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Water Management

Course Code: AGRC-0236

Term 2
Learning Outcome #2

Course Instructor: Lord Abbey, PhD; P.Ag

Soil Water Balance & Soil Moisture


Definition & importance of soil water balance.

Concept of soil water balance. Water movement through the soil. Determination of soil moisture content. Soil moisture conservation.

Definition of Soil Water Balance

O It is an account of the amount of water added to,

subtracted from, and stored within a given volume of soil during a given period of time.

O Water balance is governed by the law of

conservation of matter, which states that:

matter can neither be created nor destroyed but can only change from one state or location to another.

Importance of Soil Water Balance

O Water balance helps to make good decisions

on the following:
O Water conservation.
O Water management.

O Irrigation scheduling.

O Proper water management requires:
O Good accounting of water supplies. O Tracking of changes in storage. O Tracking of water destinations. O Proper irrigation scheduling (timing & amount). O Control of runoff. O Minimizing deep percolation. O Uniform application of water.

TAW = total available water RAW = readily available water

O (Inflow Outflow) = Change in storage. O Components of water balance change over...

O Time. O Season. O Crop type.

Limiting Conditions of Water Balance

O Capillary rise (upward flux). O Unconfined water table. O Saturated zone beyond crop root zone.

O Surface runoff. O Large amount of rainfall or irrigation. O High intensity rainfall or irrigation. O Deep percolation. O Watered beyond root zone.

Lab #1 (alternative) O Determine water balance including water capture.

Factors Affecting Water Balance

O Evapotranspiration:
O Crop factor. O Weather factor. O Soil factor. O Management factors.

O Irrigation is required when rainfall is

insufficient to compensate for water lost by evapotranspiration.

O Surface runoff (students to discuss): O Total rainfall or irrigation. O Intensity of rainfall or irrigation. O Soil factors. O Land and watershed management (levees/dykes).

O Deep water percolation or deep drainage

(students to discuss):
O Soil factors. O Cropping pattern & root zone. O Rainfall pattern or irrigation frequency & type. O Topography. O Depth to ground-water level.

O Capillary rise (students to discuss): O Soil type (texture). O Water-table depth. O Irrigation interval. O Soil water dryness (depletion of field capacity). O Evapotranspiration demand. O Salinity of water.

Determination of soil moisture content O Saturation point (flooding). O Field capacity. O Permanent wilting point. O Available water. O Air dry.

Reading, Discussion & Labs

O MB Soil Management Guide (Pgs 42-48). O Discuss in class. O Lab work:
O Discuss basic concepts in class.

O compare soil MC by appearance/feel vrs gravimetric

methods and soil calculations.

Principles of Water Movement Through Soil

O Plant water relations describes how plants

control the hydration of their cells. O This is done by processes such as:
O Water absorption from the soil.

O Water transportation within the plant.

O Water loss by transpiration.

O A drop of 50-60% of the available water

content does not cause stress for most plants. O Early in the growth stage, plant roots may occupy 15-20 cm depth of the top soil. O This is the active root zone. O Moisture must be present in the active root zone in order to be available to the plant.


Root depth (cm)


Root depth (cm)


Root depth (cm)

Cabbage Carrots Lettuce

50-80 Pumpkin 50-100 Squash 30-50 Table beet

100-150 Green beans 60-100 60-100 Artichokes Asparagus

50-70 60-90 120-180

Tomato Pepper

30-60 Rutabaga
70-150 Potato 50-100 S. potato



20-30 100-200

100-150 Grapes

Cucumber 70-120 Peas




Plant Response to Soil Moisture Stress

O Soil moisture stress is defined as the drop in

moisture level below field capacity within the root zone. O Water stress could also be caused by waterlog (flooding) conditions. O Moisture in the active root zone should be enough to meet plant evapotranspiration demand. O The active root zone contains 80% of the roots.

Factors that Influence Plant Response to Water Stress

O Frequency of dry & wet periods. O Frequency of flood & dry periods. O Duration of drought or flood period.

