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What does it mean that the atmosphere is a sink?

The sink refers to the waste disposal

What does the work smog mean?

It was acid rain first described in 17th century the word smog was introduced in 1905 its a mixture of smoke and fog.
What are the two main types of air pollution explain each?

Stationary sources those that have a relatively fixed location Point source and fugitive source mobile source move from place to place while emitting pollutant like automobiles and trucks.

What are the general effects of air pollution?

It affects many aspects of our environment like visual qualities Vegetation Animals Significant factors in human death rates for many large cities it also affects human health in several ways like toxic poising, cancer birth defects, aye irritation and irritation of respiratory infections.

What does it mean if the pollution has a synergestic effect?

Its when the pollutants cause a greater damage to the lungs that a combination of the two pollutants would be expected.

Define primary and secondary pollutants?

Primary pollutants are emitted directly into the air, secondary pollutant are produced thought reactions between primary pollutants and normal atmosphere compounds.

Where do some of the natural air pollutants come from ? explain They are released from other chemicals What are the 6 criteria pollutants? List
Sulfur Dioxide, Nitrogen Oxides, Carbon Monoxide, Ozone, Particles and lead.

What causes some variability of air pollution?

Variety of organic compounds used as solvets in industrial processes like dry cleaning, degreasing and graphic arts ,

What causes some variability of air pollution?

Mainly from the mobile sources ohio and great lakes from mobile sources there is also smog problem in summer when their more sunshine.

What are the 4 factors (potential for urban air pollution?

In the lower atmosphere, restricted circulation associated with inversion layer may lead to pollution event atmosphere inversion occurs when warmer air is found above cooler air. Surrounding mountain and inversions prevent pollutants from being transporting wind or weather systems like LA

What are the future trends for future air pollution?

The air quality will continue to improve we will also develop effective wys to reduce pollutants their will also be stricter emissions controls for automobiles but it also will depend on the economic health of the certain city.

How can we controlling common pollutants?

We can reduce, collect, capture and retain emissions throughout energy efficient and conservation measures. Air Quality Index (AQI) AQI=100 which mean the air unhealthy AQI greater than 200 =Air pollution already is issued AQI EXCEEDS 300 = Air pollution warning is issued hazardous to all people AQI exceeds 400 =Air pollution emergency is declared and peole are requested to remain indoors and minimize physical extortion.

What is the cost of outdoor air pollution control?

For fuel-burning pollution control is a few hundred dollars per additional ton of partiulats removed. For aluminum plant is it several thousand per ton

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