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Radioactive Materials License Commitments


The University of Texas at Austin

May 2009 July 2009 October 2009 February 2010 May 2010 August 2010

FOR !OR" RA"#A$#O% &AF $' is the responsibility of all persons (faculty, students, researchers, etc.) who are directly or indirectly involved in the use of radioactive materials. In July 1963, the tate of !e"as #ranted !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin a broad radioactive materials license for research, development and instruction. &hile this means a minimum of controls by the state, it re'uires that the $niversity establish and pursue an effective (adiation afety )ro#ram. !he (adiation afety *ommittee is responsible for !he $niversity+s radiation control pro#ram outlined in this manual. !he use of radioactive materials in a university, where a lar#e number of people may be unaware of their e"posure to radiation ha,ards, ma-es strict adherence to procedures established by federal and state authorities of paramount importance for the protection of !he $niversity and the safety of members of the university community. It is the responsibility of all persons involved in radioactive material wor- to familiari,e themselves thorou#hly with the $niversity+s radiation control pro#ram and to comply with its re'uirements and all applicable federal and state re#ulations. I hope you will always -eep in mind that radiation safety depends on a continuous awareness of potential ha,ards and on the acceptance of no short cuts toward the achievement of ne#li#ible radiation e"posures.



In the event that e"istin# or future federal, state, or local re#ulations are found to differ from the re'uirements contained in this document, those le#ally accepted re#ulations shall supersede this document. !his document has been approved by the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices durin# the renewal of the $niversity3s radioactive materials license and replaces all previous such documents.



$A(L OF CO%$ %$& 45(6&5(1........................................................................................................................i 75!I*6...............................................................................................................................ii !%896 54 *57!67! ....................................................................................................iii I. %1.I7I !(%!I57......................................................................................................1 %. (%1I%!I57 %46!: *5..I!!66 *5.)5 I!I57.......................................1 8. *5..I!!66 *2%(!6(.......................................................................................1 *. .6.86( ...............................................................................................................; 1. (%1I%!I57 %46!: 544I*6(...........................................................................; II. 4%*I9I!I6 %71 6<$I).67!.................................................................................= %. >676(%9................................................................................................................= 8. (%1I5%*!I?6 .%!6(I%9 ...............................................................................= *. *6 I$./13@ I((%1I%!5(...................................................................................= III. 5)6(%!I57%9 )(5*61$(6 ...............................................................................A %. >676(%9................................................................................................................A 8. (%1I5%*!I?6 .%!6(I%9 ................................................................................A *. 9%85(%!5(: $(?6: %71 I7 )6*!I57 ................................................9 1. ?I59%!I57 54 (6>$9%!I57 ....................................................................1; I?. (%1I5%*!I?6 .%!6(I%9 %**5$7!%8I9I!:...............................................13 %. %))9I*%!I57 45( %$!25(IB%!I57 !5 $ 6 (%1I5%*!I?6 .%!6(I%9 .........................................................................................................13 8. )$(*2% I7>.......................................................................................................13 *. 2I))I7>...............................................................................................................1= 1. (6*6I?I7>...........................................................................................................1= 6. !5(I7> %71 )5 !I7>....................................................................................16 4. I7?67!5(I6 .......................................................................................................16 ?. I7 !($.67!%!I57...............................................................................................1C %. >676(%9..............................................................................................................1C 8. I7 !($.67! %71 16!6*!5( ...................................................................1C *. I7 !($.67! *%9I8(%!I57 .6!251 .......................................................1C 1. I7 !($.67! !:)6 45( $ 6..........................................................................1C ?I. !6 ! %71 (6*5(1 ...........................................................................................;0 %. >676(%9..............................................................................................................;0 8. 96%D !6 ! .........................................................................................................;0 *. I7!6(7%9 I7 )6*!I57 ..................................................................................;0 1. (%1I5%*!I?6 &% !6 1I )5 %9...................................................................;1 6. I7?67!5(I6 ......................................................................................................;1 4. 15 I.6!(: %71 (6)5(! ..............................................................................;; >. 8I5% %: )(5>(%. 1;AI and 131I.................................................................;3 2. )(5>(%. %$1I! .............................................................................................;A I. (%1I%!I57 &5(D6( !(%I7I7>......................................................................;6 J. 8I5% %: )(5>(%. (32) !(I!I$...............................................................;C ?II. 1I )5 %9 54 (%1I5%*!I?6 &% !6...............................................................33 %. >676(%9..............................................................................................................33 8. 1(: 59I1 .........................................................................................................3= *. 9I<$I1 cintillation ?ials......................................................................................3= iii .ay/09

1. 2%() ..................................................................................................................3= 6. 6%961 5$(*6 ...............................................................................................3= 4. )6*I4I* 6E*6 .%!6(I%9 %71 6)%(%!I57 %71 1I )5 %9.......3A >. %7I.%9 !I $6 %71 *%(*% 6 .................................................................3C 2. (696% 6 I7!5 !26 %!.5 )26(6................................................................3C I. (6*5(1 ................................................................................................................3C ?III. 6.6(>67*: )(5*61$(6 ..............................................................................39 %. >676(%9..............................................................................................................39 8. )I99 54 (%1I5%*!I?6 .%!6(I%9 ..........................................................39 *. 6.6(>67*: 75!I4I*%!I57...........................................................................=1 1. 6.6(>67*: )2576 7$.86( ....................................................................=3 %))671IE I F (adiation afety *ommittee .embership (oster....................................== %))671IE II F )rocedure for (emote ite $se of (adioactive .aterials......................=A %))671IE III F)rocedure for *alibration of (adiation urvey .eters..........................=@ %))671IE I? F 8ioassay )ro#ram )rocedures...............................................................=C %))671IE ? F (adioactive .aterial 9aboratory %udit 4orm........................................A0 %))671IE ?I F %pplication to $se (adioactive .aterial..............................................A3 %))671IE ?II / )rocedures for 9aboratory %nimal and ?eterinary .edicine $ses......AC %))671IE ?III / ealed ource Inventory.....................................................................60 %))671IE IE / )eriodic Intervals...................................................................................63



License Commitments

The University of Texas at Austin

#) A"M#%#&$RA$#O% A) RA"#A$#O% &AF $' COMM#$$ COM*O&#$#O%

!he (adiation afety *ommittee (the G*ommitteeH) of !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin (the G$niversityH) shall be composed of a *hair and at least four additional members. !he *ommittee and *hair shall be appointed by the )resident of the $niversity or the )resident3s dele#ate. !he *ommittee shall include at a minimum a representative from 6"ecutive .ana#ement with si#nature authority to commit $niversity resources, three persons who are radioactive material %uthori,ed $sers at the $niversity, and such other members as deemed appropriate. !he (adiation afety 5fficer shall be an e"/officio member of the *ommittee. A)1 +uorum

% simple maIority of members shall constitute a 'uorum, e"cept a 'uorum may not be declared without the presence of the *hair or ?ice/*hair, the representative from 6"ecutive .ana#ement or hisJher dele#ate, and the (adiation afety 5fficer. A)2 Meeting Fre,uency

!he *ommittee shall meet at a minimum of three times per calendar year on a called basis. !he *ommittee may meet at other times on re'uest of the *hair, the representative from 6"ecutive .ana#ement, or the ( 5. % meetin# may be conducted in person or via teleconference. () ()1 COMM#$$ C.arge C-AR$ R

!he *ommittee shall establish policiesK a) b) !hat licensed radioactive materials are used safely. !his includes review as necessary of trainin# pro#rams, e'uipment, facilities, supplies, and proceduresL !hat licensed radioactive materials are used in compliance with !itle ;A !e"as %dministrative *ode M;C9 (;A !%* M;C9) and the 9icense issued to !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustinL !hat the use of licensed radioactive materials and e"posure to radiation emitted is consistent with the %9%(% principleL !o establish a pro#ram to control individual occupational radiation e"posuresL and

c) d)


e) ()2

!o identify pro#ram deficiencies and assure corrective actions are implemented.


!he *ommittee shallK a) b) (etain e"pertise to be familiar with all pertinent re#ulations, the 9icense, and amendments to the 9icenseL (eview the trainin# and e"perience of proposed %uthori,ed $sers and the (adiation afety 5fficer to determine 'ualifications in accordance with re#ulatory and 9icense re'uirementsL (eview and approve all re'uests for %uthori,ation to $se radioactive materials under the $niversity3s license to assure the safe use of the materialsL )rescribe any special conditions for authori,in# uses of radioactive materialsL (eview the ( 53s report on e"posures of all personnel, and, when necessary, re'uire modifications to the operations of the (adiation )rotection )ro#ram to decrease the levels of e"posureL (eview the ( 53s annual summary report of the (adiation )rotection )ro#ram. (ecommend and cause to be implemented remedial action to correct deficiencies identified in the (adiation )rotection )ro#ramL (eview and approve minutes of all *ommittee meetin#s, includin# members present, members absent, a#enda items, discussions, actions, recommendations, decisions, and results of all votesL and 6stablish policies so that the $niversity3s 9icense *ommitments and 9icense are amended as re'uired by ;A !%* M;C9.

c) d) e)

f) #) h)

i) C)

M M( R&

)roposed members of the (adiation afety *ommittee shall be submitted to the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices per ;A !%* M;C9.;A;(h)(1)(c). % list of the members appears as %ppendi" I to this .anual. ") RA"#A$#O% &AF $' OFF#C R

!he (adiation afety 5fficer (( 5) is char#ed with implementin# the $niversity3s (adiation afety )ro#ram and directin# the (adiation afety staff. !he ( 5 is within the 5ffice of 6nvironmental 2ealth and afety (62 ) and reports directly to the 1irector. !he 1irector, 62 ,


reports indirectly to the ?ice )resident for $niversity 5perations throu#h the %ssociate ?ice )resident for *ampus afety and ecurity. !he (adiation afety 5fficer has authority, dele#ated by the )resident throu#h the ?ice )resident for (esearch to the (adiation afety *ommittee, to ta-e such actions as needed, includin#, but not limited to the cessation of the use of radioactive material, to safe#uard the public welfare with re#ard to radiation and radioactive materials.


##) FAC#L#$# & A%" +0#*M %$ A) 1 % RAL

!he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin is re'uired to possess a license to possess and use certain radioactive materials per the !itle ;A !e"as %dministrative *ode M;C9 (;A !%* ;C9) and its successor le#islative acts and rules. !hese radioactive materials must be controlled under the terms of the license. !he $niversity has developed a (adiation afety )ro#ram to ensure this control. !he 9icense *ommitments document addresses commitments made to the (adiation *ontrol )ro#ram of the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices as part of the application to possess and use radioactive materials. () RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL&

!he use of radioactive materials is authori,ed by a (adioactive .aterials 9icense, N 900=CA, issued to !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin by the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices. !his specific license with broad authori,ations covers possession of any radioactive material with atomic number less than C= in a ma"imum total amount specified by the terms of the 9icense. *ertain specific isotopes are covered in 'uantities #reater than these amounts on an individual basis. )ossession and use of radioactive materials with %tomic 7umbers C= or #reater are licensed in ma"imum amounts of any sin#le isotope. % copy of the 9icense is available for inspection in the offices of (adiation afety and at the 6nvironmental 2ealth and afety website. !he 9icense is #ranted to authori,e use at the followin# sitesK &#$ 000 00; 003 00= LOCA$#O% %ustin / .ain *ampus, !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin )ort %ransas / .arine cience Institute %ustin / J.J. )ic-le (esearch *ampus %ustin / 1ell )ediatric (esearch Institute

In addition, certain specific isotopes in limited 'uantities may be used at specifically desi#nated locations throu#hout the tate of !e"as or in its waters without release to the environment. C) C &#0M3145 #RRA"#A$OR

!he $niversity possesses a 3600 *urie (ori#inal activity) *esium/13@ >%..%*699 =0 irradiator. 6ach of the two 1C00 *urie *esium/13@ sources is doubly encapsulated in stainless steel and is held in a source drawer. !he drawers move in cylindrical tubes located within the steel encased biolo#ical shield. !he system is desi#ned to physically e"tend the source drawers, therefore removin# the sources from the shield, when the specimen tray is closed. &hen the sources are e"tended, the source drawers en#a#e slots in the specimen tray, which prevents the specimen tray from openin#. !he >%..%*699 =0 was desi#ned to meet the needs of medical and life science research and is self shielded for installation in a conventional laboratory.


###) O* RA$#O%AL *ROC "0R & A) 1 % RAL

%n %uthori,ed $ser of radioactive materials is a person who has been e"tended a sub/9icense, or %uthori,ation, by !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin to use radioactive materials. 6ach person who uses radioactive materials is responsible for the safe use of such materials. !he %uthori,ed $ser (%$) shallK 1) ;) 3) =) A) 6) 6stablish a local radiation safety pro#ram, *arry out the re'uired administrative and safety procedures, elect those laboratory practices which are applicable to the wor-, 6nsure proper trainin# of personnel, upervise all operations carried out under the %uthori,ation, .aintain a record which documents the receipt, use, transfer, stora#e, and disposal of radioactive materials, and the radiation surveys conducted as part of the local pro#ram, 6nsure the laboratory is properly posted as re'uired by ;A !%* M;C9, and Immediately notify the (adiation afety 5fficer if any une"pected difficulties arise which mi#ht affect the safety of personnel, procedural violations, health ha,ards, or dan#er to the community.

