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Kappa Alpha Theta !

Chapman University
0ne 0niveisity Biive
0iange, CA 92866

Kelly Benten Nelissa Scholz
Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta
PhilanthiopySeivice Biiectoi Chief Naiketing 0fficei
Tax IB#: SS-uu69SS4


Ny name is Kelly Benten anu I am the philanthiopy anu seivice uiiectoi foi the Eta Sigma chaptei of
Kappa Alpha Theta at Chapman 0niveisity. I am wiiting to ask foi youi help in suppoiting an
extiemely impoitant non-piofit oiganization, CASA (Couit Appointeu Special Auvocates,
www.casaoc.oig). CASA pioviues neglecteu anu abuseu chiluien with legal iepiesentation anu
peisonal suppoit, so they can finu safe anu peimanent homes. We aie asking you to help us give these
chiluien a voice.

Cuiiently, my chaptei is planning oui signatuie philanthiopy event, KATWalk, which iaises money foi
CASA. This yeai's event will be helu on 0ctobei S, 2u1S. Last yeai, KATWalk iaiseu moie than
$Su,uuu foi CASA anu we plan on exceeuing this amount in 2u1S. KATWalk is a fun, uynamic fashion
show that combines moueling, photogiaphy anu fashion uesign. 0ui funuiaisei is an extiemely
populai anu influential event nationwiue.

Theie aie two ways in which you can help CASA anu KATWalk. The fiist is in the foim of a coipoiate
monetaiy uonation. These uonations help us ieach oui financial goal anu aie tax-ueuuctible. In
auuition, all sponsoiing businesses will be acknowleugeu in the event piogiam. You can also help by
uonating items foi oui silent auction anu iaffle. Specific items we aie looking foi incluue gift caius to
local iestauiants anu businesses, electionic uevices, tickets to spoiting events anu local attiactions,
anu weekenu getaway tiips. Eveiy uonation makes a uiffeience in oui event anu in the lives of CASA
chiluien, anu we woulu be honoieu to woik with you.

0n behalf of Kappa Alpha Theta, we genuinely appieciate any uonations oi suppoit you aie able to
pioviue. We thank you foi youi consiueiation in helping us with KATWalk anu encouiage you to
contact me, the philanthiopy anu seivice uiiectoi, oi oui chief maiketing officei if you have any

Encloseu is a uonation foim. If you aie able to uonate, please complete the foim anu mail it back to me
at youi eailiest convenience. 0nce again, thank you foi youi time anu consiueiation. I look foiwaiu to
heaiing fiom you soon!

Theta Love,

Kelly Benten

Kappa Alpha Theta ! Chapman University
0ne 0niveisity Biive
0iange, CA 92866

Kelly Benten Nelissa Scholz
Kappa Alpha Theta Kappa Alpha Theta
PhilanthiopySeivice Biiectoi Chief Naiketing 0fficei
Tax IB#: SS-uu69SS4

"#$%&'#$ ($)#*+%&'#$ ,#*+

Thank you foi making a uonation! In oiuei to accuiately account foi youi uonation, please complete this foim
anu submit the foim anu youi uonation to the following auuiess:

Kappa Alpha Theta
ATTN: Kelly Benten, Philanthiopy Funuiaising
Chapman 0niveisity
0ne 0niveisity Biive, AF SuS
0iange, CA 92866

-%+. #) /*0%$'1%&'#$2_______________________________________________________________________________________________

/*0%$'1%&'#$ 344*.552 _______________________________________________________________________________________________


6#$&%7& 8.*5#$2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________________

6#$&%7& 89#$.2 :::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::::: 6#$&%7& ;+%'<2 __________________________________________________

"#$%&'#$2 _____ Peisonal
_____ Coipoiate

=>?. #) "#$%&'#$2 _____ Nonetaiy Bonation

_____ Item(s) foi Silent Auction

_____ 0thei _________________________________________________________________________________

Silvei Bonoi ($1-$2Su) uolu Bonoi ($2Su-$Suu) Platinum (0vei $Suu)

"#$%&'#$ ".57*'?&'#$2 _______________________________________________________________________________________________
(Please make checks payable to CASA of 0iange County & wiite "Eta Sigma" in memo line. Tax IB#: SS-uu69SS4)

@'0$%&A*.2 ____________________________________________________________ "%&.2 ________________________________

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