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Writing a Research Paper

Research Paper
The final step Research is not finished until the results are published!

Organization of a Research Paper




Main sections Introduction Method Participants Apparatus Procedure Design Results and Discussion Conclusions




Abstract not an introduction. tate what you did and what you found. Keywords

Introduction conte!t "or the research. tate #hy it is interesting and rele$ant. Identi"y a proble% as it currently e!ists. &i$e an o$er$ie# o" the contents o" the entire paper.

'se subsections as appropriate to pro$ide the bac(ground and rationale "or the research.

)u%ber e*uations consecuti$ely throughout %anuscript

&i$e and assess "indings "ro% prior research. Cite as appropriate.

'se sub+subsections as appropriate ,It-s your story to tell..

'se "igures #ith captions as appropriate

/b0ecti$es good lead+ in to the %ethodology that "ollo#s

Method tell the reader #hat you did and ho# you did it Participants state the nu%ber o" participants. &i$e de%ographic in"or%ation1 such as age1 gender1 rele$ant e!perience. tate ho# they #ere chosen. ,)ote2 The ter% 3 ub0ects4 is no# obsolete.. Apparatus describe the hard#are and so"t#are.

Procedure speci"y e!actly #hat happened #ith each participant.

'se screen snaps o" so"t#are i" appropriate

Design "actors and le$els1 order o" ad%inistering conditions1 etc. Be thorough and clear5 It-s i%portant that your research is reproducible.

Results and Discussion 'se subsections as appropriate I" there #ere outliers or proble%s in the data collection1 state this up+"ront.

/rgani6e results by the dependent %easures. &i$e %eans across conditions. 'se statistical tests as appropriate ,e.g.1 analysis o" $ariance.. Again It-s your story to tell.

'se charts1 tables1 etc.1 as appropriate. Don-t o$erdo it5 &i$ing too %any charts or too %uch data %eans you can-t distinguish #hat is i%portant "ro% #hat is not i%portant. &i$e the results that are i%portant1 no %ore1 no less.

Dont Give the Sa e Results T!ice

a%e in"or%ation

7ro% Myers1 B. A.1 Bhatnagar1 R.1 )ichols1 8.1 Pec(1 C. 9.1 :ong1 D.1 Miller1 R.1 ; <ong1 A. C. ,=>>=.. Interacting at a distance2 Measuring the per"or%ance o" laser pointers and other de$ices. Proceedings of CHI 20021 ??+@>. )e# Aor(2 ACM.

Discuss the results. tate #hat is interesting in the results. B!plain the di""erences across conditions. Co%pare #ith results "ro% other studies.

Pro$ide additional analysis1 as appropriate1 such as "ine grain analyses on types o" errors or linear regression or correlation analyses "or %odels o" interaction ,such as 7itts- la#..

Conclusions su% up #hat you did1 restating the i%portant "indings. Restate the contribution. Restate any proble%s noted earlier. Identi"y topics "or "uture #or(. Do not de$elop any ne# ideas in the conclusion.

Acknowledgements optional. Than( people #ho helped1 and "unding agencies supporting the research.

References "or%atted as per the sub%ission re*uire%ents o" the con"erence or 0ournal

Writing St"le
Three tips
#$ %e concise &$ 'void superfluous !ords or phrases ($ )se the active voice* not the passive voice

The 'bstract
The abstract is+
the ost i portant section of the research paper

,f the abstract is poorl" !ritten* the entire paper is poorl" !ritten

'bstract -.a ple /# 0 1ontent

The abstract should state
What "ou did What "ou found

'n e.a ple fro


)e!t slide


:arat1 C. M.1 9al$erson1 C.1 :arat1 8.1 ; 9orn1 D. ,CDDD.. Patterns o" entry and correction in large $ocabulary continuous speech recognition syste%s1 Proceedings of ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems -CHI !! ,pp. EFG+EHE.2 )e# Aor(2 ACM...

tates what they did Abstract A study #as conducted to e$aluate user per"or%ance and satis"action in co%pletion o" a set o" te!t creation tas(s using three co%%ercially a$ailable continuous speech recognition syste%s. The study also co%pared user per"or%ance on si%ilar tas(s using (eyboard input. /ne part o" the study ,Initial 'se. in$ol$ed =@ users #ho enrolled1 recei$ed training and carried out practice tas(s1 and then co%pleted a set o" transcription and co%position tas(s in a single session. In a parallel e""ort ,B!tended 'se.1 "our researchers used speech recognition to carry out real #or( tas(s o$er C> sessions #ith each o" the three speech recognition so"t#are products. This paper presents results "ro% the Initial 'se phase o" the study along #ith so%e preli%inary results "ro% the B!tended 'se phase. Ie present details o" the (inds o" usability and syste% design proble%s li(ely in current syste%s and se$eral co%%on patterns o" error correction that #e "ound.

)othing about #hat they "ound

'bstract -.a ple /& 0 Writing St"le

'n e.a ple fro ),ST # Well tr" to revise it to see if there is roo for i prove ent

<ee1 8. C.1 7orli66i1 8.1 ; 9udson1 . B. ,=>>=.. The (inetic typography engine2 An e!tensible syste% "or ani%ating e!pressi$e te!t. Proceedings of the ACM Symposium on "ser Interface Software and #echno$ogy -- "IS# 20021 pp. GC+D>. )e# Aor(2 ACM.