@) C)

% current copy of the $niversity3s (adioactive .aterials 9icense shall be made available to the %uthori,ed $ser upon re'uest. %ll personnel shall be trained and ac'uainted with proper radiation safety practices and supervised to see that these practices are observed. !he ma"imum permissible level for unrestricted areas and ma"imum permissible dose for individuals as stated in the ;A !%* M;C9 are to be considered as absolute ma6ima and every effort is to be made to conduct e"periments and operations at levels which will result in radiation e"posures to wor-ers and members of the public as low as reasonably achievable (ALARA). () RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL&

(adioactive materials may be present in two physical confi#urationsK ealed ources and 5pen 4orm. ealed ources shall be sealed in accordance with applicable re#ulations of the $. . 7uclear (e#ulatory *ommission or %#reement tates. 5pen 4orm radioactive materials may be in li'uid or solid form. (adioactive #ases may be used only with e"press consent of the $niversity3s (adiation afety 5fficer or the (adiation afety *ommittee on a case/by/case basis. In order to maintain compliance with the ;A !%* M;C9, the $niversity+s (adioactive .aterials 9icense, and to ensure protection for all personnel, the followin# procedures shall be incorporated into each local radiation safety pro#ram by the %uthori,ed $serK


1) ;)

i#ns shall be posted where radioactive materials are present per ;A !%* M;C9. (adioactive materials shall be secure at all times. pecifically, all radioactive materials shall be stored in a loc-ed cabinet, refri#erator, free,er, or room, and when not in a loc-ed device or room shall be accompanied by trained personnel at all times. Indirect andJor direct readin# dosimeters shall be worn by personnel pursuant to ection ?I. 4. of this document, and dosimetry readin# records shall be maintained per ;A !%* M;C9 by (adiation afety. !he (adiation afety 5fficer shall be notified before entry into a hi#h radiation area and special procedures (such as wearin# direct readin# dosimeters) may be re'uired at the discretion of the ( 5. &or-in# areas shall be surveyed as necessary after the use of 5pen 4orm radioactive material to determine the presence of contamination. *ontamination levels should be determined usin# an instrument capable of detectin# the radiation in 'uestion. !he countin# efficiency of this instrument should be -nown in order to convert the counts per minute (cpm) to disinte#rations per minute (dpm). 1irect surveys andJor wipe testin# will be performed as appropriate. If surveys indicate contamination levels of 1000 dpm betaJ#amma or 100 dpm alpha activity per 100 cm; of surface area, the area shall be cleaned until the contamination is reduced si#nificantly below these levels. (adiation survey instruments should be chec-ed before be#innin# use to ensure proper operatin# conditions. .inor spills as defined in ection ?III. shall be cleaned up immediately. If a maIor spill occurs do not attempt decontamination. Isolate the area and notify the (adiation afety 5fficer or hisJher desi#nee immediately. )rotective clothin# and hands shall be monitored upon completion of laboratory worinvolvin# the handlin# of unsealed radioactive materials. mo-in#, drin-in# or eatin# shall not be allowed in the same area where 5pen 4orm radioactive materials are used, or where the area is posted prohibitin# such activity. 6mployees shall wash their hands thorou#hly before leavin# an area where unsealed radioactive materials are bein# used. .outh pipettin# of li'uid radioactive materials is strictly forbidden. *alibrated radiation detection instruments shall be used at all radioactive material use areas when applicable. !he instrument shall be capable of detectin# the type of radiation in 'uestion. 9on#/handled ton#s, #loves, smoc-s, shoe covers, and other e'uipment shall be used when such safety measures are needed. &hen in doubt as to whether special e'uipment is necessary, contact the (adiation afety 5fficer for assistance. 6 .ay/09




6) @)

C) 9) 10) 11) 1;)



>loves and smoc-s shall be worn by individuals when wor-in# with 5pen 4orm radioactive materials. !he (adiation afety 5fficer shall be contacted prior to usin# #aseous form radioactive materials. (adioactive materials shall not be handled with bare hands, nor shall sealed sources be opened. *ontrol of access into restricted areas is the responsibility of the individual supervisin# the laboratory. % restricted area is one which is posted per ;A !%* M;C9. (adioactive materials producin# a radiation dose rate in e"cess of ; mremJhr (0.0; m vJhr) at a distance of 30 cm (Oone foot) from the source shall be stored within shieldin# (typically )le"i#las for hi#h ener#y beta emitters and lead for #amma emitters) sufficient to reduce the dose rate to less than ; mremJhr (0.0; m vJhr) at a distance of 30 cm (Oone foot). (adiation dose rates shall not e"ist in an unrestricted area that could result in a personnel e"posure which e"ceeds 100 mrem (1 m v) per year or ; mrem (0.0; m v) in one hour. (adiation areas shall be posted pursuant to ection I?.6. of this document and ;A !%* M;C9. (outine use of shieldin# is not re'uired for 2/3, */1=, /3A, *a/=A, )/33, I/1;A, and other low ener#y emitters as determined by the ( 5. 5pen 4orm radioactive materials should be stored in non/brea-able, lea-/proof containers. &or- involvin# li'uids containin# radioactive materials shall be performed on trays lined with absorbent paper or on surfaces protected with plastic/bac-ed absorbent paper. (adioactive materials shall not be used in or on human bein#s. %ny animals administered radioactive materials, or the products of such animals, shall not be used for human consumption. (adioactive materials shall not be used in field applications where activity is released without prior approval of the (adiation afety *ommittee. *hemical hoods in which radioactive materials are used shall have a minimum air face velocity of 100 linear feet per minute. >lassware and e'uipment containin# radioactive material shall be properly labeled. !rial runs should be made when practicable to determine proper procedures and to evaluate necessary radiation protection. 5nly desi#nated sin-s shall be used for washin# contaminated #lassware or for disposin# radioactive materials. <uantities of radioactive materials disposed in the desi#nated sin-s to the sanitary sewer may not e"ceed the limits specified in ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(###), for the entire $niversity.

1A) 16)


1C) 19)


;1) ;;) ;3) ;=) ;A)



5nly desi#nated stora#e bo"es, free,ers and refri#erators shall be used for the stora#e of radioactive materials. "O %O$ put food in any free,er or refri#erator used for this purpose. (adioactive material stora#e containers shall be labeled in accordance with the ;A !%* M;C9, with the followin# informationK a. (adioactive material b. %ctivity and date c. %uthori,ed user d. *aution/(adioactive .aterials (with radiation symbol)


;C) ;9)

If a suspected or -nown overe"posure occurs to any individual, the (adiation afety 5fficer will be notified immediately. (ecords of radiation e"posures of $niversity personnel, who are re'uired to wear personnel monitorin# devices, shall be maintained by (adiation afety per ;A !%* M;C9. (eports of e"posures shall be sent to individuals pursuant to ;A !%* M;C9. &hen specified by the (adiation afety *ommittee or the (adiation afety 5fficer, protective eyewear shall be worn when wor-in# with hi#h ener#y beta emitters such as )/3;. )roposed chan#es in the current authori,ation shall be submitted in writin# to the (adiation afety *ommittee (via the (adiation afety 5fficer) for approval, and shall be submitted and approved prior to chan#in# the authori,ed use of radioactive material. %pproval of the (adiation afety 5fficer shall be obtained prior to the transfer of any radioactive material to any other $ser, institution, or licensee. *opies of the PNOTICE TO EMPLOYEES AND STUDENTSP si#ns shall be posted in a sufficient number of places in every establishment where personnel are en#a#ed in activities usin# radioactive materials so that they can be seen by personnel enterin# the area. !he information contained in the notice is e'uivalent to or e"ceeds that specified in the PNOTICE TO EMPLOYEESP of ;A !%* M;C9.;03. 6ach individual usin# radioactive materials shall be familiar with the appropriate re#ulations of this document and of ;A !%* M;C9. *opies of these re#ulations are available upon re'uest from the (adiation afety 5fficer and via the Internet at httpKJJwww.dshs.state.t".usJradiationJrules.shtm. Individuals involved in operations which utili,e, at any one time, more than 100 millicuries of tritium in a non/contained form, other than metallic foil, shall have bioassays performed within one wee- followin# a sin#le operation and at wee-ly intervals for continuin# operations.



3;) 33)





%dditions and alterations to the 9icense *ommitments may be made by the (adiation afety *ommittee when in the estimation of the *ommittee such additions and alterations are necessary for the protection of the $niversity and its char#es, students, or employees. %pproval of substantive chan#es to the 9icense *ommitments shall be re'uested of the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices, (adiation *ontrol. 4or activities involvin# radioactive materials and animals, %uthori,ed $sers shall comply with the procedure titled, G)rocedures for 9aboratory %nimal and ?eterinary .edicine $ses,H found in %ppendi" ?II. of this document.


C) C)1

LA(ORA$OR' &0R2 '& A%" #%&* C$#O%& &urveys by Laboratory *ersonnel

6ach laboratory in which radioactive materials are used shall perform re#ular surveys. !hese in/lab surveys are separate and distinct from the surveys (inspections) performed by (adiation afety. urveys shall be performed in accordance with ection III.8.A of this document. C)1)1 Fre,uency of &urveys 4re'uency of the surveys shall be determined by level of isotope usa#e. If the laboratory receives a shipment of isotopes in open form, a survey shall be performed at a minimumK %. 5n termination of activities the day radioactive materials are opened and used, or 8. %s specified in the conditions of the %uthori,ation. If the laboratory uses isotopes in sealed form ( ealed ource), a survey shall be performed to assure that the source is bac- in its shielded positionK %. %t the close of each day3s activities if the source is #reater than 1 millicurie, or 8. %s specified in the conditions of the %uthori,ation. C)1)2 Records of &urveys (ecords of all surveys shall be recorded in a 9aboratory 9o#boo- or e'uivalent. !he 9o#boo- shall be available for review by (adiation afety at any time. Information recorded as part of the urvey shall be at a minimumK !he date of the survey. !he person performin# the survey. !he reason for the survey. Information on the instrument used to perform the survey. o !he .a-e, .odel, and erial N of the instrument. o !he latest *alibration date of the instrument. !he bac-#round readin# in the laboratory, ta-en well away from any -nown radioactive materials. !he specific location of the survey. 9 .ay/09


!he specific location of elevated instrument readin#s and wipe tests. *orrective action ta-en to remove radioactive contamination if found. #ns/ections by Radiation &afety &taff

!he (adiation afety 5fficer shall cause a ris-/based laboratory inspection pro#ram to be performed by 'ualified personnel who report to the (adiation afety 5fficer. !he inspections shall be sufficient to detect radiation fields or contamination to ensure that ha,ards do not e"ist to personnel apart from e"pected e"posure to radiation wor-ers. !he fre'uency of the surveys shall be determined by the (adiation afety 5fficer based on the isotope and 'uantity in use, the history of the laboratory, and the #eneral level of radiation ha,ard presented by the laboratory3s wor-in# environment. !he (adiation afety 5fficer or a desi#nated alternate shall ma-e periodic inspections of the isotope usa#e, stora#e and disposal records that are maintained in the user+s laboratory to determine if the user is in compliance with $niversity procedures and applicable re#ulations. 9aboratories and facilities where radioactive materials are used or stored shall be surveyed periodically in order to detect any chan#es in radiation levels and to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination. If the inspections detect an unsafe condition, the (adiation afety 5fficer shall cause the unsafe condition to be corrected by cleanup, shieldin#, removal of personnel or e'uipment, or any other means available to the (adiation afety 5fficer. (ecords of these surveys shall be maintained by (adiation afety. C)2)1 Fre,uency of Routine #ns/ections !he purpose of the ris-/based radioactive materials laboratory inspection classification pro#ram is to develop a 'uantitative method, based on the ris- associated with the laboratory, to determine the inspection fre'uency. !he ris-/based approach allows (adiation afety to determine an appropriate inspection fre'uency for laboratories usin# radioactive materials. !he main criterion used in the ris-/ based pro#ram is the 'uantities of radioactive materials used in the laboratory. 9aboratories are reassessed periodically to assure proper inspection classification. 4or the purpose of classification, multiple laboratories under the control of a sin#le %uthori,ed $ser shall be #rouped as a sin#le laboratory. 9aboratory inspection intervals will be 'uarterly or annually based on the inspection classification (hi#h/fre'uency or low/fre'uency) determined by the criteria outlined below. !he overall #oal of the ris-/based inspection pro#ram is to ma-e laboratories and their occupants safer for teachin# and research and at the same time ensurin# re#ulatory compliance. <uantities of (adioactive .aterials (5pen 4orm) $sed 9aboratories that use more than a predetermined amount of any particular radioactive material in a certain time period (typically 10 m*i in a calendar 'uarter) will be classified as hi#h/fre'uency. %ll other laboratories will be classified as low/fre'uency. (adioactive materials use is determined by amount of radioactive material received andJor amount of radioactive waste #enerated in the specified time period. %dditional 4actors



% laboratory classified as low/fre'uency based on the criteria above may be reclassified as hi#h/fre'uency due to other factors such as failure to miti#ate compliance issues identified durin# inspections, repeat offenses, etc. % laboratory classified as hi#h/fre'uency based on the criteria above may be reclassified as low/fre'uency with a consistent history of #ood compliance with radioactive materials re#ulations. Inspections shall be performed at a minimum accordin# to the laboratory3s fre'uency classification. !he listin# of laboratory fre'uency classifications shall be maintained by the (adiation afety 5ffice. 2i#h/fre'uency laboratories shall be inspected 'uarterly. 9ow/fre'uency laboratories shall be inspected annually. C)2)2 Records of Routine #ns/ections !he results of all routine inspections shall be documented and maintained for review. Information recorded as part of the inspection shall include, as a minimum, the followin#K !he date of the inspection. !he person performin# the inspection. !he reason for the inspection. Information on the instrument(s) used to perform the radiation andJor contamination survey(s). o !he .a-e, .odel, and erial N of the instrument. o !he latest *alibration date of the instrument. !he bac-#round readin# in the laboratory, ta-en well away from any -nown radioactive materials. !he buildin# and room number of the inspection. !he specific location of elevated instrument readin#s and wipe tests. *orrective action ta-en to remove radioactive contamination if found.

