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UNIVERSIDAD NACIONAL DE INGENIERA Facultad de Ingeniera Industrial y de Sistemas


Ing. Margarita D. Mondragn

Clase 9 Octubre 22, 2009

AgostoAgosto -Diciembre 2009

El Protocolo Electrnico - La etiqueta con la tecnologa moderna de comunicaciones. El telfono, el e-mail, el chat (messenger) Cmo nos comunicamos? Comunicaciones escritas, a otras empresas, a organismos pblicos, a otros departamentos de la empresa, a colegas amigos , Redaccin, Ortografa. Cmo organizar el trabajo de tu equipo? Organiza tu tiempo, conversa con tu equipo para que transmitas tus instrucciones generales. Recibes ideas, propuestas, eres innovador, tradicional, conservador? Organiza tu portafolio, tu agenda, tus llamadas telefnicas para establecer citas, reuniones de trabajo

1. Anfitrin en la cena de negocios 2. Algo de cultura general : China y la fabricacin de tubos de cobre El show del chocolate La prueba de confianza en equipos electrnicos 3. La comunicacin electrnica : e-mail, chat, video conferencia 4. Etiqueta tecnolgica 5. Diez recomendaciones para armar su agenda 6. CONCLUSIONES

1. Anfitrin en la cena de negocios

No olvidar: Una buena mesa va acompaada de una grata conversacin

Y si usted resulta ser el anfitrin, no lo olvide: Usted se encarga del xito de la reunin. Su conversacin debe de ser muy motivadora, muy inteligente, cultura general, cultura de negocios.

Hacer negocios durante una cena puede ser una buena tarea: lograr que su cliente lo conozca mejor, lograr tal vez cerrar el negocio ms rpido. no lo hace bien...olvdese, el cliente potencial...nunca ms regresar.

Familiarizarse con el restaurant, as no tendr sorpresas. Llegue temprano Vstase apropiadamente No beba mucho Mantenga fluidez en la conversacin Y..todo ir bien.

Si se trata de una cena, por lo menos haga la invitacin una semana antes Si se trata de un desayuno o un almuerzo: considere unos tres (3) das de anticipacin como mnimo.

Recordar No. 1: Revise bien su agenda antes de fijar la fecha. Es obvio , pero en el caso que sea usted el que tiene que postergar la fecha o cancelarla, dar una total muestra de su desorganizacin y el cliente podra tener la seal de estar perdiendo su tiempo.

Hable con tiempo con el restaurant. Indique que se trata de una cena de negocios, que todo debe salir bien, que usted es el que paga la cuenta..que es una cena muy importante para su empresa. Llegue muy temprano al lugar. Si puede pagar la cuenta con anticipacin, lo contrario...maneje el asunto del dinero con toda la seguridad del caso.

Recuerde No. 2: No olvide ubicarse estratgicamente en la mesa. Ubique la mesa con tiempo. Asegrese que su invitado tendr el mejor escenario. Hacia los jardines, hacia el acuario Es una cena de negocios y no va a estar gritando en la mesa. Si son dos invitados: uno estar al frente y otro a su lado..

Al momento de ordenar, el anfitrin har algunas recomendaciones primero. Por ejemplo dir: El plato xxx es la especialidad de la casa, lo mejor de la ciudad.... ..los vinos XXX los tienen muy bien seleccionados. Permita que su invitado ordene primero.

No es recomendable mirar el reloj todo el tiempo. Una cena durar 2 a 3 horas Un almuerzo: 1.30 hs Un desayuno: cerca de una hora

En qu momento hablar de negocios? Como anfitrin: usted es el que decide el momento. Si es una cena de negocios: esto es un evento social. Permita que el plato principal haya concluido, antes de entrar en detalles. Si es almuerzo, espere a que usted haya ordenado, as no ser interrumpido. Si es desayuno: esto es muy rpido as que pronto vaya al punto.

