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Component 6:

Health Management
Information Systems
Instructor Manual
Version 3.0/Spring 202
!otes to Instructors
This Instructor Manual is a resource for instructors using this component. Each
component is broken down into units, which include the following elements:
Learning objectives
uggested student readings, te!ts, reference links to supplement the
narrated "ower"oint slides
Lectures #voiceover "ower"oint in $lash format%& "ower"oint slides
#Microsoft "ower"oint format%, lecture transcripts #Microsoft 'ord format%&
and audio files #M"( format% for each lecture
elf)assessment *uestions reflecting +nit ,bjectives with answer ke-s
and.or e!pected outcomes
/pplication /ctivities #e.g., discussion *uestions, assignments, projects%
with instructor guidelines, answer ke-s and.or e!pected outcomes
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 2
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
6otes to Instructors............................................................................................................2
1omponent ,verview........................................................................................................7
1omponent 7.+nit 5...........................................................................................................8
1omponent 7.+nit 2.........................................................................................................5(
1omponent 7.+nit (.........................................................................................................59
1omponent 7.+nit :.........................................................................................................22
1omponent 7.+nit ;.........................................................................................................29
5.<erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the /rt. /0>?
"ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and
?ualit- http:..healthit.ahr*.gov.images.jun48cdsreview.48@4478@ef.html ....................(4
2.1A >ecommendations, #244B, /pril 22%. >etrieved from .......................(4
(.1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #2455, 6ovember 9%. E0> incentive
programs overview. >etrieved from<,,DM/>D5 .........................................(4
:.1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices& Medicare and Medicaid "rograms&
Electronic 0ealth >ecord Incentive "rogram& $inal >ule, :2 1$> "arts :52, :5(, :22 et
al. #=ul- 2B, 2454%. >etrieved from
59249.pdf .......................................................................................................................(4
;.Institute of Medicine. #2452%. 0ealth IT and patient safet-: <uilding safer s-stems for
better care. 'ashington , A1: The 6ational /cademies "ress......................................(4
7.Musen, M. /., hahar, E., F hortliffe, E. 0., #2447%. 1linical decision)support
s-stems. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, <iomedical informatics: 1omputer
applications in health care and biomedicine #(rd ed% #pp. 78B)9(7%. 6ew Eork, 6E:
pringer cience G <usiness Media. ..............................................................................(4
9.6ational /cadem- of ciences. #2455, 6ovember%. >eport brief. >etrieved from$iles.>eportI24$iles.2455.0ealth)
IT.0ealthITand"atientafet-reportbrieffinal@new.pdf .....................................................(4
B.6ational /cadem- of ciences. #2444%. >eport brief. >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management (
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&$iles.>eportI24$iles.5888.To)Err)is)0uman.ToI24ErrI24is
I240umanI245888I24I24reportI24brief.pdf ........................................................(4
8.,sheroff, =. /., Teich, =. M., Middleton, <. $., teen, E. <., 'right, /., F Aetmer, A. E.
#2447, =une 5(%. / roadmap for national action on clinical decision support #,61
1ontract 00"2((244;44B99"%. >etrieved from /MI/ website:>oadmap)for)6ational)/ction)on)1linical)
Aecision)upport)=une5(2447.pdf ................................................................................(4
54.,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /. #244;%.
Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide. 1hicago:
0IM .............................................................................................................................(4
55.irajuddin, /. M., ,sheroff, =. /., ittig, A. $., 1huo, =., 3elasco, $. F 1ollins, A. /.
#2448, $all%. Implementation pearls from a new guidebook on improving medication use
and outcomes with clinical decision support. =ournal of 0ealthcare Information
Management. 2(#:%, (B):;..............................................................................................(4
52.+.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2454, eptember 28%. Institute of
Medicine will stud- best policies and practices for improving health care safet- with
health information technolog-. >etrieved from .....................................(4
1omponent 7.+nit 7.........................................................................................................((
5./merican Telemedicine /ssociation. #n.d.%. Telemedicine.Telehealth terminolog-.
>etrieved from ...............(:
2.1enter for Technolog- and /ging. #2455%. >emote patient monitoring. >etrieved from .................................................(:
(.1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervice. #n.d.%. Telemedicine. >etrieved from ..................................................................................(:
:.Koedert, =., #2454, ,ctober 5:%. /TFT to use, market diabetes tool. 0ealthAata
Management. >etrieved from
care)technolog-)news)diabetes)smart)phone)mobile):557:)5.html .............................(:
;.0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration. #n.d.%. Telehealth. >etrieved from .....................................................................(;
7.0ebda, T., 1Lar, "., F Mascara, 1 #588B%. 0andbook of informatics for nurses and
health care professionals. Menlo "ark, 1/: /ddison)'esle-. .......................................(;
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management :
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
9.Miller, L. M. F Eoung, D.M. #2444%. Telehealth. In Eoung, D. M. #Ed%. Informatics for
healthcare professionals. #pp. 225)2((% "hiladelphia, "/: $. /. Aavis 1ompan-..........(;
B.Mostashari, $. #245, /pril 22%. Testimon- on aging in place: The national broadband
plan and bringing health care technolog- home. >etrieved from ...................................................................(;
8.6elson, >. #2452 =anuar-%. E!ploring mobile health consumer trends. 1linical
Informatics Insights. >etrieved from".1ontent>edirector.aspM
t-peN0IM6ewsItemF1ontentIdN9855( .....................................................................(;
(.1enter for Technolog- and /ging. #2455%. >emote patient monitoring. >etrieved from .................................................(;
;.0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration. #n.d.%. Telehealth. >etrieved from .....................................................................(;
;.0ebda, T., 1Lar, "., F Mascara, 1. #588B%. 0andbook of informatics for nurses and
health care professionals. Menlo "ark, 1/: /ddison)'esle-. .......................................(7
9.Miller, L. M. F Eoung, D.M. #2444%. Telehealth. In Eoung, D. M. #Ed%. Informatics for
healthcare professionals. #pp. 225)2((% "hiladelphia, "/: $. /. Aavis 1ompan-..........(7
B.Mostashari, $. #2454, /pril 22%. Testimon- on aging in place: The national broadband
plan and bringing health care technolog- home. >etrieved from ...................................................................(7
1omponent 7.+nit 9.........................................................................................................(B
1omponent 7.+nit B.........................................................................................................:2
1omponent 7.+nit 8.........................................................................................................:9
1omponent /cron-m Klossar-........................................................................................;2
1reative 1ommons /ttribution)6on1ommercial)hare/like (.4 +nported ....................72
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Component "#er#ie$
Each Learning +nit re*uires 2)( contact #or instructional% hours and an additional 7)8
hours of independent or team work on the part of the student to be successfull-
completed. Each unit contains more material than would likel- be used in an- one
teaching.learning e!perience so that the instructor can pick and choose material most
applicable to local workforce needs.
1ontent covering 0ardware and oftware upporting 0ealth Information -stems can
be found in 1omponent :.
1ontent covering 0uman)1omputer Interaction can be found in 1omponent 5;.
1ontent covering "ublic 0ealth and <iosurveillance in 0ealth 1are -stems can be
found in 1omponent 5(.
This entire 1omponent is estimated to re*uire 24)(4 total contact.instructional hours
plus ;4)7; additional hours of independent or team work, depending on the learning
activities and assessments used within each unit.
Component "%&ecti#es
/t the completion of this component, the student will be able to:
Aescribe general functions, purposes and benefits of health information
s-stems in various health care settings
Aescribe the federal initiatives and other significant developments that
have influenced the evolution and adoption of health information s-stems
1ompare.1ontrast different t-pes of health information s-stems in terms of
their abilit- to meet the needs of various t-pes of health care enterprises
E!plain how electronic health records affect patient safet-, *ualit- care,
efficienc-, productivit-, and reporting.documentation mechanisms
"ropose strategies to minimiLe major barriers to the adoption of electronic
health records
E!plain how the principles of health care data e!change and health care
data standards relate to patient care, productivit- and data anal-sis
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 7
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Component 'uthors
'ssigne( Institution
Auke +niversit-, Aurham, 61
)eam *ea(
Dath- Kiannangelo, M/, >0I/, 11, 1"0IM, $/0IM/
"itt 1ommunit- 1ollege
+rimary Contri%uting 'uthors
1onstance M. =ohnson, M, "hA, >6
Auke +niversit-
andra 1rockett, >0I/
"itt 1ommunit- 1ollege
Lecture 6arration.ound Engineer
>aland Technologies LL1
5(B9 $airport >oad
uite 54;4 $airport, 6E 5::;4
Aavid $lass O "roject Manager
)eam Mem%ers
<rian >e-nolds, "hA
"roject Lead, Auke Translational >esearch Institute
Auke +niversit-
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 9
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
These materials were prepared under the sponsorship of an a!ency of the United
States 'overnment& Neither the United States 'overnment nor any a!ency thereof, nor
any of their employees, makes any warranty, e(press or implied, or assumes any le!al
liability or responsibility for the accuracy, completeness, or usefulness of any
information, apparatus, product, or process disclosed, or represents that its use would
not infrin!e privately owned ri!hts& )eference herein to any specific commercial
product, process, or service by trade name, trademark, manufacturer, or otherwise
does not necessarily constitute or imply its endorsement, recommendation, or favorin!
by the United States 'overnment or any a!ency thereof& The views and opinions of
authors e(pressed herein do not necessarily state or reflect those of the United States
'overnment or any a!ency thereof&

*ikewise, the above also applies to the Curriculum Development Centers +includin!
