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____ The role an organism plays in its ecosystem is its a) niche b) biotic factor c) abiotic factor ____ A treeless

region with little rainfall in the far north is the a) grassland b) taiga c) desert d) tundra

d) ethology

____ Succession that occurs in an area where existing community has been partially destroyed is called a) primary succession b) climax succession c) secondary succession d) pioneer succession ____ What is the source of almost all energy in most ecosystems? a) rock b) water c) radiation from sun

d) carbon

____ All organisms of the same species that live in a locations are called a a) community b) population c) habitat d) ecosystem ____ All the interconnected food chains in an ecosystem make up a a) biomass b) biosphere c) food pyramid d) food web ____ Photosynthesis and cellular respiration are part of which cycle? a) water b) carbon c) nitrogen d) food ____ Which would be characterized by poor soil, and animals living in the trees? a) tropical rain forest b) tundra c) taiga d) temperate deciduous forest ____ An African tropical grassland is the a) savanna b) prairie c) taiga d) tundra ____ The nitrogen cycle is carried out primarily by a) humans b) heterotrophs c) bacteria

d) fungi

____ The physical location of an ecosystem in which a given species lives is called a a) habitat b) tropical level c) community d) food zone ____ Ecology is the study of the interaction of living organisms a) with each other and their habitat c) and their community b) with each other and their physical environment d) and the food they eat ____ When an organism dies, the nitrogen in its body a) can never be reused by other living things c) is immediately released into the atmosphere b) is released by the action of decomposers d) None of the above ____ The bracket fungus is an example of a) a decomposer b) a scavenger ____ An ecosystem consists of a) a community of organisms b) energy

c) an omnivore

d) an autotroph

c) the soil, water, and weather d) All of the above

____ A group of organisms of different species living together in a particular place is called a) a community b) a population c) a biome d) a habitat

____ The primary producers of a grassland ecosystem would most likely be a) insects b) bacteria c) grasses d) algae ____ Organisms that manufacture organic nutrients for an ecosystem are called a) primary consumers b) predators c) primary producers d) scavengers ____ The relationship between a producer and consumer is best illustrated by a) a snake eating a bird c) a lion eating a zebra b) a fox eating a mouse d) a zebra eating grass ____ The diagram, which shows how energy moves through an ecosystem, is known as a a) habitat b) food chain c) food net d) food web ____ Freshwater and marine microscopic organisms that freely drift in fresh or salt water are called a) plankton b) benthic c) abyssal d) neritic ____ The nursery of the sea is the a) rocky beach b) sandy beach c) estuary d) coral reef ____ Which of the following biomes is known to have the largest daily fluctuations in temperature? a) taiga b) temperate grassland c) tropical rain forest d) desert ____ The biome characterized by relatively long, cold winters, soil which is relatively fertile, and herds of grazing mammals is a) taiga b) temperate grassland c) savanna d) tundra ____ This biome contains plants whose roots cannot go deep due to the presence of a permafrost. a) desert b) grassland c) tundra d) taiga ____ A researcher conducts a survey of a biome and finds 35 percent more species than she has found in any other biome. Which biome is she most likely to be in? a) deciduous forest b) tropical rain forest c) desert d) tundra ____ Carnivores are animals that eat only a) plants b) inorganic materials

c) other consumers

d) decomposers

____ All interacting organisms living in an area are called a) community b) population c) habitat d) ecosystem ____ A functioning aquarium displays a) a community b) a habitat

c) an ecosystem

d) All of the above

____ Animals that feed on plants are at least in the ___________ trophic level. a) first b) second c) third d) fourth ____ Each trophic level, the energy stored in the organism in that level is a) about one-tenth of the energy in the level below it b) about one-tenth of the energy in the level above it c) 50 percent of the energy in the level below it d) 100 percent of the energy in the level below it ____ As a population reaches its carrying capacity, there is an increase in competition for a) food b) shelter c) mates d) All of the above

____ Succession is a) an organisms ability to survive in its environment b) the number of species living in an ecosystem c) the regular progression of species replacement in an environment d) the transfer of energy through food chains ____ The number of trophic levels in an ecological pyramid a) is limitless b) is limited by the amount of energy that is lost at each trophic level c) never exceeds four d) never exceeds three ____ Which of the following is an example of mimicry? a) heat sensitive pits of rattlesnakes c) leaf like coloration of a mantis b) bright coloration of certain frogs d) colored rings of coral snakes ____ Which of the pairs of parasites listed below are endoparasites? a) tapeworm and leeches c) leeches and fleas b) malaria parasites and tapeworms d) ticks and mosquitos ____ Competition is most intense between closely related species that a) are similar in appearance c) use the same resources b) have different beak size d) use different resources ____ Pioneer species a) disperse many seeds over a large area b) are usually small plants ____ Omnivores eat a) only producers b) only consumers

c) are usually fast growing d) All of the above

c) producers and consumers

d) only other omnivores

____ The nonliving factors of the environments are called a) abiotic factors b) biotic factors c) fundamental niche

d) resources

____ A symbiotic relationship in which one species benefits and the other is not effected is called a) commensalism b) mutualism c) parasitism d) competition ____ This biome is the driest of the land biomes and experiences the greatest daily temperature fluctuations. a) grassland b) desert c) tundra d) taiga ____ This biome contains trees that drop their leaves during the winter months. a) desert b) taiga c) temperate deciduous forest d) tundra ____ Which is Not strictly a freshwater community? a) lakes b) rivers c) estuaries d) streams ____ In a food web, which type of organism receives energy from every other type? a) producer b) carnivore c) decomposer d) herbivore ____ Animals that feed on plants are at least in the a) first trophic level c) third trophic level b) second trophic level d) fourth trophic level

