulLmenL acLlvlLles and servlces.
1he body declded LhaL we should meeL aL S:30 AM at the Ve|ez Co||ege on March 3, 2014 so LhaL we could maxlmlze
our Llme ln Lhe venue. We would be LenLaLlvely be uslng publlc LransporLaLlon however 8ro Mark Dom|n|c
Last|moso sald LhaL 8ro 1eodoro Ion Ve|ez may posslbly brlng Lhelr SLarex van Lo San 8emeglo.
ueLalls for Lhe Sem-ender acLlvlLy wlll be dlscussed nexL week over lacebook or Lhrough LexL brlgade.
A summer servlce was proposed by 8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso, speclflcally a repalnLlng of a walLlng shed. S|s
Sandra Matsuzak| volunLeered Lhe shed near Lhelr house ln MacLan for repalnLlng. 1he body declded LhaL lL should
be S|s Mary kose|y erez who should spearhead Lhls acLlvlLy as a requlremenL for her Lo be a full fledged member of
Alpha hl Cmega.
1here was no daLe seL for Lhe repalnLlng buL S|s Mary kose|y erez should follow up wlLh S|s Sandra Matsuzak| for
Lhls servlce.
SLarL of LradlLlonal recrulLmenL (flyerlng) wlll be on Lhe flrsL day of Summer class of velez College LhaL wlll be on
Apr|| 14, 2014. 8roLhers and slsLer who are free from 9:00 AM to 2:00 M are requesLed Lo come Lo velez College Lo
help wlLh Lhe flyerlng.

ll8S1 SLMLS1L8:
8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso proposed LhaL we could have a book coverlng done for Lhe sLudenLs. We would be
parLnerlng wlLh Lhe Supreme SLudenL Councll of velez College for Lhls venLure. 1he goal ls Lo spread lnformaLlon
abouL Alpha hl Cmega Lhrough Lhe bookmarks LhaL would be glven afLer Lhe book coverlng. S|s 1|na Montec|||o and
S|s Vanessa D|zon-1ora|ba volunLeered Lo cover Lhe books ln Lhelr free Llme. 8ro Ldmund A|fred Ang volunLeered Lo
cover Lhe expenses for Lhe plasLlc cover and Lhe Lapes LhaL wlll be used for Lhe book cover.

A SLarLer klL has also been proposed by 8ro Iosef Mangu|||motan ln whlch we could puL vlLal lnformaLlon on
survlvlng llfe ln velez College, Lhls would be helpful speclally Lo Lhe sLudenLs who do noL reslde ln Cebu. 1he sLarLer
klL wlll conLaln Lhe Lelephone numbers of key esLabllshmenLs llke resLauranLs, hosplLals, and rouLes Lo lmporLanL
desLlnaLlons here ln Cebu. lL was addlLlonally proposed LhaL we sell Lhe space or Lhe conLacLs" or Lhe Lelephone
numbers so LhaL we could also ralse funds for Lhe chapLer.

Alpha Phi Omega

"#$%&'&#( ")*+ )' ,-*./ 0& "./*%#$
A proposal for Lhe collecLlon of a weekly or monLhly chapLer fee was ralsed by 8ro Mark Dom|n|c Last|moso. S|s
Vanessa D|zon-1ora|ba proposed LhaL Lhe alumnl would have lL done monLhly because Lhey mlghL noL be able Lo
aLLend Lhe weekly meeLlngs. 1he body declded LhaL a fee of h S0.00]week be collecLed boLh for resldenLs and
alumnl, maklng Lhe monLhly conLrlbuLlon hp 200.00.

8ro Lbenezer Dary| Manzano proposed LhaL we have a spreadsheeL made so LhaL we can posslbly vlew Lhe
paymenLs LhaL are Lo be due ln Lhe chapLer, all acLlvlLles lncluded.

lL was also dlscussed by Lhe body LhaL Lhere wlll be an asslgned collecLor for Lhe alumnl and resldenLs who wlll noL
be able Lo aLLend Lhe meeLlngs aL leasL once a monLh.

S|s 1|na Montec|||o volunLeered Lo submlL a deslgn for Lhe proposed selllng of AC ShlrLs. lL was dlscussed by Lhe
body LhaL we wlll be needlng caplLal for Lhe selllng of shlrLs buL neverLheless Lhe money LhaL would be earned by
Lhls wlll be added Lo Lhe chapLer funds.

G. C1nLk MA11LkS
8ro Lbenezer Dary| Manzano updaLed Lhe body of Lhe newly creaLed VLLL2 AC IACL8CCk AGL. As of 7:00 M, Lhe page
had 40 llkes. lL ls noLeworLhy LhaL lL has noL been creaLed for more Lhan 24 hours. 1he body encourages all broLhers and
slsLers Lo help spread Lhe llnk Lo oLher broLhers and slsLers and Lo sLudenLs of velez College. 1he lacebook page wlll be an
avenue ln whlch we can showcase AC as a servlce-orlenLed organlzaLlon almed Lo bulld Lhelr characLers.
1he body was also lnformed of Lhe updaLe of our Cnllne Alpha xl lnformaLlon SheeL. As of 7:00 M of Aprll 11, 2014 only 20
of our broLhers and slsLers have submlLLed Lhelr lnformaLlon. Pereunder ls Lhe llsL of Lhe broLhers and slsLers who have
complled wlLh Lhe submlsslon of Lhelr lnformaLlon: (as vlewed from Lhe sheeL)
Manzano, Ebenezer Daryl
Velez, Teodoro Jon A.
Quindao, Jason Roy Zanoria
manguilimotan, josef g.
almero, philip joseph a.
Fookson, Clement Bryce B
Chiong, Ronan C.
Ang, Edmund Alfred E.
Lacandula, Ryan Joe Cabras
lastimoso, mark dominic N
Plaza, Carl Anthony L.
Perez Mary Rosely Pulgo
Cabello, Ryz Maryll C
Roa,Alfred III G.
Cifra, Ruel Rosales
Maria Mahal Carpio-Haley
Martin V Valencia
dizon -toralba vanessa
Montecillo, Tina C.
Matsuzaki,Sandra Cortes

1he Cnllne lnformaLlon sheeL ls sLlll open and broLhers and slsLers who are noL on Lhe llsL are LNCCUkAGLD Lo flll lL
up before May 26, 2014.

1he MeeLlng was ad[ourned aL 8:00 M. 1he schedule of Lhe nexL meeLlng ls on Aprll 23, 2014 and all subsequenL
lrldays LhereafLer.

Alpha Phi Omega

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