If wipe tests are ta-en as part of the survey, a record of the wipe test results shall be attached to the record of the survey. !he current inspection form, G(adioactive .aterial 9aboratory %udit 4orm,H is shown in %ppendi" ?. !his form may be revised at the discretion of the (adiation afety 5fficer. C)4 %on3routine #ns/ections

% non/routine inspection may be performed after any of the followin# events occurK *leanup of a spill. 9aboratory decommissionin#. 5n re'uest. 1etection of an unsafe condition. !he G(adioactive .aterial 9aboratory %udit 4ormH or the e'uivalent may be used to document the results of non/routine inspections.




2#OLA$#O%& OF R 10LA$#O%&

In the event of an alle#ed violation of the re'uirements set forth in this document, or those prescribed in the ;A !%* M;C9, the person notin# the alle#ed violation shall immediately contact the (adiation afety 5fficer or a member of the (adiation afety *ommittee. !he *ommittee may re'uest the %uthori,ed $ser to meet and discuss the alle#ed violation with the *ommittee. ubse'uent action ta-en by the *ommittee will depend on the seriousness of the violation and the %uthori,ed $ser+s past record. If the alle#ed violation is found to be minor, the (adiation afety 5fficer shall clarify the policies for usin# radioactive materials and shall e"plain the ha,ards associated with the violation. If the alle#ed violation is serious, or the alle#ed violator shows a fla#rant disre#ard for proper operatin# procedures, the (adiation afety *ommittee may revo-e the %uthori,ed $ser+s privile#e of usin# radioactive materials.



#2) RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL ACCO0%$A(#L#$' A) A**L#CA$#O% FOR A0$-OR#7A$#O% $O 0& RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL&

)rior to any purchase or use of radioactive materials or chan#e in an e"istin# authori,ation, the user shall prepare and submit the %pplication to $se (adioactive .aterials to the (adiation afety 5fficer. % copy of the application form is shown in %ppendi" ?I and may be revised at the discretion of the (adiation afety 5fficer. !he (adiation afety 5fficer shall review and ma-e an evaluation of the intended user+s plans for radiation safety. &hen the (adiation afety 5fficer completes the review, the application shall be submitted to the (adiation afety *ommittee for review and approval. If any issue is raised by a *ommittee member, the issue shall be resolved prior to issuance of the %uthori,ation. 7ew users and amended %uthori,ations shall be approved by a maIority of the *ommittee in attendance at a *ommittee meetin# in which a 'uorum has been established. !he approval of applications for authori,ation to use radioactive materials shall be maintained by the ( 5 and shall be noted in the minutes of *ommittee meetin#s. If approval of an application cannot wait until a meetin# of the *ommittee, the ( 5 may re'uest approval by a maIority of the *ommittee members via phone, email, or other appropriate form of communication. *ommittee members shall submit their approvals to the (adiation afety 5fficer either in writin# or by electronic means. $pon completion of the re'uired radiation safety trainin# by the applicant and the *ommittee3s approval, the %uthori,ation is finali,ed and si#ned by the applicant, the (adiation afety 5fficer, and the *ommittee *hair or ?ice/*hair. % copy of the %uthori,ation with all si#natures will be provided to the %uthori,ed $ser. %n %uthori,ed $ser may submit to the (adiation afety 5fficer a written re'uest to amend hisJher authori,ation to reduce possession limits, remove places of use, andJor discontinue previously authori,ed activities. uch re'uests do not re'uire approval of the *ommittee but shall be reviewed and processed by the (adiation afety 5fficer. !he amended %uthori,ation shall be finali,ed and si#ned by the applicant, the (adiation afety 5fficer, and the *ommittee *hair or ?ice/*hair. ?isitin# researchers may only use radioactive materials under the authori,ation and control of a currently approved %uthori,ed $ser. 7o provision e"ists for #rantin# a temporary authori,ation. () *0RC-A&#%1

It is the responsibility of each person to comply with the followin# re'uirements re#ardin# the purchase of radioactive materials at the $niversity. In no event is any person authori,ed to purchase, receive or transfer radioactive materials or irradiation services without approval of the (adiation afety 5fficer or hisJher desi#nee. In the event of an emer#ency, the employee may submit the re'uest to the *hair of the (adiation afety *ommittee for approval.



%fter obtainin# an %uthori,ation to $se (adioactive .aterials, the followin# procedures shall be observed in purchasin# radioactive materialsK 1. % departmental re'uisition shall be prepared throu#h the $niversity3s secure purchasin# system and indicate the radioactive materials to be purchased, the activity of each radioactive material re'uired, and the name or uni'ue authori,ation number of the %uthori,ed $ser purchasin# the radioactive material. !he purchasin# system 'ueries the radioactive material inventory trac-in# system for the %uthori,ed $ser3s authori,ed radioactive materials, activity limits, and current inventory. !he system automatically limits the purchase of each radioactive material such that the summation of the proposed purchase and the current inventory does not e"ceed the authori,ation limit for the %uthori,ed $ser. ;. !he re'uisition is electronically forwarded to the )urchasin# 5ffice for processin# and creation of a purchase order. 3. !he )urchasin# 5ffice electronically forwards the purchase order to (adiation afety for approval electronically. =. 7o person shall circumvent the approval process, whether the approval is automatic, electronic, or on paper. (epetitive or standin# purchase orders with vendors to automatically replenish radioactive material inventories will not be authori,ed. C) &-#**#%1

hipments of radioactive materials from or by the $niversity shall comply with the re'uirements of the appropriate re#ulatory a#encies. % (adioactive .aterial hipment 4orm or e'uivalent shall be completed for each shipment. %ll shipments shall be approved by (adiation afety andJor other $niversity personnel possessin# the appropriate $ 1epartment of !ransportation trainin#. ") ")1 R C #2#%1 1eneral

Incomin# shipments of radioactive material shall be delivered to the desi#nated radioactive material receivin# location on the main campus unless prior arran#ements have been made with (adiation afety. (adiation afety shall be notified as soon as possible of incomin# pac-a#es of radioactive material. (adiation afety personnel will retrieve the pac-a#e, survey the pac-a#e as re'uired by ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(ee), and deliver the pac-a#e to the %uthori,ed $ser3s laboratory. )ac-in# materials will be surveyed for contamination prior to disposal in the #eneral waste. %ll labels and mar-in#s should be removed or defaced prior to disposal of the pac-a#in# in the trash. % (adioactive .aterial 1isposition 4orm or e'uivalent will be completed and delivered with the radioactive material to the $ser. 1isposition of the radioactive materials received in the shipment shall be recorded on the form (or e'uivalent document) for each shipment. 1= .ay/09


Recei/t and #ns/ection *rocedure

&hen pac-a#es are received and readied for inspection, the person conductin# the inspection shall wear appropriate protective e'uipment (such as #loves) andK monitor the e"ternal surfaces of a labeled pac-a#e, labeled with a (adioactive &hite I, :ellow II, or :ellow III label as specified in 15! re#ulations !itle =9, *4(, MM1@;.=03 and 1@;.=36/==0, for radioactive contamination unless the pac-a#e contains only radioactive material in the form of #as or in special form as defined in M;C9.;01(b) of this titleL monitor the e"ternal surfaces of a labeled pac-a#e, labeled with a (adioactive &hite I, :ellow II, or :ellow III label as specified in 15! re#ulations =9 *4( MM1@;.=03 and 1@;.=36/==0, for radiation levels unless the pac-a#e contains 'uantities of radioactive material that are less than or e'ual to the !ype % 'uantity, as defined in M;C9.;01(b) of this title and specified in M;C9.;A@(ff) of this titleL and monitor all pac-a#es -nown to contain radioactive material for radioactive contamination and radiation levels if there is evidence of de#radation of pac-a#e inte#rity, such as pac-a#es that are crushed, wet, or dama#ed. )ersonnel shall perform the monitorin# specified above as soon as practicable after receipt of the pac-a#e, but not later than three hours after the pac-a#e is received at our facility if it is received durin# normal wor-in# hours. If a pac-a#e is received after wor-in# hours, the pac-a#e shall be monitored no later than three hours from the be#innin# of the ne"t wor-in# day. If we discover there is evidence of de#radation of pac-a#e inte#rity, such as a pac-a#e that is crushed, wet, or dama#ed, the pac-a#e shall be surveyed immediately. )recautions shall be ta-en to prevent the spread of radioactive contamination. (adiation safety personnel shall immediately notify the final delivery carrier when removable radioactive surface contamination or e"ternal radiation levels e"ceed the limits specified in the below ections 1.3 and 1.=. !he (adiation afety 5fficer or hisJher desi#nee shall notify the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices by telephone or facsimile.




Limits for removable radioactive surface contamination

!he level of removable radioactive contamination may be determined by wipin# an area of 300 s'uare centimeters (cm;) of the surface concerned with an absorbent material, usin# moderate pressure, and measurin# the activity on the wipin# material. ufficient measurements must be ta-en in the most appropriate locations to yield a representative assessment of the removable contamination levels. !he amount of radioactivity measured on any sin#le wipin# material, when avera#ed over the surface wiped, must not e"ceed the limits #iven in !able 1 below.

$able 1) Radioactive Material *ac8age Contamination Limits Ma6imum /ermitted on s9i/e :Ci;cm; (eta3gamma emitting radionuclides< all radionuclides 9it. .alf3lives less 10 days< natural uranium< natural t.orium= uranium324>< uranium324?< t.orium3242< t.orium3 22?< and t.orium3240 9.en contained in ores or /.ysical concentrates) All al/.a emitters ")A Limits for e6ternal radiation levels d/m;cm;






6"ternal radiation levels around the pac-a#e may not e"ceed ;00 millirems per hour (mremJhr) (; millisieverts per hour (m vJhr)) at any point on the e"ternal surface of the pac-a#e. !he transport inde" shall not e"ceed 10. ) &$OR#%1 A%" *O&$#%1

If radioactive materials are stored in a cabinet or refri#erator, there must be sufficient shieldin# around the radioactive materials such that the radiation level at the surface of the cabinet or refri#erator is less that ; mremJhr (0.0; m vJhr). )ostin# of si#ns, stora#e, and security re'uirements must be in compliance with ;A !%* M;C9. %ny 'uestions concernin# the re#ulations involvin# purchase, shippin#, receivin#, or storin# and postin# of warnin#s should be referred to (adiation afety for information or clarification. F) #%2 %$OR# &

!he <uarterly Inventory of each radioactive material performed per ection ?I.6. of this document shall be chec-ed by the %uthori,ed $ser or the $ser3s dele#ate to verify accuracy. %ny shorta#es or 16 .ay/09

overa#es of radioactive materials shall be reported to (adiation afety. !he %uthori,ed $ser or dele#ate shall affirm to (adiation afety that the inventory is correct. 4ailure to complete an inventory may be cause for suspension of purchasin# radioactive materials by the $ser, and may result in termination of the $ser3s %uthori,ation. )rocedures for completin# sealed source inventories are outlined in %ppendi" ?III. % listin# of the inventory of sealed sources is shown in %ppendi" ?III. !his listin# may be revised at the discretion of the (adiation afety 5fficer and may re'uire prior a#ency approval.



