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Plane and axisymmetric models in Mentat & MARC

Tutorial with some Background

Eindhoven University of Technology Department of Mechanical Engineering Piet J.G. Schreurs Lamb` ert C.A. van Breemen

March 6, 2014

1 Plane stress and plane strain 1.1 Background : Theory and element formulation . . . . 1.2 Plate with a central hole . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.1 Modeling and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.2.3 Edge load . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3 Axle support with radial load . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.1 Modeling and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.3.3 Quadratic elements . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.4 Orthotropic plate . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5 Circular disc with prescribed radial edge displacement 1.5.1 Modeling and analysis . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.5.2 Results . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6 Rotating solid disc . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1.6.1 Modeling, analysis and results . . . . . . . . 2 Axisymmetry 2.1 Background : Axisymmetric modelling 2.2 Axle support with axial load . . . . . . 2.2.1 Modeling, analysis and results 2.3 Circular discs . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 3 3 7 8 12 13 14 15 17 18 19 21 22 25 26 27 28 28 31 32 33

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Plane stress and plane strain

Background : Theory and element formulation

In the tutorial Truss and beam structures trusses and beams are described and used to model simple structures with MSC.Marc/Mentat. Although the nodes of the truss and beam elements can have a displacement (and rotation) in three directions, only one stress is relevant : the axial stress. For linear elastic material behavior, the stress in a truss is related to the axial strain = l l0 , according to = E, where E is the Youngs modulus, which can be measured in a tensile experiment. Plane stress Many structures are build from at plates, having a thickness, which is much smaller than the dimensions of the plate in its plane. The gure below shows such a plate, with its plane in the xy -coordinate plane and with a uniform thickness h0 . z y x h0

In many cases it is allowed to assume that the plate is loaded in its plane, as shown in the gure. When the plate is isotropic, there will be no bending of the plate and it will stay at after deformation. z y x P

In a point P of the plate a column is cut out, with its sides parallel to the xz - and yz -coordinate planes, respectively, and with dimensions dx dy h0 . This small part of the plate is loaded with stresses, so forces per area. Because the thickness of the plate is very small, it can be assumed that these stresses are uniform over the thickness. The stress components working on a stress cube dx dy dz are the normal stresses xx and yy and the shear stresses xy and yx . It can be shown that xy = yx , so only three stress components are relevant.

z y x P

yx xx xy


Because there are no stresses working in z -direction, this stress state is referred to as plane stress. The deformation in point P is described by the normal strain components xx and yy and the shear strain xy . For linear isotropic elastic material behavior the next relation holds between stresses and strains : 1 0 xx xx yy = E 1 0 yy 1 2 0 0 1 xy xy Due to the stresses xx and yy the thickness of the plate will change. The strain in thickness direction, so in z -coordinate direction in our case, is : zz = Plane strain The displacement in the z -direction, which is for our plate the direction perpendicular to its plane, is suppressed. The plate is for instance glued to two parallel rigid bodies, which stay at the same distance. In that case we have zz = 0, and call the deformation a state of plane strain. In a state of plane strain, there is generally a stress zz = 0. The linear elastic material behavior is described by : 1 0 xx xx E yy yy = 1 0 ; zz = (xx + yy ) (1 + )(1 2 ) 0 0 1 2 xy xy It is noted that problems will occur when approaches 0.5. Stresses will become innite. This is not strange, since in a linear elastic material the volume change will be zero for = 0.5. To prevent numerical problems in MSC.Marc, we use the option CONSTANT DILATATION in the menu GEOMETRY. Interpolation and integration : the element stiness matrix When analyzing plane stress and plane strain problems with the nite element method we have to use plane stress or plane strain elements. These elements are in MSC.Marc always located in the 4 h = (xx + yy ) h0 E

xy -plane. Also the deformation is in the xy -plane and is described by the x- and y -displacement of a number of nodal points, situated on the edges of the elements. The displacement of an internal point of the element is interpolated between the displacement of the nodes. For this interpolation, a local coordinate system is used with isoparametric coordinates 1 and 2 , which have values between -1 and +1. In mathematical terms the interpolation of the displacement u and v in x- and y -direction, respectively, can be written as follows : u(1 , 2 ) = N 1 (1 , 2 )u1 + N 2 (1 , 2 )u2 + N 3 (1 , 2 )u3 + = v (1 , 2 ) = N 1 (1 , 2 )v 1 + N 2 (1 , 2 )v 2 + N 3 (1 , 2 )v 3 + =
n i=1 n i=1

