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K.A. Perkins
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Empowering Life Publishing
Published by: K. A. Perkins
Springfield, Ohio 45506

ISBN 978-0692205327

Copyright 2014
Cover Illustration Copyright 2014 by K.A. Perkins
Cover design by K.A. Perkins
Editing by S.N. Perkins

All rights reserved.

Reproduction of the text in whole or in part without the
expressed written consent by the author is not
permitted and is unlawful according to the 1976 United
States Copyright Act.

Printed and distributed by Empowering Life International, Inc.
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K.A. Perkins
April 17, 2014
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In 1981, Jeff Silbar and Larry Henely wrote these famous
words, "It might have appeared to go unnoticed but I got it
all here in my heart. I want you to know that, I know the
truth, o f course I know it. I would be nothing without
you....Hero." To my wife, friend, editor, muse, and breath,
S.N. Perkins I owe it all to you the late nights of forcing
me to dig deeper and reach farther in order to explain my
Pearls of Possibility; taking care of our family and allowing
me to write. It is because your love for me and love of
God and his vision for our lives, that you share me with the
world. Not me, but we made this book possible. It is my
Hope that this book will be the start of our family's journey
to inspire the world. It is because of you that the world will
understand why I exist.
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To my daughter You continually inspire me to be better.
Your desire to change and impact the world is who you
are. I hope that I inspire you to inspire others.

To my future children Each and every one of you are the
most precious of my Pearls of Possibility. For inside of you
is everything that I am and hope to be. We are all designed
to play our part in the world and I know that each and
every one of you will.

To my parents When I started this journey with hope, I
felt hopeless. Thank you for your prayers and allowing me
to endure the test and trials without JUDGING; instead,
you allowed me to see the love of the Infinite in your face.

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Table of Contents
DONT PUT THIS BOOK DOWN ........................................................... 10
JOIN NOW AND BE CHANGED FOREVER ............................................. 11
Pearl Activation and AwakeningAwakening #1 .............................. 14
MY RESURRECTION ............................................................................. 15
WHAT I HAVE LEARNED ...................................................................... 18
DIFFERENCE BETWEEN FAITH AND HOPE ........................................... 18
HOPE A CONDUIT OF EMPYREAN TRUTHS .......................................... 20
FAITH AND HOPE REQUIRE PHYSICAL ACTION .................................... 22
Pearl Activation and Awakening #2 ................................................ 24
FDH: A STORY OF HOPE ...................................................................... 25
Pearl Activation and Awakening #3 ................................................ 39
THIS IS MY COMMITMENT TO HOPE .................................................. 40
MOTIVATION AND INSPIRATION ........................................................ 41
ARE NOT THE SAME! ........................................................................... 41
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #4 ................................. 44
HOPE: UNIVERSAL SOURCE OF EXISTENCE ......................................... 45
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #5 ................................. 47
HOPE: STRONG CORD ......................................................................... 48
What Are You Bound Too: Desire? ..................................................... 51
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #6 .................................. 53
HUMAN SPIRIT VS. HOLY SPIRIT ......................................................... 54
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Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #7.................................. 56
THE POLARITY OF HOPE ...................................................................... 57
HOPE MUST BE BALANCED ................................................................. 57
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #8.................................. 59
FEARHOPE ENEMY #1 ........................................................................ 60
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #9 ................................ 62
HOPE IS A CONDUIT OF EMPYREAN TRUTHS. .................................... 63
Hope Is Attached Principal of Magnetism................................. 63
Giving Principle of Endowment ................................................. 64
Hope Is Never Afraid Of Change:Principal of Evolution .............. 64
Hope Multiplied Principal of Synergistic Multiplication ........... 65
Hope Is Steadfast Principle of Maturation ................................ 66
Hope Always Make a Commitment: Principle of Antithesis ....... 67
Reveal Your Hope: Principle of Orchestrated Revelation .......... 67
Hope Requires Action:The Principle of Vivacity ......................... 69
HOPE Makes Us WholePrincipal of Autarchy ............................ 70
Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #10................................ 73
Next Steps ........................................................................................... 76
iHOPE Prayer ....................................................................................... 78
Bibliography ........................................................................................ 83

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BE KIND Kindness is contagious. It allows others to be inspired to follow your
example to give HOPE Away. Learn how to be kind to all. Its what joins us

Dont put this book down. This book is your first step on
the journey that will change your life. It is not a
coincidence that you are reading this book; it is DESTINY.
Yes, destiny! It doesnt matter how you got the book
because the how was orchestrated by intelligent design.
Either you were in need of Hope, and the Infinite led you
to this book; or someone thought enough of you to share
with you their Hope this pearl of possibility. Either way,
reading this book is the start of a profound and wonderful
journey with Hope. From this moment forward, your life
will never be the same. For in this very instant, the Infinite
has orchestrated our paths to collide and create a
combustible force of possibility. WE, together, will begin a
quest into the universe of INSPIRED HOPE (iHOPE).
INSPIRED HOPE does not come from what is outside of a
man, but it is the Hope that is encapsulated inside of a
man. INSPIRED Hope is a force the causes us to dream,
and to face our reality with optimism. THIS IS NOT SIMPLY

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BE CONSIDERATE Being considerate is one of the best ways to inspire hope.
Taking time to put someones needs first is a best way to share hope. Allow someone
to go in front of you in the line. Show common courtesy like saying please and thank
you. Hold the door for someone. Carry a bag for someone that is struggling.

iHOPE is not about a quick fix to your lifes problems, but
it is the science of activating your pearls of possibility.
INSPIRED HOPE (iHOPE) requires action, reflection, and
sharing. ACTION requires you to do something. iHOPE is
not just thoughts, but it is thoughts put into action.
REFLECTION is the act of monitoring your thoughts and
ideas. This reflective practice enables you to learn from
past mistakes and discover solutions for your future. iHope
requires you to think about where you have been, and to
actively pursue where you are going. SHARING is the
personal connection. iHOPE requires us to share our
PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. The philosophy of iHOPE is very
simple: when we share with others, we individually and
collectively create the ability to do the IMPOSSIBLE. The
power fist on the cover of this book is a symbolic
representation of the power we collectively have when we
share. iHOPE is a revolution which is rooted in the
principle that we can effectively do more together, than
we can ever do alone.

In this book, it is not my desire to simply define Hope,
but to activate and awaken your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.
The principles and revelation contained in this book will
make your life better, if you are willing to commit to
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INSPIRED HOPE. Throughout this book you will have a
series of activities designed to assist you in connecting
with your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY and to guide you along
the journey with iHOPE.

To make this journey meaningful there are eight
things that I encourage you to do while you read this

1. DO take time to reflect as you thumb through these
2. DO spend time connecting to your PEARLS OF
3. This book written to stimulate your PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY; therefore, there will be times when
you will experience certain feelings, thoughts,
emotions, or moments of divine inspiration. This is
the voice of the Infinite speaking to you the
mysteries of INSPIRED HOPE. DO take the time to
record these experiences in a journal.
4. DO incorporate all of the ACTION, REFLECTION, and
SHARING activities into your daily routine.
5. DO enjoy the book.
6. DO enjoy the journey.
7. DO share this book with five friends your Hope
SQUAD. Your Hope Squad should be comprised of
individuals with whom you have a natural vital
relationship. You and your HOPE SQUAD should be
committed to supporting each other as you release
8. KEEP an Open Mind!

ACTRight Now!
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Right now send this book to your HOPE SQUAD. Share
with them your intent to partner with them; holding each
other accountable along this journey of exploring and
activating each others PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.

Get Your Bags Packed

If you are ready GET YOUR BAGS PACKED! THE
JOURNEY BEGINS NOW. If you are ready for the journey of
a life time, make sure you do the following:

1. Get the book (DUH!)
2. Get a journal
3. Get a pen or pencil
4. Select Your HOPE SQUAD
5. Email HOPE SQUAD members the book
6. Get ready to experience INSPIRED HOPE (iHOPE)
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #1


Complete the GET YOUR BAGS PACKED checklist.

REFLECTION (Intuitive Listening):

Throughout this book I will ask you to participate in an intuitive
listening activity. This is a process by which you are able to
communicate and to listen to your inward man. I suggest that you get
very comfortable; find a place of solace and peace. Dont lay down, you
might fall asleep. Take deep relaxing breaths until your mind empties
itself from the mental chatter. Ask yourself the following question
(remember to take time to listen for and journal the answer):

1. What would I like to truly achieve as you read this

Sharing (Select 2-3 Activities):
There will be times, throughout this book, that I will ask you to share.
The process of sharing starts by doing selfless acts of kindness. Once
you have completed a series of acts of kindness, I want you to journal
what you did, how it made you feel, and the response you received.
Then I want you share those experiences with your members of your

Suggested Acts of Sharing
1. Donate money to a worthy cause.
2. Allow someone to go in front of you in line.
3. Buy someone lunch.
4. Post a link of this book on Facebook, Twitter or a blog.
5. Say good morning, afternoon, or evening to everyone
you see during the day.
6. Give someone a benefit of the doubt when they offend you.
7. Take the time to forgive someone who may have hurt you.
8. Offer help to someone in need.
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BE COMPLMENTARY When properly used, a compliment is a
fantastic tool to make others grow and strengthen their self-image.