2) #%&$R0M %$A$#O% A) 1 % RAL

(adiation detection instruments are used to provide information on radiation levels and surface contamination. ?arious types of radiation detection instruments and e'uipment are possessed and used by (adiation afety, %uthori,ed $sers, and radiation wor-ers. !he principal use is for routine monitorin# and to provide additional monitorin# in the event of a radiation emer#ency. (adiation afety maintains calibration facilities suitable for calibratin# most types of instruments. () #%&$R0M %$& A%" " $ C$OR&

%n %uthori,ed $ser is re'uired to purchase and use an instrument(s) specific for the laboratory3s needs, and must use a detector appropriate for the type of radiation to be detected. (adiation afety assists $sers in identifyin# appropriate types of detection e'uipment and may recommend e'uipment manufacturers. C) #%&$R0M %$ CAL#(RA$#O% M $-O"&

(adiation survey instruments at the $niversity shall be calibrated to read within Q;0R of the actual readin# at least annually, and after each instrument repair. *alibrations shall be made by personnel desi#nated by the ( 5 or ( *, or by individuals who are authori,ed by the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices, another %#reement tate, or the $. . 7uclear (e#ulatory *ommission. *alibration shall be made usin# an appropriate radiation source dependin# on the type of radiation the instrument is desi#ned to detect. %t least two radiation e"posure values shall be chec-ed for each meter scale on instruments used for measurin# radiation fields. Instruments utili,ed for surface contamination measurements are typically calibrated with a pulser and chec-ed with appropriate calibrated sources to determine efficiency. 8oth the pulser and calibration sources are traceable to the 7ational Institute of tandards and !echnolo#y (7I !). (ecords shall be established and maintained for each calibration at the main offices of (adiation afety and at any remote site for a minimum of three years. 6ach instrument shall be mar-ed with a calibration stic-er showin# the date of calibration, the date the ne"t calibration is due, and the name of the person performin# the calibration. 4urther specific instructions for calibratin# instruments are found in %ppendi" III of this document. ") #%&$R0M %$ $'* FOR 0&

!he instrument used to survey for radiation shall be the correct type to detect the radiation in 'uestion. 4or most purposes, a >/. Gpanca-eH detector is preferred. )hosphorous/3; and /33, ulfur/3A, and *arbon/1= may be detected with a Gpanca-eH probe or a thin end/window. *arbon/ 1= emits a relatively wea- betaL therefore, a survey should proceed carefully and slowly to allow detector response. !ritium must be detected usin# a li'uid scintillation counter or special detector approved by (adiation afety. Isotopes which emit #amma radiation or a combination of beta and #amma, such as Iodine/131, *esium/13@, and *obalt/60, may be detected with a >ei#er/.uller tube. %ny isotope or combination of isotopes which emits alpha radiation or neutron radiation must be detected with a detector approved by (adiation afety. If any 'uestion arises re#ardin# the type of detector to be used to perform a survey, contact (adiation afety for advice and assistance. 1C .ay/09

8elow is the current (.ay ;009) list of instruments in use. $y/e B of 0nits )ortable alpha scintillation survey instrument ; )ortable beta scintillation survey instrument 1 )ortable beta/#amma scintillation survey instrument; )ortable windowless #as flow proportional counter ; 8ench/top #amma spectrometer 1 8ench/top #as flow proportional counter 1 )ortable >. dose rate survey instrument A )ortable >. end window survey instrument 1; )ortable >. panca-e survey instrument 110 )ortable >. thin wall survey instrument 1 )ortable ion chamber survey instrument ; 8ench/top li'uid scintillation counter ; )ortable S( scintillation survey instrument ; )ortable 7aI 1"1 survey instrument 1 )ortable 7aI low/ener#y #amma survey instrument C )ortable neutron survey instrument 1 )ortable isotope identifier ;



2#) $ &$& A%" R COR"& A) 1 % RAL

!he !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices re'uires that certain tests be made and records maintained of the results of these test. !he re'uirements for radiation surveys and records of these surveys are covered under ;A !%* M;C9. !his same re#ulation specifies the re'uirements for personnel monitorin# with indirect andJor direct readin# dosimeters, area postin#, source stora#e, and waste disposal. (adioactive .aterial 9icense 7o. 900=CA (!he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin) defines the re'uirements for lea- testin# of sealed sources. 6ach person at the $niversity who is authori,ed to use radioactive materials shall become familiar with these re#ulations and shall see that they are followed by others who wor- for them. In addition, all individuals must have ade'uate trainin# and testin# prior to wor-in# with radioactive materials. () L AC $ &$&

!he (adiation afety 5fficer is responsible for the sealed radiation source lea- testin# pro#ram at the $niversity. 9ea- tests shall be made by personnel desi#nated by the ( 5 or ( *, or by individuals who are authori,ed by the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices, another %#reement tate, or the $. . 7uclear (e#ulatory *ommission. %pproved $niversity personnel will be trained on proper lea- test procedures. &hen lea- tests are due, arran#ements shall be made with the %uthori,ed $ser for the test to be performed. !he followin# procedures shall be followed in lea- testin# sealed sourcesK 1) &ipe the surface of the source with an appropriate piece of paper or fabric. &ettin# the paper or fabric may be considered as moisture allows contamination to sticbetter. If the source is located inside an apparatus and cannot be removed from the unit, wipe around the irradiation port and source placement tube or other accessible part of the unit where contamination mi#ht collect. &ear a dosimeter durin# lea- testin# operation if appropriate or re'uired. $se lon#/ handled ton#s or suitable method to limit e"posure to hands and body. !he wipe test shall be evaluated by countin# in an appropriately calibrated laboratory instrument capable of detectin# 0.00A microcuries of removable activity. !he results shall be recorded and maintained as appropriate. If analysis reveals #reater than 0.00A microcuries, ta-e the source out of service. 7otify the (adiation afety 5fficer or hisJher desi#nee immediately.


3) =)



#%$ R%AL #%&* C$#O%&



Inspections of areas in which radioactive materials are used or stored shall be performed as specified in ection III.*.;. (ecords shall also be maintained as specified in that ection. ") RA"#OAC$#2 !A&$ "#&*O&AL

(ecords of all disposals shall be maintained by the (adiation afety staff and should include the followin# informationK 1. ;. 3. =. (adioactive isotope. %ctivity in millicuries. .ethod of disposal. 1ate of disposal.

4urther re'uirements for records are detailed in ection ?II.9. ) #%2 %$OR# &

% computeri,ed <uarterly Inventory of each radioactive material, by )urchase 5rder 7umber (or other appropriate I1 number), shall be sent to each %uthori,ed $ser. It is the responsibility of the %uthori,ed $ser or desi#nee to chec- the accuracy of the inventory, ma-e corrections as necessary, and promptly return it to (adiation afety. %n inventory of ealed ources shall be conducted semi/ annually, which will include the radionuclide and activity in each sealed source, the location of the sealed source, the name of the individual conductin# the inventory, and the date of the inventory. !he ealed ource inventory may be conducted concurrently with the <uarterly Inventory or with the semi/annual lea- test. (ecords of the ealed ource inventory shall be maintained for a minimum of five years.




"O&#M $R' A%" R *OR$&

% centrali,ed dosimetry service is available to authori,ed users of radioactive materials at the $niversity. %rran#ements have been made with a 7ational ?oluntary 9aboratory %ccreditation )ro#ram accredited company to furnish dosimetry service for the $niversity. (e'uests for additions and deletions of dosimeters shall be made throu#h (adiation afety. %ll reports on dosimetry provided by the service will #o to the (adiation afety 5ffice. !o initiate the dosimetry service, staff will complete and submit the 1osimetry ervice (e'uest form. Individuals issued dosimeters will be instructed to wear them when handlin# radioactive materials or sealed sources. &hole/body dosimeters will be worn at the chest or waist level. &hen not worn, dosimeters will be stored in a low/bac-#round area. !he control dosimeters will also be stored in a low/bac-#round area. Indirect andJor direct readin# whole/body andJor e"tremity dosimeters as appropriate are to be worn by $niversity personnel who may be wor-in# in areas where the followin# conditions e"istK %ny person li-ely to receive 10R of the annual allowable limit. %ny person wor-in# within a hi#h radiation area. 5ther situations as determined by the (adiation afety 5fficer.




(#OA&&A' *RO1RAM 12># and 141#

ince radioiodinated solutions and compounds under#o decomposition which may result in the volatili,ation of radioiodine, individuals wor-in# with these materials have a potential for accidental upta-e of radioactive iodine. 5nce inside the body, the iodine concentrates in the thyroid, contributin# to the radiation dose received by that or#an. !his bioassay pro#ram will enable the (adiation afety staff to determine an individual+s radioiodine thyroid burden, so that a thyroid or#an/dose can be determined for those who have had an upta-e. In addition, the pro#ram will monitor the effectiveness of isotope handlin# procedures. $A(L 2 AC$#2#$' L 2 L& A(O2 !-#C- (#OA&&A' FOR

# OR 141# #& R +0#R " %*!I?I!: 2%71961 I7 $7 6%961 45(. ?olatile or 1ispersible 8ound to 7on/ ?olatile %#ent

!:)6 54 5)6(%!I57

)rocess in open room or bench with possible escape of iodine from process vessels )rocess with possible escape of iodine carried out within a fume hood of ade'uate desi#n, face velocity and performance reliability )rocesses carried out with #lovebo"es, ordinarily closed, but with possible release of iodine from process and occasional e"posure to contaminated bo" and bo" lea-a#e

0.1 m*i

1.0 m*i

1.0 m*i

10 m*i

10 m*i

100 m*i



)(5>(%. (6<$I(6.67! 1. )(5>(%. )%(!I*I)%!I57K a. Individuals who handle unsealed 'uantities of 1;AI and 131I in e"cess of the 'uantities listed in !able ;, and those individuals who wor- close enou#h to such handlin# that upta-e is possible (within a few meters) should participate in this bioassay pro#ram. !he 'uantities in !able ; apply to that amount handled either in a sin#le usa#e or the total amount handled over a period of three consecutive months. It shall be the responsibility of individual authori,ed users to notify the (adiation afety 5ffice of the names of those individuals wor-in# under hisJher authori,ation who re'uire bioassay for radioiodine. %:K



4(6<$67*: 54 8I5% a.

)rior to be#innin# wor- with 1;AI or 131I in 'uantities which re'uire participation in the bioassay pro#ram, individuals shall be #iven a PbaselineP or PpreoperationalP bioassay. % ProutineP bioassay shall be performed within @; hours (but not less than si" hours) on individuals followin# commencement of wor- with 'uantities of radioiodine necessitatin# participation in this pro#ram. 8ioassays shall continue on a biwee-ly schedule as lon# as conditions e"ist which necessitate an individual+s participation in the pro#ram. &hen wor- with radioiodine is less fre'uent than every two wee-s, a bioassay shall be performed within 10 days of the end of radioiodine operations. Individuals who wor- under conditions which present a hi#h potential for upta-e may be re'uired to submit to bioassay more fre'uently than biwee-ly. %fter three months of routine biwee-ly bioassays the fre'uency of bioassay may be reduced to 'uarterly, at the discretion of the (adiation afety 5fficer. %n Pemer#encyP bioassay shall be performed on any individual as soon as possible followin# an incident in which that individual may have received an upta-e in e"cess of ;.A *i of I/1;A and ;.0 *i of I/131. Individuals who are re'uired to participate in this pro#ram shall under#o a PpostoperationalP bioassay within two wee-s (but not less than si" hours) after discontinuin# operations with radioiodine. !his bioassay shall be performed prior to an individual+s termination of employment with, or withdrawal from the $niversity.


c. d.



%*!I57 96?69 %71 *5((6 )571I7> %*!I57 K




&hen the thyroid burden at the time of measurement e"ceeds 0.@A *i of I/ 1;A and 0.63 *i of I/131 or a correspondin# appropriate amount of a mi"ture of these two isotopes, the followin# actions shall be ta-enK (1) %n investi#ation of isotope handlin# procedures shall be conducted. If this investi#ation indicates that a continuation of current operations would cause further upta-e of radioiodine in e"cess of the above limits, operations usin# radioiodine in that lab shall be discontinued until corrective actions can be implemented that will lower the potential for upta-e. (estrict the affected individual from further wor- with radioiodine until the thyroid burden is less than the above limits. )erform Pdia#nosticP bioassays on the affected individual at biwee-ly intervals until the thyroid burden is less that the above limits. *alculate the committed thyroid dose base on biolo#ical half/life determined from follow/up bioassays. .a-e e"posure record entries and notify state or federal a#encies as appropriate.

(;) (3) (=) (A) b.

In addition to the actions in 3.a, when the thyroid burden e"ceeds ;.A *i of I/1;A or ;.0 *i of I/131 or a correspondin# appropriate amount of a mi"ture of these two isotopes, the followin# actions shall be ta-en. (1) (;) (efer the case to appropriate medical consultation. )erform dia#nostic bioassays at wee-ly intervals until the thyroid burden is less than the values stated in 3.a.


If the affected individual and others wor-in# in the same area were on a 'uarterly bioassay schedule at the time the limits of 3.a were e"ceeded, reinstate biwee-ly bioassay schedule until it has been demonstrated that further e"posures will not cause the limits of 3.a to be e"ceeded. %: )(5*61$(6 K



8ioassay procedures are contained in %ppendi" I? to this .anual. -) *RO1RAM A0"#$&

!he (adiation )rotectionJ afety )ro#ram will be audited at annual intervals per ;A !%* M;C9. !he pro#ram areas to be audited will include, but are not limited to, the followin#K (adioactive material (eceipt and 1elivery ;A .ay/09

9aboratory Inspections Instrument *alibrations ealed ource 9ea- !ests ealed ource Inventory 1osimetry and e"posures (7on/*onfidential 1ocuments 5nly) 6nvironmental surveillance %pplication for %uthori,ation to $se (adioactive .aterials 6"cess .aterials )ic-up, )rocessin#, and &aste hipments hippin# of (adioactive .aterials !rainin# (ecords (adioactive material Inventory %n %udit shall consist of a review of records of each of the above areas which show that the actions specified for e"ecution of each area have occurred. #) RA"#A$#O% !ORC R $RA#%#%1

Individuals who do not have formal trainin# in radiation safety must attend the $niversity3s radiation wor-er trainin# course. !he course is appro"imately ei#ht hours in len#th. %lternatively, the course may be conducted via computer or over the Internet, or by usin# video instruction. If these methods of trainin# are used the course will include the same topics as those included in a live course. !he (adiation afety 5fficer may waive the course if the individual can provide evidence of e'uivalent trainin# andJor e"perience. If the (adiation afety 5fficer waives the course, the individual must ta-e the radiation wor-er refresher course. !he radiation wor-er refresher course is appro"imately one hour in len#th and addresses topics specific to the $niversity such as dosimetry, waste disposal, purchasin#, emer#ency procedures, operatin# procedures, record -eepin#, as well as a basic review of radiation safety techni'ues. %lternatively this course may be conducted via computer or over the Internet, or by usin# video instruction. If these methods of trainin# are used the course will include the same topics as those included in a live course. $pon successful completion of either course, credit is posted to the individual+s electronic trainin# history in the campus/wide trainin# database. If re'uested, the successful #raduate is issued a certificate of completion.