N i (1 , 2 )ui N i (1 , 2 )v i

where N i are the interpolation functions, associated to node i, and ui and v i the nodal displacement components. The number of element nodes is n. Calculation of the element stiness matrix, which relates nodal displacements to nodal forces, implies integration of a function over the element volume. This integral can only be evaluated numerically : the integrand is calculated in a discrete number of internal integration points and these values are added after multiplication with a certain coecient. The location of the integration points and the coecients are xed for a certain element type. Linear and quadratic elements The gure below shows a 4-node element with all nodes in the four corners of a quadrilateral with straight sides. Nodal points have a local counterclockwise numbering, which is in accordance with the MSC.Marc program. The gure also shows the element in the so-called isoparametric space, where [ ]T points are identied with the local isoparametric coordinates = 1 2 . 3 4 3 4 1 2 1 2

Because there are only two nodes on one element side, the displacement of an arbitrary point on the side can only vary linearly between the two nodal values. A 4-node quadrilateral is therefore called a linear element. The four interpolation functions, associated with the nodes are : N1 = 1 4 (1 1)(2 1) ;
1 (1 + 1)(2 + 1) N3 = 4

N2 = 1 4 (1 + 1)(2 1)

; N4 = 1 4 (1 1)(2 + 1)

The element has 4 integration points, which are shown in the gure below. Their local coordinates are xed and determined such that the numerical integration is as accurate as possible. 3 4 3 1 1 4
1 3

1 3

2 2 3

In a quadratic element, the displacement of an arbitrary point is interpolated using interpolation functions, which are quadratic in the local coordinates 1 and 2 . This element has 8 nodes and is therefore also referred to as an 8-node element. Four of these nodes are situated in the corners of the element, the other four are in the middle of the element sides in the undeformed situation. The numbering of the local nodes is indicated in the gure below and is in accordance with the MSC.Marc program. The interpolation functions are :
1 N1 = 4 (1 1)(2 1)(1 2 1) ; 1 N3 = 4 (1 + 1)(2 + 1)(1 + 2 1) 1 2 N5 = 2 (1 1)(2 1) 2 N7 = 1 2 (1 1)(2 1) 1 N2 = 4 (1 + 1)(2 1)(1 + 2 + 1)

N4 = 1 4 (1 1)(2 + 1)(1 2 + 1)

2 ; N6 = 1 2 (1 1)(2 1) 2 ; N8 = 1 2 (1 1)(2 1)

The 8-node element has 9 integration points, the location of which is indicated in the gure. 7 3 6 8 8 1 5 2 1 5 2 4 7 2 3 6 1

9 7 8 6 4 1 2 5 3
1 5

2 15 1
1 5



Plate with a central hole

The gure below shows a square plate with a central hole. Relevant dimensions are indicated.

Youngs modulus = 210 [GPa] Poissons ratio = 0.3 [-] thickness = 1 [cm]

u [mm] y

10 [cm]

16 [cm]

The plate is loaded in its plane. Displacements of left and right edges (x = 8 [cm]) are prescribed : u = 0.1 [mm]. In y -direction the displacement of the edge points is free. Top and bottom edge (y = 8 [cm]) are also free. This load leads to a plane stress state in the plate. The material of the plate is isotropic and can be assumed to be linearly elastic. Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio are known : E = 210 [GPa] and = 0.3 [-]. Deformation of and stresses in the plate will be determined using MSC.Marc and therefore a model must be made with MSC.Mentat. Considering symmetry and load learns that only a quarter of the plate has to be modeled. We choose the part with 0 (x, y ) 8 [cm]. The correct symmetry conditions must of course be prescribed as boundary conditions.