Si algo va mal en la atencin, disctalo en privado con los encargados del restaurant. No lo haga delante de su invitado

Recuerdo No. 3: Limite las bebidas alcohlicas que usted y su cliente van a consumir en la cena. La cena es de negocios, no se trata de un reencuentro de amigos de juventud... Limitarse a dos copas de vino. Si su cliente se sobrepasa...disclpese de la mesa un momento, vaya donde el mozo e indquele que no sirva ms bebidas alcohlicas...

Su conducta durante la cena puede determinar su xito profesional Si usted ha manejado todos los detalles correctamente y ha hecho esfuerzos para que su cliente tenga una cena agradable, este cliente asumir que en los negocios usted ser igual de cuidadoso. Tenga por seguro que harn negocios de largo plazo con su empresa.

2. Algo de cultura general:

La fabricacin de tubos de cobre en China.

Los tubos de cobre son utilizados en instalaciones industriales y domsticas: conduccin de fluidos: agua caliente, gas, aire acondicionado y refrigeracin


El Grupo Hailiang es una empresa privada, la ms grande fabricante China de productos de cobre y latn: barras y tubos de Cobre , accesorios

Hailiang desarrolla actividades industriales, comerciales, educacin e investigacin cientfica

Se estableci en 1989 en la antigua ciudad de Xishi-Zhuii de la Provincia de Zhejiang. Emplea a 3mil personas. La empresa tiene un rea industrial de 0.30 millas cuadradas

Hailiang cre el primer grupo educacional en la Provincia de Zhejiang: Zhejiang Hailing Grupo educacional.

Tubos cobre: 180 mil t/ao

Barras de latn

Accesorios de latn

Globalizacin: El Grupo Hailiang considera la importancia que tiene el cliente para el negocio: El mercado es primero y el cliente es primordial. Esta empresa tienen oficinas comerciales en 6 ciudades importantes de China entre las que se encuentra Beijing, Oingdao y Guangzhou. Paralelamente a posicionarse en el mercado local, explora vender en 25 pases y regiones: EEUU, Japn, Gran Bretaa, Malasia, Los Emiratos Arabes, Francia, Italia, Australia, y otros.

El departamento de negocios internacionales es el responsable de las operaciones de importaciones y exportaciones, de suscribir convenios joint venture y buscar el desarrollo de nuevas tecnologas.

Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group

Golden Dragon es el holding de empresas como Jiangsu Canghuan Copper Products, Zhuhai Longfeng Precise Copper Tube, Shanghai Longyang Precise Compound Copper Tube, Zhongke Science and Technology, Wuxi Golden Dragon Kawamura Precise.

La firma china Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group, es la ms grande productora de este rubro en China. Producir este ao 320 mil tons y el prximo ao 500 mil tons. Tiene el 60% de la produccin China. Desde Junio 2007, viene trabajando en la instalacin de una planta en Mxico, Monclova - Coahuila, con una inversin de $100 millones de dlares. Busca abastecer desde Mxico al mercado americano. Se estima que esta planta estar prepara para crecer hasta alcanzar 120,000 toneladas de produccin de piezas de cobre; sin embargo, en la primera etapa se fabricarn 60,000 toneladas. La produccin debe de comenzar a fines del ao 2008.

La actual crisis del mercado subprime americano, generado por deudas hipotecarias incobrables, ha afectado al mercado de ventas de viviendas, afectando tambin la demanda de tubos de cobre y accesorios de cobre de origen chino para las instalaciones de agua, aire acondicionado. Se estima que el crecimiento de las exportaciones chinas de este rubro ser de 5% en el ao 2008,cayendo del 8% de este ao 2007. Los EEUU es el 2do consumidor a nivel mundial de estos productos.

