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CSS Syllabus: 2. Landforms Major landforms, Rocks : origin, formation and classification. Internal Structure of the Earth.

Earth quakes and Volcancity. Weathering. Mass Wasting. Erosion and e!osition. "ycle of Erosion. #andforms !roduced $y %nderground and &round Water. Wind and &laciers. Landforms Definition: #andforms are defined as the natural !hysical features found on the surface of the earth. #andforms are created as a result of the 'arious forces of nature such as (ind, (ater and ice and also $y the mo'ement of the earth)s tectonic !lates. *or e+am!le, due to these actions, the soil gets eroded and de!osited some(here far from the site of erosion, thus leads to the formation of different landforms. Some landforms are created in a matter of fe( hours, others take millions of years to a!!ear. - grou! of landforms in a !articular area is called its landsca!e. Types and Characteristic Features of Landforms .here are many ty!es of landforms on the earth)s surface. Each landform is characteri/ed $y its slo!e, ele'ation, soil and rock ty!e, stratification and orientation. *ollo(ing is the list of some of the common ty!es of landforms and their characteristics: Mountains: Mountains are areas, (hich are higher than the surrounding areas and are characteri/ed $y a !eak, e.g. .he 0imalayas. Sur!risingly, they are more frequently !resent in the oceans than in land. - mountain is stee!er than a hill. Mountains are formed due the tectonic mo'ement such as an earthquake or a 'olcanic eru!tion. - fe( are resulted due to erosion of the surrounding areas $y the action of (ind, (ater or ice. Plateaus: 1lateaus are large highland flat areas se!arated from the surrounding areas $y a stee! slo!e, e.g. .he .i$etan !lateau. 1lateaus are formed due to 'arious actions such as collision of the earth)s tectonic !lates, u!lift of the earth)s crust $y the action of magma, some are resulted due to the la'a flo( from the 'olcanic eru!tion. Islands: Islands are areas that are com!letely surrounded $y (ater, e.g. .he 0a(aiian Islands. Islands are formed either as a result of the 'olcanic eru!tion or due the !resence of hot s!ots on the lithos!here. Plains: 1lains are flat areas or lo( relief areas on the earth)s surface, e.g. !rairies, ste!!es. 1lains are formed due to the sedimentation of the eroded soil from the hills and mountains or due to the flo(ing la'a de!osited $y the agents of (ind, (ater and ice. alleys: Valleys are flat areas of land $et(een the hills or mountains, e.g. .he

"alifornia "entral Valley. Mostly they are formed $y the actions of ri'ers and glaciers. e!ending u!on the sha!e, 'alley forms are classified as %2sha!ed or V2sha!ed 'alley. V2sha!ed 'alleys are formed $y flo(ing (ater or ri'ers, (hereas %2sha!ed 'alleys are formed $y glaciers. Deserts: eserts are 'ery dry lands (ith little or no rainfall, for e+am!le, .he Sahara desert. Mostly deserts are formed in rainshado( areas, (hich are lee(ard of a mountain range (ith res!ect to the (ind direction. .hus, the mountains $lock the !assage of (ind resulting in little or sometimes no rain. Loess: #oess are de!osits of silt and (ith a little amount of sand and clay. Many a times (ind action is res!onsi$le for formation of loess, ho(e'er sometimes glacial acti'ity can also form loess. !i"ers: Ri'ers are natural flo(ing stream of fresh(ater, e.g. .he 3ile. .hey mostly flo( to(ards lakes or oceans $ut sometimes they dried u! (ithout reaching another (ater $ody. Ri'er (ater is collected from the surface (ater runoffs, ground(ater (ater recharge and sometimes from the (ater reser'oirs such as glaciers. #andforms definitely !lay an im!ortant role in the formation of ri'ers. #ceans: 4ceans are the $iggest form of (ater and are saline, such as .he 1acific 4cean. 4ceans of the (orld co'er around 567 of the earth)s surface and control the (eather and climate of the earth)s surface. 4ceans are originated due the "ontinental rift, i.e. the mo'ement of the earth)s tectonic !lates. $laciers: &laciers are huge slo( mo'ing $ody of ice. &laciers are formed due to the com!action of sno( layers and mo'es (ith res!ect to gra'ity and !ressure. Mainly there are t(o ty!es of glaciers 2 -l!ine glaciers, (hich are formed in high mountains and "ontinental glaciers, (hich are formed in cold 1olar Regions. Types of %rosion .here are four main ty!es forces that cause the erosion of solid rock and formation of sediments: &. 'ater 2 as running (ater or (a'e action 2. 'ind 2 occurs in t(o forms: deflation and a$rasion (. $laciers 2 $y scra!ing rock and trans!orting all si/es of sediment thousands of miles ). $ra"ity 2 as a constant force on unsta$le hills and cliffs

