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she heard of the work being done by Jesuits in Kurseong near Darjeeling. She became a nun and had a year's training in dublin. She learnt english and came to calcutta in 1929. She worked as a geography teacher. She was a principal for many years in St. Mary's high school She was going to Darjeeling to make her retreat. It was 10th september, 1946, while travelling by train, she heard the call of Jesus Christ so give up all and follow him to the slums to serve him among the poorest of the poor. She received intensive training in nursing and in the year 1948 opened her first slum school in a private house given to her. A new order, the missionaries of charity, was instituted in Calcutta. The male branch, missionary brothers of charity, was set up many years later in march 1963. The four vows taken by her order were justified by mother teresa. 1) The vow of poverty 2) The vow of chastity 3) The vow of obedience. 4) The vow of whole hearted free service to the poor. The last vow has special significance. According to this vow the sisters should not serve the rich. They should serve the poor without accepting any remuneration. The dress she had prescribed for her order was designed to hide any female charms that might attract attention. When the author asked her the reason for her special interest in the dying she said that it was a vocation, a call. She wanted such people who are unwanted by others. She started the house for the dying when she was moved by the sight of a woman lying infront of a hospital, half eaten up by rats and maggots. She was there till the woman died. Mother Teresa liked Calcutta so much because the people of calcutta had a warmth which could not be seen any where else. Regarding the financial assistance she told that money was not a great problem and god gave through his people. Regarding the work, she said that what ever she did was only a drop in the ocean, but if that drop was not in the ocean, the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. She was not concerned with the dimension of the work but the work itself. She started Nirmala Sishu Bhavan for a practical demonstration of what love meant for the unwanted. She said that being unwanted was the worst disease. She received Raman Magasaysay award. Pope John XXIII peace prize. Kennedy. Jr. Foundation award etc. The money she got was spent for lepers and opening leper colonies. 34. Conviction=firm belief, assurance, confidence, faith, creed, principle 35. The scripture=the bible, holy book 36. capitalize=make important, use to one's advantage, flip over, invert 37. providence=god'scare, Divine intervention, fate, fortune 38. Escort=accompany, go with, protection, keep an eye on, look after 39. Crumble=break into pieces 40. Expansive=willing to talk, unreserved, communicative, friendly, extrovert 41. proceed=go on, continue, carry on, move forward, grow 42. Elucidate=explain, make clear 43. Confer= to give 44. Chandeliered=with chandeliers(hanging lights) 45. Humility =being humble 46. Restrain=prevent, control, stop, govern, regulate 47. Raffle=a kind of lottery, prize 48. Spastic=suffering from a kind of paralysis 49. Rely=depend, lean on, have confidence in 50. Elite=most important 51. Fore go=forgo, give up, abandon, omit, sacrifice 52. Afford=be able to, bear, sacrifice, enough, provide 53. Dimension=extent 54. Demonstrate=show 55. Fend=look after, support oneself, survive 56. Cherish=like 57. Encomiums=words of high praise 58. Apostle=supporter of a noble cause, one of the twelve followers of Jesus Christ 59. Merge=unite, mix, blend, combine, mingle 60. Recount=memorise, describe, recite, report 61. Clad= to wear, drape, dress, wrap up 62. Thoroughfare= a road or path open for traffic 63. Unique=unequalled, only one, peculiar 64. Adopt=accept, appropriate, choose, take up 65. Xenophobia=unreasonable hatred towards foreigners or strangers, strong dislike Vow of chastity: We should give our heart complete and undivided to Jesus christ. Vow of obedience: We have to take all the other vows according to obedience. Vow of giving whole - hearted free service to the poor: The significance of the special vow is they cannot work for the rich neither they accept any money for the work they do. Theirs has to be a whole - hearted free service to the poor. 6) What reason does mother Teresa give for her special interest in the dying? A. Mother Teresa said that nobody takes care of the dying, the diseased, the sick and the crippled. Nobody wants the unwanted. Nobody loves or cares. She also said that giving a special interest in the dying was a vocation, a call. One day Mother Teresa saw a woman lying infront of a hospital half - eaten by rats and maggots. She looked after her until her derth. From then, Mother Teresa gave special interest in dying. 7) ''Mother Teresa, there are too many poor and destitute in the world today. How much can you do for them? The author asked mother. What was her reply? What was important to her? A. When the author asked Mother Teresa how much she could do for the too many poor and destitute in the world, she replied that her work might be a drop in the ocean, but if that drop was not in the ocean, the ocean would be less because of that missing drop. The dimension of the work was not important for her. 8) What does Mother Teresa think is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience? How does the Nirmal Shishu Bhavan demonstrate this idea? A) Mother Teresa thought that being unwanted is the worst disease that any human being can ever experience. She thought that there are medicines for all diseases like leprosy, TB etc. But there is no medicine for being un wanted. In Nirmal Shishu Bhavan abandoned children and prematurned babies will be looked after whole - heartadly. This Shishu Bhavan is a practical demonstration of the meaning of love to the unwanted. 3) Why are the birds said to have endless leisure? Is the poet being ironical? A. The birds are said to have endless leisure because they are dead and hung on a dead oak tree branch flapping in the sun and in the wind. The poet is ironical in saying so because one enjoys pleasure and suffers pain only when one is alive. There is neither work nor leisure for the dead. 4) Of all the birds and beasts the keeper had shot, only three are specially mentioned? What does each of them represent? A. Of all the birds and beasts the keeper had shot only three are specially mentioned. Each of them has their own nature and habits. The weasel was a fierce rather cruel animal. It kills other animals. The crow is a cunning bird. It steals things and kills small animals and insects. The magpie is an enchanting bird. It picks up bright objects and takes them to his nest.