La crisis hipotecaria que comenz en Julio-Agosto del 2007 en los EEUU redujo las rdenes de exportaciones de Golden Dragon Precise Copper Tube Group a los EEUU, entre 30% al 40% comparado con el 1er semestre de este ao. Segn el International Copper Study Group, la demanda de cobre de los EEUU cay en 2.7% en el 1er semestre 2007. Las ventas de casas usadas cay en 8% llegando a una cifra anualizada de 5.04 millones en Septiembre de este ao.

China produce cerca de 60 millones de equipos de aire acondicionado , de los que 20 millones son vendidos en el mercado local y el resto es exportado. Este rubro de aire acondicionado es el principal consumidor de tubos de cobre.

PERU: La llegada del gas de Camisea a nuestros hogares significa instalaciones de tubos de cobre para las instalaciones domsticas del gas natural. Nuestro consumo de tubos de cobre lleg a 590 mil tons en el ao 2006. El 55% importado de Chile y el 39% de China. Per no produce tubos de cobre. Nuestro principal rubro de consumo sigue siendo refrigeracin.

En lo que va de este ao 2007, vamos importando 614 mil tons de tubos de cobre de los que el 63% tienen origen China. Chile como abastecedor viene siendo desplazado al 32%. Se acabaron los aos en los que Chile era el abastecedor principal con ms del 80% del material importado.


White chocolate is fashioned into a sculpture of baby Jesus at the Porto food fair November 13, 2005. Expected to be the largest chocolate nativity scene in the world, 15 workers started work on 12 metric tons (13 tons) of chocolate on Sunday. The scene is expected to be finished in a week.

A woman works on a baby Jesus made out of white chocolate beside a figure of the Virgin Mary at the Porto food fair November 13, 2005. Expected to be the largest chocolate nativity scene in the world, 15 workers started work on 12 tons of chocolate on Sunday. The scene is expected to be finished in a week.

A worker fashions one of the three wise men out of dark chocolate at the Porto food fair November 13, 2005.

A worker fashions one of the three wise men out of dark chocolate at the Porto food fair November 20, 2005.

A worker works on a figure made of chocolate at the Porto food fair November 20, 2005

A model dressed as a chocolate martini toasts the crowd during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

Models wear creations made mostly of chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a white chocolate skirt and carries a chocolate purse during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a jacket made from chocolate, fabric and fruit leather during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a creation made mostly of chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005

A model wears chocolate accessories backstage before the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A dress is decorated with chocolate accents at the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a creation made mostly of chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a creation made mostly of chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model's body is painted with chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

A model wears a creation made mostly of chocolate during the 8th Annual Chocolate Show in New York November 8, 2005.

La prueba de confianza en equipos electrnicos

Password Type in your user name and password, click "submit" and you're in.

Fingerprint Reader Fingerprint readers are small, inexpensive and heading mainstream-Lenovo has already sold more than 1 million laptops with built-in readers.

Location Some risk-based systems look at where you are to help determine if it's you. If you log in from Chicago at noon and from Germany at 1 p.m., something is not right

Behavior Behavioral biometrics can range from the way you move your mouse to the way you answer questions about personal memories

Face Matching Scanners measure facial features and geometry, such as the relative distance between nose and mouth. A digital pattern will ideally work even if a person gains or loses weight or grows facial hair.

Voice Recognition Software analyzes voices to identify the speaker. Vocal biometrics are particularly useful for telephone- or voice-over-InternetProtocol-based transactions.

Hand Reader These devices make more than 90 measurement s to verify the user in less than a second.

Typing Some companies have developed software that uses your typing patterns for biometric security.

Vein Readers Near-infrared light helps a camera take an image of blood vessels in a single finger. Vessel patterns are almost impossible to fake--companies claim there's a one in a million chance of false acceptance

Eye Scanning While fingerprints can be faked, it's hard to imagine someone walking around with a bag of phony eyeballs. Iris scanners are expensive but are among the most secure.