1o(erful currents of mo'ing (ater can $e 'ery destructi'e forces of nature. .here are t(o (ays in (hich (ater can act as a trans!ort of sediment: $y running (ater, such as ri'ers and streams, or $y (a'es. Included (ith erosion $y

running (ater is erosion due to hea'y rainfall. 0ea'y rainfall can cause sediment to $e dislodged due to the im!act of continuous high2'elocity raindro!s or it can cause flooding, (hich causes erosion in the same manner as ri'ers and streams, also kno(n as sheet erosion. Vegetation is 'ery im!ortant for slo(ing do(n erosion due to hea'y rainfall and flooding. .he lea'es and $ranches of trees slo( do(n falling raindro!s $efore they im!act the surface. Moreo'er, a (ell2 de'elo!ed net(ork of tree, $ush and grass roots holds soil in !lace. Ri'ers and streams erode and trans!ort sediment $y !icking u! !articles along the channel or at the $ottom of the channel. .he a$ility for streams to trans!ort sediment de!ends on the tur$ulence and 'elocity of the (ater. .he higher the 'elocity of the (ater, the more tur$ulence, and therefore the more effecti'e the (ater is a$le to carry !articles do(nstream. .he 'elocity of the (ater is generally greater as the de!th increases. .herefore, larger !articles are trans!orted $y (ater at de!th (hereas (ater at the surface trans!orts fine !articles. .his is e'ident in stream and ri'er $ed de!osits, (here coarser2grained material is found at the $ottom of the stream and finer2grained material is found along the edges.

#ike (ater, erosion due to (ind !rocesses is de!endent on the rate of s!eed the (ind is $lo(ing or for ho( long a rock formation has $een su$ject to (ind. -lso like (ater, (ind erodes in t(o (ays: $y a !rocess called deflation and $y another !rocess called a$rasion. eflation comes from the #atin (ord meaning 8to $lo( a(ay9. -s the name im!lies, deflation occurs (hen the flo( of air is strong enough to !ick u! !articles and $lo( them else(here. -reas of significant deflation are deserts and $eaches, (here little to no 'egetation is !resent to !rotect sediments from the forces of (ind. -$rasion occurs (hen (ind2dri'en sediments strike and chi! a(ay at rock. .he rock $eing a$raded $egins to take on distincti'e forms and can e'en $e slightly !olished.

&laciers are some of the most !o(erful trans!orters of sediment. .hey do not discriminate $et(een the si/es of !articles $eing trans!orted and can trans!ort any si/e !article thousands of kilometers. .here are multi!le (ays in (hich glaciers erode rock surfaces and formations. In one (ay, glaciers act like huge $ulldo/ers, !icking u! loose sediment : from silt and sand to huge $oulders : and !ushing it along to $e de!osited else(here. -nother (ay is like a file, literally scratching and scra!ing a(ay at rock formations, lea'ing marks called striations in its !ath. .his occurs (hen the sediment at the $ase of the glacier is scra!ed against $edrock. In the case of huge $oulders, the scra!ing can $e much more dramatic and large chunks of rock can $e ri!!ed a(ay.

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30 4andom Very 1nterstin" Facts.