18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24. 25. 26. 27. 28. 29. 30. 31. 32.

27) Pathetic = pitiful, sorrowful, painful, heart breaking, tragic 28) Apathetic = Indifferent, lacking interest, dull, un ambitious 29) Decree = command, order, decide, judgement, declaration 30) Nonplussed = surprised, bewildered 31) Chortle = give a laugh of pleasure, huge laugh 32) Pre occupied = with mind fixed on some thing 33) Triumph = success, victory, accomplishment, celebration 34) Applaud = praise, approve, cheer, congratulate, acclaim 35) Vivid = clear, detailed, intense, strong 36) Somer sault = doing some feats like turning head over heel 37) Tumbling = rolling, drop, fall, dis arrange 38) Brooch = ornamental jeweled safety pin

Important Questions & Answers

1) What was the Writer's first encounter with Anna? Was it a pleasant one? What were the children doing? The writer had two choices what did the writer choose? Why? A. The writer first saw Anna when she was playing hide and seek game with the neighboring children in their garden. It was not a pleasant one because she was very frightened to see Anna. The two options she had were either to creep over the manure pit to reach her home or to go to the lawn and face to face with Anna. As she was frightened to meet anna She choose the former one. 2. It what state was Anna when Mrs. Bates found her? Mrs. Bates did two things?What were they? A. Anna was begging on a Daryaganj street when Mrs.Bates found her. She and her child were near starvation. Mrs.Bates did two things. Mrs. Bates put bath salts in the tub in order to wash off the special circus smell of elephants manure and cat's sweat Mrs.Bates also gave her a white uniform to put on. 3. With the coming of Anna there came a lot of changes? What were they? A. With coming of Anna there came a lot of changes in the children. They were 1. They stopped walking or running but started prowling. 2. They would not hop or skip but spring and leap. 3. Even their voices also changed. 4. What did Mrs. Bates try to do? What kind of a cat was Anna? What did Mrs.Bates want to change her into? Did she succeed? Why not? A. Mrs. Bates tried to change Anna, the circus cat into a motherly pussy cat by installing her as the nanny to the children. Anna was a circus cat. No, Mrs.Bates did not succeed in changing Anna into an Alley cat. The children looked Anna as a circus cat and she finally went to circus again. 5. What were the Bates doing to get back Anna's child? Why was it a bit difficult? Where was Anna going? A. The Bates were trying to get back Anna's child. But it became a bit difficult because the circus had moved to Bombay. Anna was going to Bombay to get her child. 6. When did the writer see Anna next? Who did the writer wonder the little girl somer saluting in the saw dust was? A. The writer saw Anna at a circus in bombay after several years. She was doing her favorite act of draping a tiger over her shoulder and standing on the backs of two lions. The writer also saw a little girl who was something in the saw dust. The writer thought she was Anna's daughter. 7. Explain the significance of the title of the story circus cat and Alley cat? What is meant by Alley cat? How does it contrast with circus cat? Which role suits Anna better? A. This story narrates a born circus cat's efforts for changing her self into an Alley cat. Anna, a born circus cat tried to become a nanny, But in vain. she failed in changing herself into an Alley cat, like a nanny to children. When she failed as a Nanny she again went to circus and became a circus cat. So the title of the story is suitable. Circus cat means a wild cat. Alley cat means a nice motherly pussy cat that wanders about in houses. Anna suits for circus cat. 8. What made Anna give up the circus and become a Nanny? A. Anna was a Malabar girl who had been born into the circus and had trained the big cats since she was thirteen. Then She married the boy who led the cats in circus. In no time he had taught her to stay at home as a house wife. Anna grew wild and left him and circus. She had a baby by that time. As she had no work to do she and her baby suffered from starvation. Mrs. Bates saw her and installed her as a Nanny to children.