Columbia University, Duke University, ,ohns Hopkins University, Ore!on Health -
Science University, University of "labama at .irmin!ham, and their affiliated entities/&
The information contained in the Health T 0orkforce Curriculum materials is intended
to be accessible to all& To help make this possible, the materials are provided in a
variety of file formats& Some people may not find the 1lash video and &S01 files
accessible and should instead utili2e the 3ower3oint slides to!ether with the &mp4
audio file and5or 0ord transcript to access the lectures& 1or more information, please
visit the website of the National Trainin! and Dissemination Center at http655www&onc7
ntdc&or! or http655www&onc7ntdc&info to set up a profile and view the full accessibility
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management B
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Component 6/,nit
,nit )itle
-hat is Health Informatics.
,nit /escription
Lecture a defines information management, information technolog-, and informatics,
describes the fundamental theorem of informatics, e!plains the meaning of biomedical
and health informatics as a field of stud-, and offers definitions of the major biomedical
informatics areas of applications. It also provides an overview of informatics drivers and
trends in the health care field. Lecture % defines the informatics team, their skills, roles
and responsibilities, and identifies how health informaticians process data into
information and knowledge for health care tasks with the support of information
technolog- to improve patient care.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Aefine information management, information s-stem #technolog-% and
2. E!plain the basic theoretical concept that underlies informatics practice
(. Aefine the meaning of biomedical and health informatics as a field of stud-
:. Aescribe the biomedical informatics areas of applications
;. ummariLe the informatics drivers and trends
7. tate the professional roles and skills of health informaticians
9. Identif- how health informaticians process data into information and
knowledge for health care tasks with the support of information technolog-
to improve patient care
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
5a Introduction to 0ealth Informatics
5b >oles and kills of 0ealth Informaticians
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 52.5(.2455%
*ecture a
5. /ltman, >. <., F Moone-, . A. #2445%. <ioinformatics. In hortliffe. E., F 1imino,
=.=. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6 Computer applications in health care and
biomedicine #(
ed.% #p. 97(. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
2. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
(. /MI/. #2455%. /bout /MI/. >etrieved from
:. /MI/Ps /cademic $orum. #n.d.%. Aefinition of biomedical informatics. >etrieved
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 8
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
;. <ernstam E., mith =., F =ohnson T. #2448, /ugust%. 'hat is biomedical
Informatics. ,ournal of .iomedical nformatics, $4#5%.
doi: 54.5457.j.jbi.2448.4B.447
7. $riedman, 1. #2448%. / Qfundamental theoremQ of biomedical informatics. ,ournal
of the "merican 8edical nformatics "ssociation, 9:#2%, 578)594. doi:
9. 0ealthcare Information and Management -stems ociet-. #244(, Ma- ;%.
0IM E)0ealth IK white paper. >etrieved from
B. Merriam)'ebster ,nline. #2455%. >etrieved from http:..www.merriam)
8. >owle-, =. #2449, $ebruar-%. The wisdom hierarch-: >epresentations of the
AID' hierarch-. ,ournal of nformation Science, $$& doi:
54. hortliffe, E., F <lois, M. #2447%. The computer meets medicine and biolog-:
Emergence of a discipline. In hortliffe. E., F 1imino, =.=. #Eds.%, .iomedical
informatics6 Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed.% #pp.
():;%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
55. The 6ational /lliance for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #244B, /pril 2B%.
Aefining ke- health information technolog- terms. >etrieved from"T/>K@4@549:5@B:B5((@4@4@5B.54
52. +MA6=)>obert 'ood =ohnson Medical chool, +MA6=)chool of 0ealth
>elated "rofessions Aepartment of 0ealth Informatics F 6ew =erse- Institute of
Technolog-. #n.d.%. 8D58S in .iomedical nformatics. R<rochureS. >etrieved from
5(. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices, The ,ffice of the 6ational
1oordinator for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #2448, Aecember :%. 0ealth IT
terms. >etrieved from
5:. 'orld 0ealth ,rganiLation. #2455%. e0ealth. >etrieved from
*ecture a Charts1 )a%les an( 2igures
5.5 $igure: $riedman, 1. #2448%. / Qfundamental theoremQ of biomedical informatics.
,ournal of the "merican 8edical nformatics "ssociation, 57#2%, 578)594. doi:
5.2 $igure: <iomedical Informatics: Modified b- Ar. =iajie Thang, The +niversit- of
Te!as at 0ouston, chool of <iomedical Informatics from hortliffe, E., F <lois, M.
#2447%. The computer meets medicine and biolog-: Emergence of a discipline. In
hortliffe, E., F 1imino, =.=. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6 Computer applications in
health care and biomedicine #(rd ed.% #pp. ():;%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 54
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
<usiness Media.
*ecture %
5. /MI/. #2455%. The clinical informatics subspecialt-. >etrieved from
2. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices, 6ational Librar- of Medicine. #2455%.
Institutional grants for research training in biomedical informatics #T5;%.
>etrieved from>$/)LM)47)445.html
(. $riedman, 1. "., /ltman, >. <., Dohane, I. ., Mc1ormick, D. /., Miller, ". L.,
,Lbolt, =. K., U'illiamson, =. #2448%. Training the ne!t generation of
informaticians: The impact of VV<ITIJJ and bioinformaticsW/ report from the
/merican 1ollege of Medical Informatics. ,ournal of the "merican 8edical
nformatics "ssociation, 99, 579)592. doi: 54.5589.jamia.M5;24
:. hortliffe, E., F <lois, M. #2447%. The computer meets medicine and biolog-:
Emergence of a discipline. In hortliffe. E., F 1imino, =.=. #Eds.%, .iomedical
informatics6 Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed.% #pp.
():;%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
;. +niversit- of Minnesota. #2455%. $re*uentl- asked *uestions about: <iomedical
health informatics. >etrieved from*.informatics.shtml
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. /0IM/ F /MI/. #244B, ,ctober%. /0IM/ and /MI/ health information
management and informatics core competencies for individuals with electronic
health records. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4:492(.pdf
2. <ernstam E., mith =., F =ohnson T. #2448, /ugust%. 'hat is biomedical
Informatics. ,ournal of .iomedical nformatics, $4#5%.
doi: 54.5457.j.jbi.2448.4B.447
(. $riedman, 1. #2448%. / Qfundamental theoremQ of biomedical informatics. ,ournal
of the "merican 8edical nformatics "ssociation, 9:#2%, 578)594. doi:
:. 0ersh. '. #244B%. 0ealth and biomedical informatics: opportunities and
challenges for a twent-)first centur- profession and its education. ;earbook of
8edical nformatics& >etrieved from
5. 0ersh, '. #2448, Ma- 5;%. / stimulus to define informatics and health
information technolog-. .8C 8edical nformatics and Decision 8akin!.
>etrieved from
7. Mantas, =., et al. #2454%. >ecommendations of the International Medical
Informatics /ssociation #IMI/% on education in biomedical and health informatics.
8ethods of nformation in 8edicine. >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 55
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
,nit Suggeste( 0ea(ings
5. /l)horbaji, 6. #2445, Ma-%. 0ealth and medical informatics: Technical paper.
>etrieve from
2. <ellinger, K., 1astro, A., F Mills, /. #244:%. Aata, information, knowledge, and
wisdom. >etrieved from http:..www.s-stems)
(. 1anadian 0ealth Informatics /ssociation. #2448, March%. 0ealth informatics
professional core competencies. >etrieved from
:. $ricke, M. #244B, ,ctober 2(%. The knowledge p-ramid: / criti*ue of the AID'
hierarch-. ,ournal of nformation Science. >etrieved from;;;5;4B48:4;4v5.pdf
;. 0ersh, '. #2455, eptember%. 'hat is biomedical and health informaticsM
>etrieved from .
