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Se c ti on A : P ure l V { athemati cs [40 marks] 3x3 +lLxz +l ln partlal tracttons.

Exoress ---------------' (x - I)(3 x ' + 1 )


Hence find the integral f

3x3+LZxz+l (x-l)(3x2+l)


The diagram belorv 5[6rvs the cross-sectionof a single track funnel entrance for steam-enginein a model rrain system. The elliptical entranceof the tunneI can be modelledby the equation ,2 +Ay2+By+C=0. The highest point of the tunnel entrance is 7 cm dir,lctly above the origin at ground level. The traclq mountcd on track bed PS, is cenbed about the origin A train carrying containerswhich measured2 cm wide may stack goods as high as 5-8 im' Sotve for the constantsA,B and C, to 4 decimal places.Hence find the lenglh of the t6I widest part of the tunnel,to the nearest0-l cm'

4.3 cm

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A nglo-Chinese Jnior CoIlege tl2 l,4athemarics97a0; 2OO8JC 2 Preliminary Examination Paper2 foge 3 of 8

is given by u, = r2-' where r : 1,2, 3, -... The rth term ofa sequence Write down the first 4 terms of the sequenceIt is given that

Zr ,:2- f
. r=l

( n) ,

rvhere f (n) is an expressionin n. Byevaluati"giu,forn=|,2,3and4,deducetheformulaforf(n) With this formula of f (n), prove, by mathematical induction,




Functions f, g and h are defined by

f :xH l rt-o r + sl

for xe R,2< x( 6,
for relR., x;cO,


I 2-x

f o r-x e lR, x < 2 -

Give a reasonwhy f does not have an inverseinverse function f exists.Hence,define f-t in similar form. Explain why the composite function hg does not exist. for xe R, -k <x<k. Given that t e IR, state the maximum value of t function hr exist. Hence, state the range of hr.

t4l tl l
r-* 0.


domainof f in the form lo,b|, a,6e IR, florwhirn ihe Statethe targestpossible

(iv) Another function r is defined by r:xr+ h(rt)

for which the conrp,'site


Anglo{hinese Juior College [{2 Mathematics 9740:2008 JC 2 Preliminaq,Examinarion }aper 2 Pogt 4 oj I

(i) (ii) , , , ,, tiiii ' , ,,

It consists of The diagram above shows a simpte shetter designed by an engineerground- The horizlnul the on three vertical'columns.,OE, AF and.BGwith their bases !'ec-to's given position point o is taken as the origin and the points E, F and G have 6K f :8i + lOk and g: 7' + 4i + 4lL by respectively ": that rhe cartesian Given ttrai tfr! ptane .EFG forms the roof of the shelter, show I2lof the iane EFG is -2x +3y+42=24 equation ground' t?l thahorizontal Find the angle befween the planeEFG and a [amp' to install order in The enginelr has to drill a hole on the roof of the shelter n the ground with position vector ,q,"

construct a (iv) M is a point that lies on the line segment E^F-The engineer decided to that the Given GMvertical partition that intersectsplane EFG along the line segment for line CM' partition has a cartesianequation a{ 2x+ y =d ' find the vector equation


(*,) Find the shortestdistancefrom I to the vertical wall partition'

Section B: Statistics [60 marks]

the effect of a new'store 6 (a) The manager of a popular supermarket wishes to determine in i steady Iayout on the customers-Cuitomers are coming out of the supermarket streamthe profile of his customers, explain Ai tf the manager has no information about sampling or rvhether it iould be possibte to use stratified sarnpling, random I2l systematicsampling to choose the sample-Justiff yoor choice' sample' his as day that to use the first 100 customers on (ii) If the manager-decides tll give one reasonwhy this samplemay not be appropriate' a to choose decides He estate' (b) A s,irveyor is requiredio choose a person from a HDB Explain household' that householdat random and then randomly choose a member of tzl this method will produc" u p.rion chosen randomly from the estate' u,hether

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A nglo -Chi nese Junior Co fl ege 2 H2 Mathematics 9740: 2008 JC 2 Prcliminary E::amination Paper Pag< 5 ol 8


The mean lifespanof dogs is normally distributed and the local vet claimsthat this years. conducted a t-test the mdan is 9.5 The at 50% significancelevel using a random sampleof l0 dogs. He found that there is sufficient evidencethat the mean life time is not 9-5 years- State,giving a reason,whetherthe follorving statementis (1) (3) (2) necessarilyfalse;or true; neeessary true nor necessarily false: neithernecessarily

level that therehas beena change in the rn*ln There is suflicient evidenceattheT-54/o of the distribution" I7l

A study of the number of male and lemale children in families of inhabitantson a planet very far a\\'ay reveals that thc probabitiry that a baby' girl 'is bom is 0.995. 500 babies are chosen at random. Use a suitable approximation to find the probability that at most 495 of them are sirls. t3l

A particular monkey at a zoo is extremely intelligent- He is able to recognise shapesIn order to him from gettingbored,his r gives him 5 circles, 5 squaresand J rlangles to ptay wrtn- AII me snapesnave olttereni sEes. (i) [f the monkey tries to arrange the 5 circles and ihe 5 squaresin a circular fashion and that the circles and squares have to be alternated, find the number of dififerent possible arrangements. [2] The monkey finds that he does not like circles, so he takes all the squares ancf triangles and tries to arrange them in a row such that no fwo triangles are placed next to each other. Find the number of different possible arrangements. tzl