:inetic typography te!t that uses %o$e%ent or other te%poral change has recently e%erged as a ne# "or% o" co%%unication. As #e hope to illustrate in this paper1 (inetic typography can be seen as bringing so%e o" the e!pressi$e po#ers o" "il% such as its ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and $isually direct attention to the strong co%%unicati$e po#ers o" te!t. Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise "or e!pressi$e co%%unication1 it has not been #idely e!ploited outside a "e# li%ited application areas ,%ost notably in TJ ad$ertising.. /ne o" the reasons "or this has been the lac( o" tools directly supporting it1 and the acco%panying di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t. This paper presents a "irst step in re%edying this situation an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t in a #ide $ariety o" "or%s. By supporting an appropriate set o" care"ully "actored abstractions1 this engine pro$ides a relati$ely s%all set o" co%ponents that can be plugged together to create a #ide range o" di""erent e!pressions. It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t used in traditional cartoon ani%ation1 and pro$ides speci"ic support "or typographical %anipulations.

:inetic typography te!t that %o$es or other#ise changes is a ne# "or% o" co%%unication. As #e illustrate1 (inetic typography brings the e!pressi$e po#er o" "il% the ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and direct attention to the #orld o" te!t. Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise1 it is not #idely e!ploited outside areas such as TJ ad$ertising. Reasons include the lac( o" support tools and the di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t. /ur re%edy is an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t. Through a set o" abstractions1 the engine pro$ides a s%all set o" pluggable co%ponents to create a range o" e!pressions. It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t and pro$ides support "or typographical %anipulations.

1o pare
:inetic typography te!t that uses %o$e%ent or other te%poral change has recently e%erged as a ne# "or% o" co%%unication. As #e hope to illustrate in this paper1 (inetic typography can be seen as bringing so%e o" the e!pressi$e po#ers o" "il% such as its ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and $isually direct attention to the strong co%%unicati$e po#ers o" te!t. Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise "or e!pressi$e co%%unication1 it has not been #idely e!ploited outside a "e# li%ited application areas ,%ost notable TJ ad$ertising.. /ne o" the reasons "or this has been the lac( o" tools directly supporting it1 and the acco%panying di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t. This paper presents a "irst steps in re%edying this situation an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t in a #ide $ariety o" "or%s. By supporting an appropriate set o" care"ully "actored abstractions1 this engine pro$ides a relati$ely s%all set o" co%ponents that can be plugged together to create a #ide range o" di""erent e!pressions. It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t used in traditional cartoon ani%ation1 and pro$ides speci"ic support "or typographical %anipulations.

CG? #ords

! "e concise /riginal2 te%t that uses mo&ement or other tempora$ change Re$ision2 te%t that mo&es or otherwise changes

:inetic typography te!t that %o$es or other#ise changes is a ne# "or% o" co%%unication. As #e illustrate1 (inetic typography brings the e!pressi$e po#er o" "il% the ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and direct attention to the #orld o" te!t. Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise1 it is not #idely e!ploited outside areas such as TJ ad$ertising. Reasons include the lac( o" support tools and the di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t. /ur re%edy is an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t. Through a set o" abstractions1 the engine pro$ides a s%all set o" pluggable co%ponents to create a range o" e!pressions. It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t and pro$ides support "or typographical %anipulations.

CC@ #ords

#! A$oid superfluous words or phrases /riginal2 As we hope to i$$ustrate in this paper' Re$ision2 As we i$$ustrate' %! &se the acti$e $oice /riginal2 it has not (een wide$y e%p$oited Re$ision2 it is not wide$y e%p$oited

'bstract Deconstructed 3#4

:inetic typography te!t that uses %o$e%ent or other te%poral change has recently e%erged as a ne# "or% o" co%%unication.

:inetic typography te!t that %o$es or other#ise changes is a ne# "or% o" co%%unication.

As #e hope to illustrate in this paper1 (inetic typography can be seen as bringing so%e o" the e!pressi$e po#ers o" "il% such as its ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and $isually direct attention to the strong co%%unicati$e po#ers o" te!t.

As #e illustrate1 (inetic typography brings the e!pressi$e po#er o" "il% the ability to con$ey e%otion1 portray co%pelling characters1 and direct attention to the #orld o" te!t.

'bstract Deconstructed 3&4

Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise "or e!pressi$e co%%unication1 it has not been #idely e!ploited outside a "e# li%ited application areas ,%ost notably in TJ ad$ertising.. /ne o" the reasons "or this has been the lac( o" tools directly supporting it1 and the acco%panying di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t.

Although (inetic typography o""ers pro%ise1 it is not #idely e!ploited outside areas such as TJ ad$ertising

Reasons include the lac( o" support tools and the di""iculty in creating dyna%ic te!t.

'bstract Deconstructed 3(4

This paper presents a "irst step in re%edying this situation an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t in a #ide $ariety o" "or%s.

/ur re%edy is an e!tensible robust syste% "or ani%ating te!t.

By supporting an appropriate set o" care"ully "actored abstractions1 this engine pro$ides a relati$ely s%all set o" co%ponents that can be plugged together to create a #ide range o" di""erent e!pressions.

Through a set o" abstractions1 the engine pro$ides a s%all set o" pluggable co%ponents to create a range o" e!pressions.

'bstract Deconstructed 354

It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t used in traditional cartoon ani%ation1 and pro$ides speci"ic support "or typographical %anipulations.

It pro$ides ne# techni*ues "or ani%ating te!t and pro$ides support "or typographical %anipulations.

Tip /5
6Get the little boo78#

C. trun(1 8r.1 I.1 and Ihite1 B. B. ,=>>>..#he e$ements of sty$e ,@th ed... <ondon2 Allyn and Bacon..

Than7 "ou 9uestions:

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