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The Size of All Planets Are Relative


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!eo"ra%+y 6essons CSS Sylla us G"o+rap1y: .A.%9 B K (Mar3sB 100) ,7.S1826 2N# !ENE426 !EO!42,7. 1. Elements o- Weat+er and 8limate Knsola$ion and A$mosp1"ri# T"mp"ra$ur"< Glo al 9adia$ion and *"a$ 7alan#"< A$mosp1"ri# .r"ssur" and Iinds< *umidi$y and .r"#ipi$a$ion< Air Mass"s< Fron$s and A$mosp1"ri# :is$ur an#"s< Classi;i#a$ion o; Clima$" and Clima$i# 9"+ions<

2ir )asses and Fronts


CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC na1in ni+a1 main manMil $o !us$a!u 1i sa1i na1in 0isaal mayassar $o arMu 1i sa1i

0+e Followin" $ser Says 0+an .ou to Nonc+alant For 0+is $se-ul ,ost5 Ei#"roy (Monday, 5#$o "r 05, 200=) 'on#1alan$ Ei"0 .u li# .ro;il" Find all pos$s y 'on#1alan$ Add 'on#1alan$ $o (our Con$a#$s

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!eo"ra%+y lessons 8SS Syllabus5 3. 6and-orms Ma!or land;orms, 9o#3s : ori+in, ;orma$ion and #lassi;i#a$ion< Kn$"rnal S$ru#$ur" o; $1"

%ar$1< %ar$1 Nua3"s and Eol#an#i$y< I"a$1"rin+< Mass Ias$in+< %rosion and :"posi$ion< Cy#l" o; %rosion< 4and;orms produ#"d y /nd"r+round and Ground Ia$"r< Iind and Gla#i"rs< 6and-orms #e-inition5 4and;orms ar" d";in"d as $1" na$ural p1ysi#al ;"a$ur"s ;ound on $1" sur;a#" o; $1" "ar$1< 4and;orms ar" #r"a$"d as a r"sul$ o; $1" &arious ;or#"s o; na$ur" su#1 as 0ind, 0a$"r and i#" and also y $1" mo&"m"n$ o; $1" "ar$1Os $"#$oni# pla$"s< For "Pampl", du" $o $1"s" a#$ions, $1" soil +"$s "rod"d and d"posi$"d som"01"r" ;ar ;rom $1" si$" o; "rosion, $1us l"ads $o $1" ;orma$ion o; di;;"r"n$ land;orms< Som" land;orms ar" #r"a$"d in a ma$$"r o; ;"0 1oursQ o$1"rs $a3" millions o; y"ars $o app"ar< A +roup o; land;orms in a par$i#ular ar"a is #all"d i$s lands#ap"< 0y%es and 8+aracteristic Features o- 6and-orms T1"r" ar" many $yp"s o; land;orms on $1" "ar$1Os sur;a#"< %a#1 land;orm is #1ara#$"riM"d y i$s slop", "l"&a$ion, soil and ro#3 $yp", s$ra$i;i#a$ion and ori"n$a$ion< Follo0in+ is $1" lis$ o; som" o; $1" #ommon $yp"s o; land;orms and $1"ir #1ara#$"ris$i#s: )ountains5 Moun$ains ar" ar"as, 01i#1 ar" 1i+1"r $1an $1" surroundin+ ar"as and ar" #1ara#$"riM"d y a p"a3, "<+< T1" *imalayas< Surprisin+ly, $1"y ar" mor" ;r"Nu"n$ly pr"s"n$ in $1" o#"ans $1an in land< A moun$ain is s$""p"r $1an a 1ill< Moun$ains ar" ;orm"d du" $1" $"#$oni# mo&"m"n$ su#1 as an "ar$1Nua3" or a &ol#ani# "rup$ion< A ;"0 ar" r"sul$"d du" $o "rosion o; $1" surroundin+ ar"as y $1" a#$ion o; 0ind, 0a$"r or i#"< ,lateaus5 .la$"aus ar" lar+" 1i+1land ;la$ ar"as s"para$"d ;rom $1" surroundin+ ar"as y a s$""p slop", "<+< T1" Ti "$an pla$"au< .la$"aus ar" ;orm"d du" $o &arious a#$ions su#1 as #ollision o; $1" "ar$1Os $"#$oni# pla$"s, upli;$ o; $1" "ar$1Os #rus$ y $1" a#$ion o; ma+maQ som" ar" r"sul$"d du" $o $1" la&a ;lo0 ;rom $1" &ol#ani# "rup$ion< 1slands5 Kslands ar" ar"as $1a$ ar" #ompl"$"ly surround"d y 0a$"r, "<+< T1" *a0aiian Kslands< Kslands ar" ;orm"d "i$1"r as a r"sul$ o; $1" &ol#ani# "rup$ion or du" $1" pr"s"n#" o; 1o$ spo$s on $1" li$1osp1"r"< ,lains5 .lains ar" ;la$ ar"as or lo0 r"li"; ar"as on $1" "ar$1Os sur;a#", "<+< prairi"s, s$"pp"s< .lains ar" ;orm"d du" $o $1" s"dim"n$a$ion o; $1" "rod"d soil ;rom $1" 1ills and moun$ains or du" $o $1" ;lo0in+ la&a d"posi$"d y $1" a+"n$s o; 0ind, 0a$"r and i#"< Valleys5 Eall"ys ar" ;la$ ar"as o; land "$0""n $1" 1ills or moun$ains, "<+< T1" Cali;ornia C"n$ral Eall"y< Mos$ly $1"y ar" ;orm"d y $1" a#$ions o; ri&"rs and +la#i"rs< :"p"ndin+ upon $1" s1ap", &all"y ;orms ar" #lassi;i"d as /Bs1ap"d or EBs1ap"d &all"y< EBs1ap"d &all"ys ar" ;orm"d y ;lo0in+ 0a$"r or ri&"rs, 01"r"as /Bs1ap"d &all"ys ar" ;orm"d y +la#i"rs< #eserts5 :"s"r$s ar" &"ry dry lands 0i$1 li$$l" or no rain;all, ;or "Pampl", T1" Sa1ara d"s"r$< Mos$ly d"s"r$s ar" ;orm"d in rains1ado0 ar"as, 01i#1 ar" l""0ard o; a moun$ain ran+" 0i$1 r"sp"#$ $o $1" 0ind dir"#$ion< T1us, $1" moun$ains lo#3 $1" passa+" o; 0ind r"sul$in+ in li$$l" or som"$im"s no rain< 6oess: 4o"ss ar" d"posi$s o; sil$ and 0i$1 a li$$l" amoun$ o; sand and #lay< Many a $im"s

