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ine J"d#es Asso$iation %nd Vi$e-E&e$"ti'e J"d#e( RTC )a*ati Cit+ Presidin# J"d#e( RTC ,ran$h -.( )a*ati Cit+ Professor of La/ ADR TRACED EVEN BEFORE 1521 ADR methods in this 0"risdi$tion $an 1e tra$ed as far 1a$* as the 1aran#a+ and other forms of 'i a#e #o'ernments 1efore the S!aniards $ame in 2-%2. In these ear + da+s( the dat"s "sed to sett e dis!"tes of their $onstit"ents( and their de$isions /ere in'aria1 + a$$e!ted as ha'in# a"thorit+ and fina it+. Legal Mandates and Courts Initiati e The ADR La/ of %334 5RA No. 6%.-7 Ci'i Code of the Phi i!!ines R" es of Co"rt

Rationale !or Court ADR Initiati es To !romote !art+ a"tonom+ in $onf i$t reso "tions To de$ o# $o"rt do$*ets To !romote and a$hie'e s!eed+ and im!artia 0"sti$e To ind"$e $ost-effe$ti'e !ro$ess in $onf i$t reso "tions To enhan$e a$$ess to 0"sti$e 1+ the mar#ina i8ed se$tors To ind"$e re$on$i iation of !arties and !romote harmonio"s and !ea$ef" $omm"na re ations


A#tion %rogra' !or )udi#ial Re!or' De$on#estion of $o"rt do$*ets and the enhan$ement of a$$ess to 0"sti$e and to/ards the effe$ti'e im! ementation of Se$tion % 5a7( R" e 2. of the 266= R" es of Ci'i Pro$ed"re A**roa#+es to $n#log Do#(ets 2. DIRECT APPROAC< > OUTPUT ?in$rease $o"rt effi$ien$+ and dis!osa rate ?time 1ars@ in'entor+ of $ases@ sim! ified r" es@ $o"rt s!e$ia i8ation@ dis$i! inar+ a$tions %. INDIRECT APPROAC< > INPUT ?de$rease n"m1er of $ases fi ed 1+ restri$tin# 0"di$ia a$$ess ?!rior referra to 1aran#a+ $on$i iation@ e&ha"stion of administrati'e remedies@

in$reased fi in# fees@ stri$t o1ser'an$e of !ro$ed"ra reA"irements B. DIVERSION O: CASES TO ADR )EC<ANIS)S RA No. 6%.- An A$t to instit"tiona i8e the "se of A ternati'e Dis!"te Reso "tion 5ADR in the Phi i!!ines7 Se$. %. De$ aration of Po i$+ - It is here1+ de$ ared the !o i$+ of the state to a$ti'e + !romote !art+ a"tonom+ in the reso "tion of dis!"tes or the freedom of the !arties to ma*e their o/n arran#ements to reso 'e their dis!"tes. To/ards this end( the state sha en$o"ra#e and !romote the "se of ADR as an im!ortant means to a$hie'e s!eed+ and im!artia 0"sti$e and de$ o# $o"rt do$*etsCLi*e/ise( the state sha en ist a$ti'e !ri'ate se$tor !arti$i!ation in the sett ement of dis!"tes thro"#h ADR. ADR also re#ogni,ed in t+e Ci il Code Tit e DIV > CO)PRO)ISES AND AR,ITRATION Cha!ter 2 > Com!romises Art. %3%6 > The Co"rt sha endea'or to !"rs"ade the iti#atans in a $i'i $ase to a#ree "!on some fair $om!romise. Art. %3%. - A $om!romise is a $ontra$t /here1+ the !arties 1+ ma*in# re$i!ro$a $on$essions a'oid a iti#ation or !"t an end to the one a read+ $ommen$ed. Art. %3B3. - E'er+ $i'i a$tion or !ro$eedin# sha 1e s"s!endedE If /i in#ness to dis$"ss a !ossi1 e $om!romise is e&!ressed 1+ one or 1oth !arties@ or If it a!!ears that one of the !arties 1efore the $ommen$ement of the a$tion or !ro$eedin# offered to dis$"ss a !ossi1 e $om!romise 1"t the other !art+ ref"sed the offer. The d"ration and terms of the s"s!ension of the $i'i a$tion or !ro$eedin# and simi ar matters sha 1e #o'erned 1+ s"$h !ro'isions of the R" es of Co"rt as the S"!reme Co"rt sha !rom" #ate. Said r" es of $o"rt sha i*e/ise !ro'ide for the a!!ointment and d"ties of ami$a1 e $om!o"nders. Art. %3B2. - The $o"rts ma+ miti#ate the dama#es to 1e !aid 1+ the osin# !art+ /ho has sho/n sin$ere desire for a $om!romise. Art. %3B-. - No $om!romise "!on the fo o/in# A"estions sha 1e 'a idE a. the $i'i stat"s of !ersons 1. the 'a idit+ of a marria#e or a e#a se!aration $. an+ #ro"nd for e#a se!aration d. f"t"re s"!!ort e. 0"risdi$tion of $o"rts f. f"t"re e#itime Sett ement of Dis!"tes Parties in $onf i$t $hoose 1et/eenE A. J"di$ia )ode - Tria !ro$eedin#s Ad'ersaria method@ OR ,. Co"rt-Anne&ed )ediation Non-Ad'ersaria method Current Courts ADR Initiati es Court Di ersion to ADR Co"rt-Anne&ed )ediation 5CA)7 )o1i e Co"rt-Anne&ed )ediation 5)CA)7

