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Network Communication Architecture and Protocols

A network architecture is a blueprint of the complete computer communication network, which provides a framework and technology foundation for designing, building and managing a communication network. It typically has a layered structure. Layering is a modern network design principle which divides the communication tasks into a numbers of smaller parts, each part accomplishing a particular sub-task and interacting with the other parts in a small number of well-defined ways. Layering allows the parts of a communication to be designed and tested without a combinatorial explosion of cases, keeping each design relatively simple. If a network architecture is open, no single vendor owns the technology and controls its definition and development. Anyone is free to design hardware and software based on the network architecture. The T !"I! network architecture, which the Internet is based on, is such an open network architecture and it is adopted as a worldwide network standard and widely deployed in local area network #LA$%, wide area network #&A$%, small and large enterprises, and last but not the least, the Internet. 'pen (ystems Interconnection #'(I% network architecture, developed by International 'rgani)ation for (tandardi)ation #I('%, is an open standard for communication in the network across different e*uipment and applications by different vendors. Though not widely deployed, the '(I + layer model is considered the primary network architectural model for inter-computing and inter-networking communications. In addition to the '(I network architecture model, there exist other network architecture models by many vendors, such as I,- ($A #(ystems $etwork Architecture%, .igital /*uipment orporation #./ 0 now part of 1!% .$A #.igital $etwork Architecture%, Apple computer2s AppleTalk, and $ovell2s $et&are. Actually, the T !"I! architecture does not exactly match the '(I model. 3nfortunately, there is no universal agreement regarding how to describe T !"I! with a layered model. It is generally agreed that T !" I! has fewer levels #from three to five layers% than the seven layers of the '(I model. $etwork architecture provides only a conceptual framework for communications between computers. The model itself does not provide specific methods of communication. Actual communication is defined by various communication protocols.

Network Protocol: Definition and Overview

The '(I model, and any other network communication model, provide only a conceptual framework for communication between computers, but the model itself does not provide specific methods of communication. Actual communication is defined by various communication protocols. In the context of data communication, a protocol is a formal set

of rules, conventions and data structure that governs how computers and other network devices exchange information over a network. In other words, a protocol is a standard procedure and format that two data communication devices must understand, accept and use to be able to talk to each other. In modern protocol design, protocols are 4layered5 according to the '(I + layer model or a similar layered model. Layering is a design principle which divides the protocol design into a number of smaller parts, each part accomplishing a particular sub-task, and interacting with the other parts of the protocol only in a small number of well-defined ways. Layering allows the parts of a protocol to be designed and tested without a combinatorial explosion of cases, keeping each design relatively simple. Layering also permits familiar protocols to be adapted to unusual circumstances.

Protocols we will study in this research can be divided into three main Groups:


TCP / IP Protocols (Internet Protocols)

IP | IPv6 | TCP | UDP | others |


VoIP Protocols (Telephone Protocols)

H.323 | MGCP | SIP |Skinny | others |


Cellular Protocols (Mobile Protocols)

UMTS | GPRS | CDMA | CDMA2000 |GSM | WAP | others |

The TCP IP !roto"o# s$ite est%&#ishes the te"hni"%# 'o$n(%tion o' the Internet. Deve#o!)ent o' the TCP IP st%rte( %s D*D !ro+e"ts. ,o-. )ost !roto"o#s in the s$ite %re (eve#o!e( &y the Internet /n0ineerin0 T%sk 1or"e 2I/T13 $n(er the Internet Ar"hite"t$re 4o%r( 2IA43. %n or0%ni5%tion initi%##y s!onsore( &y the US 0overn)ent %n( no- %n o!en %n( %$tono)o$s or0%ni5%tion. The IA4 !rovi(es the "oor(in%tion 'or the R6D $n(er#yin0 the TCP IP !roto"o#s %n( 0$i(es the evo#$tion o' the Internet. The TCP IP !roto"o#s %re -e## (o"$)ente( in the Re7$est 1or Co))ents 2R1C3. -hi"h %re (r%'te(. (is"$sse(. "ir"$#%te( %n( %!!rove( &y the I/T1 "o))ittees. A## (o"$)ents %re o!en %n( 'ree %n( "%n &e 'o$n( on#ine in the I/T1 site #iste( in the re'eren"e. TCP IP %r"hite"t$re (oes not e8%"t#y )%t"h the *SI )o(e#. Un'ort$n%te#y. there is no $nivers%# %0ree)ent re0%r(in0 ho- to (es"ri&e TCP IP -ith % #%yere( )o(e#. It is 0ener%##y %0ree( th%t TCP IP h%s 'e-er #eve#s 2'ro) three to 'ive #%yers3 th%n the seven #%yers o' the *SI )o(e#. In this (o"$)ent. -e 'or"e TCP IP !roto"o#s into the *SI 9 #%yers str$"t$re 'or "o)!%rison !$r!ose. The TCP IP s$ite:s "ore '$n"tions %re %((ressin0 %n( ro$tin0 2IP IPv6 in the net-orkin0 #%yer3 %n( tr%ns!ort%tion "ontro# 2TCP. UDP in the tr%ns!ort #%yer3. IP ; Internet Proto"o# A((ressin0 o' net-ork "o)!onents is % "riti"%# iss$e 'or in'or)%tion ro$tin0 %n( tr%ns)ission in net-ork "o))$ni"%tions. /%"h te"hno#o0y h%s its o-n "onvention 'or tr%ns)ittin0 )ess%0es &et-een t-o )%"hines -ithin the s%)e net-ork. *n % <A,. )ess%0es %re sent &et-een )%"hines &y s$!!#yin0 the si8 &ytes $ni7$e i(enti'ier 2the =MAC> %((ress3. In %n S,A net-ork. every )%"hine h%s <o0i"%# Units -ith their o-n net-ork %((resses. D/C,/T. A!!#eT%#k. %n( ,ove## IP? %## h%ve % s"he)e 'or %ssi0nin0 n$)&ers to e%"h #o"%# net-ork %n( to e%"h -orkst%tion %tt%"he( to the net-ork. *n to! o' these #o"%# or ven(or s!e"i'i" net-ork %((resses. IP %ssi0ns % $ni7$e n$)&er to every net-ork (evi"e in the -or#(. -hi"h is "%##e( %n IP %((ress. This IP %((ress is % 'o$r;&yte v%#$e in IPv@ th%t. &y "onvention. is e8!resse( &y "onvertin0 e%"h &yte into % (e"i)%# n$)&er 20 to 2AA3 %n( se!%r%tin0 the &ytes -ith % !erio(. In IPv6. the IP %((ress h%s &een in"re%se( to B6 &ytes. Det%i#s o' the IP %n( IPv6 !roto"o#s %re !resente( in se!%r%te (o"$)ents. TCP ; Tr%ns)ission Contro# Proto"o# TCP !rovi(es % re#i%&#e stre%) (e#ivery %n( virt$%# "onne"tion servi"e to %!!#i"%tions thro$0h the $se o' se7$en"e( %"kno-#e(0)ent -ith retr%ns)ission o' !%"kets -hen ne"ess%ry. TCP !rovi(es stre%) (%t% tr%ns'er. tr%ns!ort%tion re#i%&i#ity. e''i"ient '#o- "ontro#. '$##;($!#e8 o!er%tion. %n( )$#ti!#e8in0. Che"k the TCP se"tion

'or )ore (et%i#s. In the 'o##-oin0 TCP IP !roto"o# st%"k t%&#e. -e #ist %## the !roto"o#s %""or(in0 to their '$n"tions in )%!!in0 to the *SI 9 #%yers net-ork "o))$ni"%tion re'eren"e )o(e#. Ho-ever. the TCP IP %r"hite"t$re (oes not 'o##o- the *SI )o(e# "#ose#y. 'or e8%)!#e. )ost TCP IP %!!#i"%tions (ire"t#y r$n on to! o' the tr%ns!ort #%yer !roto"o#s. TCP %n( UDP. -itho$t the !resent%tion %n( session #%yers in &et-een. TCP IP Proto"o# St%"k

OSI Network Architecture 7 Layers


*!en Syste)s Inter"onne"tion 2*SI3 )o(e# is % re'eren"e )o(e# (eve#o!e( &y IS* 2Intern%tion%# *r0%ni5%tion 'or St%n(%r(i5%tion3 in BCD@. %s % "on"e!t$%# 'r%)e-ork o' st%n(%r(s 'or "o))$ni"%tion in the net-ork %"ross (i''erent e7$i!)ent %n( %!!#i"%tions &y (i''erent ven(ors. It is no- "onsi(ere( the !ri)%ry %r"hite"t$r%# )o(e# 'or inter;"o)!$tin0 %n( internet-orkin0 "o))$ni"%tions. Most o' the net-ork "o))$ni"%tion !roto"o#s $se( to(%y h%ve % str$"t$re &%se( on the *SI )o(e#. The *SI )o(e# (e'ines the "o))$ni"%tions !ro"ess into 9 #%yers. (ivi(in0 the t%sks invo#ve( -ith )ovin0 in'or)%tion &et-een net-orke( "o)!$ters into seven s)%##er. )ore )%n%0e%&#e t%sk 0ro$!s. A t%sk or 0ro$! o' t%sks is then %ssi0ne( to e%"h o' the seven *SI #%yers. /%"h #%yer is re%son%&#y se#';"ont%ine( so th%t the t%sks %ssi0ne( to e%"h #%yer "%n &e i)!#e)ente( in(e!en(ent#y. This en%&#es the so#$tions o''ere( &y one #%yer to &e $!(%te( -itho$t %(verse#y %''e"tin0 the other #%yers. The *SI 9 #%yers )o(e# h%s "#e%r "h%r%"teristi"s %t e%"h #%yer. 4%si"%##y. #%yers 9 thro$0h @ (e%# -ith en(;to;en( "o))$ni"%tions &et-een (%t% so$r"e %n( (estin%tions. -hi#e #%yers 3 to B (e%# -ith "o))$ni"%tions &et-een net-ork (evi"es. *n the other h%n(. the seven #%yers o' the *SI )o(e# "%n &e (ivi(e( into t-o 0ro$!sE $!!er #%yers 2#%yers 9. 6 6 A3 %n( #o-er #%yers 2#%yers @. 3. 2. B3. The $!!er #%yers o' the *SI )o(e# (e%# -ith %!!#i"%tion iss$es %n( 0ener%##y %re i)!#e)ente( on#y in so't-%re. The hi0hest #%yer. the %!!#i"%tion #%yer. is "#osest to the en( $ser. The #o-er #%yers o' the *SI )o(e# h%n(#e (%t% tr%ns!ort iss$es. The !hysi"%# #%yer %n( the (%t% #ink #%yer %re i)!#e)ente( in h%r(-%re %n( so't-%re. The #o-est #%yer. the !hysi"%# #%yer. is "#osest to the !hysi"%# net-ork )e(i$) 2the -ires. 'or e8%)!#e3 %n( is res!onsi&#e 'or !#%"in0 (%t% on the )e(i$).

