You are on page 1of 19

SECTION 09900 PAINTING 1. PART 1 - GENERAL 1.01 SECTION INCLUDES A. Painting materials c m!lete "it# !

rimers$ sealers$ stains a!!lie% & r e'teri r an% interi r areas as in%icate% n Dra"ings an% as s!eci&ie% in t#is secti n.

1.0( RE)ERENCES A. )S - )e%eral S!eci&icati ns P-*-1+,E TT-E-0,9G TT-E-+045 TT-E-+0962(3 TT-E-+(7C TT-E-+08A213 TT-)-884E TT-P-19C2(3 TT-P-(+E2(3 TT-P-(9;213 TT-P-80E TT-P-87D TT-P-+(D2(3 TT-P-++62(3 *a'$ General P-r! se$ S l.ent T/!e Enamel$ Al1/%$ Gl ss Interi r S-r&aces3 Enamel$ Al1/%$ Gl ss$ 2& r Interi r Use3 2& r E'teri r an% an%



Enamel$ O% rless$ Al1/%$ Interi r$ Semigl ss$ *#ite an% Tints Enamel$ Al1/%$ L-sterless Enamel$ Tints Interi r$ %$ Paste Un%erc at$ *#ite an%

)iller$ *

Paint$ Acr/lic Em-lsi n9 E'teri r Primer C ating E'teri r 2-n%erc at * %$ Rea%/-:i'e%$ *#ite an% Tints3 & r

Paint$ Late' 6ase$ Interi r$ )lat$ *#ite an% Tints Paint$ Al1/%$ O% rless$ *#ite an% Tints Interi r$ )lat$

Paint$ Al1/% Resin9 E'teri r Trim$ Dee! C l rs Paint$ Oil$ 2Al1/%-Oil3 R -g# Si%ing * % S#a1es an%

Paint$ P l/.in/l Em-lsi n$ E'teri r

09900-1 Painting

TT-P-,1E TT-P-401G213 TT-P-40+A TT-P-4+0C213 TT-P-440C2(3 TT-S-174E213 TT-S-800A TT-S-70,A2(3 TT-S-711C TT-@-,4C213 6.

Paint$ S#a%es





Primer C ating9 <inc D-st-<inc O'i%e 2& r Gal.ani=e% S-r&aces3 Primer Paint$ <inc C#r mate$ Al1/% T/!e Primer C ating9 <inc D-st-<inc O'i%e 2& r Gal.ani=e% S-r&aces3 Primer C ating$ S/nt#etic$ In#i>iting$ Lac?-er Resisting Sealer$ S-r&ace$ * % an% C r1 S#ellac Stain$ Oil$ E'teri r Semi-Trans!arent$ %$ Interi r % * %$ @arnis# T/!e$ R-st)l r$

Stain$ Oil-T/!e$ *

@arnis#$ Oil$ R->>ing 2& r :etal an% * )-rnit-re3

SSPC - Steel Str-ct-res Painting C -ncil SP-4-48 SP-10-48T C mmercial 6last Cleaning Near-*#ite 6last Cleaning


AST: - American S ciet/ & r Testing an% :aterials AST: D 14 Stan%ar% De&initi ns & Terms Relating t Paint$ @arnis#$ Lac?-er$ an% Relate% Pr %-cts C nsistenc/ @isc meter & Paints Using t#e Str mer

AST: D +4( AST: D(,88 AST: D8(74 AST: D89(7 AST: E ,0

Stan%ar% In%e' & :et# %s & r Testing Arc#itect-ral Paints an% C atings Stan%ar% G-i%e & r 2:etal S->strates3 Painting Ins!ect rs an% &

Stan%ar% G-i%e & r State Instit-ti nal P-rc#asing & Plant S-r&ace 6-rning 6-il%ing :aterial C#aracteristics

09900-( Painting

1.08 SU6:ITTALS A. Pr %-ct DataA S->mit man-&act-rers in& rmati n incl-%ing instr-cti ns & r mi'ing$ c-ring an% t -c#--!. :an-&act-rerBs stan%ar% c l r c#arts. Test Re! rts an% certi&icates & c m!liance. tec#nical t#inning$

