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Coffee & Beauty Most people want to live a long and happy life, and a 2012 study from the New England Journal of Medi ine shows that this an !e a hieved through your offee onsumption" #ot off the press results show that $men who dran% four to five ups of offee daily redu ed their ris% of death over a 1&'year period !y 12(, while women)s ris% dropped !y 1*(+ http,--www"medpagetoday" om-.rimaryCare-/ietNutrition-&20212 utm3 ontent4&utm3medium4email&utm3 ampaign4/aily#eadlines&utm3sour e45C& eun4g116720d0r&userid4116720&email4%ir%pa%28 f"org&mu3id4711*921" Not only is your multi' up offee routine %eeping you up, !ut it:s %eeping you living longer as well; <or those of you not so =!eautiful: in the morning might find an e>tra pi % me up in the omfort of your offee:s !enefits" ?his reassures heavy offee drin%ers that it:s o%ay to rela> and pour another up" @long the lines of !eauty, a 2011 study shows, $women in the study who dran% more than three ups of offee a day were 20 per ent less li%ely to develop !asal ell ar inoma, a slow'growing form of s%in an er, than those who dran% less than one up a month" Men in the study who onsumed more than three ups of offee had a 9 per ent redu tion in their !asal ell ar inoma ris%+ http,--vitals"msn! "msn" om-3news-2011-10-21-6101*10'three' ups'of' offee'a'day'to' help'%eep's%in' an er'away2lite" Ao not only is offee now de reasing your mortality rate, !ut it is %eeping your s%in healthy as well; /rin%ing offee to attempt to prevent !asal ell ar inoma is a small prote tive effort, !ut it ould also lower your han es of !eing one of the one million new ases that o ur every year" @nother part of !eing !eautiful, is feeling !eautiful" @ 2011 study showed that the $ris% of depression de reased in a dose'dependent manner with in reasing onsumption of affeinated offee+ http,--www"s ien edaily" om-releases-2011-09-11092*1*7901"htm" Be ause depression is a ontinual and persistent ondition that affe ts twi e as many women as men, an in rease in ups per day is on the rise" Being depressed is a on erning health priorityB even women with minor ases or symptoms of it an find reassuran e in drin%ing their offee" Ao what e>a tly is in offee that affe ts our health in this way2 Coffee ontains more than 1000 ompounds that ould possi!ly affe t the ris% of death" ?he most well' %nown and well'studied ompound is the affeine" Cn urrent and previous studies, whether or not the offee is affeinated, the relationship !etween offee onsumption and mortality were ausal, meaning other ompounds in offee Dantio>idantsE might !e important too" @ lot of people drin% offee for the satisfa tion of the affeine, the most freFuently used entral nervous system stimulant, and around 60( of onsumption is in the form of offee" But with all the new finding that offee has !enefits to your ris% of death, !eauty, and well !eing, people may !e drin%ing it for more and more reasons"

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