Protocols according to OSI Network Architecture layers :


D%t% <ink <%yer ,et-ork <%yer Tr%ns!ort <%yer Session <%yer A!!#i"%tion <%yer Ro$tin0 T$nne#in0 Se"$rity
Data Link Layer


A((ress Reso#$tion Proto"o# Reverse A((ress D%t% <ink S-it"hin0 C#ient A""ess Proto"o#

Network Layer


Dyn%)i" Host Con'i0$r%tion Proto"o# Dist%n"e Fe"tor M$#ti"%st Ro$tin0 Proto"o# Internet Contro# Mess%0e Proto"o# Internet Gro$! M%n%0e)ent Proto"o# Internet Proto"o# version @ Internet Proto"o# version 6 M$#ti"%st A((ress Reso#$tion Server Proto"o# In(e!en(ent M$#ti"%st;S!%rse Mo(e 2PIM;SM3 Ro$tin0 In'or)%tion Proto"o# Ro$tin0 In'or)%tion Proto"o# 'or IPv6 Reso$r"e ReSerF%tion set$! Proto"o# Firt$%# Ro$ter Re($n(%n"y Proto"o#

Transport Layer

ISTP Mo&i#e IP RUDP TA<I TCP UDP F%n G%"o&son ?*T

Mo&i#e IP Proto"o# Re#i%&#e UDP Tr%ns!ort A(%!ter <%yer Inter'%"e Tr%ns)ission Contro# Proto"o# User D%t%0r%) Proto"o# "o)!resse( TCP ?.2A over TCP

Session Layer


4or(er G%te-%y M$#ti"%st Proto"o#

Distri&$te( Inter%"tive Si)$#%tion Do)%in ,%)e Servi"e Internet Se"$rity Asso"i%tion %n( Hey M%n%0e)ent Proto"o# %n( Inter /8"h%n0e Proto"o# S)%## Co)!$ter Syste)s Inter'%"e <i0ht-ei0ht Dire"tory A""ess Proto"o# M$#ti"%st;S"o!e Ione Anno$n"e)ent Proto"o# ,et4I*S IP 'or TCP IP /nviron)ent

Application Layer Protocols


Co))on *!en Po#i"y Servi"e 1#o- Attri&$te ,oti'i"%tion Proto"o# User In'or)%tion Proto"o# 1i#e Tr%ns'er Proto"o# Hy!erte8t Tr%ns'er Proto"o# Internet Mess%0e A""ess Proto"o# rev @ Inst%nt Mess%0in0 %n( Presen"e Proto"o#s IP Devi"e Contro# KInternet Re#%y Ch%t Proto"o# Internet Mess%0e A""ess Proto"o# version @revB ,et-ork Ti)e Proto"o# Post *''i"e Proto"o# version 3 Re)ote A$thenti"%tion Di%# In User Servi"e Re)ote <o0in Re%#;ti)e Stre%)in0 Proto"o# Stre%) Contro# Tr%ns)ision Proto"o# Se"$re Hy!erte8t Tr%ns'er Proto"o# Servi"e <o"%tion Proto"o# Si)!#e M%i# Tr%ns'er Proto"o# Si)!#e ,et-ork M%n%0e)ent Proto"o# So"ket Se"$re 2Server3 Ter)in%# A""ess Contro##er A""ess Contro# Syste) TCP IP Ter)in%# /)$#%tion Proto"o# Trivi%# 1i#e Tr%ns'er Proto"o# We& C%"he Coor(in%tion Proto"o# ? Win(o-



4or(er G%te-%y Proto"o# /8terior G%te-%y Proto"o# /nh%n"e( Interior G%te-%y Ro$tin0 Proto"o# Cis"o Hot St%n(&y Ro$ter Proto"o# Interior G%te-%y Ro$tin0 ,4MA A((ress Reso#$tion Proto"o# ,e8t Ho! Reso#$tion Proto"o# *!en Shortest P%th 1irst Te#e!hony Ro$tin0 over IP



As"en( T$nne# M%n%0e)ent Proto"o# The <%yer 2 1or-%r(in0 Proto"o# <%yer 2 T$nne#in0 Proto"o# Point to Point T$nne#in0 Proto"o#


A$thenti"%tion He%(er AH /SP T<S /n"%!s$#%tin0 Se"$rity P%y#o%( Tr%ns!ort <%yer Se"$rity Proto"o#

Protocols Within Layerss Map

IP Protocol
The Internet Protocol (IP), is the routing layer datagram service of the TCP/IP suite. All other protocols within the TCP/IP suite, e cept A!P and !A!P, use IP to route frames from host to host. The IP frame header contains routing information and control information associated with datagram delivery. The IP header structure is as follows: " # $% &' (its



Type of service

Total length




,ragment offset

Time to live


*eader chec-sum

.ource address

/estination address

0ption 1 Padding


IP header structure

)ersion field indicates the format of the Internet header.

I*+ 2International *oc-ey +eague3

Internet header length is the length of the Internet header in &'4(it words. Points to the (eginning of the data. The minimum value for a correct header is 5.

Type of service
Indicates the 6uality of service desired. 7etwor-s may offer service precedence, meaning that they accept traffic only a(ove a certain precedence at times of high load. There is a three4way trade4off (etween low delay, high relia(ility and high throughput. 8its 94': Precedence


7etwor- control.


Internetwor- control.




,lash override.










8it &: /elay 9 7ormal delay.

+ow delay.

8it ": Throughput 9 7ormal throughput.

*igh throughput.

8it 5: !elia(ility 9 7ormal relia(ility.

*igh relia(ility.

8its %4<: !eserved for future use.

Total length
+ength of the datagram measured in (ytes, including the Internet header and data. This field allows the length of a datagram to (e up to %5,5&5 (ytes, although such long datagrams are impractical for most hosts and networ-s. All hosts must (e prepared to accept datagrams of up to 5<% (ytes, regardless of whether they arrive whole or in fragments. It is recommended that hosts send datagrams larger than 5<% (ytes only if the destination is prepared to accept the larger datagrams.

Identifying value assigned (y the sender to aid in assem(ling the fragments of a datagram.

& (its. Control flags: 8it 9 is reserved and must (e =ero 8it $: /on>t fragment (it:


?ay fragment.

/on>t fragment.

8it ': ?ore fragments (it: 9 +ast fragment.

?ore fragments.

,ragment offset
$& (its. Indicates where this fragment (elongs in the datagram. The fragment offset is measured in units of # (ytes (%" (its). The first fragment has offset =ero.

Time to live
Indicates the ma imum time the datagram is allowed to remain in the Internet system. If this field contains the value =ero, the datagram must (e destroyed. This field is modified in Internet header processing. The time is measured in units of seconds. *owever, since every module that processes a datagram must decrease the TT+ (y at least one (even if it processes the datagram in less than $ second), the TT+ must (e thought of only as an upper limit on the time a datagram may e ist. The intention is to cause undelivera(le datagrams to (e discarded and to (ound the ma imum datagram lifetime.

Indicates the ne t level protocol used in the data portion of the Internet datagram.

*eader chec-sum
A chec-sum on the header only. .ince some header fields change, e.g., Time To +ive, this is recomputed and verified at each point that the Internet header is processed.

.ource address / destination address

&' (its each. A distinction is made (etween names, addresses and routes. A nameindicates an o(@ect to (e sought. An address indicates the location of the o(@ect. A routeindicates how to arrive at the o(@ect. The Internet protocol deals primarily with addresses. It is the tas- of higher level protocols (such as host4to4host or application) to ma-e the mapping from names to addresses. The Internet module maps Internet addresses to local net addresses. It is the tas- of lower level procedures (such as local net or gateways) to ma-e the mapping from local net addresses to routes.

0ptions may or may not appear in datagrams. They must (e implemented (y all IP modules (host and gateways). Ahat is optional is their transmission in any particular datagram, not their implementation. In some environments, the security option may (e re6uired in all datagrams. The option field is varia(le in length. There may (e =ero or more options. There are two possi(le formats for an option: A single octet of option type.

An option type octet, an option length octet and the actual option data octets. The length octet includes the option type octet and the actual option data octets. The option type octet has & fields: $ (it: Copied flag. Indicates that this option is copied into all fragments during fragmentation:
9 Copied.


7ot copied.

' (its: 0ption class 9 Control.

!eserved for future use.


/e(ugging and measurement.


!eserved for future use.

5 (its: 0ption num(er.

IPv6 Protocol
IP version % (IPv%) is a new version of the Internet Protocol (ased on IPv". IPv" and IPv% are demultiple ed at the media layer. ,or e ample, IPv% pac-ets are carried over ;thernet with the content type #%// (he adecimal) instead of IPv">s 9#99. IPv% increases the IP address si=e from &' (its to $'# (its, to support more levels of addressing hierarchy, a much greater num(er of addressa(le nodes and simpler auto4configuration of addresses. .cala(ility of multicast addresses is introduced. A new type of address called an anycast address is also defined, to send a pac-et to any one of a group of nodes. Impro ed support for e!tensions and options 4 IPv% options are placed in separate headers that are located (etween the IPv% header and the transport layer header. Changes in the way IP header options are encoded allow more efficient forwarding, less stringent limits on the length of options, and greater fle i(ility for introducing new options in the future. The e tension headers are: *op4(y4*op 0ption, !outing (Type 9), ,ragment, /estination 0ption, Authentication, ;ncapsulation Payload. "low la#eling capa#ility 4 A new capa(ility has (een added to ena(le the la(eling of pac-ets (elonging to particular traffic flows for which the sender re6uests special handling, such as non4default Buality of .ervice or real4time service. The IP $ header structure is as follows: " " $% '" &' (its




,low la(el

Payload length

7e t header

*op limit

.ource address ($'# 8its) /estination address ($'# (its) IPv6 header structure

Internet Protocol )ersion num(er (IPv% is %).

;na(les a source to identify the desired delivery priority of the pac-ets. Priority values are divided into ranges: traffic where the source provides congestion control and non4congestion control traffic.