____ The total dry weight of the organisms in an ecosystem is called a) trophic level b) biomass c) energy level d) ecomass ____ Because energy diminishes at each successive trophic level, few ecosystems can contain more than a) two trophic levels c) five trophic levels b) four trophic levels d) eight trophic levels ____ The photic zones of the ocean differ from the aphotic zones in that? a) there are living things in the photic zones but no living things in the aphotic zones. b) the photic zones are warmer than the aphotic zones. c) the photic zones are found near the tropics, while the aphotic zones are found far from the tropics. d) the photic zone receive sunlight, while the aphotic zone do not. ____ The most productive zone in the ocean is the a) neritic zone b) intertidal zone c) pelagic zone

d) benthic zone

____ The range of resources a species actually uses is called a(n) a) biotic factor b) resource tolerance c) realized niche d) regulator ____ The largest communities on land are called a) biospheres b) tundras c) taigas d) biomes ____ Which would be characterized by little rainfall, permafrost, and reindeer? a) desert b) tundra c) grasslands d) temperate deciduous forest ____ Which would be characterized by rainfall under 25 cm per year, hot days, cold nights, and quickly blooming plants? a) grasslands b) temperate deciduous forest c) desert d) taiga ____ The living components of the environments are called a) abiotic factors b) biotic factors c) fundamental niche

d) resources

____ Organisms that break down and feed on organic mater are a) decomposers b) omnivores c) synthesizers d) producers ____ Trees such as oak and maple and animals such as foxes and deer are found in the a) tropical rain forest b) tundra c) taiga d) temperate deciduous forest ____ The region of the earth that supports all living things is the a) life zone b) biotic factor c) biozone d) biosphere ____ This biome is known for having the greatest diversity of species a) taiga b) temperate grassland c) tropical rain forest d) savanna ____ This biome has cold winters and is known for its pine forests. a) desert b) grassland c) tundra d) taiga _____ The broadest, most inclusive level of organization in ecology is a(n) a) ecosystem b) community c) population d) bioshpere ____ Some organisms adjust their tolerance to abiotic factors through a) adaptation b) acclimation c) application d) resources

____ An example of an abiotic factor is a) tree b) sunlight c) bird d) grass ____ A species fundamental niche is a) the range of resources it can potentially use b) the range of conditions it can potentially tolerate c) where it probably competes for resources d) All of the above. ____ All the organisms and the nonliving environment found in a particular place is called a(n) a) community b) population c) habitat d) ecosystem ____ What is the study of organisms and their interactions with the environment? a) biology b) environmentalism c) ecology d) taxonomy

TRUE or FALSE: ____ When an organism dies, the nitrogen in its body is released by decomposers. ____ The lowest trophic level of any ecosystem is occupied by the consumers. ____ Omnivores feed only on primary producers. ____ The greenhouse effect is a phenomenon caused by excess fossil fuels being burned. ____ Regulators change their internal conditions as their environment changes. ____ The realized niche of a species is the range or resources it actually uses. ____ If a prey species were removed from an environment, its predator species could dominate the environment. ____ Grasses are common pioneer species because they secret acids that dissolve rock, releasing minerals for plant growth. ____ Carbon moves from the biotic portion of its cycle into the abiotic portion during photosynthesis. ____ Deserts differ from other biomes in that they have high temperatures all year. ____ Producers in an ecosystem transfer all of their energy to primary-level consumers ____ A food chain is made up of interrelated food webs. ____ All organisms in an ecosystem are part of the food web of that ecosystem. ____ A change in the number of predators in a food web can effect an entire ecosystem. ____ Organisms at higher levels tend to be higher in number than those at lower trophic levels.

____ Ecologist call the physical location of a community its habitat. ____ Food chains usually begin with primary producers. ____ Ecosystems include only the biotic factors in an area. ____ A community includes all the species within an area. ____ Estuaries are areas of shallow water where fresh water flows into the sea. ____ Decomposers break down living organisms and thus help prevent population explosions of species.

MATCHING: ____ 1. community ____ 2. generalist ____ 3. ecology ____ 4. resources ____ 5. habitat ____ 6. population ____ 7. greenhouse effect ____ 8. global warming ____ 9. mutualism ____ 10. species richness ____ 11. parasitism ____ 12. secondary succession ____ 13. commensalisms ____ 14. primary succession gases ____ 15. predation ____ 16. species diversity ____ 17. nitrification A. area rich in wildlife having two seasons-wet and dry B. number of species and abundance of each C. killing and consuming another organism D. where an organism lives E. phenomenon that insulates Earth from the freezing temperature of space F. interaction in which both species benefit G. nitrates converted into nitrogen gas H. deep water in the open ocean I. eat other consumers J. members of a single species living in one place at one time K. organisms interacting in a specific area L. ammonia converted into nitrates and nitrites M. area with low rainfall, rich soil, and grasses N. increases in global temperature due to trapped excess greenhouse

O. sequence of species in a disturbed area P. interaction in which one species benefits and the other is harmed Q. obtain nutrients from dead organisms

____ 18. decomposers ____19. neritic zone ____ 20. denitrification ____ 21. temperate grasslands ____ 22. carnivores ____ 23. oceanic zone ____ 24. savannas

R. ocean over continental shelf S. number of species T. interaction in which one species benefits U. plants growing where bare rock was V. a species with a broad niche W. study of the interactions between organisms and their environment X. energy and materials needed by a species

1. List the Five Levels of Organization in the environment.

2. What is a trophic level, and what determines an organisms trophic level?

3. Why is so little of the energy from one trophic level transferred up to the next trophic level?

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