J"di$ia Dis!"te Reso "tion 5JDR7 A!!e ate Co"rt )ediation 5AC)7 Co"rt-Anne&ed Ar1itration

Court-Anne.ed Mediation Tria Co"rt )ediation A!!e ate Co"rt )ediation Done 1+ Trained )ediators )o1i e CA) - )ediators of near1+ areas are 1ro"#ht to tar#et areas to 1eef "! n"m1er of o$a mediators. Court-Anne.ed Mediation If mediation fai s( re$ords of $ase are ret"rned to Co"rt. In areas /here JDR is esta1 ished( these $ases no/ s"10e$ted to J"di$ia Dis!"te Reso "tion /here mediation is done 1+ JDR trained 0"d#es. If JDR fai s( !arties #o to tria 1efore another tria 0"d#e. The $ase is( th"s( re-raff ed to another $o"rt. Mediation in A**ellate Court Le el In the Co"rt of A!!ea s( mediation is done 1+ trained a!!e ate $o"rt mediators $om!osed of retired 0"sti$es and 0"d#es( a/ !rofessors and senior a/ !ra$titioners. If it fai s( $ase is ret"rned to the di'ision of the $ase /here it /as raff ed to ori#ina +. RTC as A!!e ate Co"rt > trained mediators do the mediation. Distin#tions )ediationFCon$i iation Prod"$t --- Com!romise )a*er --- Parties :o$"s --- Person or oriented trade off of 'a "es O"t oo*--- :"t"reC to/ards re$on$i iation Pro$ess --- Informa Res" t --- ;in-;in ProdL"$itt i--#- ation J"d#ment J"d#e A$t or e'ent oriented ,a$*/ard to !ast e'ent Pro$sess- -- Ri#id( :orma Lose /+at is ADR0 ALTERNATIVE DI1%$TE RE1OL$TION Is the "se of a ternati'es to traditiona $o"rt iti#ation to reso 'e differen$es more effi$ient + and e$onomi$a + /ith ess ris* and 1etter res" t. A ternati'e Dis!"te Reso "tion means an+ !ro$ess or !ro$ed"re "sed to reso 'e a dis!"te or $ontro'ers+ other than 1+ ad0"di$ation of a !residin# 0"d#e of a $o"rt or offi$er of a #o'ernment a#en$+ as defined in this A$t( in /hi$h a ne"tra third !art+ !arti$i!ates to assist in the reso "tion of iss"es( /hi$h in$ "des ar1itration( mediation( $on$i iation( ear + ne"tra e'a "ation( mini tria ( or an+ $om1ination thereof. 5R.A. No. 6%.-7. O10e$ti'es of ADR

In$rease $i'i$ en#a#ements and $reate !"1 i$ !ro$esses to fa$i itate e$onomi$ restr"$t"rin# and other so$ia $han#e <e ! red"$e the e'e of tension and $onf i$t in a $omm"nit+ In$reases !o!" ar satisfa$tion /ith dis!"te reso "tion )ana#e dis!"tes and $onf i$ts that ma+ dire$t + im!air de'e o!ment initiati'es

