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1. Introduction 2. Company Profile 3. Importance & Scope 4. Re earc! O"#ecti$e %. &ypot!e i '. Re earc! (et!odolo)y *. +ata ,naly i -. .indin) /. Su))e tion 10. 1imitation 11. 2i"lio)rap!y 12. ,nne3ure


E7EC4TI6E S4((,R5
Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company Ltd. (BSLAMC), the investment managers of Birla Sun Life Mutual Fund, is a joint venture et!een the Aditya Birla "roup and the Sun Life Finan#ial Servi#es $n#. of Canada. %he joint venture rings together the Aditya Birla "roup&s e'perien#e in the $ndian mar(et and Sun Life&s glo al e'perien#e. )sta lished in *++,, Birla Sun Life Mutual fund has emerged as one of $ndia&s leading flagships of Mutual Funds usiness managing assets of a large investor ase. -ur solutions offer a range of investment options, in#luding diversified and se#tor spe#ifi# e.uity s#hemes, fund of fund s#hemes, hy rid and monthly in#ome funds, a !ide range of de t and treasury produ#ts and offshore funds. Birla Sun Life Asset Management Company has one of the largest team of resear#h analysts in the industry, dedi#ated to tra#(ing do!n the est #ompanies to invest in. BSLAMC strives to provide transparent, ethi#al and resear#h/ ased investments and !ealth management servi#es.


INTRO+4CTION 1ife In urance

Life insuran#e (Life Assuran#e in 2riti ! En)li !) is a type of in urance. As in all insuran#e, the insured transfers a ris( to the insurer. %he insured pays a premium and re#eives a poli#y in e'#hange. %he ris( assumed y the insurer is the ris( of death of the insured.

&o8 life in urance 8or9

%here are three parties in a life insuran#e transa#tion0 the insurer, the insured, and the o!ner of the poli#y (poli#yholder), although the o!ner and the insured are often the same person. For e'ample, if 1ohn Smith uys a poli#y on his o!n life, he is oth the o!ner and the insured. But if Mary Smith, his !ife, uys a poli#y on 1ohn&s life, she is the o!ner and he is the insured. %he o!ner of the poli#y is #alled the grantee (he or she !ill e the person !ho !ill pay for the poli#y). Another important person involved is the enefi#iary. %he enefi#iary is the person or persons !ho !ill re#eive the poli#y

pro#eeds upon the death of the insured. %he enefi#iary is not a party to the poli#y, ut is designated y the o!ner, !ho may #hange the enefi#iary unless the poli#y has an irrevo#a le enefi#iary designation. 2ith an irrevo#a le enefi#iary, that enefi#iary must agree to #hanges in enefi#iary, poli#y assignment, or orro!ing of #ash value. %he poli#y, li(e all insuran#e poli#ies, is a legal #ontra#t spe#ifying the terms and #onditions of the ris( assumed. Spe#ial provisions apply, in#luding a sui#ide #lause

!herein the poli#y e#omes null if the insured #ommits sui#ide !ithin a spe#ified time for the poli#y date (usually t!o years). Any misrepresentation y the o!ner or insured on the appli#ation is also grounds for nullifi#ation. Most #ontra#ts have a #ontesta ility period, also usually a t!o/year period0 if the insured dies !ithin this period, the insurer has a legal right to #ontest the #laim and re.uest additional information efore de#iding to pay or deny the #laim.

%he fa#e amount of the poli#y is normally the amount paid !hen the poli#y matures, although poli#ies #an provide for greater or lesser amounts. %he poli#y matures !hen the insured dies or rea#hes a spe#ified age. %he most #ommon reason to uy a life insuran#e poli#y is to prote#t the finan#ial interests of the o!ner of the poli#y in the event of the insured&s demise. %he insuran#e pro#eeds !ould pay for funeral and other death #osts or e invested to provide in#ome repla#ing the de#eased&s !ages. -ther reasons in#lude estate planning and retirement. %he o!ner (if not the insured) must have an insura le interest in the insured, i.e. a legitimate reason for insuring another person3s life. %he insurer (the life insuran#e #ompany) #al#ulates the poli#y pri#es !ith an intent to re#over #laims to e paid and administrative #osts, and to ma(e a profit. %he #ost of insuran#e is determined using mortality ta les #al#ulated y a#tuaries. A#tuaries are professionals !ho use a#tuarial s#ien#e !hi#h is ased in mathemati#s (primarily pro a ility and statisti#s). Mortality ta les are statisti#ally ased ta les sho!ing average life

e'pe#tan#ies. %he three main varia les in a mortality ta le are age, gender, and use of to a##o. %he mortality ta les provide a aseline for the #ost of insuran#e. $n pra#ti#e, these mortality ta les are used in #onjun#tion !ith the health and family history of the

individual applying for a poli#y in order to determine premiums and insura ility. %he #urrent mortality ta le eing used y life insuran#e #ompanies in the 4nited States and their regulators !as #al#ulated during the *+56s. %here is #urrently a measure eing pushed to update the mortality ta les y 7665. %he #urrent mortality ta le assumes that roughly 7 in *,666 people aged 78 !ill die during the term of #overage. %his num er rises roughly .uadrati# ally to a out 78 in *,666 people for those aged 98. So in a group of one thousand 78 year old males !ith a :*66,666 poli#y, a life insuran#e #ompany !ould have to, at the minimum, #olle#t :766 a year from ea#h of the thousand people to #over the e'pe#ted #laims. %he insuran#e #ompany re#eives the premiums from the poli#y o!ner and invests them to #reate a pool of money from !hi#h to pay #laims, and finan#e the insuran#e #ompany&s operations. Contrary to popular elief, the majority of the money that insuran#e #ompanies ma(e #omes dire#tly from premiums paid, as money gained through investment of premiums !ill never, in even the most ideal mar(et #onditions, vest enough money per year to pay out #laims. ;ates #harged for life insuran#e in#rease !ith the insured&s age e#ause, statisti#ally, a people are more li(ely to die as they get older. Sin#e adverse sele#tion #an have a negative impa#t on the finan#ial results of the insurer, the insurer investigates ea#h proposed insured (unless the poli#y is elo! a #ompany/ esta lished minimum amount) eginning !ith the appli#ation, !hi#h e#omes part of the poli#y. "roup $nsuran#e poli#ies are an e'#eption. %his investigation and resulting evaluation of the ris( is #alled under!riting. <ealth and lifestyle .uestions are as(ed, and the ans!ers are dutifully re#orded. Certain responses y the insured !ill e given further investigation. Life insuran#e #ompanies in the 4nited States support %he Medi#al

$nformation Bureau, !hi#h is a #learinghouse of medi#al information on all persons !ho have ever applied for life insuran#e. As part of the appli#ation, the insurer re#eives permission to o tain information from the proposed insured&s physi#ians. Life insuran#e #ompanies are never re.uired y la! to under!rite or to provide #overage on anyone. %hey alone determine insura ility, and some people, for their o!n health or lifestyle reasons, are uninsura le. %he poli#y #an e de#lined (turned do!n) or rated. ;ating means in#reasing the premiums to provide for additional ris(s relative to that parti#ular insured. Many #ompanies use four general health #ategories for those evaluated for a life insuran#e poli#y. %hese #ategories are =referred Best, =referred, Standard, and %o a##o. =referred Best means that the proposed insured has no adverse medi#al history, is not under medi#ation for any #ondition, and his family (immediate and e'tended) have no history of early #an#er, dia etes, or other #onditions. =referred is li(e =referred Best, ut it allo!s that the proposed insured is #urrently under medi#ation for the #ondition and may have some family history. Most people are in the Standard #ategory. =rofession, travel, and lifestyle also fa#tor into not only !hi#h #ategory the proposed insured falls, ut also !hether the proposed insured !ill e denied a poli#y. For e'ample, a person !ho !ould other!ise e in the =referred Best #ategory !ill e denied a poli#y if he or she travels to a high ris( #ountry. 4pon the death of the insured, the insurer !ill re.uire a##epta le proof of death efore paying the #laim. %he normal minimum proof is a death #ertifi#ate and the insurer&s #laim form #ompleted, signed, and often notari>ed. $f the insured&s death !as suspi#ious and the poli#y amount !arrants it, the insurer may investigate the #ir#umstan#es

surrounding the death, efore de#iding !hether there is a legal o ligation to pay the #laim. =ro#eeds from the poli#y may e paid in a lump sum or as an annuity paid over time in regular re#urring payments for either for the life of a spe#ified person or a spe#ified time period.


Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e Company Limited (BSL$) is a joint venture et!een the Aditya Birla "roup and Sun Life Finan#ial $n#., a leading international finan#ial servi#es organisation. %he lo#al (no!ledge of the Aditya Birla "roup #om ined !ith the e'pertise of Sun Life Finan#ial $n#., offers a formida le value proposition to #ustomers. Sun Life Finan#ial and its partners today have operations in (ey mar(ets !orld!ide, in#luding $ndia, Canada, the 4nited States, the 4nited ?ingdom, <ong ?ong, =hilippines, 1apan, $ndonesia, China and Bermuda. Sun Life Finan#ial $n#. had assets under management of over 4S: @59.57 illion, as on @* Mar#h 766A. Sun Life Finan#ial $n#. is a leading performer in the life insuran#e mar(et in Canada. BSL$ in its five su##essful years of operations has #ontri uted signifi#antly to the gro!th and development of the life insuran#e industry in $ndia. $t pioneered the laun#h of 4nit Lin(ed Life $nsuran#e plans amongst the private players in $ndia. $t !as the first player in the industry to sell its poli#ies through the Ban( assuran#e route and through the internet. $t !as also the first private se#tor player to introdu#e a pure term plan in the $ndian mar(et. %his !as supported y sales pra#ti#es, !hi#h rought a degree of

transparen#y that !as entirely ne! to the mar(et. %he pro#ess of getting sales illustrations signed y #ustomers, offering a free loo( period on all poli#ies, !hi#h are no! industry standards !ere introdu#ed y BSL$. Being a #ustomer #entri# #ompany, BSL$ has invested heavily in te#hnology to uild !orld #lass pro#essing #apa ilities. BSL$ has #overed more than one and a half million lives sin#e in#eption and its #ustomer ase is spread a#ross *66 #ities in $ndia. All this

has assisted the #ompany in #ementing its pla#e amongst the leaders in the industry in terms of ne! usiness premium in#ome. Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e (BSL$), one of the leading private life insurers in $ndia today announ#ed the inimita le a#hiever, #ri#(eter ?apil Bev as their #orporate rand am assador. %he #ri#(eting supremo !ill e

endorsing BSL$ in all its mar(eting initiatives. Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e is a value/ driven rand !hi#h has a national rand re#all of A6 per #ent. %he o je#tive of

appointing a rand am assador is to gro! its rand re#all as it goes national in its distri ution rea#h and fuel usiness gro!th. As a rand am assador, ?apil Bev !ill play a (ey role in the rand and produ#t mar(eting and promotional a#tivities. BSL$ has al!ays used an integrated mar(eting approa#h, !hi#h !ill e strengthened further. Commenting on the asso#iation !ith ?apil Bev, Mr. S. ?. Mitra, Bire#tor, Finan#ial Servi#es, Aditya Birla "roup and #urrently in#harge of BSL$ e'pressed, C%he Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e usiness distri ution net!or( is national in nature #overing more than *666 points a#ross the #ountry .2e have made our entry in several tier $ and tier $$ to!ns. $t is therefore very important for the rand to #onne#t at the grassroot level and #reate trust. 2e elieve that our asso#iation !ith ?apil Bev as our rand am assador !ill help us #reate this #onne#t in a shorter period of time. 2e therefore no! have t!o strong #onne#ts D our parent rand Birla and our rand am assador ?apil BevC. ?apil Bev, also (no!n as the <aryana <urri#ane, !as orn on 9 1anuary *+8+ in Chandigarh. <e played his first #ompetitive game of #ri#(et at the age of *@ years and made his test de ut on *9 -#to er *+A5 at Faisala ad against =a(istan. ?apil Bev remained $ndia&s top stri(e o!ler for almost *8 years. <is e'traordinary test mat#h figures of more than 8666 runs and ,@, !i#(ets along !ith 9, #at#hes sho! that he !as

a !orld #lass #ri#(eter and an all/rounder. <e has raised the mantle of $ndia to sporting glory y !inning us the 2orld Cup. $n a study #ondu#ted y BSL$, ?apil Bev #onne#ted e'tremely !ell !ith the life

insuran#e #ategory and had high a##eptan#e y the masses. -ur survey suggests that he is seen as a very good fit for the BSL$ rand. <e is very mu#h loved and respe#ted y a vast majority of the population. -n 79 Eovem er 7669, Birla Sun Life !as host the annual golf tournament at the Chem ur "olf Clu in Mum ai !here ?apil Bev !as parti#ipate.