(adiation safety courses are tau#ht by senior staff of the (adiation afety 5ffice. %t the 7uclear 6n#ineerin# !eachin# 9aboratory (76!9), comparable, site/specific radiation wor-er trainin# is tau#ht by the reactor health physicist. If necessary or desired, outside trainin# specialists may be utili,ed to present the courses. ubIects covered in the radiation wor-er trainin# include, but are not limited to the followin#K %tomic tructure and (adioactivity, Interactions of (adiation with .atter, <uantities and $nits of (adiation, 8asic )rinciples of (adiation )rotection, afe 2andlin# of (adioactive .aterials and ources, (adiation 1etection Instruments and urveys, 1osimetry, &aste 1isposal, )urchasin# and (eceivin# (adioactive .aterials, ections of ;A !%* M;C9 and this document, 6mer#ency )rocedures, and (ecord Deepin#.

!he (adiation afety 5fficer may also re'uire radiation wor-ers to be trained in other areas, such as #eneral ha,ard communication (!e"as 2a,ard *ommunication %ct) and laboratory safety. !he (adiation afety 5ffice shall maintain records of course attendance and course credit.




(#OA&&A' *RO1RAM D4-E $R#$#0M

!his pro#ram applies to individuals wor-in# with or around tritium #as or tritiated compounds e"cludin# metallic foil. !ritium does not present an e"ternal e"posure ha,ard because the low ener#y beta particle emitted cannot penetrate the outer dead layer of s-in. !he ha,ard to personnel is throu#h internal contamination. !he critical or#an for tritium upta-e is the whole body. !hree to four hours after inta-e, tritiated water is uniformly distributed in all body water. !his bioassay pro#ram will enable the (adiation afety staff to determine an individual+s tritium burden, so that a dose can be determined for those who have had an upta-e. In addition, the pro#ram will monitor the effectiveness of isotope handlin# procedures. $A(L 4 Activity levels above 9.ic. bioassay for tritium is re,uired 2!5 and tritiated or#anics includin# 17% precursors 100 m*i 2!5 mi"ed with more than 10 -# of inert 2;5 or other material 10 m*iJ-#

!ypes of 5peration

!ritium #as in sealed process vessels

)rocesses in open room or bench )rocesses in a fume hood with ade'uate face velocity and performance reliability )rocesses in glove boxes (eferenceK 2) 713.l=/199=

100 *i

1 *i

1 -*i

100 m*iJ-#

10 *i

10 -*i

1 *iJ-#

2!5 / % water molecule in which one of the hydro#en atom positions is occupied by a tritium atom. (tritiated water)



)(5>(%. (6<$I(6.67! 1. )ro#ram )articipation a. Individuals who handle 'uantities of 32 in e"cess of the 'uantities listed in !able 3, and those individuals who wor- close enou#h to such handlin# that upta-e is possible (within a few meters) should participate in this bioassay pro#ram. !he 'uantities shown apply to both the 'uantity handled at any one time or total amount of activity handled by an individual over any two wee- period. b. It shall be the responsibility of individual authori,ed users to notify the (adiation afety 5ffice of the names of those individuals wor-in# under hisJher authori,ation who re'uire bioassay for tritium. ;. !ypes of 8ioassay !hat hould be )erformed a. Baseline (preemployment or preoperational) / prior to be#innin# wor- with tritium. !his is performed in order to correctly assi#n any tritium inta-e that may be subse'uently detected. b. Routine / on a biwee-ly schedule for those individuals that re#ularly wor- in an environment in which the amount of tritium e"ceeds the activity levels defined in the previous table. c. Special / on a case by case basis for individuals wor-in# in an off/normal condition or for individuals not participatin# in a routine bioassay pro#ram and performin# isolated tas-s with amounts of tritium that e"ceed activity levels defined in the previous table. d. Emergenc / a bioassay should be performed on all affected individuals within one day of and at least more than two hours after a possible e"posure that could e"ceed the action limits. e. Post!operational / a bioassay should be performed within ten days of the last possible e"posure to tritium when operations are bein# discontinued or when the individual is terminatin# activities with potential e"posure to this radionuclide. f. Diagnostic / a series of measurements performed at a relatively hi#h fre'uency in order to more accurately assess the dose resultin# from a -nown tritium inta-e. 3. 4re'uency of 8ioassay a. )rior to be#innin# wor- with 32 in 'uantities that re'uire participation in the bioassay pro#ram, individuals shall be #iven a PbaselineP bioassay. $rinalysis shall be used to determine tritium in the body.



b. % ProutineP bioassay shall be performed two wee-s followin# the commencement of worwith 'uantities of tritium necessitatin# participation in this pro#ram. 8ioassays shall continue on a biwee-ly schedule as lon# as conditions e"ist which necessitate an individual+s participation in the pro#ram. &hen wor- with tritium is less fre'uent than every two wee-s, a bioassay shall be performed within 10 days of the end of the tritium operations. Individuals who wor- under conditions which present a hi#h potential for upta-e may be re'uired to submit to bioassay more fre'uently than biwee-ly. c. %fter three months of routine biwee-ly bioassays the fre'uency of bioassay may be reduced at the discretion of the (adiation afety 5fficer. d. %n Pemer#encyP bioassay shall be performed on any individual as soon as possible followin# an incident in which that individual may have received an inta-e in e"cess of = S*i of tritium (AR of %nnual 9imits on Inta-e for tritiumK C6T= S*i). e. Individuals who are re'uired to participate in this pro#ram shall under#o a Ppost/ operationalP bioassay within two wee-s (but not less than two hours) after discontinuin# operations with tritium. !his bioassay shall be performed prior to an individual+s termination of employment with, or withdrawal from the $niversity. =. %ction )oints and *orrespondin# %ctions Routine Monitoring *rogram
.onitorin# Interval (days) @ 1= 30 %dministrative 9imits and *orrespondin# %ctions 6stimate Internal 1ose Investi#ation, corrective U*ommitted 6ffective actions, and additional 7otify 1 2 ( ee 1ose 6'uivalentV ( ee measurements ( ee %ppendi" 8 / ection ;) %ppendi" %) %ppendi" 8 / ection 1) C n*iJml 1A n*iJml 1A;0 n*iJml A n*iJml 10 n*iJml 9C@ n*iJml ; n*iJml 3 n*iJml 30@ n*iJml

&/ecial Monitoring *rogram

.onitorin# Interval (days) 1 ; 3 = A 6 @ %dministrative 9imits and *orrespondin# %ctions 6stimate Internal 1ose Investi#ation, corrective U*ommitted 6ffective actions, and additional 7otify 1 2 ( ee 1ose 6'uivalentV ( ee measurements ( ee %ppendi" B - ection ;) %ppendi" %) %ppendi" B - ection 1) 11 n*iJml ;; n*iJml ;;00 n*iJml 11 n*iJml ;1 n*iJml ;1=9 n*iJml 10 n*iJml ;0 n*iJml ;006 n*iJml 9 n*iJml 19 n*iJml 1C69 n*iJml 9 n*iJml 1@ n*iJml 1@=3 n*iJml C n*iJml 16 n*iJml 16;9 n*iJml C n*iJml 1A n*iJml 1A;0 n*iJml

A. 8ioassay )rocedures are contained in %ppendi" I? to this .anual. A//endi6 A



&henever the tritium concentration in the urine e"ceeds the recording level (value in the first column of the action points table), calculate the internal dose (mrem) as committed effective dose e'uivalent. !he committed effective dose e'uivalent will then be added to the e"ternal effective dose e'uivalent obtained with dosimeters to determine the total effective dose e'uivalent. *alculate the dose by usin# 2) 713.1= /199=, Internal 1osimetry )ro#rams for !ritium 6"posure /.inimum (e'uirements, 7$(6>J*(/=CC=, Interpretation of 8ioassay .easurements, and other appropriate standards and #uides. !o calculate the dose the followin# information must be obtainedK *alculated concentration of tritium in urine at time ,ero .easured concentration of tritium in urine at time t (monitorin# period or time after inta-e) .onitorin# period (days) or time after inta-e



A//endi6 ( 6*!I57 1 &henever the tritium concentration in the urine e"ceeds the derived investigation level (value in the second column of the actions points table), the followin# actions should be ta-enK 1. *alculate the internal dose usin# the methods described in %ppendi" %. ;. %n investi#ation of the operations involved should be carried out to determine the cause of e"posure and to evaluate the potential for further e"posures. 3. If the investi#ation indicates that further wor- in the area mi#ht result in e"posure of a wor-er to concentrations that are e"cessive, the (adiation afety 5ffice will restrict the wor-er from further e"posure until the source of e"posure is discovered and corrected. =. *orrective actions that will eliminate or lower the potential for further e"posures should be implemented. A. % repeat bioassay should be ta-en within a wee- of the previous measurement and should be evaluated within ;= hours after measurement in order to confirm the presence of tritium and to obtain an estimate of its effective half/life for use in estimatin# the committed dose e'uivalent. 6*!I57 ; If the tritium concentration in the urine at any time e"ceeds the notification level (value in the third column of the actions points table), the followin# actions should be ta-enK 1. *arry out all steps described in the above section. ;. %s soon as possible, refer the case to appropriate medical consultation for recommendations re#ardin# the removal of tritium from the body. 3. In accordance with ;A !%* M;C9.;0;, notify the !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices. =. *arry out repeated measurements at appro"imately one wee- intervals at least until the tritium concentration is less than 3 n*iJml. If there is a possibility of lon#er term retention of tritium, continue measurements, as lon# as necessary to ensure that appreciable e"posures do not #o undetected.



2##) "#&*O&AL OF RA"#OAC$#2 !A&$ A) 1 % RAL

6ach %uthori,ed $ser who #enerates waste materials contaminated with radioactive materials or possesses e"cess materials which are candidates for disposal as radioactive waste shall determine the cate#ory of the waste and document the actions ta-en re#ardin# proper disposal. !he most common types of radioactive waste and e"cess materials are 9i'uids, 1ry olids, harps, ealed ources, and %nimal &aste. A)1 Li,uids

9i'uid radioactive waste and e"cess materials #enerally fall into two cate#oriesK %'ueous and non/ a'ueous. !he two types are handled in a different manner. 9i'uid radioactive waste and e"cess materials to be pic-ed up by (adiation afety shall be placed in non/brea-able containers. If a brea-able inner container is used, the non/brea-able outer container shall have a sufficient amount of absorbent to absorb all of the li'uid in the event of an inner container failure. 9i'uid radioactive wastes consistin# of other ha,ardous materials, such as solvents (toluene, "ylene, etc.) used for scintillation countin#, shall not be disposed via the sanitary sewer. !hese li'uids must be collected by (adiation afety for analysis and proper disposal. A)1)1 A,ueous Li,uids %'ueous biode#radable solutions which are considered e"cess materials and which contain radioactive materials may be disposed by laboratory personnel or (adiation afety staff via the sanitary sewer system in accordance with M;C9.;0;(##), if the radioactive material is readily soluble, or is readily dispersible biolo#ical material, in water. (adiation afety shall be responsible for collectin# sanitary sewer release data to determine compliance with the monthly concentration limits (M;C9.;0;(###)(;)(4), !able III) and the sum of fractions re'uirement specified in M;C9.;0;(##)(;)(1). 7otwithstandin# M;C9.;0;(##)(1)(1), the total radioactivity released into the sanitary sewer under the $niversity3s (adioactive .aterial 9icense cannot e"ceed A curies per year of hydro#en/3, one curie per year of carbon/1=, and one curie per year of all other radioactive materials combined. (adiation afety shall #enerate and retain records to demonstrate compliance with these re'uirements. A)1)2 %on3A,ueous Li,uids %ll non/a'ueous li'uids considered radioactive waste or e"cess materials shall be collected in dedicated, mar-ed containers for pic-up by (adiation afety. !he contents of the containers shall be documented and reported to (adiation afety prior to pic-up. (adiation afety shall ma-e a determination of the suitability of the li'uids for further use, and shall recycle or dispose of the non/ a'ueous li'uids per re'uirements of the ;A !%* M;C9. 7on/%'ueous li'uids may be disposed as re#ulated or e"empt waste. If disposed as e"empt waste per ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff), all procedures per )art 4. of this ection will be followed.




"R' &OL#"&

1ry solid radioactive waste #enerated in $niversity activities, which includes li'uids in absorbed, adsorbed, or se'uestered form, may be transferred to (adiation afety for processin# and recyclin# or disposal. 6ach %uthori,ed $ser shall collect the e"cess materials in a dedicated, mar-ed container. !he contents of the container shall be documented on the (adioactive .aterials )ic-up form or e'uivalent and reported to (adiation afety prior to pic-up. (adiation afety shall ma-e a determination of the suitability of the materials for further use, and shall recycle, transfer, or dispose of the materials per re'uirements of the ;A !%* M;C9 per the instructions provided in ection 4.3 of this document. !he followin# instructions shall be observed when pac-a#in# e"cess dry solid materials for pic-up by (adiation afetyK

olids shall be placed in approved radioactive materials containers with plastic ba# liners.

7o sharps capable of penetratin# the plastic liners or li'uids shall be in the dry solids. %ll containers shall be mar-ed G*aution/(adioactive .aterials, unless specifically

e"empted from such mar-in#s by re#ulation. C) L#+0#" &C#%$#LLA$#O% 2#AL&

$sed li'uid scintillation vials which do not meet the specific disposal criteria may be emptied of li'uids and replaced into the ori#inal vial cartons and secured. !he (adioactive .aterials )ic-up form shall note that vials are to be pic-ed up. ") &-AR*&

% GsharpH is #enerally defined as an item which will penetrate the plastic liners placed in a dry solid container with minimal effort. 6"amples of sharps are bro-en #lass, syrin#es, and pipette tips. harps must be pac-a#ed in specially desi#ned containers and must be free of any ha,ardous materials, chemicals, or infectious materials prior to pic-up. harps contaminated with radioactive materials must be pac-a#ed for pic-up by (adiation afety, who will ma-e determination of the classification of the sharps, and will recycle or dispose as waste.