0ind a#$ion is r"sponsi l" ;or ;orma$ion o; lo"ssQ 1o0"&"r som"$im"s +la#ial a#$i&i$y #an also ;orm lo"ss< 4ivers5 9i&"rs ar" na$ural ;lo0in+ s$r"am o; ;r"s10a$"r, "<+< T1" 'il"< T1"y mos$ly ;lo0 $o0ards la3"s or o#"ans u$ som"$im"s $1"y dri"d up 0i$1ou$ r"a#1in+ ano$1"r 0a$"r ody< 9i&"r 0a$"r is #oll"#$"d ;rom $1" sur;a#" 0a$"r runo;;s, +round0a$"r 0a$"r r"#1ar+" and som"$im"s ;rom $1" 0a$"r r"s"r&oirs su#1 as +la#i"rs< 4and;orms d";ini$"ly play an impor$an$ rol" in $1" ;orma$ion o; ri&"rs< Oceans5 5#"ans ar" $1" i++"s$ ;orm o; 0a$"r and ar" salin", su#1 as T1" .a#i;i# 5#"an< 5#"ans o; $1" 0orld #o&"r around ,1R o; $1" "ar$1Os sur;a#" and #on$rol $1" 0"a$1"r and #lima$" o; $1" "ar$1Os sur;a#"< 5#"ans ar" ori+ina$"d du" $1" Con$in"n$al :ri;$, i<"< $1" mo&"m"n$ o; $1" "ar$1Os $"#$oni# pla$"s< !laciers5 Gla#i"rs ar" 1u+" slo0 mo&in+ ody o; i#"< Gla#i"rs ar" ;orm"d du" $o $1" #ompa#$ion o; sno0 lay"rs and mo&"s 0i$1 r"sp"#$ $o +ra&i$y and pr"ssur"< Mainly $1"r" ar" $0o $yp"s o; +la#i"rs B Alpin" +la#i"rs, 01i#1 ar" ;orm"d in 1i+1 moun$ains and Con$in"n$al +la#i"rs, 01i#1 ar" ;orm"d in #old .olar 9"+ions< (asic ty%es o- land-orms5 9 0y%es5