Modeling and analysis


We start in the GEOMETRY & MESH. We will use the Cartesian coordinate system. This is shown on the computer screen as a two-dimensional grid in the xy -plane. In the grid points we can dene (nodal) points and other things by clicking with the left mouse button. In the grid settings the grid dimensions and the spacing between the grid points can be specied. The program does not know of dimensions and units, so we have to choose them and stick to them during the modeling and analysis. Here, dimensions will be expressed in unit of meters. We choose the grid point spacing to be 0.01 meter.

(Coordinate System) DOMAIN : -0.1, 0.1 SPACING : 0.01 DOMAIN : -0.1, 0.1 SPACING : 0.01 GRID (Coordinate Systen) (Fill view)

In the tutorial for Truss and beam structures we used only (CURVES), but this is not enough any more; we have to do more. We want to dene a (SURFACE) and subdivide this into elements. A simple method is used here, which can be applied in many cases. First two (CURVES) are dened, one POLYLINE and a quarter of a circle, an (ARC). The (POINTS) which dene the (CURVES) can be located in grid points by clicking the left mouse button. After dening the (CURVES), a surface of the type RULED is made. The idea is that a stick is placed with its begin and end point on two separate (CURVES) and is subsequently rolled over them, thus describing a (SURFACE) in space.

(Basic Manipulation)


POLYLINE ADD Dene three points of the POLYLINE. Close the window with (End list).



ARC CEN/PNT/PNT ADD Dene the required (see Command-screen) points of the

When the (ARC) is drawn in the wrong direction, click latter two (ARC) points in swapped order.

(Undo) and dene the





Click on the two

A strange surface may appear because of dierent orientation of the two curves. In that case we have to (Undo) the last action (denition of the surface) and ip one of the two curves in the CHECK (Operations) menu with FLIP CURVES. The surface must then be redened. When this is done successfully, the surface is now going to be converted into elements.



(Operations) : 8, 4



CONVERT Select (SURFACE). Close with (End list).

After dening the element mesh, SWEEP (Operations) has to be used to remove coinciding nodes and elements. It is recommended to go to the CHECK (Operations) menu and check whether there are elements INSIDE OUT or UPSIDE DOWN. When this is the case these elements must be ipped. It is recommended to prevent future drawing of (CURVES) and (SURFACES) in the view plot control-menu.


PROPERTIES Thickness : 0.01 OK (ELEMENTS) ADD Enter geometry add element list :

(All existing)

Prescribe the material parameters : E = 2.1e11 [Nm2 ] and = 0.3 [-].

The initial yield stress does not have to be prescribed. Mentat uses a default value, which is very high (v0 = 1020 [Pa]).

Prescribe the NEW (STRUCTURAL) boundary conditions. Besides the prescribed boundary conditions symmetry conditions have to be prescribed.

Selecting nodes after NODES ADD is done with the mouse. Hold the left mouse button and draw a box around the nodes to be selected. This is easy in this case, because the nodes are located on a straight line. Do some experiments with making boxes, by pressing the Control key during box drawing. Close the selection with (End list).

Model denition is now completed. We are going to specify the analysis. First we choose the element type. Element 3 is a plane stress element with 4 nodes. ((QUAD(4))). As can be seen from the list, there are more elements with straight edges and four nodes.


(Element Types)



OK Enter element list :

(All existing)

After choosing the element type, the mechanical ((MECHANICAL)) analysis is specied further.


PROPERTIES OK INITIAL LOADS : all applies JOB RESULTS : stress, strain, von-mises



save as

File name: plate1



The model can now be analyzed. This is done by the nite element program MSC.Marc, by submitting the model in JOBS.



The program MSC.Marc is started and the model is analyzed. In the (RUN) menu we see some information about the analysis. In the status screen the word Running is seen. When the status indicates Ready the analysis is nished. When everything has worked well, we see in the (RUN) menu the exit number 3004. After completion of the analysis, three les are written by MSC.Marc : plate1 job1.log plate1 job1.out plate1 job1.t16 The results of the analysis can be visualized with Mentat. The le with extension .out contains the results in alpha-numerical format (ASCII). It is generally a rather long le and is mostly only opened when an error has occurred during the analysis. The le with extension .t16 contains the results which can be visualized and post-processed in Mentat. The le with the extension .log contains information about the analysis.



