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!his supersedes all earlier editions IN!"#$UC!I#N !his is a compilation of acronyms and abbre%iations commonly used within HS&' It is based on information gathered from all parts of HS&' (here possible we ha%e %erified the information from printed sources' )bbre%iations readily a%ailable elsewhere* ha%e not been included in this edition' Pre%ious editions of this publication ha%e been restricted to HS& use only' Howe%er this edition and all subse+uent editions will be disseminated to a wider audience %ia HS&,s pages on the Internet' Information is arranged alphabetically' !hose entries marked with an asterisk - relate directly to HSC.HS&' !his publication is re%ised annually' New editions are usually a%ailable in /uly each year' )ny HS& personnel re+uiring additional copies* please contact your site Information Centre or Information Liaison #fficer' If you ha%e any suggestions on ways we can impro%e this publication* we would like to hear from you' Please send your suggestions* including details of any new acronyms.abbre%iations you think should be included* to0 anager $e%elopment Ser%ice !he Health and Safety &1ecuti%e Information Centre Health and Safety Laboratory 2road Lane SH&FFI&L$ S3 4H5


)2C$&F6HI/7L N#P5"S!U8(9:

)) ; )tomic )bsorption )) ; )dministrati%e )ssistant <formerly Clerical )ssistant= ))) ; )ction on )lcohol )buse ))CC ; )merican )ssociation for Contamination Control ))I)C ; )d%enture )cti%ities Industry )d%isory Committee )2C) ;Standards bodies of )merica* 2ritain* Canada and )ustralia

)2C2 ; )ssociation of 2ritish Certification 2odies )2CL ; )utomatic 2arrier Crossing* locally monitored )2N! ; )ssociacao 2rasileira de Normas <2ra>il= )C ; )d%isory Committee )C)I ; )lkali and Clean )ir Inspectorate <see I)PI= now &n%ironment )gency )C)S ; )d%isory* Conciliation and )rbitration Ser%ice )C$P ; )d%isory Committee on $angerous Pathogens )C$S ; )d%isory Committee on $angerous Substances )C6 ; )d%isory Committee on 6enetic odification )CI# ; )ssistant ChiefInspecting #fficer <of "ailways= )CL ; )ppro%ed Carriage List )C $ ; )d%isory Council on the isuse of $rugs )C#P ; )ppro%ed Code of Practice )C#P ; )d%isory Committee on Pollution of the Sea )CP ; )d%isory Committee on Pesticides )C"& ; )d%isory Committee on "eleases to the &n%ironment )CSNI ; )d%isory Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations )C!") ; )d%isory Committee on the Safe !ransport of "adioacti%e anager aterials )C!S ; )d%isory Committee on !o1ic Substances )$ ; )rea $irector now #perations )$I ; )cceptable $aily Intake )$N ; &uropean pro%isions concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by inland waterways )$" ; )ccord dangereu1 routier <&uropean agreement concerning the international carriage of dangerous goods by road= )$S )ppro%ed $osimetry Ser%ice )& )rea &1ecuti%e now )dministration )&) )&) !echnology PLC )&C )dministrati%e* &1ecuti%e and Clerical )&C ) )ssociation &uropeenne des Constructeurs de )&6 )ssociation of &lectronic 6uard anufacturers ateriel )erospatial anager )$ ; )rbeitsgemeinschaft $rukbehaelter <6ermany=

)&N#" )sociacion &spantola de Normali>acion Certificacion )FC$ )utomatic Flue Closing $e%ice )FFF )+ueous Film Forming Foam )FN#" )ssociation Francaise de Normalisation )FP )lphafetoprotein )F"C )gricultural and Food "esearch Council )6" )d%anced 6as;cooled "eactor

)H2 )utomatic Half 2arrier )H&") )sbestos Ha>ard &mergency "esponse )ct )I )cti%e Ingredient )I) )sbestos International )ssociation )I)C )griculture Industry )d%isory Committee )I2 )sbestos Insulation 2oard %)IC )cti%e Instability Control )I$II )ssocia>one Italiana $egli Igienisti Industriali )I$S )c+uired Immune $eficiency Syndrome )IF!) )nglo;Irish Free !rade )greement %)I#SH )ssociate of the Institute of #ccupational Safety and Health )I" )ssociation of Independent "ailways )I" IC )ssociation of Insurance and "isk )I! )uto<geneous= Ignition !emperature )L) )ssociation of London )uthorities )L)") )s Low )s "easonably )chie%able )L)"P )s Low )s "easonably Practicable )LI )nnual Limit of Intake )LI2I )ssessment of LP6 Installations for 2le%e Incidents )LPI )sbestos Licensing Principal Inspector )LU )sbestos Licensing Unit ) )dministration anager achinery )d%isory 6roup ) )6 )gricultural anagers in Industry and Commerce )IS! )gency of Industrial Science and !echnology

) F# )rbetsmil?ofonden <Sweden= ) L Laboratory of Industrial &rgonomics <Sweden= ) PS )ssociation of ) !"I )d%anced anagement and Professional Staff anufacturing !echnology "esearch Unit

)NC )ssociation of Noise Consultants )NF# )mmonium Nitrate.Fuel #il )NH "C )ustralian National Health and edical "esearch Council )NP)! )ssociation Nationale pour la Pre%ention des )ccidents du !ra%ail <2russels= )NSI )merican National Standards Institute )# )rea #ffice now "egional #ffice )# )dministrati%e #fficer <formerly Clerical #fficer= )#CL )utomatic #pen Crossing* locally monitored )#C" )utomatic #pen Crossing* remotely monitored )#C!s )ssociated #%erseas Countries and !erritories )#!C )ssociated #ffices !echnical Committee )P)U )ccident Pre%ention )d%isory Unit now #perations Unit

)P2L )utomatic Power 2oom Lowering <system= )P& )erosol Photoemission )P&LL )wareness and Preparedness for &mergencies at Local Le%el )P6 )dministration Planning 6roup )PI )merican Petroleum Institute )PP) )merican Public Power )ssociation )5U) <Scheme for= )nalytical 5uality )ssurance <in occupational hygiene= )" )coustic "efle1 )"C )ccelerating "ate Calorimetry )"C) )sbestos "emo%al Contractors )ssociation )"L $epartment of Community Ser%ices and Health )ustralian "adiation Laboratory )"PS )ssociation of "ailway Preser%ation Societies )"!P" )ppro%ed "egulations for !ransportable Pressure "eceptacles )S )gricultural Safety )S)C )sian Standards )d%isory Committee )S& ) )sbestos Safety &+uipment )SFPC anfacturer,s )ssociation anufacturers )ssociation of Specialist Fire Protection Contractors and

)SH")& )merican Society of Heating* "efrigerating and )ir Conditioning &ngineers )SH( )griculture <Safety* Health and (elfare Pro%isions= )ct @ABC )SLI )utomatic Safe load Indicator )SLIC )sbestos <Licensing= "egulations )S & )merican Society of echanical &ngineers )SN! )merican Society for Nondestructi%e !esting )S# )ssistant Scientific #fficer )SP )ccident Se+uence Precursor )S5C )merican Society for 5uality Control )SS National 2oard of #ccupational Safety and Health <Sweden= )SS& )merican Society of Safety &ngineers )S!) )ssociation of Short;circuit !esting )uthorities )S! )merican Society for !esting and aterials )! )dministrati%e !rainee )!C )utomatic !rain Control )!# )utomatic !rain #peration )!P )utomatic !rain Protection )!" )ppro%ed !ank "e+uirements )!S$" )gency for !o1ic Substances and $isease "egistry )!8 )ll;!errain 8ehicle )!(S )nticipated !ransient (ithout Scram

)!(! )nticipated !ransient (ithout !rip )U )ccounting Unit )U"P# )ssociation of Uni%ersity "adiation Protection #fficers )(& )tomic (eapons &stablishment )(S )utomatic (arning System


2) 2reathing )pparatus 2)) 2ritish )grochemicals )ssociation 2)Co 2)S&&F) )d%isory Council 2)LPP) 2ritish )ssociation of Leisure Parks* Piers and )ttractions 2) 2undesanstalt fur aterialprufung 2)P& 2enign )sbestos Pleural &ffusion 2)S 2asic Inspection 2)S 2uilding )d%isory Ser%ice 2)S&&F) 2ritish )ppro%als Ser%ice for &lectrical &+uipment in Flammable )tmospheres 2)! 2est )%ailable !echni+ues 2)! 2iological !olerance 8alue 2)!N&&C 2est a%ailable techni+ues not entailing e1cessi%e cost 2)U 2undesanstalt fur )rbeitsschut> und Unfallforschung 2CC 2ritish Coal Corporation 2C&C) 2ritish Chemical &ngineering Contractors )ssociation 2CF 2romochlorodifluoromethane 2CI 2oard of Chief Inspectors 2C C 2ritish Cable 2C F 2ritish Ceramic akers Confederation anufacturers, Federation 2C & 2is Chloromethyl &ther 2C"U 2ritish Committee on "adiological Units 2&LS 2iological &1posure Limits 2&"2#H 2ritish &1amining and "egistration 2oard in #ccupational Hygiene 2&"S) 2ritish &lastic "ope Sports )ssociation 2&U 2usiness &fficiency Unit 2&UC &uropean Consumers, 2ureau 2&() 2ritish &ffluent )nd (ater )ssociation 26 2ritish 6as 26S 2ritish 6eological Sur%ey 2HSS 2ritish Health and Safety Society

2I#H 2ritish Institute of #ccupational Hygiene 2is C & 2is Chloromethyl &ther 2L&8& 2oiling Li+uid &1panding 8apour &1plosion 2L" 2lue Light "adiation 2 6) 2ritish 2 H2 2ritish 2 !) 2ritish achine 6uarding )uthority aterials Handling 2oard easurement and !esting )ssociation

2NS 2ureau de Normalisation de la Siderurgie <France= 2N!) 2ureau de Normalisation du !ube )cier <France= 2# 2uilding #peration 2#HS 2ritish #ccupational Hygiene Society 2#P 2alance of Plant 2P2IF 2ritish Paper and 2oard Industry Federation 2PC) 2ritish Pest Control )ssociation 2P&# 2est Practicable &n%ironmental #ption 2P 2est Practicable eans 2")C 2uilding "egulations )d%isory Committee 2"& 2uilding "esearch &stablishment 2"&L 2ritish "ail &ngineering Limited 2"IN$&9 )ssociation of 2ritish Independent #il Corporation Companies 2"#) 2ritish "ig #wners )ssociation 2"adP) 2ritish "adiation Protection )ssociation 2"PSU 2ritish "ail Pri%atisation Safety Unit 2S2 2usiness Ser%ices 2ranch now 2usiness Ser%ices $i%ision 2S$ 2usiness Ser%ices $i%ision 2S& 2o%ine Spongiform &ncephalopathy 2SI 2ritish Standards Institution 2S# 2asic Safety #b?ecti%e 2S" 2oard of Standards "e%iew <)NSI= 2S"$ 2eha%ioural Sciences "esearch $i%ision <CS$= 2SS 2asic Safety Standards $irecti%e 2S!S) 2ritish Surface !reatment Suppliers )ssociation 2! 2romotrifluoromethane 2!P 2ritish !ransport Police 2!S 2ureau !echni+ue Syndical &uropien par la Santi et la Securiti <2elgium= 28S 2ergbau 8ersuchsstrecke <(' 6ermany= 2(" 2oiling (ater "eactor