,"out 2irla Sun 1ife In urance

Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e Company Limited is a joint venture et!een the Aditya Birla "roup, one of the largest usiness houses in $ndia and Sun Life Finan#ial $n#., a leading international finan#ial servi#es organisation. %he lo#al (no!ledge of the Aditya Birla "roup #om ined !ith the e'pertise of Sun Life Finan#ial $n#., offers a formida le prote#tion for your future. Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e (BSL$), in its five su##essful years of operations, has #ontri uted signifi#antly to the gro!th and development of the life insuran#e industry in $ndia. $t pioneered the laun#h of unit lin(ed life insuran#e plans amongst the private players in $ndia. $t !as the first player in the industry to sell its poli#ies through the an# assuran#e route and through the internet. $t !as the first private se#tor player to introdu#e a pure term plan in the $ndian mar(et. %his !as supported y sales pra#ti#es !hi#h rought a degree of transparen#y that !as entirely ne! to the mar(et. %he pro#ess of

getting sales illustrations signed y #ustomers and offering a free loo( period on all poli#ies, !hi#h are no! industry standards, !ere introdu#ed y BSL$. Being a #ustomer/ #entri# #ompany, BSL$ has invested heavily in te#hnology to uild !orld #lass

pro#essing #apa ilities. BSL$ has #overed more than a million lives sin#e in#eption and its #ustomer ase is spread a#ross more than *666 to!ns and #ities in $ndia. All this has assisted the #ompany in #ementing its pla#e amongst the leaders in the industry in terms of ne! usiness premium in#ome. %he #ompany&s #urrent #apital ase is ;s.876 #rore.

,"out t!e ,ditya 2irla :roup

%he Aditya Birla "roup has a turnover #lose to ;s.@5,666 #rore (as on @* Mar#h 7665) and is one of the largest usiness houses in $ndia. $t enjoys a leadership position in all the se#tors in !hi#h it operates. 2ith over A8 usiness units spanning the South )ast Asian elt, Afri#a, Canada and the 4? among others, it is re#(oned as $ndia&s first multinational #orporation. %he group is an#hored y A7,666 employees and has seven la(h shareholders, !ith a mar(et #apitali>ation of ;s.8@,,66FFF#rore .

,"out Sun 1ife .inancial Inc.

Sun Life Finan#ial $n#. is a leading international finan#ial servi#es organisation providing a diverse range of !ealth a##umulation and prote#tion produ#ts and servi#es to individuals and #orporate #ustomers. %ra#ing its roots a#( to *598, Sun Life Finan#ial and its partners today have operations in (ey mar(ets !orld!ide, in#luding Canada, the 4nited States, the 4nited ?ingdom, <ong ?ong, the =hilippines, 1apan, $ndonesia, $ndia, China and Bermuda. As of @* Mar#h 7665, the Sun Life Finan#ial group of #ompanies

had total assets under management of 4S: @,@ illion. Sun Life Finan#ial $n#. trades on the %oronto (%SG), Ee! Hor( (EHS)) and =hilippine (=S)) sto#( e'#hanges under ti#(er sym ol CSLFC.


%o e a !orld #lass provider of finan#ial se#urity to individuals and #orporates and to e amongst the top three private se#tor life insuran#e #ompanies in $ndia

MISSION %o e the first preferen#e of our #ustomers y providing innovative, need ased life insuran#e and retirement solutions to individuals as !ell as #orporates. %hese solutions !ill e made availa le y !ell/trained professionals through a multi #hannel distri ution net!or( and superior te#hnology. -ur endeavour !ill e to provide #onstant value addition to #ustomers throughout their relationship !ith us, !ithin the regulatory frame!or(. 2e !ill provide #areer development opportunities to our employees and the highest possi le returns to our shareholders


Multi/#hannel distri ution and one of the largest distri ution net!or(s in $ndia. $mplementing Si3=Si)ma pro#ess. Cu tomer centric produ#ts and servi#es. Superior investment and ris( management frame!or( 1 (illion Policie sold !ithin @ and half years. Company has ma3imum num"er of (+RT as !ell as good num er of &NI advisors. %raining pro#ess of the #ompany is very strong. Bifferent plan for different peoples A##ording to the #hange in surrounding environment li(e #hanges in #ustomer re.uirement

C-M=AEH does not penetrate on the rural mar(et at a time. %here is no plan for the lo! in#ome group. Fees for the advisor is high than the other #ompany.


$nsuran#e mar(et is very hori>on in insuran#e industry. %hough good investment and insuran#e it is easy to top $ndian #ustomers. %he huge insuran#e mar(et (AAI) is left so #ompany has ig, !here #ompany #an e'pand its

opportunity to e'pand our produ#ts. %o asso#iate !ith the more num er of <E$.

J-LB <AB$%S B$) <A;B3K $ts still diffi#ult tas( to !in the #onfiden#e of pu li# to!ards private #ompany. %he #ompany is fa#ing major threats from 1IC /!hi#h is an only government #ompany. =lans for all in#ome groups is not availa le !hi#h #an #reate adverse effe#t later on the mar(et share of the #ompany.




Mr. ?umar M Birla Mr. Bonald A Ste!art, Mr. Bish!anath E =uranmal(a Mr. Ajay Srinivasan Mr. "ary M Comerford Mr. Suresh E %al!ar Mr. "ian = "upta <is <ighness Maharaja " Singh Mr. Stephan ;ajotte Br. Bharat ? Singh


(r. 2. N. Puranmal9a


(r. Eu)ene 1undri)an

(r. ,#ay Srini$a an (r. 6i9ram (e!mi (r. (ayan9 2at!8al (r. .a"ien ?eudy (r. 6i9ram >ota9 ( . >eerti :upta


(ana)ement Team (r. 6i9ram (e!mi =resident L Chief )'e#utive -ffi#er (r. (ario 2ra)an@a Chief -perating -ffi#er (r. E.N. :o$eia <ead / Bire#t Sales For#e (r. ,mit Punc!!i Senior Mi#e =resident / %hird =arty Bistri ution (r. Sne!al S!a! Senior Mi#e =resident / -perations (r. 2!a$e ! San)!$i <ead / "roup Life L =ensions ( . ,n#ana :re8al Senior Mi#e =resident / Mar(eting L Communi#ations (r. Ra#e ! 2!o#ani Senior Mi#e =resident / BSF )'pansion (r. >.&. 6en9atac!alam Mi#e =resident / <uman ;esour#e (r. .a"ien ?eudy Mi#e =resident, Chief L Appointed A#tuary (r. (el$yn +A ou@a Mi#e =resident / ;is( Management and (r. 1alit 6ermani Mi#e =resident / Complian#e (r. 6i9ram >ota9 Mi#e =resident / $nvestments (r. (ayan9 2at!8al Chief Finan#ial -ffi#er


+ET,I1S O. PRO+4CTS Indi$idual 1ife


Birla Sun Life %erm =lan =remium Ba#( %erm =lan

Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e "old/=lus Supreme Life Bream =lan Classi# Life =remier Simply Life =rime Life =remier =rime Life Life Companion Fle'i Cash Flo! Fle'i Save =lus Fle'i Life Line Single =remium Bond


Fle'i Se#ure Life ;etirement =lan $$


Children&s Bream =lan

PRO+4CTS Insurance Plans

Life is unpredi#ta le. But in fa#e of adversity, our responsi ilities to!ards our parents, #hildren and loved ones need not e #ompromised.

$nsuran#e planning e.uips you to smooth out the un#ertainties and adversities that life might send your !ay, so that it offers a #omplete range of insuran#e produ#ts. 1 . Protection Plan 2. Sa$in) Plan 3. C!ild Plan 4. In$e tment Plan %. Retirement Plan '. :roup Plan *. Rural Plan -. Plan for NRI /. >eyman Plan 10. Rider


Protection Plans

BSL$ offers 1ife:uard / a set of pure prote#tion plans. Choose from amongst three different produ#t stru#tures to insure your life and provide total se#urity to your family, at a very afforda le #ost. 1e$el Term , urance 8it! return of premium e paid.

-n death the entire sum assured !ill

-n maturity, all the premiums paid !ill e returned. urance 8it!out return of premium e paid.

1e$el Term ,

-n death the entire sum assured !ill

Eo survival or maturity enefits. y adding A##ident L

Hou #an also enhan#e the a ove t!o poli#ies

Bisa ility Benefit ;ider and 2aiver of =remium ;ider (2-=) .

1e$el Term , urance = Sin)le premium< -n death the entire sum assured !ill e paid. Eo survival or maturity enefits


Savings Plans

BSL$ offers a variety of poli#ies that give you the

enefits of

prote#tion and the opportunity to save for important assets or events, li(e a home, a #ar or a !edding.

A regular premium unit/lin(ed insuran#e plan !ith an assuran#e of Capital "uaranteeN !ith the added advantage of fle'i le li.uidity option. An ideal plan for long term planning !ith the T!e 9ey feature of t!e plan are< Fle'i ility to #hoose a spe#ifi# level of prote#tion (Sum Assured), ased on a multiple of the annual premium. Hou #an also #hoose the term of the plan. At the end of the term, the higher of the value of units or the guaranteed valueO is paid. -n death, Sum Assured along !ith the higher of value of units or the guaranteed value is paya le. Fa#ility to ma(e !ithdra!als from the 9th poli#y year on!ards enefit of li.uidity.

till the end of the poli#y term. )very year !ithdra! up to *6I of the value of units.


Additional #redits paya le as a per#entage of the initial annual premium are paid along !ith the death or maturity enefit.

Additional insuran#e for *6 years after the maturity, for an amount of 86I of the Sum Assured. Fle'i ility to ma(e additional investment !ith the help of the top/ up fa#ility. Fle'i ility to in#rease P de#rease your annual premium amount Fa#ility of Automati# =remium =ayment/ 2ith this fa#ility you #an ta(e a temporary rea( from premium payment. OO

%otal transparen#y !ith the premium allo#ations, and other #harges de#lared upfront. %he guaranteed value of the unit fund is the value of all invested premiums (premiums net of all #harges) along !ith the de#lared onus interests. OO 2ith Automati# =remium =ayment fa#ility, you #an avail a temporary rea( from premium payment for a ma'imum of * year. %his

fa#ility is availa le on#e if the premium paying term is less than *8 years and t!i#e, if it is *8 years or more. Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y y adding A##ident L Bisa ility

Benefit ;ider , 2aiver of =remium ;ider and Criti#al $llness ;ider .


A regular premium unit/lin(ed insuran#e plan !ith an assuran#e of Capital "uaranteeN An ideal plan for your long/term savings and prote#tion re.uirement. T!e 9ey feature of t!e plan are K Fle'i ility to #hoose a spe#ifi# level of prote#tion ( Sum , ured ), ased on a multiple of the annual premium. Hou #an also

#hoose the term of the plan. At the end of the term, the higher of the value of units or the guaranteed valueO is paid. -n death, Sum Assured along !ith the higher of value of units or the guaranteed value is paya le Additional #redits paya le as a per#entage of the initial annual premium are paid along !ith the death or maturity enefit.