Have you ever needed something; or been at a place in
your life when you felt as if the entire world was crumbling
underneath you? Well, I certainly have. In the fall of 2008,
I found myself having to rebuild my entire lifemy career
was in shambles, I was going through a divorce, and had
become a single father, in a matter of months. I kept
wondering why bad things happened to good people.
More specifically, I questioned why this all was happening
to me; after all, I was a good person. I was questioning
my faith in God and in myself. I felt that all Hope was lost.
I was miserable, mad, and angry. I was looking for
answers. I remember how someone on Facebook, trying to
comfort me, posted that if I had faith, then God was going
to see me through. This was the last thing that I wanted to
hear. My anger was infused by the fact that I was
experiencing one of the worst times in my life, and the
only thing this individual could offer was a clich. I
abandoned and betrayed. I felt that God lead me down
this particular road in my life only to embarrass and
humiliate me. I was disgruntled and ashamed.

To top it all off, two days before Christmas, that same
year, after spending the entire day cleaning my house and
completely oblivious to the Ice Storm that had swept
through the area, I walked to my car with the intention of
driving to Indianapolis to spend time with my family; but
instead, I slipped on a patch of ice. I didnt know that the
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fall had torn my rotator cuff; all I knew was that I was in
really bad pain. As I look back now, I am not sure what
hurt worst, my torn rotary cuff, or the fact that I was
spending my first Christmas without my daughter. I was at
my wits end. I was so upset all I could do was to go to bed.
In the still quiet of the night, while I was lying in my bed, I
heard audible voice saying, NOW FAITH IS THE
THINGS NOT SEEN. In my mind, I found myself arguing
with that voice: I had faith and faith had let me down. In
frustrated desperation, I yelled, God I do have faith! As
this dialogue continued, the tone of the Infinite became
more profound, Faith is the substance of things Hoped for
the evidence of things not seen. Then at that moment,
something happened to me. I experienced something that
can only be described as an outer body experience in
which I was taking back to various snapshots of my life. It
was like a scene from Charles Dickens The Christmas
Carol, in which the Ghost of Christmas Past took Ebenezer
Scrooge through multiple past Christmases. I observed
that during specific the times of my life, I did not operate
in faith; instead I relied on my talents. I woke up with

I wish I could tell you that I immediately discovered the
answers to my questions in a fantastic epiphany
experience, but that was not the case. It took months of
grueling soul searching that led me to discover what I had
been lacking all these years: INSPIRED HOPE. After that
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discovery, I made a conscious decision to embark on a life
long journey to unlock the mysteries and power of iHOPE.
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BE GENEROUS Sharing is one of the most important tools to

LIFE. iHOPE is about expanding your capacity to live a life
that is greater than your current reality. Before you read
this book there are three things that you must understand:

1. The difference between Faith and Hope;
2. Faith and Hope are the conduits of all the
3. Faith and Hope require physical action

In this book, I use Faith and Hope together. Faith is the
spiritual application Hope; it is the conscious decision, not
only to accept something as truth, but to commit to
actively pursuing that truth. Faith is fashioned in the spirit
of man. Faith requires belief and loyalty. It is conscious
and purposeful process by which you mentally and
emotionally bind yourself to a particular course of action.
Faith is what gives your Hope substance. Without Faith,
Hope has no power. iHOPE manifests the action by which
your Faith is expressed. iHOPE is formed in your soul, or
mind, and is indestructible.

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Without Hope, Faith is never actualized or materialized.
Faith cannot act alone. If Hope is damaged, Faith cannot
function. The Universe is comprised of good and evil. The
evil forces within the Universe wage war on your Hope by
attacking your mind, thoughts, will and emotions; thereby
preventing Faith from functioning. For this reason, you
must have both Faith and Hope.

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BE VOULENTEERING Giving yourself to causes, the helpless and the
less fortunate is a principled way to increase your Pearls of Possibility.

EMPYREAN TRUTHS are spiritual laws of nature that
govern the manner in which the Infinite conducts His
Universe. These truths are not based on theory or
speculation. EMPYREAN TRUTHS operate regardless of
whether you or I believe in them. However, if we are able
to understand them and learn how they operate in our
lives, we will have the ability to walk in harmony with the
Universe and the Infinite who created it.

Faith and Hope are the conduits, or the conductors, by
which the EMPYREAN TRUTHS flow within you. Faith and
Hope give you the ability to attach yourself to that which
you desire or believe in, and then pull those things into
your reality. I call this the Principle of Magnetism.

Faith and Hope have a direct correlation to the quality
of your life. I refer to this as the Principle of Endowment.
Faith and Hope are encapsulated PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY.
They are gifts that reside within you and are designed to
be shared. Their ability and power are constrained only
by your will. If you want an unlimited supply of the
PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY, you must learn how to give away
what you already contain.

When these PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY a r e given away,
the Universe is ignited to form a combustible force that
causes a catalyst of development and growth in pearls
faith and Hope. This is the Principle of Evolution. The
growth and development creates an increase in the pearls
quality. The Universe, becomes a colaborer, and then
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creates a penetrating energy force that causes mitosis of
the PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. This is the Principle of
Synergistic Multiplication. These multiplied PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY are not only given to others, but are returned
to you in varying degrees, only to be given away again.

At any given time during this process of evolution and
multiplication, your pearls will endure various seasons of
testing and trial. There is a direct correlation between the
degree of Hope and Faith you possess and the degree of
testing and trials you will endure. This is not a mistake or
happenstance; it is a wellorchestrated part of the
maturation of the pearls. The darkness, the breaking, the
pushing, the refreshing, the triumphs and the victories all
work together to mature the infantile pearls into pearls of
increased substance and value; I call this the Principle of

The Principle of Orchestrated Revelation sets the time
frame for revealing your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. If your
share your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY prematurely, when
they are in their undeveloped state, you will often
encounter scrutiny, criticism and unbelief from others.

The Principle of Antithesis explains that the Universe is
comprised of opposites, like good and evil. And that
regardless of how bleak and desperate situations may
become, the Infinite remains sovereign and is committed
to making every experience workout for our good.

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BE HUMBLE Inspiring Hope in others is not proud or arrogant act. Being
humble is recognizing ones failings and accepting the Infinites grace and mercy,
and extending that grace and mercy to others.
Faith and Hope require movement or action. Jesus said,
"You don't have enough faith. . .I tell you the truth, if you
had faith even as small as a mustard seed, you could say to
this mountain, 'Move from here to there,' and it would
move. Nothing would be impossible". The seeds referred
to in this passage are the PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY I
identified above. It is not until the PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY
are planted (action) that the potential has the ability to
grow. Whatever you have Faith for, or in, must be planted
or put into action. Every miraculous event that occurred in
the Bible required the recipient of the miracle to take
action. This is the Principle of Vivacity. If you
are to receive what you Hope for, then you are required to

The ultimate goal of Hope is to bring us to a place of
wholeness and oneness with the Infinite. This is the
Principle of Autarchy. The desired outcome of your
journey with INSPIRED HOPE is the state of existence in
which you are free to be everything the Infinite designed
you to be.

Learning how Faith and Hope act as conductors of the
EMPYREAN TRUTHS changed my life. In 2009, I put my
Faith and Hope into action by committing to give away a
thousand copies of a book I wrote called the Hope
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Project. With little money and only my talent of writing, I
gave my PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY to numerous people.
The results of which changed my life. It has made my life
rich and full of happiness. It also altered my perspective
and caused me to view my reality from another point of
view. Exercising my PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY has taught me
that we are created to share with the world. We were
designed to be our brothers keeper. When we give to
humanity, the Universe has the obligation to give back to
us. A small book and little acts of kindness have brought
more to my life than any of my talents or education.

If you open yourself to the truths that are presented in
this book and if you take each of the activities seriously,
your life will change and you will inspire others.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #2


You are going to write a personal mission statement. This
mission statement is a strategic way to focus your time, and
attention toward something that you are hoping for.

