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CHAPTER 1THE MANAGER'S JOB I. MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Management is the process of a. maintaining the status quo. b. planning, o gani!

ing an" #$a%%ing, l&a"ing, an" 'on$ olling. c. keeping labor from taking over. d. facilitating groups. 2. Crafting a strategic vision is typically the responsibility of a a. first-level manager. b. middle-level manager. c. staff professional. ". $op(l&)&l *anag& . 3. Conducting most of the coordination activities within the firm is the task of a a. first-level manager. b. *i""l&(l&)&l *anag& . c. staff professional. d. top-level manager. . !he "ob of ######### vary substantially in terms of responsibility and income. a. first-level manager. b. *i""l&(l&)&l *anag& . c. staff professional. d. top-level manager. $. %upervising operatives is the responsibility of a a. %i #$(l&)&l *anag& . b. middle-level manager. c. staff professional. d. top-level manager. &. ######## help shape the attitudes of new employees toward the firm. a. %i #$(l&)&l *anag& . b. middle-level manager. c. staff professional. d. top-level manager. '. !he process of providing employees with opportunities to make their own decisions with regards to their tasks is a. management. b. &*po+& *&n$. c. (eadership d. Controlling ). !he process of ensuring that a business*s actual costs do not e+ceed predetermined acceptable limits is a. 'o#$ 'on$ ol. b. cost limit. c. quality control. d. cost saving. ,. ####### involves an understanding of and proficiency in a specific activity that involves methods- processes- procedures- or techniques a. T&',ni'al #-ill b. .nterpersonal skill c. Conceptual skill d. /olitical skill 10. 1eveloping marketing campaign for a product can also be regarded as a a. T&',ni'al #-ill b. 1iagnostic skill c. Conceptual skill d. /olitical skill 11. ######### is a manager*s ability to work effectively as a team member and to build cooperative effort in the unit. a. !echnical skill b. In$& p& #onal #-ill c. Conceptual skill d. /olitical skill 12. 2ith respect to managers- poor interpersonal skills a. have a neutral impact on performance. b. 'an l&a" $o .ob %ail/ &. c. are not important because 34ice guys and gals finish last.3 d. only create problems at the first two levels of management.

13. 5n important subset of interpersonal skills for managers is##########the ability to work effectively and conduct business with people from different cultures. a. M/l$i'/l$/ ali#* b. 6ilingualism c. 1iversity d. Multinationalism 1 . Communication skills are an e+ample of an important###########. a. !echnical skill b. In$& p& #onal #-ill c. Conceptual skill d. /olitical skill 1$.############# skill is needed to understand how the various parts of the organi7ation fit together. a. !echnical skill b. .nterpersonal skill '. Con'&p$/al #-ill d. /olitical skill 1&. 8isuali7ing the relationship of the individual business to the industry- the community- the political- social and economic forces of the nation as a whole is an e+ample of #########. a. !echnical skill b. .nterpersonal skill '. Con'&p$/al #-ill d. /olitical skill 1'. ########### skill involves investigating a problem and then choosing a course of action to solve it. a. !echnical b. 0iagno#$i' c. Conceptual d. /olitical 1). ############ skills include establishing connections and impressing the right people. a. !echnical skill b. .nterpersonal skill c. Conceptual skill ". Poli$i'al #-ill 1,. /olitical skills should be regarded as a a. #/ppl&*&n$ $o .ob 'o*p&$&n'&. b. way to overcome "ob incompetence. c. way of creating ambiguity on the "ob. d. privilege of top management. 20. 4egotiating and forming alliances are e+ample of a ##########. a. !echnical skill b. .nterpersonal skill c. Conceptual skill ". Poli$i'al #-ill 21. 9ohn %mith is considering the right person for the new "ob. :e is working on the ######## aspect a. ,/*an &#o/ '&# b. financial resources c. physical resources d. information resources 22. !he ####### resources of a business organi7ation are profits and investments from stockholders. a. :uman b. 1inan'ial c. /hysical d. .nformation 23. 8endors supply many of the ######### resources needed to achieve organi7ational goals. a. :uman b. ;inancial '. P,2#i'al d. .nformation 2 . %herri 9ackson is a sales manager. %he searches the .nternet to find new potential markets for her products. 9ackson is most directly making use of #### resources. a. :uman b. ;inancial c. /hysical ". In%o *a$ion

2$. ######## involves setting goals and figuring out ways of reaching them. a. (eading b. Controlling '. Planning d. organi7ing and staffing 2&. 1ecision making is usually a component of ########. a. (eading b. Controlling '. Planning d. organi7ing and staffing 2'. !he process of making sure the necessary human and physical resources are available to carry out a plan and achieve organi7ational goals is called #############. a. (eading b. Controlling c. /lanning ". o gani!ing an" #$a%%ing 2). 5nother ma"or aspect of ######## is grouping activities into departments or some other logical subdivision. a. (eading b. Controlling c. %taffing ". O gani!ing 2,. :iring people for "obs is typical ######## activity. a. (eading b. /lanning '. S$a%%ing d. <rgani7ing 30. 2hich function of management is most involved with energi7ing- directing- activating- and persuading others= a. L&a"ing b. Controlling c. /lanning d. organi7ing and staffing 31. Controlling is primarily concerned with a. making rational decisions. b. 'o*pa ing a'$/al p& %o *an'& $o a p &"&$& *in&" #$an"a ". c. influencing people to perform better. d. laying out work in a logical manner. CHAPTER 3INTERNATIONAL MANAGEMENT AN0 CULTURAL 0I4ERSIT5


1. 5 distinguishing feature of a multinational corporation is that it a. b. c. e+ports some of its products and services. pays comparable wages wherever it conducts business. has a culturally diverse group of e+ecutives.

". ,a# /ni$# in $+o o *o & 'o/n$ i&# in a""i$ion $o i$# o+n.

2. 5 key characteristic of multicultural workers is that they a. b. '. have worked for one or more multicultural organi7ations. believe in the importance of a favorable balance of trade. a & 'on)in'&" $,a$ all '/l$/ &# a & &6/all2 goo".


can speak at least two languages fluently.