Additional insuran#e for *6 years after the maturity, for an amount of 86I of the Sum Assured. Fle'i ility to ma(e additional investment !ith the help of the top=up fa#ility. Fle'i ility to increa e B decrea e your annual premium amount

Fa#ility of Automati# =remium =ayment/ 2ith this fa#ility you #an ta(e a temporary "rea9 from premium payment.


%otal transparen#y !ith the premium allo#ations, and other #harges de#lared upfront. %he guaranteed value of the unit fund is the value of all invested premiums (premiums net of all #harges) along !ith the de#lared onus interests.

2ith Automati# =remium =ayment fa#ility, you #an avail a temporary rea( from premium payment for a ma'imum of * year. %his fa#ility is availa le on#e if the premium paying term is less than *8 years and t!i#e, if it is *8 years or more. %he #apital guarantee is appli#a le only on the invested premium and the de#lared onus interests. Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y y adding A##ident L Bisa ility Benefit ;ider, 2aiver of =remium ;ider and Criti#al $llness ;ider.

A unit/lin(ed insuran#e plan !ith an assuran#e of Capital "uarantee !hi#h offers you the enefit of a limited premium payment term. An ideal

plan for prote#tion !ith !ealth #reation that offers the fle'i ility of a limited premium paying term. Fle'i ility to #hoose a premium payment term of 8, A or *6 years for a maturity term of *6, *8 or 76 years respe#tively.

Fle'i ility to #hoose a spe#ifi# level of prote#tion (Sum Assured), ased on a multiple of the annual premium. At the end of the term (maturity), the higher of the value of units or the guaranteed valueO is paid. -n death, Sum Assured along !ith the higher of value of units or the guaranteed value is paya le. Additional #redits paya le as a per#entage of the initial annual premium are paid along !ith the death or maturity enefit.

Fa#ility to ma(e !ithdra!als from the 9th poli#y year on!ards till the end of the poli#y term. )very year !ithdra! up to *6I of the value of units Fle'i ility to ma(e additional investment !ith the help of the top/up fa#ility. Fle'i ility to in#rease P de#rease your annual premium amount %otal transparen#y !ith the premium allo#ations, and other #harges de#lared upfront. %he guaranteed value of the unit fund is the value of all invested premiums (premiums net of all #harges) along !ith the de#lared interests. %he #apital guarantee is appli#a le only on the invested premium and the de#lared onus interests. y adding A##ident L Bisa ility onus

Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y Benefit ;ider and Criti#al $llness ;ider.


=resenting =remier Life Q %he =referred plan for the =referred Customer. %he (ey features of the plan areK Limited premium payment optionK Choose from among a @, 8, A or *6 year premium paying term. Choi#e of sum assuredK Choose a sum assured, !hi#h is a minimum multiple of * and a ma'imum multiple of 78 times the annual #ontri ution. Additional allo#ation of units on a periodi# asis.

Fa#ility to top/up your investment any time you have surplus funds. Choose from among four funds, and ris( appetite. Choi#e to s!it#h poli#y year). et!een investments options (, free s!it#hes every ased on your investment o je#tive

.le3i"ility to decrea e your um a


Add/on riders to prote#t you against any eventuality. Loans against the poli#y. Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y ,ccident & +i a"ility 2enefit Rider.

y adding Critical Illne


=resenting Life %ime Q unit Qlin(ed plans that meets your #hanging needs over a lifetime. %hese solutions have een developed to meet your savings, prote#tion and investment Protection Choose a spe#ified Life%ime). %!o levels of Sum Assured to #hoose from (availa le only !ith Life%ime $$). Fle'i ility to in#rease or de#rease your sum assured . Add/on riders to prote#t you against any eventuality. level of prote#tion (availa le only !ith needs at every stage in life.


Fle'i ility to in#rease or de#rease your #ontri ution. Fa#ility of =remium <oliday, !herein the poli#y #ontinues even if there is a temporary rea( in the payment of annual #ontri ution

(availa le only !ith Life %ime). Fa#ility of Automati# Cover Continuan#e, !herein the poli#y #ontinues even if there is a temporary #ontri ution Fa#ility to top/up your investment any time you have surplus funds. Additional allo#ation of units on a periodi# Loans against the poli#y. asis. rea( in the payment of annual

In$e tment<
Choose from among four funds, and ris( appetite. Choi#e to s!it#h poli#y year). Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y y adding Criti#al $llness ;ider, Major et!een investments options (, free s!it#hes every ased on your investment o je#tive

Surgi#al Assistan#e ;ider, A##ident L Bisa ility Benefit ;ider, A##ident Benefit ;ider (availa le only !ith Life %ime) and 2aiver of =remium ;ider


. An insuran#e plan that gives added prote#tion, savings and multiple options, all in oneR %he fle'i ility to #hoose your premium #ontri ution. %he fle'i ility to #hoose amongst three levels of #over (in the form of sum assured) for the same amount of total annual #ontri ution. %he fle'i ility of shifting re.uire. %he fle'i ility of re#eiving your maturity pro#eeds as a lump sum or in e.ual annual installments over @ or 8 years. Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y y adding Mariety of ;iders et!een the three levels of #over, as you


An insuran#e plan that gives you added prote#tion, savings, multiple options, plus the po!er of li.uidity. %he fle'i ility to #hoose your premium #ontri ution. %he fle'i ility to #hoose amongst three levels of #over (in the form of sum assured) for the same amount of total annual #ontri ution. %he fle'i ility of shifting re.uire. %he fle'i ility of re#eiving your maturity pro#eeds as a lump sum or in e.ual annual installments over @ or 8 years. %he fle'i ility of !ithdra!ing up to *6I of the a##umulated value of your poli#y, after the first 8 poli#y years. Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y y adding Mariety of ;iders et!een the three levels of #over, as you

An ideal plan for those !ho !ant to a##umulate funds on a regular !hile enjoying insuran#e prote#tion.


:uaranteed 2enefit < "uaranteed additions S @.8I of the Sum Assured, #ompounded annually for the first , years of the poli#y.


E3tended 1ife Co$er< An e'tended #over for 8 years after the maturity of the poli#y, for 86I of the sum assured, at no e'tra #ost. (aturity 2enefit< At the end of the term, the poli#yholder re#eives the full sum assured, the guaranteed additions and the vested +eat! 2enefit< %he onuses .

enefi#iary re#eives the sum assured, the onuses in#ase the life assured

guaranteed additions and the vested

!ere to meet !ith an unfortunate event. $n #ase the life assured is aged A years or less, the asi# premium paid !ill e returned.

Hou #an also enhan#e your poli#y

y adding Criti#al $llness ;ider , Major

Surgi#al Assistan#e ;ider , A##ident L Bisa ility Benefit ;ider , 2aiver of =remium ;ider (2-=)


Child Plans

As a responsi le parent, you !ill al!ays strive to ensure a hassle/free, su##essful life for your #hild. <o!ever, life is full of 4n#ertainties and even the est/laid plans #an go !rong. <ere3s ho! you #an give your

#hild a *66I safe and assured tomorro!, !hatever the un#ertainties. Smart ?id is espe#ially designed to provide fle'i ility and safeguard your #hild3s future edu#ation and lifestyle, ta(ing all possi ilities into a##ount. Choose from amongst a as(et of , plansK Smart >id re)ular premium Smart >id unit=lin9ed re)ular premium Smart >id unit=lin9ed re)ular premium II Smart >id unit=lin9ed in)le premium II

,ll t!e e plan offer you< .inancial 2enefit < ;egular payments at #riti#al stages in your #hild3s life, li(e Board e'aminations, "raduation and =ost/

graduation .

Total peace of mindC e$en if you are not around Sum ,

ured i paid immediately< )nsures that your loved

ones stay finan#ially se#ure, even in your a sen#e. ,ll future premium not finan#ially

are 8ai$ed < )nsuring that your family is

urdened in your a sen#e. enefits of the poli#y

Policy "enefit continue < %he edu#ational

#ontinue, ensuring that your #hild #an reali>e his or her dreams !ithout any hassles. +e$elopment ,llo8ance< Smart ?id guarantees regular in#ome to se#ure your #hild3s edu#ational #areer and also ensures his or her all/round development, for a nominal additional amount. %he Income 2enefit Rider ta(es #are of this through an annual payment of *6I of the sum assured, to your #hild, till the maturity of the poli#y, in the unfortunate event of the death of the parent. All Smart?id plans #an e enhan#ed !ith the ,ccident &

+i a"ility 2enefit Rider and Income 2enefit Rider . Hou #an also an A##ident Benefit ;ider to a Smart?id ;egular =remium poli#y, and a ;ai$er of Premium Rider D;OPE t o Smart?id unit/lin(ed regular premium poli#y.


Investment Plans

Life Lin( $$ is a uni.ue plan that #om ines the se#urity of a life insuran#e poli#y !ith the opportunity of enjoying high returns on your investments, !ithout the mar(et ris(s #ompromising on the

prote#tion of your familyR +eat! 2enefit< %he Sum Assured under the produ#t has 7 options, either 866I of the initial premium or *68I of the initial premium. $n the event of an unfortunate death, the of units or the initial death enefi#iary !ill re#eive higher of the value enefit, less any !ithdra!als.

;it!dra8al 2enefit< -ne #an ma(e partial !ithdra!als from the a##umulated value of the poli#y after #ompletion of one poli#y year. .le3i"ility< Choose from four fund options, ased on your investment

o je#tive and ris( appetite. $f at a later stage your finan#ial priorities #hange, you #an s!it#h , times a year. et!een the various fund options, a solutely free,


Retirement Plans

Life )'pe#tan#y has

een rising rapidly and today you #an e'pe#t

to live longer than your earlier generations. For you, this in#rease !ill mean a longer retirement life, stret#hing into a #ouple of de#ades. ;etirement Solutions that #om ine the BSL$

est of insuran#e and investment.

%hese solutions are developed to ensure your pea#e of mind for the years to #ome. *. 7. @. ,. 8. 2hy plan for retirementT <o! mu#h should $ set aside for retirementT %he impa#t of inflation on your retirement savings 2hy plan earlyT A out Annuities

;!y plan for retirementF For too many people, the joy of retirement after years of hard !or( is e#lipsed y the finan#ial un#ertainties that it rings. Bespite all the

planning and saving, you #an never sure !hether your money !ill last a lifetime. ;etirement planning offers a !ay to ensure a more enjoya le,

stress free tomorro!. A prudent plan !ill ensure that in#reasing life e'pe#tan#y, higher inflation and in#reasing ta'es do not eat a!ay into your hard earned savings. &o8 muc! mu t I et a ide for retirementF %o ensure a #omforta le retired life, you !ould e !ise to invest

money into additional avenues li(e pension plans. <o! mu#h you need to invest #an e ans!ered y ans!ering some .uestions su#h asK efore retirementT

*. <o! long do you have to save that amount

7. 2here #an you invest your retirement moneyT @. <o! mu#h ris( are you !illing to ta(e on your investmentsT


Group Solutions

$n an era of #ompetitive parity, the only asset that ma(es a de#isive differen#e et!een #orporate su##ess and failure is the .uality of human enefits have proven to e an e'#ellent tool to optimi>e ottom/line. %he

#apital. )mployee

the retention of talent and improve an organi>ation3s .uality of an organi>ation3s employee

enefits esta lishes and maintains a

#ompany&s image as a #aring employer. -ptimum #are of employees is a long/term investment that results in a sustained #ompetitive advantage for an organi>ation in the times to #ome. 2S1I :roup Solution ,d$anta)e< An integrated as(et of employee enefits. enefits solutions that offer

in#ompara le fle'i le

Sound investment management that fo#uses on safety, sta ility and profita ility of the portfolio. =ersonali>ed finan#ial planning for your employee that ta(es #are of hisPher #hanging finan#ial needs at every stage of life. Uuality servi#e initiatives and transparen#y a#ross all operations, promising superlative operational effi#ien#y.