7. Duhn D., et al. #244B%. Informatics and medicine))from molecules to populations.
8ethods of nformation in 8edicine. >etrieved from
9. 6ational Librar- of Medicine. #2455, ,ctober 58%. 0ealth informatics. >etrieved
B. ,regon 0ealthcare 'orkforce Institute. #2455%. <iomedical and health
informaticians. >etrieved from
8. +nimediaproduction. #2448, March 57%. Turning information into knowledge.
R3ideo fileS. >etrieved from
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 52
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Component 6/,nit 2
,nit )itle
Health Information Systems "#er#ie$
NOTE: This Unit was previously titled Hardware and Software Supporting Health
Information Systems. It is now Health Information Systems Overview
,nit /escription
Lecture a defines the concept of an information s-stem and its characteristics,
describes the different t-pes of information s-stems, and describe various t-pes of
technologies that support health care information s-stems. Lecture % e!amines the
challenges presented b- emerging trends in information technolog- #e.g., mobilit-, web
services, the Internet, Intranet, and wireless computing%, social media, and global
communications and discusses the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet
as a platform for health care applications.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Aefine the concept of an information s-stem and its characteristics
2. Aescribe the different t-pes of information s-stems
(. Aescribe various t-pes of technologies that support health care
information s-stems
:. E!amine the challenges presented b- emerging trends in information
technolog-, social media, and global communications
;. Aiscuss the advantages and disadvantages of using the Internet as a
platform for health care applications
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
2a Introduction to 0ealth Information -stems
2b Emerging Trends in 0ealth Information Technolog-
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture 2a
5. /0IM/ e)0IM 'ork Kroup on Electronic Aocument Management as a
1omponent of E0>. #244(%. >etrieved from
2. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 5(
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
(. <etts, K. #2449%. 1haracteristics of an information s-stem. >etrieved from
:. Aas, M. F Eichner, =. #2454, March%. 1hallenges and barriers to clinical decision
support #1A% design and implementation e!perienced in the agenc- for
healthcare research and *ualit- 1A demonstrations #"repared for the /0>?
6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth Information Technolog- under 1ontract 6o.
284)4:)4457.% /0>? "ublication 6o. 54)447:)E$. >etrieved from
;. 0ealthcare Information and Management -stems ociet- #0IM%. #2454%.
H8SS dictionary of healthcare information technolo!y terms, acronyms and
or!ani2ations #2
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
7. 6ational >esearch 1ouncil. #2449%. Hospital7.ased emer!ency care6 "t the
breakin! point. 'ashington, A1: The 6ational /cademies "ress.
9. 3ogel, L.0., F "erreault, L.E., #2447%. Management of information in healthcare
organiLations. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6
Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. :97);54%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
*ecture 2%
5. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
2. 1A1 and the 6ational 1ancer Institute. #2455, Ma-%. 0ealth communication
basics. >etrieved from
(. 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention. #2455, Ma-%. ocial media at 1A1.
>etrieved from http://$$$.c(c.go#/SocialMe(ia/)ools/
:. 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration #0>/%. #244(, ,ctober%.
Telemedicine reimbursement report. #"repared b- the 1enter for Telemedicine
Law under contract 6o.42)0/<)/25;(4:%. >etrieved from
;. 0ealthcare Information and Management -stems ociet- #0IM%. #2454%.
H8SS dictionary of healthcare information technolo!y terms, acronyms and
or!ani2ations #2
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
7. Daplan, /. M. F 0aenlein, M. #2454%. +sers of the world uniteX The challenges
and opportunities of social media. .usiness Hori2ons <4#5%, ;8)7B.
9. Mell, "., F Krance, T. #2448, ,ctober%. The 6IT definition of cloud computing.
>etrieved from http://$$$.nist.go#/itl/clou(/uploa(/clou(>(ef>#;.p(f
B. ,ffice of Aisease "revention and 0ealth "romotion #,A"0"%. #2452%. e)0ealth.
>etrieved from http://$$$.health.go#/communication/ehealth//efault.asp
8. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2444%. 0ealth- people 2454:
,bjectives for improving health. >etrieved from

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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
54. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2447, =une%. E!panding the
reach and impact of consumer e)0ealth tools. >etrieved from
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. /0IM/ e)0IM 'ork Kroup on Electronic Aocument Management as a
1omponent of E0>. #244(%. >etrieved from
2. <etts, K. #2449%. 1haracteristics of an information s-stem. >etrieved from
(. 1alifornia 0ealth1are $oundation. #244B, /pril%. The wisdom of patients: 0ealth
care meets online social media. >etrieved from
:. 1A1 and the 6ational 1ancer Institute. #2455, Ma-%. 0ealth communication
basics. >etrieved from
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licensed software. >etrieved from
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Telemedicine reimbursement report. #"repared b- the 1enter for Telemedicine
Law under contract 6o.42)0/<)/25;(4:%. >etrieved from
9. Dassirer, =. ". #2444%. "atients, ph-sicians and the Internet. Health "ffairs 58#7%,
55;)52(. doi: 54.5(99.hlthaff.58.7.55;
B. Mell, "., F Krance, T. #2448, ,ctober%. The 6IT definition of cloud computing.
>etrieved from http://$$$.nist.go#/itl/clou(/uploa(/clou(>(ef>#;.p(f
8. 6ational >esearch 1ouncil. #2449%. Hospital7.ased emer!ency care6 "t the
breakin! point. 'ashington, A1: The 6ational /cademies "ress.
54. ,ffice of Aisease "revention and 0ealth "romotion #,A"0"%. #2452%. e)0ealth.
>etrieved from http://$$$.health.go#/communication/ehealth//efault.asp
,nit Suggeste( 0ea(ings
5. /-lward, . #2454, =une 2B%. 1loud computing in healthcare O private, public, or
somewhere in between. >etrieved from</clou(>
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(. Daplan, /. M. F 0aenlein, M. #2454%. +sers of the world uniteX The challenges
and opportunities of social media. .usiness Hori2ons <4#5%, ;8)7B.
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
:. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2444%. 0ealth- people 2454:
,bjectives for improving health. >etrieved from

;. 3ogel, L.0., F "erreault, L.E., #2447%. Management of information in healthcare
organiLations. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6
Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. :97);54%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ity
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Component 6/,nit 3
,nit )itle
Alectronic Health 0ecor(s
,nit /escription
Lecture a defines an electronic medical record #EM>% and electronic health record
#E0>% and e!plains their similarities and differences, identifies attributes and functions
of an E0>, discusses the issues surrounding E0> adoption and implementation, and
describes the impact of E0>s on patient care. Lecture % links E0>s to the 0ealth
Information E!change #0IE% and the 6ationwide 0ealth Information 6etwork #60I6%
initiatives, discusses how 0IE and 60I6 impact health care deliver- and the practice of
health care providers, summariLes the governmental efforts related to E0> s-stems
including meaningful use of interoperable health information technolog- and a *ualified
E0>, describes the Institute of MedicineJs vision of a health care s-stem and its
possible impact on health management information s-stems, and lists e!amples of the
effects of developments in bioinformatics on health information s-stems.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. tate the similarities and differences between an electronic medical record
#EM>% and electronic health record #E0>%
2. Identif- attributes and functions of an E0>
(. Aescribe the perspectives of health care providers and the public
regarding acceptance of or issues with an E0>, which can serve as
facilitators of or major barriers to its adoption
:. E!plain how the use of an E0> can affect patient care safet-, efficienc- of
care practices, and patient outcomes
;. Aiscuss how 0ealth Information E!change #0IE% and 6ationwide 0ealth
Information 6etwork #60I6% impact health care deliver- and the practice
of health care providers
7. ,utline issues regarding governmental regulation of E0> s-stems, such
as meaningful use of interoperable health information technolog- and a
*ualified E0>
9. ummariLe how the Institute of MedicineJs 3ision for 25st 1entur- 0ealth
1are and 'ellness ma- impact health management information s-stems
B. Identif- how ongoing developments in biomedical informatics can affect
future uses and challenges related to health information s-stems
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
(a Introduction to Electronic 0ealth >ecords
(b E!ternal Influences
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,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 52.5(.2455%
*ecture 3a
5. /0IM/ e)0IM 'ork Kroup on Maintaining the Legal E0>. #244;%. +pdate:
Maintaining a legall- sound health recordWpaper and electronic. ,ournal of
"H8" =:#54%, 7:/)L. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@42B;48.hcs
2. <lumenthal, A. #2448, /pril 8%. timulating the adoption of health information
technolog-. New >n!land ,ournal of 8edicine 4:%,5:99)5:98& >etrieved from;7.6E=Mp4845;82
(. 0andler, T., 0oltmeier, >., MteLger, =., ,verhage, M., Ta-lor, ., F +nderwood,
1. #244(, =ul- 9%. H8SS electronic health record definitional model version 9&%.