3. Cultural sensitivity is a. b. c. awareness of local and national customs being e+tra-respectful of rank. reali7ing the importance of local customs in effective interpersonal relationships.

". bo$, a 7 '

. >ou have good global leadership skills when you can a. go on an overseas business trip without developing culture shock.

b. &%%&'$i)&l2 l&a" p&opl& % o* o$,& '/l$/ &#. c. d. get diverse members of your group to work well together. speak two or more languages fluently.

$. !o be effective as a global leader- the manager must a. b. c. inspire others. develop good interpersonal relationships. show good initiative and be oriented toward success and understanding cultural differences.

". a, b an" ' &. 5 ma"or effect of a weak currency is that companies based in the country with the weak currency a. b. c. d. 'an &8po $ *o & &a"il2. find it more difficult to e+port. are forced to increase their wages. are forced to decrease their wages.

'. 5 country*s balance of trade is a. b. '. d. the trade deficit.. a trade surplus. $,& "i%%& &n'& b&$+&&n &8po $# an" i*po $# in bo$, goo"# an" #& )i'&#. the lowering of the value of currency

). 5 country*s trade deficit is e+pressed as a. ?+ports minus imports. b. I*po $# *in/# &8po $# c. d. ?+ports time imports. 1omestic "obs minus "obs sent offshore

,. !he trade deficit can be attributed to a. b. c. the preference for 5mericans to purchase lower-priced goods increase in the price of imported petroleum products.. the preference to take vacations in foreign countries.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&#

19. 5n individual manager might want to contribute to the national economy by a. b. '. d. importing more than e+porting both e+porting and importing a lot &8po $ing *o & $,an i*po $ing importing but not e+porting

11. ########## are considered as violation of human rights a. b. c. :iring undocumented aliens at the below minimum wages Maintaining substandard and dangerous working conditions Child labour

". All o% $,&#& 12. ########## by foreign officials is a popular ethical and legal problem that the international manager faces when doing business abroad. a. b. c. d. Co /p$ion 1ecision- making .nvestment .ntervention

13. ############ negotiators are willing to spend many days negotiating a deal. a. 5merican

b. A#ian c. d. 1 . a. 5ll 6oth 5merican and 5sian 5 ma"or problem for the international business manager is converting currency from one country to another.

b. c. d.

&)&n/& lo#$ "/& $o pi a$ing in o$,& 'o/n$ i&#. finding countries with a large enough consumer base. finding %panish-speaking workers in the @nited %tates.

1$. !he symptoms of culture shock usually stem from a. b. '. d. an intense dislike for foreign cultures. an electrifying e+perience in another country. b&ing ab /p$l2 pla'&" in a %o &ign '/l$/ &. being forced to learn a foreign language quickly.

1&. a. b. c. d.

5 success factor for businesses in the global marketplace is to $,in- globall2, a'$ lo'all2. diversify into quite different product markets. staff most key positions with people from your own country. conduct almost all business in ?nglish.

1'. a. b. c.

5 ma"or success factor in building a business in another country is to hire citi7ens from the @nited %tates. to "udge candidates based on @.%. perceptions and criteria. to sell 5merican products.

". $o ,i & $al&n$&" 'i$i!&n# o% $,a$ 'o/n$ 2 $o %ill i*po $an$ po#i$ion#.

1). 5 contributing factor to success in global markets is a. to hire citi7ens from the @nited %tates. b. c. to "udge candidates based on @.%. perceptions and criteria. to sell 5merican products.

". $o ,i & */l$i'/l$/ al +o -& # . 1,. 5 basic success strategy in international market is to acquire valid information about a. b. c. d. $,& %i *:# $a g&$ *a -&$. the firm*s domestic market. the firm*s partners. the firm*s rivals.

20. !o succeed in the global market- companies a. b. c. d. should not change their strategies and tactics #,o/l" ',ang& $,&i #$ a$&gi&# an" $a'$i'# should stay domestic should maintain their strategies and tactics

21. !he############ person is less concerned with getting things done- but more interested in building and maintaining good relationships with people and ensuring others are comfortable with the interactions. a. b. '. d. !ask- oriented Content - oriented R&la$ion#,ip ( o i&n$&" ?+port - oriented

CHAPTER ;ETHICS AN0 SOCIAL RESPONSIBILIT5 MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 6usiness ethics deals primarily with a. b. '. d. social responsibility. the pricing of products and services. *o al obliga$ion. being unfair to the competition.

2. ?thics are important because a. b. c. suppliers prefer to deal with ethical companies. customers prefer to deal with ethical companies. employees prefer to deal with ethical companies.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&#.

3. 5ccording to the concept of moral intensity, a worker is most likely to behave ethically and legally when a. b. c. a manager observes his or her behavior closely. the worker has intense morals. the consequences of the act are minor.

". $,& 'on#&6/&n'&# o% $,& a'$ a & #/b#$an$ial.

. 2hen attempting to decide what is right and wrong- managerial workers can focusA.

a. b. c.

consequences duties- obligations- and principles integrity

". all o% $,& ',oi'&# $. /ierre takes a utilitarian viewpoint of ethics. :e will therefore "udge a business decision to be ethical so long as a. b. c. d. *o & goo" $,an ba" &#/l$# % o* $,& "&'i#ion. everybody is treated fairly. certain rights are not violated. he has good character and integrity.

&. %mall-business owner 9ason is thinking about giving a potential customer an e+pense paid vacation to (as 8egas for her and her husband. 2hen asked if he is being ethical- 9ason replies- 3(ook whatever works- works.3 2hich ethical principle is 9ason most likely using= a. focus on the rights of individuals

b. p ag*a$i#* c. d. utilitarianism BconsequencesC focus on integrity Bvirtue ethicsC

'. !he deontological approach is based on universal principles based on moral philosophies such asA.. a. honesty b. c. fairness and "ustice respect for persons and property.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&# ). .f the person in question hasAAAAA..- he or she is behaving ethically. a. good character b. c. genuine motivation genuine intentions

". all o% $,& ',oi'&# ,. 2hich statement is true= a. 8alues are closely related to ethics. b. c. 5 person*s values also influence which kind of behaviors he or she believes are ethical. 8alues are important because the right values can lead to a competitive advantage.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&#

10. 6onita is an ethically centered production manager so she will ship a product a. b. c. d. onl2 a%$& all i$# p obl&*# ,a)& b&&n &li*ina$&". only if the shipping people use packing material that does not harm the environment. only after an ethics committee has approved it. as quickly as she can to meet the customerDs schedule.