Scarlet=bright red Hang on=pay attention,listen carefully Striped=with long narrow hands Alibi=excuse, defence for an accused, apology, explanation Acquit=set a prisoner free from court of law, release Wedge=unable to move Bang out=move out noisily Squeal=shrill cry, shout Vengeance=revenge propose=put forward Stout= fat, heavy, well built, massive Admit=agree, accept Divine=godly, from heaven, immortal, religious Crown counsel=prosecution lawyer Dome=rounded vault as roof

Important Questions & Answers

1) Why did the witness not forget the murderer? Which was his unforgettable feature? A. The witness didn't forget the murderer because of his particular features. He was a stout man with bulging blood shot eyes. All his muscles seemed to be in his thighs. His particular and most unforgettable feature is his bulging blood shot eyes. 2) Who were the four witnesses? What was each of then doing at the time of night? A. The four witnesses were Mrs. Salmon, Henry Mac dougall, Mr. Wheeler and another eye witness who had seen the murderer in laurel avenue Mrs. Salmon heard a door click sound and thought it was her own gate. So she looked through the window and saw the accused coming out of Mrs. parker's house and dropping the hammer in the laurel bushes. Henry Macdougall testified that he was driving home and nearly ran the accused down at the corner of Northwood street. Mr. wheeler who was neighbour of the victim, was awakened by a noise like chair falling. He saw the back of Adams through the window. Another eye witness also saw the accused in laurel avenue. 3. Who gave the formal evidence?What do you think the surgeon told in the court? A. The policeman who found the dead body and the surgeon who examined the body gave the formal evidence. The surgeon had told the court that Mrs. Parker, the victim died of hammer blows. 4. What made Mrs. Salmon an ideal witness? Who would be influenced by her qualities? What were they? A. Mrs. Salmon spoke firmly and without malice. So she was considered the ided witness. The jury and the press reporters were influenced by her honesty, care, kindness and firmness. 5. Why was the man acquitted? Why was his twin brother not convicted? A. The man (Adams, the accused) was acquitted because all the four witness failed to identify the real culprit, When the defence council had shown a twin Adams in the court. The twin adams looked exactly the same and the witness could not identify who the murderer was. As the witness failed to identify the real culprit, Adams was acquitted and his twin brother was not convicted 6. ''The extraordinary day had an extraordinary end'' How was the day extraordinary? How was the end extraordinary? A. The day was extraordinary because inspite of everyone's expectation the accused in the sensational murder case was acquitted. The end was extraordinary because one of twin brothers had been killed in a road accident in an extraordinary manner. 7. What did the police want the twins to do? Why did they fefuse? were they right? What did the refusal lead to? A. The police wanted the twin brother to leave the court by the back way because there was a heavy croud infront of the court. They refused to go by the back way. They said that they had a right to go by the front enrance since they were acquitted. They were not right because their refusal resulted in the darth of one of the twin brothers under the wheels of a bus. 8. What is the divine vengeeance in the story ''the case for the defance? A. The court acquitted the brutal murderer as he was not identified properly by the witness. But God's verdict was better than the courts' verdict. One might escape punishment from the court but not from the god. In the story ''The case for the defence'' the murderer was acquitted bythe court. But he fell under the wheels of a bus and died. God had punished him in that way. This was the divine vengeance.