Ot+er ty%es5


4oc 8ycle

CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC na1in ni+a1 main manMil $o !us$a!u 1i sa1i na1in 0isaal mayassar $o arMu 1i sa1i

'on#1alan$ Ei"0 .u li# .ro;il" Find all pos$s y 'on#1alan$ Add 'on#1alan$ $o (our Con$a#$s @,8 Monday, 5#$o "r 05, 200= 'on#1alan$ S"nior M"m "r Aoin :a$": 5#$ 200, .os$s: )?0 T1an3s: 5-? T1an3"d ?5= Tim"s in 2)5 .os$s

!eo"ra%+y 6essons wit+ re"ard to 8SS syllabus ,a%er 1 0y%es o- Erosion T1"s" %rosion .ro#"ss"s S1ap" $1" 4ands#ap" %rosion is a +"olo+i#al pro#"ss $1a$ s1ap"s $1" lands#ap" o; $1" %ar$1, o$1 on $1" sur;a#" and und"r 0a$"r< K$ in&ol&"s $1" r"a3do0n o; ro#3 $1rou+1 "i$1"r $1" indi&idual or #om in"d ";;"#$s o; 0ind, pr"#ipi$a$ion, +la#ial mo&"m"n$ and +ra&i$a$ional ;or#"s<

0y%es o- Erosion T1"r" ar" ;our main $yp"s ;or#"s $1a$ #aus" $1" "rosion o; solid ro#3 and ;orma$ion o; s"dim"n$s: 1. Water B as runnin+ 0a$"r or 0a&" a#$ion 3. Wind B o##urs in $0o ;orms: d";la$ion and a rasion :. !laciers B y s#rapin+ ro#3 and $ranspor$in+ all siM"s o; s"dim"n$ $1ousands o; mil"s 9. !ravity B as a #ons$an$ ;or#" on uns$a l" 1ills and #li;;s

.o0"r;ul #urr"n$s o; mo&in+ 0a$"r #an " &"ry d"s$ru#$i&" ;or#"s o; na$ur"< T1"r" ar" $0o 0ays in 01i#1 0a$"r #an a#$ as a $ranspor$ o; s"dim"n$: y runnin+ 0a$"r, su#1 as ri&"rs and s$r"ams, or y 0a&"s< Kn#lud"d 0i$1 "rosion y runnin+ 0a$"r is "rosion du" $o 1"a&y rain;all< *"a&y rain;all #an #aus" s"dim"n$ $o " dislod+"d du" $o $1" impa#$ o; #on$inuous 1i+1B

&"lo#i$y raindrops or i$ #an #aus" ;loodin+, 01i#1 #aus"s "rosion in $1" sam" mann"r as ri&"rs and s$r"ams, also 3no0n as s1""$ "rosion< E"+"$a$ion is &"ry impor$an$ ;or slo0in+ do0n "rosion du" $o 1"a&y rain;all and ;loodin+< T1" l"a&"s and ran#1"s o; $r""s slo0 do0n ;allin+ raindrops ";or" $1"y impa#$ $1" sur;a#"< Mor"o&"r, a 0"llBd"&"lop"d n"$0or3 o; $r"", us1 and +rass roo$s 1olds soil in pla#"< 9i&"rs and s$r"ams "rod" and $ranspor$ s"dim"n$ y pi#3in+ up par$i#l"s alon+ $1" #1ann"l or a$ $1" o$$om o; $1" #1ann"l< T1" a ili$y ;or s$r"ams $o $ranspor$ s"dim"n$ d"p"nds on $1" $ur ul"n#" and &"lo#i$y o; $1" 0a$"r< T1" 1i+1"r $1" &"lo#i$y o; $1" 0a$"r, $1" mor" $ur ul"n#", and $1"r";or" $1" mor" ";;"#$i&" $1" 0a$"r is a l" $o #arry par$i#l"s do0ns$r"am< T1" &"lo#i$y o; $1" 0a$"r is +"n"rally +r"a$"r as $1" d"p$1 in#r"as"s< T1"r";or", lar+"r par$i#l"s ar" $ranspor$"d y 0a$"r a$ d"p$1 01"r"as 0a$"r a$ $1" sur;a#" $ranspor$s ;in" par$i#l"s< T1is is "&id"n$ in s$r"am and ri&"r "d d"posi$s, 01"r" #oars"rB+rain"d ma$"rial is ;ound a$ $1" o$$om o; $1" s$r"am and ;in"rB+rain"d ma$"rial is ;ound alon+ $1" "d+"s<