>etrieved from>@Aefinition@Mod
:. 0ealth Information Technolog-: Initial et of tandards, Implementation
pecifications, and 1ertification 1riteria for Electronic 0ealth >ecord Technolog-&
$inal >ule, :; 1$> "art 594 #=ul- 2B, 2454%. >etrieved from
;. 0arris Interactive. #2454, =une 59%. 1ew "mericans usin! ?>7? medical records&
>etrieve from>oom.0arris"olls.tabid.::9.ctl.>ead1usto
7. 0ealth Level even International. #n.d.%. /bout 0L9. >etrieved from!.cfmMrefNnav
9. 0ealth Level even International. #2449%. H*= #%%= >H)7S functional model&
>etrieved from!@2449.asp
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!oals forward& >etrieved from"ublications.rsnanews.sep4;.ihe.cfm
8. >eiser, . =. #5885%. The clinical record in medicine. "art 5: Learning from cases.
"nnals of nternal 8edicine, 99$, 842)849.
54. The 6ational /lliance for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #244B, /pril 2B%.
Definin! key health information technolo!y terms& >etrieved from"T/>K@4@549:5@B:B5((@4@4@
55. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices, 1enters for Medicare and
Medicaid ervices. #2454, =ul-5(%. >lectronic health records at a !lance.
>etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 5B
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
*ecture 3a Charts1 )a%les an( 2igures
(.5 Table: EM> and E0> 1omparison
(.2 Table: 0L9 2449 E0>) $unctional Model Airect 1are $unctions ubsets with
*ecture 3%
5. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #n.d.%. Nationwide health information
network6 .ack!round and scope. >etrieved from
2. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2455, 6ovember 9%. >H) incentive
pro!rams overview& >etrieved from<,,DM/>D5
(. 0ealthcare Information and Management -stems ociet-. #2448, March%.
Health information e(chan!es6 Similarities and differences& >etrieved from>0I,.0IE@1ommon"ractices'hite"aper2448
:. 0ealth Information Technolog- for Economic and 1linical 0ealth /ct of 2448.
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;. 0ealth Information Technolog- for Economic and 1linical 0ealth /ct of 2448.
"ublic Law 555);, ection (445#b% #2448b%.
7. 0ealth Information Technolog-: Initial et of tandards, Implementation
pecifications, and 1ertification 1riteria for Electronic 0ealth >ecord Technolog-&
$inal >ule, :; 1$> "art 594 #=ul- 2B, 2454%. >etrieved from
9. tead '.'., F Lin 0.. #eds.%. #2448%. 1omputational technolog- for effective
health care: Immediate steps and strategic directions. 'ashington #A1%: 6ational
/cademies "ress.
B. The Airect "roject. #2454, ,ctober 55%. The direct pro@ect overview& >etrieved
8. The ,ffice of the 6ational 1oordinator for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #2454,
/ugust 5(%. State7*evel initiatives. >etrieved from
54. The ,ffice of the 6ational 1oordinator for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #2454,
eptember 55%. HT>CH temporary certification pro!ram for >H) technolo!y.
>etrieved from
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6ovember 5:%. Health T policy committee. >etrieved from
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6ovember 2(%. Health T standards committee. >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 58
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
5(. The 6ational /lliance for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #244B, /pril 2B%.
Definin! key health information technolo!y terms& >etrieved from"T/>K@4@549:5@B:B5((@4@4@
*ecture 3% Images
lide B: Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2454, /pril 25%. 6ationwide health
information network #60I6% e!change architecture overview A>/$T v.4.8. >etrieved
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. 1ommittee on Aata tandards for "atient afet-. #244(, =ul- (5%. De-
1apabilities of an Electronic 0ealth >ecord -stem. Letter >eport. Institute of
Medicine 1ommittee on Aata tandards for "atient afet-. >etrieved from>eports.244(.De-)1apabilities)of)an)Electronic)0ealth)
2. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2454, /pril 25%. 6ationwide health
information network e!change: /rchitecture overview. >etrieved from
(. 0ertelend-, /., $enton, .0., F Kriffin, A. #2454, ummer%. The implications of
health reform for health information and electronic health record implementation
efforts. 3erspectives in Health nformation 8ana!ement. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4:97:;.pdf
4. 0IM E0> +sabilit- Task $orce. #2448, =une%. Aefining and testing EM>
usabilit-: "rinciples and proposed methods of EM> usabilit- evaluation and
rating. >etrieved from>+sabilit-.pdf
;. Morton, M.E., F 'iedenbeck, . #2448, eptember 57%. / framework for
predicting E0> adoption attitudes: / ph-sician surve-. 3erspectives in Health
nformation 8ana!ement. >etrieved from"M12B4::;7.
7. 6ational e0ealth 1ollaborative. #2454, $ebruar- 22%. 60I6 545: /n introduction
to the nationwide health information network. >etrieved from
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health care: Immediate steps and strategic directions. 'ashington #A1%: 6ational
/cademies "ress.
B. The 6ational /lliance for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #244B, /pril 2B%.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 24
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Definin! key health information technolo!y terms& >etrieved from"T/>K@4@549:5@B:B5((@4@4@
8. 'ilkins, M. #2448, eptember 57%. $actors influencing acceptance of electronic
health records in hospitals. 3erspectives in Health nformation 8ana!ement.
>etrieved from"M12B4::75.
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5. /0IM/. #n.d.%. 0ealth information e!change. >etrieved from!change.asp!
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healthcare. R3ideo fileS. >etrieved from
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organiLations to a national healthcare information infrastructure. 3erspectives in
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Component 6/,nit 7
,nit )itle
ComputeriBe( +ro#i(er "r(er Antry CC+"AD
,nit /escription
Lecture a defines 1",E, states the purpose of 1",E, lists attributes and functions of
1",E, and e!plains how 1",E is currentl- being used in health care. Lecture %
describes the major value to adopting 1",E applications, identifies the common
barriers to adoption, and summariLes the potential impact 1",E has on patient care
safet-, *ualit- and efficienc-, and patient outcomes.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Aescribe the purpose, attributes and functions of 1",E
2. E!plain wa-s in which 1",E is currentl- being used in health care
(. Aiscuss the major value to 1",E adoption
:. Identif- common barriers to 1",E adoption
;. Identif- how 1",E can affect patient care safet-, *ualit- and efficienc-, as
well as patient outcomes
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
:a Introduction to 1",E
:b /spects of 1",E
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 52.5(.2455%
*ecture 7a
5. <ooth, 1.=. #Ed.%. #;
Ed.%. #588(%. >>> standard dictionary of electrical and
electronic terms. 6ew Eork, 6E: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers,
2. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices& Medicare and Medicaid "rograms&
Electronic 0ealth >ecord Incentive "rogram& "roposed >ule, :2 1$> "arts :52,
et al. #=anuar- 5(, 2454%. >etrieved from
(. 1ommittee on ?ualit- of 0ealth 1are in /merica, Institute of Medicine. #2445%.
Crossin! the Auality chasm6 a new health system for the #9st Century.
'ashington, A1: 6ational /cadem- "ress.
:. Ai!on, <.E. F Tafar, /. #2448, =anuar-%. npatient computeri2ed provider order
entry +C3O>/ 1indin!s from the "H)B health T portfolio #"repared b- the
/0>? 6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth IT%. /0>? "ublication 6o. 48)44(5)
E$. >etrieved from
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
;. $irst 1onsulting Kroup. #244(, =anuar-%. Computeri2ed physician order entry6
Costs, benefits and challen!es& >etrieved from
7. 0IM. #244(, $ebruar-%. C3O> fact sheet. >etrieved from",E@$actsheet.pdf
9. H8SS dictionary of healthcare information technolo!y terms, acronyms and
or!ani2ations. #2454%. 1hicago, IL: 0ealthcare Information and Management
-stems ociet-.
B. Dohn, L. T., 1orrigan, =.M., F Aonaldson, M. . #Eds.%. #2444%. To err is human6
.uildin! a safer health system. 'ashington, A1: 6ational /cadem- "ress.
8. hortliffe. E., F 1imino, =.=. #Eds.%, #2447%. .iomedical informatics6 Computer
applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed.%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer
cience G <usiness Media.