:roup Term , a group.

urance < <elps provide afforda le #over to mem ers of

:roup :ratuity Plan < <elps employers fund their statutory gratuity o ligation in a fle'i le and hassle/free manner. :roup Superannuation Plan < A fle'i le s#heme (defined enefit and

defined #ontri ution) to provide a retirement (itty for ea#h mem er of the group. :roup Term , urance<

BSL I fle'i le group term solution helps provide afforda le #over to mem ers of a group. %he #over #ould e uniform or ased on

designationPran( or a multiple of salary, and #an employees et!een the ages of *5 and 98 years. %he

e e'tended to all enefit under the enefi#iary

poli#y is paid on the event of the mem er3s death to the nominated

y the mem er. $t is a one/year rene!a le poli#y !here one

master poli#y #overs all proposed employees #omprising the group, !ith a minimum group si>e of 78 persons. Ee! mem ers #an join the group and outgoing mem ers #an leave the group at any point during the poli#y term.


&i)!li)!t include< :reater con$enience for the employees !ith rela'ed under!riting and medi#al re.uirements. G.ree Co$er 1imit G !ith simplified under!riting depending upon the num er of employees in the group and the level of #over #hosen. :uaranteed "enefit< -n death during the term of the #ontra#t (!hile in servi#e), the sum assured !ill of the employee. Choi#e of additional #overage in form an A##ident and Bisa ility Benefit ;ider and Criti#al $llness Cover =remium is vie!ed as a usiness e'pense in the year of payment. :roup :ratuity Plan< 2S1I group gratuity plan helps employers fund their gratuity o ligation in a s#ientifi# manner. )mployers #an avail of the ta' appli#a le to approved gratuity funds. %he plan #an also stru#ture s#hemes that #an provide enefits eyond enefits as e paid to the enefi#iary

e #ustomi>ed to the statutory

o ligations. <ighlights in#ludeK ;ider c!oice of in$e tment 8 it! (ar9et 1in9ed Plan / to meet

the diverse finan#ial goals. 2e offer , investment options (short/


term de t, de t and investments !ill

alan#ed and #apital guarantee plan) !here

e made in a##ordan#e !ith the fund o je#tives.

Tran parency through Baily dis#losure of 4nit Malue and regular dis#losure of the portfolio of ea#h of the investment option .le3i"ility through s!it#hing and #ontri ution redire#tion option to ena le reshuffling of portfolio 2undled 1ife Co$er greater value to the employee y pa#(aging

life insuran#e #over !ith the gratuity, !ith minimal amount of under!riting. ,ctuarial er$ice to provide a s#ientifi# estimation of the gratuity lia ility. 1o8 e3plicit c!ar)e spe#ified upfront. En!anced er$ice le$el through faster #laim settlement, easier tructure !ith the #onditions for e'it

a##ess to information and regular statements. Complete end to end appro$al proce Employee 2enefit < %he #ontri ution made y the employer is not in#luded in the value olution in t!e le)al and re)ulatory

for c!eme et up or tran fer

of ta'a le per.uisites in the hands of the employee. "ratuity re#eived up to ;s @86666 is e'empt from $n#ome ta' under Se# *6(*6)


Employer 2enefit < Annual #ontri ution up to 5.@@I of salary ill in a finan#ial year is

allo!ed a dedu#tion for the purpose of #omputation of profits and gains of usiness. Contri ution to!ards past servi#e lia ility is allo!ed as dedu#tion as per the $n#ome %a' rules. :roup Superannuation Plan< 2S1I Superannuation S#heme (for Contri ution funds) offers su stantial oth Befined Benefit and Befined enefits to oth employers and enefits

employees. %he employer and employee #an avail of ta'

appli#a le to an approved superannuation trust. %he s#heme !ill provide for a retirement fund for ea#h parti#ipating employee. An employee !ould e a le to #hoose from various annuity options or opt for partial #ommutation of #orpus at retirement. &i)!li)!t include< ;ider c!oice of in$e tment 8 it! (ar9et 1in9ed Plan / to meet the diverse finan#ial goals. 2e offer 8 investment options D !ort=term de"tC de"tC "alancedC )ro8 t! and investments !ill capital )uarantee planE !here

e made in a##ordan#e !ith the fund o je#tives.

Control / )a#h mem erPemployer #an e'er#ise greater #ontrol over investments y #hoosing one or more of the investment options.


(ultiple ,nnuity Option / 8 annuity options and open mar(et option Tran parency / %ransparen#y through Baily dis#losure of 4nit Malue and regular dis#losure of the portfolio of ea#h of the investment option .le3i"ility / Fle'i ility through s!it#hing and #ontri ution redire#tion option to ena le reshuffling of portfolio 1o8 e3plicit c!ar)e upfront. En!anced er$ice le$el through faster #laim settlement, easier a##ess to information and regular statements. Complete end to end olution in the legal and regulatory approval tructure !ith #onditions for e'it spe#ified

pro#ess for s#heme set up or transfer


Rural Plans

2S1I ;ural =rodu#ts are designed to meet the needs of the rural #onsumers. %hese produ#ts offer the follo!ing featuresK *. Lo! and Afforda le =remiums 7. Life Cover @. Savings -ption ,. <assle free pro#edure 2S1I offers 7 spe#ially designed rural plans. a) ) 2S1I Q )ndo!ment =lan 2S1I / ;egular =remium

2S1I Endo8ment Plan< 2S1I offers the follo!ing featuresK Life Cover and Savings ;egular =remiums Age at entry =remium Mode %erm Sum Assured *5 / ,8 Hrs <alf Hearly P Hearly 8,*6,*8 Hrs ;s.8,666 /76,666


=remium P Hear MaturityPBeath enefit

;s. 86A / 88@ ( SAK ;s.*6,666) Sum Assured

2S1I = Re)ular Premium< 2S1I is a regular premium poli#y !ith the follo!ing featuresK $ndividual poli#y -nly Life #over %erm / @ L 8 Hrs Age independent premium Age at entry Sum Assured =remium P Hear MaturityPBeath Beath Benefit enefit *5 / ,8 Hrs Single ;s 86 Q 766 ;s.8,666 / 76,666 Sum Assured

Plans for NRIs

NRI Plan <


Being a!ay from $ndia doesn&t mean you have to #ompromise the safety and se#urity of your loved ones. $n fa#t, your savings from your time overseas #an e easily #anali>ed to meet your family&s needs / no! and in

the future. So, !hether its your dream to retire in your hometo!n0 to se#ure funds for your #hildren&s edu#ation0 or to range of solutions that #an uild assets, 2S1I has a

e #ustomi>ed to meet your needs.



%he insuran#e se#tor has een opened up in $ndia, as there !as an urgent need. %he international e'perien#e indi#ates those #ountry !ith a li erali>ed insuran#e se#tor have !itnessed a rapid gro!th in premium volumes enhan#ing the domesti# saving rate. %his happened in C!inaC (alay ia and Sin)apore !here a #ompetitive mar(et has led to improvement in Servi#es and .ui#(er settlement of #laims. $t is also important to note that #ompetition !ill ring a out advan#ement in information, #ommuni#ation and

te#hnology. And rightly therefore a de#ision !as ta(en y the "overnment of $ndia to open up $nsuran#e se#tor. %he esta lishment of IR+, in t!e mont! of ,pril 2000 has een important development in this dire#tion, ma(ing the end of monopoly in the insuran#e se#tor. ;&5 INS4R,NCE IN IN+I,< -nly 77I of the insuran#e population has een e'tended #over. Mar(et

penetration is lo! and the potential to e'ploit is high. $nsuran#e premium per #apita is very lo!. La#( of #omprehensive so#ial system enefit and !elfare means that demand for pension produ#ts is high. <uge middle #lass of appro'imately @66 Million. )'isting insuran#e #ompany s#ore lo! on #ustomer servi#e front.

%he insuran#e mar(et registered gro!th in the Asian region even though $ndia3s share in glo al insuran#e is less than 6.8I (*+55) as #ompared to 4SA (7,.7I) and 1apan (7*I). Studies have reveled that in an emerging mar(et, as disposa le in#ome rises, $nsuran#e premiums as a ratio of "B= shoots up. %he #onfederation of $ndian $ndustry proje#ted a gro!th of Life $nsuran#e premiums from ;s. @86 Billion at present to ;s.*,6 Billion. %he gro!th of non/life insuran#e premium is e'pe#ted to in#rease from A8 illion to @A8 illion. -ut of !hi#h, only *6I is tapped y the e'isting insurer. $nsuran#e even more than an(ing is a volume game. A very e'#lusive approa#h in vie! is unli(ely to provide meaningful num ers. Currently, insuran#e is ought for the purpose of ta'/ enefits. A higher per#entage of usiness is in the rural mar(et. %he share of rural ne! usiness insuran#e total ne! usiness is 88I in terms of poli#ies and ,AI in terms of sum assured. <o!ever, this needs to e vie!ed in the light of some re#ent issues that have een raised regarding as to !hat #onstitutes the rural mar(et. %herefore, private insurers !ill e est served y middle mar(et approa#h, targeting the #ustomer segments that are presently une'ploited. <o! many $ndians are a!are that L$C has more than 96=rodu#ts and "$C has more than *56=rodu#tsT Eot only there is a redu#tion in the premiums of Life $nsuran#e produ#ts have long overdue sin#e $ndian morality rate has de#reased three folds in the last 86years. %here is also s#ope to in#rease the yield on life insuran#e poli#ies (presently 9I) !ith proper ris( management in pla#e. $t is een de ated that insuran#e usiness does not produ#e profit in the first five years #ross su sidi>ation is a feature of $ndian mar(et. )ven the first portfolio vote that is

#onsidered profita le, #ross su sidi>es other departments. %ariffs redu#tion is li(ely to redu#e profits0 further insurers have to institute proper #laims management progress in order to e'tra#t effi#ien#ies. At present life insuran#e usiness in the #ountry is ta'ed at *7.8I of the profit in finan#ial year. %he government is soon to present a ne! model of ta'ing life insuran#e #ompanies at international rates. Ee! entrants should e !ell advised to loo( ahead to the stage !here rand strength !ill e a #ompetitive advantage and s(et#h their allian#es a##ordingly. $n fa#t, !e elieve that allian#e related to distri ution rather than to produ#e or te#hnology !ill prove most valua le in the long run. Ban(s and finan#ial #ompanies !ill emerge, as attra#tive distri ution #hannel for this insuran#e trend !ill e led y t!o fa#tors, !hi#h already apply in other !orld mar(et. First Ban(ing food insuran#e, fund management and other finan#ial servi#es #ompanies are eing to in#rease their profita ility and provide ma'imum value to their #ustomers. distri ute. $n other mar(et nota ly )urope0 this has resulted in entering into the insuran#e usiness in $ndia to an( assuran#e. Ban( %herefore, they are themselves loo(ing for a range of produ#ts to

an( hope to ma'imi>e e'pensive

e'isting net!or( y selling a range of produ#ts more of a loss allian#e et!een insuran#e and an( than a formal o!nership. Some $ndian entrants li(e $C$C$, <BFC and ;elian#e hope to ride their e'isting net!or( and #ustomer ases.


2<H %- ;)C;4$% 2<- %- ;)C;4$% <-2 %- ;)C;4$% ;)C;4$%M)E% AC%$M$%$)S 2<A% %- C<)C? 2<$L) 2) A;) ;)C;4$%$E" ;-L) -F ABM$S-; 2-;?$E" )EM$;-EM)E% B- H-4 =-SS)SS S4==-;% =AC?A") F-; SC4CC)SSF4L ABM$S-; )G%)ES$M) %;A$E$E" F-; S4CC)SSF4L ABM$S-; )G%)ES$M) $EM)S%M)E% $E ABM$S-; %;A$E$E" =AHM)E% L B)E)F$% Q C-MM$SS$-E S%;4C%4;) ;)C-"E$%$-E =;-";AMS CA;)); =;-";)SS$-E L F4%4;) -==-;%4E$%$)S


%here are t!o aspe#ts of employment in the insuran#e se#tor today. -ne is =ermanent )mployment, for sales, operation, $% support, a#( offi#e

servi#es and So on. 2e are also offering the other (ind of employment Q for people to sell Life $nsuran#e Q they are #alled JLife ,d$i or H. Or I.inancial ,d$i or H. %his is a ig area of employment.