4i3" 0a$"r, "rosion du" $o 0ind pro#"ss"s is d"p"nd"n$ on $1" ra$" o; sp""d $1" 0ind is lo0in+ or ;or 1o0 lon+ a ro#3 ;orma$ion 1as ""n su !"#$ $o 0ind< Also li3" 0a$"r, 0ind "rod"s in $0o 0ays: y a pro#"ss #all"d d";la$ion and y ano$1"r pro#"ss #all"d a rasion< :";la$ion #om"s ;rom $1" 4a$in 0ord m"anin+ T$o lo0 a0ayU< As $1" nam" impli"s, d";la$ion o##urs 01"n $1" ;lo0 o; air is s$ron+ "nou+1 $o pi#3 up par$i#l"s and lo0 $1"m "ls"01"r"< Ar"as o; si+ni;i#an$ d";la$ion ar" d"s"r$s and "a#1"s, 01"r" li$$l" $o no &"+"$a$ion is pr"s"n$ $o pro$"#$ s"dim"n$s ;rom $1" ;or#"s o; 0ind< A rasion o##urs 01"n 0indBdri&"n s"dim"n$s s$ri3" and #1ip a0ay a$ ro#3< T1" ro#3 "in+ a rad"d "+ins $o $a3" on dis$in#$i&" ;orms and #an "&"n " sli+1$ly polis1"d<


Gla#i"rs ar" som" o; $1" mos$ po0"r;ul $ranspor$"rs o; s"dim"n$< T1"y do no$ dis#rimina$" "$0""n $1" siM"s o; par$i#l"s "in+ $ranspor$"d and #an $ranspor$ any siM" par$i#l" $1ousands o; 3ilom"$"rs< T1"r" ar" mul$ipl" 0ays in 01i#1 +la#i"rs "rod" ro#3 sur;a#"s and ;orma$ions< Kn on" 0ay, +la#i"rs a#$ li3" 1u+" ulldoM"rs, pi#3in+ up loos" s"dim"n$ V ;rom sil$ and sand $o 1u+" ould"rs V and pus1in+ i$ alon+ $o " d"posi$"d "ls"01"r"< Ano$1"r 0ay is li3" a ;il", li$"rally s#ra$#1in+ and s#rapin+ a0ay a$ ro#3 ;orma$ions, l"a&in+ mar3s #all"d s$ria$ions in i$s pa$1< T1is o##urs 01"n $1" s"dim"n$ a$ $1" as" o; $1" +la#i"r is s#rap"d a+ains$ "dro#3< Kn $1" #as" o; 1u+" ould"rs, $1" s#rapin+ #an " mu#1 mor" drama$i# and lar+" #1un3s o; ro#3 #an " ripp"d a0ay<


