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Abacomancy is a form of divination also known as amathomancy. Using abacomancy, the

diviner would seek patterns in dust, dirt, or sand. These patterns were studied for omens that
might foretell the future.
The origins of abacomancy are shrouded in history. Certainly it has been around since ancient
times, though the beginning is lost in time.
Diviners used silt, sand, dust, and even ashes to gain insight into the future. The chosen
substance was first poured onto a flat surface. The diviner would carefully observe the sand or
dust, seeking patterns or symbols for a clue into the future. Some symbols are repeated over and
over, while others are not. All of them are believed to help predict future events.
Occasionally, the diviner would use ashes instead of dust or sand. The ashes were obtained from
the funeral pyre of a recently-deceased person. On the tenth day after the death, the ashes would
be gathered from the pyre. The ashes would then be carefully sifted and covered with a basket
before being left for the night. A lamp was placed nearby. In the morning, the ashes were studied
for clues. If an animal appeared in the ashes, it was believed that the dead person's ghost had
migrated into that new form.
Patterns that appear include lines, spirals, triangles, and hearts. If there are many lines, a long trip
is expected. The heart represents love, while the triangle represents power that is equally
balanced on all sides.

Three years of solid usage has blocked this laptop heat sink with dust, making the computer
Classicist Richard Cassaro's research focuses on ancient mysticism and secret
societies. His current project, Written In Stone, reveals never-before-seen visual
evidence of a "secret code" hidden in plain view in the architectural facades of the
world's most famous Gothic cathedrals. He examines how the code conveys an
ancient Pagan message to posterity that was fully intended by the Freemasons who
scholars say built these sacred structures. For a powerful preview, visit and download his illuminating PDF Report: Breaking The
Cathedral Code, Freemasonry's Triptych Secret Revealed. Also, visit his Sacred
Science blog at

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