11. 5n ethically centered manager isAAAAAAA- because he or she is primarily concerned about customer satisfaction. a. more concerned about the completion dates of a pro"ect than high quality

b. *o & 'on'& n&" abo/$ ,ig, 6/ali$2 $,an $,& 'o*pl&$ion "a$&# o% a p o.&'$ c. d. 6oth a and b 4either a nor b

12. !he ethical dilemma of choosing between two rights refers to a. b. c. d. ',oo#ing b&$+&&n $,& l&##& o% $+o &)il#. deciding which of two employee rights is the most important. deciding to offer a bribe or lose out on an important opportunity. choosing between the two types of se+ual harassment.

13. 2hich statement is ;alse= a. Corporate social responsibility is the idea that firms have obligations to society beyond their economic obligations to owners or stockholders and also beyond those prescribed by law or contract b. '. d. 6oth ethics and social responsibility relate to the goodness or morality of organi7ations. T,& #$a-&,ol"& )i&+poin$ i# $,& $ a"i$ional p& #p&'$i)& on #o'ial &#pon#ibili$2 $,a$ a b/#in&## o gani!a$ion i# &#pon#ibl& onl2 $o i$# o+n& # an" #$o'-,ol"& # !o behave in a socially responsible way- managers must be aware of how their actions influence the environment

1 . !he stockholder viewpoint of social responsibility holds that business firms are responsible only to their owners and stockholders B# ##CE a. employees and customers. b. o+n& # an" #$o'-,ol"& #. c. d. all interested parties. all those who might sue the organi7ation.

1$. !he stakeholder view of social responsibility states that organi7ations must respond to the needs of

a. b. '. d.

employees and customers. shareholders and owners. all in$& &#$&" pa $i&#. all those who might sue the organi7ation.

1&. 5 firm is said to have good corporate social performance when a. b. c. stockholders invest in socially responsible causes. charitable deductions are automatically deducted from pay without the consent of employees. the company has not been convicted of ethical violations for five consecutive years.

". #$a-&,ol"& # a & #a$i#%i&" +i$, i$# l&)&l o% #o'ial &#pon#ibili$2.



1. a. b. c. d.

/lanning is a 'o*pl&8 an" 'o*p &,&n#i)& p o'&## in)ol)ing in$& &la$&" #$ag&#. organi7ing- implementing- and controlling. finding the best person for a "ob. communicating effectively with stakeholders.

2. a. b. '. d.

%trategic plans are designed to implement operational plans. establish day-by-day procedures. #,ap& $,& "&#$in2 o% $,& %i *. carrying out the functions of management.

3. a.

!he purpose of tactical planning is to establish a general purpose for the organi7ation.

b. $ an#la$& #$ a$&gi' plan# in$o #p&'i%i' goal# an" plan# %o o gani!a$ional /ni$#. c. d. tell entry level workers what to do on a daily basis. compensate for past mistakes.

. 6ranch manager :ector establishes recycling goals for his branch to support the companyDs strategic goal of being a good environmental partner. 2hat is :ector doing= a. b. c. d. $a'$i'al planning strategic planning long-range planning vision formulation

$. ########## identifies the specific procedures and actions required at lower levels in the organi7ation. a. !actical planning b. c. %trategic planning (ong-range planning

". Op& a$ional planning &. ########## includes measuring success and e+amining internal capabilities and e+ternal threats. a. 0&%ining $,& p &#&n$ #i$/a$ion b. c. d. .mplementing the plan Controling the plan 1eveloping the buget

'. ########## consists of the specific steps necessary to achieve a goal or ob"ective. a. 5 strategic plan b. An a'$ion plan c. d. 5 long-range plan 5 vision plan

). 5 study of C?< failure indicated that '0 percent of the time their failures were attributed to a. poorly developed plans. b. poo &8&'/$ion, no$ poo planning. c. d. over-ambitious plans. lack of adequate cost controls.

,. a. b.

5 manager controls the plan when he or she creates a vision statement. creates a mission statement.


establishes a budget to pay for the action plan.

". ',&'-# $o #&& ,o+ +&ll goal# a & b&ing a$$ain&". 10. a. b. '. d. 5 contingency plan is implemented if the strategic plan is too modest. control processes do not work. o iginal plan 'anno$ b& i*pl&*&n$&". action plan succeeds.

11. /lanning does not end with ################- because plans may not always proceed as conceived. a. b. '. d. action plans controlling i*pl&*&n$a$ion 6udgets

12. Many planners develop a set of ############## plans to be used in case things do not proceed as hoped. a. b. c. d. ba'-(/p action primary budget

13. ########## is an alternative plan to be used if the original plan cannot be implemented or a crisis develops. a. 5n action plan

b. A 'on$ing&n'2 plan c. d. 5 budget plan 5 financial plan

1 . Contingency plans are often developed from ############## in earlier steps in planning a. b. c. responsibilities tasks missions

". ob.&'$i)&#

1$. ######### might be part of the contingency plan.

a. b. '. d.

5n action plan 5 business plan An &8i$ #$ a$&g2 5 financial plan

1&. !he framework for planning can be used to develop and implement ##########. a. b. c. d. #$ a$&gi' plan# tactical plans operational plans all of these

1'. 5 ######### is an integrated overall concept and plan of how the organi7ation will achieve its goals and ob"ectives. a. b. c. d. #$ a$&g2 plan mission model

1). 5 %trategy involves ##########. a. b. c. downsi7ing performing work more efficiently outsourcing

". *o & $,an op& a$ional &%%&'$i)&n&## o b&ing &%%i'i&n$ $, o/g, #/', *&an# a# "o+n#i!ing, p& %o *ing +o - *o & &%%i'i&n$l2, an" o/$#o/ 'ing

1,. ########### means deliberately choosing a different set of activities to deliver a unique value. a. Comparative strategy

b. Co*p&$i$i)& #$ a$&g2 c. d. 6usiness strategy /olitical strategy


2hich one of the following is a component of true business strategy= a. b. '. a high level of operational effectiveness a set of activities common to other firms gi)ing '/#$o*& # $ a"&(o%%#


having quite different activities to make similar products for different markets

CHAPTER =PROBLEM SOL4ING AN0 0ECISION MA>ING MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. 5 problem is technically defined as a discrepancy between the a. b. c. past and present. future and present. personDs wishes and desires.