Results We take a look at the analysis results in Mentat. The .t16 le must be opened. This can be done directly from via le open default. It can also be opened from within the (MAIN)-menu in the submenu RESULTS. When MSC.Marc has been started by Mentat (via RUN), the Post le can be opened with OPEN DEFAULT. When Mentat has been closed and we want to open a new Post le, we have to use the OPEN-button.


le open default (Fill view)



Because the deformation is very small as it should be for a linear elastic analysis , we have to enlarge it in SETTINGS and when AUTOMATIC is used the scaling is selected so that a proper deformation is visible. Values of the variables selected in JOB RESULTS can be visualized. Selection is done with SCALAR, TENSOR or VECTOR.

Equivalent Von Mises Stress OK CONTOUR BANDS

It is possible to make a plot of a variable along a path in the model, a PATH PLOT. Here we will plot the y -displacement of the top edge of the plate as a function of the x-distance along that edge. Try other possibilities.

NODE PATH Enter rst node in Path-Plot node path : select (lm) node1 Enter next node in Path-Plot node path (1) : select (lm) node2

etc. etc. close with # (

ADD CURVE Enter X-axis variable Enter Y-axis variable FIT

(End list))
: : Arc Length Displacement y

Close the .t16 le with le close. It is very important to do this because problems may occur when loading a (new) model into Mentat. After closing the .t16 le, the model le is restored automatically.



Edge load

Instead of prescribing the displacement of the right edge of the plate, we can also apply a distributed load.

If necessary, we load the model le open plate1. The prescribed displacement is replaced with a prescribed edge load, which is a force per unit of area. In BOUNDARY CONDITIONS we make a new EDGE LOAD. To use it we have to select it in INITIAL LOADS. In that case we remove the prescribed displacement. le open plate1


PRESSURE Enter value for p OK


The given value must be negative for a tensile load.

ADD Enter add apply element edge list : select


Remove apply3 in INITIAL LOADS and select apply4.


save as

File name: plate2


Run MSC.Marc and look at results.



Axle support with radial load

An axle is xed into a rubber ring in a rigid block as is shown in the gure below. Relevant dimensions are indicated.


0.05 [m]

y x z 0.1 [m] Material properties of the axle material are known : Youngs modulus Poissons ratio : : E = = 2.1 1011 [Nm2 ] 0.3 [-]

0.15 [m]

The rubber material is assumed to be linearly elastic with the next material parameters given : Youngs modulus Poissons ratio : : E = = 1.0 107 [Nm2 ] 0.49 [-]

The axle is loaded by two radial forces, which are equal : FR = 15000 [N]. Bending of the axle is not taken into account. It is assumed that a plane strain deformation state exists in the rubber material. Due to symmetry in the yz -plane w.r.t. the y -axis, only one half of the axle and rubber ring has to be modeled. Which half part are you going to model?



Modeling and analysis


The distance between the grid points is chosen in accordance with the dimensions of the model. In the grid points we can locate model (POINTS).

(Coordinate System) DOMAIN : -0.1, 0.1 SPACING : 0.005 DOMAIN : -0.1, 0.1 SPACING : 0.005 GRID (Coordinate Systen) (Fill view)

We dene three (ARCS). Because we want to model a solid axle, we dene the third arc of the type CENTER/POINT/POINT with radius zero by clicking three times on the central grid point (0, 0, 0). This virtual curve can be used to dene a surface.


ARC CEN/PNT/PNT ADD Dene Dene Dene Dene Dene the the the the the half circle of the axle. half circle of the rubber ring. central arc with radius zero. surface between the two half-circles. surface between the axle-circle and the arc in the center point.

The two dened (SURFACES) are converted to 4-node elements. The axle surface has some elements near the center point which are triangles. This is no problem : a quad4 element can have two points coinciding.



(Operations) : 8, 8


ELEMENTS CONVERT Select ring surface Select the axle surface

After generating the element mesh we have to use SWEEP (Operations) and CHECK (Operations).


Geometry parameters, material properties, and boundary conditions (note the symmetry) must be prescribed.


PROPERTIES Thickness : 0.1 OK (ELEMENTS) ADD Enter geometry add element list :

(All existing)

Prescribe the elastic properties of the axle (material1) and the rubber ring (material2 strangely named material4 by Mentat).