Be#ause !e are supposed to JJ %hat the !ay to do this usiness. More re#ruits, more a#tive advisors, more 2+,

;&O TO RECR4IT Uuality Beptt. has given some indi#ators in terms of !hat are the #ommon traits(U/SC-;)) of our su##essful advisors/ T!e commonalitie 8 ere ,)e Education .amily Income < et!een @6 /,8

< graduate < a ove ;s. 7 la#s p.a.

%he important fa#t to remem er is that '1K of our ;)B #ategory advisors do not fall into any of this #ategory.

%his is a road pointer for us to remem er !hat are the hisPher profile

Some other pointer from Uuality Most of the ;)B #ategory advisors FA$L)B in the B$SC profile Q !hi#h means that B$SC is good indi#ator of #han#ed of su##ess or failure

Su##essful advisors usually have 7 years of !or( e'p. $n their #urrent profession

Small time

usinessmen P entrepreneurs Qv. su##essful profile een

2omenP<ouse!ives are very su##essful/ ho!ever they have not sustaina le over long periods. %hey usually have

e#ome ina#tive after

9 Q A months of joining. But till the time they are !or(ing, their average 2A=$ L =rodu#tivity is very high #ompared to others. =eople !ho are ne! to the #ity are least pro a le to do !ell.

;!o to recruitF <igh pro a ility of Su##ess %a'P Finan#ial Consultants, CAS Bond P Mutual Fund Agents L$C Agents Q Surrogates Small usiness o!ners


,$era)e Profile

2omen Students M;S P retired =ersonnel

,$oida"le Profile

Ee! to the City $n#ome =rofile Q Appro' ;s.* La# =.A. =eople !ho do not o!n their transport

T&E (OST S4CCESS.41 PRO.I1E L %<) =);S-E 2<- <AS B))E MAEA")B 2)LL BH H-4.

&o8 to RecruitF %hings !hi#h you should have !hile meeting the prospe#t. B-= =resenter. ;e!ard points oo(let -; ta(e a #opy of the #atalog from the

!e site Q sho! the gifts, a prospe#t !ouldn3t understand points, ut !ill value the gifts. Advisor Manual / #an sho! ho! the manual #an ans!er many pro#edural issues.

%al( a out email id L te#h support Q the prospe#t !ould li(e to (no! !hat all ill the #ompany give My Mar(et sho! *66 Q sho! the oo(let and stress its importan#e.

Copy of any #ertifi#ate Q MB;% #ertifi#ates, Sales Champion #ertifi#ate et# to sho! re#ognition. $nsist on doing the B-= presentation Q it gives a #omplete pi#ture of !hat you have to present L ans!ers a lot of .uestions. Stress on different things to different profiles Q #hange your proposition as per the #ustomer. 2omen Q ;e!ards, / gift items, household goods, gold Houng mar(eting a#(ground Q #areer =inna#le.

%a'P MFP L$C Agents Q ;e!ards L ;e#ognition, Star Clu s. CAs Q foreign trips, preferential treatment in all aspe#ts, don3t tal( a out #ommissions, stress on the e'tras. Small usinessman P )ntrepreneurs Q sho! ;-) Q ;eturn on usiness,

)nergy , to the earn the same amount of money from your you !ould

e spending mu#h more time L energy a lot of #apital

from your po#(et. T&E PO;ER RENE;,1 CO((ISSIONS< Al!ays, al!ays, al!ays stress on the fa#t that rene!al #ommissions A;) %<) differentiator from every other sort of usiness Spend lot of time on the Commissions stru#ture given in the B-=

%ry to do an e'ample in front of them trying to portray the #ommissions paya le for the same amount of year %<) )A;E$E" CALC4LA%-; 2$LL B) -F %<) <)L= <);) Recruitment ,cti$itie Eac! of u !ould !a$e a mi3 of usiness done every

(a Pray

(edia ,cti$itie = Spray & 1ead :eneration acti$itie

Bata ase #alling, #old #alling, tele/ Ads, Classified, paper $nserts, #alling, mailers, mass B-=s, fish o!l a#tivity, Hello! =ages, %rade Bire#tories et#.

=amphlets, Banners

-ver the last one year, the response 2e need to develop lead generation from this as(et of a#tivities has a#tivities more so as to have more

gone do!n drasti#ally, thus for#ing people to tou#h upon and tell a out us to avenues e #reative to #reate other this #areer opportunity


,cti$itie 8!ic! !a$e done 8ell 8 it! u in t!e recent pa t<

1oggers =ar( Summer %rainees Mass B-=s Bata ase Calling Lead "eneration A#tivities %ele Calling set ups

Some more 8ay on !o8 to recruit<

Bata ase Atta#( Q #an e done through a trainee. Cold Calling Q helps a lot as the respondent does not time y dilly dallying. #ompetition/ !aste your

;2A A#tivities Q %am ola or #hildren painting gives real time leads, #ost effe#tive per lead.

Loo( at level MBA #olleges for =inna#le pro a le. Sour#e lo#al data ases Q Ca le %M Servi#e providers, delivery #aterers. Fish Bo!l A#tivity/ in high foot all pla#es. home


T!in) to c!ec9 8!ile recruitin)< )E);"H, )E);"H VVV al!ays #he#( the person3s energy levels, as this #areer is all a out meeting ne! people, finding ne! prospe#ts and more so handling reje#tions <is pastP present o##upation gives tremendous insight into his energy levels Sho! him the path in his #urrent environment ho! insuran#e selling #an fit in Q lo!ers the resistan#e of time availa ility Che#( his environment Q his family lo#ality Che#( !hether he #an !or( on his o!n Find out if he is loo(ing for money or #areer Q as he #an have here T!in) to c!ec9 8!ile recruitin)< Al!ays try to meet the person at his residen#e/ #he#( for the lo#ality, his household, standard of living, try to involve the spouse in the presentation so that they (no! !hat they are getting into Al!ays #he#( on need for money L a drive to do !ell in life Q if he has een doing !ell in life, he !ill ma(e efforts to do !ell !ith us As( .uestions a out his past, find instan#es of a##omplishments oth


?eep #he#(ing on the pointers L do a mental #he#( list of the a##epta le points

Be #onvin#ed a out the profile and then only go ahead

,d$i or Role To provide ongoing financial advice for his/her client:

$dentify future #lient Ma(ing appointments Condu#t finan#ial revie! meetings !ith prospe#ts P #lients Close sale "et referrals =rovide servi#e to #lients

.ollo8 internal ale & reportin) y tem <

;or9in) en$ironment< %o e part of a !orld #lass sales team.

2or( from your o!n offi#e or residen#e. 2or( full time or part time. )arn #ommission, onus : in#entives.

Eo upper limits in earnings. Fle'i le #areer.


5our opportunity< Eo startup #apital re.uired. Fle'i le !or(ing environment. Be your o!n oss. 4nlimited earning potential. %o e part of !orld / #lass team.

E3ten i$e trainin) to ma9e you a profe State=of=t!e=art trainin) on < Selling s(ills. =rodu#t (no!ledge. ;elationship s(ills.

ional ad$i or<

Trainin) deli$ery t!rou)! e$eral con$enient option < Fa#e Qto/ fa#e. -nline. Self learning.


Some of our !i)! performer )etM. 5E,R 1 %0 1'000 -00000 ,$era)e commi ion includin) "onu e e timate N 22.%KO 1-0000 2*0000 3'0000 5E,R 2 *% 1'000 1200000 5E,R 3 100 1'000 1'00000

Num"er of policie old ,$era)e Premium R . Total primium earned R .

Earnin) from ne8 "u ine Commi ion on rene8al


2*0000 4-000

3'0000 *2000 4-000

premium N 'K .or year 2C3 & 3K after t!at 4-000

Earnin) from rene8al "u ine R Total earnin) R . 1-0000




Bepending on the produ#t mi' #ommission #an go upto @8I in of first year, A.8I in the 7 n d year L @ r d year L 8I , t h year on!ardsT


Reco)nition pro)ram <

.orei)n trip & eminar . Select clu" mem"er !ip < *. Birla Sun Life #lu . 7. Birla Sun Life star #lu .

(+RT (em"er !ip. Career pro)re ion & future opportunitie <

)'#lusive program for high potential a#hievers. <and pi#(ed advisors. A fast tra#( #areer path. ;e#ognition as W%iger W Continue doing your Criteria. /Age Q78 Q,6 years /At least * year in system /Case #ount 7 per month usiness.

=art time #areer as a %rainer. Condu#t foundation programs. Share est flied pra#ti#es.


;epli#ate your

usiness. usiness.

Continue doing your Criteria.

/Age 78/,8 years /At least 9 months s in system / 7 #ase #ount per month .a t trac9 pinnacle pro)ramme < A full time #areer as audit manager "reater earning potential =ersonal Bevelopment =erforman#e #riteria

/Age 78/,8 years /At least 9month in system /@6 issuan#e !ithin 9 months Pinnacle pro)ramme < A full time #areer as a unit manager


"reater earning potential =ersonal Bevelopment =erforman#e #riteria

/Age 78/,8 years /At least * year in system /Average 7 #ase #ount per month ,)ency c!ampion< %a(e your usiness to the ne't level

)ntrepreneurs ,develop your o!n usiness ;e#ruit ne! advisor and ma(e your o!n team $n#reased rea#h and earning potential Criteria /At least * year in system /Minimum @9 poli#ies and @.9la#s premium /Sele#tion pro#ess( assessment #enter)

Ne3t tep Confirmation of mutual interest Sele#tion intervie!


=rofiling test dates Braft payment favoring Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e Ltd3 paya le in mum ai Finali>e %raining Bates, venue

Support team the CompanyK Field visits %raining on produ#ts L selling s(ills regular usiness revie!s

e a #oa#h L mentor re#ogni>e high performers help you e#ome finan#ially independent

E3pectation of team A#hieve sales targets =arti#ipate in all meetings Attend all training programs 2ee(ly revie!s at the offi#e Follo! the sales pro#ess Follo! !ee(ly reporting pro#ess



$nsuran#e advisor it is a (ind of agreement done et!een advisor to e re#ruited and Birla Sun life $nsuran#e Company Ltd. BSL$ is desires of appointing the as its $nsuran#e advisor for soli#iting and pro#uring life $nsuran#e usiness for on ehalf of BSL$ and to provided various servi#es the poli#y holders. Similarly $nsuran#e advisor has to o tain and $nsuran#e li#ense to a#t and $nsuran#e agent under Se#tion ,7 of $nsuran#e a#t *+@5 and it3s desires of eing appointed as $nsuran#e advisor of BSL$ %his is the (ind of agreement !hi#h ea#h and every advisor has to adhere. $t3s agreement give the rief dis#ussion effe#tive date of appointment, area of $nsuran#e, advisor minimum performan#e re.uirement and servi#e standards others #onditions #onfidentially to e maintain and #ompensation and remuneration.