Ask yourself the following types of questions
1. Why am I here?
2. Who am I ?
3. What am I on this earth to do?
4. What do I need to make my mission in life become a

Example of a Mission Statement:

I will set new trends as I vow to maintain to be on the cutting edge as
a generational innovator. With all of my strength, will and breath, I
shall educate humanity and entertain the world. I commit myself to
extend hope to all generations and to extend love to societies forgotten

1. Share your mission statement with members of your
2. Complete 2 random acts of kindness.
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Hope Comes To Douglas
Runners to your mark, get set, the announcers voice
is interrupted as the gun fires to signify the start of the
400m. The 400m is the last event of the TriCity Track
Meet; and for the first time in twentytwo years, Fredrick
Douglas High School is competing in the TriCity Track
Meet. Fredrick Douglas High School (FDHS) is a poor,
innercity school that has, in the last thirteen years, carried
the reputation of being a failing school due to low
academic performance, violence within the school and low
graduation rates. The fact that they are competing this
year, marks a vast improvement, not only in their track
teams talent, but in the overall morale, peer relations and
display of sportsmanship at the school. Previously, the
students of FDHS were known for their poor attitudes,
disrespectful behaviors, low selfesteem and
unsportsmanlike behavior. However, this year is different,
primarily due to one mans determination to make a
difference, not only in FDHS image, but in the lives of
every FDHS student.

It all started near the end of the previous school year,
when Governor George Doubt declared that Fredrick
Douglas High School had to be reconstituted, which meant
that everyone had to be fired and a new educational
strategy had to be implemented. Accordingly, in an effort
to transform the school, the Superintendent, John Faith
made an extremely controversial and unpopular decision
to hire a school transformer by the name of Karl Hope.
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Karl Hope was an outspoken school leader that often
went against the status quo. In his last assignment as
school administrator, he went headtohead against the
union president because of their inability to support his
efforts to eliminate ineffective teachers in his building.
This led to a heated, verbal altercation between the union
president and Hope during a televised board meeting.

Hopes display of passion and zeal was not reserved for
administrators and staff; but the students often were
targets as well. The city still remembered, in disbelief, how
Hope refused to allow the boys basketball team, at his
previous school, to participate in the State Finals due to
their poor grades. These and many other incidents
resulted in Karl Hope having the reputation of being an
educational bad boy. It was, however, his reputation
that appealed to the superintendent; for, FDHS needed a
change and Mr. Hope was just the man to bring change. So
Faith hired Hope.

One of the first initiatives was to clean house. For
Hope knew that the cycle of death and life is the essence
of change. Hope firmly believed that in order to effectively
bring about change, all associated with the old regime had
to be eradicated. So on July 4

Karl Hope gave birth to a
new Fredrick Douglas High School he fired the entire

It made the front page paper of the TriCity Times:
Hope has come to Douglas. In response to Hopes drastic
actions, there were numerous teacher protests. The
communitys confidence in Faiths choice was tested as the
media scrutinized Mr. Hopes decision. As the media
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reported other past controversial decisions that were
made by Hope at other schools, a reoccurring question
echoed in the educational world: Would Hope fail?

Hope ignored the media hype and continued to be
proactive. He focused on the assignment Faith had given
him to transform the school. Mr. Hope went to work by
visiting every college and university in the state, in an
effort to find a dedicated, qualified and passionate staff.
He was determined to configure a team that believed in
his vision of delivering a quality education for FDHS
students. Hope conducted hundreds of interviews from
teachers, coaches, cafeteria workers and custodians. He
wanted to be sure that the students at FDHS had the
finest group teachers and staff in the area; teachers and
staff that would confront the challenge of transforming
the school with optimism. Finally, after seemingly endless
interviews, Mr. Hope selected his dream team.

Hope, confident that he was ready for the upcoming
school year, submitted to the superintendent the staff
roster. To his surprise, he was given disappointing
enrollment numbers for FDHS in exchange. The schools
enrollment was three hundred students below last years
enrollment number. The superintendent warned him that
if he did not increase the schools enrollment, the school
would close. Mr. Hope was frustrated and upset. He felt
that Faith had misled him by failing to inform him that the
schools had low enrollment numbers. Hope was under the
impression that the only pressing school issue was that of
transforming the school. Enrollment was a completely
different obstacle to tackle, one whose outcome was not
necessarily in his control. Now faced with the threat of
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FDHS closing, Hope was distressed; after all, he had
promised sixty-six teachers and staff members a job.
Moreover, he himself had taken a risk by leaving his
comfortable past position at another school.

Mr. Hope spent countless hours in prayer and
meditation. When his mind was clear of all worry, doubt
and unbelief, his Spirit was renewed and inspired to act. He
implemented a program called Beat the Street. He and
his Assistant Principal went door to door, meeting students
and parents. He compelled them to give the new school a
try. Hope held news conferences and open forums
through which he inspired many with his new vision for
Fredrick Douglas High School.

August 25: Can Hope Deliver
Mr. Hope gave a profoundly moving speech to the FDHS,
parents and teachers:

A brave new world of opportunity awaits us,
provided that our youngsters are adequately
prepared. Even with the uncertainty of labor
markets and our economy, our children are
competing in a global market where the prize of
success and economic stability is open to every
individual who would dare to prepare? We as
educators and parents must equip them with the
skills needed to succeed in such a world. Like it or
not, capitalism today is unforgiving and shows little
mercy for the ill prepared and the uneducated.

Our students determination and ability to prevail in
the global market tomorrow, is based on our ability
to impose higher academic standards on our
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students today. Tough love is no longer an option;
it is the only course of action! Our students lives
are at stake.

We as educators and parents must form an
alliance; supporting each other like never before by
sharing resources and information. As colaborers,
we must agree to form an allegiance against the
threats of gang violence, drug abuse, teen
pregnancy, truancy and illiteracy that plagues are
youth. We must be colaborers together in the
effort to enforce the mandate that all students will
be present, attentive, and prepared. We can no
longer fear holding our children to high academic
expectations. For if we dare falter, our students
with less personal resolve, will never attain a high
school diploma and will create a new generation of
under-skilled labor. We as colaborers can no longer
be passive in our students pursuit of achievement.
We must be proactive at every educational level to
ensure that No Child Left Behind, as optimistic as it
might seem, can in fact be actualized.

There's no cheap way to educate a child. There are
no quick fixes to ensure the success of our children.
In many cases, quick fixes do more harm than good.
We, as colaborers, must fearlessly accept the task
of educating or students effectively and efficiently,
while being able to demonstrate patience and
composure in the midst of adversity.

We must be the catalyst that fuels the torch for
change in our students. So, as we embark on
another school year, this is my prayer for us all:
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that our future be worthy of our dreams. Thank you
and God bless you!

The crowd of teachers, parents and media all stood in
amazement as Mr. Hope executed, what seemed like, a
keynote address. The news headlines read: Can Hope

September 5: Truth Had Hope
The first day of school, Mr. Hope had all the students
report to the auditorium. Each student was personally
greeted by each staff member, including custodians and
cafeteria workers. As students filed into the auditorium,
the marching band played the school song. Once the
students were seated Mr. Hope gave a riveting speech to
his students. In his speech he informed them that they
were expected to be present, attentive, and prepared.
Furthermore, he made sure that they understood that
respect, honesty, courage, selfdiscipline, responsibility,
and caring were the characteristics to be modeled by FDHS
students. He admonished them to never to fear high
academic expectations, but to embrace every challenge
that high expectations posed. He explained how the
students were part of something larger than themselves;
they were the greatest resource the world has ever
known. He encouraged them to be proud of the school, its
legacy and themselves.

At the end of Mr. Hopes speech he turned the assembly
into a pep rally, by introducing the football team and its
coaches. While the football team ran into a hysterical
gymnasium of students, Mr. Hope spotted the student
that he had heard so much about: Truth Williams. He was
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the schools top athlete and one of the most popular
students in the school. He was well over six foot tall and
very athletic. He had major colleges and universities
considering him for recruitment, but his poor academics
and behavior was a flaw that caused many to bypass him.
He was a young man that used his athletic skills to
overcompensate for his lack of good judgment and
academic excellence. It was then that Mr. Hope decided to
make Truth Williams his mentee.

During the first week of school, Mr. Hope called Truth
into his office. For well over an hour, Mr. Hope had a very
candid conversation with Truth explaining to him that he
believed in him. Mr. Hope promised Truth that if he
followed his (Hopes) plan, that he (Truth) would be able to
get into college and receive a full scholarship. Mr. Hope
pledged his commitment to meet with Truth once a week,
in order to make Truths dream of going to college a
reality. Mr. Hope had one condition Truth had to believe
that something good was going to happen. Truth
recognized that, unlike his Dad, Mr. Hope was a man of
integrity. So, when Truth shook Mr. Hopes hand, he knew
it was the first time a man had made a commitment to
him, in which he could believe. Truth was optimistic about
his future because Truth had Hope.

New Atmosphere with Hope
The atmosphere at FDHS was different than previous
years. It was as if Mr. Hope operated with a sense of
expectancy. The staff worked with students and believed
in them. The students at FDHS were going to class,
studying, and following the rules. They made a connection
with Mr. Hope and his new vision. Hope was always
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visible, trying to meet the needs of those he was
committed to serving his students.