6. C. D.

Sam!lesA Pri r t >eginning " r1$ &-rnis# c l r c#i!s & r s-r&aces t >e !ainte%. S->mit sam!les & r t#e EngineerBs" & c l r an% te't-re nl/. Pr .i%e a listing & material an% a!!licati n & r eac# c at & eac# &inis# sam!le. 1. 800 mm ' 800 mm #ar%> ar%$ !r .i%e ( sam!les & eac# c l r an% material$ "it# te't-re t sim-late act-al c n%iti ns. Re-s->mit sam!les as re?-este% >/ t#e Engineer -ntil acce!ta>le s#een$ c l r an% te't-re is ac#ie.e%. * % s-r&aces$ !r .i%e ( sam!les 100 ' (00 mm & nat-ral an% staine% " % &inis# n act-al " % t/!es. La>el an% i%enti&/ eac# as t l cati n an% a!!licati n. C ncrete mas nr/$ !r .i%e t" 100 mm s?-are sam!les & mas nr/ & r eac# t/!e & &inis# an% c l r$ %e&ining &iller$ !rime an% &inis# c at. Act-al "all s-r&aces an% t#er e'teri r an% interi r >-il%ing c m! nents$ %-!licate !ainte% &inis#es & !re!are% sam!les. Pr .i%e &-ll-c at &inis# sam!les n at least 9 mC & s-r&ace$ as %irect$ -ntil re?-ire% s#een$ c l r an% te't-re is >taine%9 sim-late &inis#e% lig#ting c n%iti ns & r" & in-!lace " r1. "ill >e &r m sam!les





)inal acce!tance & c l rs a!!lie% n t#e D >.

1.00 TRANSPORTATION$ EANDLING AND STORAGE A. materials t D > site in man-&act-rerBs riginal ne" an% -n !ene% !ac1ages an% c ntainers >earing man-&act-rerBs name an% la>el$ an% & ll "ing in& rmati nA Name r title & material. st c1 n-m>er an% %ate &

:an-&act-rerBs man-&act-re.





:an-&act-rerBs name. C ntents >/ . l-me$ & r maD r !igment an% .e#icle c nstit-ents. T#inning instr-cti ns. A!!licati n instr-cti ns. C l r name an% n-m>er.

St re materials n t in act-al -se in tig#tl/ c .ere% c ntainers in a "ell-.entilate% area an% !r tect &r m m ist-re$ %irect s-nlig#t an% tem!erat-res >el " 10 C an% a> .e limits rec mmen%e% >/ t#e man-&act-rer. :aintain c ntainers -se% in st rage & !aint in clean c n%iti ns$ &ree & & reign materials an% resi%-e. 5ee! st rage area neat an% r%erl/. Rem .e il/ rags an% "aste %ail/. Ta1e all !reca-ti ns t ens-re t#at " r1men an% " r1 areas are a%e?-atel/ !r tecte% &r m &ire #a=ar%s an% #ealt# #a=ar%s res-lting &r m #an%ling$ mi'ing an% a!!licati n & !aints.


1.0+ FUALITG ASSURANCE A. Single S -rce Res! nsi>ilit/A Pr .i%e !rimers an% t#er -n%erc at !aint !r %-ce% >/ same man-&act-rer as &inis# c ats. Use nl/ t#inners a!!r .e% >/ !aint man-&act-rer$ an% -se nl/ "it#in rec mmen%e% limits. C r%inati n & * r1A" t#er Secti ns & t#ese S!eci&icati ns in "#ic# !rime !aints are t >e !r .i%e% t ens-re c m!ati>ilit/ & t tal c atings s/stem & r .ari -s s->strates. U! n re?-est &r m t#er tra%es$ &-rnis# in& rmati n r c#aracteristics & &inis# materials !r .i%e% & r -se$ t ens-re c m!ati>le !rime c ats are -se%. :aterial F-alit/A Pr .i%e man-&act-rerBs >est ?-alit/ tra%e sale !aint material & .ari -s c ating t/!es s!eci&ie%. Paint material c ntainers n t %is!la/ing man-&act-rerBs !r %-ct i%enti&icati n "ill n t >e acce!ta>le.