,low la(el
Csed (y a source to la(el those products for which it re6uests special handling (y the IPv% router. The flow is uni6uely identified (y the com(ination of a source address and a non4=ero flow la(el.

Payload length
+ength of payload (in octets).

7e t header
Identifies the type of header immediately following the IPv% header.

*op limit
#4(it integer that is decremented (y one (y each node that forwards the pac-et. The pac-et is discarded if the *op +imit is decremented to =ero.

.ource address
$'#4(it address of the originator of the pac-et.

/estination address
$'#4(it address of the intended recipient of the pac-et.


TCP Protocol
Transmission Control Protocol (TCP). TCP provides a relia(le stream delivery and virtual connection service to applications through the use of se6uenced ac-nowledgment with retransmission of pac-ets when necessary. The TCP header structure is as follows: $% &' (its

.ource /estination port port .e6uence num(er

Ac-nowledgement num(er

0ffset !esrvd

Aindo w

Chec-s um

Crgent pointer

0ption 1 Padding


TCP header structure

.ource port
.ource port num(er.

/estination port
/estination port num(er.

.e6uence num(er
The se6uence num(er of the first data octet in this segment (e cept when .D7 is present). If .D7 is present, the se6uence num(er is the initial se6uence num(er (I.7) and the first data octet is I.71$.


Ac-nowledgment num(er
If the ACE control (it is set, this field contains the value of the ne t se6uence num(er which the sender of the segment is e pecting to receive. 0nce a connection is esta(lished, this value is always sent.

/ata offset
" (its. The num(er of &'4(it words in the TCP header, which indicates where the data (egins. The TCP header (even one including options) has a length which is an integral num(er of &' (its.

% (its. !eserved for future use. ?ust (e =ero.

Control (its
% (its. The control (its may (e (from right to left): C (C!F) Crgent pointer field significant.


Ac-nowledgment field significant.

P (P.*)

Push function.

! (!.T)

!eset the connection.

. (.D7)

.ynchroni=e se6uence num(ers.

, (,I7)

7o more data from sender.

$% (its. The num(er of data octets which the sender of this segment is willing to accept, (eginning with the octet indicated in the ac-nowledgment field.

$% (its. The chec-sum field is the $% (it one>s complement of the one>s complement sum of all $%4(it words in the header and te t. If a segment contains an odd num(er of header and te t octets to (e chec-summed, the last octet is padded on the right with =eros to form a $%4(it word for chec-sum purposes. The pad is not transmitted as part of the segment. Ahile computing the chec-sum, the chec-sum field itself is replaced with =eros.

Crgent Pointer
$% (its. This field communicates the current value of the urgent pointer as a positive offset from the se6uence num(er in this segment. The urgent pointer points to the se6uence num(er of the octet following the urgent data. This field can only (e interpreted in segments for which the C!F control (it has (een set.

0ptions may (e transmitted at the end of the TCP header and always have a length which is a multiple of # (its. All options are included in the chec-sum. An option may (egin on any octet (oundary. There are two possi(le formats for an option:

A single octet of option type. An octet of option type, an octet of option length, and the actual option data octets.


The option length includes the option type and option length, as well as the option data octets. The list of options may (e shorter than that designated (y the data offset field (ecause the contents of the header (eyond the ;nd4of40ption option must (e header padding i.e., =ero. A TCP must implement all options.

TCP data or higher layer protocol.

UDP Protocol
The Cser /atagram Protocol (C/P), defined (y I;T, !,C<%#, provides a simple, (ut unrelia(le message service for transaction4oriented services. ;ach C/P header carries (oth a source port identifier and destination port identifier, allowing high4level protocols to target specific applications and services among hosts. The C/P header structure is shown as follows: $% &' (its

.ource port

/estination port




UDP header structure

.ource port
.ource port is an optional field. Ahen used, it indicates the port of the sending process and may (e assumed to (e the port to which a reply should (e addressed in the a(sence of any other information. If not used, a value of =ero is inserted.

/estination port
/estination port has a meaning within the conte t of a particular Internet destination address.

The length in octets of this user datagram, including this header and the data. The minimum value of the length is eight.

The $%4(it one>s complement of the one>s complement sum of a pseudo header of information from the IP header, the C/P header and the data, padded with =ero octets at the end (if necessary) to ma-e a multiple of two octets.


C/P data field.

The '(I (even-Layer -odel -


In "on"#$sion. A net-ork is %ny t-o or )ore entities ;; &e they !eo!#e. or0%ni5%tions. )%"hines. or -h%tever ;; th%tE ,ee( to sh%re % reso$r"e 2in "o)!$ter 0eeks!e%k re'erre( to %s servi"es3. H%ve % !%th-%y 'or "ont%"tin0 one %nother 2re'erre( to %s tr%ns)ission )e(i%3. %n( H%ve r$#es 'or $sin0 their "o))on !%th-%y to "o))$ni"%te %&o$t the sh%rin0 o' reso$r"es 2re'erre( to %s !roto"o#s3. 4e'ore % net-ork "%n &e e''e"tive. !%rti"i!%nts )$st h%ve "#e%r#y est%&#ishe( these three thin0s. In "o)!$ter net-orkin0. 'ort$n%te#y. the servi"es. tr%ns)ission )e(i%. %n( !roto"o#s h%ve #on0 sin"e &een "o(i'ie( so th%t the $niniti%te( "%n 7$i"k#y )%ster the "on"e!ts. Sin"e BC99. the Intern%tion%# St%n(%r(s *r0%ni5%tion 2IS*3 h%s !ro)$#0%te( the *!en Syste)s Inter"onne"tion 2*SI3 Re'eren"e Mo(e#. The *SI seven;#%yer )o(e#. %s it h%s "o)e to &e kno-n. "onsists o' 20et thisL3 seven #%yersE A!!#i"%tion 2<%yer 93 Present%tion 2<%yer 63 Session 2<%yer A3 Tr%ns!ort 2<%yer @3 ,et-ork 2<%yer 33 D%t% <ink 2<%yer 23 Physi"%# 2<%yer B3 The seven #%yers "o##e"tive#y %re o'ten re'erre( to %s % !roto"o# st%"k. %#tho$0h in %"t$%#ity on#y the tr%ns!ort %n( hi0her #%yers (e%# (ire"t#y -ith !roto"o#s. !er se. /%"h #%yer is res!onsi&#e 'or s!e"i'i" '$n"tions o' net-ork "o))$ni"%tions. It is i)!ort%nt to note. ho-ever. th%t the )o(e# is theoreti"%#M %"t$%# net-ork o!er%tin0 syste)s 2,*Ss3 h%n(#e the !r%"ti"%# i)!#e)ent%tion o' e%"h o' these theoreti"%# '$n"tions in (i''erent -%ys. ,everthe#ess. the )o(e# (oes he#! "#%ri'y the re#%tionshi!s %n( (e'ine the inter%"tions the )$#ti!#e !roto"o# st%"ks o' the v%rio$s ,*Ss h%ve to %n( -ith one %nother. In net-orkin0. e%"h #%yer in % "o)!$terNs !roto"o# st%"k "o))$ni"%tes -ith the "orres!on(in0 #%yers in other "o)!$tersN st%"ks. This -orks &oth hori5ont%##y %n( verti"%##yE As (%t% is !%sse( 'ro) the Tr%ns!ort #%yer in one "o)!$ter. it is re"eive( %n( inter!rete( &y the Tr%ns!ort #%yer in other "o)!$ters. Ho-ever. To 0et to the "orres!on(in0 #%yers in other "o)!$ters. the (%t% )$st !%ss (o-n thro$0h the other #%yers o' the ori0in%tin0 "o)!$ter %n( $! thro$0h the #o-er #%yers o' the re"eivin0 "o)!$ters. As the (%t% is h%n(e( (o-n to #o-er #%yers. e%"h #%yer %((s instr$"tions %n( other in'or)%tion 2"%##e( % he%(er3 to the &e0innin0 o' the (%t%. Then. %s the (%t% %rrives %t e%"h #%yer o' the re"eivin0 "o)!$ter. the "orres!on(in0 he%(ers %re


stri!!e( o'' %n( %ny instr$"tions %re "%rrie( o$t &e'ore the (%t% is h%n(e( $! to the ne8t #%yer.

Voice Over IP
Des"ri!tion Foi"e over IP 2F*IP3 $ses the Internet Proto"o# 2IP3 to tr%ns)it voi"e %s !%"kets over %n IP net-ork. Usin0 F*IP !roto"o#s. voi"e "o))$ni"%tions "%n &e %"hieve( on %ny IP net-ork re0%r(#ess -hether it is Internet. Intr%net or <o"%# Are% ,et-orks 2<A,3. In % F*IP en%&#e( net-ork. the voi"e si0n%# is (i0iti5e(. "o)!resse( %n( "onverte( to IP !%"kets %n( then tr%ns)itte( over the IP net-ork. F*IP si0n%#in0 !roto"o#s %re $se( to set $! %n( te%r (o-n "%##s. "%rry in'or)%tion re7$ire( to #o"%te $sers %n( ne0oti%te "%!%&i#ities. The key &ene'its o' Internet te#e!hony 2Foi"e over IP3 %re the very #o- "ost. the inte0r%tion o' (%t%. voi"e %n( vi(eo on one net-ork. the ne- servi"es "re%te( on the "onver0e( net-ork %n( si)!#i'ie( )%n%0e)ent o' en( $ser %n( ter)in%#s.

H.323 Me0%"o H.2@D MGCP RFP over IP SAPv2 SGCP SIP Skinny H.323 G%te-%y Contro# Proto"o# Me(i% G%te-%y Contro# Proto"o# Re)ote Foi"e Proto"o# *ver IP S!e"i'i"%tion Session Anno$n"e)ent Proto"o# Si)!#e G%te-%y Contro# Proto"o# Session Initi%tion Proto"o# Skinny C#ient Contro# Proto"o# 2Cis"o3

DF4 H.26B H.263 Di0it%# Fi(eo 4ro%("%stin0 Fi(eo stre%) 'or tr%ns!ort $sin0 the re%#;ti)e tr%ns!ort 4itstre%) in the Re%#;ti)e Tr%ns!ort Proto"o#



RTP Contro# !roto"o# Re%#;Ti)e Tr%ns!ort

H.323 Protocol
H.22A H.22A Anne8 G H.22A/ H.23A H.323S/T H.2@A H.@A0.B H.@A0.2 H.@A0.3 H.@A0.@ H.@A0.A H.@A0.6 H.@A0.9 H.@A0.D H.@A0.C H.@A0.B0 H.@A0.BB H.@A0.B2 RAS T.3D T.B2A Covers n%rro-;&%n( vis$%# te#e!hone servi"es Se"$rity %n( %$thenti"%tion ,e0oti%tes "h%nne# $s%0e %n( "%!%&i#ities Series (e'ines S$!!#e)ent%ry Servi"es 'or H.323 C%## Tr%ns'er s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e 'or H.323 C%## (iversion s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e 'or H.323 C%## Ho#( s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e C%## P%rk s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e C%## W%itin0 s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e Mess%0e W%itin0 In(i"%tion s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e C%##in0 P%rty ,%)e Present%tion s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e Co)!#etion o' C%##s to 4$sy S$&s"ri&ers s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e C%## *''er s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e C%## Intr$sion s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e A,1;CM, s$!!#e)ent%ry servi"e M%n%0es re0istr%tion. %()ission. st%t$s IP;&%se( '%8 servi"e )%!s M$#ti!oint Co))$ni"%tion Servi"e Proto"o# 2MCS3.