Cules son las maneras de comunicarse en el cyber espacio

E-mail Mensajes instantneos Chat Paneles de Mensajes

Sistemas uno a uno: E-mail Mensajes

Sistemas grupales:
Chat Paneles de mensajes

Qu hacer y qu no hacer en sus mensajes 1. Vaya directo al punto. Las personas tienen que atender muchos mensajes 2. No tipear en letras maysculas. Parecer que est gritando 3. No utilice jerga idioma rudo 4. Verifique la gramtica, redaccin, ortografa 5. Piense dos veces antes de usar el sarcasmo. No se ve su cara, no se escucha su tono de voz, as que piense bien antes de utilizar el sarcasmo

6. Para hacer claro su mensaje puede utilizar caritas sonrientes,-emoticons 7. Cuando reciba un mensaje rudo, no responda de la misma manera. El mal es nuestro protocolo.

En el caso de e-mails: 1. Ponga su nombre al final del mensaje 2. No enviar mensajes sin el permiso de quien lo va a recibir.
Businessmen sit at computer screens checking the Internet and their email in the AOL Cybercafe at the 2005 Milken Institute Global Conference in Beverly Hills April 18, 2005.

Chat: 1. Observe el chat al que busca ingresar. Identifique las reglas antes de participar. 2. No haga perder el tiempo a otras personas. Si el chat abierto tiene un tema, no ande por las ramas, ni salte a otro. 3. No olvide que est compartiendo el chat con personas reales, aunque usted no conozca sus caras. 4. No pregunte informacin que usted sabe no es seguro proporcionar

5. No haga preguntas personales que usted no hara cara a cara 6. No llene la pantalla con caracteres innecesarios.

1. Si usted recibe un mensaje instantneo y no tiene tiempo de responder, hgalo conocer a la persona . 2. Si la persona a quien usted enva mensajes no responde, no siga enviando mensajes. No insista. 3. Si conoce cara a cara a la persona que le enva mensajes, es aceptable utilizar cortes de palabras, si ambos conocen el significado.

4. Etiqueta tecnolgica

Technology EtiquetteNetiquette Here are some tips to keep in mind when minding your online manners: 1. Always Respond Junk mail and forwards are one thing, but you should always respond to a real message, whether its to invite you to a meeting or a hello from an old friend. 2. Whats the Story? Dont keep your readers in suspense, use the Subject line to alert the receiver to the subject matter of your message. Youre likely to get a faster response.

3. Addresses Ad-nauseum When sending out an e-mail to a long list of recipients, consider using an address book function that doesnt list all recipients in the to header. Having to scroll past a long list of addresses to get to the message itself is annoying to many. Plus, many people may not like having their e-mail address displayed to others. 4. Rapid Fire Responses If you only check your e-mail once a week, let people know. Otherwise, they may take offense at not receiving a timely (which when it comes to e-mail can mean immediate) response from you. 5. Watch Your Language While our e-mail culture is full of its own shorthand, its best to always reread your messages before sending to make sure there are no grammatical or spelling errors in your message.

6. Know Your Role If youre sending out e-mail that is religious, political or pornographic, be sure to know that your intended recipient wants to receive it. In many business settings, transferring pornographic materials via e-mail is grounds for dismissal. 7. Avoid Spam When you surf or shop retail sites on the Internet, watch out for the free newsletter and customer update e-mail check boxes. If you sign up, you will be receiving regular e-mail that may not interest you.

8. Keep it Professional At work, keep all personal information out of e-mail. This isnt the venue for dissing coworkers or spilling the beans about your weekend adventures with the copier man. 9. Selectively Select Send to All. Only the most relevant work-related messages should be sent to all recipients. Private messages, or messages that only apply to a few recipients should never be sent this way. 10. Address Updates If you are leaving your job, be sure that your e-mail account is closed and that incoming messages get forwarded to the appropriate person. Also, be sure to let everyone know your new e-mail address.