2. Effecti$e +ate and ,ppointment a In urance ,d$i or< 7.*/ %his Agreement shall #ome into for#e on and from the date of issue of the li#ense to the $nsuran#e Advisor to a#t as an insuran#e agent, provided that the Company may #hoose, in !riting, a date other than the date of issue of the li#ense on and from !hi#h this Agreement shall #ome into for#e (su#h date of #oming into for#e to this Agreement referred to as W )ffe#tive Bate X in this Agreement). <o!ever, !here the $nsuran#e Advisor already holds a valid su sisting li#ense efore e'e#ution of this


Agreement, the )ffe#tive Bate of this Agreement shall e the date of e'e#ution of this Agreement. 7.7/ BSL$ here y appoints the =arty of the -ther =art as $nsuran#e Advisor and the =arty of the -ther =art here y a##epts his appointment as an $nsuran#e Advisor of BSL$ . 7.@/ %he appointment, #ontinuan#e and fun#tioning of the $nsuran#e Advisor shall e also governed y and shall e su je#t to the provisions of the Appli#a le La!s.

3. 2u ine

,rea of In urance ,d$i or<

@.*/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor !ill e entitled to soli#it insuran#e usiness from su#h territories (and !hether in $ndia only or outside of $ndia as !ell ) as shall e informed to the $nsuran#e Advisor separately (su#h area referred to as WBusiness AreaX and, area other than Business Area !ill e referred to as WEon/Business AreaX). 2here the

$nsuran#e Advisor proposes to sour#e usiness from any Eon/ Business Area, he shall o tain the prior approval of BSL$. !ould e entitled to #hange P transfer his appointment to any other area. @.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor further agrees that even !ithin his Business Area, he shall not soli#it or pro#ure life insuran#e usiness from any pla#ePlo#ation !hi#h is on the list of Eon/Servi#ea le =in #odes (WServi#ea le =in #odeX refers to pin #odes of su#h areas !here BSL$ #an provide #ustomer servi#e to its #ustomers P poli#yholders, and any pin #ode other than Servi#ea le =in #ode refers to WEon/ Servi#ea le =in #odesX). %he list of Servi#ea le =in #ode areas as updated from time to time, $s availa lePposted on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area and no separate #ommuni#ation in this regard !ill e sent. @.@/ %he appointment of the $nsuran#e Advisor for a Business Area shall e !ithout

prejudi#e to BSL$3s right to appoint any other insuran#e advisor(s) in P for the same

Business Area and su#h appointment of any other insuran#e advisor(s) shall not entitle the $nsuran#e Advisor to #laim any rela'ation in the Minimum =erforman#e ;e.uirements appli#a le to him, nor shall a##rue in his favour any #ause of a#tion. ,. (inimum Performance RePuirement and (inimum Ser$ice Standard <

,.*/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall at all times fulfill the Minimum =erforman#e ;e.uirements in terms of ne! usiness, premium in#ome, num er of proposals, num er of lives insured or on any other #riteria as stipulated y BSL$ from time to time

(hereinafter referred to as the WMinimum =erforman#e ;e.uirementsX). BSL$ may stipulate from time to time the Minimum =erforman#e ;e.uirements and any revision thereto, for a spe#ified period(s) or for any shorter period(s) !ithin su#h overall spe#ified period(s) or to spe#ify the $nsuran#e =rodu#t(s), !hi#h the $nsuran#e Advisor shall soli#it and pro#ure for BSL$ . %he Minimum =erforman#e ;e.uirements (M=;) #riteria !ould e intimated y BSL$ to the $nsuran#e Advisor in !riting or y )mail or y posting the same on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area. ,.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor !ould ta(e all reasona le steps to #onserve the insuran#e pro#ured y him. <e shall also endeavor that the poli#yholders for !hom the is a#ting as the insuran#e adviser pay their premiums regularly and timely. %he Company !ill e entitled to fi' minimum servi#e standards P servi#e measures (#olle#tively JMinimum Servi#e Measures3) in respe#t of the $nsuran#e Advisor. Su#h Minimum Servi#e Measures !ould e intimated y BSL$ to the $nsuran#e Advisor in !riting or y )mail or y posting the same on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area and the a#tion that #an e ta(en in #ase of the $nsuran#e Advisor not eing a le to a#hieve the Minimum Servi#e Standards.


%. Ot!er condition < 8.*/ 2ithout prejudi#e to the generality of the appli#ation of the provision of Appli#a le La!, the $nsuran#e Adviser shall s#rupulously follo!, adhere to and affirm to #omply !ith the Code of Condu#t pres#ri ed y the $nsuran#e ;egulatory and Bevelopment Authority (Li#ensing of $nsuran#e Agents) ;egulations, 7666, as amended from time to time (hereinafter referred to as the WCode of Condu#tX) as though the said Code of Condu#t has een e'pli#itly set out in and forms part of this Agreement. 8.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall not allo! or offer to allo!, either dire#tly or indire#tly, as an indu#ement, to a prospe#t or a poli#yholder, to ta(e out or rene! or #ontinue a poli#y, any re ate of the premium paya le under the =oli#y or of the #ommission paya le to him0 nor shall he offer any other rates, advantages, terms or #onditions than those offered y BSL$. %he $nsuran#e Advisor spe#ifi#ally #onfirms his a!areness of and #ontinued adheren#e to the provisions of Se#tion ,* of the $nsuran#e A#t, *+@5. Brea#h of this #lause !ill entitle BSL$ to terminate this Agreement forth !ith and !ithout any noti#e. 8.@/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor agrees and underta(es to a ide y the follo!ing #onditionsK 8.@ a/ %he $nsuran#e Advisors shall not to o tain P see( P provide P give undue favors or graft from P to any employee of BSL$ or any #o/advisor or any person, #ustomer or poli#yholder of BSL$. 8.@ / %he $nsuran#e Advisors shall not a##ept P give gift of su stantial value (greater than ;s *,666 or su#h amounts as BSL$ may spe#ify ) from P to any employee of BSL$ or any #o/advisor or any person, #ustomer or poli#yholder of BSL$ in #onne#tion !ith any matter or dealing #on#erning BSL$ 8.@ #/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall operate !ith values and standards efitting the standing of BSL$.

8.,/ $n the event of violation of Code of Condu#t or any of the guidelines P operating instru#tions of the Company or on happening of any a#t of #ommission or omission !hi#h #onstitutes a malpra#ti#e, BSL$ shall e entitled, !ithout prejudi#e to its right of termination of this Agreement, to !arn the $nsuran#e Advisor or re.uire it to ta(e any steps or do any a#t in re#tifi#ation of any su#h a#t, and $nsuran#e Advisor agrees to a#t in a##ordan#e !ith any su#h #ommuni#ation. 8.8/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall e responsi le for the a##ura#y, truthfulness and

#ompleteness of the information furnished in the Agent3s Confidential ;eport in proposal forms logged y him or other!ise made availa le to BSL$ in respe#t of any proposal. 8.9/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall, promptly and in any #ase not later than the time stipulated y BSL$ in that ehalf transmit to the #on#erned offi#e of BSL$ all proposals for insuran#e and all other do#uments pro#ured or re#eived y or #alled for from him. %his !ould in#lude ut shall not e restri#ted to #ustomer3s P poli#yholder3s proposal forms, supporting or other do#uments, information, payment instruments, letters P #ommuni#ations addressed to BSL$ and do#uments relating to assignment P nomination, $nsuran#e Advisor shall ensure #omplian#e !ith Se#tion 9, MB of the A#t. 8.A/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall not and is not authori>ed to a##ept any money, in #ase from any prospe#t P #ustomer P poli#yholder. 2here any su#h person !ishes or proposes to ma(e any payment in #ash, the $nsuran#e Advisor shall dire#t him to the appropriate offi#e of BSL$ for ma(ing su#h payment personally or advise him of the permissi le modes of payment to BSL$. $nsuran#e Advisor #an a##ept #he.ue, demand draft or other payment instruments (not eing a earer #he.ue) from a prospe#t or a poli#yholder if and only if they are dra!n in the name of BSL$. 2ithout prejudi#e to the other provisions of this Agreement providing for indemnifi#ation to BSL$ y the $nsuran#e Advisor, the

$nsuran#e Advisor spe#ifi#ally #onfirms and underta(es to hold BSL$ safe, harmless and indemnified at any time and at all times against any demand, #laim , a#tion or pro#eeding arising from any rea#h, !hether intended or not, of the provision of this #lause. %he $nsuran#e Advisor further #onfirms that !here he a##epts any #ash in rea#h of this #lause, he shall e a#ting an agent of the #ustomer P poli#yholder till the time the #ash in deposited y him !ith BSL$, and !ill #ontinue to e su#h agent till he #ontinues to hold any #ash a##epted from su#h #ustomer P poli#yholder. 8.5/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall attend all meetings, !or(shops, trainings and riefings #ondu#ted y or on ehalf of BSL$ to #reate P enhan#e a!areness as to the $nsuran#e =rodu#ts, usiness plans and poli#ies of BSL$ and any other matter of relevan#e to them of !hi#h reasona le noti#e has een given to the insuran#e advisor. $n parti#ular the $nsuran#e Advisor shall attend all training and refresher sessions for $nsuran#e Advisors unless prevented y a #ause, !hi#h in the opinion of BSL$ is reasona le. 8.+/ 2here the $nsuran#e Advisor intends to ring out or pu lish any material in any form through any medium, #on#erning BSL$, its usiness or its $nsuran#e =rodu#ts, the $nsuran#e Advisor shall o tain prior !ritten approval of BSL$. Further, he shall o serve, follo! and #omply !ith the provisions of the $nsuran#e ;egulatory and Bevelopment Authority ($nsuran#e Advertisements and Bis#losure) ;egulations, 7666 of the same. 8.*6/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall soli#it and pro#ure life insuran#e usiness for BSL$ and dis#harge his o ligations under this Agreement in a##ordan#e !ith BSL$3s #orporate o je#tives and !ith parti#ular regard to BSL$3s image and standing in the industry and in the #ommunity. 8.**/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall o serve, follo! and #omply !ith all the #ommuni#ation, dire#tions and instru#tions given y BSL$ from to time, either generally

or !ith parti#ular referen#e to the $nsuran#e Advisor. Su#h #ommuni#ations, dire#tions and instru#tions may e sent y #ourier, email, post, and fa' or may e posted on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area. 8.*7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall familiari>e himself !ith the Appli#ation La! as in for#e time to time and !hi#h has a earing on the dis#harge of his o ligations as an insuran#e agent0 provided that in the event of any #hange in the Appli#a le La! resulting in a dilution or a rogation of his o ligations under this Agreement, to the e'tent not provided other!ise, the $nsuran#e Advisor shall #ontinue to e ound y the o ligations as !ere e'istent prior to su#h #hange, unless e'pressly approved in !riting y BSL$, or unless in#onsistent !ith Appli#a le La!. 8.*@/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall not soli#it or pro#ure life insuran#e usiness for or promote the sales or distri ution of the $nsuran#e =rodu#ts of any other $nsuran#e #ompany or see( or o tain or #ommen#e any employment in any other life insuran#e #ompany so long as this Agreement is in for#e and for a period of si' months after its termination. BSL$ may ho!ever in !riting !aive the #onditions under this su #lause. 8.*,/ %he Company !ill e entitled to levy #harges of dedu#t them from amounts paya le to the $nsuran#e Advisor as it may deem fit in respe#t to any of the servi#es provided y the Company to the $nsuran#e Advisor.

