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Exhibition Assessment Rubric

Being retrospective and introspective empowers me to act on what matters What matters to me is: Self-Control and Anger-Management Understanding What matters to me and why. Beginning
I am struggling to figure out what matters to me and why.

Name: Min Jun Choi

I am starting to get a clearer picture of what matters to me and why.

I have a clear idea of what matters to me and can explain why it matters to me using my personal history. I am able to see and feel what others do and recognize the responsibility of myself and others to change thinking and/ behaviour in order to improve our lives, in the context of what matters to me.

I have been able to synthesize what matters to me from a number of different ideas and can explain and justify my reasoning using my personal history. I am able to see and feel what others do and recognize the responsibility of myself and others to take socially responsible action to improve our lives and the lives of others in the context of what matters to me.

Key concept: Responsibility

I understand that others see and feel things differently to me and recognize the responsibility of others to change their thinking and/or behaviour, in the context of what matters to me, in order for the situation to change/improve.

Key Concept: Function

I am able to give an explanation about how elements that make up what matters to me work.

I am aware that others see and feel things differently to me. I recognize the responsibility of others to change their thinking and/or behaviour in the context of what matters to me, in order for the situation to change/improve. I am beginning to see possibilities for me to assume responsibility. I am able to give an explanation about how elements that make up what matters to me work supported by some evidence in a personal or global context. I am still figuring out the best way to attract attention to my story. I am getting more confident at telling my story verbally.

I am able to give a thorough explanation about how elements of what matters to me work supported by evidence in a personal and/or global context. I have chosen and created a way to attract attention to my story.

Sharing my story

I am struggling to find a way to attract attention to my story.

I am able to give a thorough and revealing explanation about how elements of what matters to me work supported by evidence and my own theories in a personal and/or global context. I have chosen and created a way to attract attention to my story that has already started to attract attention. I can sustain a lengthy conversation about my story using examples, anecdotes and information from my research.

I find it difficult to tell my story verbally.

I can tell my story confidently and answer questions using information from my research.

Teacher comment: Well done Min Jun. You were able to identify that self-control mattered to you were able to give reasons for its importance in your life. Your rolling comic was a good way to demonstrate the effects of good and bad self-control. I would like to have seen more research into how people can ensure they have self-control in different situations, as this would have given you more evidence to support your ideas when discussing your topic. It is important that you use your new knowledge in the future to help you resolve conflict with emotional self-control. Student comment: I think that I should talk more clearly and louder.

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