54. The Leapfrog Kroup. #2454, =une%. *eapfro! 'roup report on C3O> evaluation
tool results ,une #%%C to ,anuary #%9%& >etrieved from",EEvaluationTool>esults>eport.
55. The Leapfrog Kroup. #2455%. "bout us. >etrieved from
*ecture 7%
5. 1alifornia 0ealth1are $oundation. #2444, eptember%. Computeri2ed physician
order entry fact sheet. >etrieved from
2. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices& Medicare and Medicaid "rograms&
Electronic 0ealth >ecord Incentive "rogram& $inal >ule, :2 1$> "arts :52, :5(,
:22 et al. #=ul- 2B, 2454%. >etrieved from
(. Ai!on, <.E. F Tafar, /. #2448, =anuar-%. npatient computeri2ed provider order
entry +C3O>/ 1indin!s from the "H)B health T portfolio #"repared b- the
/0>? 6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth IT%. /0>? "ublication 6o. 48)44(5)
E$. >etrieved from
:. 0ealth Information Technolog- for Economic and 1linical 0ealth /ct of 2448.
"ublic Law 555);, ection (445#b% #2448%.
;. 0IM. #244(, $ebruar-%. C3O> fact sheet. >etrieved from",E@$actsheet.pdf
7. Doppel, >., Metla-, =. "., 1ohen, /., /baluck, <., Localio, /. >., Dimmel, . E., F
trom, <. L. #244;, March 8%. )ole of computeri2ed physician order entry
systems in facilitatin! medication errors, >etrieved from http:..jama.ama)
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 2(
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
9. 6ational ?ualit- $orum #6?$%. #2454%. Safe practices for better healthcareD#%9%
update6 " consensus report. 'ashington, A1: author.
B. 6ew England 0ealthcare Institute. #244B, =ul- 5%. The clinical and financial
impact of C3O>& >etrieved from
8. 'einer, =. "., Dfuri, T., 1han, D., F $owles, =. <. #2449, Ma-)=une%. Ee7
atro!enesisF6 The most critical unintended conseAuence of C3O> and other HT.
>etrieved from"M122::BBB.
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. 1alifornia 0ealth1are $oundation. #2444, eptember%. Computeri2ed physician
order entry fact sheet. >etrieved from
2. 1alifornia 0ealth1are $oundation. #2444, eptember%. " primer on physician
order entry& #"repared b- $irst 1onsulting Kroup%. >etrieved from*
(. 1utler, A.M., $eldman, 6.E., F 0orwitL. =.>., #244;, 6ovember%. +.. /doption of
computeriLed ph-sician order entr- s-stems. Health "ffairs. >etrieved from;:
:. Ai!on, <.E. F Tafar, /. #2448, =anuar-%. npatient computeri2ed provider order
entry +C3O>/ 1indin!s from the "H)B health T portfolio #"repared b- the
/0>? 6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth IT%. /0>? "ublication 6o. 48)44(5)
E$. >etrieved from
;. $irst 1onsulting Kroup. #244(, =anuar-%. Computeri2ed physician order entry6
Costs, benefits and challen!es& >etrieved from
7. Doppel, >., Metla-, =. "., 1ohen, /., /baluck, <., Localio, /. >., Dimmel, . E., F
trom, <. L. #244;, March 8%. )ole of computeri2ed physician order entry
systems in facilitatin! medication errors, >etrieved from http:..jama.ama)
7. =ohnston, A., "an, E., 'alker, =., <ates, A. '., F Middleton, <. #244:, /pril%.
3atient safety in the physicianGs office6 "ssessin! the value of ambulatory C3O>.
1alifornia 0ealth1are $oundation. >etrieved from"atientafet-inthe"h-sicians
B. "oon, E.K., <lumenthal, A., =aggi, T., 0onour, M. M., <ates, A. '., F Daushal,
>. #244:, =ul-%. ,vercoming barriers to adopting and implementing computeriLed
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Information -stems
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
ph-sician order entr- s-stems in +.. hospitals. Health "ffairs. >etrieved from
8. The Leapfrog Kroup. #244B, /pril 8%. Computeri2ed physician order entry fact
sheet& >etrieved from
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tool results ,une #%%C to ,anuary #%9%& >etrieved from",EEvaluationTool>esults>eport.
,nit Suggeste( 0ea(ings
5. 0ook, =. 0., F 1usack, 1. #244B, Ma-%. /mbulator- computeriLed provider order
entr- #1",E%: $indings from the /0>? health IT "ortfolio. #"repared b- the
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investment for a computeriLed ph-sician order entr- s-stem. ,ournal of the
"merican 8edical nformatics "ssociation. >etrieved from"M15;5(774.MtoolNpubmed
(. Massachusetts Technolog- 1ollaborative F 6ew England 0ealthcare Institute.
#244B, $ebruar- 5:%. Savin! lives, savin! money6 The imperative for
computeri2ed physician order entry in 8assachusetts hospitals. >etrieved from
:. MetLger, =.<., 'elebob, E., Turisco, $., F 1lassen, A.1. #244B, =ul-./ugust%.
The Leapfrog KroupJs 1",E standard and evaluation tool. 3atient Safety -
Buality Healthcare. >etrieved from*
;. "ercentage of ,rders Entered b- /uthoriLed "roviders +sing 1",E. #2448,
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physician order entry. "aper presented at the 244B /0IM/ 1onvention, eattle,
'/. >etrieved from!
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
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Component 6/,nit ;
,nit )itle
Clinical /ecision Support Systems
,nit /escription
Lecture a will offer a definition of clinical decision support, provide some historical
conte!t surrounding clinical decision support, describe the re*uirements of a clinical
decision support s-stem, and discuss the relationship of clinical practice guidelines and
evidence)based practice to clinical decision support s-stems. Lecture % will identif- the
challenges and barriers in building and using clinical decision support s-stems, e!plain
how legal and regulator- technologies ma- affect their use, and introduce the future
directions for clinical decision support s-stems.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Aescribe the histor- and evolution of clinical decision support
2. Aescribe the fundamental re*uirements of effective clinical decision
support s-stems
(. Aiscuss how clinical practice guidelines and evidence)based practice
affect clinical decision support s-stems
:. Identif- the challenges and barriers to building and using clinical decision
support s-stems
;. Aiscuss legal and regulator- considerations related to the distribution of
clinical decision support s-stems
7. Aescribe current initiatives that will impact the future and effectiveness of
clinical decision support s-stems
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
;a Introduction to 1linical Aecision upport
;b "erspectives on 1linical Aecision upport
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture ;a
5. /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and ?ualit-. #n.d.%. T-pes of 1A interventions.
>etrieved from
2. <ecker Medical Librar-. #2454, =anuar-%. 1linical."ractice guidelines. >etrieved
from https://%ec5er.$ustl.e(u/impact/assessment/clin/gui(elines.html
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 29
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
(. <erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the /rt.
/0>? "ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit-
:. <oone, D. #2447, =une 29%. 1linical decision support R'eb log postS. >etrieved
;. Aas, M. F Eichner, =. #2454, March%. 1hallenges and barriers to clinical decision
support #1A% design and implementation e!perienced in the agenc- for
healthcare research and *ualit- 1A demonstrations #"repared for the /0>?
6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth Information Technolog- under 1ontract 6o.
284)4:)4457.% /0>? "ublication 6o. 54)447:)E$. >etrieved from
7. 0IM dictionar- of healthcare information technolog- terms, acron-ms and
organiLations. #2454%. 1hicago, IL: 0ealthcare Information and Management
-stems ociet-.
9. Duperman, K., Kardner, >., F "r-or, T. /. #5885%. H>*36 " dynamic hospital
information system. 6ew Eork: pringer)3erlag.
B. Mar*ueL, L. 2445. 0elping healthcare providers perform according to standards.
,perations >esearch Issue "aper 2#(%. <ethesda, MA: "ublished for the +..
/genc- for International Aevelopment #+/IA% b- the ?ualit- /ssurance "roject.
8. Musen, M. /., hahar, E., F hortliffe, E. 0., #2447%. 1linical decision)support
s-stems. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6
Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. 78B)9(7%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
54. 6ational Librator- of Medicine. #2452%. Me0 descriptor data. Evidence)based
practice. >etrieved from http://$$$.nlm.nih.go#/cgi/mesh/202/M=6cgi.
55. 6ational Librator- of Medicine. #2452%. Me0 descriptor data. "ractice guideline.
>etrieved from http://$$$.nlm.nih.go#/cgi/mesh/202/M=6cgi.
52. ,sheroff, =. 2448, =anuar- 25%. Aid our 1A interventions help or harmM "aper
presented at / 6ational 'eb 1onference on 1onnecting for 0ealth 1ommon
$ramework >esources for Implementing ecure 0ealth Information E!change
virtual conference. >etrieved from
5(. ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /. #244;%.
Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
5:. ,sheroff, =. /., Teich, =. M., Middleton, <. $., teen, E. <., 'right, /., F Aetmer,
A. E. #2447, =une 5(%. " roadmap for national action on clinical decision support
#,61 1ontract 00"2((244;44B99"%. >etrieved from /MI/ website:
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 2B
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
5;. pooner, ./., #2449%, Mathematical foundations of decision support s-stems. In
<erner, Eta . #Ed.%, 2nd ed., Clinical decision support systems6 Theory and
practice, 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer, 0ealth Informatics eries
*ecture ;a )a%les an( 2igures
;.5 Table: <erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the
/rt. /0>? "ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit- http:..healthit.ahr*.gov.images.jun48cdsreview.48@4478@ef.html
;.2 Table: ,sheroff, =. 2448, =anuar- 25%. Aid our 1A interventions help or harmM
"aper presented at / 6ational 'eb 1onference on 1onnecting for 0ealth 1ommon
$ramework >esources for Implementing ecure 0ealth Information E!change virtual
conference. >etrieved from
;.( Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
;.: Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
;.; Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
;.7 Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
;.9 Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
;.B Table: ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /.
#244;%. Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
*ecture ;a Images
lide 9: 1linical Aecision upport Model. <oone, D. #2447, =une 29%. 1linical decision
support R'eb log postS. >etrieved from
lide 24: 0IM. #n.d.%. o -ou want to do 1AM >etrieved from'S+/topics6c(s60.asp.fai(8;0:Eti(87
lide 2:: 6ational Kuideline 1learinghouse. /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and
?ualit-. #2448, Ma-%. Taken from summar- of +.. "reventive ervices Task $orce
>ecommendation, +sing nontraditional risk factors in coronar- heart disease risk
assessment. >etrieved from http://$$$.gui(eline.go#
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
*ecture ;%
5. <erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the /rt.
/0>? "ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit-
2. 1A >ecommendations, #244B, /pril 22%. >etrieved from
(. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #2455, 6ovember 9%. >H)
incentive pro!rams overview& >etrieved from
:. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices& Medicare and Medicaid "rograms&
Electronic 0ealth >ecord Incentive "rogram& $inal >ule, :2 1$> "arts :52, :5(,
:22 et al. #=ul- 2B, 2454%. >etrieved from
;. Institute of Medicine. #2452%. Health T and patient safety6 .uildin! safer systems
for better care. 'ashington , A1: The 6ational /cademies "ress.
7. Musen, M. /., hahar, E., F hortliffe, E. 0., #2447%. 1linical decision)support
s-stems. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6
Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. 78B)9(7%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
9. 6ational /cadem- of ciences. #2455, 6ovember%. >eport brief. >etrieved from
B. 6ational /cadem- of ciences. #2444%. >eport brief. >etrieved from
8. ,sheroff, =. /., Teich, =. M., Middleton, <. $., teen, E. <., 'right, /., F Aetmer,
A. E. #2447, =une 5(%. " roadmap for national action on clinical decision support
#,61 1ontract 00"2((244;44B99"%. >etrieved from /MI/ website:
54. ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /. #244;%.
Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
55. irajuddin, /. M., ,sheroff, =. /., ittig, A. $., 1huo, =., 3elasco, $. F 1ollins, A.
/. #2448, $all%. Implementation pearls from a new guidebook on improving
medication use and outcomes with clinical decision support. ,ournal of
Healthcare nformation 8ana!ement& #4#:%, (B):;.
52. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2454, eptember 28%. Institute
of Medicine will stud- best policies and practices for improving health care safet-
with health information technolog-. >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management (4
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
*ecture ;% )a%le
;.5 Table: <erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the
/rt. /0>? "ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit- http:..healthit.ahr*.gov.images.jun48cdsreview.48@4478@ef.html
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and ?ualit-. #n.d.%. T-pes of 1A interventions.
>etrieved from
2. /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and ?ualit-. #2448, ,ctober 25%. 1linical
Aecision upport O Improving 0ealth 1are ?ualit-. >etrieved from
(. <erner, E. . #2448, =une%. 1linical decision support s-stems: tate of the /rt.
/0>? "ublication 6o. 48)4478)E$. >ockville, Mar-land: /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit-
:. Aas, M. F Eichner, =. #2454, March%. 1hallenges and barriers to clinical decision
support #1A% design and implementation e!perienced in the agenc- for
healthcare research and *ualit- 1A demonstrations #"repared for the /0>?
6ational >esource 1enter for 0ealth Information Technolog- under 1ontract 6o.
284)4:)4457.% /0>? "ublication 6o. 54)447:)E$. >etrieved from
;. Mar*ueL, L. #2445%. 0elping healthcare providers perform according to
standards. ,perations >esearch Issue "aper 2#(%. <ethesda, MA: "ublished for
the +.. /genc- for International Aevelopment #+/IA% b- the ?ualit-
/ssurance "roject.
7. ,sheroff, =. #2448, =anuar- 25%. Aid our 1A interventions help or harmM "aper
presented at / 6ational 'eb 1onference on 1onnecting for 0ealth 1ommon
$ramework >esources for Implementing ecure 0ealth Information E!change
virtual conference. >etrieved from
9. ,sheroff, =. #2448, Aecember%. /chieving 8eanin!ful Meaningful +se: 'hat it
has to do with 1A and wh- failure is not an option. >etrieved from
B. ,sheroff, =. /., Teich, =. M., Middleton, <. $., teen, E. <., 'right, /., F Aetmer,
A. E. #2447, =une 5(%. / roadmap for national action on clinical decision support
#,61 1ontract 00"2((244;44B99"%. >etrieved from /MI/ website:
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
,nit Suggeste( 0ea(ings
5. <ates, A.'., Duperman, K.=., 'ang, . et al. #244(, 6ovember.Aecember%. Ten
commandments for effective clinical decision support: making the practice of
evidence)based medicine a realit-. =/IM/. ;2();(4.
2. <utton, ".. Evidence)based plans of care: / solution to save hospitals time and
improve patient care. #2448, Aecember%. >etrieved from
(. A-kes, ". #2448, Aecember%. "artners healthcare information s-stems and the
clinical decision support consortium. >etrieved from
:. 0a-nes, >., 'ilcL-nski, 6. #2454, $ebruar-%. Effects of computeriLed clinical
decision support s-stems on practitioner performance and patient outcomes:
Methods of a decision)maker)researcher partnership s-stematic review.
mplementation Science. >etrieved from"M12B28:B8.MtoolNpmcentreL
;. Musen, M. /., hahar, E., F hortliffe, E. 0., #2447%. 1linical decision)support
s-stems. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, <iomedical informatics:
1omputer applications in health care and biomedicine #(rd ed% #pp. 78B)9(7%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media
7. ,sheroff, =. /., "ifer, E. /., Teich, =. M., ittig, A. $., F =enders, >. /. #244;%.
Improving outcomes with clinical decision support: /n implementerJs guide.
1hicago: 0IM
9. pooner, ./., #2449%. Mathematical foundations of decision support s-stems. In
<erner, Eta . #Ed.%, 2nd ed., 1linical decision support s-stems: Theor- and
practice, 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer, 0ealth Informatics eries
B. 'arner, A. #2454, March%. Evaluating /lerts and Triggers: Aetermining whether
alerts and triggers are part of the legal health record. ,ournal of "H8" C9 #(%,
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management (2
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Component 6/,nit 6
,nit )itle
+atient Monitoring Systems
,nit /escription
Lecture a offers a definition of patient monitoring s-stems, describes the purpose,
attributes, and functions of patient monitoring s-stems, discusses the primar-
applications and how automation can improve *ualit- of care, and anal-Les how the
integration of data from man- sources assists in medical decision making. Lecture %
discusses how telehealth communication technologies support clinical care, e!plains
the effectiveness and economic benefit of telehealth, and e!amines the role smart
technolog- in the home and remote links to health information s-stems pla- in
enhancing the *ualit- of patient care.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. Aescribe the purpose, attributes, and functions of patient monitoring
2. Aiscuss wa-s in which automation can improve the *ualit- of patient care
(. /nal-Le how the integration of data from man- sources assists in making
clinical decisions
:. Aiscuss how telehealth communication technologies support clinical care
;. Aiscuss the effectiveness and economic benefit of telehealth
7. E!amine how smart technolog- in the home and remote links to health
information s-stems can enhance the *ualit- of patient care
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
7a Introduction to "atient Monitoring -stems
7b Telehealth and ,ther >emote "atient Monitoring Technolog-
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture 6a
. <ujnoch, T. #2449, 6ovember 22%. /dvances in patient monitoring: $urthering the
need for efficient information management. >etrieved from $rost F ullivan
2. 1enter for Technolog- and /ging. #2454, =ul- 58%. 1enter for technolog- and
aging award remote patient monitoring #>"M% technolog- diffusion grants.
>etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ((
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
(. Kardner, >. M. F habot, M. M. #2447%. 3atient78onitorin! systems. In hortliffe.
E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6 Computer applications in
health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. ;B;)72;%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer
cience G <usiness Media.
7. 0ealthcare Aata Integration Market ,verview. #244B, eptember (4%. >etrieved
from Impact /dvisors, LL1 http://$$$.impact>a(,ser2iles/file/I'
;. m0ealth /lliance. #2454a%. /bout. >etrieved from
6. m0ealth /lliance. #2454b%. Klossar- of terms. >etrieved from
H. 6elson, >. #2452 =anuar-%. E!ploring mobile health consumer trends. Clinical
nformatics nsi!hts& >etrieved from
<. hindell, >. #2454, eptember 59%. >emote monitoring: "atient benefits galore.
>etrieved from>Monitoring>>>+atient>
:. 'ang, D., Dohane, I., <radshaw, <., F $ackler, =. #n.d.%. The role of knowledge
bases in patient monitoring s-stems. >etrieved from
0. 'orld 0ealth ,rganiLation. #n.d.%. 'hat is e0ealth: The 'orld 0ealth
,rganiLation #'0,% definition. >etrieved from http://e>
*ecture 6a 2igure
lide 5;: Med/ps health"/L ) mobile wireless health monitoring. #244B, =ul- 9%. Rimage
on the InternetS. /vailable from:;((8:4B5.
/ttribution)6on1ommercial 2.4 Keneric #11 <E)61 2.4%
*ecture 6%
5. /merican Telemedicine /ssociation. #n.d.%. Telemedicine.Telehealth terminolog-.
>etrieved from
2. 1enter for Technolog- and /ging. #2455%. >emote patient monitoring. >etrieved
from http://$$$.techan(
(. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervice. #n.d.%. Telemedicine. >etrieved from
:. Koedert, =., #2454, ,ctober 5:%. /TFT to use, market diabetes tool. HealthData
8ana!ement& >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management (:
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
;. 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration. #n.d.%. Telehealth. >etrieved from
7. 0ebda, T., 1Lar, "., F Mascara, 1 #588B%. Handbook of informatics for nurses
and health care professionals. Menlo "ark, 1/: /ddison)'esle-.
9. Miller, L. M. F Eoung, D.M. #2444%. Telehealth. In Eoung, D. M. #Ed%. nformatics
for healthcare professionals. #pp. 225)2((% "hiladelphia, "/: $. /. Aavis
B. Mostashari, $. #245, /pril 22%. Testimon- on aging in place: The national
broadband plan and bringing health care technolog- home. >etrieved from
8. 6elson, >. #2452 =anuar-%. E!ploring mobile health consumer trends. Clinical
nformatics nsi!hts& >etrieved from
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. <olton, L.<., Kassert, 1./., F 1ipriano, ".$. #244B, $all%. mart technolog-,
enduring solutions. =0IM 22 #:%, 2()(4. >etrieved from
2. <ujnoch, T. #2449, 6ovember 22%. /dvances in patient monitoring: $urthering the
need for efficient information management. >etrieved from $rost F ullivan;4
3. 1enter for Technolog- and /ging. #2455%. >emote patient monitoring. >etrieved
from http://$$$.techan(
:. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #n.d.%. Telemedicine and telehealth.
>etrieved from
;. 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration. #n.d.%. Telehealth. >etrieved from
7. 0ealthcare Aata Integration Market ,verview. #244B, eptember (4%. >etrieved
from Impact /dvisors, LL1 http:..www.impact)$iles.file.I/
9. MajerowicL, /., F Trac-, . #2454, Ma-%. Telemedicine: <ridging gaps in
healthcare deliver-. ,ournal of "H8" C9#;%, ;2);(, ;7& >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4:9(2:.hcs
8. 6elson, >. #2452, =anuar-%. E!ploring mobile health consumer trends. 1linical
Informatics Insights. >etrieved from".1ontent>edirector.aspM
8. hindell, >. #2454, eptember 59%. >emote monitoring: "atient benefits galore.
>etrieved from>emote)Monitoring)))"atient)<enefits)
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management (;
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
54. 'ang, D., Dohane, I., <radshaw, <., F $ackler, =. #n.d.%. The role of knowledge
bases in patient monitoring s-stems. >etrieved from>I24in
,nit Suggeste( 0ea(ings
5. /T/ Issue "aper. #2447, Ma-%. Telemedicine, telehealth, and health information
technolog-. >etrieved from"aper.pdf
2. 1ronin, M. #2454, eptember%. mart health: Impact of />>/ funding on the
adoption of smart technolog-. >etrieved from;:()impact)arra)funding)
(. Eramo, L./. #2454, Ma-%. "ersonal medical devices: Managing personal data,
personall- collected. ,ournal of "H8" C9#;%, 27)2B. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4:9(28.hcs
:. Kardner, >. M. F habot, M. M. #2447%. "atient)Monitoring s-stems. In hortliffe.
E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, <iomedical informatics: 1omputer applications in
health care and biomedicine #(rd ed% #pp. ;B;)72;%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer
cience G <usiness Media.
;. 0ebda, T., 1Lar, "., F Mascara, 1. #588B%. Handbook of informatics for nurses
and health care professionals. Menlo "ark, 1/: /ddison)'esle-.
7. Delle-, ". #2454%. Medical device data s-stems and $A/ regulations, ,H8 #$
#(%, (7):4.
9. Miller, L. M. F Eoung, D.M. #2444%. Telehealth. In Eoung, D. M. #Ed%. nformatics
for healthcare professionals. #pp. 225)2((% "hiladelphia, "/: $. /. Aavis
<. Mostashari, $. #2454, /pril 22%. Testimon- on aging in place: The national
broadband plan and bringing health care technolog- home. >etrieved from
8. 6ugent, L., =ohnson, M., Malone-, A., F Ko-al, ". #2449, ,ctober%. Aeveloping
and implementing telehealth program: the 3/Ps stor-. /0IM/Ps 98th 6ational
1onvention and E!hibit "roceedings
54. >ussell, D.K. #2448, ,ctober%. <ringing healthcare home: Technolog- and
telehealth adoption in home care. 2448 /0IM/ 1onvention "roceedings
11. Thielst, 1.<. #2454%. The 1rossroads of telehealth, electronic health records F
health information e!change. >etrieved from'hite
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
Component 6/,nit H
,nit )itle
Me(ical Imaging Systems
,nit /escription
The lecture offers a definition of medical imaging, describes the purpose, processes,
and management issues of medical imaging s-stems, anal-Les the economic and
technological factors that must be considered in the adoption of digital displa-s in
radiolog- departments, looks at the major challenges with imaging s-stems faced b-
health care institutions and informaticians, and e!amines the future directions for
imaging s-stems.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. E!amine the purposes, processes, and management issues
2. +nderstand the economic and technological factors associated with digital
(. Aescribe the major challenges
:. Aescribe the future directions
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
9 Medical Imaging -stems
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture H
1. /0IM/ e)0IM 'ork Kroup on peech >ecognition in the E0>. #244(%. peech
recognition in the electronic health record. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@422549.hcs
2. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
3. /renson, >. L., /ndriole, D. "., /vrin, A. E., F Kould, >. K. #2444%. 1omputers in
imaging and health care: 6ow and in the future. =ournal of Di!ital
ma!in!,94#:%,5:;)5;7. /bstract retrieved from;(
:. <hachu, A. #244;, eptember 5%. The medical digital imaging revolution.
>etrieved from
;. <ranstetter, <. $. #Ed.%, 3ractical ima!in! informatics6 1oundations and
applications for 3"CS professionals #pp. :28)::2%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
cience G <usiness Media.
6. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #2455, 6ovember 9%. >H)
incentive pro!rams overview& >etrieved from<,,DM/>D5
7. 1ollege of /merican "athologists. #2454, eptember 57%. Medical imaging
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hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6 Computer
applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. 727)7;8%. 6ew Eork, 6E:
pringer cience G <usiness Media.
10. 0ealth Level even International. #n.d.%. /bout 0L9. >etrieved from!.cfmMrefNnav
55. Drupinski, E. /. #2454%. 3iewing images. In <ranstetter, <. $. #Ed.%, 3ractical
ima!in! informatics6 1oundations and applications for 3"CS professionals #pp.