1.04 ;O6 CONDITIONS A. D n t !aint "#en air is %-st-la%en r "#en "eat#er an% tem!erat-re c n%iti ns are -ns-ita>le. D n t !aint e'teri r s-r&aces in %am! r rain/ "eat#er. C m!l/ "it# man-&act-rerBs rec mmen%ati ns "it# res!ect t a!!licati n an% %r/ing !eri % tem!erat-res. A!!l/ "ater->ase% !aints nl/ "#en tem!erat-re & Painting




s-r&aces t >e !ainte% an% s-rr -n%ing air tem!erat-res are >et"een 10 C an% 8( C$ -nless t#er"ise !ermitte% >/ !aint man-&act-rerBs !rinte% instr-cti ns. C. A!!l/ s l.ent-t#inne% !aints nl/ "#en tem!erat-re & s-r&aces t >e !ainte% an% s-rr -n%ing air tem!erat-res are >et"een 7 C an% 8+ C$ -nless t#er"ise !ermitte% >/ !aint man-&act-rerBs !rinte% instr-cti ns. D n t a!!l/ !aint "#en relati.e #-mi%it/ e'cee%s ,+H r t %am! r "et s-r&aces9 -nless t#er"ise !ermitte% >/ !aint man-&act-rerBs !rinte% instr-cti ns.


(. PART ( - PRODUCTS (.01 :ATERIALS A. :aterial F-alit/A Paints$ c atings$ an% !rimers s#all >e rea%/-mi'e% at t#e man-&act-rerBs !lant an% s#all >e %eli.ere% in seale% c ntainers$ la>elle% an% i%enti&ie%. Pr .i%e >est ?-alit/ gra%e & .ari -s t/!es & c atings as reg-larl/ man-&act-re% >/ acce!ta>le !aint materials man-&act-rers. Paints an% &inis#es s#all #a.e Class A rating in acc r%ance "it# AST: E ,0. :aterials "it# -t man-&act-rerBs i%enti&icati n as a stan%ar%$ >est-gra%e !r %-ct "ill n t >e acce!ta>le. Use !r %-cts & same man-&act-rer & r s-ccee%ing c ats. C l r PigmentsA P-re$ n n-&a%ing$ a!!lica>le t/!es t s-it s->strates an% in%icate%. C l r an% Te't-reA 1. E'teri r PaintingA C l r an% te't-re & e'teri r !aint s#all >e as in%icate% Dra"ings an% as a!!r .e% >/ t#e Engineer. t#e n

6. C.


Interi r PaintingA C l rs$ te't-res$ an% %egree & l-ster "ill >e as in%icate% n Interi r Design Dra"ings an% Interi r Design S!eci&icati ns. C l r selecti n "ill incl-%e sa&et/ c l rs & r #a=ar%s in acc r%ance "it# ANSI <+8.1 Sa&et/ C l r C %e & r :ar1ing P#/sical Ea=ar%s. Tint !rime an% -n%erc ats a!!r 'imatel/ t t#e s#a%e & t#e &inal c at >-t "it# s-&&icient .ariati n t %isting-is# t#em &r m t#e !rece%ing c at. a mil%e"ci%e >/ t#e as

D. E.

:il%e"ci%eA Paints s#all c ntain rec mmen%e% >/ t#e man-&act-rer. S l.ents an% T#innersA man-&act-rer. As

rec mmen%e%





(.0( PAINTING SCEEDULE A. E'teri r Paint Sc#e%-leA 1. C ncrete$ Plaster$ an% :as nr/ - Sm a. >. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA t#A

Acr/lic S l.ent 6ase% Primer. Acr/lic C ! l/mer Em-lsi n$ T tal Dr/ )ilm T#ic1ness 2D)T3 (+ micr n. Same as & r Sec n% C at.

c. (.

)inis# C atA

C ncrete$ Plaster$ an% :as nr/ - Te't-re%A a. >. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA Acr/lic S l.ent 6ase% Primer. Acr/lic C ! l/mer Em-lsi n 2S!ra/e% A!!lie%3$ Dr/ )ilm T#ic1ness 2D)T3 +0 micr n. Acr/lic C ! l/mer Em-lsi n Dr/ )ilm T#ic1ness 2D)T3 +0 micr n.

c. 8.

)inis# C atA

*ater!r a.

& Painting S/stemA & & r

Pr !rietar/ c ating s/stem c nsisting s/nt#etic r->>er c ! l/mer an% s-ita>le e'ternal e'! se% a!!licati n.


Prime c ats an% &inis# c at s#all >e a!!lie% as !er t#e man-&act-rerBs "ritten rec mmen%ati ns & r t#e inten%e% a!!licati n.