BA1IC ADR MEC2ANI1M1 AR,ITRATION NEGOTIATION )EDIATION CONCILIATION BA1IC ADRMEC2ANI1M1 ARBITRATION It is a 'o "ntar+ !ro$ess /herein the !arties meet /ith an im!artia and ne"tra !erson /ho /i reso 'e their dis!"tes 1+ renderin# a de$ision *no/n as an a/ard. AR,ITRATION ADR methods( !arti$" ar + ar1itration( ha'e 1een !ro'en to 1e more ad'anta#eo"s than the traditiona and ri#id $o"rt iti#ation. Parties to $ommer$ia dis!"tes ha'e 1een attra$ted to the "niA"e attri1"te of( as /e as to the 1enefits that ma+ 1e #ained from these friend + !ro$eedin#s. AR,ITRATION In the internationa settin#( the most !o!" ar $hoi$es for ar1itration 'en"e are the finan$ia $a!ita s <on#*on#( Sin#a!ore and Paris. The Inter- nationa Cham1er of Commer$e 5ICC7 Internationa Ar1itration Co"rtremains to 1e the most esta1 ished and re!"ta1 e internationa ar1itra instit"tion. In Asia( the t/o eadin# $enters for internationa $ommer$ia ar1itration are the Sin#a!ore Internationa Ar1itration Centre 5SIAC7 of Sin#a!ore and the <on#*on# Internationa Ar1itration Centre 5<GIAC7 of <on#*on#. AR,ITRATION In the Phi i!!inesE the PC<C 5Phi i!!ine C earin# <o"se Cor!oration7 /herein mem1er 1an*s $annot in'o*e the 0"ris- di$tion of the tria $o"rt /itho"t !rior re$o"rse to the PC<C Ar1itration Committee@ the Phi i!!ine Dis!"te Reso "tion Centre( In$. 5PDRCI7 esta1 ished 1+ the Phi i!!ine Cham1er of Commer$e and Ind"str+ /hi$h /as $reated to en$o"ra#e the "se of modes of ADR for sett ement of domesti$ and internationa dis!"tes in the Phi i!!ines@ AR,ITRATION The Offi$e for ADR( an a#en$+ atta$hed to the DOJ to !romote the "se of ADR in the !ri'ate and !"1 i$ se$tor@ the Constr"$tion Ind"str+ Ar1itration Commission 5CIAC7 /hi$h has ori#ina and e&$ "si'e 0"risdi$tion o'er $onstr"$tion dis!"tes /hi$h are s"10e$t to an ar1itration $ a"se or ar1itration a#reement@ and those 'o "ntar+ ar1itrators #o'erned 1+ the La1or Code. AR,ITRATION Part+ A"tonom+ The em!hasis of this !ro$ed"re is on the 'o "ntar+ a#reement of the !arties in s"1mittin# their dis!"te and in $hoosin# the ar1itrators( the 'en"e or ! a$e of ar1itration( the an#"a#e to 1e "sed( and the r" es or !ro$ed"re to 1e fo o/ed.

