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Day 1

Finding Security
CENTERING THOUGHT My security and peace are within. SANSKRIT MANTRA Lam I am security.

Day 1 - Finding Security

Question 1 of 4 What does it mean when all the parts of your life are flowing smoothly? What does that look like? How does it feel? As you write, allow yourself the freedom to explore, knowing there is no wrong answer to this question. Question 2 of 4 What are your intentions for this 21-Day Meditation Experience? What do you want to learn and create in your life during our time together? Be very specific with your intention it is a powerful way to start any journey. After writing, take a moment to visualize each intention as a seed you are planting today within your heart. The time you spend meditating and journaling each day is the water and sunshine that allows your vision to sprout. * to feel in peace * to enjoy my life as it is * to coexiste with other * to see good in life *to live my life completly * to be thankful for everything that i have * to be gentle with me and others Question 3 of 4 Write down a memory from your past when you felt completely secure, safe, and content. Know and feel that this presence of security is permanent and always available.

Day 2
Finding Happiness
CENTERING THOUGHT I am the source of unlimited happiness. SANSKRIT MANTRA Yam I am happiness.

Day 1 - Finding Security

Welcome to our 21-Day Meditation Experience, Finding Your Flow! We are so happy that you are joining us.

Over the next three weeks together, we will learn to connect with the flow of our life forcea powerful current that will guide, transform, and awaken us to our true selves. The flow of life is composed of various streams of energy . . . our impulses for security, happiness, power, love, creativity, insight, and self-actualization all move together to form our unique life expression. In living this expression, we find our flowthe universal rhythm within that is the infinite source of joy, balance, harmony, and love. We begin our journey by establishing our core sense of security as the stable basis for all the growth to come.

Today's Quote
Security represents your sense of worth, your identity, your emotional anchorage, your selfesteem, your basic personal strength or lack of it. Stephen Covey

Day 2 - Finding Happiness

Welcome to Day 2 of Finding Your Flow. Today in meditation, we will tap into the source of happiness that lives deep within each of us. In our practice today we invite inner joy and contentment into our daily activity. Together, we will discover that by accessing the source of joy inside, we access a sense of happiness that doesnt vary with the ups and downs of everyday life.

Today's Quote
Happiness is the spiritual experience of living every minute with love, grace, and gratitude. Denis Waitley

Day 2 - Finding Happiness

Question 1 of 4 Write about a time when you were happy because you got something you wanted, like a new relationship, a new car, or a great job. Under that, write about another time when you were just as happy even though you didnt have those things. What was the common feeling in both cases? Write about your state of mind. What was it about you that made you happy in both instances? Question 2 of 4 Write down an experience you had this week when you felt happy for no special reason at all. Maybe you were walking home or eating lunch with a friend, and you noticed a quiet elation for simply being alive. This is your unfiltered core happiness shining through. Bring that memory and feeling back into your body with a few deep breaths, feeling it settle in the area of your lower abdomen as a ball of effervescent joy. Write down a description of how this happiness feels inside. Question 3 of 4 Write about one thing in your life right now that you associate with happiness. It could be your grandsons laughter, your beloveds brown eyes, or the view of flowers in your garden. Whatever it is, connect that joyful experience with the bliss center in your lower abdomen and write down the full experience. Question 4 of 4 Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 3
Finding Power
CENTERING THOUGHT My power and strength are within. SANSKRIT MANTRA Ram I am strength.

Day 3 - Finding Power

Today in the quietness of meditation, we learn that universal power is always there to support us. As we tap into this infinite energy source we discover our authentic power. During todays meditation, our individual flow of energy will be joined by the flow of unlimited poweruniversal power. This connection can transform our outlook from one of fear and doubt into an easy confidence and strength as we let our life flow with the almighty force of nature.

Today's Quote
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. Anna Freud

Day 3 - Finding Power

Question 1 of 4 Who do you look up to as a model of self-confidence? Make a list of people you think of as courageous and strong. It can be someone in your family, a historical figure, or even a character in a book or movie. As you admire these people, you are being pointed to a quality that lives within you as well. Describe a situation where you needed to do a task and you didnt know how you would do it, but you rose to the challenge because something inside said, You can do this. As you recall that situation, what did that confidence feel like? What or who inspired you to take the courageous step? Did you feel that strength centered anywhere in your body? Question 3 of 4 Write about an area in your life where you are talented perhaps it is problem-solving at work, and you have acquired an easy confidence. Feel that confidence in your solar plexus and know that when your life is flowing, that confidence will be there, always. Question 4 of 4 Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 4
Finding Love

CENTERING THOUGHT My love and compassion are within. SANSKRIT MANTRA Vam I am love.

Day 3 - Finding Power

Today in the quietness of meditation, we learn that universal power is always there to support us. As we tap into this infinite energy source we discover our authentic power. During todays meditation, our individual flow of energy will be joined by the flow of unlimited poweruniversal power. This connection can transform our outlook from one of fear and doubt into an easy confidence and strength as we let our life flow with the almighty force of nature.

Today's Quote
I was always looking outside myself for strength and confidence, but it comes from within. It is there all the time. Anna Freud

Day 4 - Finding Love

Question 1 of 4 Remember when you first fell in love and all you wanted to do was be with your beloved? Look back on the purity and openness of your heart at that time and describe that impulse of the heart to escape its isolation and connect with another heart. That complete surrender to the joy of union is the essence of love. That energy of divine union is your essence.

Question 2 of 4 Who is your ideal example of a loving person? Write all the reasons why.

Question 3 of 4 Who or what in your life inspires your love and devotion? Make a complete list and then be sure to tell them today how much you love them.
Question 4 of 4 Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

Day 5
Finding Expression
CENTERING THOUGHT My truth and creativity are within. SANSKRIT MANTRA Ham I am creativity.

Day 5 - Finding Expression

Todays meditation focuses on the energy of communication and creative expression. Authentically expressing ourselves is an integral part of a balanced, flowing life because it is how we share our unique gifts, talents, and perspectives with the rest of the world. At times we may feel reluctant to express ourselves openly because we feel vulnerable or exposed, yet when we hold back we limit our potential. Aligned with the flow of expression we learn to access a deep and transformational way of being that goes beyond displaying our personality, style, or wit. We discover a way of being that communicates our essential truth through voice, behavior, and even through our quiet presence. During meditation, you will connect to the place within where your inner truth resides. As you tap into the energy of expression, you will open and allow your truth and creativity to radiate your unique contribution to life. Today remember that you are a valuable, brilliant diamond, here to shine your light to the world in your own special way.

Today's Quote
"Life is the art of drawing without an eraser." John Gardner

Day 5 - Finding Expression

Question 1 of 4 In your journal describe a part of your life where you are creative. It doesnt have to be art. It could be cooking, problem-solving, or teaching children. Acknowledge that this is an important channel through which divine creativity flows through you for others. Question 2 of 4 Identify the critical voice in you that says you arent good enough or talented enough to be showing your creative works to everyone. Write out the various phrases of judgment and self-criticism. At the end of each of those self-critical phrases respond to that voice, Too bad, because I am going to shine my light anyway, because no one can be me except me.

Question 3 of 4 Describe a time when you surprised yourself by a creative insight or a novel approach to an old difficulty. Realize that all new ideas come from the silent depth of your awareness. As you open your consciousness to this field of all possibilities, you tap an infinite reservoir of creativity. Question 4 of 4 Use this space to reflect further on your experience today.

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