C D I Control and Instrumentation C) Certifying )uthority C) Clerical )ssistant <now )dministrati%e )ssistant= C)<2)= Compressed )ir <2reathing )pparatus= C)C Code1 )limentarius Commission C)CF#) Chief and )ssistant Chief #fficers, )ssociation C)$$ Computer;)ided $esign $rafting C)&" Community )wareness and &mergency "esponse <Chemical C)I Centrali>ed )ccident In%estigation C)I"S Canadian Institute for "adiation Safety C) &# Computer;)ided C) " Centre for )pplied anagement of &mergency #perations icrobiology and "esearch ineral and &nergy !echnology ; $epartment of &nergy* ines C) &# Creating a more efficient office C)N$U ) Canadian de%eloped reactor deri%ing its name from Canadian $euterium Uranium C)N &!;$& " Canada Center for and "esources C)P Computer;)ided Production anufacturers )ssociation=

C)NU!&C Canadian !ransport &mergency Center anagement arket <formerly C)"IF!)= C)PS Computer )ided Planning System C)"IC# Carribean Community and Common C)"IF!) See C)"IC# C)! Cable )%oiding !ool C)!I)C Cotton and )llied !e1tiles Industry )d%isory Committee C)(" Control of )sbestos at (ork "egulations C2$! Consultati%e 2oard for $i%er !raining <formerly Certification 2oard for $i%er !raining= C2N Cubic 2oron Nitride C2N Central 2ureau for Nuclear easurements C2! Computer 2ased !raining CC) Compliance Cost )ssessments CCCN Customs Cooperation Council Nomenclature <&C= CC$ Charge coupled de%ice CC& Commission of the &uropean Communities CC& Computer controlled e+uipment CCF Common cause failures <see P&S= CCH)"" Co;ordinating Committee on Health )spects of "adiation "esearch CC#U Construction Central #perations Unit CC!) Central Computer and !elecommunications )gency

C$ Consultation $istance C$ Consultati%e $ocument C$) Controlled $roplet )pplication C$C Centers for $isease Control <US)= C$F" Commercial $emonstration Fast "eactor C$6 "ail Carriage of $angerous 6oods by "ail "egulations C$6CPL Carriage of $angerous 6oods by "oad and "ail <Classification* Packaging and Labelling= "egulations C$ Construction $esign and anagement emory C$" Communicable $isease "eport <compiled by C$SC= C$;"# Compact $isc "ead #nly C$SC Communicable $isease Sur%eillance Centre C&) Chemical &ngineering )bstracts <Produced by the "oyal Society of Chemistry= C&);C&N Commissariat a l,&nergie )tomi+ue;Centre d,&tudes Nucleaires C&C Commission of the &uropean Communities C&CC C&N&L&C &lectronic Components Committee C&C.)rnhem International Commission on "ules for the )ppro%al of &lectrical &+uipment C&$&F#P &uropean Centre for the $e%elopment of 8ocational !raining C&$H:S Centre de $e%eloppement des &tudes et )pplications en Hygiene Securite* Paris C&& Communaute &conomi+ue &uropeenne <French for &&C= C&& Communita &conomica &uropea <Italian for &&C= C&& International Commission on "ules for the )ppro%al of &lectrical &+uipment C&&F) Committee for &lectrical &+uipment for use in Flammable )tmospheres <committee representing 2&) )= C&& )C Certification of &lectrical &+uipment for C&&P Centre &uropeen de l,&ntreprise Publi+ue C&F Cluster &nhanced Filter C&F Comite &lectrotechni+ue Francais C&FIC Conseil &uropeen des Federations de l,Industrie C&FLC &uropean Council of Chemical C&I Council of &ngineering Institutions C& &C &uropean Centre for $isaster C&N Comite &uropeen de Normalisation C&N Centre de Information )plicada a la Normali>encion <Cuba= C&NC&" C&N,s certification body C&N&L&C Comite &uropeen de Normalisation &lectrotechni+ue C&#C Collo+ue &uropeen des #rganismes de Controle C&" Carriage of &1plosi%es "egulations anagement anufacturers Federation C&H# Chief &n%ironmental Health #fficer ining )d%isory Council

C&"CH)" Centre d,&tudes et "echerches des Charbonnages de France C&"CL) Comprehensi%e &n%ironment "esponse Compensation and Liability )ct <US)= C&"$ Comite &uropeen de "echerche et $e%eloppment C&"I)C Ceramics Industry )d%isory Committee C&"!IC# Certification Committee of IS# C&S$ Communications &lectronics Security $epartment C&SI Centro &lettrotecnico Sperimentale Italiano <Italy= C&! Corrected &ffecti%e !emperature CF$ Computational Fluid $ynamics CF$") Campden Food and $rink "esearch )ssociation CF"P Carbon Fibre "einforced Plastic C6P 6eneral Conference of (eights and anagement Programme easures CH) P Change

CH)Ns Chemical Ha>ard )lert Notices CH)S& Complete Health and Safety &%aluation Scheme <run by H)S!) * 2irmingham= CHCS Chemical Ha>ards Communications Society CH& Co;ordinator of Health &ducation CH& )6 Chemicals in )griculture )d%isory 6roup CH& F)9 Computerised database with Chemicals NI6 CH& S)F& Chemical Industry Scheme for )ssistance in Freight CH& !"&C Chemical !ransportation &mergency Center <US)= CHI$ Chemicals and Ha>ardous Installations $i%ision CHIP Chemical <Ha>ard Information and Packaging= "egulations CHP Combined Heat and Power CHSC Central Health and Safety Committee CHS6 Construction Health and Safety 6roup CHS( Construction <Health Safety and (elfare= "egulations CI Chief Inspector CI)g Chief Inspector of )griculture CI2S& Chartered Institution of 2uilding Ser%ices &ngineers CI$ Critical Incident $etection CI$I Central Inde1 of $ose Information CI$S! Comite d,Information et de $ocumentation Scientifi+ue et !echni+ue CIF Chief Inspector of Factories CI CI CI Chief Inspector,s emo a?or )ccident Ha>ards "egulations eeting International Con%ention Concerning the Carriage of 6oods by "ail Chief Inspector,s anagement

CI )H Control of Industrial

CINCC Coal Industry National Consultati%e Council CI"C Centre International de "echerche sur le Cancer <France= CIS International #ccupational Safety and Health Information Centre CIS Colliery Information System CIS$#C International Labour #rganisation database a%ailable on #SH"# CISH&C Chemical Industries Safety and Health Council CIS Chief Inspector,s Specialist anagement eeting C/$ Creut>feldt;/akob $isease CL)( Control of Lead at (ork "egulations @AEF CL&)N)I" Campaign for a Smoke;Free &n%ironment CL&)" Campaign for Lead;Free )ir CL&C)! Comite de liaison &uropeen des commissionnaires et au1iliaires de transports du marche commun CL&" Classification and Labelling of &1plosi%es "egulations C C Circular inute Command <paper= @AE4 ; illennium Problem anufacturing NI6

C & Chloromethyl &ther CHP Computer Cmnd Command <paper= @ABE ; @AEC C NI6 Chemicals C # Chief edical #fficer

CNC Computer Numerical Control CNP Centro de Normali>acao <Portugal= CN"S Centre National de la "echerche Scientifi+ue <Paris= CNS Comite de Normalisation de la Soudure <France= C# Carbon ono1ide C# Clerical #fficer <now )dministrati%e #fficer= C#)$ Chronic #bstructi%e )irways $isease C#C#" Coordinating Committee for the Nomenclature of Iron and Steel Standards C#CSU Council of Ci%il Ser%ice Unions <Code= IN Inspection <code= <Code= LC) Legal Commentary ; )cts <Code= <Code= LC" Legal Commentary ; "egulations <Code= <Code= LP Legal Proceedings <Code= <Code= LPS Legal Proceedings ; Scotland <Code= <Code= #P #ffice Procedures <Code= <Code= #" #rganisation <Code= <Code= !" !raining <Code= C#$&9 Code1 )limentarius Commission

C#& Council of &urope C#FFIN Construction and Factory Fatal Information <database= C#F"&N$ Comite Francais des &ssais Non $estructifs' C#6& ) Compagnie 6eneral des C#I Critical #1ygen Inde1 C#I! Central #ffice of Industrial !ribunals C# )H Control of a?or )ccident Ha>ards edical )spects of "adiation in the &n%ironment edical &1posure to Ionising "adiations C# )"& Committee on C# &I" Committee on C# atieres Nucleaires C#6&N& Committee on 6enetic &1perimentation

C# I!&9!IL Comite de Coordination des Industries !e1tiles de la C&& &!! &&C programme in &ducation and !raining for !echnology C# P"#S Collecti%e name for the &uropean Community,s national simplification bodies C#NC)(& #il Companies &uropean #rgani>ation for &n%ironment* Health and Safety <2elgium= C#N$) Construction $esign and anagement "egulations Con$oc Consultati%e $ocument C#NI)C Construction Industry )d%isory Committee C#P Code of Practice C#P) Control of Pollution )ct C#P)N! Pan )merican Standards Commission C#P$ Chronic #bstructi%e Pulmonary $isease C#P#LC# Committee on Consumer Policy <IS#= C#P" Control of Pesticides "egulations C#P!&") Calculation of Pipework !wo;phase &mission "ates C#"&P&" Committee of Permanent "epresentati%es to the &uropean Communities C#"6I Confederation for the "egistration of 6as Installers C#"U Cabinet #ffice $eregulation Unit C#SHH Control of Substances Ha>ardous to Health "egulations C#SL) Con%ention of Scottish Local )uthorities C#S! Cooperation &uropeene dans la $omaine de la "echerche Scientifi+ue et !echni+ue C#8&NIN Comision 8ene>olana de Norma Industriales <8ene>uela= CP Code of Practice CPC Chemical Protecti%e Clothing CPL Classification* Packaging and Labelling of $angerous Substances "egulations @AEG CP" Cardiopulmonary "esuscitation CPS Crown Prosecution Ser%ice CPSS Composition of Proprietary Substances Scheme C") Chemical "eco%ery )ssociation