The H.323 st%n(%r( !rovi(es % 'o$n(%tion 'or %$(io. vi(eo. %n( (%t% "o))$ni"%tions %"ross IP; &%se( net-orks. in"#$(in0 the Internet. H.323 is %n $)&re##% re"o))en(%tion 'ro) the Intern%tion%# Te#e"o))$ni"%tions Union 2ITU3 th%t sets st%n(%r(s 'or )$#ti)e(i% "o))$ni"%tions over <o"%# Are% ,et-orks 2<A,s3 th%t (o not !rovi(e % 0$%r%ntee( O$%#ity o' Servi"e 2OoS3. These net-orks (o)in%te to(%y:s "or!or%te (eskto!s %n( in"#$(e !%"ket;s-it"he( TCP IP %n( IP? over /thernet. 1%st /thernet %n( Token Rin0 net-ork te"hno#o0ies. There'ore. the H.323 st%n(%r(s %re i)!ort%nt &$i#(in0 &#o"ks 'or % &ro%( ne- r%n0e o' "o##%&or%tive. <A,;&%se( %!!#i"%tions 'or )$#ti)e(i% "o))$ni"%tions. It in"#$(es !%rts o' H.22A.0 ; RAS. O.C3B. H.2@A RTP RTCP %n( %$(io vi(eo "o(e"s. s$"h %s the %$(io "o(e"s 2G.9BB. G.923.B. G.92D. et".3 %n( vi(eo "o(e"s 2H.26B. H.2633 th%t "o)!ress %n( (e"o)!ress )e(i% stre%)s. Me(i% stre%)s %re tr%ns!orte( on RTP RTCP. RTP "%rries the %"t$%# )e(i% %n( RTCP "%rries st%t$s %n( "ontro# in'or)%tion. The si0n%##in0 is tr%ns!orte( re#i%&#y over TCP. The 'o##o-in0 !roto"o#s (e%# -ith si0n%##in0E

The &'()( suite is illustrated here in relation to the *SI model


MGCP Protocol

Me(i% G%te-%y Contro# Proto"o# 2MGCP3 is $se( 'or "ontro##in0 te#e!hony 0%te-%ys 'ro) e8tern%# "%## "ontro# e#e)ents "%##e( )e(i% 0%te-%y "ontro##ers or "%## %0ents. A te#e!hony 0%te-%y is % net-ork e#e)ent th%t !rovi(es "onversion &et-een the %$(io si0n%#s "%rrie( on te#e!hone "ir"$its %n( (%t% !%"kets "%rrie( over the Internet or over other !%"ket net-orks. MGCP %ss$)es % "%## "ontro# %r"hite"t$re -here the "%## "ontro# inte##i0en"e is o$tsi(e the 0%te-%ys %n( h%n(#e( &y e8tern%# "%## "ontro# e#e)ents. The MGCP %ss$)es th%t these "%## "ontro# e#e)ents. or C%## A0ents. -i## syn"hroni5e -ith e%"h other to sen( "oherent "o))%n(s to the 0%te-%ys $n(er their "ontro#. MGCP is. in essen"e. % )%ster s#%ve !roto"o#. -here the 0%te-%ys %re e8!e"te( to e8e"$te "o))%n(s sent &y the C%## A0ents. The MGCP i)!#e)ents the )e(i% 0%te-%y "ontro# inter'%"e %s % set o' tr%ns%"tions. The tr%ns%"tions %re "o)!ose( o' % "o))%n( %n( % )%n(%tory res!onse. There %re ei0ht ty!es o' "o))%n(sE

MGCP Co))%n(s
MGC ;;P MG Cre%teConne"tionE Cre%tes % "onne"tion &et-een t-o en(!ointsM $ses SDP to (e'ine the re"eive "%!%&i#ities o' the !%ri"i!%tin0 en(!oints. Mo(i'yConne"tionE Mo(i'ies the !ro!erties o' % "onne"tionM h%s ne%r#y the s%)e !%r%)eters %s the Cre%teConne"tion "o))%n(. De#eteConne"tionE Ter)in%tes % "onne"tion %n( "o##e"ts st%tisti"s on the e8e"$tion o' the "onne"tion. ,oti'i"%tionRe7$estE Re7$ests the )e(i% 0%te-%y to sen( noti'i"%tions on the o""$rren"e o' s!e"i'ie( events in %n en(!oint. ,oti'yE In'or)s the )e(i% 0%te-%y "ontro##er -hen o&serve( events o""$r. A$(it/n(!ointE Deter)ines the st%t$s o' %n en(!oint. A$(itConne"tionE Retrieves the !%r%)eters re#%te( to % "onne"tion. Rest%rtInPro0ressE Si0n%#s th%t %n en(!oint or 0ro$! o' en(!oints is t%ke in or o$t o' servi"e.



MGCRMe(i% G%te-%y Contro##er MGRMe(i% G%te-%y Cre%teConne"tion. Mo(i'yConne"tion. De#eteConne"tion. ,oti'i"%tionRe7$est. ,oti'y. A$(it/n(!oint. A$(itConne"tion. Rest%rtInPro0ress. The 'irst 'o$r "o))%n(s %re sent &y the C%## A0ent to % 0%te-%y. The ,oti'y "o))%n( is sent &y the 0%te-%y to the C%## A0ent. The 0%te-%y )%y %#so sen( % De#eteConne"tion. The C%## A0ent )%y sen( either o' the A$(it "o))%n(s to the 0%te-%y. The G%te-%y )%y sen( % Rest%rtInPro0ress "o))%n( to the C%## A0ent.
A## "o))%n(s %re "o)!ose( o' % "o))%n( he%(er. o!tion%##y 'o##o-e( &y % session (es"ri!tion. A## res!onses %re "o)!ose( o' % res!onse he%(er. o!tion%##y 'o##o-e( &y % session (es"ri!tion. He%(ers %n( session (es"ri!tions %re en"o(e( %s % set o' te8t #ines. se!%r%te( &y % "%rri%0e ret$rn %n( #ine 'ee( "h%r%"ter 2or. o!tion%##y. % sin0#e #ine;'ee( "h%r%"ter3. The he%(ers %re se!%r%te(


'ro) the session (es"ri!tion &y %n e)!ty #ine. MGCP $ses % tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier to "orre#%te "o))%n(s %n( res!onses. Tr%ns%"tion i(enti'iers h%ve v%#$es &et-een B %n( CCCCCCCCC. An MGCP entity "%nnot re$se % tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier sooner th%n 3 )in$tes %'ter "o)!#etion o' the !revio$s "o))%n( in -hi"h the i(enti'ier -%s $se(. The "o))%n( he%(er is "o)!ose( o'E A "o))%n( #ine. i(enti'yin0 the re7$este( %"tion or ver&. the tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier. the en(!oint to-%r(s -hi"h the %"tion is re7$este(. %n( the MGCP !roto"o# version. A set o' !%r%)eter #ines. "o)!ose( o' % !%r%)eter n%)e 'o##o-e( &y % !%r%)eter v%#$e. The "o))%n( #ine is "o)!ose( o'E ,%)e o' the re7$este( ver&.

Tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier "orre#%tes "o))%n(s %n( res!onses. F%#$es )%y &e &et-een B %n(
CCCCCCCCC. An MGCP entity "%nnot re$se % tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier sooner th%n 3 )in$tes %'ter "o)!#etion o' the !revio$s "o))%n( in -hi"h the i(enti'ier -%s $se(. ,%)e o' the en(!oint th%t sho$#( e8e"$te the "o))%n( 2in noti'i"%tions. the n%)e o' the en(!oint th%t is iss$in0 the noti'i"%tion3. Proto"o# version. These 'o$r ite)s %re en"o(e( %s strin0s o' !rint%&#e ASCII "h%r%"ters. se!%r%te( &y -hite s!%"es. i.e.. the ASCII s!%"e 208203 or t%&$#%tion 2080C3 "h%r%"ters. It is re"o))en(e( to $se e8%"t#y one ASCII s!%"e se!%r%tor.

SIP Protocol
Session Initi%tion Proto"o# 2SIP3 is % %!!#i"%tion #%yer "ontro# si)!#e si0n%##in0 !roto"o# 'or FoIP i)!#e)ent%tions $sin0 the Re(ire"t Mo(e. SIP is % te8t$%# "#ient;server &%se !roto"o# %n( !rovi(es the ne"ess%ry !roto"o# )e"h%nis)s so th%t the en( $ser syste)s %n( !ro8y servers "%n !rovi(e (i''erent servi"esE

1. C%## 'or-%r(in0 in sever%# s"en%riosE no %ns-er. &$sy . $n"on(ition%#. %((ress

)%ni!$#%tions 2%s 900. D00 . C00; ty!e "%##s3.

2. 3. 4. 5. 6.

C%##ee %n( "%##in0 n$)&er i(enti'i"%tion Person%# )o&i#ity C%##er %n( "%##ee %$thenti"%tion Invit%tions to )$#ti"%st "on'eren"e 4%si" A$to)%ti" C%## Distri&$tion 2ACD3

SIP %((resses 2UR<3 "%n &e e)&e((e( in We& !%0es %n( there'ore "%n &e inte0r%te( %s !%rt o' !o-er'$# i)!#e)ent%tions 2C#i"k to t%#k. 'or e8%)!#e3. SIP $sin0 si)!#e !roto"o# str$"t$re. !rovi(es the )%rket -ith '%st o!er%tion. '#e8i&i#ity. s"%#%&i#ity %n( )$#tiservi"e s$!!ort.