Suppress all displacements of the edge of the rubber ring (apply1). Nodes on the symmetry axis can only have a displacement in y -direction (apply2). Prescribe the force FR (apply3).

The question is where this POINT LOAD must be applied, i.e. in which node(s). Must we prescribe a total force of 15000 N or 30000 N in negative y -direction?

In JOBS we select element 11, a 4-node linear plane strain element. Then we select the variables, which we want as output in JOB RESULTS and specify the load in INITIAL LOADS. Finally we indicate that the deformation state is plane strain.


(Element Types)




OK Enter element list : NEW


(All existing)

PROPERTIES INITIAL LOADS : apply1, apply2, apply3 JOB RESULTS : stress, strain, von-mises


le save as File name: support1 SAVE and run MSC.Marc. The results, available in the .t16 les can then be loaded and the results can be visualized.



Results Looking at Von Mises contour plots it is immediately clear that the stresses in the rubber are much lower than those in the axle. We can visualize the stress state in the rubber in more detail by making the axle invisible in the SELECT menu. view visibility ELEMENTS (Make Invisible)
Select the elements of the axle with a box Close with (End list)

Push ELEMENTS (Make Visible) and

(All existing) again to make everything visible.



Quadratic elements The analysis is done using linear elements with four element nodes (QUAD(4)). More accurate results, mostly with fewer elements, can be reached, using quadratic elements with eight element nodes. We can adapt the model support1. First le CLOSE the .t16 le.

le open support1




(All existing)



Some boundary conditions must be adapted, as there are no boundary conditions dened in the new nodes.
Adapt the boundary conditions.

(Element Types)




OK Enter element list :

(All existing)

Save the model and run MSC.Marc. Results can be visualized in Mentat.



Orthotropic plate

The gure below shows a square plate, which will be loaded in its plane. It can be assumed that a plane stress state exists in the plate : zz = xz = yz = 0. 2 y 1

The plates material is a matrix in which long bers are embedded, which all have the same orientation along the direction indicated as 1 in the material 1, 2-coordinate system. Both matrix and bers are linearly elastic with Youngs modulus and Poissons ratio Em , Ef , m and f , respectively. The volume fraction of the bers is V . The angle between the 1-direction and the x-axis is = 10 degrees. In the 1, 2-coordinate system the material behavior for plane stress is given by the next relation between stress and strain components : 11 E1 21 E1 0 11 1 22 = 12 E2 22 E2 0 1 12 21 12 0 0 (1 12 21 )G12 12 The Youngs moduli, Poissons ratios and shear modulus are dened as : E1 = 11 11 ; E2 = 22 22 ; 12 = 22 11 ; 21 = 11 22 ; G12 = 12 12

The material stiness matrix is symmetric : 21 E1 = 12 E2 which leaves us with four independent material parameters describing this orthotropic behavior. The material parameters can be calculated with the next formulas, which are based on the rule-ofmixtures : E1 = V Ef + (1 V )Em 21 = V f + (1 V )m ; ; V 1V 1 = + E2 Ef Em V 1V 1 = + G12 Gf Gm E2 = G12 Ef Em V Em + (1 V )Ef Gf Gm = V Gm + (1 V )Gf

The next table lists numerical values for material parameters where the above formulas are used to calculate E1 , E2 , 12 and G12 . Em m V = = = 70 GPa 0.4 0.4 Ef f = = 500 GPa 0.25 E1 21 12 19 = = = 242 GPa 0.34 0.77 E2 G12 = = 106.7 GPa 38.5 GPa

In Mentat we also have to give values for E3 , G13 , G23 , 31 and 23 . These values are taken to be the same as the ones for the matrix material. E3 = E2 = 106.7 GPa ; G13 = G12 = 38.5 GPa ; G23 = Gm = 25 GPa 31 = 21 = 0.34 ; 23 = m = 0.4 The sides of the plate have a length 1 m, and the thickness of the plate is 1 cm. The plate is modeled in plane stress with 10 10 4-node elements of type 3. Input of orthotropic material parameters in the material coordinate system can be done with the following commands.