El Telfono

Tomado de :

Tips for Effective Telephone Use If you are right-handed, put your phone on the LEFT SIDE of the desk -- so you can hold the phone and take notes at the same time. Don't feel compelled to ANSWER the phone every time it rings -it's okay to let a a call go to voice mail if you are working and don't want to be interrupted. Let people know, on your answering machine, exactly when you will RETURN CALLS -- don't leave people hanging in "voice-mail limbo." When leaving messages, use VOICE MAIL as a time-saving tool -tell people exactly what you need, how to contact you, and the best time to reach you.

When leaving messages with a human being, ask that person to REPEAT your message back to you to make sure they got it right. Ask if SOMEONE ELSE can help you, rather than leaving a message -- you may be taken care of quicker by another person. Respect other people's time -- gather together all the information you need to take care of a request BEFORE you return a phone call. Learn to use all of the FUNCTIONS on your phone -- call forwarding, do not disturb, conferencing -- to be as effective as possible at work.

La video conferencia /etiquette/technology/vide o_conference.htm

Technology EtiquetteVideo Conference Etiquette Tips

President Bush has been doing it weekly to confer with his national security team. Even Wendy's International, the fast-food giant, has just announced a deal to equip eight locations. In the last six weeks companies have turned to video conferencing to strategize, sell, recruit, and react

Manners matter. Nothing has made video conferencing seem more relevant to our daily business life than the combination of a national tragedy and a weakening economy. It saves money and time. It helps build relationships. It lets us share knowledge. It cuts down on air travel.

But it can have its drawbacks, especially when those participating don't work from established ground rules. Like any other convergence of people and new technology, considering etiquette guidelines will make video conferencing a productive and enjoyable experience

Adopt some etiquette guidelines. Want your employees to embrace video conferencing? Then adopt and abide by some simple video conferencing etiquette guidelines. Failure to lay down some ground rules and educate people about them will likely lead to your expensive video conferencing equipment gathering dust in the back of the conference room. Here are the Emily Post Institute's tips on videoconferencing

Be prepared. Test Equipment in advance. Have a contingency plan. Allow participants a brief "practice session" to familiarize them with the equipment and set-up. Run video conference sessions according to a well thought out agenda. Let participants know ahead of time what to expect and who will be present. Set clear objectives regarding what will be accomplished in the session and communicate them to participants. Appearance counts. Remind participants that they should dress as they would for an in person meeting.

Lights, camera, action! Begin and end on time. Introduce all participants. Speak clearly and loudly. Make eye contact with the camera and with other participants in your room. Use names to direct questions to specific people. Consider using name plates. Don't speak over people or interrupt. Don't be too close to the camera. Avoid making excessive background noise, like rustling papers.

Turn off beepers, watch alarms and cell phones. Don't leave the room unless absolutely necessary.

Convert the masses. A 1997 study of Swedish companies found four key factors affect the successful integration video conferencing: The technology is embraced by upper management. People are most comfortable using video conferencing when the surroundings are similar to those of an in-person meeting. Familiarity with the equipment increases people's faith in the technology. One key person can motivate an entire corporation to use and enjoy video conferencing. To get your staff on board, point out to them the specific goals that video conferencing helped you accomplish. "We completed the budget forecasting 30 percent faster this year because of our use of videoconferencing, and we saved $3,500 in travel expenses."

5. Diez principios para armar la agenda de tu diario trabajo

Scheduling time to get things done indicates commitment Here are a few suggestions to consider when scheduling appointments and activities in your planner. Start off the New Year right by scheduling your goal-related activities, as well as appointments, directly into your planner. "To do" lists will prevent you from forgetting all the things you have to do, but they will do nothing to further their completion. To be effective, you must schedule time to actually get the work done. The reason that New Years resolutions usually go right in one year and out the other, is that people commit them to memory, but not to paper. What gets scheduled usually gets done. What gets postponed usually gets abandoned.