SIP !rovi(es its o-n re#i%&i#ity )e"h%nis). SIP "re%tes. )o(i'ies %n( ter)in%tes sessions -ith one or )ore !%rti"i!%nts. These sessions in"#$(e Internet )$#ti)e(i% "on'eren"es. Internet te#e!hone "%##s %n( )$#ti)e(i% (istri&$tion. Me)&ers in % session "%n "o))$ni"%te $sin0 )$#ti"%st or $sin0 % )esh o' $ni"%st re#%tions. or % "o)&in%tion o' these. SIP invit%tions $se( to "re%te sessions "%rry session (es"ri!tions -hi"h %##o- !%rti"i!%nts to %0ree on % set o' "o)!%ti&#e )e(i% ty!es. It s$!!orts $ser )o&i#ity &y !ro8yin0 %n( re(ire"tin0 re7$ests to the $serNs "$rrent #o"%tion. Users "%n re0ister their "$rrent #o"%tion. SIP is not tie( to %ny !%rti"$#%r "on'eren"e "ontro# !roto"o#. It is (esi0ne( to &e in(e!en(ent o' the #o-er;#%yer tr%ns!ort !roto"o# %n( "%n &e e8ten(e( -ith %((ition%# "%!%&i#ities. SIP tr%ns!%rent#y s$!!orts n%)e )%!!in0 %n( re(ire"tion servi"es. %##o-in0 the i)!#e)ent%tion o' ISD, %n( Inte##i0ent ,et-ork te#e!hony s$&s"ri&er servi"es. These '%"i#ities %#so en%&#e !erson%# )o&i#ity -hi"h is &%se( on the $se o' % $ni7$e !erson%# i(entity SIP s$!!orts 'ive '%"ets o' est%&#ishin0 %n( ter)in%tin0 )$#ti)e(i% "o))$ni"%tionsE User #o"%tion User "%!%&i#ities User %v%i#%&i#ity C%## set$! C%## h%n(#in0. SIP "%n %#so initi%te )$#ti;!%rty "%##s $sin0 % )$#ti!oint "ontro# $nit 2MCU3 or '$##y;)eshe( inter"onne"tion inste%( o' )$#ti"%st. Internet te#e!hony 0%te-%ys th%t "onne"t P$&#i" S-it"he( Te#e!hone ,et-ork 2PST,3 !%rties "%n %#so $se SIP to set $! "%##s &et-een the). SIP is (esi0ne( %s !%rt o' the over%## I/T1 )$#ti)e(i% (%t% %n( "ontro# %r"hite"t$re "$rrent#y in"or!or%tin0 !roto"o#s s$"h %s RSFP. RTP RTSP. SAP %n( SDP. Ho-ever. the '$n"tion%#ity %n( o!er%tion o' SIP (oes not (e!en( on %ny o' these !roto"o#s. SIP "%n %#so &e $se( in "on+$n"tion -ith other "%## set$! %n( si0n%##in0 !roto"o#s. In th%t )o(e. %n en( syste) $ses SIP e8"h%n0es to (eter)ine the %!!ro!ri%te en( syste) %((ress %n( !roto"o# 'ro) % 0iven %((ress th%t is !roto"o#;in(e!en(ent. 1or e8%)!#e. SIP "o$#( &e $se( to (eter)ine th%t the !%rty "%n &e re%"he( $sin0 H.323 to 'in( the H.2@A 0%te-%y %n( $ser %((ress %n( then $se H.22A.0 to est%&#ish the "%##.

SIP *peration
Si! -orks %s 'o##o-sE C%##ers %n( "%##ees %re i(enti'ie( &y SIP %((resses. When )%kin0 % SIP "%##. % "%##er 'irst #o"%tes the %!!ro!ri%te server %n( then sen(s % SIP re7$est. The )ost "o))on SIP o!er%tion is the invit%tion. Inste%( o' (ire"t#y re%"hin0 the inten(e( "%##ee. % SIP re7$est )%y &e re(ire"te( or )%y tri00er % "h%in o' ne- SIP re7$ests &y !ro8ies. Users "%n re0ister their #o"%tion2s3 -ith SIP servers. SIP )ess%0es "%n &e tr%ns)itte( either over TCP or UDP SIP )ess%0es %re te8t &%se( %n( $se the IS* B06@6 "h%r%"ter set in UT1;D en"o(in0. <ines )$st &e ter)in%te( -ith CR<1. M$"h o' the )ess%0e synt%8 %n( he%(er 'ie#( %re si)i#%r to HTTP. Mess%0es "%n &e re7$est )ess%0es or res!onse )ess%0es.

Protocol header structure'

The !roto"o# is "o)!ose( o' % st%rt #ine. )ess%0e he%(er. %n e)!ty #ine %n( %n o!tion%# )ess%0e &o(y.

Re+uest %essages
The 'or)%t o' the Re7$est !%"ket he%(er is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE ?ethod !e6uest C!I SIP request packet structure .IP version



The )etho( to &e !er'or)e( on the reso$r"e. Possi&#e )etho(s %re Invite. A"k. *!tions. 4ye. C%n"e#. Re0ister

,ommand I7)IT; ACE 8D; CA7C;+ 0PTI07. !;FI.T;! "unction Initiate Call Confirm final response Terminate and transfer call Cancel searches and GringingG ,eatures support (y other side !egister with location service

A SIP UR< or % 0ener%# Uni'or) Reso$r"e I(enti'ier. this is the $ser or servi"e to -hi"h this re7$est is &ein0 %((resse(.

.IP version
The SIP version &ein0 $se(M this sho$#( &e version 2.0

Response %essage
The 'or)%t o' the Res!onse )ess%0e he%(er is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE .IP version .tatus code SIP response packet structure !eason phrase

Response ,odes
Response ,ode Prefi! B88 288 388 @88 A88 688 "unction Se%r"hin0. rin0in0. 7$e$in0 S$""ess 1o-%r(in0 C#ient )ist%kes Server '%i#$res 4$sy. re'$se. not %v%i#%&#e %ny-here

.IP version
The SIP version &ein0 $se(.

A 3;(i0it inte0er res$#t "o(e o' the %tte)!t to $n(erst%n( %n( s%tis'y the re7$est .

A te8t$%# (es"ri!tion o' the st%t$s "o(e.

Skinny Protocol
Cisco protocol

Skinny C#ient Contro# Proto"o# 2SCCP3. Te#e!hony syste)s %re )ovin0 to % "o))on -irin0 !#%nt. The en( st%tion o' % <A, or IP; &%se( P4? )$st &e si)!#e to $se. '%)i#i%r %n( re#%tive#y "he%!. The H.323 re"o))en(%tions %re 7$ite %n e8!ensive syste). An H.323 !ro8y "%n &e $se( to "o))$ni"%te -ith the Skinny C#ient $sin0 the SCCP. In s$"h % "%se the te#e!hone is % skinny "#ient over IP. in the "onte8t o' H.323. A !ro8y is $se( 'or the H.22A %n( H.2@A si0n%##in0.


The skinny "#ient 2i.e. %n /thernet Phone3 $ses TCP IP to tr%ns)it %n( re"eive "%##s %n( RTP UDP IP to 'ro) % Skinny C#ient or H.323 ter)in%# 'or %$(io. Skinny )ess%0es %re "%rrie( %&ove TCP %n( $se !ort 2000. The )ess%0es "onsist o' St%tion )ess%0e ID )ess%0es. They "%n &e o' the 'o##o-in0 ty!esE Co(e 080000 08000B 080002 080003 08000@ 08000A 080006 080009 08000D 08000C 08BB 08000A 080004 08000C 08000D 08000/ 080001 0800B0 0800B2 080020 08002B 08002@ 0822 0823 082A 0826 0829 082D 0800DB 0800D2 0800D3 0800DA 0800D6 0800D9 0800DD 0800DC 0800DA 0800D4 St%tion Mess%0e ID Mess%0e Hee! A#ive Mess%0e St%tion Re0ister Mess%0e St%tion IP Port Mess%0e St%tion Hey P%( 4$tton Mess%0e St%tion /n&#o" C%## Mess%0e St%tion Sti)$#$s Mess%0e St%tion *'' Hook Mess%0e St%tion *n Hook Mess%0e St%tion Hook 1#%sh Mess%0e St%tion 1or-%r( St%t$s Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion Me(i% Port <ist Mess%0e St%tion S!ee( Di%# St%t$s Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion <ine St%t$s Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion Con'i0$r%tion St%t$s Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion Ti)e D%te Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion 4$tton Te)!#%te Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion Fersion Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion C%!%&i#ities Res!onse Mess%0e St%tion Server Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion A#%r) Mess%0e St%tion M$#ti"%st Me(i% Re"e!tion A"k Mess%0e St%tion *'' Hook With C%##in0 P%rty ,$)&er Mess%0e St%tion *!en Re"eive Ch%nne# A"k Mess%0e St%tion Conne"tion St%tisti"s Res!onse Mess%0e St%tion So't Hey Te)!#%te Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion So't Hey Set Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion So't Hey /vent Mess%0e St%tion Unre0ister Mess%0e St%tion Hee! A#ive Mess%0e St%tion St%rt Tone Mess%0e St%tion Sto! Tone Mess%0e St%tion Set Rin0er Mess%0e St%tion Set <%)! Mess%0e St%tion Set Hook 1#%sh Dete"t Mess%0e St%tion Set S!e%ker Mo(e Mess%0e St%tion Set Mi"ro!hone Mo(e Mess%0e St%tion St%rt Me(i% Tr%ns)ission St%tion Sto! Me(i% Tr%ns)ission


0800D1 0800CD 0800C1 0800C0 0800CB 0800C2 0800C3 0800C@ 0800CA 0800C6 0800C9 0800CD 0800CC 0800CA 0800C4 0800CC 0800C/ 080B0B 080B02 080B03 080B0@ 08B0A 080B06 08B09 080B0D 08B0C 080BB0 080BBB 080BB2 080BB3 080BB@ 080BBA 080BB6 080BB9 08BBD