STRUCTURAL Type : ELASTIC-PLASTIC ORTHOTROPIC E1 E1 E2 E2 E3 E3 NU12 12 NU23 23 NU31 31 G12 G12 G23 G23 G31 G31 (ELEMENTS) ADD Enter add material element list : (All existing)

The orientation of the material coordinate system w.r.t. the global coordinate system must also be given. This is done per element in the submenu ORIENTATION. In this submenu we see that there are several TYPEs of orientations. The EDGE-types say that the 1-axis of the local coordinate system is dened by rotation over an ANGLE relative to a particular side of an element. Side 12 can be seen in the plot of the element mesh as a half-arrow on the element edges. It is the side from local node 1 to local node 2. We can also dene the rotation of the local 1-axis relative to one of the global coordinate planes.

(Orientations) 10 (All existing)


ADD Enter add material element list :

Boundary conditions are dened for tensile loading in x- and y -direction and for simple shear loading in x-direction. In the latter case the y -displacement of the upper boundary is suppressed. Tensile loads and shear load are edge loads of 1 GPa. For all these loadcases, calculate the stress and strain components in the global and the material coordinate system. The calculated stress and strain components can be given in the global coordinate system (default) and in the preferred system. This preferred system coincides with the material coordinate system which is dened above in the NEW (Orientations) submenu.



Circular disc with prescribed radial edge displacement

The next gure shows a circular disc with outer radius b having a central circular hole with radius a.

For linear isotropic material behavior the analytical solution for radial displacement and radial and tangential stresses are given as a function of the radius r : c2 E [ c2 ] E [ c2 ] ur = c1 r + ; rr = (1 + ) c (1 ) ; = (1 + ) c + (1 ) 1 tt 1 r 1 2 r2 1 2 r2 where E is Youngs modulus and is Poissons ratio. The integration constants c1 and c2 are determined by the boundary conditions. For ur (r = b) = ub ; rr (r = a) = 0 we have : c1 = (1 )b ub (1 )b2 + (1 + )a2 ; c2 = (1 + )a2 b ub (1 )b2 + (1 + )a2

The next parameter values are given : a = 0.01 [m] | b = 0.1 [m] | d = 0.01 [m] | E = 2 1011 [Pa] | = 0.3 [-] | ub = 0.001 [m] For both a plane stress or a plane strain situation deformation and the stresses can be calculated with planar elements. Due to the axial symmetry of geometry and loading, a representative part of the disc can be modeled and analyzed. In this case we model and analyze a quarter of the plate as shown in the gure below. y

y x x z



Modeling and analysis We start in the GEOMETRY & MESH. We will use the Cartesian coordinate system. Proceed as in the example Plate with a central hole and make the geometry using two arcs and a ruled surface between them. Use CONVERT (Operations) to make the mesh with QUAD(4) elements:






(Operations) : 10, 10


ELEMENTS Select (SURFACE). Close with (End list).

After dening the element mesh, SWEEP (Operations) has to be used to remove coinciding nodes and elements. It is recommended to go to the CHECK (Operations) menu and check whether there are elements UPSIDE DOWN. When this is the case these elements must be ipped. It is recommended to prevent future drawing of (CURVES) and (SURFACES) in the view Plot Control-menu.

In this example we want to analyze a plane stress situation. This has to be selected when we specify the thickness.


PROPERTIES Thickness : 0.01 OK (ELEMENTS) ADD Enter geometry add element list :

(All existing)

In BOUNDARY CONDITIONS we have to suppress the X -displacement on the vertical symmetry section and the Y -displacement on the horizontal symmetry section.

To prescribe the radial displacement on the outer edge, a local coordinate system has to be used, which can be dened in TRANSFORMS.



(Coordinate System)

CYLINDRICAL (R,Phi,Z) Give three points to dene the axis of the cylindrical coordinate system, eg. [0 0 0], [0 0 1] and [1 0 0]. Now we need to transform the nodes on the outer edge to the cylindrical system.




Coordinate System
COORDINATE SYSTEM crdsyst1 NODES ADD select nodes at outer edge

Insert the material properties as usual. Although the material is isotropic and there is no real need for a material coordinate system, we will dene one. The reason is that we want MSC.Marc to calculate the radial and tangential stresses, which are the stresses in the preferred system. This coordinate system can be dened in all elements analogously, due to the fact that the elements are all oriented in the same way. In the submenu ORIENTATION we use EDGE12 for all elements with ANGLE zero. The preferred stresscomponent-11 is then the tangential stress and the component-22 the radial stress.