)err -s :etalsA a. >. c. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA )inis# C atA P l/ami%e C-re% E! '/ +0 micr n 2D)T3. Eig# 6-il% E! '/$ t#ic1 2D)T3. 1(+ Primer$ micr n

T" -C m! nent P l/-ret#ane$ semi-gl ss$ +0 micr n 2D)T3.


<inc-C ate% :etalsA a. >. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA Acr/lic *ater 6ase% Primer & r GI. Al1/% Enamel$ micr n 2D)T3. semi-gl ss$ 80

09900-4 Painting

c. 4. * a. >. c. 7.

)inis# C atA % PaintsA Prime C at A Sec n% C atA )inis# C atA %A

Same as & r sec n% c at.

Al1/% * )iller.


% 80

Al1/% Enamel$ micr n 2D)T3.

semi-gl ss$

Same as & r sec n% c at.

Nat-ral )inis# * a. >. c. %. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA T#ir% C at A )inis# C atA

Al1/% *

% Stain.

Lac?-er$ semi-gl ss$ (+ micr n 2D)T3. Same as & r sec n% c at. Same as & r sec n% c at.


Interi r Paint Sc#e%-leA 1. C ncrete$ Plaster$ G/!s-m Dec rati.e G/!s-m an% :as nr/A a. >. c. (. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA )inis# C atA Acr/lic &lat. 6 ar%$ Rein& rce% Primer$

S l.ent


Acr/lic Em-lsi n$ Dr/ )ilm T#ic1ness (+ micr n 2D)T3. Same as & r sec n% c at. rs an% >l c1 an%

E! '/ !aint n cement scree% &l !laster "allsA a. >. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA

As !er e! '/ !aint man-&act-re rec mmen%ati n. T" c m! nents ! l/ami%e c-re% e! '/ !aint "it# silica n ns1i% a%%iti.e$ Dr/ )ilm t#ic1ness 100 micr n 2D)T3. Same as & r sec n% c at.

c. 8.

)inis# C atA

)err -s :etalsA a. Prime C at A Al1/% Primer.

09900-7 Painting

>. c. 0.

Sec n% C atA )inis# C atA

Al1/% Enamel$ micr n 2D)T3.

semi-gl ss$


Same as & r sec n% c at.

<inc-C ate% :etalsA a. Same as s!eci&ie% & r E'teri r Paint Sc#e%-le. %A


Painte% an% Nat-ral )inis# * a.

Same as s!eci&ie% & r E'teri r Paint Sc#e%-le.


E'! se% Pi!es$ D-cts$ an% :etal " r1A a. >. c. Prime C at A Sec n% C atA )inis# C atA Al1/% Primer. Al1/% Enamel$ micr n 2D)T3. semi-gl ss$ 80

Same as & r sec n% c at.

8. PART 8 - EJECUTION 8.01 INSPECTION A. E'amine s->strate an% c n%iti ns !ainting "ill >e !er& rme%. "it# t#e " r1 nl/ c n%iti ns are satis&act r/. -n%er "#ic# Pr cee% "#en


D n t !aint .er %irt$ r-st$ scale$ grease$ m ist-re$ sc-&&e% s-r&aces$ r c n%iti ns t#er"ise %etrimental t & rmati n & a %-ra>le !aint &ilm.

8.0( SUR)ACE PREPARATION A. GeneralA 1. Rem .e #ar%"are an% access ries$ mac#ine% s-r&aces$ !lates$ lig#ting &i't-res$ an% similar items in !lace an% n t t >e &inis#!ainte%$ r !r .i%e s-r&ace-a!!lie% !r tecti n !ri r t s-r&ace !re!arati n an% !ainting !erati ns. Rem .e$ i& necessar/$ & r c m!lete !ainting & items an% a%Dacent s-r&aces. ) ll "ing c m!leti n & !ainting & eac# s!ace r area$ reinstall rem .e% items. Clean s-r&aces t >e !ainte% >e& re a!!l/ing !aint r s-r&ace treatments. Rem .e il an% grease !ri r t mec#anical cleaning. Pr gram cleaning an% !ainting s t#at c ntaminants &r m cleaning !r cess "ill n t &all nt "et$ ne"l/-!ainte% s-r&aces. Painting





Per& rm !re!arati n an% cleaning !r ce%-res in acc r%ance "it# !aint man-&act-rerBs instr-cti ns an% as s!eci&ie% in t#is secti n$ & r eac# !artic-lar s->strate c n%iti n. )ill %ents$ crac1s$ # ll " !laces$ !en D ints$ an% t#er irreg-larities "it# &iller s-ita>le & r t#e !-r! se an%$ a&ter setting san% t a sm t# &inis#. Prime s-r&aces n t m re t#an , # -rs a&ter cleaning. Pr .i%e >arrier c ats .er inc m!ati>le !rimers r rem .e an% re-!rime as re?-ire%. N ti&/ t#e Engineer in "riting & an/ antici!ate% !r >lems in -sing t#e s!eci&ie% c ating s/stems "it# s->strates !rime% >/ t#ers.