C"& Coal "esearch &stablishment <part of 2CC= C"&S! Comite de "echerche Scientifi+ue et !echni+ue <&uropean Community= C"&IPI Central "esearch Institute of &lectric Power Institute </apan= CS)! Ci%il Ser%ice )rbitration !ribunal CS2F Ci%il Ser%ice 2ene%olent Fund CS2S Ci%il Ser%ice 2uilding Society CS2!S China State 2ureau of !echnical Super%ision CSC Ci%il Ser%ice College CSC Ci%il Ser%ice Commission CSC <International= Con%ention for Safe Containers CSCF& Ci%il Ser%ice Council for Further &ducation CSFS)C Ci%il Ser%ice Foreign Ser%ice )llowances Committee CSH) Ci%il Ser%ice Housing )ssociation CSIS Ci%il Ser%ice Insurance Society CSNI Committee on the Safety of Nuclear Installations CSN(C Ci%il Ser%ice National (hitley Council CS#HS Ci%il Ser%ice #ccupational Health Ser%ice CSP) Ci%il Ser%ice Pensioners )lliance CS"F Ci%il Ser%ice "etirement Fellowship CS!P Committee on Scientific and !echnological Policy <#&C$= CS!U Control Systems !echnology Committee CSU Certification Support Unit <part of Health and Safety Laboratory= C!$ Cumulati%e !rauma $isorder C!I Castings !echnology International C! U Central !raining anagement Unit C!P8 Coal tar pitch %olatiles C!S Carpal !unnel Syndrome C!S) Channel !unnel Safety )uthority C8 Calorific 8alue C8 Check 8isit C8CS Chemical and %olume control system C8$ Cardio%ascular $isease C8S Chronic 8illus Sampling C(CS Control of (ork in Confined Spaces C(" Continuous (elded "ail CH Consultation Hone


d2 $ecibels $2 $ry 2ulb $2&H# $eputy 2orough &n%ironmental Health #fficer d2<)= $ecibels on the ) (eighted Scale $2) $esign 2asis )ccident $C $irect Chill <casting= $C&H# $eputy Chief &n%ironmental Health #fficer $CI $ecided Cases Inde1 $CI $eputy Chief Inspector $CIF $eputy Chief Inspector of Factories $CI# $eputy Chief Inspecting #fficer <of "ailways= $C#) $eregulation and Contracting #ut )ct @AAG $CP$ $icyclopentadiene $CS/ $ecision of Court of Summary /urisdiction $$6 $eputy $irector 6eneral $$PH $eputy $irector of Public Health $& $epartment of &mployment now $epartment for &ducation and &mployment $&.&# $irect &ntrant &1ecuti%e #fficer $&F S!)N $efence Standards $&H $irector of &n%ironmental Health $&H# $istrict &n%ironmental Health #fficer $&HS $irector of &n%ironmental Health Ser%ices $& 7# $anmarks &lektriske $& U $iesel;&lectric aterielkontrol <$enmark= ultiple Unit

$&n $epartment of &nergy wound up in @AAI now part of $!I $&S) $efence &1plosi%es Safety )uthority $&!" $epartment of the &n%ironment* !ransport and the "egions $&8C# $e%elopment Committee <IS#= $F&& $epartment for &ducation and &mployment $F&L# $epartmental Further &ducation Liaison #fficer $F $ust* Fume and ist $F" $epartment of Fisheries "esearch $6 $irector 6eneral $6 $irectorate 6eneral <&C= $H $epartment of Health $I)N& $irect Information )ccess Network for &urope $I)S $irectorate of Information and )d%isory Ser%ices' Health and Safety &1ecuti%e

$IN $eutsches Institut fur Normung <6erman Standards Institute= $ISC $eli%ery Information Solutions to Customers through International Standards $L $istance Learning $L" $ocklands Light "ailway $ U $iesel ultiple Unit $N) $eo1yribonucleic )cid $N2 $eparture from Nucleate 2oiling $NHP$ $epartment of National Health and Population $epartment <South )frica= $# $angerous #ccurrence $o& $epartment of the &n%ironment now $epartment of &n%ironment* !ransport and the "egions $#& $epartment of &nergy <United States= $#L $epartment of Labor <United States= $#! $epartment of !ransport now part of $epartment of &n%ironment* !ransport and the "egions $#! $epartment of !ransportation <United States= $P $isabled Person $P)6 $angerous Pathogens )d%isory 6roup <replaced by )C$P in @AE@= $P6 $osimetry Policy 6roup $"C $isaster "esearch Centre <US)= $S $anish Standards )ssociation $SC $ifferential Scanning Calorimetry $S& $isplay Screen &+uipment $SH) "egs $angerous Substances in Harbours and Harbour )reas "egulations $SI $eputy Superintending Inspector $SS $epartment of Social Security $S! $irectorate of Science and !echnology $SU $irectors Support Unit <part of Safety Policy $irectorate= $!) $ifferential !hermal )nalysis $!I $epartment of !rade and Industry $U $eregulation Unit <part of Policy Unit= $(C $epartment (hitley Council $(L $eri%ed (orking Le%els


&) &n%ironment )gency &)4B &1plosi%es )ct @E4B &) regs Health and Safety <&nforcing )uthority= "egulations &)C &uropean )gency for Cooperation <&C=

&)&C &uropean )tomic &nergy Community &)") &uropean )sbestos "emo%al )ssociation &)S &nterprise )llowance Scheme &)S& &stimation and )ssessment of Substance &1posure &)SH( &uropean )gency for Safety and Health at (ork &)U &conomic )d%isors, Unit <part of Policy Unit= &2( &lectron 2eam (elding &C &uropean Commission &C &uropean Communities &C) &conomic Commission for )frica <UN= &CCS &mergency Core Cooling System &C$IN &n%ironmental Chemical $ata Information Network <&C= &C& &conomic Commission for &urope <UN= &C&!#C &uropean Chemical Industry &cology and !o1icology Centre &CF!UC &uropean Confederation of Free !rade Unions in the Community &C6 &uropean Co;operation 6rouping &C6$ &1port Credits 6uarantee $epartment &CIS &uropean Communities Information Ser%ice &CISS &uropean Committee for Iron and Steel Standardisation &CI!C &uropean Committee for I'!' !esting and Certification &CL &1posure Control Limit &C#IN &uropean Core In%entory &CS &mpty Coaching Stock &CSU &lectrical Certification Support Unit &$ &mployment $epartment now $epartment for &ducation and &mployment &$6 &mployment $epartment 6roup &$I &lectronic $ata Interchange &$# &state $uty #ffice &$!) &thylene $iaminetetraacetic )cid &&C 2 &lectrical &+uipment Certification anagement 2oard &&CS &lectrical &+uipment Certification Ser%ice &&6 &uropese &conomische 6emeenschap <$utch for &&C= &&I &dison &lectric Institute && U) &ngineering &+uipment and &H# &n%ironmental Health #fficer &HS" &ssential health and safety re+uirement &I <H = &1plosi%es Inspectorate aterials Users )ssociation &FL &1plosion and Flame Laboratory* now part of HSL

&IC &nergy Industries Council &I$ &mergency Isolation $e%ice &IN&CS &uropean In%entory of &1isting Commercial Chemical Substances &LC2 &arth leakage circuit breaker &LCI &mployers, Liability Compulsory Insurance &LC!&9 &nforcement Liaison Certification for !ransport of &1plosi%es &L&C!") &nforcement Liaison Committee on the Safe !ransport of "adioacti%e aterials &LF &1tra Low Fre+uency &LINCS &uropean List of new commercial chemical substances &L# &nforcement Liaison #fficer &LSI& &lectronic Signalling and Indicating &+uipment & ) &mployment & )S &mployment & $ &mployment edical )d%iser edical )d%isory Ser%ice edical $i%ision edical Statistics Unit

& " &lectromagnetic "adiation & SU &pidemiology and & U &lectrical &N &uropean Standard &N) &mployment Nursing )d%iser &N2 &1plosi%es Notified 2ody &# &thylene #1ide &# &1ecuti%e #fficer &#F &uropaeiske #konomiske Faellesskab <$anish for &&C= &#!C &uropean #rganisation for !esting and Certification &P) &n%ironmental Protection )ct &P) &n%ironmental Protection )gency <US)= &PC &uropean Policy Committee &PI;$&" Sur%eillance scheme for occupational skin disease &P# &uropean Patent #rganisation &P#CH &uropean Programme on Climatology and Natural Ha>ards &5C &uropean 5uestion Committee &5# #fficial Committee on &uropean 5uestions <Cabinet #ffice= &") &1cess "ent )llowance now )dditional Housing )llowance &"2 &ngineers "egistration 2oard <C&I= &"IC &mergency "esponse Inter%ention Card &"L &mergency "eference Le%el &S &rgonomics Society &S)C &ducation Ser%ices )d%isory Committee ultiple Unit

&S2 &1ecuti%e Support 2ranch now Senior &SC &conomic and Social Committee <&C= &S$ &mergency Shutdown $e%ice &SF &uropean Social Fund &SF" &arly suppression fast response &SH &lectric Surface Heating &SP &lectrostatic Precipitator

anagement Support Unit

&SP$ &1port Ser%ices and Promotions $i%ision <$o!= &SP"I! &uropean Strategic Programme for "esearch and $e%elopment in Information !echnology &S") &uropean Safety and "eliability )ssociation &S"e$) &uropean Safety "eliability and $ata )ssociation &S! &stablishments &S!C &1plosi%es Safety !ransport Committee &! &1ternal !raining &!S &n%ironmental !obacco Smoke &!SI &uropean !elecommunications Standards Institute &!8) &lektrotechnische 8ersuchsanstalt <)ustria= &U &uropean Union &U")$#S &uropean "adiation $osimetry 6roup &U")!# &uropean )tomic &nergy Community &U"#C#N!"#L &uropean #rganisation for the Safety of )ir Na%igation &U"#C##P &uropean Community of Consumers, Co;operati%es &U"#H&L) &uropean HS&.Local )uthority &nforcement Liaison Committee &U"# )P &uropean Plastics achinery Suppliers, )ssociation &U"#SH-N&! &uropean #ccupational Safety and Health Network &U"#S!)!S Series of statistics produced by the S#&C &U"#8&N! &uropean Committee of )ir Handling and )ir Conditioning &+uipment &(C &uropean (orks Councils &(6 &uropaiesche (irtschaftsgemeinschaft &9C# &1ecuti%e Committee <IS#= &9IS &1pert Information System &9P &1panded Polystyrene &9!&S! International Study 6roup for the Standardisation of &H &nterprise Hone ethods of !esting &1plosi%es anufacturers


