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Aptitude Q1 .6*12*15 is the volume of some material. How many cubes of edge 3 can be inserted into it ? ns.!" Q2.

#wo $i$es can fill a tan% in 1" and 12 hours res$ectively while third $i$e will ma%e the tan% em$ty in 2" hours. &f all three $i$es o$erate simultaneously' in how many hours the tan% will be filled ? ns.(hours 3" minutes. Q3. )ost of an item is *. &t+s value increases by $, and decreases by $, -ow the new value is 1 ru$ee' what is the actual value ? ns..1"""/0.1"""1$*$/. Q2. &f he sells !" mangoes' he will get the selling $rice of ! mangoes e*tra' 3hat is his $ercentage increase in $rofit ? ns. 25, Q1". 1"" glasses are there. servant has to su$$ly glasses to a $erson &f he su$$lies the glasses without any damage he will get 3 $aise otherwise he will loose 3 $aise. t the end of su$$lying 1"" glasses if he gets 2(" $aise' how many glasses were su$$lied safely. ns. 25 11. #wo $encils costs 4 cents' then 5 $encils cost how much ? . ns52" cents/. 12. wor% is done by the $eo$le in 2! min. one of them can do this wor% a lonely in !" min. how much time re6uired to do the same wor% for the second $erson. .ans56" min./ 13. car is filled with four and half gallons of oil for full round tri$. fuel is ta%en 10! gallons mor3 in going than coming. what is the fiel consumed in coming u$? ns5 .2 gallons/ 1!. low tem$erature at the night in a city is 103 more than 102 hinge as higher tem$erature in a day. sum of the low tem$ and higherst tem$ is 1""). then what is the low tem$erature ans5 .!" )/ 15. $erson who decided to go wee%end tri$ should not e*ceed 4 hours driving in a day verage s$eed of forward 7ourny is !" m$h. due to traffic in sundays' the return 7ourney average s$eed is 3" m$h. how far he can select a $icnic s$ot ans5 .12" miles/.

16. sales $erson multi$lied a number and get the answer is 3' instead of that number divided by 3. what is th answer he actually has to get ? ans5 .103/. 1(. #here is a hieve of 8ees in which 105 of the 8ees flew to 8amba 9arden'103 flew to :amba 9arden and 3 times the difference between the 2 numbers flew to ;amba 9arden.<ne female bee continued to fly around a flower since last night.=ind the number of 8ees in the Hieve. 3>ar%s ns 5 15 8ees. 14. &n a city there is a $o$ulation of 5 lac. <ut of which !2, of men and 24, of women are married.-ow findout the number of un1married >en in the city. 5 >ar%s. ns 5 116""" 12. beggar collects cigarette stubs and ma%es one full cigarette with every ( stubs. <nce he gets !2 stubs. How many cigarettes can he smo%e totally. ns5 4 2". chain is bro%en into three $ieces of e6ual lenths containing 3 lin%s each. &t is ta%en to a bac%smith to 7oin into a single continuous one . How many lin%s are to to be o$ened to ma%e it ? ns 5 2.

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