1. Place deadlines on all appointments and meetings. If you call an open-ended meeting, how can the attendees schedule the balance of their day? And what do they bring with them, a box lunch, a toothbrush or a tent? 2. Make appointments back to back. If you have an appointment to see someone from 9:15 to 9:45 a.m., and someone else asks to see you at 10 a.m., see if they can make it earlier at 9:45 a.m. This will add strength to the first appointment's deadline. It's easier to stick to a deadline when another person is waiting to see you - and it adds credibility to the comment that you'll have to stop on time since you have another commitment. A fifteen-minute period between two meetings is rarely productive even if it does materialize.

3. If the appointment is with yourself, to work on a task, schedule a definite time period, say 9:15 to 10:15 a.m., but in this case, don't back it up with another appointment. If someone asks for 10:30, see if they can make it 10:45 or 11:00. This will allow you to continue with your task if you're on a roll. It also allows space to schedule last minute priorities.

4. Always schedule tasks to be completed ahead of the deadline date. If a project is due Friday, if possible, schedule it to be completed by Wednesday. This allows for any unseen problems, emergencies or the possibility of missing the deadline through illness.

5. When scheduling time for a task, always allow more time than you think that portion of the job will take. If you think it will take you one hour to complete it, schedule an hour and a half. If you plan to work on an ongoing project for an hour and a half, schedule two hours.

This will provide time to accommodate those interruptions that invariably occur when engrossed in a task.

6. If you have many tasks to be scheduled in a week, always schedule the priorities nearer to the beginning of the week. Time is less available as the week passes. Also schedule the important tasks during your prime time - when your mental energy is at its peak. For most people, this is in the mornings.

7. Don't over schedule. Try not to block off any more than 50 percent of your week in advance. Leave plenty of free spaces to accommodate priorities that emerge during the week.


There is no limit as to how far in advance you can schedule; but blocking off time for priorities only a week or two in advance is usually sufficient. People rarely ask for appointments beyond a week or two in advance. Major activities can be blocked off years in advance. But don't schedule anything for the year 2015 if you're already ninety-five.

9. If you're serious about getting things done, schedule the time in ink rather than in pencil. Pencil cries out that it's only tentative, and you're more likely to change it if it's more convenient for others. Have as much respect for your time as you have for everybody else's time. It may be messier to make changes to ink, but it's better to be a messy doer than a neat procrastinator. 10. Don't limit your scheduling to business-related activities. Evenings and weekends are fair game. Make commitments in your personal life by scheduling time for family, friends, and yourself.


Las buenas maneras hoy da son tan importantes como en los tiempos de nuestros abuelos. Las bases de la cortesa se aplican en cada situacin, y tendrn que aplicarse de una manera adecuada en situaciones que involucran las nuevas tecnologas. En la medida en que sea parte de nuestra cultura, muchas personas se darn cuenta de lo que se trata. Mientras tanto, ya podemos desarrollar algunos lineamientos para nuestra vida diaria: en la Universidad, en el aula, en nuestro trabajo de grupo, en la empresa que laboramos, en la casa, con la familia.

Pictures: Worst Practices--Most Annoying Office Habits

We spend more time with our co-workers than we do with our families. And just like our families, our co-workers can sometimes get under our skin. Here are some of the most common pet peeves.

Leaving the office kitchen a mess.

Getting water all over the sink in the bathroom so that when the next person leans against it, they get a line of water on their clothes

Turning your radio on loud enough for everyone to hear it.

Stephen Sweny for Playing solitaire on the PDA during a meeting.

Borrowing things off a co-worker's desk without asking or returning them.

Eating food that's so potent everyone in the office can smell it.

Stephen Sweny for Not putting cellphones on vibrate or silence.

Standing around someone's desk and talking so it's hard for them to get them work accomplished.

Shouting over cubicles to have a conversation.

Eating food that others bring in but never bringing in anything to reciprocate

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