F D &1 Fire and &1plosion

F D 6PC Finance and 6eneral Purposes Committee <sub;committee of N&C= F) First )id F) )ct Factories )ct @AC@ F) C@ Factories )ct @AC@ F)C Food and )griculture Committee F)I$ Factory and )gricultural Inspectorate $i%ision now Field #perations $irectorate F)S!Co Forestry and )rboriculture Safety and !raining Council F26 Fluidi>ed 2ed 6enerator FC6 Field Consultant 6roup F$) Food and $rug )dministration <US)= F$) )ssociation of First $i%ision Ci%il Ser%ants F$ Functional $irectory <HS&.LIS database= F&2I Federations &uropeennes des 2ranches d,Industries F&P) Food and &n%ironment Protection )ct F&P$ Finance &fficiency and Planning $i%ision F&" Fundamental &1penditure "e%iew FF) FJreningen fJr )rbetarskydd <Sweden= FFI Fle1ible Film Isolator FI <H = Factory Inspectorate FI)C Foundries Industry )d%isory Committee FIC Factory Inspectorate <Sub?ect File= Circular FI$# Face information digested on;line <mining= FI Factory Inspectorate inute FIN Factory Inspectorate Note FINU Finance Unit <part of "esources and Planning $irectorate= FI") Furniture Industry "esearch )ssociation FI")C Factory Inspectorate "esearch )d%isory Committee FIS Factory Inspectorate Specialist inute FISP Financial Systems and Payments FL Fle1ilea%e FL)6U Flammables and 6as Policy Unit FLP Flameproof FL! Fork Lift !ruck F Factory utual <US)= anagement )ccounting System anagement Initiati%e F )S Financial F I Financial F U Field

anagement Unit -

F#CUS Field #perations Computer System -

F#$ Field #perations $irectorate F# F# Faculty of #ccupational Fortnightly #perational edicine inute <issued by F#$=

F#PS Falling #b?ect Protecti%e Structure<s= FP)4@ Fire Precautions )ct @A4@ FP# Fire Pre%ention #fficer FPU Finance and Planning Unit F"S Fire "esearch Station <part of 2"&= FS) Foreign Ser%ice )llowances FS)C Food Safety )d%isory Centre FS2P Finger systolic blood pressure FS# Fire Safety #fficer FS" Filter self;rescuer <mining= FSSU Field Scientific Support Unit now Field Ser%ices Unit FS! Finger Skin !emperature FSU Field Ser%ices Unit FS8 Free Steered 8ehicle F(H Fle1ible (orking Hours F(" Functional (ork "ecording System


6)& 6eneral )dministrati%e &1penditure 6) 2IC) )ssociation for the Instrumentation* Control and )utomation Industry in the U7 6)SP 6as accumulation o%er spreading pools 6)!! 6eneral )greement on !ariffs and !rade 6$# 6eneral $e%elopment #rder 6$P# 6eneral $e%elopment Procedure #rder 6&9 6roup of &1perts on &1plosi%es <UN= 6H62 6ood Health is 6ood 2usiness 6H5 6eneral Health 5uestionnaire 6I& 6roupement d,Interet &conomi+ue 6ILSP 6ood Industrial Large Scale Practice 6LC 6as Li+uid Chromatography 6L#SS&9 E@ &&C agreed categorisation of electrical e+uipment for use in flammable atmospheres 6LP 6ood Laboratory Practice 6LSP 6ood Large Scale Practice 6L( 6ross Laden (eight


emoranda odified #rganism

6 )( 6as metal arc welding 6 # 6enetically 6 !C 6land 6N 6uidance Note 6N0CS 6uidance Note 0 Chemical Safety 6N0&H 6uidance Note 0 &n%ironmental Health 6N06S 6uidance Note 0 6eneral Series 6N0 S 6uidance Note 0 6N0 P edical Series achinery 6uidance Note 0 Plant and anufacturers, !echnical Committee

6#)LS 6o%ernment #ut of )rea Line Ser%ice 6N85 6eneral National 8ocational 5ualification 6#S! USS" State Committee for Standards 6P2 6eneral Policy 2ranch <part of Policy Unit= 6PU 6roup Personnel Unit 6"P 6lass "einforced Plastic 6S&S 6as Safety &ngineering Section 6S!P 6eneralised System of !ariff Preferences 6! 6lobe !hermometer 6!) 6o%ernment !echnical )d%iser 6!)( 6as !ungsten )rc (elding 6U$ 6estion de l,Union $ouaniere


H)CCP Ha>ard )nalysis Critical Control Point H) Hand Held onitor H)S)C Health and Safety )d%ice Centre <2irmingham= H)S)() Health and Safety at (ork )ct @A4G H)SC#6 Health and Safety Co;ordinating 6roup <I&H#= H)8 Hepatitis ) 8irus H)H)N Ha>ard analysis numerical methods H)HC# Ha>ards Communication Standard H)H#P Ha>ard and #perability Study H2I6 Hepatitis 2 Immunoglobulin H28 Hepatitis 2 8irus HC Health Circular <$H= H$ Health $irectorate

H$ Hodgkins $isease H&C" Highly e1othermic chemical reactions H&$S&! Harmonised &lectronic $ata Set <&uropean Communities= H&L) Health and Safety &1ecuti%e.Local )uthorities &nforcement Liaison Committee H& ) Hydraulic &+uipment H&# Higher &1ecuti%e #fficer H&P) High efficiency particulate air <refers to high efficiency air filters= H&P#L Health and Safety &1ecuti%e.Police force &nforcement Liaison Committee H&S Home &lectronic Systems HFL Highly Flammable Li+uid H68 Hea%y 6oods 8ehicle HH& Health Ha>ard &%aluation HHS Hypothenar Hammer Syndrome HHSI High;head Safety In?ection HI Ha>ardous Installation HI6 Ha>ardous Installations 6roup* now part of CHI$ HIPU Ha>ardous Installations Policy Unit* now part of CHI$ HI8 Human Immuno%irus H )I Her H &I Her H FI Her H I Her H IP Her H IPIS Her H NII Her H "I Her a?esty,s )gricultural Inspectorate* now part of F#$ aterials )d%isory Council <U'S')'= a?esty,s &1plosi%es Inspectorate a?esty,s Factory Inspectorate a?esty,s Inspectorate of ines a?esty,s Inspectorate of Pollution <part of &n%ironment )gency= a?esty,s Industrial Pollution Inspectorate for Scotland a?esty,s Nuclear Installations Inspectorate a?esty,s "ailway Inspectorate H )C Ha>ardous anufacturers, )ssociation

HN Health Notice <$H= HN " High resolution nuclear magnetic resonance H# Home #ffice H#!L Heads of !esting Laboratories (orking 6roup of the &&C HP$ Health Policy $i%ision now Health $irectorate HP$ Hearing protection de%ices HPLC High performance li+uid chromatography HP Ha>ardous Production aterials HP!LC High performance thin layer chromatography H"$ Human "esource $e%elopment H" Human "esource anagement -

H" 2 Human "esource H"" Health "isk "e%iew -

anagement 2ranch

H"U Human "esources Unit HS) Ha>ardous Substances )uthority HS) Health and Safety )uthority <"epublic of Ireland= HS)C Health Ser%ices )d%isory Committee HS) Health and Safety )dministrati%e inute inute <Finance= inute <6eneral )dministrati%e Procedures= inute <Information= inute < otor !ransport= inute <#ffice Ser%ices= inute <#rganisation= inute <Personnel inute <Premises= anagement= HS) <F= Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) <INF= Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) < != Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) <#S= Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) <#"6= Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) <P = Health and Safety )dministrati%e HS) <P"= Health and Safety )dministrati%e HSC Health and Safety Commission HS& Health and Safety &1ecuti%e HS&<&)= "egs !he Health and Safety <&nforcing )uthority= "egulations @A44 HS&< = HS& &lectrical &+uipment Certification and )ppro%als )uthority < ining= HS&LIN& HS& Information Ser%ices publicly a%ailable computerised database of bibliographic references on health and safety at work' )lso a%ailable on #SH"# HS& Health and Safety &1ecuti%e inute HS<6= Health and Safety <6uidance= <2ooklet= HS7 Hauptabteilung fuer die Sicherheit der 7ernanlagen 2undesamt fuer &nergiewirtschaft <Swit>erland= HSL Health and Safety Laboratory HS# Higher Scientific #fficer HSPL Health and Safety Policy Liaison <$epartment of &n%ironment= HS<"= Health and Safety <"egulations= <2ooklet= HS! High Speed !rain HS( )ct Health and Safety at (ork* etc' )ct @A4G HS() Health and Safety at (ork etc' )ct @A4G H! High !ension <electrical= H!L8<III= Human !;cell Lymphotropic 8irus H!" High temperature reactor H8 High %oltage H8)C Heating* %entilating and air conditioning H(& Healthy (orker &ffect H(I Ha>ardous (aste Inspectorate <$o&=

HS) <6)P= Health and Safety )dministrati%e

H> Hert> H>SC Ha>ardous Substances Consent


I) Information )ssistant I)C Industry )d%isory Committee I)&S International )cademy of &n%ironmental Safety I)LI International )ssociation of Labour Inspection <H =I)PI <H = Industrial )ir Pollution Inspectorate now part of &n%ironment )gency I)"C International )gency for "esearch on Cancer <(H#= I)S Information and )d%isory Ser%ices I)U International )ssociation of Labour Inspection I2 International 2ranch <part of Policy Unit= I2N Institut 2elge de Normalisation <2elgium= IC)P International Code )ssessment and )pplications Programme ICF H International Committee on Food icrobiology and Hygiene ICNI"P International Commission on Non;Ionising "adiation Protection IC#&H International Commission for #ccupational and &n%ironmental Health IC#H International Commission on #ccupational Health <Singapore= IC# H International Committee on #ccupational ental Health utagens and Carcinogens IC#N& Inde1 Comparatif des Normes &uropeenes <comparati%e inde1 of &uropean Standards= ICP& C International Commission for Protection )gainst &n%ironmental IC"P International Commission on "adiological Protection IC"U International Commission on "adiation Units and I$ Infectious $ose I$ Internal $iameter I$C)FS Inter;departmental Committee on )nimal Feeding Stuffs I$LH Immediately $angerous to Life or Health I&) International &nergy )gency <#&C$= I&2 International and &n%ironment 2ranch now International Section I&C International &lectrotechnical Commission I&CC Integrated &lectronic Control Centre I&C&& International &lectrotechnical Commission,s Certification Scheme I&C&& International &lectrotechnical Commissions I&H# Institute of &n%ironmental Health #fficers I&IC Independent &ngineering Insurers, Committee I&" Institute of &mployment "esearch now Institute of &mployment Studies easurements

I&S Institute of &mployment Studies IF)N International Federation for the )pplication of Standards I6 Immunoglobulin I6 Industry 6roup I6US International 6roup for Unstable Substances <#&C$= IH)C Industrial Health )d%isory Committee IHSSF International Healthcare Safety and Security Foundation II)C Industrial In?uries )d%isory Council IiP In%estors in People II"S IIS International Institute of "isk and Safety International Institute of Safety anagement anagement