". i"&al an" a'$/al 'on"i$ion#. 2.!he purpose of decision making is to a. analy7e a problem.

b. #ol)& a p obl&*. c. d. collaborate.. involve people in the decisions.

3.######## is a decision that is repetitive- or routine- and made according to a specific procedure a. b. c. d. A p og a**&" "&'i#ion 5 business decision 5 nonprogrammed decision 5n alternative decision

. ########### is a decision that is difficult because of its comple+ity and the fact that the person faces it infrequently. a. b. '. d. 5 programmed decision 5 business decision A nonp og a**&" "&'i#ion 5n alternative decision

$. 5 well - planned and highly structured organi7ation reduces the number of ##############. a. b. '. d. programmed decisions business decisions nonp og a**&" "&'i#ion# alternative decisions

&. 5ccording to a long-term study- being systematic about decision making helps####### a. analy7e a problem.

b. a)oi" ba" "&'i#ion#

c. d.

collaborate.. involve people in the decisions.

'. Most instances of decision-making failure were attributed to ######## - including not e+ploring enough alternatives- and not obtaining enough input from group members. a. b. c. d. poo $a'$i'# poor mamagement poor performance poor structure

). !he first step in problem solving and decision making is a. b. c. d. To i"&n$i%2 an" "iagno#& $,& p obl&* !o evaluate alternative solutions !o implement the decision !o choose one alternative solution

,. !he second step in problem solving and decision making is a. b. c. !o choose one alternative solution !o evaluate alternative solutions !o implement the decision

". To "&)&lop al$& na$i)& #ol/$ion# 10. ########### involves comparing the relative value of the alternatives a. Choosing one alternative solution

b. E)al/a$ing al$& na$i)& #ol/$ion# c. d. .mplementing the decision 1eveloping alternative solutions

11. !he alternative chosen should be the one that ########. a. b. '. d. is simple to achieve is comple+ to achieve app&a # $o 'o*& 'lo#&#$ $o a',i&)ing i$ can not be achieved

12. 5 fruitful way of evaluating the merit of a decision is to observe its #########. a. b. c. i*pl&*&n$a$ion appearance performance



13. ?valuating and controlling your decisions will help you improve ######### a. b. c. d. 2o/ "&'i#ion(*a-ing #-ill# your communication skills your negotiation skills your presentation skills

1 . .n making a decision- the alternative should be chosen that most clearly. a. b. c. d. is favored by top management. a',i&)&# $,& goal o% $,& "&'i#ion. saves the organi7ation money. leads to innovation.

1$. 5 ma"or reason that decision making is often not such a rational process is that there are a. b. c. too many stages in decision making for most people to cope with. natural biases against diagnosing problems. few bounds to human decision-making capability.

". li*i$# $o ,o+ */', in%o *a$ion p&opl& 'an p o'&## an" &'all. 1&.!he purpose of a heuristic in decision making is to a. b. c. d. #i*pli%2 $,& "&'i#ion(*a-ing p o'&##. find a rapid way to e+plore more alternatives. obtain input from a large number of people. evaluate whether a decision was effective.

1'.!o say that a decision is based on political considerations means that it is not based on a. b. c. alliances with others. thoughts of acquiring power. both sides of an issue.

". $,& ob.&'$i)& *& i$# o% $,& #i$/a$ion. 1).?motional intelligence generally deals with the ability to a. b. c. d. 'onn&'$ +i$, p&opl& an" /n"& #$an" $,&i &*o$ion#. stay in control while taking tests. knowing how to throw a tantrum for effect. using common sense to earn a living.

1,. 6illy is usually heavily influenced by the first information he receives on a topic. :e is under the influence of a process called a. b. c. d. an',o ing. rationali7ing. trial and error. emotional intelligence.

20.5 recommendation for becoming more adept at making decisions under crisis conditions is a. b. '. d. to establish a special committee. to avoid taking risks. $o an$i'ipa$& ' i#&# to avoid speaking to the media.

21.9ulio was going to recommend a new billing system for the hospital where he works. :owever- he does not want to upset the e+ecutive who installed the system- so he does not make the recommendation. 9ulio has fallen into the a. overconfidence trap.

b. #$a$/# 6/o $ ap. c. d. anchoring trap. creativity rut.

22. 5 frequent decision-making error during a crisis is to a. methodically search for alternatives

b. b&'o*& l&## a$ional an" *o & &*o$ional. c. d. become more rational and less emotional. welcome differences of opinion.

23.!he purpose of visuali7ation for making better decisions under crisis is to a. b. c. d. &,&a #& in 2o/ *in" ,o+ 2o/ +ill &a'$ $o $,& ' i#i#. think of all the times you have failed in the past. engage in a pleasant fantasy to reduce your stress. imagine how angry your boss will be if your fail.

2 .Marketing e+ecutive 9asmine likes to make a decision quickly as soon as enough information is available- and she also likes to generate lots of options. :er decision-making style is therefore characteri7ed asa. decisive.

b. %l&8ibl&. c. d. hierarchic. integrative.

2$..nformation technology e+ecutive 1arryl likes to pore over a lot of information before making a decision- and he also likes to commit to one course of action. :is decision-making style is therefore characteri7ed as

a. b. '. d.

decisive. fle+ible. ,i& a ',i'. integrative.

C:5/!?F &G<FH54.I5!.<4 %!F@C!@F?- C@(!@F?- 541 C:54H?