& AL " &O0RC &

%ll sealed sources which are considered radioactive waste shall be held separate from other radioactive wastes for removal by (adiation afety. % determination will be made by (adiation afety as to the disposition of the source. $nder no circumstances shall a sealed source be disposed with other radioactive waste by any %uthori,ed $ser.



F) F)1

&* C#F#C FC && MA$ R#AL& A%" & *ARA$#O% A%" "#&*O&AL &/ecifically 6em/t Materials

;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(1) provides for the disposal of certain e"cess materials without re#ard to its radioactivity.
1) 0.0A microcuries or less of 2/3, */1=, or I/1;A per #ram of medium used for li'uid

scintillation countin# or in vitro clinical or laboratory testin#L

2) 0.0A microcuries or less of 2/3, */1=, or I/1;A per #ram of animal tissue, avera#ed over

the wei#ht of the entire animal. %ll e"cess materials containin# radioactive materials shall be pic-ed up by (adiation afety and a determination shall be made by (adiation afety personnel as to the 'ualification of the materials with re#ard to ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff) per the procedure in para#raph 4.3 of this ection. 1ocumentation shall be #enerated and maintained to verify 'ualification of this waste as e"empt waste. F)2 &.ort3Lived #soto/es D$ G H 400 daysE

olid materials containin# radionuclides with half/lives less than or e'ual to 300 days (e.#. 3;), 33), =A *a, 3A , 1;AI, etc.) may be disposed as specifically e"empt waste provided concentration and annual curie limits as described in the ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(=) and the $niversity3s (adioactive .aterials 9icense are not e"ceeded. !he solid radioactive e"cess materials which contain only radioactive materials with half/lives less than or e'ual to 300 days and no other ha,ardous materials will be separated and placed into containers for disposal. %ll mar-in#s denotin# the material as (adioactive .aterials shall be defaced or removed from items placed into the waste. %ll pertinent data for routine disposal of these materials shall be recorded on the (adioactive .aterials )ic-up form. $pon classification of these materials as waste, disposal of this waste shall be by (adiation afety in accordance with ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(=) and the procedure described in para#raph 4.3 of this ection. hort/lived radioactive materials of W 1;0 days which e"ceed concentrations or amounts for disposal as non/radioactive materials may be held for 1ecay/In/ tora#e per para#raph 4.3.A of this ection. !he (adiation afety 5ffice must be contacted prior to the #eneration of wastes containin# radioactive materials and other ha,ardous materials.




&e/aration and "is/osal of !aste

%ll e"cess radioactive materials which are declared to be waste shall be separated by (adiation afety for disposal per the followin# procedureK F)4)1 *re/aration of !aste
A. #nitial !aste &urvey 3 %ll e"cess materials which are classified as waste will be

processed by (adiation afety at the waste preparation facility. !he (adioactive .aterials )ic-up form will be used to initially separate the waste types into half/lives #reater than 300 days and half/lives W 300 days. !he waste will then be further separated into candidates for disposal per ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff) and (##) and candidates for disposal as radioactive materials. %ppropriate survey instruments may be used to survey the waste for separation into isotope types. If materials with half/ lives #reater than 300 days are mi"ed with materials with half/lives W 300 days, the pac-a#e will be disposed as determined by analysis of the various disposal re'uirements. B. &/ecifically 6em/t !aste 3 !he e"cess materials classified as waste per the description of ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff) and (##), will be separated from other radioactive waste by (adiation afety at the waste preparation facility. %ll si#ns, labels, or other mar-in#s which would indicate that the materials were radioactive shall be permanently and completely defaced or removed. 7o pac-a#e will be sent for disposal until it is ascertained that all conditions of ;A !%* M;C9 are satisfied. If the waste is a non/a'ueous li'uid as defined in )art %.1.;, it will be transferred in containers with no radiation mar-in#s to $niversity 62 2a,ardous .aterials ection for disposal. F)4)2 "is/osal into a $y/e # Landfill %ll materials disposed in a !ype I landfill shall meet the re'uirements of ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(=), and shall not e"ceed the concentration and curie limitations of the $niversity3s 9icense. !he !ype I landfill shall be a !ype I .unicipal solid waste site as defined in the .unicipal olid &aste .ana#ement (e#ulations of the !e"as *ommission on 6nvironmental <uality (!*6<), unless the waste contains a ha,ardous waste as defined in the olid &aste 1isposal %ct. 2a,ardous waste will be disposed at a facility authori,ed to mana#e ha,ardous waste by the !6*<, $ 6nvironmental )rotection %#ency or other appropriate re#ulatory a#ency. F)4)4 "elivery *rocedure to a $y/e # Landfill 1elivery of waste to the !ype I landfill shall comply with the followin# procedureK 1. 7o li'uid wastes are allowed, ;. olid waste shall be containeri,ed in cardboard, wooden or metal containers and free of radioactive material labels,



3. 5nly appropriately trained staff may transport waste, =. $niversity owned or leased vehicle shall be used for transport, A. &aste holdin# area of vehicle shall be secured to prevent unauthori,ed access to the waste followin# loadin# and durin# transport. 6. &aste containers shall be secured in holdin# area to prevent movement normal to transport. @. (adiation afety staff shall have a radiation survey meter, such as a 9udlum .odel 3 with a .odel ==/9 >/. panca-e probe, in the vehicle to perform contamination surveys. C. $pon return from the landfill, perform and document a direct survey of the vehicle3s waste holdin# area. 9. (emove any contamination resultin# from the transport of the waste, and 10. 4ile the survey results with the copy of the waste manifest. F)4)A "is/osal via a Licensed Lo93Level Radioactive !aste Facility %ny radioactive materials classed as waste which do not meet the criteria specified in ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff) or (##) shall be disposed at a facility licensed to accept radioactive materials for disposal. !he materials shall be pac-a#ed accordin# to $ 15!, waste processor, and disposal site re'uirements as applicable, and shall be identified by isotope, 'uantity, chemical form, and any other re'uirements which are levied for the proper manifestin#, processin#, and disposal of these items. (adiation afety may compact the materials for disposal. !ransportation shall be via a carrier licensed to accept and deliver radioactive materials. !he $niversity currently uses the services of a licensed waste bro-er for the off/site treatment andJor disposal of radioactive waste. Infre'uent transfers of solid radioactive waste may be received from the 7uclear 6n#ineerin# !eachin# 9aboratory, $ 7(* 9icense 7o. (/1;9, located at the $niversity3s J.J. )ic-le (esearch *ampus. !he radioactive waste is #enerated by research and educational activities and limited primarily to activated components and compactable materials, such as laboratory protective clothin# and paper. )rior to any transfer of solid radioactive waste from 76!9, the waste shall be characteri,ed to determine for each radioactive material the 'uantity in micro or millicuries, physical and chemical form, as well as volume andJor wei#ht. !he ( 5 shall review the characteri,ation for ade'uacy and determine whether the radioactive material is within the material authori,ations of 9icense 7o. 900=CA. $pon written approval from the ( 5, the transfer may then occur. Immediately upon receipt, the radioactive material inventory records shall be increased based on the waste characteri,ation. !he waste shall be disposed in the same manner as described in the previous para#raph. F)4)> "ecay3in3&torage D"#&E (adioactive materials with half/lives W 1;0 days (e.#. 3;), 33), 3A , 1;AI, etc.) may be held for decay by storin# in a secure area. If more than one isotope is included in the materials held for 1I , the materials shall either be se#re#ated or the lon#est half/life isotope shall be used to compute the amount of time re'uired before disposal may occur. %fter storin# the waste for a sufficiently lon# time so the radioactive material has si#nificantly decayed, the waste shall be surveyed in a low bac-#round area with an appropriate survey instrument to ensure that readin#s are indistin#uishable from bac-#round. 1efacin# or removin# radiation labels is 3@ .ay/09

not re'uired if the labels are otherwise obscured in containers which are not desi#ned to be opened (e.#. sharps or medical waste containers). (ecords shall be maintained to document proper disposal of the material and shall include the followin# informationK 1) !he date of disposal, .anufacturer3s name, model number, and serial number of the survey instrument used, 8ac-#round radiation level, (adiation level measured at the surface of the waste container, 7ame of the individual performin# the survey.

A%#MAL $#&&0 A%" CARCA&& &

%ll animal tissues, carcasses, e"crement, and beddin# which have been contaminated with radioactive materials must be disposed throu#h (adiation afety. !hese items must be double ba##ed to prevent lea-s and tears. %ll description re'uirements of the (adioactive &aste )ic-up form must be met for pic-/up. (adiation afety will pic- up the items and determine the proper type of disposal based on the isotopes and concentration. %nimal disposal will follow the procedures in )art 4.3 of this document, e"cept animals which meet the re'uirements of ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(1) or (##) may be macerated for disposal via the sanitary sewer. %dditional re'uirements are found in %ppendi" ?II of this .anual. -) R L A& #%$O $- A$MO&*- R

(elease of radioactive materials into the atmosphere shall only be incidental to wor-in# with radioactive materials in solid or li'uid form, unless specific permission is #iven to use radioactive #ases by the (adiation afety *ommittee. %lthou#h limitations on the atmospheric effluent are #iven in ;A !%* M;C9.;0;, (adiation afety shall be contacted prior to usin# any radioactive materials in a situation where release to the atmosphere may occur. %ny actions which mi#ht result in release of radioactive materials into the atmosphere shall be conducted in an area with a forced ventilation system such as a fume hood, ventilated #reenhouse, or other area where characteristics of the airflow are -nown. (eleases to the atmosphere shall comply with re'uirements of ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(o)(;) (8)(i). #) R COR"&

%ll e"cess radioactive materials shall be documented prior to pic-/up by (adiation afety on the (adioactive .aterials )ic-up form (or e'uivalent). (adiation afety will document the isotope and 'uantity, chemical form, volume, physical form, date received, )urchase 5rder 7umber (if available), the type of disposition, date of disposal, the concentration in S*iJ#m if ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(1) is used for disposal, the concentration in *iJm3 and *iJyr if ;A !%* M;C9.;0;(fff)(=) is used for disposal, and will retain copies of these records. Information for the instrument used to survey the materials for separation and disposition will be recorded, includin# the name of the surveyor, the date of survey, the instrument type, model number, serial number, and the date of calibration.



2###) A) A)1 1 % RAL Available Resources

M R1 %C' *ROC "0R &

In the event of an emer#ency involvin# radioactive materials, the followin# materials can be obtained by contactin# the (adiation afety 5fficeK coveralls, disposable #loves and shoe covers, respirators, decontamination wash materials, poc-et dosimeters, hi#h/and/low/ran#e survey instruments, radiation si#ns, ta#s, labels, aprons, handlin# ton#s, plastic ba#s, hi#h volume air samplers, filters and vacuum cleanin# e'uipment. A)2 Radiation #ncident

% radiation incident shall be defined as an accident or unusual occurrence that causes unplanned, e"posure to personnel or results in a spill of material. In the event of a radiation incident, the procedures outlined in subse'uent parts of this ection shall be followed immediately. % current list of 6mer#ency )hone 7umbers for (adiation afety shall be available in each area where radioactive materials are used. () ()1 &*#LL& OF RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL& Minor &/ill DH100 microcuriesE

% minor spill is defined as a spill of less than 100 microcuries. !he laboratory shall initiate and complete cleanup operations, and document the spill and cleanup. !he followin# procedures should be followed in the event of a minor spill. )ersonnel are e"pected to use sound Iud#ment in initiatin# clean/up efforts. 7otify persons in the area that a spill has occurred. )revent the spread of contamination by coverin# the spill with absorbent paper. *lean up the spill, wearin# disposable #loves and usin# absorbent paper. *arefully fold the absorbent paper with the clean side out and place in a plastic ba# for transfer to a radioactive waste container. )ut contaminated #loves and any other contaminated disposable material in the ba#. urvey the area with an appropriate low/ran#e radiation detector survey meter or other appropriate techni'ue. *hec- the area around the spill for contamination. %lso chechands, clothin#, and shoes for contamination. %llow no one to return to wor- in the area until the incident is resolved. (eport the incident to the ( 5 promptly if complications are encountered. o *ooperate as needed with the ( 5 andJor (adiation afety staff (e.#., investi#ation of root cause, provision of re'uested bioassay samples). o 4ollow any instructions of the ( 5 andJor (adiation afety staff (e.#., decontamination techni'ues, surveys, provision of bioassay samples, re'uested documentation).