AR,ITRATION :OREIGN AR,ITRAL A;ARD 's. :OREIGN JUDG)ENT Un i*e forei#n 0"d#ments /hi$h are #enera + not enfor$ea1 e in other 0"risdi$tions e&$e!t in $ases of re$i!ro$it+ and $omit+( ar1itra a/ards are more readi + enfor$ea1 e. The !art+ a!! +in# for the enfor$ement of the ar1itra a/ard on + needs to fi e /ith the RTC the ori#ina or d" + a"thenti$ated $o!+ of the a/ard and the ar1itration a#reement. If !arties /ere a o/ed to A"estion the a/ard rendered 1+ the tri1"na on an+ #ro"nd( then the ar1itration !ro$eedin#s $ond"$ted /i 1e rendered "se ess. ,ASIC ADR )EC<ANIS)S NEGOTIATION It is a !ro$ess of tr+in# to find a !ositi'e( rea isti$ and /ide-ran#in# so "tion to a !ro1 em /hi$h offers as m"$h as !ossi1 e to 1oth sides. ,ASIC ADR )EC<ANIS)S )EDIATIONFCONCILIATION It is a 'o "ntar+ non-1indin# !ro$ess /herein the !arties meet /ith a m"t"a + se e$ted( im!artia and ne"tra !erson /ho /i fa$i itate $omm"ni$ation and ne#otiation( and assist the !arties in rea$hin# a 'o "ntar+ sett ement re#ardin# their differen$es thro"#h an a#reement that defines their f"t"re 1eha'ior. <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S O),UDSPERSON EARL9 NEUTRAL EVALUATION )INI-TRIAL PRIVATE JUDGING 5RENT-A-JUDGE7 )EDIATION-AR,ITRATION AR,ITRATION-)EDIATION <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S O),UDSPERSON It is an informa dis!"te reso "tion too "sed 1+ an or#ani8ation. A third !art+ Hom1"ds!ersonI is a!!ointed 1+ the or#ani8ation to in'esti#ate $om! aints /ithin the instit"tion and !re'ent dis!"tes or fa$i itate their reso "tion. The Om1"ds!erson ma+ "se 'ario"s ADR me$hanism 5e.#. :a$t-:indin#( )ediation7 in the !ro$ess of reso 'in# dis!"tes. <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S ;hat is meant 1+ :ACT-:INDINGJ It is a !ro$ess 1+ /hi$h !arties !resent the ar#"ments and e'iden$e to a ne"tra !erson /ho then iss"es a non-1indin# re!ort on the findin#s( "s"a + re$ommendin# a 1asis for sett ement. <9,RID ADR)EC<ANIS)S EARL9 NEUTRAL EVALUATION It is an ADR !ro$ess /herein !arties and their a/+ers are 1ro"#ht to#ether ear + in a !re-tria !hase to !resent s"mmaries of their $ases and re$ei'e a non-1indin# assessment 1+ an e&!erien$ed( ne"tra !erson( /ith e&!ertise in the s"10e$t in the s"1stan$e of the dis!"te. <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S )INI-TRIAL

A 'o "ntar+ !ro$ess in /hi$h $ases are heard 1+ a !ane of hi#h e'e !rin$i!a s from the dis!"tin# sides /ith f" sett ement a"thorit+@ a ne"tra !resider ma+ or ma+ not o'ersee this sta#e. :irst( !arties ha'e a s"mmar+ hearin#( ea$h side !resentin# the essen$e of their $ase. Ea$h !arr+ there1+ $an earn the stren#ths and /ea*nesses of their o/n $ase( as /e as that of the other !arties. Se$ond( the !ane of !art+ re!resentati'es attem!t to reso 'e the dis!"te 1+ ne#otiation. The ne"tra !resider ma+ offer his o!inion a1o"t the i*e + o"t$ome in $o"rt. <o/ toE )INI-TRIAL 2. Parties $hoose their a#ent or ad'o$ate /ho /i sit in the !ane . %. If desired 1+ 1oth !arties( the+ /i a#ree on a ne"tra to sit as Chair of the !ane . B. Co"nse s of the !arties /i !resent their $ase to the !ane "s"a + /itho"t i'e testimon+ 1"t /i !resent an o"t ine of the e'iden$e of the !arties. Co"nse s /i ma*e an o!enin# and $ osin# statement. 4. The $hosen !ane ists of the !arties /i /or* o"t a sett ement. The+ are the de$ision ma*ers. ;<9 T<E PANELISTS RAT<ER T<AN T<E PARTIES INVOLVED IN T<E SETTLE)ENT The !arties tend to in0e$t emotion or 1ias into ne#otiations and /i se dom $om!romise "n ess the+ hear a dama#in# information that tends to diminish their $ aim or defense. Pane ists tend to 1e /e -seasoned and e&!erien$ed in simi ar matters. ;<9 T<E PANELISTS RAT<ER T<AN T<E PARTIES INVOLVED IN T<E SETTLE)ENT E&am! es of !ane istsE 2. re!resentati'e of ins"ran$e $arrier for the !art+ %. to! e'e mana#ement man of the 1"sinessF!art+ B. !ri'ate + o/ned $ons" tants /ith te$hni$a e&!ertise on the s"10e$t <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S PRIVATE JUDGING 5Rent-a-J"d#e7 Parties in a non-$rimina $ase tr+ their $ase 1efore a H0"d#eI the 0oint + $hoose /ho ma+ then render a de$ision in their $ase. Parties "s"a + en#a#e the ser'i$es of a Hretired 0"d#eI or !ri'ate a/+ers. <9,RID ADR )EC<ANIS)S )EDIATION-AR,ITRATION It is a t/o-ste! dis!"te reso "tion !ro$ess in'o 'in# 1oth mediation and ar1itration. AR,ITRATION-)EDIATION In this $ase( the ne"tra e'a "ator first a$ts an an ar1itrator( /ritin# "! an a/ard and ! a$in# it in a sea ed en'e o!e. The ne"tra e'a "ator then !ro$eeds to a mediation sta#e. If the $ase is sett ed in mediation( the en'e o!e is ne'er o!ened. <o/ do Dis!"tes #et to ADR Vo "ntar+ ADR Parties H'o "ntari +I a#ree to !"rs"e ADR e'en if there is no a#reement 1efore or after a dis!"te has arisen. Ste!s in initiatin# ADR 2. Choosin# /hi$h !ro$ess to "se 5/hether mediation or ar1itration7 %. Pers"adin# the o!!osin# !art+F$o"nse to !arti$i!ate B. Se e$tin# the a!!ro!riate !ro'ider of dis!"te reso "tion ser'i$es. <o/ do Dis!"tes #et to ADR )andator+ ADR