O The crop species & cultivar.

O The crop duration.

O The growth stage of the crop at which the stress

was imposed.

Class Discussion
O Give examples of plants that are: O Tolerant to water stress. O Resistance/avoid water stress. O Sensitive to water stress.

Effects of Water Stress on Plant System

O Germination.
O Plant stand & leaf greenness. O Turgidity &/or plant-water relations. O Anthesis initiation & pollination. O Water absorption and nutrient uptake. O Water-use efficiency. O Radiation use efficiency.

O Duration of fruit ripening.

O Unit seed weight.

Creating Drought-Friendly Garden

O Grow your crops before the summer heat

starts. O Plant drought tolerant vegetables. O Double or triple dig your beds. O Add compost to your soil. O Mulch. O Water at night. O Water the right amount.

O Install irrigation on a timer.

O Plant vegetables close together. O Choose plants that produce in abundance. O Try dry farming of, for example, tomato. O Place drainage pipes between crops.

O Harvest rainwater for gardening.

Crop Requirements & Responses to Irrigation

O The water requirement of vegetable plants

ranges from 1560 cm depending on crop species. O Vegetable crops are sensitive to drought during the following two periods:
O 2-3 weeks before harvest. O Harvest.

O Each class of vegetable & growth stage respond


O Seed germination & seedling establishment:

O Adequate irrigation improves rates of seed

germination, seedling emergence, uniformity & final stand. O For seeded crops, reduce rate of application & total amount of water applied to avoid crust. O Irrigation to meet evapotranspiration demand can increase seedlings survival rate.

O Leaf vegetable, cabbage, lettuce & spinach:

O Shallow-rooted.

O Planted at or near field capacity.

O Frequent irrigation. O Leaf expansion related closely to water availability.

O Head formation is sensitive to drought.

O Excessive water can cause head split.

O Broccoli & cauliflower:

O Response is similar to leave vegetables.
O Sensitive to drought stress at all stages. O Reduce growth.

O Premature heading.

O Root, tuber & bulb vegetables:

O Yield depends on production & translocation of

carbohydrates from leaf to root or bulb. O The swelling or enlargement of storage organs is the most sensitive stage. O Uneven irrigation can cause misshapen or split roots in carrots.

O Fruit & seed vegetables:

O Sensitive at flowering & seed development stages. O Fruit set can be reduced with drought stress.

O Adequate watering during fruit enlargement can

reduce incidences of fruit cracking & blossom-end rot in tomatoes.

O Less water is needed during fruit ripening & seed


O ...second growth in potatoes.

O premature bulbing in onions.

Water Conservation
O Definition of water conservation:
O Water conservation is a special way of

efficient water use and minimization of water loss.

O This is important in water-limited


Water Conservation Strategies

O Reduce evaporation. O Reduce evapotranspiration. O Reduce seepage. O Reduce quality degradation. O Cloud seeding. O Increase groundwater recharge.

O Treat and reusing drainage and waste water.

O Use super absorbent

Reducing evaporation
O From water surfaces:
O Floating objects in small reservoirs.
O Reducing area of water surfaces (deep, small

reservoirs). O Compartmentalization of ponds (water transfer from deep ponds into dry shallow ponds when needed). O Deep ponds (can be lined to reduce seepage loss).

O From crop field:

O Conserve water in the root zone during fallow period. O Control weed control to reduce transpiration losses. O Adopt minimum to zero tillage. O Leave stubble or residue in the field to minimize high

temperatures and wind effect on soil surface.

O Mulch.

O Introduce new crops: O Alter the cropping pattern. O Introduce drought tolerant species or varieties. O Anti-transpirants: O Spray ornamental plants (foliage, lawns & shrubs) with anti-transpirants. O Done on plants that fast growth is not important.

O Surface storage & ground water re-charge: O Surplus water from rain or runoff is stored for later use when needed. O Stored behind dams, in aquifers & tanks.

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