(eminders to ( 5 for .inor pills 4ollow up on the decontamination activities and document the results. %s appropriate, determine cause and corrective actions neededL consider bioassays, if there is a potential for internal contamination. If necessary, notify the !1 2 . ()2 MaIor &/ills DJ100 microcuriesE

% maIor spill is defined as a spill of #reater than 100 microcuries. !he laboratory shall notify the (adiation afety 5fficer and not initiate cleanup operations without authori,ation from the (adiation afety 5ffice. !he followin# procedures should be followed in the event of a maIor spill. )ersonnel are e"pected to use sound Iud#ment in initiatin# clean/up efforts. *lear the area. If appropriate, survey all persons not involved in the spill and vacate the room. )revent the spread of contamination by coverin# the spill with absorbent paper (paper should be dampened, if solids are spilled), but do not attempt to clean it up. !o prevent the spread of contamination, limit the movement of all personnel who may be contaminated. hield the source only if it can be done without further contamination or si#nificant increase in radiation e"posure. *lose the room and loc- or otherwise secure the area to prevent entry. )ost the room with a si#n to warn anyone tryin# to enter that a spill of radioactive material has occurred. 7otify the ( 5 immediately. urvey all personnel who could possibly have been contaminated. 1econtaminate personnel by removin# contaminated clothin# and flushin# contaminated s-in with lu-ewarm water and then washin# with a mild soap. %llow no one to return to wor- in the area unless approved by the ( 5. *ooperate with the ( 5 andJor (adiation afety staff (e.#., investi#ation of root cause, provision of re'uested bioassay samples). 4ollow the instructions of the ( 5 andJor (adiation afety staff (e.#., decontamination techni'ues, surveys, provision of bioassay samples, re'uested documentation).

(eminders to ( 5 *onfirm decontamination of personnel. If decontamination of personnel was not fully successful, consider inducin# perspiration by coverin# the area with plastic. !hen wash the affected area a#ain to remove any contamination that was released by the perspiration. upervise decontamination activities and document the results. 1ocumentation should include location of surveys and decontamination results. 1etermine cause and needed corrective actionsL consider need for bioassays if licensed material is suspected to have been in#ested, inhaled, or absorbed throu#h or inIected under the s-in. If necessary, notify the !1 2 .




#nIuries #nvolving Radioactive Materials

If a person is both inIured and contaminated, the followin# listed action will vary with different accident conditions. *ontact (adiation afety for assistance if needed. 1. 4or serious inIuries, immediately call 911. !reatment of the serious inIury should ta-e precedence over almost all concern for contamination control and radiation e"posure. 7otify (adiation afety. (%fter normal wor-in# hours use emer#ency phone list). 7o transport restrictions should be imposed that would seriously compromise the patient+s medical care. &hen transportin# a contaminated patient to a hospital emer#ency room or the desi#nated emer#ency receivin# point, the followin# procedures should be followedK a.

;. 3. =.

*ontaminated clothin# should be removed if, possible. If s-in decontamination is necessary, wash the patient thorou#hly with soap or deter#ent and water. &rap patient in a clean sheet or blan-et. % representative from (adiation afety should accompany the patient, but do not delay transport if (adiation afety personnel are not present.

c. d. A.

6"ternal contamination is not immediately harmful to the patient unless the s-in is badly punctured or wet. radiation survey has been completed.

6. .inor inIuries can usually be treated at the scene and can usually wait until after an initial 7. *uts which penetrate the s-in offer a point of easy access to the body for radioactive

materials. (adioactive materials should not be allowed to come in contact with a cut anywhere on the body. If a person is cut by a contaminated article, this should receive immediate treatment. It should first be cleansed very thorou#hly. !he wound should be chec-ed for contamination if a hi#h ener#y beta or #amma emitter is -nown to be involved. oft beta and #amma cannot be easily detected in a cut, particularly in the presence of water. *uts involvin# possible contamination should be reported to (adiation afety so that necessary steps can be ta-en immediately to evaluate the contamination. C) M R1 %C' %O$#F#CA$#O%

!he !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices has established a ;=/25$( (%1I595>I*%9 6.6(>67*: % I !%7*6 telephone numberK



D>12E A>?35A@0 !his number shall be used for emer#ency assistance reportin# only. 4or routine business matters call (A1;) C3=/66CC. %dditional assistance may be obtained if necessary by contactin# (adiation afety, $niversity )olice or 911. !he (adiation afety 5fficer shall notify the (adiation afety *ommittee immediately of the occurrence of any radiation incident that may affect the health or well/bein# of any individual.




M R1 %C' *-O% %0M( R& RA"#A$#O% &AF $' M R1 %C' *-O% %0M( R& nvironmental -ealt. and &afety 2A3.our #mmediate Res/onse *ager and *.one )a#erK A1;/C@A/0911 )honeK A1;/6AC/;=11

(adiation afety )ersonnel %ame cott )ennin#ton ?acant 1e&ayne 2olcomb (yan >reen !racy !ippin# *osition (adiation afety 5fficer 1eputy (adiation afety 5fficer (adiation afety pecialist (adiation afety pecialist (eactor 2ealth )hysicist A1;/=@1/;03C A1;/93A/90;3 A1;/=@1/;0;9 A1;/93A/90=@ A1;/;3;/=1@= A1;/C;6/;6@1 Office Alternate

A1;/=@1/;0=; A1;/93A/901A

$niversity 6mer#ency )hone 7umber


!he (adiation afety 5fficer may revise this pa#e as needed.



A** %"#F # K Radiation &afety Committee Members.i/ Roster DAs of February 2010E Chair 1r. >erald 2offmann Vice-Chair 1r. Juan .. anche, Members 1r. 7eal 6. %rmstron# ?ice )rovost for 4aculty %ffairs 5ffice of the 6"ecutive ?ice )resident and )rovost 8enIamin *layton *entennial )rofessor in 8iochemistry 1epartment of *hemistry and 8iochemistry )rofessor ection of .olecular >enetics, .icrobiolo#y and Immunolo#y 9aboratory .ana#er and (eactor 2ealth )hysicist 7uclear 6n#ineerin# !eachin# 9aboratory %ssociate )rofessor *olle#e of )harmacy 1irector 6nvironmental 2ealth and afety ?ice )resident for (esearch 5ffice of the ?ice )resident for (esearch )rofessor 1epartment of )hysics

1r. Jon (obertus 1r. 8ob >. anders

.r. !racy !ippin# 1r. Devin 1alby .r. )eter 9. chneider Ex-Officio Member .r. &. cott )ennin#ton

%ssistant 1irector, . , . ., *2) (adiation afety 5fficer 6nvironmental 2ealth and afety

1rs. 2offmann, (obertus, and 1alby are active %uthori,ed $sers.



A** %"#F ## K *rocedure for Remote &ite 0se of Radioactive Materials 1) *0R*O& !he purpose of this procedure is to provide control for the use of radioactive materials by !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin at sites in the tate of !e"as other than the specific locations listed on tate of !e"as 1epartment of tate 2ealth ervices, 9icense 900=CA. 2) L#C %& R F R %C & !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin is licensed to use radioactive materials at temporary sites throu#hout !e"as per the (adioactive .aterials 9icenseK 5pen form amounts of radioactive materials, specifically *arbon/1= (*/1=) and !ritium (2/3) labeled rea#ents, 6.0 millicuries total. 4) "#&C0&&#O% 4)1 Marine Researc. 9it. O/en Form Materials 4ield research is performed by !he $niversity of !e"as .arine cience Institute aboard a sea#oin# vessel, (J? ((esearch ?essel) "at , while at sea. 1urin# the research protocols, small marine life and water samples are ta-en, brou#ht aboard ship, ta##ed with radioactive materials, processed in e"perimental conditions, and then stored for proper disposal on return to shore. !his research may be performed in international waters, in which case a 4orm 7(*/;=1 is submitted to the $nited tates 7uclear (e#ulatory *ommission re'uestin# reciprocity. 4)2 *rocedures for Control !he procedures detailed here are desi#ned to assist the researcher in achievin# proper safety and in complyin# with relevant re#ulations. 7o procedures can fully replace co#ni,ance and awareness of safety, therefore the procedures are desi#ned to reinforce trainin# and hei#hten attention to the re'uirements of usin# radioactive materials. A) *ROC "0R 3 O* % FORM RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL& 1. *onfirm the presence of the followin# items on the vesselK
A. *opy of !he $niversity of !e"as at %ustin (adioactive .aterials 9icense, includin#

the 9icense *ommitments. 8. tora#e containers for radioactive waste. radioactive materials, and postin#s re'uired by the ;A !%* M;C9, specifically includin# the Notice to Emplo ees an# Stu#ents.
D. )rotective wear, includin# #loves, coats, #lasses, and any other #arments or wear to

C. 9abels and si#ns to denote containers with radioactive materials and cabins which have

prevent contamination of an individual usin# radioactive materials.



6. !ools used to properly handle radioactive materials durin# the e"perimental protocol. 4. %de'uate space dedicated to radioactive materials use, stora#e, and handlin#. >. 1etection e'uipment suitable for detectin# the radioactive materials used in the e"periment. 2. *leanup e'uipment to clean spills. ;. *onfirm all protocols and procedures are approved by the %uthori,ed $ser. 3. *onfirm all individuals who will be performin# the protocol have proper trainin# in the use of radioactive materials. =. .ove the radioactive materials to the vessel, post the cabin in which the materials are located, and ensure proper mar-in# of e'uipment to be used durin# the protocol. A. )erform the e"periment per re'uirements of the protocol. 1urin# the e"periment, ensure containment of all radioactive materials.
6. %fter completion of the e"periment or of the day3s wor-, perform surveys of wor- areas and

e'uipment to determine levels of contamination, if any. @. 1urin# decontamination, clean all e'uipment, and place all cleanin# solutions, materials, and e'uipment which are contaminated into mar-ed containers for disposalJcleanup onshore.
8. *hec- all personnel involved in the e"periment for contamination on hands, feet, and other

areas, and decontaminate if re'uired.

9. %t termination of cruise, perform complete survey of e'uipment and wor- areas. If surveys

indicate contamination levels of 1000 dpmJ100 cm; of surface area, clean the area until the contamination is reduced si#nificantly below this level. 75!6K *opies of all survey data shall be maintained at .arine cience Institute.
10. 5n return to shore, remove all radioactive materials (includin# radioactive waste) from the

vessel and transfer the materials to appropriate stora#e locations. 1ocument the radioactive waste for pic-up by (adiation afety. 1ocument the surveys in the radiation lo# boo-. )erform final survey of the vessel, and record survey readin#s. (emove cabin postin#s and mar-in#s from cleaned containers.



A** %"#F ### K*rocedure for Calibration of Radiation &urvey Meters 1. !he ( 5 will supervise the instrument calibration pro#ram. !he (adiation afety 5fficer and ( * may dele#ate meter calibration activities to approved employees. !hose individuals, approved by the ( 5 or ( * to perform meter calibrations, will be trained on proper meter calibration procedures. ;. % list of instruments to be calibrated is maintained. 3. *alibration shall be performed with a radiation source andJor pulser traceable to the 7ational Institute of tandards and !echnolo#y. =. &e intend to use a .odel ;C/6% calibrator containin# up to 606 m*i of *s/13@. !his source will be an appro"imate point source. !he stren#th of the source shall be sufficient to calibrate the instrument on all ran#es, or at least up to 1 (Jhr on the hi#her ran#es. %ttenuators may be used to reduce the e"posure rate to acceptable rates for calibration. A. 6ach scale of the instrument will be calibrated at least at two points located appro"imately ;0R and C0R of full scale. 4or lo#arithmic rate/chan#in# instruments, a calibration will be made near the mid/ran#e of each decade and two points will be calibrated on at least one of the decades. 6. !he true e"posure rate at any distance from the source shall be calculated based on -nown characteristics of the source and the inverse s'uare law on the date of the calibration of the source. @. !he e"posure rate (or count rate) measured by the instrument under calibration shall not differ from the true rate by more than ;0R at any point of measurement. C. Instrument calibration records shall be maintained by the (adiation afety 5ffice for a minimum of three years. !he records shall include at a minimum the ma-eJmodelJserial number of the instrument, the detector type, the date of calibration, the individual performin# the calibration, and measurements ta-en on each scale. 9. !he date of calibration of the instrument, the initials or other desi#nator of the calibratin# individual, and the date the ne"t calibration is due shall be affi"ed to the instrument on completion. 10. If repairs are made to an instrument, the instrument shall be recalibrated, records shall be #enerated, and the instrument may or may not be ta-en out of its re#ular calibration cycle. %t no time shall the calibration of an instrument e"ceed annual interval.



A** %"#F #2 K (ioassay *rogram *rocedures


- D$R#$#0ME (#OA&&A' *ROC "0R & %. )rior to commencement of operations usin# 'uantities of 32 in e"cess of those listed in !able 3 of ection ?I., authori,ed users shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice of such and provide the names and contact information of those individuals who meet the criteria of J.1.a. of ection ?I. %uthori,ed users shall not permit any individual who meets the criteria of J.1.a. to wor- with or near tritium until they have under#one a baseline bioassay. 8. !he (adiation afety 5ffice shall contact these individuals and schedule a time and place convenient to both parties for the collect of a baseline urine sample. !he (adiation afety staff shall provide participants with plastic containers with screw/ti#ht lids for urine collections. *. !he (adiation afety 5ffice shall analy,e urine samples usin# a li'uid scintillation counter and 7I ! traceable standards. !he volume and countin# time shall be sufficient to have a minimum detectable activity of at least 0.1 n*iJ9. 1. Individuals participatin# in this pro#ram shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice followin# their initial wor- with or near tritium to schedule the first routine bioassay. $pon completion of this first bioassay, a bioassay schedule shall be established for the individual in accordance with J.3.b. of ection ?I. 6. 6"cludin# baseline samples, participants should collect the entire ;=/hour urinary output. !he (adiation afety 5ffice su##ests that participants start the ;=/hour samplin# period with the first urinary elimination in the mornin# and continue until the ne"t mornin#. 5n the container, the participant should record the start and stop days and times for the collection. 4. %ny individual involved in a tritium incident who may have e"ceeded the limit of J.3.d. of ection ?I. shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice immediately. !he (adiation afety 5fficer may re'uest samplin# within ; to =C hours after a suspected or -nown inta-e. >. %ny individual who is participatin# in this pro#ram shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice upon discontinuin# wor- with tritium or prior to terminatin# employment with or otherwise leavin# the $niversity. % final urine sample should be provided for a post/operational bioassay within ten days of the last possible e"posure. 2. In the event an administrative limit is e"ceeded in ection ?I.=., the applicable actions specified in the appendices of ection ?I. shall be followed.