C ncrete$ :as nr/ an% Plaster * r1sA Pre!are s-r&aces & c ncrete$ c ncrete mas nr/ cement !laster an% g/!s-m !laster t >e !ainte% >/ rem .ing e&&l rescence$ c#al1$ %-st$ %irt$ grease$ ils$ an% >/ r -g#ening as re?-ire% t rem .e gla=e. Use a>rasi.e >last-cleaning met# %s i& rec mmen%e% >/ !aint man-&act-rer an% a!!r .e% >/ t#e Engineer. 1. Determine al1alinit/ an% m ist-re c ntent & s-r&aces t >e !ainte% >/ !er& rming a!!r !riate tests. I& s-r&aces are & -n% t >e s-&&icientl/ al1aline t ca-se >listering an% >-rning & &inis# !aint$ c rrect t#is c n%iti n >e& re a!!licati n & !aint. D n t !aint .er s-r&aces "#ere m ist-re c ntent e'cee%s t#at !ermitte% in man-&act-rerBs !rinte% %irecti ns. Clean c ncrete &l r s-r&aces sc#e%-le% t >e !ainte% "it# a c mmercial s l-ti n & m-riatic aci%$ r t#er etc#ing cleaner. )l-s# &l r "it# clean "ater t ne-trali=e aci%$ an% all " t %r/ >e& re !ainting. "it#


C. D.

G/!s-m 6 ar%A Re!air min r crac1s an% # les &inis#ing c m! -n%$ an% san% sm t# a&ter %r/ing. *

%A Clean " % s-r&aces t >e !ainte% & %irt$ il$ r t#er & reign s->stances "it# scra!ers$ mineral s!irits an% san%!a!er$ as re?-ire%. San%!a!er sm t# t# se &inis#e% s-r&aces e'! se% t .ie"$ an% %-st &&. Scra!e an% clean small$ %r/$ seas ne% 1n ts an% a!!l/ a t#in c at & "#ite s#ellac r t#er rec mmen%e% 1n " sealer$ >e& re a!!licati n & !riming c at. A&ter !riming$ &ill # les an% im!er&ecti ns in &inis# s-r&aces "it# !-tt/ r !lastic " %-&iller. San%!a!er sm t# "#en %rie%. :etalsA Clean n n-gal.ani=e% &err -s-metal Painting


)err -s



s-r&aces !laster$ & reign met# %s

t#at #a.e n t >een s# ! c ate%9 rem .e m rtar$ grease$ %irt$ r-st$ l se mill scale an% t#er s->stances >/ s l.ent r mec#anical cleaning t#at c m!l/ "it# t#e rec mmen%ati ns & t#e Steel Str-ct-res Painting C -ncil$ >e& re !riming c at is a!!lie%. ). S# !-Prime% )err -s S-r&acesA Rem .e grease$ il an% t#er & reign s->stances "it# a!!r .e% t/!e & cleaner man-&act-re% & r t#e !-r! se. E'ercise care t !re.ent %amage t s# ! c at. T -c#--! a>ra%e% r marre% s# ! c ats "it# !aint -se% & r !riming. <inc-C ate% 2Gal.ani=e%3 S-r&acesA Rem .e grease an% il "it# a cleaner man-&act-re% & r t#e !-r! se. Treat s-r&aces "it# a c#emical c m! -n% s-c# as a !# s!# ric aci% "as#. Rem .e t#e c#emical c m! -n% c m!letel/ "it# clean$ &res# "ater.