IL)C International Laboratory )ccreditation Scheme IL2 Industry Lead 2ody IL& Institution of Lighting &ngineers IL6") Interdepartmental Liaison 6roup on "isk )ssessment IL S Integrated Library anagement System IL# International Labour #rganisation IL# Information Liaison #fficer ILS Industrial Law Society IL! Industrial Language !raining IL8 Indicati%e Limit 8alue IL( Intermediate Le%el (aste IL(S Inducti%e Loop (arning System I Information anager aritime $angerous 6oods Code aritime #rgani>ation <was I C#= anagement <Northampton= I $6 International I # International I S Industrial

ethylated Spirit

I ( Institute of (astes IN Impro%ement Notice

INC#!&" S International rules for interpretation of terms fre+uently used in foreign trade contracts INFC# Standing Committee for the Study of Scientific and !echnical Information on Standardi>ation <IS#= INF#!&"") International "eferral System for Sources of &n%ironmental Information <UN= INI&9 Institut National des Industries &1tracti%es <2elgium= INIS International Nuclear Information Ser%ice <I)&)= IN Institute of Na%al edicine <"oyal Na%y= INP)C! Institut pour l,)melioration des Conditions de !ra%ail <France= INP# Institute of Nuclear Power #perations IN"S Institut National de "echerche et de Securite <France=

INS&)$ Institut &uropeen d,)dministration des )ffaires INSH! Instituto Nacional de Seguridad e Higiene en el !raba?o <Spain= IN!&"!)N7# International )ssociation of Independent !anker #wners IN!&"&P HS& and Information Ser%ices, computerised database of bibliographic references to confidential and unpublished documents on health and safety at work' "estricted to HS& staff IN!&"&9 HS& Information Ser%ices computerised database of e1change agreements with organisations in the U7 and abroad I# Inspecting #fficer <of "ailways= I#H Institute of #ccupational Health <Uni%ersity of 2irmingham= I#H Institution of #ccupational Hygienists I#H) International #ccupational Hygiene )ssociation I# Institute of #ccupational edicine <&dinburgh= anagement of Chemicals I# C Interorganisation Programme for the Sound I#SH Institution of #ccupational Safety and Health IP In?ured Person IP Institute of Physics IP) Isopropyl )lcohol IPC Integrated Pollution Control IPCS Institute of Professional Ci%il Ser%ants <now IP S= IP6 Information Planning 6roup IPL) H IP Inspectorate of Pollution.L) &nforcement Liaison Committee ass anagers and Specialists Inspirible Particle

IP S Institution of Professionals* IP" Integrated Pollution "egulation IPS Integrated Protection System I5S Institute of 5uantity Sur%eyors I" Infra "ed I" Ionising "adiation I") I"

IPPC Integrated Pollution Pre%ention and Control

Instituto )rgentino de "acionali>acion de Institute of "isk anagement

ateriales <)rgentina=

I"L" Industrial "elations Law "eport I"P Institute of "adiation Protection I"P) International "adiation Protection )ssociation I"P!C International "egister of Potentially !o1ic Chemicals <UN= I"" Ionising "adiations "egulations I""6 Ionising "adiations "esearch 6roup I"<SS= "egs Ionising "adiations <Sealed Sources= "egulations I"U Industrial "ehabilitation Unit <now &"C=

I"<U"S= "egs Ionising "adiations <Unsealed "adioacti%e Substances= "egulations IS Information Ser%ices IS Information Specialist IS International Section* now International 2ranch IS Intrinsic Safety IS Intrinsically Safe IS2N International Standard 2ook Number<ing= ISC) International Standards Steering Committee for Consumer )ffairs IS6#!! International Safety 6uide for #il !ankers and !erminals ISHS)) Institute of Shops Health and Safety )cts )dministration ISI In;ser%ice Inspection ISIC International standard industrial classification IS# International #rgani>ation for Standardi>ation ISP International Standard Problem IS"S International Safety "ating System ISS6 Information Strategy Steering 6roup ISU Information Strategy Unit now 2usiness &fficiency Unit IS8" Institute of Sound and 8ibration "esearch <Southampton= I! Industrial !ribunal I! Information !echnology I!2 Insurance !echnical 2ureau I!S Information !echnology Ser%ices replaced by Integris <not an acronym= I!S) Independent !ank Storage )ssociation I!SI Information !echnology Standards Institute IUS# Institute of Uni%ersity Safety #fficers I(& I( Institution of (ater and &n%ironmental Institute of (astes anagement anagement

IH Inner Hone


/)C /oint )d%isory Committee /)C" /oint )d%isory Committee "eport /)" /ob )ppraisal "e%iew /$I /oint $eclaration of Intent /&) /apan &lectric )ssociation /&C /apanese &lectrotechnical Committee /F"# /oint Fire "esearch #rganisation

/I2 /oint Industry 2oard for the &lectrical Contracting Industry /IC /oint Industrial Council /IS /apanese Standard )ssociation /ISC /apanese Industrial Standards Committee /ISC /oint Industry Safety Committee / L /apanese inistry of Labour /NC /oint National Committee <IP S* F$)* SCS= /#C& /ournal #fficiel des Communautes &uropeennes /"C /oint "esearch Centre <&U")!# = /SC /oint Standing Committee /SC" /oint Standing Committee "eport /(6 /oint (orking 6roup /(P /oint (orking Party


7!) 7erntecnischer )usschuss 7(U 7raftwerk Union


L)) Laboratory )nimal )llergy L)) Local )uthority )ssociations L))PS Local )uthority )ccident Pre%ention and Safety Ser%ices L)C Local )uthority Circular L)C#!S Local )uthority Committee on !rading Standards L)$$ Lifetime )%erage $aily $ose L)S&" Light )mplification by Stimulated &mission of "adiation L)SS Leisure )ccident Sur%eillance System L)U Local )uthority Unit L2) London 2oroughs )ssociation L2CNC Land 2ased Colleges National Consortium LC Licence Condition LC$P Local Career $e%elopment Panels LCI& Laboratoire Central des Industries &lectri+ues <France= LCLo Lethal Concentration Low LCB# Lethal concentration BF

L$) Linear photodiode array L$6 List of dangerous goods L$Lo Lethal dose low L$BF Lethal dose fifty L&) Local &nterprise )gency L&L Lower e1plosi%e limit L&L Lower e1posure limit L&5 &+ui%alent continuous sound le%el L&5<E=hr &+ui%alent Continuous Sound Le%el <normalised to E hours= L&8 Local e1haust %entilation LF$C) London Fire and Ci%il $efence )uthority LFL Lower flammability limit LFS Labour Force Sur%ey LIF Laser induced fluoresence LIF Lighting Industry Federation LI S Laboratory Information anagement Systems LIS Library and Information Ser%ices* now Information Ser%ices LI!!S Large In%entory !op !ier Site<s= LLC Local Liaison Committee LL I Local Labour arket Intelligence L F2" Li+uid metal fast breeder reactor LN6 Li+uefied natural gas L#C) Loss of coolant accident L#C)& List of Classified and )uthorised &1plosi%es L#$ Limit of $etection L#&L Lowest #bser%ed &ffect Le%el L#F! Loss of Fluid !est Programme <#&C$= L#L&" Lifting #perations and Lifting &+uipment "egulations L#5 Limit of 5uantitation L#9 Li+uid #1ygen LP Li+uefied Petroleum LP Low Pressure LP) Local Planning )uthority LPC Loss Pre%ention Council LP6 Li+uefied Petroleum 6as LP6) Li+uefied Petroleum 6as )ssociation LP6I!) Li+uefied Petroleum 6as Industry !echnical )ssociation L"! Light "apid !ransit

LS&8 Laboratoire des Substances &1plosi%es de 8emeuil L"8 Light "ail 8ehicle LSS Load scaling sensiti%ity L!) Lost time accident L!S"s Long !erm Safety "e%iews LUL London Underground Limited L8 Low %oltage L8 Low %olume L8$ Low %oltage directi%e L(C Local (hitley Committee L(" Light (ater "eactor L(") London (aste "egulation )uthority


D& )C )C& )FF )FS )6 )I2 )7 )PP )" )" )"IS a!SU )U7 2 b# C) C2 CCS CI echanical and &lectrical a1imum )cceptable Concentration or a1imum )llowable Concentration ultipurpose )utomatic Control &+uipment inistry of )griculture* Fisheries and Food anagement )rrangements Feasibility Study <in F#$= etal )cti%e 6as arine )ccident In%estigation 2ranch <$#!= a1imale )rbeitsplat>kon>entrationen a?or )ccident Pre%ention Policy anagement and )dministration anagement and )dministration "egulations arches Code= aterials and "esources Information #ffice edical )d%isory Ser%ice* now #ccupational Health Ser%ice arine !echnology Support Unit ining )ssociation of the U7 anagement by #b?ecti%es arine and Coastguard )gency anually Controlled 2arrier icroclimate Cooling System anagement Charter Initati%e

)"C#$& $atabase of In%estigated )ccidents <originally )S <Ci%il Ser%ice=

anagement 2oard

b#C) G* G, ethylene;bis;<I;Chloroaniline=


ining Certification Ser%ice <See HS& < == ethods for the $etermination of Ha>ardous Substances ethods for the $etection of !o1ic Substances in )ir ining &+uipment Certfication Ser%ice <part of 2)S&&F)= ethyl &thyl 7etone a1imum &1posure Limit a1imum e1perimental safe gap illion electron %olts obile ele%ating work platform etal Forming achinery akers, )ssociation olten Fuel Coolant Interaction anual 6ate <"ailways= a?or Ha>ards )ssessment Unit a?or Ha>ards Incident $ata Ser%ice' $atabase a%ailable on #SH"# a?or Ha>ards Legislation (orking Party anagement of Health and Safety at (ork "egulations ines Inspectorate )

$I $iphenylmethane $iisocyanate $!S) & &7 &L &S6 e8 &(P F FCI 6 H)U HI$)S HL(P HS(" <H = I I IC IC I& I6 I6& IN#S I"( S IS IS LH F (" N$ N& I &CS yalic &ncephalomyelitis -

andatory In%estigation yocardial Infarction ethyl Isocyanate inimum Igniting current achine information display and )utomation System inimum igniting energy etal inert gas issile Impact and 6aseous &1plosions ental Health onitoring System ine #perating System erseyside Ionising "adiation (arning and


