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QUESTIONNAIRE Dear Sir/Madam I Mr./Ms.

______________________________ of GBS Hubli doing my project wor on A study on the Awareness and knowledge of Tax planning among the Tax Payers in Hubli-Dharwad. I t!erefore re"uest you to spend your few #aluable minutes in pro#iding me some #aluable information t!roug! t!is "uestionnaire. I assure you t!at information pro#ided will be confidential and will be used for academic purpose only. $. B. 0. D. 3. 1. G. %ame & $ge _____________________________________________________________ b' +) * -) years , ' 1emale , ' c' -) * .) years , ' d' .) * /) years , '

& a' () * +) years , ' Male , '

Gender &

2!one %o. / Mobile %o.& ____________________________ Designation & ____________________________

4rgani5ation & _____________________________________________________ $nnual Income & c. +8))8))) * -8 ))8))) , '

a. 6s. 78))8))) * (8))8))) , ' b. 6s. (8))8))) * +8))8))) , ' 7. $re you aware of 9a: 2lanning; a. <es , ' b. %o. , '

If your answer to "uestion 7 is <es8 ignore ne:t "uestion. If your answer to "uestion 7 is %o. t!en go to "uestion no. ( (. =!at is t!e reason for being unaware of 9a: 2lanning; a. 9oo 9ec!nical to understand b. 6eturn will be filed by 9a: consultant so not aware of 9a: 2lanning. c. %o surplus income to in#est in ta: planning financial instruments d. >ac of time +. $s an Indi#idual Do you feel 9a: planning is ???.. a. @ery important , ' b. Important , ' c. %ot So Important , ' d. %ot re"uired , ' -. Do you file I9 6eturn; a. <es , ' , , , , ' ' ' '

b. %o. , '

.. Do you file manual I9 return or 3 filing; a. Manual I9 return /. =!o prepare ta: return; a. Me , ' b. 9a: 0onsultant , ' c. 0$ , ' , ' b. 3 filing , '

A. Mention any + Deductions under Sec B)0; a. ______________________ b. _______________________ c. _____________________ B. =!at is t!e ma:imum limit of Deduction under Sec B)0; a. 6s. .)))) , ' b. 6s. 78))8))) , ' c. (8))8))) , '

C. =!ic! of t!e following are t!e deductions eligible for Indi#idual under Income 9a: $ct; a. B)0 , ' b. B)00 , ' c. B) 00D , ' d. B) D , ' e. B) DD , ' f. B) 3 , ' g. B) GG , ' !. B) D , ' 7). =!ic! of following are t!e instruments for 9a: 2lanning; a. Healt! Insurance 2olicy , ' b. >ife Insurance 2olicy , ' c. 1i:ed Deposit , ' d. 2ublic 2ro#ident 1und , ' e. 3>SS , ' f. %S08 E@2 , ' g. Gold , ' !. S!ares , ' 77. In w!ic! 1inancial Instruments !a#e you in#ested in; a. S!ares , ' b. 1i:ed Deposit , ' c. Gold , ' d. >ife Insurance , ' e. Healt! Insurance , ' f. Mutual 1und , ' g. %S08 E@2 , ' !. 2ublic 2ro#ident 1und , ' i. 6eal 3state. , ' 7(. Ha#e you utili5ed t!e ma:imum deduction u/s B)0 of 6s. 7))))) w!ile filing I9 returns; <es , ' %o , '

7+. If your answer to t!e "uestion 7). is %4. State t!e reason for underutili5ation of Ma:. Deduction u/s B)0. a. %o ade"uate in#estment in ta: sa#ing instruments. , ' b. In#ested in nonF ta: benefit financial instruments , ' c. >ow Sa#ing 6ate , ' d. Dnaware of #arious !eads of in#estment a#ailable for in#estment in B)0. , e. $ny ot!er please specify______________________________


7-. =!at is your le#el of $wareness wit! respect to following new deductions and ta: relief. Deduction/9a: relief 1ully 2artially Dnaware $ware $ware B)00D,('F contribution of employer towards 21 B) 99$ * Deduction on Interest on Sa#ing $ccount B)GG * Deduction in respect of rent paid BA$ * 6elief of 6s. ())) from total ta: liability8 if total income is less t!en 6s. .))))).

7.. How do you enric! your nowledge of 9a: 2lanning; a. 6eading %ewspaper b. By 9a ing $d#ise from 1riends and 6elati#es c. By ta ing !elp from ta: consultant d. 9!roug! analy5ing different financial assets 7/. 6ate your le#el of nowledge in 9a: 2lanning; a. @ery Good , ' b. Good , ' c. $#erage ,

, , , ,

' ' ' '


d. 2oor , '

7A. =!at are t!e $d#antage you get by doing 9a: 2lanning; a. Sa#ing in 9a: b. Inculcate Sa#ing Habits. c. 3nric!es nowledge of #arious 9a: sa#ing financial Instruments Thank You , ' , ' , '

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