St%tion C%## In'or)%tion Mess%0e St%tion Re0ister Re+e"t Mess%0e St%tion Reset Mess%0e St%tion 1or-%r( St%t$s Mess%0e St%tion S!ee( Di%# St%t$s Mess%0e St%tion <ine St%t$s Mess%0e St%tion Con'i0$r%tion St%t$s Mess%0e St%tion De'ine Ti)e 6 D%te Mess%0e St%tion St%rt Session Tr%ns)ission Mess%0e St%tion Sto! Session Tr%ns)ission Mess%0e St%tion 4$tton Te)!#%te Mess%0e St%tion Fersion Mess%0e St%tion Dis!#%y Te8t Mess%0e St%tion C#e%r Dis!#%y Mess%0e St%tion C%!%&i#ities Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion /n$n"i%tor Co))%n( Mess%0e St%tion Server Res!on( Mess%0e St%tion St%rt M$#ti"%st Me(i% Re"e!tion Mess%0e St%tion St%rt M$#ti"%st Me(i% Tr%ns)ission Mess%0e St%tion Sto! M$#ti"%st Me(i% Re"e!tion Mess%0e St%tion Sto! M$#ti"%st Me(i% Tr%ns)ission Mess%0e St%tion *!en Re"eive Ch%nne# Mess%0e St%tion C#ose Re"eive Ch%nne# Mess%0e St%tion Conne"tion St%tisti"s Re7$est Mess%0e St%tion So't Hey Te)!#%te Res!on( Mess%0e St%tion So't Hey Set Res!on( Mess%0e St%tion Se#e"t So't Heys Mess%0e St%tion C%## St%te Mess%0e St%tion Dis!#%y Pro)!t Mess%0e St%tion C#e%r Pro)!t Mess%0e St%tion Dis!#%y ,oti'y Mess%0e St%tion C#e%r ,oti'y Mess%0e St%tion A"tiv%te C%## P#%ne Mess%0e St%tion De%"tiv%te C%## P#%ne Mess%0e St%tion Unre0ister A"k Mess%0e


D ! Protocol
Cert%in i)!#e)ent%tions s$it%&#e 'or Di0it%# Fi(eo 4ro%("%stin0 2DF43 &ro%("%stin0 syste)s %re s$!!orte( &y CATF in'r%str$"t$res. S!e"i'i"%##y. i)!#e)ent%tions o' the Ret$rn Ch%nne# 'or inter%"tive servi"es %re s$!!orte( &y CATF. DF4 invo#ves % st%n(%r( #ink. The 'or)%t o' the DF4 !%"ket is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE ?peg *eader (") Cpstream ?ar-er (&) .lot 7um(er (') ?AC ,lag Control (&)

?AC ,lags ('%) ; t. ,lags ('%) ?AC ?essage ("9) ?AC ?essage ("9) ?AC ?essage ("9) !srvc. ("9) DVB packet structure

M!e0 He%(er
@ &yte M!e0;2 tr%ns!ort stre%) he%(er %s (e'ine( in IS* B3DBD;B -ith % s!e"i'i" PID (esi0n%te( 'or MAC )ess%0es. The v%#$e o' this PID is 0 8 BC. The tr%ns!ort s"r%)&#in0 "ontro# 'ie#( o' the MP/G he%(er is set to 00.

U!stre%) M%rker
2@ &it 'ie#(. 3 &yte )%rker th%t !rovi(es $!stre%) OPSH syn"hroni5%tion in'or)%tion. At #e%st one !%"ket -ith syn"hroni5%tion in'or)%tion )$st &e sent in every !erio( o' 3 )se". The (e'inition o' the 'ie#( is %s 'o##o-sE 4it 0E U!stre%) M%rker /n%&#e ; When this 'ie#( h%s the v%#$e SB.: the s#ot )%rker !ointer is v%#i(. When this 'ie#( h%s the v%#$e S0.: the s#ot )%rker !ointer is not v%#i(. 4its B ; 3E MAC Mess%0e 1r%)in0 ; 4it B re#%tes to the 'irst MAC )ess%0e s#ot -ithin the MP/G 'r%)e. &it 2 to the se"on( MAC )ess%0e -ithin the MP/G 'r%)e. %n( &it 3 to the #%st MAC )ess%0e -ithin the MP/G 'r%)e. Possi&#e v%#$esE 0 ; A MAC )ess%0e ter)in%tes in this s#ot. B ; A MAC )ess%0e "ontin$es 'ro) this s#ot into the ne8t. or the s#ot is $n$se(. I' the s#ot is $n$se(. the 'irst t-o &ytes o' the s#ot %re


0 8 0000. 4its @ ; 9E Reserve( 4its D ; 23E U!stre%) S#ot M%rker Pointer ; A B6 &it $nsi0ne( inte0er -hi"h in(i"%tes the n$)&er o' (o-nstre%) =sy)&o#> "#o"ks &et-een the ne8t Syn" &yte %n( the ne8t 3 )se" ti)e )%rker. 4it 23 is "onsi(ere( the )ost si0ni'i"%nt &it o' this 'ie#(.

S#ot ,$)&er@
A B6 &it 'ie#( -hi"h is (e'ine( %s 'o##o-sE 4it 0E S#ot Position Re0ister /n%&#e 2)s&3 ; When this 'ie#( h%s the v%#$e SB.: the s#ot !osition re0ister is v%#i(. When this 'ie#( h%s the v%#$e S0.: the s#ot !osition re0ister is not v%#i(. 4its B;3E Reserve( 4it @E Set to the v%#$e SB.: This &it is e7$iv%#ent to MB2 in the "%se o' **4 (o-nstre%). 4it AE *(( P%rity ; This &it !rovi(es o(( !%rity 'or $!stre%) s#ot !osition re0ister. It is e7$iv%#ent to MBB in the "%se o' **4 (o-nstre%). 4its 6 ; BAE U!stre%) S#ot Position Re0ister ; B0 &it "o$nter -hi"h "o$nts 'ro) 0 to n -ith &it 6 the )s&. These &its %re e7$iv%#ent to MB ; MB0 in the "%se o' **4 (o-nstre%).

MAC 1#%0 Contro#

2@ &it 'ie#( 2&0 2)s&3. &B. &2 . . . &233 th%t !rovi(es "ontro# in'or)%tion $se( in "on+$n"tion -ith the SMAC 1#%0s: %n( S/8tension 1#%0s: 'ie#(s. The (e'inition o' the MAC 1#%0 Contro# 'ie#( is %s 'o##o-sE &0 ; &2 ; Ch%nne# 0 "ontro# 'ie#(.

&3 ; &A ; Ch%nne# B "ontro# 'ie#(. &6 ; &D ; Ch%nne# 2 "ontro# 'ie#(. &C ; &BB ; Ch%nne# 3 "ontro# 'ie#(. &B2 ; &B@ ; Ch%nne# @ "ontro# 'ie#(. &BA ; &B9 ; Ch%nne# A "ontro# 'ie#(. &BD ; &20 ; Ch%nne# 6 "ontro# 'ie#(. &2B ; &23 ; Ch%nne# 9 "ontro# 'ie#(.

"TP Protocol
The Re%#;ti)e Tr%ns!ort 2RTP3 Proto"o# !rovi(es en(;to;en( net-ork tr%ns!ort '$n"tions s$it%&#e 'or %!!#i"%tions tr%ns)ittin0 re%#;ti)e (%t% s$"h %s %$(io. vi(eo or si)$#%tion (%t%. over )$#ti"%st or $ni"%st net-ork servi"es. RTP (oes not %((ress reso$r"e reserv%tion %n( (oes not 0$%r%ntee 7$%#ity;o';servi"e


'or re%#;ti)e servi"es. The (%t% tr%ns!ort is %$0)ente( &y % "ontro# !roto"o# 2RTCP3 to %##o- )onitorin0 o' the (%t% (e#ivery in % )%nner s"%#%&#e to #%r0e )$#ti"%st net-orks. %n( to !rovi(e )ini)%# "ontro# %n( i(enti'i"%tion '$n"tion%#ity. RTP %n( RTCP %re (esi0ne( to &e in(e!en(ent o' the $n(er#yin0 tr%ns!ort %n( net-ork #%yers. The !roto"o# s$!!orts the $se o' RTP;#eve# tr%ns#% tors %n( )i8ers. The 'or)%t o' the RTP 1i8e( He%(er 1ie#(s is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE 9 $ P Payloa d type .e6uence num(er Timestamp ' H & C.!C count ' & " 5 % < # ..!C I $9 $$ $' C.!C RTP structure 94%9 octets " 5 % $ < 0ctet


Fersion. I(enti'ies the RTP version.

P%((in0. When set. the !%"ket "ont%ins one or )ore %((ition%# !%((in0 o"tets %t the en( -hi"h %re not !%rt o' the !%y#o%(.

/8tension &it. When set. the 'i8e( he%(er is 'o##o-e( &y e8%"t#y one he%(er e8tension. -ith % (e'ine( 'or)%t.

CSRC "o$nt
Cont%ins the n$)&er o' CSRC i(enti'iers th%t 'o##o- the 'i8e( he%(er.

M%rker. The inter!ret%tion o' the )%rker is (e'ine( &y % !ro'i#e. It is inten(e( to %##o- si0ni'i"%nt events s$"h %s 'r%)e &o$n(%ries to &e )%rke( in the !%"ket stre%).

P%y#o%( ty!e
I(enti'ies the 'or)%t o' the RTP !%y#o%( %n( (eter)ines its inter!ret%tion &y the %!!#i"%tion. A !ro'i#e s!e"i'ies % (e'%$#t st%ti" )%!!in0 o' !%y#o%( ty!e "o(es to !%y#o%( 'or)%ts. A((ition%# !%y#o%( ty!e "o(es )%y &e (e'ine( (yn%)i"%##y thro$0h non;RTP )e%ns.

Se7$en"e n$)&er
In"re)ents &y one 'or e%"h RTP (%t% !%"ket sent. %n( )%y &e $se( &y the re"eiver to (ete"t !%"ket #oss %n( to restore !%"ket se7$en"e.

Re'#e"ts the s%)!#in0 inst%nt o' the 'irst o"tet in the RTP (%t% !%"ket. The s%)!#in0 inst%nt )$st &e (erive( 'ro) % "#o"k th%t in"re)ents )onotoni"%##y %n( #ine%r#y in ti)e to %##o- syn"hroni5%tion %n( +itter "%#"$#%tions. The reso#$tion o' the "#o"k )$st &e s$''i"ient 'or the (esire( syn"hroni5%tion %""$r%"y %n( 'or )e%s$rin0 !%"ket %rriv%# +itter 2one ti"k !er vi(eo 'r%)e is ty!i"%##y not s$''i"ient3.


I(enti'ies the syn"hroni5%tion so$r"e. This i(enti'ier is "hosen r%n(o)#y. -ith the intent th%t no t-o syn"hroni5%tion so$r"es -ithin the s%)e RTP session -i## h%ve the s%)e SSRC i(enti'ier.

Contri&$tin0 so$r"e i(enti'iers #ist. I(enti'ies the "ontri&$tin0 so$r"es 'or the !%y#o%( "ont%ine( in this !%"ket.