(Orientations) 0


(All existing)

We are going to specify the analysis. First we choose the element type. Element 3 is a plane stress element with 4 nodes. ((QUAD(4))). As can be seen from the list, there are more elements with straight edges and four nodes.


(Element Types)



OK Enter element list :

(All existing)

After choosing the element type, the mechanical ((MECHANICAL)) analysis is specied further.



PROPERTIES INITIAL LOADS : all applies JOB RESULTS : stress, preferred stress, strain, von-mises



save as

File name: Disc1



Results After analysis the result can be visualized. The deformation can be shown as a deformed mesh. CONTOUR BANDS can be set to visualize displacements, strains, stresses and preferred stresses. Numerical values can also be viewed in nodal points.

In a PATH PLOT the stresses can be plotted against the radius. The result is shown in the gure below.

6 5 4 [Pa] 3 2 1 0

x 10

rr tt zz

1 0


0.04 r [m]






Rotating solid disc

A solid circular disc with radius b and uniform thickness, is rotated with a constant radial velocity [rad/s] about its central axis perpendicular to its plane. The material is isotropic and linearly elastic with Youngs modulus E and Poissons ratio . The density is . r b z r

The general solution is : c2 u = c1 r + r rr = E E c2 3+ c1 2 r2 1 1 + r2 8 ; tt = E E c2 1 + 3 c1 + 2 r2 1 1 + r2 8 ( 1 2 E )

where c1 and c2 are integration constants. For a solid disc the displacement at r = 0 must remain nite, while the stress boundary condition is rr (r = b) = 0. Integration constants can now be determined : c1 = 3 + 1 2 1 2 2 b 1+ E 8 ; c2 = 0

The next parameter values are given for this example : b = 0.05 [m] | f = 6 [c/s] | E = 200 [GPa] | = 0.3 [-] | = 7500 [kg/m3 ] |



Modeling, analysis and results

In the menu MATERIAL PROPERTIES the density of the material has to be specied. Again the axial symmetry allows the analysis of the quarter plate, using proper boundary conditions on the section lines. The rotation is modeled as a CENTRIFUGAL LOAD in BOUNDARY CONDITONS. The rotation rate is given in rotations (= cycles) per second. The rotation axis has to be dened by two points in the three-dimensional space.


Angular Frequency (Cycles/Time) Axis Of Rotation X1 0 Y1 0 Z1 0 X2 0 Y2 0 Z2 1 OK ELEMENTS ADD Enter element list : (All existing)

Stress components for the analytical solution are plotted against the radius in the gure below.
12 10 8 [Pa] 6 4 2 0 0 x 10



0.2 r [m]






Background : Axisymmetric modelling

Many devices and components have a geometry which is symmetric w.r.t. an axis and are thus called axisymmetric. It is obvious that the position of material points of such an object can best be described in a cylindrical coordinate system. Coordinates are the distance z measured along the axis of symmetry, the distance r from and perpendicular to that axis and an angle , which indicates the position in circumferential direction, with respect to an arbitrary starting point ( = 0o : 0 360o (= 2 [rad]) (see gure below). z z

When the load is independent of the angle , it is also called axisymmetric. With the additional assumption that there is no rotation around the z -axis, we only have to consider and model the crosssection of the object, when we want to analyze its mechanical behavior (see gure). Modeling such axisymmetric problems in MSC.Marc, the z -axis is oriented in the x-direction and the r-axis in the y -direction. Only one half of the geometry of the cross-section must be modeled and it must be located in the half-space y > 0, as is shown in the gure below. z y = r-as

x = z -as

The stress state in a material point is characterized by four stress components, which are indicated on the faces of a stress cube in the gure below. This stress cube is shown two times, once in the cross-section and once three-dimensional. 28

