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Curriculum Vitae


Nicolas Pelletier
29 Chemin de Fontane !"#"$ Le Fau%a &France' (!! &$') #* "! $# +" nicolas,-elletier.cnes,/r Se0 Male 1 2ate o/ 3irth $"4$*4"95! 1 Nationalit6 French

POSITION 9OR: E;PERIENCE $"4"$42$"$<Present

S-acecra/t Chemical Pro-ulsion En%ineer 7 8reen Pro-ellant E0-ert

Chemical Pro-ulsion En%ineer

CNES &Centre National d=Etudes S-atiales French S-ace A%enc6' Toulouse &France' Satellite Projects Technical Support > 9ithin the CNES Satellite Pro-ulsion O//ice m6 acti?ities include the monitorin% o/ -ro-ulsion module manu/acturin% and im-lementation on State -ro%ram satellites > E@ui-ment trade7o// A desi%n re?ieBs &P2R C2R Phase C42' Primes technical documentation assessment Non7con/ormances A re@uests /or Ba?er4de?iation treatment E@ui-ment @uali/ication A acce-tance tests Acce-tance test -ro-ulsion -er/ormance anal6sis Assem3l6 Inte%ration ATests monitorin% Pro-ellants deli?er6 and loadin% at the French 8uiana S-ace Center Launch A Earl6 O-erations rehearsal and e0ecution Programmes : Pliades, Musis CSO (observation), Athena-Fidus (telecommunication) In-Orbit Operations Support > /or an6 current 2e/ense or dual or3ital mission > In7/li%ht anomal6 &-er/ormance anal6sis test -lan solution' End7o/7li/e acti?ities &-assi?ation A deor3itin%' Programmes : Spot , !elios "A External Research & Technology Activities Manage ent > in the /ields o/ %reen alternati?e -ro-ellants > Multiannual Research -ro%ram A Roadma-s draBin% RAT rele?ant to-ics -ro-osals Ne%otiation and contractin% acti?ities R&T studies : #reen monopropellant development, #reen h$per#olic %uel s$nthesis, laser i#nition assessment, hi#h temperature materials %or hi#h per%ormance thrusters Internal Propulsion Experi ents > de?elo-ment o/ a center o/ e0-ertise in com3ustion and -ro-ulsion e0-eriments in CNES -remises > Test 3enches desi%n manu/acturin% A im-lementation InCection A s-ra6s characteriDation &laser di//raction' I%nition dela6 A ener%6 threshold determination Thruster desi%n thermal A mechanical o-timiDation


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Curriculum Vitae

Nicolas Pelletier


Post72octoral Position
IMFT &Institut de MGcani@ue des Fluides de Toulouse Fluid Mechanics Institute' Toulouse &France' Post-!octoral "or# "ithin the Particles$ Sprays & %o bustion Research Tea s-ecialiDed in modelin% and simulation o/ dense and reactin% -article /loBs, M6 acti?ities Bere dedicated to the modelin% o/ /luidiDed 3ed reactors used /or -etroleum catal6tic cracHin%, The Ne-tune CF2 &Com-utational Fluid 26namics' so/tBare Bas used to -ro?ide a com-rehensi?e stud6 o/ 3ed load hei%ht and /loB7rate e//ects on the INEOS &Iritish Petroleum' reactors e//icienc6 > 8eometr6 A mesh %eneration Al%orithms ada-tation Mesh con?er%ence stud6 Parametric stud6 Stud6 re-ort and -resentation

E2FCATION AN2 TRAININ8 "*4"$42$$)<"*4"$42$$9

2octoral Thesis in S-ace Pro-ulsion

EJF le?el 5

ONERA &O//ice National d=Etudes A de Recherches AGros-atiales French Aeros-ace La3' Toulouse &France' &Stu!y o' %o bustion Pheno ena in (ybri! Roc#et Engines ) Mo!eling an! Experi ental Analysis o' the *i+ue'ying ,uels Regression Process& 9ithin the ONERA=s Pro-ulsion La3orator6 this doctoral thesis Bas dedicated to the introduction o/ li@ue/6in% /uels such as -ara//ins in h63rid thrusters, Those -romisin% /uels shoBed une0-ected hi%h re%ression rates -ro?idin% hi%h thrust le?els com-ared to traditional /uels, An anal6tical model Bas de?elo-ed to -redict re%ression ?elocities includin% 3oth atomiDation and su3limation -rocesses, Com3inin% mechanical and thermal e//ects led to a ?er6 satis/actor6 a%reement Bith small7scale thruster /irin% tests, Acquired skills : %irin# test preparation & anal$sis, propellant handlin#, ph$sical modelin#, linear h$drod$namic instabilities anal$sis, per%ormance prediction $"4$942$$!<$"4$942$$)