M@(!./(? C:<.C? 1.5 bureaucracy is a rational- systematic- and precise form of organi7ation in which ##########are specifically defined a. b. c. rules regulations techniques of control

". all o% $,&#&

2. !he essence of bureaucracy can be identified by a. b. c. hierarchy of authority unity of command task speciali7ation

". all o% $,&#&

3. !he organi7ation structure best suited to gaining the advantage of speciali7ation is #### departmentali7ation. a. b. c. d. %/n'$ional geographic product matri+

. 5 disadvantage of product-service departmentali7ation is that a. b. '. d. customer needs may be neglected. field units lack authority. i$ o%$&n l&a"# $o "/pli'a$ion o% &%%o $. employees rarely identify with the field units.

$. 5 key advantage of geographic departmentali7ation is that it allows for a. b. '. d. decision making at a local level consideration of the local culture. a7b a one si7e fits all strategy

&. 5 matri+ organi7ation can be described as aBnC #### structure superimposed on a #### structure. a. b. c. d. p o.&'$? %/n'$ional productJ territorial processJ product informalJ formal

'. 5 wide span of control is advised when a. b. c. there is considerable flu+ in the work setting. group members perform similar tasks. group members are physically dispersed.

". g o/p *&*b& # an" $,& *anag& a & ,ig,l2 'apabl&.

). 1ownsi7ing is the most likely to be successful when a. b. '. d. high-value activity is eliminated first. information about the pending layoff is held back from employees. i$ i# pa $ o% $,& b/#in&## #$ a$&g2 $o i*p o)& $,& 'o*pan2. it is a stopgap measure to save the company money.

,. Companies such as 1ell purchase complete designs for some digital devices from 5sian developers. !his is called a. division of labor

b. o/$#o/ 'ing c. d. implementing scenario planning

10. <utsourcing may a. b. c. save money acquire e+pertise not available in-house build loyal workforce

". Bo$, a an" b

11. 5n e+ample of a hori7ontal organi7ation structure would be a a. b. c. department producing an engine. team assembling components for company machines. purchasing department.

". $&a* &#pon#ibl& %o %illing o "& #.

12. .n a hori7ontal structure- all team members focus on a. a speciali7ed task

b. a''o*pli#,ing a p o'&## c. d. profitability 6oth a and c

13. !o become part of the informal organization structure, you should a. b. c. study the company organi7ation chart carefully. become a temporary worker. send your rKsumK to key managers.

". &#$abli#, a n&$+o - o% 'on$a'$# $o ,&lp 2o/ a''o*pli#, +o -.

1 . 1eterminants of <rgani7ational Culture are a. b. c. values of the founder or founders. administrative practices of the founder or founders. personality of the founder or founders.

". all o% $,&#&

1$. !he foundation of an organi7ational culture is the organi7ationDs a. relative diversity.

b. )al/&#. c. d. resource allocation and rewards. degree of change.

1&. !he dimension or organi7ation culture called a sense of ownership- typically comes about when a. b. c. the company helps employees purchase houses. employees develop pride in the company. the company helps employees get out of debt.

". &*plo2&&# p/ ',a#& #$o'- in $,& 'o*pan2.

1'. !he allocation of money and other resources e+erts a critical influence on a. b. c. d. '/l$/ & development image outlook

1). a. b. c.

.n the Model for Change- ##############involves reducing or eliminating resistance to change. Fefree7ing Changing !hawing

". Un% &&!ing .

1,. .n the Model for Change- ############## includes rewarding people for implementing the change. a. b. c. d. R&% &&!ing Changing !hawing @nfree7ing .


/eople resist changes for such reasons as

a. b. c.

;ear of unfavorable outcome 4ot wanting to break old habits /ersonality factors such as rigidity- not having right skills

". All o% $,&#&

21. 5 recommended technique for gaining support for change is to a. b. c. d. "i#'/## an" n&go$ia$& #&n#i$i)& i##/&#. figure out what to do as one goes along. discourage worker participation in the changes. avoid discussion about financial consequences.

22. .nvolving employees in the change process is a. b. c. d. To gain #/ppo $ %o ',ang& !o resist change !o create change !o plan change

23. 5n important emphasis of a %i+ %igma program is to a. b. c. d. p &)&n$ p obl&*#. punish employees who perform sloppy work. minimi7e the behavioral aspects of achieving high quality. base quality standards on individual differences.

CHAPTER @STA11ING AN0 HUMAN RESOURCE MANAGEMENT MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. :uman resources e+ecutive %arah says- 3. finally have a seat at the table.3 %he most likely is implying that a. she is allowed into the e+ecutive dining room.

b. ,& +o - i# $i&" in +i$, 'o*pan2 b/#in&## #$ a$&g2. c. d. she no longer has to stand in the back of the room during meetings. she will be allowed to negotiate with the labor union.

2. 5 specific way in which human resources contributes to business strategy is by a. ,&lping $o b/il" ,ig,(p& %o *an'& +o - p a'$i'&#.

b. c. d.

organi7ing company picnics. making /ower/oint presentations to top management. helping to prepare "ob descriptions.

3. !he general purpose of strategic human resource planning is to a. b. '. d. develop selection systems to meet the needs of the firm. control costs in carrying out the human resource function. i"&n$i%2 #-ill# n&&"&" %o $,& #/''&## o% $,& b/#in&##. ensure that business strategy does not neglect people.

. %trategic human resource planning consists of a. /lanning for future needs and /lanning for future turnover b. c. /lanning for recruitment- selection- and layoffs /lanning for training and development

". All o% $,&#& $. Fecruiting is the process of a. b. '. d. attracting "ob candidates. finding candidates with the right characteristics and skills to fill "ob openings. bo$, a 7 b training "ob candidates.

&. 5 ma"or purpose of recruiting and selection is a. $o %in" 6/ali%i&" &*plo2&&# +,o %i$ +&ll in$o $,& '/l$/ & o% $,& o gani!a$ion b. c. d. to promote the company image to promote the brand image to advertise the company

'. 5 "ob specification describes the a. b. c. working conditions encountered on the "ob. pay and benefits associated with the "ob. demands of the "ob.

". 6/ali%i'a$ion# n&&"&" %o $,& .ob.

). <rgani7ations often e+pect workers #############- to meet the need for rapid change.

a. b. c. d.