IN$ National )ssociation on

anagement Information System anufacturers* importers and suppliers odel for the &stimation of Indi%idual Societal "isk from the Ha>ards of Pipelines an;made ineral Fibre ortality (eekly "eport <US)= inimum List Heading <of the Standard Industrial Classification= orbidity and


otorneuron $isease ultinational &nterprise

#C) G*G, #$ #$<)$= #$<)F$= #$<N= #$<P&= #" oU PC P& P# P(P 5 52 <H = " "L "S S S S) S$S S&" SFU SHC SI8 SL2 ! !$ !I") U 8" ( (F (L H 82" "$&

ethylene;bis;<I;Chloroaniline= inistry of $efence <)rmy $ept= inistry of $efence <)ir Force $ept= inistry of $efence <Procurement &1ecuti%e=

inistry of $efence

inistry of $efence <Na%al $ept=

ortality #dds "atio emorandum of Understanding a1imum Permissible Concentrations a1imum Permissible &1posure anagement and Personnel #ffice a1imum Permissible (orking Pressure ining 5ualifications 2oard 5I <H = ines and 5uarries Inspectorate now ines Inspectorate andatory "eporting ining "esearch and $e%elopment &stablishment <now Coal "esearch &stablishment= a1imum "esidue Limit idland "esearch Station <of 26C= anuscript ember State <of &uropean Union= arine Safety )gency <now aterial Safety $ata Sheets anufacture and Storage of &1plosi%es "egulations anufacturing Science Finance Union ines Safety and Health Commission <sometimes used instead of SHC #&I= ain steam isolating %al%e ain steam line break arine !echnology $irectorate achine !ool Industry "esearch )ssociation otor 8ehicle 2ody "epair otor 8ehicle "epair icrowa%e etalworking fluids iniature (arning Light iddle Hone ultiple Unit <train= anagement !rainee arine and Coastguard )gency= ines and 5uarries -


N))S National )gricultural )d%isory Ser%ice N)CC2 National )ccredation Council for Certification 2odies N)$#" Notification of )ccidents and $angerous #ccurrences "egulations @AEF N)F& Non;)d%anced Further &ducation N)I" National )rrangements for Incidents in%ol%ing "adioacti%ity N) )S National 2CS= easurement )ccreditation Ser%ice <from @.@F.EB* formed by merger of N)!L)S and

N)PP Non;)gricultural Pesticides Panel N)PS Nationwide )ssociation of Preser%ing Specialists N)" Naturally occurring and accelerator produced radioacti%e material N)SC National )ssociation of Scaffolding Contractors N)!L)S National !esting Laboratory )ccreditation Scheme <from @.@F.EB merged with 2CS to form N) )S= N)! New )ustrian !unnelling ethod N)($C National )ssociation of (aste $isposal Contractors N2S National 2ureau of Standards <US)= NC2 National Coal 2oard* now 2ritish Coal Corporation NC&C National Chemical &mergency Centre NCSII2 National Certification Scheme for Inser%ice Inspection 2odies NCSub;Committee Negotiations <Sub;Committee of N&C= NC85 National Council for 8ocational 5ualifications N$)U Notification and $ata )ppraisal Unit N$L2 National $ock Labour 2oard N$P2,s Non $epartmental Public 2odies N$! Non;$estructi%e testing N& Nuclear &lectric N&) Nuclear &nergy )gency <#&C$= N&2 Nuclear &nergy 2oard of Ireland* $ublin N&2#SH National &1amination 2oard in #ccupational Safety and Health N&2" Nuclear &mergency 2riefing "oom N&2"#SH National &1amination 2oard in "isk* #ccupational Safety and Health N&C National &1ecuti%e Committee N&C Nett &1plosi%es Content N&C Network &mergency Co;ordinator N&C Nobel,s &1plosi%es Company Ltd' N&$2 National &1posure $ata 2ase

N& 7# Norges &lektriske

ateriellkontroll <Norway=

N&PL6 Nuclear &mergency Planning Liaison Committee N&SC Network for &%aluating Steel Components N&S Not &lsewhere Specified NFCI National Federation of Clay Industries NF$C National Federation of $emolition Contractors NF"C National Federation of "oofing Contractors N6L Natural 6as Li+uid<s= N6# Non;6o%ernmental #rganisation NI Nominated Inspector NI Northern Ireland NI Notifiable Installation NI)#) National Insurance )gency )gainst #ccupational )ccidents NI$) National Institute on $rug )buse <US)= NI&HS National Institute of &n%ironmental Health Sciences NI6 National Interest 6roup NI6 National Interest 6roup inute NIH National Institutes of Health <US)= NIHHS Notification of Installations Handling Ha>ardous Substances "egulations @AEI NIHL Noise Induced Hearing Loss <H = NII <H = Nuclear Installations Inspectorate <now Nuclear Safety $i%ision* Health and Safety &1ecuti%e= NI &9& Harmonised nomenclature for foreign trade statistics of the &&C NI#SH National Institute of #ccupational Safety and Health <US)= NI#SH!ICS National Institute for #ccupational Safety and Health database* a%ailable on #SH"# NI" Non;Ionising "adiation NI" Northern Ireland "ailway NI"&9 Nuclear Industry "adioacti%e (aste &1ecuti%e NISP Nuclear Information Systems Pro?ect NIS! National Institute of Standards and !echnology <US)= N/)C National /oint )d%isory Committee <for Chemical Industry= N/IC National /oint Industry Committee N/U6 National /oint Utilities 6roup N " Nuclear agnetic "esonance NNC National Nuclear Corporation NNI Nederlands Normalisatie Institut <Netherlands= NNS" Notification of New Substances "egulations N#&S National #ccupational &1posure Sur%ey <U'S')'= N# IS National anpower Information Ser%ice

N#NS Notification of New Substances "egulations NPF Nominal Protection Factor N") National "i%ers )uthority N"C Nuclear "egulatory Commission <US)= N"6 National "esponsibility 6roup now National Interest 6roup N"6 National "esponsibility 6roup inute N"P2 National "adiological Protection 2oard N"! National "esponsibility !eam NS)C Nuclear Safety )d%isory Committee NS$ Nuclear Safety $i%ision' Health and Safety &1ecuti%e NSF Norges Standardiseringsforbund <Norway= NS" U Nuclear Safety "esearch anagement Unit NS"P6 Nuclear Safety "esearch Programmes 6roup NS"S6 Nuclear Safety "esearch Steering 6roup NSS National Staff Side NSSS Nuclear steam supply system N!I New !raining Initiati%e N!IS National !echnical Information Ser%ice <US)= N!P Normal !emperature and Pressure N!S2 National !ransportation Safety 2oard <US)= NU"&6 )n USN"C nuclear regulatory publication N8&I6 National 8ulcan &ngineering Insurance 6roup Ltd' N8L)P National 8oluntary )ccreditation Program <US= N85 National 8ocational 5ualification


#D Sub Committee #rganisation and embership <N&C sub;committee= -

#2 #perations 2ranch' #S$ #bs #bsolete.#bsolescent #C #pen Crossing #C #perational Circular #C2 #ffshore Certification 2ureau #C$ #ccupational Cer%iobrachial $isorder #C!s #%erseas Countries and !erritories #$ #rganisational $e%elopment #$& inisterial Committee on &urope

#&C$;I6US #rganisation for &conomic Cooperation and $e%elopment ; International 6roup of &1perts on the &1plosion "isks of Unstable Substances #&L #ccupational &1posure Limit #&S #ccupational &1posure Standard #f6)S #ffice of 6as Supply #6 #perations 6roup #6$ #ther 6o%ernment $epartments #6U #pen 6o%ernment Unit #H #ccupational Health #H)C #ccupational Health )d%isory Committee #H)SP #ccupational Health and Safety Practitioner #H&U #ccupational Health and &n%ironment Unit #HP #%erhead Pro?ector #HS <Ci%il Ser%ice= #ccupational Health Ser%ice #HSL2 #ccupational Health and Safety Lead 2ody #I)C #il Industry )d%isory Committee #IL #I International #rgani>ation for Legal #ffshore Installations anagers etrology etrology #I L International #rgani>ation for Legal

#I!)F International #rgani>ation for !ransportation by "ope #/ #fficial /ournal <of the &uropean Communities= #/&C #fficial /ournal of the &uropean Communities #LC #ccupation Le%el Crossing # # #perations #peration anager inute inister for the Ci%il Ser%ice inistry of &n%ironment anagement Forum edicine and Hygiene Laboratory

# CS #ffice of the # & #ntario # F #perations

# HL #ccupational

##P&C #ffice for #fficial Publications of the &uropean Communities #P #ccasional Paper #P) #uptut and Performance )nalysis #P #utput and Performance easures #P# #ne Person #perated #PSS #ffice of Public Ser%ice and Science #SC #ff;Site Centre #S$ #ffshore Safety $i%ision #SH) #ccupational Safety and Health )dministration <US)= #SHC$ #ccupational Safety and Health Compact $isc

#SHI6 #ccupational Safety and Health Information 6roup #SHL2 #ccupational Safety and Health Lead 2ody #SH"C #ccupational Safety and Health "e%iew Commission <US)= #SH"# #ccupational Safety and Health <Compact $isc= "ead #nly CIS$#C* HS&LIN&* HI$)S databases #S"P )ct #ffices Shops and "ailway Premises )ct @AC3 #S"P) #ffices Shops and "ailway Premises )ct #SU #perational Strategy Unit* part of CHI$ #SHH$ #rganisation for the Collaboration of "ailways <&' &urope= #!)" #%erseas !ariffs and "egulations #!S2 #ffshore Safety and !echnology 2oard #!SU #pen !echnology Support Unit #U #perations Unit #8C #ccupational 8iolent Crime #H #uter Hone emory' Contains NI#SH!IC*

#SI"IS #ptical scattering instantaneous respirable dust indication system


P D I Piping and Instrumentation <diagram= P D ! Professional and !echnology Category Pa Pascal <S'I' unit of pressure= P) Planning )uthority P) Put away <on registered files= P)2I)C Paper and 2oard Industry )d%isory Committee P)H Polycyclic )romatic Hydrocarbon P)Ns Personnel )d%ice Notes P)SC Pacific )rea Standards Congress P)! Proficiency )nalytical !esting P)!") Packaging and !ransport of "adioacti%e aterials P22 Polybrominated 2iphenyl P2N Permanent 2ackground Notices P2H Personal breathing >one PC Personal computer P<C=) Petroleum <Consolidation= )ct @AIE PC)H Polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon PC2 Polychlorinated biphenyl PC2P,s Polychlorinated biphenylenes

PCI)#H Permanent Commission and International )ssociation on #ccupational Health PC PC Phase contrast microscopy Plutonium contaminated material

PCS Public and Commercial Ser%ices Union PCSPS Principal Ci%il Ser%ice Pension Scheme PCS" Pre; construction safety report Pct Polychlorinated !riphenyls P$ Promotion dossier P$# Personal $e%elopment #b?ecti%es P$S Professional $e%elopment Scheme P& Photo;electric P&C Packaging of &1plosi%es for Carriage "egulations P&F$ Planning &fficiency and Finance $i%ision P&6S Pesticide &1posure 6roup of Sufferers P&L Permissible &1posure Limit <U'S' $ept' of Labour= P&P Public &n+uiry Point P&" Professional and &1ecuti%e "ecruitment P&S Programmable electronic systems P&S Public e1penditure sur%ey PF Personal file PF Procurator Fiscal PF) Pul%erised Fuel )sh PF$ Primary Flash $istillate PF&&" Pre%ention of Fire &1plosion and &mergency "esponse "egulations P6I Protected 6eographical Indication P6" "oad !ransport <Carriage of $angerous 6oods in Packages etc= "egulations PH Public Health PH&L) Pesticides HS&.L) &nforcement Liaison Committee PH# Public Health #fficer PHIPC# Public Health and Industrial Pesticides Council PHS) Planning <Ha>ardous Substances= )ct @AAF PI Principal Inspector PI)C Printing Industry )d%isory Committee PI)C! International Programme for the Impro%ement of (orking Conditions and &n%ironment <IL#= PI)P Pesticides Incidents )ppraisal Panel PIC#P Person in Charge of Possession <trains= PIC#( Person in Charge of (orks <"ailways= PIHS Preliminary industrial hygiene sur%ey

