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Digestive Disorders:

A 3-2-1 Inquiry Fact Sheet Project

/45 marks (25% of unit)

Ms. Hammond, 2014

For this project, you will research a digestive disorder of your choice (this disorder must be
presented and approved by me before you proceed) either individually or with a partner. You will
present this information in the form of a fact sheet, which will be submitted to me near the end of
the unit (prior to the test). These factsheets will be uploaded online so that the entire class may
access them, since you will need them to study for your unit test.
The purpose of this project is for you to demonstrate your learning about how digestive disorders
(B11-2-11) impact the structures and functions of the digestive system (B11-2-01), the actual
processes involved in digestion (B11-2-02 B11-2-03, B11-2-04, B11-2-06), and the bodys uptake of
nutrients (B11-2-08, B11-2-09). The assignment will also exhibit several foundational science skills
including inquiry, scientific thinking, and evaluation.
Things you MUST Include (be specific):
o The name of the disorder (both scientific and common names)
o An image that is relevant to the disorder
o A description of the disorder (approx. 1 paragraph)
o A description of how the disorder impacts digestion in terms of both the breakdown of food,
and the absorption of nutrients (approx. 1 paragraph)
o The signs and symptoms of the disorder
o Long-term effects and consequences
o Be sure to include which structures and functions within the digestive system the
disorder affects, and in which ways they are affected
o Treatment and prevention options
o Include specific reference to changes that could be made in diet (along with an
explanation of why these changes should or must be made)
o Any interesting, and relevant facts about the disorder (worth up to 3 bonus marks)
You will be assessed on the following criteria (a rubric will be provided later):
o The quality of your information (5x5 = 25 marks)
o Including: relevance of info, how well each criteria is described
o The organization of your information (5 marks)
o Including aesthetic appeal, readability, coherence
o The accessibility of your information (5 marks)
o Including word selection, spelling, grammar, syntax
o The selection and citation of at least 6 sources (10 marks)
o Including the reliability and recording of sources
o Min. 3 web sources, 2 written, 1 primary (eg. doctor, professor, sufferer)
*NOTE: You MUST fill out the project proposal sheet (see back of handout) and have it
reviewed and signed by me before beginning your research!

Digestive Disorders: Project Proposal Sheet

Group Members (1 or 2):

Ms. Hammond, 2014


Chosen Digestive Disorder: __________________________________________________________________________________

Brief Description of Disorder: ________________________________________________________________________________
Reason for Choosing: _________________________________________________________________________________________
Can you find information about the following? (if yes, place a check mark beside the criteria):
o How the disorder impacts digestion
o How the disorder affects digestive organs
o Changes that could be made in diet
1 Primary Resources (eg. doctor, professor, sufferer of the disorder)
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
3 Specific Online or Print Resources (be specific Google is not acceptable)
1. ______________________________________________________________________________
2. ______________________________________________________________________________
3. ______________________________________________________________________________

Ms. Hammonds Signature & The Date: _________________________________________________________________

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