CDMA & GSM Cellular Technology

GSM %n( CDMA 4SMAP 4SSAP 4SS<AP 4SSAP</ 4SSMAP 4TSM CC DTAP 2CDMA3 DTAP 2GSM3 MM MMS !roto"o#s (es"ri&e( here in"#$(eE 4%se St%tion M%n%0e)ent A!!#i"%tion P%rt 4SS A!!#i"%tion P%rt

4SS M%n%0)ent A!!#i"%tion P%rt 4%se Tr%ns"eiver St%tion M%n%0e)ent C%## Contro# Dire"t Tr%ns'er A!!#i"%tion P%rt 'or CDMA Dire"t Tr%ns'er A!!#i"%tion P%rt 'or GSM Mo&i#ity M%n%0e)ent



Mo&i#e Internet Proto"o# R%(io Reso$r"e Short Mess%0e Servi"e Short Mess%0e Tr%ns'er <%yer Proto"o#

In BCDC. GSM res!onsi&i#ity -%s tr%ns'erre( to the /$ro!e%n Te#e"o))$ni"%tion St%n(%r(s Instit$te 2/TSI3. %n( !h%se I o' the GSM s!e"i'i"%tions -ere !$&#ishe( in BCC0. Co))er"i%# servi"e -%s st%rte( in )i(BCCB. %n( &y BCC3 there -ere 36 GSM net-orks in 22 "o$ntries. -ith 2A %((ition%# "o$ntries h%vin0 %#re%(y se#e"te( or "onsi(erin0 GSM In %((ition to /$ro!e. So$th A'ri"%. A$str%#i%. %n( )%ny Mi((#e %n( 1%r /%st "o$ntries h%ve "hosen to %(o!t GSM. 4y the &e0innin0 o' BCC@. there -ere B.3 )i##ion s$&s"ri&ers -or#(-i(e. The %"rony) GSM no- 2%!t#y3 st%n(s 'or G#o&%# Syste) 'or Mo&i#e te#e"o))$ni"%tions. 1ro) the &e0innin0. the !#%nners o' GSM -%nte( ISD, "o)!%ti&i#ity in servi"es o''ere( %n( "ontro# si0n%#in0 $se(. The r%(io #ink i)!ose( so)e #i)it%tions. ho-ever. sin"e the st%n(%r( ISD, &it r%te o' 6@ H&!s "o$#( not &e !r%"ti"%##y %"hieve(. The (i0it%# n%t$re o' GSM %##o-s (%t%. &oth syn"hrono$s %n( %syn"hrono$s (%t%. to &e tr%ns!orte( %s % &e%rer servi"e to or 'ro) %n ISD, ter)in%#. The (%t% r%tes s$!!orte( &y GSM %re 300 &!s. 600 &!s. B200 &!s. 2@00 &!s. %n( C600 &!s. The )ost &%si" te#eservi"e s$!!orte( &y GSM is te#e!hony. A $ni7$e 'e%t$re o' GSM "o)!%re( to o#(er %n%#o0 syste)s is the Short Mess%0e Servi"e 2SMS3. S$!!#e)ent%ry servi"es %re !rovi(e( on to! o' te#eservi"es or &e%rer servi"es. %n( in"#$(e 'e%t$res s$"h %s intern%tion%# ro%)in0. "%##er i(enti'i"%tion. "%## 'or-%r(in0. "%## -%itin0. )$#ti!%rty "onvers%tions. %n( &%rrin0 o' o$t0oin0 2intern%tion%#3 "%##s. %)on0 others.

Co(e Division M$#ti!#e A""ess 2CDMA3 is % (i0it%# %ir inter'%"e st%n(%r(. "#%i)in0 ei0ht to 'i'teen ti)es the "%!%"ity o' tr%(ition%# %n%#o0 "e##$#%r syste)s. It e)!#oys % "o))er"i%# %(%!t%tion o' % )i#it%ry s!re%(; s!e"tr$) te"hno#o0y. 4%se( on s!re%( s!e"tr$) theory. it 0ives essenti%##y the s%)e servi"es %n( 7$%#ities %s -ire#ine servi"e. The !ri)%ry (i''eren"e is th%t %""ess to the #o"%# e8"h%n0e "%rrier 2</C3 is !rovi(e( vi% % -ire#ess !hone. Tho$0h CDMA:s %!!#i"%tion in "e##$#%r te#e!hony is re#%tive#y ne-. it is not % ne- te"hno#o0y. CDMA h%s &een $se( in )%ny )i#it%ry %!!#i"%tions. s$"h %sE Anti;+%))in0 2&e"%$se o' the s!re%( si0n%#. it is (i''i"$#t to +%) or inter'ere -ith % CDMA si0n%#3.

R%n0in0 2)e%s$rin0 the (ist%n"e o' the tr%ns)ission to kno- -hen it -i## &e re"eive(3. Se"$re "o))$ni"%tions 2the s!re%( s!e"tr$) si0n%# is very h%r( to (ete"t3.
CDMA is % s!re%( s!e"tr$) te"hno#o0y. -hi"h )e%ns th%t it s!re%(s the in'or)%tion "ont%ine( in % !%rti"$#%r si0n%# o' interest over % )$"h 0re%ter &%n(-i(th th%n the ori0in%# si0n%#. With CDMA. $ni7$e (i0it%# "o(es. r%ther th%n se!%r%te R1 're7$en"ies or "h%nne#s. %re $se( to (i''erenti%te s$&s"ri&ers. The "o(es %re sh%re( &y &oth the )o&i#e st%tion 2"e##$#%r !hone3 %n( the &%se st%tion. %n( %re "%##e( !se$(o; r%n(o) "o(e se7$en"es. Sin"e e%"h $ser is se!%r%te( &y % $ni7$e "o(e. %## $sers "%n sh%re the s%)e 're7$en"y &%n( 2r%n0e o' r%(io s!e"tr$)3. This 0ives )%ny $ni7$e %(v%nt%0es to the CDMA te"hni7$e over other R1 te"hni7$es in "e##$#%r "o))$ni"%tion. CDMA is % (i0it%# )$#ti!#e %""ess te"hni7$e %n( this "e##$#%r %s!e"t o' the !roto"o# is s!e"i'ie( &y the Te#e"o))$ni"%tions In($stry Asso"i%tion 2TIA3 %s IS;CA. In CDMA. the 4SSAP is (ivi(e( into the DTAP %n( 4SMAP 2-hi"h "orres!on(s to 4SSMAP in GSM3.


DTAP -,D%A. Protocol

The Dire"t Tr%ns'er A!!#i"%tion P%rt 2DTAP3 )ess%0es %re $se( to tr%ns'er "%## !ro"essin0 %n( )o&i#ity )%n%0e)ent )ess%0es to %n( 'ro) the MS. The 4S (oes not $se DTAP )ess%0es. &$t )$st )%! )ess%0es 0oin0 to %n( "o)in0 'ro) the MSC into the %!!ro!ri%te %ir inter'%"e si0n%#in0 !roto"o#. Tr%ns%"tion IDs %re $se( to %sso"i%te the DTAP )ess%0es -ith % !%rti"$#%r MS %n( the "$rrent "%##. The 'or)%t o' the he%(er is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE # < % 5 " & $ ?essage type Information elements DTAP header structure ' &4n ' $ 0ctet Transa Protoc ction ol identifi discrim er inator

Proto"o# (is"ri)in%tor
The !roto"o# (is"ri)in%tor s!e"i'ies the )ess%0e &ein0 tr%ns'erre( 2CC. MM. RR3. Tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier Distin0$ishes )$#ti!#e !%r%##e# %"tivities 2tr%ns%"tions3 -ithin one )o&i#e st%tion. The 'or)%t o' the tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier is %s 'o##o-sE D TI '#%0 9 6 TI v%#$e A

Tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier

TI '#%0
I(enti'ies -ho %##o"%te( the TI v%#$e 'or this tr%ns%"tion. The !$r!ose o' the TI '#%0 is to reso#ve si)$#t%neo$s %tte)!ts to %##o"%te the s%)e TI v%#$e.

TI v%#$e
TI v%#$es %re %ssi0ne( &y the si(e o' the inter'%"e initi%tin0 % tr%ns%"tion. At the &e0innin0 o' % tr%ns%"tion. % 'ree TI v%#$e is "hosen %n( %ssi0ne( to this tr%ns%"tion. It then re)%ins 'i8e( 'or the #i'eti)e o' the tr%ns%"tion. A'ter % tr%ns%"tion en(s. the %sso"i%te( TI v%#$e is 'ree %n( )%y &e re%ssi0ne( to % #%ter tr%ns%"tion. T-o i(enti"%# tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier v%#$es )%y &e $se( -hen e%"h v%#$e !ert%ins to % tr%ns%"tion ori0in%te( %t o!!osite en(s o' the inter'%"e.

Mess%0e Ty!e
The )ess%0e ty!e (e'ines the '$n"tion o' e%"h DTAP )ess%0e.

In'or)%tion e#e)ents
/%"h in'or)%tion e#e)ent h%s % n%)e -hi"h is "o(e( %s % sin0#e o"tet. The #en0th o' %n in'or)%tion


e#e)ent )%y &e 'i8e( or v%ri%&#e %n( % #en0th in(i"%tor 'or e%"h one )%y &e in"#$(e(.