PI# Principal Inspecting #fficers <of "ailways= PIPI Pipelines Inspectorate PI"&" Public Information for "adiation &mergencies "egulations PISC Programme for the Inspection of Steel Components PIH Public Information Hone PL)C# Planning Committee <IS#= PLC Public Le%el Crossing PLC Programmable Logic Circuits PLC Programmable Logic Controller PL!2 Programmed Learning !e1t 2ook P Permanent anuals achinery $istributors, )ssociation P ) Paintmakers )ssociation <of 6reat 2ritain= P $) Plastics P F Progressi%e massi%e fibrosis P " Proportional mortality ratios P S Paint i1ing System<s= P# Pri%ate #ffice P#C# Post #perational Cleanout <Nuclear= P#HL Principal #fficer Health Liaison P# S!&" Placing on the arket and Super%ision of !ransfers of &1plosi%es "egulations edical &1aminations or !reatment P#PU &! Protection of Persons undergoing P#"8 Power;operated relief %al%e P#S" Pre;operation Safety "e%iew Po( Plan of (ork PP "egs !he Power Presses "egulations PP& Personal Protecti%e &+uipment PP&2 Policy Pro?ects and &n%ironment 2ranch* part of Policy Unit PPIHSLC Plastics Processing Industry Health and Safety Liaison Committee ppm Parts per million PP ) Petrol Pump anufacturers )ssociation PP!# Principal Professional and !echnology #fficer P5 Parliamentary 5uestion P" D $ Public "esearch and $e%elopment P") Paint "esearch )ssociation P") Probabilistic risk analysis P") Probabilistic risk assessment P") Pipeline "isk )ssessment ethod P"I Plastics and "ubber Institute

P"INC& Pro?ects 8ia Controlled &n%ironment P"IS Personnel "ecord Information Systems for anagement P"S Pesticides "egistration Section P"U Pay "esearch Unit P"8 Pressure "elief 8al%e PS Personal Secretary PS) Probabilistic Safety )nalysis PS)" Preliminary safety analsysis report PS2 Professional Staffs 2ranch PS$U Personnel Ser%ices $eli%ery Unit PS62 Pharmaceutical Society of 6reat 2ritain Psaf Particle si>e distribution function psi Pounds per s+uare inch PS# Principal Scientific #fficer PS" Pipelines Safety "egulations PSPS Pesticides Safety Precautions Scheme PS! Professional* Scientific and !echnical PS8 Planned Special 8isit P!2 Physikalisch !echnische 2undesanstalt P!F Petroleum !raining Federation P!F& Polytetrafluoroethylene P!# Professional and !echnology #fficer P!# Pays et territoires d,outre;mer P!( Permit to (ork PU Planning Unit* part of "esources and Planning $irectorate PU Policy Unit PU Polyurethane PU Public Utility PUF Polyurethane Foam PU"P#S&S Purchase anagement System PUSU Policy Unit Support unit PU(&" Pro%ision and Use of (ork &+uipment "egulations P8C Poly%inyl Chloride P(P Personal (ork Plan P(" Pressurised (ater "eactor P(!)6 Pool (ater !reatment )d%isory 6roup


5) 5uality )ssurance 5)C 5uality )ssurance Committee 52$ 5ueen,s 2ench $i%ision 5C 5uality Control 5 S 5uality anagement Systems 5NF! 5uantitati%e Fit !esting 5NI6 5uarries National Interest 6roup 5") 5uantified "isk )ssessment 5"6 5uarterly "eturn 6roup 5S&s 5ualified Scientists and &ngineers +% +uod %ide <which see=


" "isk phrases <i'e' "GF* "GI= as defined by the )ppro%ed List of the CHIP "egulations " D $ "esearch and $e%elopment ")C "ecombinant $N) )d%isory Committee <US)= ")L6 "isk )ssessment Liaison 6roup ")LUC# "adioacti%e Luminous Compound ") 6 "egulatory )ssistance ") "oad !he "adioacti%e anagement 6roup aterial by "ail "egulations @AAC aterial <"oad !ransport= <6reat 2ritain= "egulations @AAC ") "ail !he Packaging* Labelling and Carriage of "adioacti%e ")PU "isk )ssessment Policy Unit ")S "ecruitment and )ssessment Ser%ices <Ci%il Ser%ice= ")SH "apid Screening of Ha>ard ")SP "eplacement )ccounting System Pro?ect <New )ccounting Computer System= ")(S "egional )dministrati%e (orks Study "C$ "esidual Current $e%ice "C&P "oyal Commission on &n%ironmental Pollution "CH "ailway Clearing House "CP "eactor Coolant Pump "CS "eactor Coolant System "CS "oyal Society of Chemistry "$ "egional $irector "$P "egistered $isabled Person "&)! "eal &ar )ttentuation at !hreshold

"&6S "egulations "&HIS "oyal &n%ironmental Health Institute of Scotland "& "& "oentgen &+ui%alent; an "apid &ye o%ement edical )d%iser aterials <IS#=

"& ) "egional &mployment

"& C# Committee on "eference

"&P)C "egional Protection )d%isory Committee "&SH#"2 "acial &+uality* Health and Safety and #%erseas "ecruitment 2ranch <in &$= now Health and Safety Policy Liaison "F "adio Fre+uency "F)C "egional Fisheries )d%isory Committee "F$ "ail Freight $istribution "F$C "egional Flood $efence Committee "F S "adio fre+uency magnetron sputtering "H"S "esidual heat remo%al system "I "ailway Inspectorate "I)C "ailway Industry )d%isory Committee "IC& "egular interlaboratory counting e1change "I$ "eglements Internationales "elatif au !ransport des Fer "IIS "esearch Institute of Industrial Safety </apan= "I N&! "adioacti%e Incident onitoring Network "IP) "oyal Institute of Public )dministration "IS "esource Information System "IS7)! "isk )ssessment !ool "L# "esearch Liaison #fficer "LS$ "esearch and Laboratory Ser%ices $i%ision Ksee HSLL " !$ "adioacti%e aterials !ransport $i%ision of the $epartment of !ransport "N) "ibonucleic )cid "N& "eseau National $,&ssais' <France= "N&S "oyal Na%al &ngineering Ser%ice "NSS "oyal Na%al Scientific Ser%ice "# "egional #ffice "#) &F "ationale* #b?ecti%es* )ppraisal* "#I! "egional #ffice of Industrial !ribunals "#PS "oll;#%er Protection System "o" "e%iew of "egulation onitoring* &%aluation and Feedback "#6(U "ussian #il* 6as and Construction (orkers Union archandises $angereuses par Chemin de

"I$$#" "eporting of In?uries* $iseases and $angerous #ccurrences "egulations

"o"o "oll;on "oll;off %ehicle ferry "oSP) "oyal Society for the Pre%ention of )ccidents "P) "adiation Protection )d%iser "P$ "esources and Planning $irectorate "P$ <F)S= "esources and Planning $i%ision <Financial and )ccounting Section= "P& "espiratory protecti%e e+uipment "PS "eactor protection system "PS "esearch Planning Section <of HSL= "PS62 "oyal Pharmaceutical Society of 6reat 2ritain "P8 "eactor Pressure 8essel "S)CF "adioacti%e Substances )ct @ACF "SC "oyal Society of Chemistry "SH "oyal Society for the Promotion of Health "SI "epetiti%e Strain In?ury "S "egional Support anager "SP) "esearch and Special Programs )dministration <US)= "SP "ele%ant Statutory Pro%ision "SP "egistered Safety Practitioner "SS6 "oyal Society Study 6roup "SU "esearch Strategy Unit "!) "oad !raffic )ccident "!" "oad !raffic <Carriage of $angerous Substances in "oad !ankers and !ank Containers= "egulations "U2I)C "ubber Industry )d%isory Committee "U2SS# "ossendale Union of 2oot* Shoe and Slipper #perati%es "() "egional (ater )uthority "( )C "adioacti%e (aste anagement )d%isory Committee


S Section S D C Switches and Crossings S D ! Signal and !elecommunications S and LP Safety and Loss Pre%ention S)C Sub?ect )d%isory Committee S)C) Systemic )ccident Cause )nalysis S)I Safety )ppliance Illustration S)P Safety )ssessment Principles

S)P Safety )ssurance Principles S)P Social )ction Programme S)") Superfund )mendments and "eauthori>ation )ct <U'S')'= S2S Sick 2uilding Syndrome SC Skillcentre SC)NS Selecti%e Current )wareness Newsheets produced by HS& Information Ser%ices on a %ariety of topics SC2) Self contained breathing apparatus SCC Situations Co;ordination Centre SCC Standards Council of Canada SC& Sister Chromatid &1changes SCH) Safety Case Handling and )ssessment anual SCH&L) Standards of Compliance sub;committee of H&L) SChIF Senior Chemical Inspector of Factories SCIS)S Si>e classifying isokentic se+uential aerosol sampler SC#P& Scientific Committee on Problems of the &n%ironment <ICSU= SC#S Scottish Chamber of Safety SCS Society of Ci%il Ser%ants SCS" Self;Contained Self;"escuer < ining= SCU Sur%ey Control Unit <of the Central Statistical #ffice= S$$ Scottish $e%elopment $epartment S$I Selecti%e $issemination of Information S$I) Soap and $etergent Industries )ssociation S$" Special $rawing "ights S&I Safety &n%ironment Institute <U'S')'= S&L Safety &ngineering Laboratory* now part of HSL S&L8 Safety e1tra low %oltage S& Scanning electron microscopy edical )d%iser aterielkontrollanstalten <Sweden= S& ) Senior &mployment S& 7# S%enska &lectriska S&# Senior &1ecuti%e #fficer S&# Special &1emption #rder S&P) Scottish &n%ironmental Protection )gency S&P$ Scottish &conomic Planning $epartment S&"$S Single ended ranging drum shearer S&S Safety and &nforcement Statistics S&8 Schwei>erischen &lektrotechnischen 8ereins <Swit>erland= SF Sub?ect File