The deformation is described by four strain components, which are dened in accordance with the stress components. For isotropic linear elastic material behavior we have : rr 1 0 rr tt tt E 1 0 zz = (1 + )(1 2 ) 0 zz 0 1 0 rz rz 0 1 2

rr y = r-as P tt zz rr rz tt zr rz zr zz

x = z -as Analyzing axisymmetric problems with the nite element method implies that axisymmetric elements must be used, which are dened in the cross-section. The deformation of such an element is dened by the displacement in r- and z -direction of the element nodal points. We must be aware that a nodal point is in fact a nodal ring as is indicated in the gure below. y = r-as

x = z -as

In the cross-section of the element the axial and radial displacement of a point is interpolated between the displacements of the element nodes. As with the planar elements, linear or quadratic interpolation can be used. Again we have 4-node and 8-node elements with 4 and 9 integration points respectively. In MSC.Marc these elements are indicated as element type 10 and 28. The cross-section of a 4-node element is shown in the gure below.


3 4 4 3 1 3 4 3 1 1 4
1 3

1 3

2 2 3

In MSC.Marc/Mentat the strains in the integration points are dened as follows : strain strain strain strain 1 2 3 4 = = = = global global global global zz -strain rr-strain tt-strain rz -strain = = = = zz rr tt rz

Stress components are dened in the same way.



Axle support with axial load

The load on the axle is assumed to be an axial force : FA = 20000 [N], as is indicated in the gure below.


y x z The geometry and the load allow for an axisymmetric Modeling and analysis, as indicated in the gure below.

manchet y x as FA

NB. : The x-axis is the axial axis and the positive y -axis is the radial axis. This is the usual denition in MSC.Marc/Mentat.



Modeling, analysis and results


Dene the Cartesian coordinate system with grid point spacing 0.005 [m].



Dene three (LINES) parallel to the x-axis between 0.05 < x < 0.05 for y = 0, y = 0.025 and y = 0.075. Dene (SURFACES) between these (CURVES). Convert the surfaces in elements of type QUAD(4) with DIVISIONS [8, 4]. SWEEP and CHECK the mesh.


Fix the top edge of the rubber part (apply1). Nodes on the axial axis (y = 0) can only have a displacement in the x-direction (= axial) (apply2). Apply the axial force in one point of the axle (apply3).

Material properties of axle and rubber are prescribed in the usual way. Geometric parameters are not relevant for this axisymmetric analysis.

In JOBS we select element 10, a 4-node quadrilateral axisymmetric element. We indicate that the analysis is axisymmetric.


(Element Types)




OK Enter element list : NEW


(All exisiting)

PROPERTIES INITIAL LOADS : apply1, apply2, apply3 JOB RESULTS : stress, strain, von-mises


Save the model as Support2 and run MSC.Marc. The results, available in the .t16 le can be loaded into Mentat and visualized.

Change the model to use quadratic 8-node elements. For axisymmetric analyses in MARC this is element 28. 32


Circular discs

A circular disc can be modeled with axi-symmetric elements. In fact these elements are ring-elements. What we model on the screen is the two-dimensional cross-section of the model. In MSC.Mentat the axial-direction always coincides with the horizontal x-axis. Only the part of the cross-section above this axis is modeled and converted in a nite element mesh.

y = radial x = axial z = tangential

For a disc with uniform thickness, this half-cross-section is just a rectangle, with the thickness as the dimension in the x-direction (= axial direction) and the inner ad outer radius as the dimensions in the y -direction (= radial direction). It would of course be no problem to model a disc with a nonuniform thickness. Boundary conditions have to be applied to prevent rigid body movement. It is obvious that there can not be a rigid body movement in radial direction, but in axial direction we have to prevent the rigid body displacement. When the disc is solid, it is advised to prescribe the radial displacements on the axis to be zero. Edge displacements and edge loads can be prescribed straightforwardly in BOUNDARY CONDITONS. Rotation leads to radial accelerations, which are modeled in MSC.Mentat as body forces in CENTRIFUGAL LOAD. We have to provide the rotational velocity as number of rotations (= cycles) per second. We also have to dene the axis of rotation. This is a straight line and thus dened with two points in space. Below we have the x-axis as the rotation axis and the number of cycles/second is 6.


Angular Frequency (Cycles/Time) Axis Of Rotation X1 0 Y1 0 Z1 0 X2 1 Y2 0 Z2 0 OK ELEMENTS ADD Enter element list : (All existing)


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