$o o''/p2 %l&8ibl& ol&# a$,& $,an #p&'i%i' po#i$ion# to apply for new "obs to learn a language to change

,. Fecruiting sources are a. /resent employees and Feferrals by present and former employees b. c. ?+ternal sources other than online approaches <nline recruiting including company 2eb sites

". All o% $,&#& 10. <nline recruiting a. now accounts for about )0L of e+ternal hires.

b. o''/ # on #o'ial n&$+o -ing A&b #i$&# #/', a# 1a'&boo-, Lin-&"In, an" T+i$$& . c. d. is considered discriminatory because they require computer literacy. suffers from not attracting a large enough number of inquiries.

11. 5n e+ample of a knock out question for a flight attendant would be a. b. c. 32ould you want a child of yours to be an airplane pilot=3 35re you currently employed=3 32ho invented the airplane=3

". BA & 2o/ a% ai" o% %l2ingCB 12. /sychological tests used in employment screening areM a. b. c. 5chievement tests and 5ptitude tests /ersonality tests :onesty and integrity tests

". All o% $,&#&

13. 5chievement tests are designed to measure a. b. c. d. an appli'an$:# -no+l&"g& an" #-ill# the potential for performing satisfactorily on the "ob- given sufficient training personal traits and characteristics that could be related to "ob performance a person*s honesty or integrity as it relates to "ob behavior

1 . 5ptitude tests are designed to measure

a. b. c. d.

an applicant*s knowledge and skills the potential for performing satisfactorily on the "ob- given sufficient training personal traits and characteristics that could be related to "ob performance a person*s honesty or integrity as it relates to "ob behavior

1$. /ersonality tests are designed to measure a. b. '. d. an applicant*s knowledge and skills the potential for performing satisfactorily on the "ob- given sufficient training p& #onal $ ai$# an" ',a a'$& i#$i'# $,a$ 'o/l" b& &la$&" $o .ob p& %o *an'& a person*s honesty or integrity as it relates to "ob behavior

1&. :onesty and .ntegrity tests are designed to measure a. an applicant*s knowledge and skills b. the potential for performing satisfactorily on the "ob- given sufficient training c. personal traits and characteristics that could be related to "ob performance ". a p& #on:# ,on&#$2 o in$&g i$2 a# i$ &la$&# $o .ob b&,a)io

1'. 5n employee orientation program a. b. '. d. introduces company culture guides employees around the company a'6/ain$# n&+ &*plo2&&# +i$, $,& 'o*pan2 an" i*pa $# in%o *a$ion abo/$ $,& 'o po a$& '/l$/ &. introduce new employees

1). Performance- as measured in performance evaluation systems- appears to have the three following componentsM a. task performance- interpersonal performance- and mental performance

b. $a#- p& %o *an'&, 'i$i!&n#,ip p& %o *an'&, an" 'o/n$& p o"/'$i)& p& %o *an'& c. d. past performance- present performance- and future performance performance related to customers- the manager- and coworkers

1,. ;orced rankings a. b. c. evaluate employees against a performance standard. measure employees against one another. select an outstanding performer.

". bo$, a 7 b.

20. 5 performance evaluation Bor appraisalC is a formal system for a. b. c. measuring performance evaluating performance reviewing performance

". all o% $,& ',oi'&# 21. 3&0-degree feedback is a. b. '. d. a performance appraisal. an evaluation using a sampling of all the people with whom an employee interacts. bo$, a 7 b a selection tool.

22. 5 ma"or purpose of performance evaluation is to decide whether an employee should a. b. c. receive merit increases and the relative si7e of the increases have potential for promotion have opportunities for training

". Bo$, a an" b

CHAPTER DLEA0ERSHIP MULTIPLE CHOICE 1. Management a. b. c. relies on universal skills- such as planning- budgeting- and controlling is a set of e+plicit tools and techniques- based on reasoning and testing involves getting things done through other people

". All o% $,&#& 2. (eadership a. b. c. involves having a vision of what the organi7ation can become requires eliciting cooperation and teamwork from a large network of people and keeping the key people in that network motivated places more emphasis on helping others to achieve the common vision.

". All o% $,&#& 3. /ower is a. b. c. the ability to get others to do things the ability to control resources the formal right to accomplish the same ends

". Bo$, a an" b . !ypes of power include a. b. c. (egitimate power and Feward power Coercive power and ?+pert power Feferent power and %ubordinate power

". All o% $,&#& $. 5 key aspect of leading by e+ample is for the leader to a. b. c. set high goals for group members. be assertive with group members. appeal to the rationality of group members

". #,o+ a 'on#i#$&n'2 b&$+&&n a'$ion# an" +o "#. &. 5 coalition is a. b. c. d. a #p&'i%i' a ang&*&n$ o% pa $i&# +o -ing $og&$,& $o 'o*bin& $,&i po+& a working team a production team a sales team

'. 2hen a leader empowers employees- the leader accepts them as a. b. '. d. part of his or her 7one of indifference. workers with higher rank than himself or herself. pa $n& # in "&'i#ion *a-ing. leaders by e+ample.

). !o encourage self-leadership managers should a. b. c. set an e+ample of self-leadership give encouragement and instruction in self-leadership skills reward accomplishment in self-leadership

". All o% $,&#& ,. ?mpowerment as a leadership technique a. b. '. d. works better in some cultures than in others. works in all cultures. +o -# $o $,& &8$&n$ $,a$ '/l$/ al )al/&# #/ppo $ po+& #,a ing. both a N b

10. 5 ma"or characteristic of high achieving leaders is that they are a. somewhat indifferent about the technology around them.

b. pa##iona$& abo/$ $,&i +o -. c. d. low on achievement motivation. medium with respect to emotional intelligence.

11 ;or best results- the leader should combine self-confidence with a. b. c. d. ,/*ili$2. arrogance. dishonesty. a little sarcasm.

12. @nder a policy of open-book management- workers are a. e+pected to be totally honest with management.

b. &8po#&" $o %inan'ial "&$ail# o% $,& %i *. c. d. empowered to set their own wage rates. e+pected to manage the financial aspects of their organi7ational units.

13. ;eedback is considered very important as a way of a. b. c. d. in%l/&n'ing b&,a)io . developing charisma. manipulating team members. e+erting coercive power.