S&N) Senior &mployment Nursing )d%iser

SF)I"P So far as is reasonably practicable SFS Suomen Standardsoimisliitto <Finland= S6$ Strategy and 6eneral $i%ision now Policy Unit S662 Showmen,s 6uild of 6reat 2ritain S6H(" Steam generating hea%y water reactor S6 S&C Scientific 6roup on methodologies for the safety e%aluation of chemicals <(H#.ICSU= SHC #&I Safety and Health Commission for the SH&6 Scottish Health &ducation 6roup SH&L) Statistics sub;committee of H&L) SHI&L$ Safety and Health Information ; &stablishment Linked $ata SI Senior Inspector SI Statutory Instrument SI Systeme Internationale SI2 Safety Information 2ulletin <$H= SIC Standard Industrial Classification SI&S# Society of Industrial &mergency Ser%ices #fficers SI 8I$#S& Simultaneous 8ideo $ose SIN Substance Identification Number SIPI Scottish Industrial Pollution Inspectorate <see also H IPIS= SIS Standarisering 7ommissionen i S%erige <Sweden= SI! Spontaneous Ignition !emperature SI!C Standard International !rade Classification SI!C<"= Standard international trade classification <re%ised= SI!<"I= Standard international trade classification <Ind re%ision= SI!!S Small In%entory !op !ier Site<s= SIU Strategy and Information Unit SL) Ser%ice Le%el )greement SL S Short Life Sector emorandum anagement $e%elopment Programme edium Si>ed &nterprises anager ining and #ther &1tracti%e Industries

S $P Senior S & Small and S P Safety S " Senior

S IL Statistics and market intelligence library <$!I= anagement Prospectus anagement "e%iew achinery <Safety= "egulations ines "esearch )d%isory 2oard ines "esearch &stablishment -

S " Standardised morbidity ratio S " Supply of S ")2 Safety in S "& Safety in

S SU Senior

anagement Support Unit

SNHL Sensory neural hearing loss SNUPPS Standardised nuclear unit power plant system SN8 )ssociation Suisse de Normalisation <Swit>erland= S# Scientific #fficer S# Solicitor,s #ffice S#C Standing #rders Committee S#&C Statistical #ffice of the &uropean Communities S#&" Scottish #ffice &mergency "oom S#FH! Society of Food Hygiene !echnology S#L Solicitor,s #ffice S#L)S Safety of Life at Sea S#Ps Standard #perating Procedures SP)$ Signal Passed at $anger SP)I$ Society for the Pre%ention of )sbestosis and Industrial $iseases SP)!S Senior Professional )dministrati%e !raining Scheme SPC Semi;Permanent Circulars SP$ Safety Policy $irectorate SPF Science Policy Foundation SP6U Strategy Policy and 6uidance Unit S"$ Safety and "eliability $irectorate <)&) !echnology= S"# Statutory "egulation #rder S"SC Safety "epresentati%es and Safety Committees S"I Safety "elated Instrumentation S"P Society for "adiological Protection ss' Sections SS Staff Side SS2 Statistical Ser%ices 2ranch now #perations Unit SSC Scientific sub;committee <of )CP= SS& Safe Shutdown &arth+uake SS&"C Scottish Schools Science &+uipment "esearch Centre SS6 Scientific Staffs 6roup SSI Solid State Interlocking SSI Superintending Specialist Inspector SS SU Strategy and Senior SS# Senior Scientific #fficer S!) Skills !raining )gency <&mployment $epartment= S!)2&9 &1port earnings stabilisation scheme anagement Ser%ices Unit

S!)C# Standing Committee for the Study of Principles of Standardi>ation <IS#= S!)/ Science and !echnology )gency </apan= S!)!)S Structured )udit !echni+ues for )ssessment of Safety S!C Scientific and !echnical Committee <&C= S!&L Short term e1posure limit S!&P Science and !echnology for &mployment Protection S!P Scientific and !echnological Programme <&C= S!"C Scientific and !echnical "esearch Committee <&C= S!S Soft !issue Sarcoma S(&F Swedish (ork &n%ironment Fund <Sweden= S(L Safe (orking Load S(# Staff (elfare #fficer S(#"$ Sur%eillance of (ork "elated and #ccupational "espiratory $isease S(P Safe (orking Pressure S:SPU Systems Planning and Strategy Unit* part of "ailway Inspectorate anagement


t tonne<s= ! !o1ic !) !raining )gency !) !echnical )d%iser !)C)$& !eachers )d%isory Committee on )lcohol and $rug &ducation !)6 !echnical )d%isory 6roup !C !ar Creosote !C !rack Circuit !C$$ !etrachlorodiben>odio1in !CLo !o1ic Concentration Low !CP) !own and Country Planning )ct @A4@ !CPS) !own and Country Planning <Scotland= )ct @A4I !CSU !echnical Computing Ser%ices Unit !$6S) !ransport of $angerous 6oods <Safety )d%isers= "egulations !$I !oluene diisocyanate !$Lo !o1ic dose low !$N !echnical $ata Note now replaced by HS& 6uidance Notes !&) !echnically e%aluated ad%isory materials !&)P !ransportation &mergency )ssistance Plan <Canada= !&C !raining and &nterprise Council <!raining )gency=

!&L)"C !esting Laboratory "egistration Council of New Healand !& !ransmission electron microscopy !&9I)C !e1tiles Industry )d%isory Committee !FPI !ripartite Forum on Health and Safety in the Pharmaceutical Industry !6) !hermogra%imetric analysis !6IC !riglycidyl Isocyanurate !H&L) !raining sub;committee of H&L) !H#"P !hermal o1ide reprocessing plant !HS$ !echnology and Health Ser%ices $i%ision* now $irectorate of Science and !echnology !I6 !ungsten Inert 6as !IL !echnical Information Leaflet !I" !ransport International "outier !LI !raining Liaison Inspector !L# !raining Liaison #fficer !L8 !hreshold limit %alue ! ! ! !esting memorandum !raining !yping anager anager anche Link edical and Science 6roup

! ) !rimellitic )nhydride ! L !rans ! S6 !echnical*

!N# #rganisatie %oor !oegepast;Natuurwetenschappeli?k #nder>oek !NP6 !he Nuclear Power 6roup !#C !rain #perating Company !#F$ !ime;of;Flight;$iffraction <ultrasonic inspection= !#PS !otal #perations Processing System ; 2ritish "ail !#" !olerability of "isk !#"CH !ransferring #wnership "esponsibility and Commitment for Ha>ard Control !P !emporary Promotion !PC !echnical Progress Committee <&C= !P&$ !ransportable Pressure &+uipment $irecti%e !P" !ransportable Pressure "eceptacles !5 !otal 5uality !"C !echnology "eports Centre !"C !e1tile "esearch Council !"C !he "adiochemical Centre Ltd' !"NS !echnical rules* new series <issued by &&CS= !S2 !echnical Staffs 2ranch

!SC) !o1ic Substances Control )ct <US)= !S(6 !rack Safety (orking 6roup !!# !elecommunications !echnical #fficers !U !echnology Unit' #S$ !U !rade Union !US !rade Union Side !U!2 &uropean !rade Union !echnical 2ureau for Health and Safety <2elgium= !8I !utored 8ideo Instruction !( !hames (ater !() !ime;(eighted )%erage !(I !raining (ithin Industry


U) Unit of )ccount UC# Use Classes #rder UCSIP Union des Chambres de l,Industrie du Petrole U$C Uni%ersal $ecimal Classification U$S Unscheduled $N) synthesis U&L Upper e1plosi%e limit U&L Upper e1posure limit UFL Upper flammability limit UHS Ultimate heat sink UILI Union of International Independent Laboratories U7)&) United 7ingdom )tomic &nergy )uthority U7HIS United 7ingdom Ha>ard Information System U7I2&C United 7ingdom Insurance 2rokers, &uropean Committee U7CS United 7ingdom Continental Shelf U7 IS United 7ingdom Permanent "epresentati%e to the United Nations U7##) United 7ingdom #ffshore #perators )ssociation U7PI) United 7ingdom Petroleum Industry )ssociation U7"&P United 7ingdom Permanent "epresentati%e to the &C UL Underwriters Laboratories <US)= UL8 Ultra Low 8olume UNC&!$6 United Nationals Committee of &1perts on the !ransport of $angerous 6oods UNCL#S United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea UNCS!$ United Nations Conference on Science and !echnology for $e%elopment UN&C& United Nations &conomic Commission for &urope

UN&P United Nations &n%ironment Programme UNI &nte Na>ionale Italiano di Unifica>ione <Italy= UNIC& Union des Industries de la Communaute &uropeenne UNI$# United Nations Industrial $e%elopment #rganisation UNI6 Utilities National Interest 6roup UN Union de Normalisation de la ecani+ue <France= UNSC&)" United Nations Scientific Committee on the &ffects of )tomic "adiation U"&NC# $utch.6erman.U7 organisation for uranium enrichment US) Uni%ersities Safety )ssociation US)S United States of )merica Standards Institute USN"C United States Nuclear "egulatory Commission U!& Union !echni+ue de l,&lectricite <France= U8 Ultra 8iolet U8C& Unconfined %apour cloud e1plosion U(C User (orked Crossing U(&$ Use of (ork &+uipment $irecti%e <&C=


8.) 8isual )id 8C 8inyl Chloride onomer 8$! 8isual $isplay !erminal 8$U 8isual $isplay Unit 8F 8alue for oney 8HF 8iral haemorrhagic Fe%er 8LCC 8ery Large Crude Carrier 8N S 8ariable wall mining system 8#C 8olatile #rganic Compounds 8SC 8oluntary Safety Cases 8(F 8ibration white finger


() (ater )uthority ()SP (orkplace )nalysis Scheme for Proficiency ()!CH (orking 6roup for the )ssessment of !o1ic Chemicals <)C!S= (2 (et bulb (26! (et bulb globe temperature (28 (hole body %ibration

(C$P (idows,* Children,s and $ependents, Pension (CL (orld Confederation of Labour <Christian $emocrat= (C (eekly Circular inute (C# (orkplace Contact #fficer (& (ork &1perience (&C (ork of &ngineering Construction (&6 (orking &1posure 6uidelines (6 (orking 6roup (6I" (orking 6roup on Ionising "adiations (H IS (orkplace Ha>ardous aterials Information System (I)S (est Indies )ssociated States (IN6 (ork In?ured Nurses 6roup (IN!&CH (elsh Inno%ation and !echnology (L (orking Le%els per onth ( I) (oodworking (# (elsh #ffice (P (ord Process<;ing.;or= (P (orking Party (P) (hite Paper )ccount (") (aste "egulation )uthority ("UL$ (ork related upper limb disorders (SC (arhead Safety Committee (SF (rong Side Failure <"ailways= (SL (arren Spring Laboratory (S# (orld Safety #rganisation <US)= (( "egs !he (oodworking achines "egulations (("&) (ire and (ire "ope &mployers )ssociation achinery Importers, )ssociation


9I Irritant 9n Harmful 9PS 9;ray photoelectron spectroscopy 9"$ 9;ray diffraction 9"F 9;ray fluorescence


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