Parties are HmandatedI to refer their dis!"te to ADR either 1+ the terms of their a#reement or order 1+ the $o"rt. ?Pre-dis!"te $ a"se ?Order of the Co"rt 5$o"rt-anne&ed mediation7 ?E&istin# Dis!"te S"1mission A#reement COURT-ANNEDED )EDIATION It means an+ mediation !ro$ess $ond"$ted "nder the a"s!i$es of the $o"rt( after s"$h $o"rt has a$A"ired 0"risdi$tion o'er the dis!"te 5R.A. No. 6%.-7 Pro$ess to sett in# dis!"tes /ith the assistan$e of an a$$e!ta1 e im!artia and ne"tra third !art+ $a ed a )ediator. The )ediator( a$tin# as an offi$er of the $o"rt( he !s !arties identif+ iss"es and de'e o! !ro!osa s to reso 'e their dis!"tes. On$e the !arties ha'e arri'ed at a m"t"a + a$$e!ta1 e arran#ement( the a#reement 1e$omes the 1asis for the $o"rtsL de$ision on the $ase. COURT-ANNEDED )EDIATION Parties a o/ed in )ediationE 2. indi'id"a !arties %. re!resentati'es B. e#a $o"nse s 4. An+ !erson reA"ired or a o/ed 1+ the )ediator to attend the mediation $onferen$e. ?:" a"thorit+ to ne#otiate and enter into $om!romise is reA"ired for re!resentati'es of !arties and $or!orations. Chara$teristi$s of CA) )andator+ referra of $o'ered $ses to )ediation "nder A.). No. 32-23-SSC- P<ILJA dated 24 O$to1er %332 and A.). Cir$" ar No. %3- %33% dated %4 A!ri %33% )ediation is !art of the !re-tria !ro$eedin#s !re-tria san$tions in$ "din# $ens"re( re!rimand( $ontem!t and s"$h san$tions "nder the R" es of Co"rt ma+ 1e im!osed for fai "re to a!!ear 1efore the )ediator or for a1"si'e $ond"$t

Chara$teristi$s of CA) Vo "ntar+ after referra of the $o"rts to the Phi i!!ine )ediation Center 5P)C7( !arties ma+ ref"se to s"1mit themse 'es to mediation !arties and mediator ma+ $a off )ediation at an+ time Chara$teristi$s of CA) Stri$t + Confidentia admissions and statements made in )ediation $annot 1e "sed for an+ !"r!ose in an+ !ro$eedin# !ro$eedin#s are not re$orded. No trans$ri!t and min"tes sha 1e ta*en fee of P-33 to 1e !aid 1efore mediation Time frame for )ediation The !eriod sha not e&$eed B3 da+s. Sho" d there 1e a reA"est( and the mediator re$ommends( it is sti the Co"rt that a!!ro'es it. E&tended !eriod---another B3 da+s. S"s!ension of re#" ar !ro$eedin#s