Bertie found five strav kinens and brought them home. The-v are of fir,e diFferent colours, namely, black, rvhite, orange, grey and brotvn. ln order to bring the kiften:st,: the vet for an examination, Bertie prepared five cages, one for each kitten, with the colour of the kinen indicatedon the cage. As Bertie was in a hurry, he placed each kinen in a cageat random,with one kinen to each cage. (i) Find the probability that the orange kitten is in the correctly labelled cage given that the black kitten is in the wrong cage. I7l (ii) Show that the probability that both the orange kinen and the black kinen are in cages with labels not rnatching their colours is 0-65. i2] (iii) If Bertie needsto make one hundred trips to the vet in the years to come rvith his five cats, estimate the probability that both the orange cat and the black cat are placed in the rvrong cageson sixty occasions using a suitable approximation. t3l

Anglo thinese J w i or College H2 Ma*rematics 9740:2OO8 JC 2 PrcliminaryLramination Paper2 Pogc 6 o.f 8


that are normally A fruit grower grolvs both red and green appteswhich have masses and standard 75g mean has apple distributed.The mass of a randomly chosen red mean of 55g and has deviation I7.5g. The mass of a randomly chosen green apple standarddeviation I 0.59. (i) Find the probability that the tolal mass of J randomly chosen green apples exceeds I3l fwice the mean massof 3 randomly chosenred apples. (i i) A red apple is considered"undenveight" if it weighs less than 70g. Red apples are packed into bugt of 10 for transportation to a supermarket. A bag is considered to i-,uu.p^ssed the quality test if it contains tess than 2 "underweight" apples- Calculate the piobability that in a randomly chosen batch of 20 bags of red apples,all the bags I4l fait the quality test.


A marmalade manufacturerproduces thousandsofjariof marmaladeeach week- The mass, r grams, of marmalade in a randomly chosen jar has mean 25g' Following a to the filling machine, a random sampld 6f 50 jars is taken and the slight adjustment muss of marmatade in the jars is measured. The masses are summarised by

lx=173o and I(:-20)t:1129'

show that the Correctto 3 significantfltgures'

I2l of the population varianceis l-45estimate unbiased the of the mean in a change been has there test whether to wishes The manufacturer significancelevel. disf-ributionatthe 5%o I4l (a) (i) Carry out the test abovetrl the test to be valid. jar normally is chosen a randomly in (b) Assurning that the mass of the mar-matade of distributed,explainwhethera z-test or t-testshould be usedwhen a random sample

l0 jars is used. t3


and southern In a certain country, the number of deaths due to old age in the northern in the 2 deaths are parts is recordedseparately-It is found that on the average,there northern parts in a day and 3 deaths in the southem parts every 3 days. a period of (i) Find the probabilitythat there are nine deathsrecordedin the country over l?l L- t \ r l:r ,' c each' days l0 of periods over recorded parts is northern the in (ii) The number of deaths such periods is Estimatethe probability that the average number o[ deathsover 50 answeryour at arrive you t3l befween2l andl0 inclusive,explaining clearly how that probability the (i ii) Using a suitable approximation, find the teastvalue of n such that days' there are at least2j deathsin the southern parts exceeds l'/" over a period of2n I7l You may assumethat n is an integer greaterthan 5'

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Juior Col Ieg e Anglolhinese 9740'.2008 JC 2 Preliminarl' Examinatioo Papcr 2
P- - . 7 a( R

F[2 Malhematics


la {a) State,giving a reason,whether eachof the lollowing statements is true or ialse. (i) A set of bivariate data has a Iinear product moment correlation coefficient of +1. This impties a'linear relarionholds for rhe whole popularion_ tl j (ii) The linear product moment correlation coefficient betlveen 2 random variables X and i'is zero. This implies that the variables x and rare not correlared. tl l (b) The amount of a chemical, r (in grams), r,arieswith tirne r (in minutes) for r,r'hich a tu particularchemical reaction has taken place and is given by the forrnula x = 4,3 , rvhere -ro and kare constants. The values of l may be considered to be exai:t v,,hi[e the values s ot ofx subiect to experimental tal error_ -r are su (minute)' t 0-2 0_4 0.6 0.8 t.0 r {grams) 3.22 r,63 0.89 0 . 4t 436 The variabley is defined by y: ln r. (i) Using a least squaresmethod,calculatethe equationof the appropriateregression line and hencegive estimates of xn and,t(;i) From the equationestimatethe decrease in7 when l increases by ltll (iii) Use a regressionline to give the best estimateof t when x : 1.5. Explain your choice of the regression line used. I?l


measured. [t is given that the linear product moment correlation coefficient befween u and y is 0-9 and the least squares regression line of u on ;, is u = 2-4y + l0 - Find the least squaresregressionline ofy on z. i3l


Anglo t hincsc-tunior Collcge [{2 Mathemarics 9']t0:20O8JC 2 Prcliminrrl,ExminariJn paper2 Page I o.{ S

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