En%ineerin% 2e%ree in Ener%etics A Pro-ulsion

EJF le?el +

ENSIP &Ecole Nationale Su-Grieure d=In%Gnieurs de Poitiers Poitiers En%ineerin% School' Poitiers &France' -ra!uate Engineer in Energetics > s-ecialiDation in S-ace Pro-ulsion ,un!a entals > thermod6namics /luid d6namics &tur3ulence modelin%' thermics &di//usion con?ection radiation' heat A mass com-le0 cou-lin% catal6sis A Hinetics electrol6sis electroma%netism material resistance Speciali.ation > air73reathin% com3ustion en%ines anaero3ic -ro-ulsion 3allistics -6rotechnical de?ices -ro-ellant /ormulations -er/ormance %o puter Science > com-utational /luid d6namics &CF2' /inite7element anal6sis &FEA' scienti/ic lan%ua%es &C Fortran' o3Cect7oriented -ro%rammin% &C(( Ka?a'


Master o/ Research
Fni?ersit6 o/ Poitiers Poitiers &France'

EJF le?el +

Master in Fluid Mechanics Ener%etics A En%ineerin% Bith s-ecialiDation in thermics A com3ustion &/lame modelin%'


Pre-arator6 Classes &Maths Su-4S-G' /or the L8randes EcolesL

L6cGe Pothier OrlGans &France' LMathGmati@ues su-Grieures et s-GcialesL S-ecialt6 > Maths Ph6sics A Chemistr6

EJF le?el )


E Euro-ean Fnion 2$$272$"# 1 htt->44euro-ass,cede/o-,euro-a,eu

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Curriculum Vitae

Nicolas Pelletier

PERSONAL S:ILLS Mother ton%ue&s' Other lan%ua%e&s' French






S-oHen interaction

S-oHen -roduction

En%lish 8erman

C2 A2

C2 A2

TOEIC &5)$'

C2 A2

C2 A2


Le?els> A"4A2> Iasic user 7 I"4I2> Inde-endent user 7 C"4C2> Pro/icient user Common Euro-ean FrameBorH o/ Re/erence /or Lan%ua%es

Com-uter sHills

O//ice so/tBares > MS O//ice Suite O-enO//ice Late0 L60 8anttProCect MS ProCect Com-utation > Matla3 Scila3 CF2 > Ans6s Fluent O-enFoam Ne-tune Comsol CA2 > 2assault CATIA V* Pro%rammin% > Fortran C C(( Ka?a MS VisualIasic

A22ITIONAL INFORMATION Patents /0O-1ase!$ Ionic Monopropellants 'or Space Propulsion EP 2)2$#22 A" &Euro-e' /ovel Ionic Micropropellants 1ase! on /0O 'or Space Propulsion FS 2$"!$!$*)5* A" &FSA' Con/erences N, Pelletier F, Ionnet Passi?ation Techni@ues /or Future S-acecra/ts to Com-l6 9ith French S-ace O-erations Act )th IAASS Con/erence 2!7$*72$"! N, Pelletier M, Maisonneu?e Para//in7Iased N63rid Fuel> Model o/ Re%ression and E0-eriments 2nd International S6m-osium on Pro-ulsion /or S-ace Trans-ortation $*7$*72$$5 N, Pelletier M, Maisonneu?e A Numerical Code /or N63rid S-ace Pro-ulsion 2esi%n and Tests !rd International Con/erence on 8reen Pro-ellants /or S-ace Pro-ulsion "+7$972$$) Mem3ershi-s ESA 8reen Pro-ellant 9orHin% %rou- mem3er ESA7CNES NEOSAT -roCect LKoint Pro-ulsion TeamL mem3er Ob'ectives : assessin# #reen propellant alternatives, sharin# in%ormation, ma(in# Primes a)are o% *+ACh re#ulation process & implications, buildin# #reen alternatives roadmaps & proposin# technolo#ical predevelopments,


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