# and 141# (#OA&&A' *ROC "0R &K %. )rior to commencement of operations usin# 'uantities of 1;AI or 131I in e"cess of those listed in !able ; of ection ?I., authori,ed users shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice of such and provide the names of those individuals who meet the criteria of >.1 of ection ?I. %uthori,ed users shall not permit any individual who meets the criteria of >.1. to wor- with or near radioiodines until they have under#one a baseline bioassay. 8. !he (adiation afety 5ffice shall contact these individuals and schedule baseline bioassays at a time and place convenient to both parties. *. Individuals participatin# in this pro#ram shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice followin# their initial contact with radioiodine to schedule the first routine bioassay (to be performed within 6/@; hours). $pon completion of this first bioassay, a bioassay schedule shall be established for the individual in accordance with >.;.b. and >.;.c. of ection ?I. 1. %ny individual involved in a radiolo#ical incident who may have e"ceeded the limits of >.3.b. of ection ?I. shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice immediately. 6. %ny individual who is participatin# in this pro#ram shall notify the (adiation afety 5ffice prior to terminatin# employment with or otherwise leavin# the $niversity. 4. 8ioassay shall be performed by individuals desi#nated by the (adiation afety 5fficer and shall be conducted in accordance with the detailed bioassay test instructions as modified to the specific test area. >. % bac-#round shall be ta-en of the room environmentL a readin# shall be ta-en of the individual3s thi#h, and a readin# of the individual3s thyroid for each bioassay.



A** %"#F 2 K Radioactive Material Laboratory Audit Form



$- 0%#2 R&#$' OF $ FA& A$ A0&$#% 67?I(57.67!%9 26%9!2 %71 %46!: (adiation afety DRevisedL May 2009E (adioactive .aterial 9aboratory %udit 4orm #n order to ensure o/erations are carried out safely and in com/liance 9it. $.e $e6as "e/artment of &tate -ealt. &ervices regulations= as 9ell as 0$ /olicies and /rocedures= Radiation &afety staff conducts /eriodic audits of laboratories) "uring t.e course of eac. audit bot. e6ternal radiation levels and surface contamination levels may be monitored) Also revie9ed are t.e labMs radionuclide inventory= survey records= and training records) Any discre/ancies encountered during t.e audit 9ill be discussed 9it. t.e aut.oriNed user or designee) (uildingDsEL Aut.oriNed 0serL
YES$ Satis%actor Compliance

RoomDsEL #soto/eDsEL
NO$ Unsatis%actor Compliance N&A$ Not Applica'le ort O'ser(e#

:es 1 ; 3 = A 6 @

7o 7J%

:es 9ab i#ns and )ostin#s (adiation afety .anual *opy of %uthori,ation (%. Inventory (ecords (%. &aste (ecords (eceiptJ$seJ&aste, (ecords match $ser urveys C 9 10 11 1; 13 1=









!rainin# (ecords 1osimeters )roperly &orn (%. ecurity )roper hieldin# $se %reas 1emarcated (%. *ontainer 9abels urvey Instruments

See continuation s)eet as necessar %or %urt)er #etail

Re/ort Attac.mentsL Audited byL Revie9ed byL

#ns/ection "ateL &ignatureL &ignatureL "ateL "ateL



!26 $7I?6( I!: 54 !6E% %! %$ !I7 67?I(57.67!%9 26%9!2 %71 %46!: (adiation afety DRevisedL May 2009E (adioactive .aterial 9aboratory %udit 4orm *ontinuation heet Aut.oriNed 0serL "ate of Audit OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO



A** %"#F 2# K A//lication to 0se Radioactive Material



A**L#CA$#O% $O 0& RA"#OAC$#2 MA$ R#AL ((evisedK .ay ;009) !26 $7I?6( I!: 54 !6E% %! %$ !I7 67?I(57.67!%9 26%9!2 %71 %46!: (%1I%!I57 %46!: 544I*6 6( ;;1, .ail *ode *;600 A1;/=@1/3A11, 4%EK A1;/=@A/63C3 !his form shall be completed and returned to the (adiation afety 5fficer (( 5). (It is su##ested that an electronic draft be submitted to the ( 5 for review and comment prior to obtainin# the re'uired si#natures.) 5nly upon notification of approval shall use of radioactive material be permitted. )lease type or electronically submit this form. 2and/written forms will not be accepted. 1) 7ame, department, campus address, phone number, and email of person responsible for possession, use, and disposal of radioactive materialK

;) %ddress of 9aboratory or place of use and stora#e, if different from 1)K

3) 7ame, $!6I1 and title of individual(s) who will use or supervise the use of radioactive materialK

=) %pplicant3s previous permits, authori,ations or e'uivalent obtained under a 7(* or %#reement tate license or re#istrationK



A) (adioactive material for which authori,ation is desired. (8e specific. 9ist each radioactive material with the ma"imum 'uantity and chemicalJphysical form of each to be used in each procedure and to be possessed at any one time)K

6) 1escribe, in detail, proposed uses for radionuclide(s) identified in item A) and period of time radioactive material use is re'uested (use additional sheets if necessary)K

@) 1escribe procedures which will assure radiation doses to faculty, staff and students are As Lo9 As Reasonably Ac.ievable (%9%(%) K

C) 1escribe the types of radioactive waste to be #enerated and radioactive waste collection and handlin# procedures (e.#., chemical and physical form of the waste, radioactive materials in each waste stream, other ha,ardous or potentially infectious materials present, total activity or concentration of radioactive material, and type of li'uid scintillation coc-tail used, if applicable).

9) 1escribe personnel trainin# and e"perience. Include, at a minimum, individual(s) identified in item 3)K



10) !ype and number of radiation detection instruments available for surface contamination and area surveysK

11) )roposed personnel monitorin# devices (Y1 m*i of )/3; manipulated at one time, re'uires whole body and rin# dosimeters)K

1;) *learly identify locations(s) of use and describe facilities to be used (include fume hoods, sin-s, refri#eratorJfree,er, etc.). Include a detailed s-etch of the location(s) with this applicationK

13) 1escribe radiation survey procedures, methods of locatin# and remediatin# radioactive contamination, and record -eepin# of survey resultsK

1=) If animals are to be used, describe procedures (handlin#, disposal, etc.)K



1A) In the event of an accident, describe emer#ency proceduresK





A** %"#F 2## 3 *rocedures for Laboratory Animal and 2eterinary Medicine 0ses !his procedure provides additional information on the use of byproduct materials in laboratory animals, in animals used for research in the environment, and by veterinarians. $raining 8efore allowin# an individual to care for animals used in studies with or treated with licensed material, the ( 5 and %$ shall ensure that the user has sufficient trainin# and e"perience to maintain doses %9%(%, control contamination, handle waste appropriately, etc. *lassroom trainin# (which may be live or via video, computer, etc.) will cover the followin# areasK )rinciples and practices of radiation protection. (adioactivity measurements, monitorin# techni'ues, and usin# instruments. .athematics and calculations basic to usin# and measurin# radioactivity. 8iolo#ical effects of radiation.

%ppropriate on/the/Iob/trainin# will consist ofK 5bservin# authori,ed personnel usin# survey e'uipment, usin# proper contamination control techni'ues, and proper disposal of radioactive material. $sin# survey e'uipment, proper contamination control techni'ues, and proper disposal of radioactive material procedures under the supervision of, and in the physical presence of, an individual authori,ed to handle animals treated with licensed material or otherwise containin# licensed material. )rocedures for ensurin# animal rooms are loc-ed or otherwise secured unless attended by the %uthori,ed $ser or appropriately trained users of the radioactive material.

Laboratory Animals Contamination Control and !aste -andling In order to minimi,e the spread of contamination, animals used in studies with or treated with licensed material should be housed in ca#es or stalls separate from other animals. !he ca#es or stalls shall be secured to prevent unauthori,ed access to the animals. Individuals carin# for these animals should reduce the chance of personal contamination by wearin# #loves, lab coat, and eye protection, as appropriate. pecial care should be observed when cleanin# the ca#e or stall. !he ca#e or stall, the beddin#, and waste from the animal may contain radioactive material. %ny radioactive material should be properly disposed of as described in the section waste processin# procedures for animal materials. 1isposal of laboratory animals that contain radioactive material re'uire special procedures. %nimal carcasses that contain less than 1.CA -8'J#ram (0.0A microcuriesJ#ram) of carbon/1=, hydro#en/3, or iodine/1;A may be disposed of by the same method as non/radioactive animal



carcasses. %nimal carcasses that contain byproduct material with a half/life of less than or e'ual to 1;0 days may be allowed to decay/in/stora#e in a free,er dedicated for radioactive material. %nimal carcasses must be held for a sufficiently lon# time so the radioactive material has si#nificantly decayed based on the lon#est lived isotope present. %fter stora#e, the animal carcasses may be disposed as non/radioactive, if radiation surveys (performed in a low bac-#round area and without any interposed shieldin#) of the carcasses at the end of the holdin# period indicate that radiation levels are indistin#uishable from bac-#round. 2eterinary 0se $raining %ll veterinary personnel that come in contact with animals that have been treated with radioactive materials will have ta-en the (adiation &or-er trainin# specified in ection ?I. of this document. Animal Materials #) 7o animal waste will be pic-ed up for disposal prior to suitable deactivation of infectious a#ents. 4our types of radioactive waste are #enerated from animal e"perimentsL beddin#, dry, bloodJurine, and carcasses. 6ach type is to be se#re#ated and prepared for disposal. 8eddin# 1. !his consists of beddin# material only. 8eddin# is to be double ba##ed in plastic ba#s. ;. eparate the beddin# material by the half/life of the isotope that was used on the animal (>reater than or less than 300 day half/life). olid or dry waste also follows the &aste )rocessin# )rocedures located in ection ?II. 8loodJ$rine 1. *ollect bloodJurine separately in plastic container. ;. 4ollow the bul- li'uid waste procedures located in ection ?II. *arcasses 1. eparate carcasses with a half/life less than or e'ual to 1;0 days and double ba# in plastic ba#s. ;. eparate carcasses with a half/life #reater than 300 days and those that are less than 0.0A S*iJ#ram for 2/3, */1=, and I/1;A. !hese carcasses should be double/ ba##ed in plastic ba#s with as much of the air removed as possible. 3. 4or those that have content #reater than 0.0A S*iJ#ram for 2/3, */1=, and I/1;A label hi#h concentration and separate from the other carcasses. =. %ll carcasses should be -ept fro,en until (adiation afety pic-s them up.


###) #2) 2)



A** %"#F 2### 3 &ealed &ource #nventory DAs of May 2009E Aut.oriNed 0ser Res/onsibilities % 'uarterly inventory form will be #enerated for the %uthori,ed $sers. !he %$s will perform a 'uarterly inventory of their sealed sources usin# the computeri,ed inventory form. !he %$ will verify the accuracy of the information, complete the inventory form (see sample form and inventory below), and promptly return the completed form to the (adiation afety 5ffice. Radiation &afety &taff Res/onsibilities !he (adiation afety staff shall ensure that all of the distributed forms have been returned. !hey will identify any discrepancies between the records and the items noted on the inventory forms. %ny discrepancies will be investi#ated and resolved. Follo93u/; nforcement *rocedures for Com/liance In the event the %$ fails to return the completed inventory form, (adiation afety staff will send a written reminder to return the completed form. 4ailure of the %$ to respond within the allotted time period will result in a formal, non/compliance letter sent to the 1epartment 2ead with a copy sent to the %$. !he (adiation afety staff will perform a physical inventory of the sealed sources in the authori,ed place of use. %ny %uthori,ed $ser who twice, in one year, fails to return a completed <uarterly Inventory form in a timely manner resultin# in (adiation afety staff havin# to physically inventory the sources shall have a formal letter of non/compliance addressed to the appropriate 1ean and copied to the (adiation afety *ommittee. 4urther action may be ta-en by the ( * or (adiation afety 5fficer resultin# in confiscation of the sealed sources by (adiation afety and revocation of the %$3s authori,ation. 6ce/tions to t.e *olicyL %ny e"ceptions to established policy are at the discretion of the ( * or ( 5.



&ealed &ource #nventory

61 .ay/09

D$.is /age 9as intentionally left blan8E



A** %"#F #F 3 *eriodic #ntervals It is reco#ni,ed that periodic inspection, calibration, testin#, etc. is re'uired to maintain a successful radiation safety pro#ram. !he intervals as listed below are to provide operational fle"ibility and not to reduce fre'uency of the re'uired tas-. !he listed intervals were chosen to be consistent with those authori,ed in licenses issued to the $niversity by the $ 7(*. 6stablished fre'uencies shall be maintained over the lon# term. %llowable intervals shall not e"ceed the followin#K %nnual F not to e"ceed 1A months emiannual F not to e"ceed @.A months <uarterly F not to e"ceed = months .onthly F not to e"ceed 6 wee-s &ee-ly F not to e"ceed 10 days



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