'. Compen ation and Remuneration< 9.*/ As #ompensation and remuneration for the due performan#e of his o ligations under this Agreement, the $nsuran#e Advisor shall e paid #ommission at su#h rates as may e notified y BSL$ to the $nsuran#e Advisor from time, su je#t to dedu#tion of appli#a le ta'es under the la! in for#e from time to time in respe#t of poli#ies effe#ted

through the insuran#e Advisor0

provided that the $nsuran#e Advisor may

e paid

#ommission for effe#ting the revival of lapsed poli#ies su je#t to the provision of Su / se#tion(7A) of Se#tion ,6 of the A#t. %he $nsuran#e Advisor agrees to provide his in#ome ta' =AE num er, or if a#.uired su se.uently, immediately after the same has een so a#.uired. $n the event of failure to provide =AE num er, the Company !ill e entitled to lo#( the payments of the $nsuran#e Advisor. 9.7/ BSL$ shall e entitled to dedu#t the servi#e ta' (or any similar ta', in lieu of or in addition to servi#e ta'), in#luding any #ess, sur#harge or similar ta' thereon, from the #ommissions or any other amounts paya le to the $nsuran#e Advisor. <o!ever, in est #ommer#ial interests BSL$ may de#ide to re#over only a part of su#h ta'es and ear the rest. 9.@/ BSL$shall e entitled to revise (up!ards or do!n!ards) the rates of #ommission, as in for#e from time to time, y noti#e in !riting to the $nsuran#e Advisor in any one of the follo!ing manner. 9.@ a/ y a !ritten noti#e to the $nsuran#e Advisor0 or 9.@ / y posting the revised rates on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area0 or 9.@ #/ providing #opies of the revision to all the offi#es, ran#hes, outlets or fran#hisees of BSL$. 9.,/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall e deemed to have noti#e of the revised #ommission rates at the earliest of (a) on re#eipt of the !ritten noti#e as per (a) a ove0 or ( ) pu li#ation or posting on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area as per #lause ( ) a ove0 or (#) #opies of su#h revision eing made availa le to BSL$ offi#e, ran#h, outlet or fran#hise nearest to the address of the $nsuran#e Advisor as per #lause (#) a ove.


9.8/ BSL$ shall e entitled to spe#ify (and revise) differential #ommission rates for different $nsuran#e =rodu#ts and ased on various parameters in#luding ne! usiness premiums, rene!al premiums, usiness done y $nsuran#e Advisor et#. 9.9/ $n #ase of any e'#ess or !rong payment of #ommission or any amount to the $nsuran#e Advisor or any #ommission or any amount !hi#h su se.uent to their payment e#omes re#overa le or re#eiva le from the $nsuran#e Advisor for any reason

!hatsoever, BSL$ shall e entitled to adjust su#h amounts (!hi#h have een paid in e'#ess or !rongly or have to e re#eived P re#overed a#( ) in the su se.uent payment(s) to the $nsuran#e Advisor, Alternatively, or !here no amounts are due to the $nsuran#e Advisor, BSL$ !ill re.uire the $nsuran#e Advisor to repay or refund forth!ith su#h amounts, and thereafter the $nsuran#e Advisor shall repay the amount !ithin *8 days after the re#eipt of any #ommuni#ation from BSL$ in that regard. 9.A/ %he payment of #ommission to the $nsuran#e Advisor after the termination or #essation of this Agreement or payment of #ommission to the legal heirs of a de#eased $nsuran#e Adviser shall e as provided in the Appli#a le La! and in a##ordan#e !ith su#h other #ommuni#ations or guidelines of BSL$ as may e spe#ified in this ehalf. 9.5/ Eot!ithstanding the a ove, BSL$ shall not e o liged to pay any #ommission or remuneration to the $nsuran#e Advisor if the termination is on a##ount of fraud or any #riminal #ondu#t or serious violation of Appli#a le La!.


*. (i cellaneou pro$i ion < A.*/ All forms, appli#ations, do#uments, properties or se#urities re#eived y the

$nsuran#e Advisor for or on ehalf of BSL$ shall e held y him in trust for BSL$, and shall e promptly handed over to BSL$. 4pon termination or #essation of this Agreement the $nsuran#e Advisor shall promptly deliver P return, to BSL$ in good #ondition all forms, appli#ation, do#uments, properties or se#urities and all sales literature, manuals and #omputer soft!are re#eived from or for or on ehalf to or provided y BSL$ $n the event of failure of the $nsuran#e Advisor to do so, BSL$ shall e entitled to inform a out su#h failure to $;BA, to organi>ations !ith !hi#h the $nsuran#e Advisor has employment or to his usiness asso#iates in#luding any insuran#e #ompany of !hi#h the $nsuran#e Advisor e#omes or proposes to e#ome the insuran#e advisor, and further $ BSL$ !ill not furnish the E-C to the $nsuran#e Advisor till su#h time the failure #ontinues. A.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall indemnify and (eep indemnified and save harmless at all times BSL$ in respe#t of any inde tedness #ast on BSL$ or in respe#t or any #laim, loss or damage or any a#tion or pro#eeding of !hatever nature or for any noti#es or e'penses arising out of or #aused y any a#t of omission of the $nsuran#e Advisor in relation to any matter spe#ified in this Agreement or rea#h of any provisions under this Agreement failing !hi#h BSL$ may, !ithout prejudi#e to any other right or remedy availa le to it under la!, re#over su#h de t, #laim, loss, damage or e'penses from any money due and paya le to the $nsuran#e Advisor. A.@/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor shall allo! offi#ers of BSL$ (in#luding its auditors and advisors), authori>ed in !riting y BSL$ , to inspe#t and ma(e #opies of all P any re#ords


maintained Agreement.

y the $nsuran#e Advisor in relation to any su je#t matter under this

-. Confidentiality< 5.*/ All re#ords, information and do#uments pertaining to BSL$ or any of its #ustomers P prospe#t P poli#yholder, in#luding any personal data o tained from or for on ehalf of or provided for BSL$ and the #ontents of this Agreement !ill #onstitute Confidential $nformation. For the purpose of this #lauses, any data, information or (no!ledge !ill also #onstitute Confidential information !hi#h is not in pu li# (no!ledge and !hether or not mar(ed or identified as #onfidential and !hi#h is dis#losed y BSL$ to the $nsuran#e Advisor and !hether !ritten, oral or in any other form (in#luding !ithout limitation, #omputer storage, tape or other ele#troni# media forum). 5.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor underta(es and aggresses not to dis#lose, dire#tly or indire#tly, and in any manner !hat so ever, !hether during the #urren#y of this Agreement or any time thereafter Confidential $nformation. <o!ever, su#h o ligation of #onfidentiality !ill not apply in one or more of the follo!ingK 5.7 a/ if and to the e'tent the dis#losure is re.uired y any la! or any #ourt, government agen#y or regulatory authority0 5.7 / if the information is or e#omes availa le to pu li# (other than as a result of prior unauthori>ed dis#losure y the $nsuran#e Advisor)0 5.7 #/ if the information is or !as re#eived from a third party not (no!n y the $nsuran#e Advisor to information0 or 5.@ d/ if the $nsuran#e Advisor is a le to prove that the !as la!fully in possession of the information (having een re#eived on a non/#onfidential asis)

e under a #onfidentiality o ligation !ith regard to su#h

5.@/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor aggress not to dis#lose or provide #opies of any su#h materials, do#uments and other information, !hi#h are meant for internal #ir#ulation only, to any third parties.

/. Intellectual Property Ri)!t < +.*/ %he intelle#tual property rights (in the nature of trademar( or #opyright or any other right) in the rand name , produ#t names, logos, designs, #olour s#hemes, names, mar(s, designs, dra!ings, #olour, artisti# !or( P manner et# (hereafter #olle#tively referred to as Wmar(sX) as may e allo!ed y BSL$ to e used y the $nsuran#e Advisor shall vest solely and e'#lusively and at all times in BSL$ and the $nsuran#e Advisor aggress and underta(es not to set up an adverse #laim in respe#t to the Mar(s at any time either during the #urren#y of this Agreement or at any time thereafter. %he $nsuran#e Advisor also agrees and underta(es that it shall not allo! the usage of Mar(s y any other third party. +.7/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor is permitted to use only su#h Mar(s in the #ourse of providing servi#es under this Agreement as agreed to y BSL$ in !riting. 2here any

su#h permission is given for use of any Mar(s (one or more), su#h permission !ill operate as a limited, revo#a le and non/e'#lusive permission for usage of su#h Mar(s and shall e su je#t to #onditions and restri#tions as may e spe#ified. %he permissions granted or to e granted !ill not in#lude the permission P right, #opy, modify, merge, or transfer the Mar(s or any of them. %he $nsuran#e Advisor agrees and underta(es no to alter or modify any Mar(s or add any #ontent to the Mar(s. <e further agrees not to remove, #on#eal or o literate any #opyright, #redit/line, date/line or other proprietary noti#e in#luded in any do#ument, material, or other of BSL$ . Any good!ill generated

through the $nsuran#e Advisor3s use of the Mar(s shall inure solely to the enefit of BSL$. 10. 4 a)e of Re tricted ;e" ite ,rea< *6.*/ %he $nsuran#e Advisor understands that BSL$ provides #ertain information spe#ifi# to insuran#e advisors on the ;estri#ted 2e site Area. BSL$ !ill provide, ut !ithout any o ligation, su#h login $B to the $nsuran#e Advisor to a##ess #ontents spe#ifi# to the $nsuran#e Advisor. %he $nsuran#e Advisor agrees that they shall e fully responsi le for any a#tion ta(en through the ;estri#ted 2e site Area y using his login $B and

pass!ord. $n the event there is any unauthori>ed usage or a##ess noti#ed y the $nsuran#e Advisor, he shall immediately ring the same to the noti#e of BSL$ . $t is #larified that BSL$ !ill not e o liged to provide or pay for the #ost of any internet #onne#tivity, hard!are and soft!are that the $nsuran#e Advisor may re.uire for a##ess to the 2e site or ;estri#ted 2e site Area. %he $nsuran#e Advisor further agrees, #onfirms and underta(es not to use the 2e site for any purpose other than the permitted purpose, and not permit any other person to a##ess the ;estri#ted 2e site Area through his login $B and pass!ord. 11. Term and Termination< **.*/ %his Agreement shall #ome into effe#t from the )ffe#tive Bate and shall #ontinue to e effe#tive unless terminated in a##ordan#e !ith the provisions provided herein. **.7/ %his Agreement shall terminateK **.7.a/ immediately and !ithout any noti#e on the death of the $nsuran#e AdvisorK **.7. / immediately and !ithout any noti#e on the presentation of a petition for the adjudi#ation of the $nsuran#e Advisor as insolventK


**.7.#/ forth!ith y a !ritten noti#e on any violation y the $nsuran#e Advisor of any provision of the Appli#ation La!0 or **.7.d/ forth!ith y a !ritten noti#e on the $nsuran#e Advisor !here he in#urs any of the dis.ualifi#ations mentioned in #lauses( ), (#) or (d) of Su /se#tion (,) of Se#tion ,7 of the A#t, !hether or not his li#ense to a#t as an insuran#e agent is #an#elled. **.7.e/ forth!ith y a !ritten noti#e !here it is found that the $nsuran#e Advisor has (i) sought P o tained employment or insuran#e agen#y of any other life insuran#e Company (ii) indulged in any a#t of #ommission or omission in #onsonan#e !ith the dire#t #ompetitors of BSL$. **.@/ %his Agreement shall terminate on the e'piry of *8 days noti#e served y BSL$ on the $nsuran#e Advisor if he/ **.@.a/ fails to dis#harge the o ligations under this Agreement to the satisfa#tion of BSL$, or #ommits rea#h of any of the provisions of this Agreement and does not remedy the same !ithin A days of a noti#e to that effe#t from BSL$. Eo noti#e of remedying a rea#h !ill e given if it is not #apa le of eing remedied. **.@. / a#ts in a manner prejudi#ial to the interests of BSL$or to the interests or its =oli#yholders. 2ithout prejudi#e to the generality of the foregoing the $nsuran#e

Advisor shall e deemed to have a#ted in a manner prejudi#ial to the interests of BSL$ , if any averment in the Agent3s Confidential ;eport or in any do#ument su mitted y him in #onne#tion !ith a proposal for insuran#e or appli#ation for reinstatement of a =oli#y is found to e in#orre#t or untrue. **.@.#/ is found to have made any false or in#orre#t averment or suppressed any y BSL$, in his appli#ation for appointment as

information, #onsidered material $nsuran#e Advisor0



in the opinion of BSL$,

e#omes physi#ally or mentally in#apa#itated to

dis#harge the o ligations under this Agreement0 **.@.e/ he fails to a#hieve the Minimum =erforman#e ;e.uirements or Minimum

Servi#e Standards as spe#ified from time to time. **.,/ Eot!ithstanding anything #ontained in this Agreement, oth parties shall have at all times right to terminate this Agreement y !ritten noti#e to the other of *8 days !ithout assigning any reason for su#h termination. **.8/ 4pon termination of this Agreement in !hatsoever manner BSL$ shall e entitled to pu lish noti#es in ne!spapers and P or in any other media and P or to dispat#h #orresponden#e notifying the poli#yholders, #ustomers, ran#h offi#es, fran#hisees,

other insuran#e advisors and the general pu li# of the termination of the agen#y of the $nsuran#e Advisor and he eing no more authori>ed to soli#it or pro#ure life insuran#e usiness for BSL$ or to represent BSL$ in any manner. Further, upon su#h termination, BSL$ shall also e entitled to forth!ith stop P suspend payment of any #ommission !hether or not due in respe#t of any usiness done y the $nsuran#e Advisor. Save as provided in the $nsuran#e A#t, no #ommission shall a##rue to the $nsuran#e Advisor from the termination of this Agreement. .