Hopes presence, even affected the athletic programs.
The Mighty Juggernauts, FDHS football team, under the
leadership of Truth, took to the field the first time in
twenty years. They were supported by a fully staffed
coaching staff, cheerleading squad, and a marching band.
Hopes Beat the Street program inspired the
community to organize FDHSs Booster Program, which
solicited investments from small community businesses
in order to fund the Athletic Department.

Fredrick Douglas High School was infused with a new
found energy and drive. Football Season at FDHS turned
into a community event. This new phenomenon did not
stop with football; instead, the new energy, support and
excitement spread to the Girls Volleyball and the newly
formed Tennis and Soccer teams. Although the teams
were not undefeated, school pride at FDHS certainly was.
In fact, it grew exponentially each week.

Hope Is Working
Mr. Hope implemented a new, unconventional campaign
called, Yes We Can Do Better. He changed the standard
G.P.A. for extracurricular activities from a 2.0 (C average) to
minimum of 3.0 (B average). Not only did he change the
minimum G.P.A. required to participate in extracurricular
activities, he required every student that was credit deficient
to attend a mandatory extended high school that lasted 3
hours past regular school hours.

During this extended high school, teachers became
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mentors for students and academic clubs were developed
that were for the enrichment of all students. Furthermore, all
students who wished to participate in graduation ceremonies
had to be a member of an academic club and had to show
proof of academic growth. He also made all the students
show proof of attempting both the SAT and the ACT twice.
Mr. Hope knew that to transform the school, he had to take
them to another level of discipline.

These unconventional changes proved to be
controversial. Once again, the media had a field day. Tri
City Headlines read: Hopes a Dope. Hope proceeded,
despite the negative publicity. Hope wasnt afraid of
change, rejection, or criticism; Hope understood that
effective change required courage.

When You Finally See Success: Hope Wants Discipline
This new level of academic discipline resulted in some
drastic measures. The entire winter sports teams were
benched. The winter play was canceled due to the number
of students who did not meet this academic requirement.
Mr. Hope, regardless of the media and the ridicule, stood
firm on the policy no grades no play.

He also stood firm on his commitment to Truth, who did
not have the grades to play basketball. Truth, who was not
only a wonderful football player, was a stellar basketball
player, who had been ranked in the nation as one of the
top point guards in the country. The Mighty Juggernauts
was the name of the schools basketball team. In the gym
there were the huge banners that hung from the ceiling in
the gymnasium symbolizing the history of the Mighty
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Juggernauts basketball teams. The basketball team also
had another history of a 60% high school graduation rate
and a 30% college acceptance rate which had been the
norm for over 10 years. Douglas did not produce
studentathletes. Mr. Hope was determined to change the

Hopes determination to provide discipline caused a
temporary season of discomfort. But his message stayed
constant; and from November until December the
environment of Fredrick Douglas High School was one of
academic success. The only celebration was that of
students meeting the challenge of Yes We Can Do Better.
There were weekly assemblies where awards were given
for academic excellence and motivational speakers
encouraged the students to be their best. Students took
ownership of their education and signed banners pledging
to go to college. Teachers developed academic task forces
to help struggling students. Mr. Hope began to print off
weekly report cards for all students monitoring and
posting the progress throughout the building.

Changing Thinking, Changes Culture: The New Douglas
On December 19, the day before students were to go
on Christmas break, Mr. Hope called an all school
assembly. Mr. Hope gave a remarkable speech about
change and leaving a legacy. Then he presented students
with awards. Unbeknown to the teachers and students,
Mr. Hope had rallied parents to raise funds from the
community for academic awards. What was presented
was spectacular! Students who had risen to the challenge
were given certificates and awards. Students who
improved were given gifts and prizes. Those students
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with a GPA of 3.5 or above, were given varsity jackets.
Then Mr. Hope announced that although he was proud of
all the students, he was exceptionally proud of the Boys
Juggernaut Basketball team who had raised their
collective GPA from a 1.67 to a 3.0. There was a thunder
of applause and celebration. After everyone calmed
down, Mr. Hope made the long awaited announcement:
all after school organizations, teams, and clubs were now
Mr. Hopes grand finale was the announcement of the
Student Excellence Award winner. This was an award that
was given to the student that had displayed tremendous
growth in academic performance Mr. Hope was elated to
announce that Truth Williams was this years winner of the
Student Excellence Award. Mr. Hope reflected on the
academic journey of Truth Williams. He rehashed how
when Truth Williams was prevented from playing
basketball due to his academic ineligibility, he didnt give
in to his frustration; instead, he resiliently formed a study
group named Alpha Mu Chi Epsilon, which means the First
Men of Courage and Excellence. Truths study group
inspired young men to study together and encourage each
other; while promoting academic and professional
development. The members dressed up every Friday in
ties and every month they had lunch with someone from
the community that had the potential to inspire them to
become professionals. Before he gave Truth his award, Mr.
Hope said that the future of the school is never in the
hands of the leadership, but it is in the innovation of the
people that have been inspired.

Rites of Passage: Hope Passes the Baton to Truth
In the spring, Mr. Hope encouraged Truth to run track
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for the school. This did not excite Truth because he had
never run track before. Mr. Hope explained that
sometimes one has to do things that one has never done
in order to become what one has never been before. He
went on to explain to Truth, that sometimes in ones life,
one has to separate them self from the team in order to
fulfill their destiny. Because of the influence Hope had on
Truth, Truth decided to run on the FDHS track team. Truth
was a tremendous track runner. His athletic build and long
stride made him a stellar 400m runner. His ability and
determination enabled him to lead him to the TriState
Finals in the 400m.
The night before the TriState Track Finals, Mr . Hope
invited Truth to spend the night at his home with his
family. Hope wanted to ensure that Truth made it to the
meet on time and that he had someone who would be
there to support him. Truth was like a son to Hope and
transporting him to the meet was an honor.

That night, after his family went to bed, Mr. Hope asked
Truth to join him in his study. As Truth entered into Mr.
Hopes study, he noticed a wall full of academic and
athletic awards that Mr. Hope had earned in high school
and in college. Mr. Hope showed him a video of the 1993
Tri State Track Finals in the 400m, where Mr. Hope
competed. The TV announcer commented on how it was
the most anticipated race of the TriState Track Finals. The
TV announcer was full of excitement as he remarked on
how Karl Hope, from Fredrick Douglas High School, was the
favorite to win in race due to his uncontested season.
Truth watched in wonder as the cameras zoomed to the
starting line. Runners to your mark; runners get set.
The gun fired and the young Mr. Hope darted out of the
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blocks with fury. Truth looked on with his jaw dropped as
Mr. Hope took the first corner with such frenzy, that he
was beating the other runners by a 5m. He took the
straight away gliding like a gazelle. As the announcer
exclaimed that Hope was running at a record pace and
setting a new TriState record, Truth glanced at Mr. Hope,
who was humbly sitting in his chair watching the video.
As the younger Mr. Hope approached the final straight
away, the crowd stood to their feet in utter amazement.
This is by far the best race of the season, the exuberant
announcer proclaimed. Then in the last 40m of the race,
young Mr. Hope grabbed his left leg and fell to the ground.
Silence hovered over the track and field stadium as young
Hope cried out in pain and his competitors passed him.
With tears in his eyes, Truth turned to Mr. Hope.
Mr. Hope silently walked to the TV and turned it off.

Mr. Hope, what happened? Truth asked. I pulled my
hamstring, Mr. Hope replied. I should have finished the
race, Mr. Hope whispered as he gazed out the window.
Truth walked up behind him and placed his hand on his
shoulder and said, But Mr. Hope, it wasnt your fault.
How could you have finished? With tears in his eyes, Mr.
Hope turned to Truth and explained, Regardless of how I
would have finished, I failed to finish. My injury kept me
from winning, but it was fear of failure, embarrassment,
pride, and lack of selfconfidence that kept me from
finishing. You see son, unlike any other race, the 400m is
more than a run around a track, but it represents ones
journey through in life. It is a testament to the mental and
physical agility that one needs to face the hardships and
obstacles in life. Ones life is short, just like a sprint; but
unlike any other race, the 400m is the only sprint in which
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the runner must have a calculated strategy in order to win.
Some start of fast and end up losing because of pain and
disappointment. Others run quickly with a strategy and
purpose. Regardless of the strategy, the idea is to finish
the race that you have been given. Truth, no matter what
happens tomorrow, finish your race!
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #3

1. Coordinate an iHOPE Event with
your HOPE SQUAD, in which you complete an act of
kindness in your community.

2. Work together with your SQUAD to
refine your mission statement.

Refection (Journal): Answer these following

1. What most excites you in or about
the world?
2. What most angers you in or about
the world?
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BE INNOVATIVE Doing things differently is a great way to
change your life and the lives of those around you.