The !eriod of mediation sha 1e EDCLUDED from the re#" ar and mandator+ !eriods for tria and rendition of 0"d#ment in ordinar+ $ases and for $ases "nder S"mmar+ Pro$ed"re. CASES COVERED ,9 )EDIATION 2. A $i'i $ases( sett ement of estates( and $ases $o'ered 1+ the r" e on S"mmar+ Pro$ed"re( e&$e!t those /hi$h 1+ a/ ma+ not 1e $om!romised. %. Cases $o#ni8a1 e 1+ the L"!on# Ta#a!ama+a!a "nder the Gatar"n#an# Pam1aran#a+ La/. B. The $i'i as!e$t of ,P %% $ases@ and 4. The $i'i as!e$t of A"asi offenses "nder Tit e 24 of the Re'ised Pena Code -. The $i'i as!e$t of estafa and i1e $ases /here dama#es are so"#ht CASES COVERED ,9 )EDIATION =. The $i'i as!e$t of ess #ra'e fe onies !"nisha1 e 1+ $orre$tiona !ena ties not e&$eedin# K +ears im!risonment /here the offended !art is a !ri'ate !erson. .. A $i'i $ases and !ro1ate !ro$eedin#s( testate and intestate 1ro"#ht on a!!ea from the e&$ "si'e and ori#ina 0"risdi$tion #ranted to the first e'e $o"rts "nder Se$. BB( !ar( 2 if the J"di$iar+ Reor#ani8ation A$t of 26.3. 6. A $ases of for$i1 e entr+ and "n a/f" detainer 1ro"#ht on a!!ea from the e&$ "si'e and ori#ina 0"risdi$tion of first e'e $o"rts. CASES COVERED ,9 )EDIATION 23. A $i'i $ases in'o 'in# tit e to or !ossession of rea !ro!ert+ or an interest therein 1ro"#ht on a!!ea from the e&$ "si'e and ori#ina 0"risdi$tion #ranted to the first e'e $o"rts. 22. A ha1eas $or!"s $ases de$ided 1+ the first e'e $o"rts in the a1sen$e of the Re#iona Tria Co"rt 0"d#e that are 1ro"#ht "! on a!!ea from the s!e$ia 0"risdi$tion #ranted to the first e'e $o"rts. CASES NOT RE:ERRED TO )EDIATION 2. Ci'i $ases /hi$h 1+ a/ $annot 1e $om!romised %. Other $rimina $ases not $o'ered "nder !ars. B to K of Art. %3B-( Ne/ Ci'i Code. B. <a1eas $or!"s !ro$eedin#s 4. R.A. 6%K% 5Vio ation a#ainst /omen and minor $hi dren7 -. Cases /ith !endin# a!! i$ation for Restrainin# Orders or Pre iminar+ In0"n$tion ?<o/e'er( in $ases $o'ered "nder 2( 4 and -( /here the !arties inform the $o"rt that the+ ha'e a#reed to "nder#o CASES NOT RE:ERRED TO )EDIATION 2. Ci'i $ases /hi$h 1+ a/ $annot 1e $om!romised %. Other $rimina $ases not $o'ered "nder !ars. B to K of Art. %3B-( Ne/ Ci'i Code. B. <a1eas $or!"s !ro$eedin#s 4. R.A. 6%K% 5Vio ation a#ainst /omen and minor $hi dren7 -. Cases /ith !endin# a!! i$ation for Restrainin# Orders or Pre iminar+ In0"n$tion ?<o/e'er( in $ases $o'ered "nder 2( 4 and -( /here the !arties inform the $o"rt that the+ ha'e a#reed to "nder#o )O,ILE COURTANNEDED )EDIATION La"n$hed in Ri8a and ," a$an in A"#"st %33= Com!onent of the J"sti$e on ;hee s !ro#ram of the S"!reme Co"rt initiated 1+ CJ Re+nato S. P"no Re$ommended of the Committee on J"sti$e on ;hee s $haired 1+ SC J"sti$e Cons"e o 9nares Santia#o O10e$ti'e is to im!ro'e a$$ess to 0"sti$e 1+ the !oor and mar#ina i8ed se$tors A so to en$o"ra#e the s!eed+ dis!osition of $ases thro"#h the "se of ADR