Lesson -5

The case for the Defence

rs. parker, an old woman, resident of North wood street was battered to death. The murderer was seen by four people who were subsequently produced in the court as witnesses.Mrs. salmon was the first witness who saw the murderer standing on the steps of Mrs. parkers house. She also saw the murderer drop the hammer into the laurel bushes. Henry Macdougall was the second person who saw the murderer. Henry Macdougall was driving home late and nearly ran the murderer down at the corner of North Wood street. Mr. Wheeler, who lived next to Mrs. Parker's house was the third person to see the murderer. In laurel avenue he had been seen by another witness. The murderer was Adams. The four witnesses were summoned to court to give their evidence. Mrs. Salmon, the first witness was the ideal witness. She was examined by the prosecution counsel. She said that the accused standing in the dock was the same person whom she had seen on the night of Mrs. Parker's murder. The defence counsel cross examined Mrs. Salmon and the person standing in the dock as she had seen the face in the moonlight and lamp light. Every body in the court believed that Adams would be sentenced to death as the evidence against him was so strong. But when the defence counsel showed the twin of Adams sitting at the back of the court and asked Mrs.Salmon to swear that the man she saw drop the hammer in Mrs. parkers garden was the prisoner and not that man who was his twin brother. Mrs. Salmon and the other three witnesses gave no answer to the defence counsel's question. So Adams was acquitted for lack of evidence. His twin brother had an alibi and so he could not be arrested. The brothers were asked by the police to leave the court by back way as there was a big crowd and it would be very difficult for the police to take them out. But the brothers paid a deaf ear to what the police said and tried to pass through the front door. One of the brother said that he had been acquitted and there was no need to leave by back door. The crowd moved and some how one of the twins got pushed on to the road, right in front of the bus and was run over. His head smashed Just like Mrs. Parker's had been. It was divine vengeance. The end was extraordinary.

Important Questions & Answers

1) What are the earthly possessions of a sister of charity? What does this show? A. A bucket, a saree and books of prayer are the carthly possessions of a sister of charity. This shows that they have not given any importance to earthly possessions. This also indicates their simple way of living and their intention to live as the poorest of the poor. 2) Is there any thing outstanding in mother Teresa's appearance? Where does her uniqueness lies in? A. Mother Teresa is as small as her Indian sisters. She is barely five feet tall and slender of build. She has high cheek bones and very thin lips. Her wrinkles show the hard life she had led. Her face is a homely one without any charisma. She wore a cheap white cotton saree covering herself completely from head to heels. There is nothing out standing in Mother Teresa's appearance. Her uniqueness lies in merging herself in the common face of mankind. 3) What is the dress that has been prescribed for the sister of charity? What are its qualities? How does the dress suit their work and ideas? A. The dress prescribed for the sister of charity is a blue bordered white cotton saree. The dress is designed to hide any female charms that may attract attention. This saree binds her forehead up to her eye brows and pinned at different places. This dress suits their duty in that they have to work mostly in areas inhabited by poor people. It also shows their ideal that they are to be the poorest of the poor to live and serve the poor. 4) In what way was the 10th of september 1946 important in Mother Teresa's life? What was the call she received? How did she prepare herself for the work? A. On the 10th of september 1946 mother Teresa received a call from Jesus christ. She called it as the inspiration day or the day of decision. She was required to give up all and follow the god to serve him among the poorest of the poor. She got permission and blessings from the pope and went to Patna to receive intensive training in nursing. 5) What are the four vows taken by the missionaries of charity? What is the significance of the special vow that they take? A. The four vows taken by the missionaries of charity are:Vow of poverty: Poverty is to be strictly observed because to know the poor and to love the poor we must be poor ourselves.