4andslid"s ar" a drama$i# #ons"Nu"n#" o; "rosion du" $o +ra&i$a$ional ;or#"s< *"a&y rain;all #an #on$ri u$" $o $1" pro l"m, u$ i$ is $1" 0"i+1$ o; $1" ro#3 and $1" an+l" o; i$s slop" $1a$ is $1" main r"ason ;or ;ailur"s in s$a ili$y< T1" #ons$an$ pull o; +ra&i$y ma3"s all 1ill slop"s and moun$ain ;a#"s sus#"p$i l" $o landslid"s, u$ ar"as 01"r" $1" ma$"rial is un#onsolida$"d ar" $1" mos$ 1aMardous< %&"n animal a#$i&i$y #an #aus" "rosion V #all"d bioerosion V as soil and sand is displa#"d ;rom $1is a#$i&i$y< T1" ";;"#$s o; "rosion d"p"nd on $1" 3ind o; "rosion o##urrin+, $1" ra$" a$ 01i#1 i$ o##urs and $1" p"riod o; $im" o&"r 01i#1 i$ 1as o##urr"d<

4andslid"s ar" a drama$i# #ons"Nu"n#" o; "rosion du" $o +ra&i$a$ional ;or#"s< *"a&y rain;all #an #on$ri u$" $o $1" pro l"m, u$ i$ is $1" 0"i+1$ o; $1" ro#3 and $1" an+l" o; i$s slop" $1a$ is $1" main r"ason ;or ;ailur"s in s$a ili$y< T1" #ons$an$ pull o; +ra&i$y ma3"s all 1ill slop"s and moun$ain ;a#"s sus#"p$i l" $o landslid"s, u$ ar"as 01"r" $1" ma$"rial is un#onsolida$"d ar" $1" mos$ 1aMardous< %&"n animal a#$i&i$y #an #aus" "rosion V #all"d bioerosion V as soil and sand is displa#"d ;rom $1is a#$i&i$y< T1" ";;"#$s o; "rosion d"p"nd on $1" 3ind o; "rosion o##urrin+, $1" ra$" a$ 01i#1 i$ o##urs and $1" p"riod o; $im" o&"r 01i#1 i$ 1as o##urr"d< CCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCCC
Mass *astin+ and +ra"ity Mass (asting, the do(nhill mo'ement of soil and rock under the influence of gra'ity, encom!asses a 'ariety of !hysical !rocesses $y (hich mountain ranges are eroded. .hese !rocesses include , Creep 2 slo(, nearly continuous do(nslo!e mo'ement that is induced $y either free/e;tha( cycles or (et;dry cycles. , Slides 2 sudden do(nhill mo'ement of masses of rock or sediment. , Debris flo*s2 dense, fluid mi+tures of rock, sand, mud, and (ater .here are other categories of mass (asting !rocesses such as slum!s, rock flo(s, rockfalls, $lock glides <etc...= that can $e grou!ed together or se!arately (ith cree!, slides, and de$ris flo(s de!ending on (hich characteristics that share in common. -ll of these !rocesses share one thing in common, namely, that they are caused $y the incessant do(n(ard !ull of gra'ity , (hich mo'es loose slo!e material do(n(ards. $ra"ity-dri"en mass *astin+ processes are a su$set of larger set of !rocesses that trans!ort (eathered and un(eathered earth materials. .hese

!rocesses are classified as erosional !rocesses, (hich include all !rocesses that remo'e and trans!ort (eathered or un(eathered soil and rocks. Erosional !rocesses include , , , , , , 'ind !unnin+ *ater 'a"es $laciers 'ater flo*in+ under+round $ra"ity-dri"en processes .mass-*astin+/

Mass2(asting !rocesses such as cree!, landslides, and de$ris flo(s are distinguished from each other in !art $y (hether they occur ra!idly or slo(ly. #andslides are ca!a$le of trans!orting massi'e amounts of rock and soil do(nslo!e for miles in 'ery short !eriods <e.g. minutes=. "ree! can also trans!ort much material, $ut at rates of only millimeters !er year. >oth are im!ortant erosional !rocesses. Ra!id mass (asting e'ents such as massi'e landslides or de$ris flo(s are ty!ically triggered $y e'ents that desta$ili/e material that resides on stee! slo!es. Such e'ents include earthquakes, 'olcanic eru!tions, rain or melting sno(, and !oorly !lanned landsca!e alterations $y humans <e.g. road cuts or de'elo!ments that require the remo'al of material at the $ases of slo!es=.

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