1 . 2hich one of the following is the least likely to be an effective leadership behavior= a. b. '. d. giving and receiving frequent feedback setting high performance standards for group members b&ing $,& oppo#i$& o% a #& )an$ l&a"& quick recovery from setbacks

1$. 5 ma"or part of effective crisis leadership is for the leader to a. b. c. d. p &#&n$ a plan %o +o -ing o/$ o% $,& ' i#i#. point blame for the crisis in the right direction. be e+citable and angry. delay decision making until a study of the crisis is completed.

1&. /articipative leadership can take the form of a. b. c. consultative leader consensus leader democratic leader

". All o% $,&#& 1'. ######## retain most of the authority for themselves and make most decisions unilaterally a. /articipative leaders

b. A/$o' a$i' l&a"& # c. d. Consensus leaders 1emocratic leaders

1). 5ccording to the (eadership Hrid- which style of leadership leads to trust and respect= a. authoritarian management.

b. #o/n" *anag&*&n$. c. d. e+traverted management. crisis management

1,. .n %ituational (eadership ..- leaders adapt their behavior to the level of #### and #### of a particular subordinate on a given task. a. intelligence- personality

b. 'o*p&$&n'&, 'o**i$*&n$ c. d. goals- motives knowledge- e+perience

20. %ituational (eadership .. e+plains that effective leadership depends on two independent behaviorsM a. b. '. d. delegating and empowering trusting and believing #/ppo $ing an" "i &'$ing. directing and coaching

21. 5 notable characteristic of an entrepreneurial leader is aBnC a. b. '. d. patient- plodding approach to problems. passion for hierarchy and bureaucracy. &8'&p$ional "&g && o% &n$,/#ia#*. e+ceptional degree of pessimism.

22. !ransformations take place when the transformational leader a. b. c. raises awareness of the importance of certain rewards. helps people go beyond a focus on minor satisfactions. gets people to look beyond self-interest.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&#. 23. Charismatic leaders are able to a. in#pi & o$,& #.

b. c. d.

intimidate group members. get coworkers to support each other. get group members to compete against one another.

2 . !o developing charismaa. b. c. be laid back and aloof. have low self-efficacy. keep emotions under tight control

". *a-& &)& 2bo"2 %&&l i*po $an$. 2$. 5n e+ample of a leadership skill would be a. e+traversion.

b. *o$i)a$ing o$,& #. c. d. emotional stability. conscientiousness.


1. a. b. c.

######### leads to high productivity and performance. %trong motivation 5bility and %kills !he right equipment

". All o% $,&#&

2. 5ccording to recent evidence about employee engagement- most 5merican workers are a. b. c. so engaged in their work they risk becoming alcoholics. usually engaged in their work for the first four hours of the day. so unengaged in their work they are a liability to their employer.

". no$ %/ll2 &ngag&" in $,&i +o -.

3. !he first group of needs in MaslowDs need hierarchy is a. b. c. p,2#iologi'al n&&"#. esteem needs. self-actuali7ing needs.


social needs.

. !he final group of needs in MaslowDs need hierarchy is a. b. '. d. physiological needs. esteem needs. #&l%(a'$/ali!ing n&&"#. social needs.


5 factor contributing today to the relevance of the need hierarchy is that a. b. '. d. "ob security has reached new heights in recent years. money is no longer a significant motivator. #o *an2 +o -& # ,a)& $o +o 2 abo/$ #a$i#%2ing ba#i' n&&"#. many companies sponsor programs of self-actuali7ation.

&. %uccessful e+ecutives typically have a. b. c. d. #$ ong& n&&"# %o a',i&)&*&n$ an" po+& $,an %o a%%ilia$ion equal needs for achievement and power as for affiliation stronger needs for achievement than for power 6oth b and c

'. Making employees feel important can satisfy a. b. c. the achievement need the power need the affiliation need

". $,& &'ogni$ion n&&"

). %triving to e+perience ######### most likely stems from the desire to satisfy the needs for self-esteem and self-fulfillment a. the need for risk -taking

b. $,& &*o$ion o% p i"& c. d. the need for affiliation the need for achievement

,. !he willingness to take risks and pursue thrills is

a. b. c.

the need for affiliation the need for achievement the need to be proud i#- $a-ing an" $, ill #&&-ing

". $,& n&&" %o

10. a.

9ob satisfiers or motivators- according to the two-factor theory- relate to the financial bonuses associated with the "ob.

b. in$& nal a#p&'$ o% .ob c. d. working conditions surrounding the "ob. benefits associated with the "ob.

11. a. b. '. d.

2hich of the following "ob factors is most accurately classified as a dissatisfier= opportunity for advancement recognition for good work +o -ing 'on"i$ion# responsibility

12. a. b. c.

2hich one of the following "ob factors is considered important for motivating the young generation of workers= close monitoring of work such as through time clocks limited vacations minimi7ing feedback

". loa"# o% &#pon#ibili$2

13. a. b. '. d.

Cross-cultural differences in standards of living also influence working conditions work performance $,& &%%&'$i)&n&## o% &'ogni$ion a+a "# 6oth a and b

1 . a.

5 goal is most likely to improve performance when it is relatively easy.

b. #p&'i%i' a$,& $,an g&n& al. c. d. not used to evaluate performance. not linked to rewards.

1$. a. b. '. d.

2hich one of the following statements is not !rue= Hoals are more effective when they are used to evaluate performance Hoals should be linked to feedback and rewards G o/p goal #&$$ing i# no$ a# i*po $an$ a# in"i)i"/al goal #&$$ing ;or goals to improve performance- the employee must accept them

1&. a. b. c. d.

######## is the idea that people live up to the e+pectations set for them. P2g*alion &%%&'$ %ide effect (aw of effect 4egative effect

1'. a. b. c. d.

5 potential problem with relying on goals to motivate workers is that $,&2 *ig,$ /#& /n&$,i'al *&an# $o a$$ain goal#. they might receive praise from a supervisor. they might receive a sense of satisfaction from a "ob well done. it might lead to turnover.

1). ######### is behavior that leads to positive consequences tends to be repeated- while behavior that leads to negative consequences tends not to be repeated. a. (aw of business

b. La+ o% &%%&'$ c. d. (aw of supply (aw of demand

1,. a. b. c.