8.08 :ATERIALS PREPARATION A. 6. :i' an% !re!are !ainting materials in acc r%ance "it# man-&act-rerBs %irecti ns. :aintain c ntainers -se% in mi'ing an% a!!licati n & !aint in clean c n%iti n$ &ree & & reign materials an% resi%-e. Stir materials >e& re a!!licati n t !r %-ce mi't-re & -ni& rm %ensit/$ stir as re?-ire% %-ring a!!licati n. D n t stir s-r&ace &ilm int material. Rem .e &ilm an%$ i& necessar/$ strain material >e& re -sing.


8.00 APPLICATION A. A!!l/ !aint in acc r%ance "it# t#e man-&act-rerBs %irecti ns. Use a!!licat rs an% tec#ni?-es >est s-ite% & r t#e t/!e & material >eing a!!lie%. D n t e'cee% man-&act-rers rec mmen%e% c .erage !er gall n. A!!l/ materials "it# care t a -ni& rm an% !r !er &ilm t#ic1ness$ s# "ing n r-ns$ # li%a/s$ sags$ cra"ls$ r t#er %e&ects. A!!l/ "it# a minim-m & >r-s# mar1s. )inis# s-r&aces s#all >e -ni& rm in s#een$ c l r an% te't-re an% matc# a!!r .e% sam!les. All " c ats t %r/ t# r -g#l/ >e& re s-ccee%ing c ats are a!!lie%9 all " a minim-m & (0 # -rs >et"een a!!licati ns n an/ ne s-r&ace -nless t#er"ise s!eci&ie% >/ t#e !aint materials man-&act-rer. San%!a!er -n%erc ats n interi r metal t# r -g#l/ an% -ni& rml/ t !r .i%e a sm t#$ e.en s-r&ace & r &inis# c ats. A!!l/ !aint >/ >r-s#$ 09900-10 Painting r ller$ s!ra/$ r t#er




acce!ta>le !ractice in acc r%ance "it# t#e man-&act-rerBs %irecti ns. Use >r-s#es >est s-ite% & r t#e t/!e & material >eing a!!lie%. Use r llers & car!et$ >ac1$ r #ig#-!ile s#ee! " l as rec mmen%e% >/ t#e !aint man-&act-rer & r material an% te't-re re?-ire%. E. 6r-s#- -t an% " r1 all >r-s# c ats int t#e s-r&aces in an e.en &ilm. Cl -%iness$ s! tting$ # li%a/s$ la!s$ >r-s# mar1s$ r-ns$ sags$ r t#er s-r&ace im!er&ecti ns "ill n t >e acce!ta>le. Neatl/ %ra" all !rimer r &irst c ats$ -nless t#er"ise !ermitte% t -se mec#anical a!!licat rs. E'ce!t as t#er"ise s!eci&ie%$ a!!l/ a !rime c at t material "#ic# is re?-ire% t >e !ainte% r &inis#e%. A!!l/ t#e &irst-c at material t s-r&aces t#at #a.e >een cleane%$ !retreate% r t#er"ise !re!are% & r !ainting as s n as !ractica>le a&ter !re!arati n an% >e& re s->se?-ent s-r&ace %eteri rati n.

). G.


N-m>er & c ats an% !aint &ilm t#ic1ness re?-ire% is t#e same regar%less & t#e a!!licati n met# %. San% >et"een eac# enamel an% .arnis# c at a!!licati n "it# &ine san%!a!er r r-> s-r&aces "it# !-mice st ne "#ere re?-ire% t !r %-ce an e.en$ sm t# s-r&ace in acc r%ance "it# t#e !aint man-&act-rerBs %irecti ns. All " s-&&icient time >et"een s-ccessi.e c atings t !ermit t# r -g# %r/ing. D n t re-c at -ntil !aint % es n t %e& rm r &eel stic1/ -n%er m %erate t#-m> !ress-re an% t#e a!!licati n & l ss & a%#esi n & t#e -n%erc at. Paint t/!e$ c l r$ s-r&ace treatment s#all >e as sc#e%-le%. Pr .i%e &inis# c ats "#ic# are c m!ati>le "it# !rime !aints -se%.