Pro'ide afforda1 e 0"di$ia ser'i$es thro"#h the o!eration of the mo1i e $o"rts

JUDICIAL DISPUTE RESOLUTION 5JDR7 Canadian Internationa De'e o!ment A"thorit+ 5CIDA7 he !ed de'e o! the J"sti$e Reforms Initiati'e 5JURIS7 !ro0e$t. J"d#e a$ti'e + !arti$i!ates in his ro e as a ?$on$i iator ? ear + ne"tra e'a "ator and ? e'ent"a + a mediator JUDICIAL SETTLE)ENT O: DISPUTES In )" ti! e sa a $o"rts ?raff ed to another 1ran$h /hi$h $ond"$ts the tria on the merits of the $ase. In Sin# e sa a $o"rts ?the nearest $o"rt or !air $o"rt( if an+( on + for the !"r!ose of mediation ?/hate'er is the res" t( the $ase is ret"rned to the ori#inatin# $o"rt for a!!ro!riate a$tion. JUDICIAL SETTLE)ENT O: DISPUTES In :ami + Co"rts ?if there are t/o fami + $o"rts( the tria of the $ase sha 1e 1+ the Pairin# J"d#e ?if there are more than t/o fami + $o"rts( the $ase sha 1e raff ed amon# a fami + $o"rts ?ho/e'er( d"e to the s!e$ia i8ed nat"re of the dis!"te( the $ase ma+ 1e tried( "!on 0oint motion of the !arties In Commer$ia Co"rts ?the JDR 5!re-tria 7 sha 1e $ond"$ted 1+ the Pairin# J"d#e REASONS :OR DISMUALI:9ING JUDGE )EDIATOR As $on$i iator-mediator( the 0"d#e #ains information from the !arties S"$h information ma+ $reate 1ias that affe$ts ne"tra it+ and the inte#rit+ of the 0"di$ia !ro$ess Preser'e the R" e of Confidentia it+.

COURT O: APPEALS )EDIATION Initia s*e!ti$ism d"e to the fa$t that one !art+ has a read+ a fa'ora1 e de$ision in the tria $o"rt S"$$essf" Pi ot test in %33% O"t eA"i'a ent to one /ho e di'ision of the Co"rt of A!!ea s A'ai a1 e in CA )ani a( CA Ce1" and CA Ca#a+an De Oro

CASES RE:ERRED TO APPELLATE COURT )EDIATION 5AC)7 S!e$ia $i'i a$tions for $ertiorari( e&$e!t those in'o 'in# !"re A"estions of a/ <a1eas Cor!"s $ases in'o 'in# $"stod+ of minor( /ith $onsent of !arties !ro'ided that the minor is not detained for $ommission of $rimina offenses Crimina $ases $o#ni8a1 e 1+ the Gatar"n#an# Pam1aran#a+ or offenses !"nisha1 e 1+ im!risonment not e&$eedin# 2 +ear or a fine not e&$eedin# P-(333.33 or 1oth.

CASES NOT SU,JECT TO APPELLATE COURT )EDIATION 5AC)7 Ci'i $ases /hi$h 1+ a/ $annot 1e $om!romised Crimina $ases not $o#ni8a1 e 1+ the Gatar"n#an# Pam1aran#a+ or offenses !"nisha1 e 1+ im!risonment not e&$eedin# 2 +ear or a fine not e&$eedin# P-(333.33 or 1oth <a1eas Cor!"s $ases of minors detained for a $rimina offense Cases /ith !endin# a!! i$ation for restrainin# orders or !re iminar+ in0"n$tions "n ess 1oth !arties reA"est for !ro1ation.

ADVANTAGES O: ADR HProof of the 1a$*/ardness into /hi$h /e ha'e fa en are the m" tit"de of a/s( the dis$ontent of 1oth !arties( the $ases that ast an eternit+ handed do/n from fathers to sons and #randsons( the enormo"s e&!enses that the a##rie'ed !art+ has to defra+ so that he ma+ #et 0"sti$e.I Jose P. Ri8a ADR 's. LITIGATION In Liti#ationC HIn the fa$e of a $o"rt 1att e( 1oth sides 1e$ome a most instant + $on'in$ed that the+ are not 0"st ri#ht( 1"t ri#hteo"s( and f e&i1i it+ 'anished.I )ar$ )$Corma$* HLiti#ation mere + $ontin"es and offends nat"re@ it does not hea .I Conf"$i"s )ARA)ING SALA)ATN Judge Eugene C. Paras


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