########## increases the probability that the behavior will be repeated by rewarding people for making the right response. 4egative reinforcement Modification Change

". Po#i$i)& &in%o '&*&n$

20. 2hich of these are helpful when attempting to use positive reinforcement on the "ob

a. b. c.

use appropriate rewards make rewards contingent on good performance reward groups and teams as well as individuals

". All o% $,&#&

21. (uis- a commercial real estate agent- says 3.Dm almost sure that if . close this deal the company will give me a bonus.3 (uis is demonstrating a high a. ?O/ e+pectancy.

b. PFO in#$ /*&n$ali$2. c. d. valence. need for affiliation.

22. a. b. c.

?+pectancy theory helps pinpoint what a manager must do to motivate group members to diagnose motivational problems to solve a problem

". Bo$, a an" b

23. ######## give workers supplemental income based on the profitability of the entire firm or a selected unit. a. b. c. d. P o%i$ #,a ing plan# 6usiness plans :F management plans 6oth b and c

2 . a. b. c. d.

Hainsharing is a p og a* allo+ing &*plo2&&# $o pa $i'ipa$& %inan'iall2 in $,& p o"/'$i)i$2 gain# $,&2 a',i&)&". the same as stock options. a type of empowerment. a management style.

2$. a. b. c.

%tock options give the people granted the option the opportunity to p/ ',a#& #$o'- a$ a la$& "a$& a$ a p i'& &#$abli#,&" no+. share directly in the profits of the firm. purchase company stock anytime at a specific discount.


purchase stock of any company through online trading.

C:5/!?F 10GC<MM@4.C5!.<4 M@(!./(? C:<.C? 1. Communication is the process of a. sending messages.

b. &8',anging in%o *a$ion. c. d. listening and observing. influencing others.

2. %ylvia is gathering her thoughts to send a message to a difficult customer. %he is going through the process of a. b. c. transmitting. using nonverbal communication. decoding.

". &n'o"ing. 3. !he process in which the receiver interprets the message and translates it into meaningful information is a. b. '. d. transmitting. using nonverbal communication. "&'o"ing. ?ncoding.

. !he process in which the message is sent over a communication medium such as voice- e-mail- instant message- 2eb log- or telephone is a. b. c. d. $ an#*i##ion. ;eedback. decoding. ?ncoding.

$. !he general purpose of nonverbal communication is to a. get through to people who have difficulty receiving verbal messages.

b. &8p &## $,& %&&ling b&,in" a *&##ag&.

c. d.

control the reactions of the receiver. repeat what was e+pressed verbally.

&.5spects of nonverbal communication include a. b. c. hand and body gestures. voice quality. body placement.

". all o% $,& ',oi'&#

'. !he Web log or blog is frequently used by companies as a a. informal communication channel.

b. %o *al 'o**/ni'a$ion ',ann&l. c. d. form of nonverbal communication. form of lateral communication.

). 2hich one of the following is an e+ample of downward communication= a. b. c. open-door policy complaint program town-hall meeting

". a *&##ag& % o* $,& CEO #&n$ $o all &*plo2&&#

,. (eaders make e+tensive use of informal networks to accomplish goals including a. b. c. operational networking personal networking strategic networking

". all o% $,& ',oi'&# 10. Chance encounters between managers and employees work well as aBnC a. formal communication channel.

b. in%o *al 'o**/ni'a$ion ',ann&l. c. d. substitute for management by walking around. substitute for a bulletin board.


5 recommended way for company management to combat rumors is to

a. b. c.

fire the person who started the rumor. deny that the rumor has any truth at all. start an even more interesting rumor.

". &n,an'& %o *al 'o**/ni'a$ion abo/$ $,& $opi'.

12. a. b. c. d.

######### is the transmission of messages from lower to higher levels Up+a " 'o**/ni'a$ion 1ownward communication :ori7ontal communication 1iagonal communication

13. Companies have developed mechanisms to facilitate upward communication- including a. b. c. the open-door policy town hall meetings complaint programs and hotlines and 2eb logs

". All o% $,&#&

1 . ######## is is the sending of messages among people at the same organi7ational level. a. b. '. d. @pward communication 1ownward communication Ho i!on$al 'o**/ni'a$ion 1iagonal communication

1$.######### is the transmission of messages to higher or lower organi7ational levels in different departments. a. b. c. @pward communication 1ownward communication :ori7ontal communication

". 0iagonal 'o**/ni'a$ion

1&. 6arriers to communication include a. b. c. (ow motivation and interest .nappropriate (anguage .nformation overload

". All o% $,&#&

1'. a. b. c.

5 ma"or purpose of defensive communication is to overcome communications barriers. prevent others from blaming you for mistakes. get even with other workers.

". p o$&'$ on&'# #&l%(&#$&&*.

1). .f verbal communication is not supplemented by #########- messages may not be convincing. a. b. c. d. non)& bal 'o**/ni'a$ion language skills knowledge

1,. ######### occurs when an individual receives so much information. a. b. '. d. (ow motivation and interest .nappropriate (anguage In%o *a$ion o)& loa" 5ll of these

20. ######## is needed to understand the receiver- and also helps build rapport a. b. c. d. E*pa$,2 %ympathy 4othing Money

21. a. b. c.

.nformative confrontation is a technique of inquiring about discrepancies conflicts mi+ed messages

". All o% $,&#&

22. facts

!wo-way communication reduces barriers because a dialogue helps reduce ######## by communicating feelings as well as

a. b. c. d. 23. a.

*i#/n"& #$an"ing stress confusion pressure 5ctive listening means listening for full meaning without making concessions

b. p &*a$/ & ./"g*&n$# o in$& p &$a$ion# c. d. promises 6oth a and c

2 . a. b. c.

!o implement overcoming communication barriers by uniting with a common vocabulary- the manager must first hire only employees with the same native tongue. convert from a hierarchical to a team structure. develop a computer network for the organi7ation.

". i"&n$i%2 $,& 'o & +o - o% a b/#in&##.

2$. a. b. c.

!o overcome culturally based communication barriersbe sensitive to their presence. show respect for all workers. be alert to cultural differences in customs and behavior.

". a,b,' a & all 'o &'$.

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