In the last forty years, the world has had an intrinsic
fascination with motivation and success. This has, in turn,
created a society of selfishness and greed. Consequently,
people are committed to doing the bare minimum
required to impact the World of which they are apart. No
one is willing to roll up their proverbial sleeves to do the
painstaking task of inspiring Hope; instead, in the spirit of
bare minimum, they give to a desperate World shallow
words that provide temporary motivation that fades with
time. It is easy to motivate, but who is willing to inspire?

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BE FLUID Living an Inspired life will often times require you to be like
a liquid - changing states to meet the needs of others while still maintaining
to be the same compound.

Motivation is mere expression of catchy words or
phrases that stimulate temporary appearance of growth.
Motivation is propelled by external stimuli and when the
stimuli are gone, so is the motivation. Inspiration, on the
other hand, is the intentional act of breathing life into the
soul of an individual. That life creates a spark, a catalyst for
change. There is a need for individuals to give more than
superficial words; the World needs individuals that are
committed to inspiring Hope. Jesus, Martin Luther King,
and Mother Theresa were people who understood how
selfless acts of kindness had the potential of inspiring
Hope for future generations. They were committed to
sacrificing money, fortune and fame to change the world,
one life at a time.

In 1993, I decided to become a teacher. Not because I
wanted my summers off, or because I lacked other
aspirations; but, I became an educator for one purpose
to inspire a generation of young people. However, years
later, I found myself lacking that same passion to inspire.
My passion grew cold, and the once treasured interaction
with young people slowly became just a means to get a
pay check. Instead of seeking to inspire to spark the
inner catalyst of change I sought out quick phrases that
would motivate the behavior, or action, I then sought.
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But in2009, something changed in my life. I had an
opportunity to transform a school that was designed for
young people who were struggling to obtain their High
School Diploma. Many of these students had tremendous
barriers to receiving a diploma (i.e. homelessness, extreme
poverty, mental illness, and various learning disabilities).
Many of these students were facing these challenges and
barriers with little to no support or guidance from parents.
They felt hopeless and they were looking to me for hope.
The Pearls of Possibility stirred in my spirit as I found
myself in the position to inspire a forgotten generation.
This went far beyond just teaching; I was charged by the
Infinite to work miracles. Miracles that entailed working
with my staff to put a system in place to meet each
students non-academic need; eliminate the barriers; and
finally address their academic needs. Every day, I had to
confront the elements of despair and hopelessness that
had my students paralyzed. It was this challenge that
awakened my Pearls of Possibility and reignited my passion
to inspire.

This book is inspired by that Hope a Hope for a better
tomorrow. This hope has the power to change the world,
one person at a time. iHOPE is deliberately designed to
inspire you to do that which you have dreamt about all
your life. Its mission is to inspire you activate your PEARLS

In the story, Karl Hope did not motivate; he inspired
the students of FDHS to activate their PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY. iHOPE is about finishing your race. It is
about taking your pearls of possibility and sharing them
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with the world around you.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #4


Watch at least 5 movies that inspire you (i.e.
Lean on Me, Stand and Deliver, Mr. Holland Opus, The Pursuit of
Happyness, Slumdog Millionaire, or Pay it Forward ). Pick movies
that make you believe in the impossible.


In your Journal answer these following questions:

1. What do you believe about yourself?
2. How do you feel you can inspire others?
3. What are the barriers that would prevent you from
making a difference?
4. How can you overcome these barriers?
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BE TRANCEDANT It is important to live a life that surpasses the
limits of expectations. iHope is reaching beyond all possible limits or
knowledge to inspire others.

Websters Dictionary defines Hope as a desire of some
good, accompanied with an expectation of obtaining it, or
a belief that it is obtainable; an expectation of something
which is thought to be desirable; confidence; pleasing
expectancy. iHOPE is the power to frame an individuals
future and the ability to put into perspective an
individuals current reality. As a conduit of the EMPYREAN
TRUTHS, it is the portal through which spiritual laws are
released into ones life with the purpose of restructuring
ones very thoughts and behavior. It shapes the way in
which an individual sees themselves and the world around

Maxine Dunham gives an account of a research
experiment she performed in 2005 at John Hopkins
University in the Perceptions: Observations of Everyday
Life research journal. In this account, Dunham tells of two
groups of mice. The first group of mice was held in the lab
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technicians hands tightly, their movement inhibited.
Despite their effort to free themselves, the mice remained
immobilized. The mice were allowed to struggle,
unsuccessfully, in the hands of the experimenter for a set
period of time; after which, they were placed in a tub of
water. The mice immediately sank, having learned from
their previous attempts to free themselves, that any effort
to improve their situation was futile. The process was
repeated with the second group of mice, but with one
slight deviation: instead of being held in the lab
technicians hands as tightly as the first group, the second
group of mice was given some wiggle room, which fueled
their hope of escaping. After the same length of time, this
group of mice was also dropped into a tub of water.
However, these mice, unlike the others, did not sink, but
immediately swam to safety.

This experiment gives a compelling insight into the
human condition in relation to Hope. A PERSON WITHOUT

Without the power of Hope, it is impossible to
transcend the problems of life. Exercising Hope qualifies
you to surmount any situation. It is not a human emotion
that can be changed based on internal and external
stimuli. It is a mental cognition that forms an individuals
mental process and thoughts. Hope does not change. It
prevails in times of hardships because it connects to
possibility of a brighter tomorrow.
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Pearl Activation and AwakeningAwakening #5

Take some time in the next few weeks to love on
yourself. Make taking time for yourself a habit. Here
are a few suggestions :

1. Drink a cup of herbal tea
2. Exercise at least 3 times a week
3. Take 20-30mins of daily personal time
4. Listen to music
5. Enjoy taking a nap
6. Pamper yourself
7. Spend Time with Family
8. Eat healthy
9. Stop Smoking


In your Journal answer these following questions:

1. Through your journey with hope what are you optimistic
2. What types of positive experiences have you had since
youve begun your journey with hope?

Post one of your journal entries on a social media site, where you
discuss what you have discovered on your journey with hope. Complete
5 acts of Kindness.
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BE EXCELLENT Live a life that is remarkably good in such a way
that it inspires others. The world is looking for people to follow, let that be

In the Greek, the word Hope literally means a cord, or
rope. A rope is comprised of small independent fibers that
are called tensile. The process by which you strengthen
your tensile of Hope occurs when you constantly exercise
your Hope on what you desire and you inspire Hope in
others. The strength of the rope has a direct correlation to
the materials that make up the tensile.

The structure of Hope is similar to the complex
structure of a rope. Hopes tensile is comprised of the
interweaving of the following:
Material realities- those things which influence
ones ability to survive. This includes things such as
food, shelter, and clothing.
The inner self (Soul)-that which is comprised of
feelings, thoughts, human will, emotions, and
Intended behaviors - the actions performed and
mannerisms displayed, intentionally, by an
Unintended behaviors - the actions and mannerism
that are displayed as a result of external
compulsion or stimuli.
Communal Interactions- the intimate relationships
shared with family, love ones, friends, and networking
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Divine life consist of belief in God, mortality,
morality, creativity, and selfactualization.
Just like a rope, the quality of ones Hope is defined by the
quality of tensile used to create selfactualization.

iHOPE is a strong rope that is not easily broken. It is the
magnetic force that connects you to the belief in obtaining
that which you desire. It is the spiritual link that allows you
to identify and fulfill your eternal purpose.

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What Are You Bound Too: Desire?

BE CONNECTED If you want to live a life of inspired Hope, you must
be connected to the people you intend to serve.

If Hope is a cord, then in order to effectively use Hope,
you must attach your Hope to the object of your desire. To
live triumphantly, you must secure the cord of Hope to the
object of your desire with a secure knot of agreement. This
knot of agreement is a binding contract in which Hope
guarantees that as long as there is active belief, ones
desire will be drawn into ones reality. In other words,
active agreement pulls and makes manifest in your earthly
reality, that which is existent in the heavenly realm.