*#en -n%erc ats$ stains$ r t#er c n%iti ns s# " t#r -g# t#e &inal c at & !aint$ a!!l/ a%%iti nal c ats -ntil t#e !aint &ilm is & -ni& rm &inis#$ c l r an% a!!earance. Ins-re t#at all s-r&aces incl-%ing e%ges$ c rners$ cre.ices$ "el%s$ an% e'! se% &asteners recei.e a &ilm t#ic1ness e?-i.alent t t#at & &lat s-r&aces. Paint s-r&aces >e#in% m .a>le e?-i!ment an% &-rnit-re t#e same as similar e'! se% s-r&aces. Paint s-r&aces >e#in% !ermanentl/-&i'e% e?-i!ment r &-rnit-re "it# !rime c at nl/. E'! se% s-r&aces are %e&ine% as t# se areas .isi>le "#en !ermanent r >-ilt-in &i't-res$ c n.ect r c .ers$ c .ers & r &inne% t->e ra%iati n$ grilles an% similar items are in !lace in areas sc#e%-le% t >e !ainte%.






*#ere .isi>le t#r -g# registers r grilles$ !aint interi r s-r&aces & %-cts an% . i% s!aces "it# a &lat$ n n-s!ec-lar >lac1 !aint. Paint t#e >ac1 si%es & access !anels an% rem .a>le #inge% c .ers t matc# t#e e'! se% s-r&aces. r

N. O.

)inis# e'teri r % rs n t !s$ > tt ms an% si%e e%ges t#e same as t#e e'teri r &aces$ -nless t#er"ise in%icate%. Omit !rimer n metal s-r&aces t#at #a.e !rime% an% t -c#--! !ainte%. >een s# !-

P. F.

Dr/ )ilm T#ic1nessA Pr .i%e %r/ &ilm t#ic1ness & r eac# &inis# t/!e$ incl-%ing !rime an% &inis# c ats$ n t less t#an t tal %r/ &ilm t#ic1ness as s!eci&ie% in !ainting sc#e%-le. Sti!!le Enamel )inis#A R ll an% re%istri>-te !aint t an e.en an% &ine te't-re. Lea.e n e.i%ence & r lling s-c# as la!s$ irreg-larit/ in te't-re$ s1i% mar1s$ r t#er s-r&aces im!er&ecti ns. Pigmente% 2O!a?-e3 )inis#esA C m!letel/ c .er t !r .i%e an !a?-e$ sm t# s-r&ace & -ni& rm &inis#$ c l r$ a!!earance an% c .erage. Cl -%iness$ s! tting$ # li%a/s$ la!s$ >r-s# mar1s$ r-ns$ sags$ r t#er s-r&ace im!er&ecti ns "ill n t >e acce!ta>le. Trans!arent2Clear3 )inis#esA Use m-lti!le c ats t !r %-ce glass-sm t# s-r&ace &ilm & e.en l-ster. Pr .i%e a &inis# &ree & la!s$ cl -%iness$ c l r irreg-larit/$ r-ns$ >r-s# mar1s$ range !eel$ nail # les$ r t#er s-r&ace im!er&ecti ns. Pr .i%e satin &inis# & r &inal c ats$ -nless t#er"ise in%icate%. C m!lete% * r1A :atc# a!!r .e% sam!les & r c l r$ te't-re an% c .erage. Rem .e$ re&inis# r re-!aint " r1 n t in c m!liance "it# s!eci&ie% re?-irements.





8.0+ CLEAN-UP AND PROTECTION A. Clean-U!A 1. D-ring !r gress & " r1$ rem .e &r m site %iscar%e% !aint materials$ r->>is#$ cans an% rags at en% & eac# " r1 %a/. U! n c m!leti n & !ainting " r1$ clean "in% " glass an% t#er !aint-s!attere% s-r&aces. Rem .e s!attere% !aint >/ !r !er met# %s & "as#ing an% scra!ing$ -sing care n t t scratc# t#er"ise %amage &inis#e% s-r&aces. 09900-1(




Pr tecti nA 1. Pr tect " r1 & t#er tra%es$ "#et#er t >e !ainte% r n t$ against %amage >/ !ainting an% &inis#ing " r1. C rrect an/ %amage >/ cleaning$ re!airing r re!lacing$ an% re-!ainting$ as acce!ta>le >/ t#e Engineer. Pr .i%e Wet Paint signs as re?-ire% t !r tect ne"l/-!ainte% &inis#es. Rem .e tem! rar/ !r tecti.e "ra!!ings !r .i%e% >/ t#ers & r !r tecti n & t#eir " r1$ a&ter c m!leti n & !ainting !erati ns.



At c m!leti n & " r1 & t#er tra%es$ t -c#--! an% rest re %amage% an%K r %e&ace% s-r&aces. END O) SECTION

09900-18 Painting

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