%o determine and analy>e the Mar(et =otential of the Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e Company.

%o study the overall s#enario #urrently prevailing in the mar(et, namely, the per #apital in#ome, pur#hasing po!er, o##upation, litera#y rate, et#..

%o do a performan#e evaluation of Birla Sun Life $nsuran#e produ#ts in #omparison on !ith other insuran#e #ompanies



A !ypot!e i #onsists either of a suggested e'planation for an o serva le phenomenon or of a reasoned proposal predi#ting a possi le #ausal #orrelation among multiple phenomena. %he term derives from the "ree(, hyposthenia meaning Cto put underC or Cto suppose.C %he s#ientifi# method re.uires that one #an test a s#ientifi# hypothesis. S#ientists generally ase su#h hypotheses on previous o servations or on e'tensions of s#ientifi# theories. )ven though the !ords ChypothesisC and CtheoryC are often used synonymously in #ommon and informal usage, a s#ientifi# hypothesis is not the same as a s#ientifi# theory. <ypothesis may e defined as a proposition or a set of proposition set forth as an e'planation for the o##urren#e of some spe#ified group of phenomenon either asserted merely as a provisional #onje#ture to guide some investigation or a##epted as highly pro a le in the light of esta lished fa#ts. Uuite often a resear#h hypothesis is a predi#tive statement, #apa le of eing tested y s#ientifi# methods, that relates an independent varia le to some dependent varia le.

N411 &5POT&ESIS A null !ypot!e i is a hypothesis (!ithin the #onte't of statisti#al hypothesis testing) that might e falsified on the asis of o served data. %he null hypothesis typi#ally proposes a general or default position, su#h as that there is no relationship et!een t!o .uantities, or that there is no differen#e et!een a treatment and the #ontrol. %he term !as originally #oined y )nglish geneti#ist and statisti#ian ;onald Fisher.

%he null hypothesis (often denoted

y H6) formally des#ri es some aspe#t of the

statisti#al C ehaviorC of a set of data. %he Eull <ypothesis is of this proje#t report is that #ustomers are highly satisfied. ,1TERN,TE &5POT&ESIS Alternative hypothesis is the Chypothesis that the restri#tion or set of restri#tions to e tested does E-% hold.C often denoted < *. Synonym for &maintained hypothesis.& %he Alternate <ypothesis of this proje#t report is that #ustomers are not satisfied


Re earc! (et!odolo)y
2hile ma(ing a study !e very often loo( for !hat type of resear#h methodology is to e used in this type of study. For implementation of a proper resear#h methodology !e have to first understand the meaning of resear#h. ;esear#h is a pro#ess !ith the help of !hi#h ne! #on#epts arises. $t is the in#rease in the a#tual (no!ledge sto#(. $t #an e #alled as movement from (no!n to un(no!n and vi#e/ versa. $t is also a #ontinuous pro#ess. $t is a s#ientifi# as !ell as systemati# pro#ess, !hi#h in#ludes defining and redefining the pro lem to develop hypothesis, to #olle#t and define the informationPdata, to analysis the information and ring out the mother of Bis#overy. An individual ma(es the effort in resear#h and so#iety or pu li# ta(es its enefits e#ause the results are usually generali>ed. +ata collection %he !ord data means any ra! information, !hi#h is either .uantitative or .ualitative in nature, !hi#h is of pra#ti#al or theoreti#al use. %he tas( of data #olle#tion egins after a resear#h pro lem has een defined and resear#h design #hal(ed out. 2hile de#iding a out the method of data #olle#tion, the resear#her should (eep in mind that there are t!o types of data primary and se#ondary.

Primary data< = %his is those, !hi#h are #olle#ted afresh and for the first %ime, and thus happen to e original in #hara#ter. %here are many !ays of data #olle#tion of primary data li(e o servation method, intervie! method, through s#hedules, pantry ;eports, distri utors audit, #onsumer panel et#. %he %eam Managers and employees of oth the Bepartment !ere #onsulted to get information a out pro#edure of oth the online and off line share

trading. But the method used .uestionnaires. Que tionnaire met!od

y us for the primary data #olle#tion !as through

For the #olle#tion of primary data $ used .uestionnaire method. A formal list of .uestions, !hi#h are to e as(ed, is prepared in a .uestionnaire and .uestions are as(ed on those ases. %here are some merits and demerits of this method. %hese as underK / MeritsK / *. Lo! #ost even !hen universe is large. 7. $t is free from ias of intervie!er. @. ;espondents have proper time to ans!er. ,. ;espondents !ho are not easily approa#ha le #an also e rea#ha le. 8. Large samples #an e made. 2. Secondary data< = %hese are those data, !hi#h are not #olle#ted afresh and are used earlier also and thus they #annot e #onsidered as original in #hara#ter. %here are many !ays of data

#olle#tion of se#ondary data li(e pu li#ations of the state and #entral govt., reports prepared y resear#hers, reports of various asso#iations #onne#ted !ith usiness,

$ndustries, an(s et#. And the method, !hi#h !as used y us, !as !ith the help of reports of the #ompany.

Sample Si@e 2e have meet *66 peoples during re.uirement Advisor and poli#y selling after that $ have ta(en 78 =eoples they have fill up the .uestionnaire and given response .


+,T, ,N15SIS

Que . ;!ic! 2irla Sun 1ife Sc!eme doe you !a$eF

No of Peoples Have BSLI Plan

Health, 10% Retierment , 22% Health Retierment Life Life, 68%

Inference -n the asis of a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around 95I of the poli#y holders are having life plan, 77I of them are having ;etirement plan and rest of them are having the health plan.

Que tion. ,re you ati fied 8it! t!e In urance plan you !a$eF

No. of people satisfied with the plan

28% Yes No 72%


-n the asis of the analysis it has een #on#luded that around A7Iof the people are satisfied !ith plan they and rest if them are not satisfied.


Que . ,re you ati fied 8it! t!e er$ice pro$ided "y t!e company re)ardin) ne8 plan and c!eme F

No. of people satisfied with the services provided by the company

18% Yes No 82%

Inference -n the asis of the a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around 57I of the poli#y holders are satisfied !ith the servi#es provided y the #ompany and rest of them are not satisfied.


Que . ,re you intere ted to ma9e more in$e tment in 2S1I F

No. of Peoples want to more investment in BSLI

33% Yes No 67%

Inference -n the asis of the a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around 9AI of the

poli#yholders are interested to ma(e more investments in BSL$ and rest of them are not interested.


Que . &a$e you any ot!er In urance Plan apart from 2S1IF

No. of Peoples have other Insurance Plan apart from BSLI


Yes No


Inference -n the asis of a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around A5I people have other insuran#e plan apart from BSL$ and 77I people have BSL$


Que . If you )et any attracti$e plan t!an are you ready to 8itc! o$erF

People ready to switch to attractive Schemes if offered by other companies

18% Yes No 82%

Inference -n the asis of the a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around 57I of the poli#y holders are ready to s!it#h over if they get good attra#tive insuran#e plan and rest of them don3t.


Que . If ye C t!en of 8!ic! 1ife In urance CompanyF

8% 11% 9%


LIC B LI B!"!" !LIY!N# 60% ICICI $thers

Inference From the a ove analysis it has een #on#luded that around 5+I of poli#y holders are having other insuran#e plans apart from BSL$ , in !hi#h around 96 I are having L$C insuran#e plans, **I are having Bajaj Allian>, +I are having Birla Sunlife, 5I are having $C$C$ =ru. and *7I are having other #ompany insuran#e plans.



$n this study !e had find out that in today3s !orld more then 86I of the total population is interested in having an insuran#e poli#y. From the study !e have #on#luded that MF se#tor is adopting etter L planned strategies to attra#t its #ustomers. Marious mar(eting strategies are also adopted y the Bifferent players in the mar(et ,our fo#us is on Birla Mutual Fund apart from !hi#h investors arediversified among various other leaders of different segments.


%he mar(et potential for private insuran#e #ompanies is found to e

greater in the long run as most of the $ndians are of the opinion that, private insuran#e #ompanies !ould e a le to perform !ell in the future.

%he private and foreign insuran#e #ompanies have to ta(e immediate steps in appointing more num er of agents andPor advisors in addition to the employees as it has een found out that agents are the est #hannel to

rea#h the general pu li# regarding selling of insuran#e produ#ts. %he private and foreign insuran#e #ompanies have to #on#entrate on the fa#tors li(e &=revention of Loss&, &Assured ;eturns& and &Long term $nvestment&. %hey #an also fo#us on an insuran#e amount of ;s. * Q 7 la(hs !ith &money a#( poli#ies&. <en#e, the mar(et has potential. %he

private and foreign insuran#e #ompanies that are ta(ing immediate steps #an tap it easily L rapidly.


*) )ven though most of the poli#y holders are satisfied !ith poli#ies, plans they have ut some ne! attra#tive insuran#e plans should e introdu#e to ind them not to s!it#h over to other #ompanies insuran#e plans. 7) %he #ompany should find out the no. of people !ho are not having any of the insuran#e plans through an intensive mar(et resear#h and motivate them to get insured. @) Leveraging te#hnology to servi#e #ustomers .ui#(ly, effi#iently and #onveniently. ,) Beveloping and implementing superior ris( management and investment strategies to offer sustaina le and sta le returns to our poli#yholders. 8) 9) Company should target ea#h and every #lass of the so#iety Company should provide full information to the targeting so they #an ta(e interest #ustomers efore



Some of the respondents !ere not #ooperative. Some respondents !ere hesitating to give usiness details. Biasness is another limitation that the s#ope of the survey. %he relia ility and s#ope of survey greatly relies on the #ooperation of the respondents.



!!!.BirlaSunlife.#om !!!. irda. gov. in Birlasunlife Ee! Advisor Boo( !!!.google.#om




Que tionnaire




Que .1 ;!ic! 2irla Sun 1ife Sc!eme doe you !a$eF

DaE 1ife

D"E Retirement

DcE &ealt!

Que .2 ,re you ati fied 8it! t!e In urance plan you !a$eF

DaE 5e

D"E No


Que .3 ;!at attract you to8ard 2irla Sun 1ife Plan F


Que .4 ,re you ati fied 8it! t!e er$ice pro$ided "y t!e company re)ardin) ne8 plan and c!eme F

DaE 5e

D"E No

Que .% ,re you intere ted to ma9e more in$e tment in2irla Sun 1ife F

DaE 5e

D"E No

Que .' &a$e you any ot!er In urance Plan apart from 2irla Sun 1ifeF

DaE 5e

D"E No

Que .* If ye C t!en of 8!ic! 1ife In urance CompanyF

DaE 1IC DcE 2irla Sunlife DeE Ot!er

D"E 2a#a# ,llian@ DdE Reliance

Que .- If you )et any attracti$e plan t!an are you ready to 8itc! o$erF

DaE 5e

D"E No



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