For example, if one desires to become a medical doctor,
one attaches their Hope to that desire by affirming every
day that they will become a doctor. He, or she, then
secures the cord to the desire with a secure knot of
agreement which is action: receive the required
education; pass the necessary tests and requirements; and
apply for medical positions. When that individual starts
working as a doctor, they have literally come into an
active agreement with a thought, idea, dream or a vision
and pulled it from a heavenly realm into their earthly

Since the knot of agreement is secured with your
actions, it follows that inaction results in termination of the
agreement. Inaction is unbelief, the result of negative
feelings and attitudes such as, but not, limited to, doubt,
fear, pessimism, jealousy, envy, apathy, complacency, and
discouragement. These negative feelings and attitudes can
emerge as a result of various situations and circumstances
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that occur in your physical reality. Those of which include,
but are not limited to: the lack of basic needs such as food,
clothing and shelter; poor living and mental environments;
and the lack of positive relationships. These are the
distractions that keep us from engaging in the activity that
will pull our dreams into reality. They are the imaginary
knives of this world that are designed to cut your cord of
hope. YOU MUST FOCUS on what you spiritually see in
order to maintain your agreement with Hope. As real as
these knives are they only responds to the permission and
power that you give to them. That is why you must daily
work on creating healthy habits, fostering healthy
relationships, and actively pursuing your mission and
vision. Learn how to be consistent and persistent in
pursuing your dreams, while purposing in your heart that
inaction is not an option. Live purposefully without fear or
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Pearl Activation and AwakeningAwakening #6


Spend the next few weeks developing a daily intuitive

-Deep Breathing

In your Journal, answer these following questions:
1. To what is your hope attached?
2. Evaluate the strength of your Tensile of Hope:

Material realities
The inner self (Soul)
Intended behaviors
Unintended behaviors
Communal Interactions
Divine life
3. Develop an action plan that addresses any area(s)
of weakness.
Continue doing 5 acts of kindness. Organize a meeting with
your Hope Squad to discuss ways to strengthen your Tensile
of Hope.
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BE YOURSELF Each of us are born unique and different. Live a life by
which your true self is on display for the world to see.

There are two kinds of Hope that influences your life:
the human Hope and the Hope found in the Infinite. The
soul is where the human Hope is located. This region is the
epicenter of a persons psyche. This epicenter within man
enables one to believe, have courage, tenacity, and self
confidence. The soul activates our feelings and develops
our thoughts. Within the soul, lies the incubator of ones
PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY which begin to form at the time of
conception. We are all born with a measure of human
Hope. This measure of Hope is granted to us regardless of
gender, socioeconomic status, culture, and ethnic
background. Through Creational Design, individuals are
innately born to desire, to achieve, and to become

The second kind of Hope, Hope found in the Infinite, is
the more powerful of the two types of Hope. This Hope is
found in having confidence in the Infinites ability fulfill
what He promises. Hope that is found in the Infinite is
limitless and indestructible. It cannot be molded,
manipulated, or damaged like Human Hope. It is not
subject to determinants such as: child rearing, poverty,
neglect, rape, incest, drug addictions, rejection, violence,
education, relationship, family, culture and geographical
location. These and many other determinants can stifle or
strengthen ones Human Hope.
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Human Hope can make one successful. It can enable
one to acquire the skills needed to make money, drive a
nice car, run a marathon, and overcome adversity.
However, because its effectiveness and efficacy is hinged
on ones mental fortitude, it is limited. Hence, when ones
mental fortitude is lacking the requisite strength and
endurance, human Hopes capacity is diminished.
Diminished capacity results in a life of poverty, negative
thinking, and poor health.

Since Hope found in the Infinite has no limits, its
outcome isnt determined by ones mental fortitude;
instead, Hope that is derived from the Infinite has a lasting
impact on ones mental fortitude, strengthening it and
propelling it into a dimension that transcends time and
space. Hope found in the Infinite has the ability to lead you
to a life of total perfection a life of purity, morality,
peace, love, and spirituality.

The ultimate purpose of the Infinite is to lead one to a
reality filled with blessing, peace, triumphs, and personal
victories. The Infinite will only occupy the quantity of
space that it is provided by your soul. The more space the
Infinite is allowed, the more powerful you will become.
Hope in the Infinite also has the ability to transform your
soul, resulting in a rebirth. It can heal the hurt feelings,
replace negative thoughts and transform your reality.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #7


Spend the next few weeks limiting your time watching TV and
socializing on the internet. Replace that time with family, volunteering,
and completing goals.

Continue doing 5 acts of kindness. Organize a social event with
HOPE SQUAD to raise funds for a worthy cause.
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BE PHENONMAL Knowing that the life you live affects the world
around you, as you Inspire Hope, be phenomenal.

One can have a divine lifestyle, yet lack natural success.
Conversely, one can have all natural success, but lack a
divine lifestyle. Both scenarios are examples of one who is
living life beneath their means. The Infinite created
humanity to have a balance of the two: divine lifestyle and
natural success. It is possible for one to have all their
natural desires satisfied, while enjoying an intimate
relationship with the Infinite.


BE BALANCEDAs you give to humanity, take time to give back to

A journey with Hope is powerful. Hope enables one to
reach a place in ones life where every degree of
enlightenment becomes a significant milestone. Without
Hope, a people will perish. Without an object of desire,
there cannot be vision. Without vision, there is no
purpose. Without a purpose, one ceases to live a life or
relevant meaning, and merely exist in a rested state of

Hope is not an emotional phenomenon, but is a process
through which individuals pursue their goals and desires.
This process is includes a series of steps that are attached
to your thinking and action. Your thoughts and your
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actions must be in alignment in order to live a life of
iHOPE. This includes habits, strategies, routines, and
disciplines. You cannot have one without the other. You
must have a belief that you can, while also having the
structure and the actions to obtain what you desire.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #8


Align your thinking with your actions. Spend the next 2
weeks doing the following:

1. Try something different everyday
2. Create a new routine
3. Form a new habit
4. Focus on breaking an old habit
5. Attempt to start a business or a non-profit organization
6. Develop a website or blog
7. Take a road trip to a place you have never been
8. Pick-up a new sport
9. Start a new hobby
10. Develop Goals
11. Take a risk
12. Give up something you value to someone who really
needs it
13. Write and publish a book
14. Face a fear

Refection (Journal):

In your journal, identify the activities from the above list that
you are attempting. Record your progress.


Share some of your new activities with members of your
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BE ENVIORMENTALWe all have the responsibility to the Earth.
Inspire others as you take care of it.

The #1 enemy of Inspired Hope is fear. Fear is a
cataclysmic force that cripples your ability to release your
pearls of possibility. If fear is not destroyed in your life, it
will hinder your ability to continue on your journey with
Hope. If you want to live a life of happiness you must be
proactive in eliminating fear. You must fight against and
overcome the fears that result from past traumatic
experiences and events. You must free yourself from the
hindering thoughts that come from within. Fear is the
most prevalent enemy of Hope. Fear is designed to
foster feelings of:

When a person is oppressed by fear and consistently
entertains the feelings that fear causes, he or she becomes
prey to physical, mental, spiritual and economical
encroachments (i.e. cancer, mental illness, apathy and

There are things you can do to eliminate fear. You can
attempt to eliminate fear by taking gradual steps to defeat it.
You can make a decision to confront the fear directly, and you
can change the way you think. Depending on the type of fear
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you might even want to work with a trained counselor. I also
suggest that you include prayer, meditation, laughter and
spiritual soaking in your arsenal. The key to releasing Hope is
to eliminate and defeat fear.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening Activities #9

Face Your Fears. You have learned that fear prevents you from living
a life hope. Complete the following activities as a way to defeat the
enemy of hope:

1. Identify and record your fears in a journal.
2. List these fears in order, according to the amount
of effort needed to overcome them. The first on the least
should be the easiest to overcome with littlest effort.
3. Develop action plans for overcoming each of these fears.

Refection (Journal):
In your journal document your success in dealing with these fears.

Share some of your success with members of your
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BE FREEThe best way to inspire others to be free. Free from fear, doubt,
and unbelief.

We started this journey with a discussion of how Faith
and Hope are the conduits of the EMPYREAN TRUTHS. The
story of FDHS illustrates the barren and desolate state of
life prior to an encounter with HOPE. It is a life comprised
of moments in which we experience feelings of frustration,
stress, abandonment, and depression. However, when you
allow the power of HOPE to operate in your life, your
thoughts are reprogrammed and you are divinely inspired
to believe again; consequently, your inaction is converted
to action. iHOPE is a determination that transforms you
and empowers you to not only dream, but to fulfill your
dreams. iHOPE transforms the weak and vulnerable areas
in your life.

In the next several pages, we will discuss in greater
depth the principles of Magnetism, Endowment, Evolution,
Synergistic Multiplication, Maturization, Antithesis,
Orchestrated Revelation, Vivacity and Autarchy the
Empyrean Truths. These Truths are designed to lead us
down a path of happiness and fulfillment.
Hope Is Attached Principal of Magnetism

Hope gives you the ability to attach yourself to that
which you desire or believe, and then draw those things
into your reality. In the FDHS story, Mr. Hope attached his
Hope to transforming the school. The Principal of
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Magnetism explains how the universe creates a force
within us which enables us to bring that for which we
Hope into our reality.