The Gallows
his poem is written by Edward Thomas. Once there was a weasel which used to kill small animals. The keeper had killed him and hung on a dead oak tree branch. The weasel was hung there without pain and pleasure. There was a crow in the same place. As the crow was a thief and a murderer, the keeper had killed him also. The crow was hung on the dead oak tree branch. There was a magpie, a beautiful, noisy bird in the same place. Though he could sing and talk, he was also killed and hung on the branch. Many other beasts and birds were also killed and hung on the dead oak tree branch. All those were hanging and swinging in the sun and in the snow without pain and pleasure. The keeper had killed all those because all the animals were killing smaller ones. But the keeper had done a great injustice by killing the animals because the animals had a legitimate right of preying on small animals.

1. Clue=indicator 2. Notorious=ill famed, known for bad, in famous, disgraceful 3. cluster=small group of people, crowd, assembly, collection 4. Mobile=movable 5. Dangle=hang loosely, depend, sway 6. Chapel=a small church 7. Foregather =come together, assemble 8. Enormous=very big, huge, gigantic 9. Innumerable=too many, countless, uncountable, untold 10. Destitute=poor, without any possessions, homeless, poverty, penniless 11. Dormitory= a large room with many beds 12. Await=wait for 13. Sparsely= with a little, thin, scarce, scattered 14. Sparing=using or giving a little 15. clasp=interlace one's fingers, brooch, buckle, clip, grasp 16. Homely=simple, plain, austere, comfortable, unsophisticated 17. Charisma=special charm 18. Vulgar=mean, paltry, drawing the attention too noticeably, offensive 19. Celebrity=a famous person, public figure, VIP, worth 20. Austere=simple, ascetic, without ornament, modest, unfury 21. Lilt=sing song, rhythmic 22. Cloistered=isolated, shut away from the world 23. Calling=profession, vocation, occupation, trade, career 24. Retreat=prayer period, retirement, departure 25. Vie with =Compete against 26. Erstwhile=previous, former, departed, late 27. Chastity =purity, virginity, innocence, maiden hood, sinlessness 28. Congregation= a religious group 29. Whence=from what cause 30. Cripple=handicap, disabled 31. Obvious=clear,evident, noticeable, prominent 32. Assiduous=with careful and constant attention, showing thoroughness 33. squat= to sit, crouch

1. 2. 3. 4. Bough=branch Flap=hang, swing, sway, wave about Avail= to be of use Feast=grand meal

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. Batter=strike hard, beat out of shape, disfigure Jury=lawyer, judge Mute=silent, deaden the sound Bulge=swell, come out, expand, enlarge Villa=a house in the out skirts with own garden Dock=enclose in the court Laurel= ever green shrub Fatal= deadly, dangerous, likely to cause death, incurable,malignant Expose=make known, uncover, reveal, display Suffuse=spread over, swell, increase, bulge Brutal=cruel, barbaric, merciless Astonish=greatly surprised, amaze, startle Verdict=judgement, decision, conclusion, opinion Daze= confuse, bewilder, puzzle Formal=usual, natural Accent=way of speaking, pronunciation, intonation Malice=ill will, harming nature,viciousness, hatred

Important Questions & Answers

1) What did the keeper do to the weasel? Why do you think he did so? Where does the dead weasel hang? Does the animal have any feeling now? A. The keeper shot the weasel with his gun and hung him up on a tree. As the weasel was killing other animals the keeper had killed him. The animal does not have any feeling now. It has neither pleasure nor pain because it was already dead. 2) What had the crow done? Why did the keeper kill him? Who was the sinner? What were his sins? What happened to him? A. The crow was the sinner. He had stolen some things and killed many small creatures. So the keeper had killed him and hung him up an a dead oak tree. It hung three in the sun and in the snow. The crow cannot do any sins because it was already dead.

Lesson -4

Mother Teresa

M other Teresa was born on 27th August 1910 in Skopje, Yugoslavia. Her interest in missionary activity began at 12 when

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