DTAP -/S%. Protocol

The Dire"t Tr%ns'er A!!#i"%tion P%rt 2DTAP3 is $se( to tr%ns'er "%## "ontro# %n( )o&i#ity )%n%0e)ent )ess%0es &et-een the MSC %n( the MS. The DTAP in'or)%tion in these )ess%0es is not inter!rete( &y the 4SS. Mess%0es re"eive( 'ro) the MS %re i(enti'ie( %s DTAP &y the Proto"o# Dis"ri)in%tor In'or)%tion /#e)ent. The )%+ority o' r%(io inter'%"e )ess%0es %re tr%ns'erre( %"ross the 4SS MSC inter'%"e &y DTAP. e8"e!t 'or )ess%0es &e#on0in0 to the R%(io Reso$r"e 2RR3 )%n%0e)ent !roto"o#. The DTAP '$n"tion is in "h%r0e o' tr%ns'errin0 #%yer 3 )ess%0es 'ro) the MS 2or 'ro) the MSC3 to the MSC 2or to the MS3 -itho$t %ny %n%#ysis o' the )ess%0e "ontents. The inter-orkin0 &et-een the #%yer 2 !roto"o# on the r%(io si(e %n( si0n%##in0 syste) 9 %t the #%n(si(e is &%se( on the $se o' in(ivi($%# SCCP "onne"tions 'or e%"h MS %n( on the (istri&$tion '$n"tion. The 'or)%t o' the DTAP he%(er is sho-n in the 'o##o-in0 i##$str%tionE # < % 5 " & $ ?essa ge Type Information ;lements GS !" structure ' $ 0ctet Protoc Transa ol ction / /istrimi .-ip nator 9 7(./)

' &4n

Proto"o# (is"ri)in%tor
I(enti'ies the <3 !roto"o# to -hi"h the st%n(%r( #%yer 3 )ess%0e &e#on0s. F%#$es )%y &e %s 'o##o-sE 0000 Gro$! "%## "ontro# 000B 4ro%("%st "%## "ontro# 00B0 PDSSB 00BB C%## "ontro#M "%## re#%te( SS )ess%0es 0B00 PDSS2 0B0B Mo&i#ity M%n%0e)ent Mess%0es 0BB0 R%(io reso$r"es )%n%0e)ent )ess%0es B00B SMS )ess%0es B0BB ,on;"%## re#%te( SS )ess%0es BBB0 /8tension o' the PD to one o"tet #en0th BBBB Tests !ro"e($res (es"ri&e( in TS GSM BB.B0

Tr%ns%"tion ID

Ski! i(enti'ier

/ither % tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier. or % ski! in(i"tor (e!en(in0 on the #eve# 3 !roto"o#. The tr%ns%"tion i(enti'ier "ont%ins the tr%ns%"tion v%#$e %n( '#%0 -hi"h i(enti'ies -ho %##o"%te( the TI.

1or MM %n( CM. ,2SD3 is set to the v%#$e o' the sen( st%te v%ri%&#e. In other #eve# 3 )ess%0es. &it 9 is set to 0 &y the sen(in0 si(e. Mess%0es re"eive( -ith &it 9 set to B %re i0nore(.

Mess%0e ty!e
Uni7$e#y (e'ines the '$n"tion %n( 'or)%t o' e%"h GSM <3 )ess%0e. The )ess%0e ty!e is )%n(%tory 'or %## )ess%0es. The )e%nin0 o' the )ess%0e ty!e is there'ore (e!en(ent on the !roto"o# 2the s%)e v%#$e )%y h%ve (i''erent )e%nin0s in (i''erent !roto"o#s3 %n( (ire"tion 2the s%)e v%#$e )%y h%ve (i''erent )e%nin0s


in the s%)e !roto"o#. -hen sent 'ro) the Mo&i#e St%tion to the net-ork %n( -hen sent 'ro) the net-ork to the Mo&i#e St%tion3.

%%S Protocol
The WAP M$#ti)e(i% Mess%0in0 Servi"e 2MMS3 $ses WAP WSP HTTP %s $n(er#yin0 !roto"o#s to tr%ns'er MMS PDUs &et-een the MMS C#ient. -hi"h resi(es on the ter)in%# 2MS3 %n( the MMS Pro8y ;Re#%y. This str$"t$re is &%se( on the -e##;kno-n )ess%0e str$"t$re o' Internet e)%i# &in%ry en"o(in0 o' MMS PDUs. 4e"%$se o' the #i)ite( &%n(-i(th o' the %ir inter'%"e o' )o&i#e net-orks MMS PDUs %re tr%ns'erre( &et-een %n MMS C#ient %n( %n MMS Pro8y ;Re#%y in &in%ry en"o(e( )ess%0e 'or)%t. This !ro"ess is "%##e( en"%!s$#%tion. WSP PDUs or HTTP )ess%0es. -hi"h "ont%in MMS PDUs %s their &o(y. %re $se( 'or this tr%ns!ort. MMS PDUs. -hi"h %re (es"ri&e( in this s!e"i'i"%tion. %re in"#$(e( in WSP PDUs HTTP )ess%0es o' (i''erent ty!es. The entire MMS in'or)%tion is "ont%ine( in MMS PDUs. -hi"h %re en"%!s$#%te( in WSP PDUs HTTP )ess%0es. The "ontent ty!e o' WSP PDUs HTTP )ess%0es "ont%inin0 MMS PDUs is T%!!#i"%tion vn(.-%!.))s ; )ess%0e.T MMS h%s no he%(er str$"t$re %s it "onsists o' )ess%0es.

1ie#( Re'eren"e ,$)&erE

08DB 08D2 08D3 08D@ 08DA 08D6 08D9 08DD 08DC 08DA 08D4 08DC 08DD 08D/ 08D1 08C0 08CB 08C2 08C3 08C@ 08CA 08C6 08C9 08CD 08CC 08CA 4"" C" ?;M)s;Content;<o"%tion Content;Ty!e D%te ?;M)s;De#ivery;Re!ort ?;M)s;De#ivery;Ti)e ?;M)s;/8!iry 1ro) ?;))s;Mess%0e;C#%ss Mess%0e;ID ?;M)s;Mess%0e;Ty!e ?;M)s;MMS;Fersion ?;M)s;Mess%0e;Si5e ?;M)s;Priority ?;M)s;Re%(;Re!ort ?;M)s;Re!ort;A##o-e( ?;M)s;Res!onse;St%t$s ?;M)s;Res!onse;Te8t ?;M)s;Sen(er;Fisi&i#ity ?;M)s;St%t$s S$&+e"t To ?;M)s;Tr%ns%"tion;I( ?;M)s;Retrieve;St%t$s ?;M)s;Retrieve;Te8t


08C4 08CC 08CD 08C/ 08C1 08A0 08AB

?;M)s;Re%(;St%t$s ?;M)s;Re!#y;Ch%r0in0 ?;M)s;Re!#y;Ch%r0in0;De%(#ine ?;M)s;Re!#y;Ch%r0in0;ID ?;M)s;Re!#y;Ch%r0in0;Si5e ?;M)s;Previo$s#y;Sent;4y ?;M)s;Previo$s#y;Sent;D%te

Mess%0e Ty!e
The 'o##o-in0 )ess%0e ty!es %re "ont%ine( in the PDUE B2D );sen(;re7 B2C B30 B3B B32 B33 B3@ B3A B36 B39 B3D );sen(;"on' );noti'i"%tion;in( );noti'yres!;in( );retrieve;"on' );%"kno-#e(0e;in( );(e#ivery;in( );re%(;re";in( );re%(;ori0;in( );'or-%r(;re7 );'or-%r(;"on'

S%S Protocol


The !$r!ose o' the Short Mess%0e Servi"e 2SMS3is to !rovi(e the )e%ns to tr%ns'er )ess%0es &et-een % GSM P<M, Mo&i#e St%tion %n( % Short Mess%0e /ntity vi% % Servi"e Center. %s (es"ri&e( in TS GSM 03.@0. The ter)s TM*T ; Mo&i#e *ri0in%tin0 ; %n( TMTT ; Mo&i#e Ter)in%tin0 ; %re $se( to in(i"%te the (ire"tion in -hi"h the short )ess%0e is sent. The SMS str$"t$re is %s 'o##o-s 'or "ontro# )ess%0esE # < % 5 " & $ ' $ 0ctet Protoc .-ip ol indicat distrimi or nator ?essage type Information elements S S CP structure

' &4n

Proto"o# (is"ri)in%tor
B00B i(enti'ies the SMS !roto"o#.

Tr%ns%"tion I(enti'ier
See CC 'or the 'or)%t o' the Tr%ns%"tion ID.

Mess%0e ty!e
The )ess%0e ty!e. to0ether -ith the !roto"o# (is"ri)in%tor. i(enti'ies the '$n"tion o' the )ess%0e &ein0 sent. Mess%0es )%y &e o' the 'o##o-in0E 0000000B CP;DATA 00000B00 CP;ACH 000B0000 CP;/RR*R

In'or)%tion /#e)ent
/%"h I/ h%s %n i(enti'ier -hi"h is "o(e( %s % sin0#e o"tet. The #en0th o' %n I/ )%y &e 'i8e( or v%ri%&#e %n( )%y or )%y not in"#$(e % #en0th in(i"%tor. The SMS str$"t$re is %s 'o##o-s 'or re#%y )ess%0esE # 9 < 9 % 9 5 9 " 9 & ?TI ' $ $ ' &4n 0ctet

?essage !eference Information elements S S structure

Mess%0e ty!e in(i"%tor. F%#$es %re %s 'o##o-sE

4it F%#$e 23 2 B3 Dire"tion 000 000 00B 00B 0B0 0B0 0BB 0BB B00 )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n

RP;Mess%0e RP;DATA Reserve( Reserve( RP;DATA RP;ACH Reserve( Reserve( RP;ACH RP;/RR*R



n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s )s ;P n n ;P )s

Reserve( Reserve( RP;/RR*R RP;SMMA Reserve( Reserve( Reserve(

Mess%0e Re'eren"e
Use( to #ink %n RP;ACH )ess%0e or RP;/RR*R )ess%0e to the %sso"i%te( RP;D%ATA or RP;SM,A )ess%0e.

In'or)%tion /#e)ent
/%"h I/ h%s %n i(enti'ier -hi"h is "o(e( %s % sin0#e o"tet. The #en0th o' %n I/ )%y &e 'i8e( or v%ri%&#e %n( )%y or )%y not in"#$(e % #en0th in(i"%tor.

CONCLUSION Whi#e the %0e;o#( "on"e!t o' the net-ork is 'o$n(%tion%# in virt$%##y %## %re%s o' so"iety. Co)!$ter ,et-orks %n( Proto"o#s h%ve 'orever "h%n0e( the -%y h$)%ns -i## -ork. !#%y. %n( "o))$ni"%te. 1or0in0 !o-er'$##y into %re%s o' o$r #ives th%t no one h%( e8!e"te(. (i0it%# net-orkin0 is '$rther e)!o-erin0 $s 'or the '$t$re. ,e- !roto"o#s %n( st%n(%r(s -i## e)er0e. ne- %!!#i"%tions -i## &e "on"eive(. %n( o$r #ives -i## &e '$rther "h%n0e( %n( enh%n"e(. Whi#e the ne- -i## on#y &e &etter. the )%+ority o' (i0it%# net-orkin0Ns "$rrent te"hno#o0ies %re not "$ttin0;e(0e. &$t r%ther %re !roto"o#s %n( st%n(%r(s "on"eive( %t the (%-n o' the (i0it%# net-orkin0 %0e th%t h%ve stoo( so#i( 'or over thirty ye%rs.



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