Giving Principle of Endowment

The Principal of Endowment states that whatever you
disseminate, or give away, has a direct correlation to what
you garner in return. In the story, Mr. Hope shared his
Hope with the students at FDHS. He disseminated his
optimism and belief in his students in both action and in
words. He was resolute and determined not to allow his
Hope to be hindered by circumstances, situations, or
himself; so, he gave it away to each of his students, which
resulted in his school to becoming an endless meadow of

The key to increasing personal PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY is
giving. Giving opens the Universal door of favor and
opportunity. God created this Universe to replicate acts of
kindness, especially when those acts are made in
furtherance of social causes like eliminating poverty and
hunger; or advocating for the disenfranchised and the
disabled. When you disseminate your talents, gifts, time,
and resources to those who are in need, the Universe has a
responsibility reimburse you. The reimbursement can be
in the form of either tangible gifts, like money; or
intangible gifts, like health, wellbeing, and happiness.

Principal of EvolutionHope Is Never Afraid Of

When we learn how to give Hope away, our PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY grow and develop. The Principal of Evolution
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explains how having Hope alters your perception of
change as it relates to your life. iHOPE is in no way
terrified of change; iHOPE it embraces it. While change is
inevitable, your life with iHOPE enables you to accept
change as the metamorphic process by which the Infinite
alters and molds you into a superior version of your old
self. This is a celebrated advancement in our spiritual
development. Hope renews your mind, thus enabling you
to view your life here on this Earth as a precious
commodity in which you have a chance to become more
like the Infinite. The Infinite gives us the ability to change
and be more like him through a process of sharing our
Hope. Change, or evolution, can be painful, but there is a
beauty in the metamorphic process of sharing PEARLS OF

Hope Multiplied Principal of Synergistic

Mr. Hope understood that when Hope is given away it
multiplies. The Principle of Synergistic Multiplication
explains how the Universe joins with us to form channels
of multiple blessing that are based on our PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY. When Hope is shared, the Infinite creates
burgeoning force that links the benefactor with the
beneficiary and simulates a communal revolution. In this
communal revolution, the ideas, thoughts, and lives of all
who are involved, are change. It is the simple process by
which a seed becomes a tree, and that tree, in time,
produces other trees which collectively become a majestic
forest. It is though the universal sharing of Hope that
social evolution occurs. The Principal of Synergistic
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Multiplication stipulates that one creates a legacy that
lasts throughout eternity, when one gives Hope away.

Hope Is Steadfast and Determined The
Principle of Maturation

When I was a little kid, one of my favorite cartoon
characters was the Juggernaut. What made him my
favorite was his ability to run through obstacles. He could
take off full speed and run through walls and buildings. He
had a supernatural abundance of strength. The word
juggernaut is a term used to describe a force regarded as
unstoppable, that can crush all in its path. Hope allows
you to rule, or lord over, your personal universe. It is the
authority that you are given to enable you to fulfill your
destiny. When Hope is activated and used properly it
becomes an unstoppable force.

Hope transforms you into a juggernaut, enabling you to
endure times of testing and trial with extreme focus and
fortitude. Your PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY are matured as
you strive to overcome the obstacles that present
themselves along lifes journey. There is a direct correlation
between the degree of Hope and Faith you possess and the
degree of testing that you encounter. This is not a mistake
or happenstance; it is a wellcoordinated part of the
maturation process. The Principal of Maturation explains
how the obstacles of life work together to make your
PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY mo r e refined, resilient and
focused. The Bible teaches that blessed is a man who
perseveres under trial; for once he has been approved, he
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will receive the crown of life (James 1:12).

Hope Always Make a Commitment to Truth
Principle of Antithesis

The universe is comprised two conflicting forces, which
Chinese philosophy refers to as the yin and yang. Principle
of Antithesis teaches us that truth is one of the most
powerful of these opposing forces. The Infinite and His
truths are the only things in the Universe that are

In the story of FDHS, Mr. Hope makes a commitment to
Truth. In your journey with Hope, you must make a
commitment to the Infinites Truth, which gives credence
to that which you believe. The Infinites Truth is the
liberating factor of Hope. It sets individuals free to use

Knowing When To Reveal Your Hope The
Principle of Orchestrated Revelation

The Principle of Orchestrated Revelation explains the
importance of revealing, or manifesting, ones Pearls
Possibility at the time divinely orchestrated by the Infinite.
A farmer doesnt plant his seeds in the winter expecting a
bountiful harvest; instead, the Farmer plants in the spring,
knowing that in the fall he will reap the benefits of that
over which he has toiled and labored. As the Farmer
understands the importance of planting in the correct
season, you too must understand the importance of not
prematurely sharing your Pearls of Possibility. The Bible
warns, "Never give what is holy to dogs or throw your
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pearls before pigs. Otherwise, they will trample them with
their feet and then turn around and attack you (Matthew

The PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY a r e priceless, and should
always be shared in accordance to the Infinites
orchestration. For this reason, prayer is essential. On your
life journey with Hope, often you will find yourself in a
mental state of innovation, transformation, and power.
But as soon as you share your dreams and aspirations with
others, you are bombarded by an onslaught of criticism
and verbal attacks designed to question your ability to
achieve that which you desire. As a result of the lack of
faith of others, you become crippled and stagnated by fear
and unbelief. For this reason, it is imperative that you
avoid prematurely exposing your Pearls of Pssibility.

In the FDHS story, Karl Hope was constantly being
scrutinized for optimism and the method by which he
shared his PEARLS OF POSSIBILITY. Instead of being
frustrated, he meditated and prayed which allowed the
Infinite to orchestrate the manifestation of his PEARLS OF

Orchestrate means to arrange or control the elements
of, as to achieve a desired overall effect (Dictionary 2009).
Hope didnt just haphazardly voice his desire for
improvement to anyone that would hear him; instead, he
took the time and purposefully laid the foundation to
ignite Hope and carve out a vision and a strategy. Careful
orchestration is achieved through meditation and prayer.
Prayer and meditation is the art of orchestration through
which the individual summons the Infinite to act on their
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behalf. Through that communion and fellowship, ones
human timing is aligned with that of the Infinite. Prayer
and meditation are essential steps that enable one to
avoid the premature releasing of their PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY, which renders them defenseless when faced
with criticism and unbelief.

Hope Requires Action The Principle of

Principle of Vivacity requires you to engage in action, in
order to receive that which you desire. Hope requires
action; without action, Hope is simple wishful thinking.
Wishful thinking is belief, or desire, shrouded in passivity
and inaction. While it appeals to our emotions, it fails to
bring that which we desire into our reality. Wishful
thinking amounts to merely ideas and thoughts. In the
story of FDHS, Mr. Hope didnt only desire for change
within the school, but he took the necessary steps to
facilitate that change. Hope requires a commitment to
action, were as ideas and thoughts do not. Hope requires
us to deal with areas of failure, disappointment, poor
choices, past experiences, and past relationships. It causes
us to become venerable to our Pearls of Possibility. It is
easy to live a life that is based upon wishful thinking; the
Principle of Vivacity challenges you to sow your PEARLS OF
POSSIBILITY with action.

Every miraculous event that occurred in the Bible
required the recipient of that miracle to take action. If one
was to receive what one desired, then one was required to
rise, walk, touch, speak, or go. Christ taught his disciples:

Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you
will find; knock, and it will be opened to you.
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For everyone who asks receives, and he who
seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be
opened. Or what man is there among you
who, when his son asks for a loaf, will give him
a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, he will not give
him a snake, will he? If you then, being evil,
know how to give good gifts to your children,
how much more will your Father who is in
heaven give what is good to those who ask
Him. (Matthew 7:712)

There are promises and gifts that await those who are
willing to act. The Infinite waits for you to act!

HOPE Makes Us WholePrincipal of Autarchy

We are created to be whole and not fragmented. The
Principal of Autarchy explains how we are created to be
one with ourselves and God. Through this Oneness, we
become free to fulfill our destiny and ultimately answer
the question that has plagued man from the beginning:
Who am I?

Being able to answer this question is the most powerful
state of selfactualization. At this state, man is one with
the Infinite and with himself. A perfect example of this
state is illustrated in the written account of Moses asking the
Infinite His name. The Infinite responds, Ehyeh. Which
means I Will Be What I Will Be; or in English, I am that I
am (Stongs,1996). This is the most powerful and poignant
statement in the Bible; for it is here, that the Infinite
defines Himself, as Himself; which is the pinnacle of living
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a life of realized possibility.

Mankind was originally created to reflect the image and
likeliness of the Infinite. Hence, mankind was created to
live one with the Infinite in a state of wholeness. To be
whole means to be free from the constraints placed by
ourselves, others, and fear; and empowered to discover
the limitless essence of our identity in a state of personal
perfection. Living in wholeness, enables one to achieve the
purest levels of purpose and destiny.

Since the fall of man, the enemy that wars against our
Hope has wedged a separation between the Infinite and
His creation. This separation has caused mankind to exist
in a world bursting with turpitude and wickedness. This
cosmic wickedness has caused mankind to become
enslaved and shackled to a life of inadequacy, limitation,
unfulfillment, and unhappiness. For this reason, many of
us live in a state or paralysis. We are alive, but we are not
living. We take steps forward, but we are not progressing.
Our lives are void of mission, vision, and purpose. The
separation prohibits us from knowing and realizing who
we were created to be. It reduces our life to a mere
existence dependent on others to define and validate us,
thus constraining our dreams and aspirations. This
separation cannot be measured by the lack or the
abundance of money, fortune, or fame. It is measured by
the existence, or absence, of a holistic balanced life. A
holistic balanced life is achieved when the spirit, soul, and
body are connected and you are in a relationship with the
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The complex journey with iHOPE is designed to bring
you into a perfect relationship with the Infinite. When you
decided to take a journey with Inspired Hope, you were
deciding to begin a process by which you and Infinite could
begin to mend and foster a relationship that will last
throughout eternity. It is though fellowship and
relationship with the Infinite that He shows and teaches us
who we are. As a result of living a life based on
EMPYREAN TRUTHS, we are able to live a life of perfection
and divine freedom and define ourselves as I am that I
am. This life enables us to laugh, love, give, and share our
lives with the Infinite and all of His creation. It gives us the
ability to worship, express, innovate, create, and believe.
We are able to accept not only ourselves, but others
around us. Knowing and living a holistic balanced life
liberates us to believe that anything is possible.
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Pearl Activation and Awakening #10


Retooling - You are approaching the conclusion if this book, take this
time to retool and to revisit things that you have documented
throughout this process. Take a look at your notes and develop task
and activities that will continue to enhance your journey with hope.
Suggested Activities:
1. Revise your mission statement
2. Pick an a new habit to develop
3. Strengthen your Tensile of Hope
4. Start on a new project to Inspire Hope
5. Read the book again.

Refection (Journal):
Continue to document your journey with hope.

Share some of your new activities with members of your HOPE
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BE DIVERSETake time to learn about people that are not like you.

As I completed this book, I began to reflect on how the
purpose of this book is not to teach a new idea, but to
reveal the power that lies dormant inside of each of us
our Pearls of Possibility. Truly inspired HOPE requires for
you and I to take action, reflect, and share. We often
hear people using the word share in terms of money or
material things. Inspired HOPE requires each and every
one of us to share our lives. Every day we must make
conscious mental and spiritual decision to live a life that is
designed to inspire others.

It is natural, initially, on the journey of Hope, for you to
think only about how Hope can benefit you. When I first
started my journey with Hope, I was consumed with
thoughts about myself. My life was in trouble and I
needed help. I spent months and years trying to find the
path to change my life; what I found was you-THE READER.
My journey with HOPE has made me complete; as a result
of that completeness, I am able to help and inspire others.
You see, wealth is not found in money, power or position;
it found in people the Infinites most prized possession.
HOPE has taught me that we are all created to play a
significant role in each others lives.

It is my prayer that over the past several weeks, you
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have discovered how your Hope can be strengthened
when you make a commitment to share your Pearls of
Possibility with others through selfless acts of kindness
and living a life that inspires others. I believe that through
you, others will learn to live a holistic balanced life and
share their Pearls of Possibility.

FDHS story is symbolic of the human condition prior to
a journey with HOPE. Many of you before reading this
book, may have been feeling forgotten and abandon by
the Infinite. You may be unemployed, underemployed,
stressed and depressed. Many of you have been drowning
in the failure and the mistakes of the past. Inspired HOPE
gives you the power to face tomorrow with optimism. A
journey with Faith and HOPE will cause you to believe
that life is full of possibilities

I have shared my pearls of possibility with you on every
page of this book. You are now required to share this
book with others.

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Next Steps

Share, Share, and Share. In the next 90 days
share this book with as many people as possible. Email,
Blog it, Twitter, and Facebook.

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Work, Work, and Work. Continue to work with your
HOPE Squad to develop grassroots initiatives that will inspire
others. Dont let the end of the book be the end of your journey
with HOPE.

Give, Give and Give. Give away your Pearls of
Twitter Facebook Google+

Join, Join, and Join. Join the iHOPE Revolution. Just
visit us at Log on and join. You
can also like us on Facebook.

Contribute, Contribute and Contribute.
Inspiring HOPE is a continuous journey that is to be
expressed and shared with others. .

Support, Support, and Support. We have a
goal to reach over a million people with the message of
iHOPE. In an effort to achieve our goal of giving this book
to a million people across the globe, I am a asking that you
support us by making donations. The support doesnt just
end there; if you are a business or an organization that
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wants to donate their resources to help further our cause
(i.e. sponsor iHOPE events or providing gifts in kind), then
please contact us

HOPE requires action!
Join the

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iHOPE Prayer

My Lord God, despite the uncertainty in life
I willfully choose to take this journey of hope with you.
I do not see what is in front of me,
But it is though faith that I follow you.
As I embark on this journey, I embrace your promise
That you will never leave me nor forsake me
Regardless of what happens, you are good
Having the best intentions for me.
I dont really know who I am
Im equally unsure of what is inside of me
Lord I know you know me
Lord activate my pearls possibility;
I ask that you walk with me
I want to learn who you are and who you have called me to be.
Show to me my destiny and purpose.
Let me hear your voice when I pray, mediate, and soak.
Give me the strength and the courage
Unlock my pearls of possibility.
Sow my pearls so that they may grow.
Father, let me encounter your hope.
A hope that will inspire me
A hope that will catapult me.
A hope that will cause me to grow.
A hope that overflows and contagiously inspires other.
Let me encounter hope that releases dreams, visions
Let me encounter inventions, art, business and innovations.
Let me live in your presence that is free from fear and worry
Lord me to become a conduit of your Holy Spirit
Allow me to release your love to all humanity.
Allow hope to rain on me.
Let Inspired Hope transform the world we live in.
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Open my eyes to see the world as you see it-full of possibilities.
Let me help eliminate hunger,
Let me help eliminate hunger poverty
Let me help eliminate hunger sickness
Let me help eliminate hunger social injustices.
Lastly help me to stay focused.
Keep me in total agreement with your vision for me.
Give me the strength to our dreams into reality.
Let me daily rise, walk, touch, speak, or go.
Let me live in the miraculous.
Let me have positive habit
Foster healthy relationships.
Actively pursue my mission and vision.

In Your name we pray Amen.

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~ 80 ~

The iHope Foundation (Inspired Hope) is a pioneering force in
youth and young adult programming. The goal of the
foundation is to provide impactful and life changing programs
and funding for disadvantaged youth and young adults,
regionally. Through generous donations, we are able to provide
inspiring and life changing ebooks for free; while providing
paperback versions of these same books in communities with
limited internet access. While providing information inspiring
books is helpful, it must be coupled with action. For this reason
iHope Foundation will also use donations to help eradicate the
barriers that disadvantaged youth and young adults encounter.
Your support will help us partner with other like minded
professionals in order to provide free services such as shelter,
food counseling, educational resources, social service resources,
job readiness resources, and etc.,. Because iHope Foundation is
founded on the principle that more can be done together than
alone, funds raised will also be used to provide mico-grants as
start-up funding for grassroots initiatives in small urban
communities. Please partner with us as we work to ignite a
revolution of Inspired Hope in urban communities.

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~ 81 ~
The iHope Foundation Mission is to pioneer and support
impactful and life changing grassroots programs for
disadvantaged youth and young adults in small urban
IHope Foundation is to be a leadership organization that is pioneering
innovative programs to transform that lives of young people in small
urban communities. We will serve as a Faith-Based organization We
provide free downloadable books and high quality books for
communities with limited internet access.
All of charitable contributions received by the book goes to the
iHope Foundation. This foundation provides programs and
funding for youths and young adults regionally. These funds also
help us keep this book free and assists in providing paperback
versions of the book in communities with limited internet
Please Donate at

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~ 82 ~

Invite me to speak to your
church, organization, or

If you would like for me to come speak
on this topic of Hope please contact
me at:
(850) 583- HOPE (4673)

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~ 83 ~


Dictionary, The American Heritage. Houghton Mifflin Company,

Dunham, Maxine. "Perceptions: Observations on Everyday Life."
Encounter magazine (ACTS Australia), 2005: 19.

Robson, John, and Patrice Robson. Higher Awareness. n.d.
offear.html (accessed October 15, 2012).

Snyder, Charles , and S Lopez. Positive psychology: The scientific
and practical explorations of human strengths.
Thousand Oaks, CA, US: Sage Publications. Thousand
Oaks, CA, US: : Sage Publications, 2007.

Strong, J. (1996). The new Strong's concordance of the Bible.
Nashville, Tenn: T. Nelson Publishers.

Unless Noted All Terms and Definitions were taken
from the Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary
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