88)54B%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
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>etrieved from!.cfmMidN(2:
59. van <emmel, =.0., F M./. Musen, eds. #5888%. Handbook of 8edical nformatics&
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,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
1. /renson, >. L., /ndriole, D. "., /vrin, A. E., F Kould, >. K. #2444%. 1omputers in
imaging and health care: 6ow and in the future. =ournal of Di!ital ma!in!, 94#:%,
5:;)5;7. /bstract retrieved from;(
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
2. <hachu, A. #244;, eptember 5%. The medical digital imaging revolution.
>etrieved from
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standard e!tension for patholog- will help advance health information
interoperabilit-. >etrieved from
5. $ratt, L. #2454, /ugust 2;% 1harting a course for interoperabilit-: 1onnecting
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&!.phpM
2. <ranstetter, <. $. #Ed.%, 3ractical ima!in! informatics6 1oundations and
applications for 3"CS professionals +pp. :28)::2%. 6ew Eork, 6E: pringer
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applications in health care and biomedicine #(
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Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
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Component 6/,nit <
,nit )itle
Consumer Health Informatics
,nit /escription
Lecture a provides a definitions of health communication, e)0ealth, consumer health
informatics, and interactive health communication, identifies how the Internet has
impacted consumer health informatics, e!plains how current and emerging technologies
ma- affect consumer health informatics, and introduces the role of genomics in
consumer health informatics. Lecture b offers definitions of personal health records or
"0>s, describes the role of "0>s and their implications within health care, and
discusses the challenges of consumerism in health information s-stems.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. E!plain how current and emerging technologies have impacted and ma-
continue to affect consumer health informatics
2. Aescribe the role of genomics in consumer health informatics
(. Aescribe the emergence of personal health records and their implications
:. Aiscuss how consumerism influences the ongoing development and use
of health information s-stems
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
Ba Introduction to 1onsumer 0ealth Informatics
Bb "ersonal 0ealth >ecords and 1onsumerism
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture <a
5. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
2. 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention. #2454%. Kenomics and health.
>etrieved from!.htm
3. 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention. #2455, Ma-%. ocial media at 1A1.
>etrieved from
4. Kibbons, M.1., 'ilson, >.$., amal, L, Lehmann, 1.+., Aickersin, D., Lehmann,
0."., /boumatar, 0., $inkelstein, =., helton. E., harma, >., F <ass, E.<. #2448,
,ctober%. mpact of consumer health informatics applications& Evidence
>eport.Technolog- /ssessment 6o. 5BB. #"repared b- =ohns 0opkins +niversit-
Evidence)based "ractice 1enter under contract 6o. 00/ 284)2449)54475)I%.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management :2
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
/0>? "ublication 6o. 48#54%)E458. >ockville, MA. /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit-. >etrieved from<D(27(B.pdf.T,1.pdf
5. 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration #0>/%. #244(, ,ctober%.
Telemedicine reimbursement report. #"repared b- the 1enter for Telemedicine
Law under contract 6o.42)0/<)/25;(4:%. >etrieved from
7. Daplan, /. M. F 0aenlein, M. #2454%. +sers of the world uniteX The challenges
and opportunities of social media. .usiness Hori2ons <4#5%, ;8)7B.
7. 6ational 0uman Kenome >esearch Institute. #2454%. Kenetic information
nondiscrimination act of 244B. >etrieved from
8. ,ffice of Aisease "revention and 0ealth "romotion #,A"0"%. #2452%. e)0ealth.
>etrieved from
8. >atLan, .1. #Ed.%. #588:%. 0ealth communication, challenges for the 25st
centur-. pecial issue. "merican .ehavioral Scientist 4C#2%, 242)249.
54. >obinson, T.6.& "atrick, D.& Eng, T.>.& F Kustafson, A, for the cience "anel on
Interactive 1ommunication and 0ealth. #588B, ,ctober%. /n evidence)based
approach to interactive health communication: / challenge to medicine in the
Information /ge. ,ournal of the "merican 8edical "ssociation, #C%#5:%, 527:)
55. 3aldeL >., Eoon, ".'., ?ureshi, 6., Kreen, >. $., F Dhour-, M. =. #2454, /pril%.
$amil- histor- in public health practice: / genomic tool for disease prevention
and health promotion. "nnual )eview of 3ublic Health 49, 78)B9.
12. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2444%. 0ealth- people 2454:
,bjectives for improving health. >etrieved from
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reach and impact of consumer e)0ealth tools. >etrieved from
14. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2455%. 0ealth- people 2454
final review. >etrieved from
5;. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2452%. Kenomics. >etrieved
*ecture <a 2igure
lide 57: /des, =. #2448, Ma- 5%. "rescription form with A6/ double heli!. Rimage on
the InternetS. >etrieved from;B
*ecture <%
1. /etna. #2452%. Klossar-. >etrieved from
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management :(
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
2. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. Klossar- of
terms. >etrieved from!
3. $ahrenholL, 1. K., F <uck, . L. #2449%. "0>s and ph-sician practices. ,ournal
of "H8", =C#:%, 95)9;. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4((B59.hcs
4. 0ealth Level even International. #2455%. /bout 0L9. >etrieved from!.cfmMrefNnav
5. 0ealth Level even International. #244B%. "roduct "0> $M. >etrieved from!.phpMtitleN"roduct@"0>@$M
6. Mead 6., F <ower ". #2444%. "atient)centredness: a conceptual framework and
review of the empirical literature. ocial cience F Medicine. Social Science -
8edicine, <9. >etrieved from
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2B%. Definin! key health information technolo!y terms& >etrieved from"T/>K@4@549:5@B:B5((@4@4@
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,bjectives for improving health. >etrieved from
,nit 0e3uire( 0ea(ings
5. /0IM/ e)0IM "ersonal 0ealth >ecord 'ork Kroup. #244;, =ul-)/ugust%. The
role of the personal health record in the E0>. =ournal of /0IM/ >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4:B;59.hcs
2. /0>?. #2448%. Internet access for health information and advice. >etrieved from
3. 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention. #2454%. Kenomics and health.
>etrieved from!.htm
:. 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention. #2455, Ma-%. ocial media at 1A1.
>etrieved from
;. 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices. #2448, =anuar-% "ersonal health
records. "ublication 6o. 55(89. >etrieved from"ublications."ubs.pdf.55(89.pdf
7. $ahrenholL, 1. K., F <uck, . L. #2449%. "0>s and ph-sician practices. ,ournal
of "H8", =C#:%, 95)9;. >etrieved from!pedio.groups.public.documents.ahima.bok5@4((B59.hcs
9. Kibbons, M.1., 'ilson, >.$., amal, L, Lehmann, 1.+., Aickersin, D., Lehmann,
0."., /boumatar, 0., $inkelstein, =., helton. E., harma, >., F <ass, E.<. #2448,
,ctober%. mpact of consumer health informatics applications& Evidence
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ::
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
>eport.Technolog- /ssessment 6o. 5BB. #"repared b- =ohns 0opkins +niversit-
Evidence)based "ractice 1enter under contract 6o. 00/ 284)2449)54475)I%.
/0>? "ublication 6o. 48#54%)E458. >ockville, MA. /genc- for 0ealthcare
>esearch and ?ualit-. >etrieved from<D(27(B.pdf.T,1.pdf
B. 0ealth Level even International. #244B%. "roduct "0> $M. >etrieved from!.phpMtitleN"roduct@"0>@$M
8. 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration #0>/%. #244(, ,ctober%.
Telemedicine reimbursement report. #"repared b- the 1enter for Telemedicine
Law under contract 6o.42)0/<)/25;(4:%. >etrieved from
54. Markle $oundation. #244B, =une%. 1onnecting consumers: 1ommon framework
for networked personal health information. >etrieved from
55. Mead 6., F <ower ". #2444%. "atient)centredness: a conceptual framework and
review of the empirical literature. ocial cience F Medicine. Social Science -
8edicine, <9. >etrieved from
52. 6ational 0uman Kenome >esearch Institute. #2454%. Kenetic information
nondiscrimination act of 244B. >etrieved from
5(. ,ffice of Aisease "revention and 0ealth "romotion #,A"0"%. #2452%. e)0ealth.
>etrieved from
5:. ,ffice of Aisease "revention and 0ealth "romotion. #2447, =une%. E!panding the
reach and impact of consumer e)0ealth tools. >etrieved from
5;. >atLan, .1. #Ed.%. #588:%. 0ealth communication, challenges for the 25st
centur-. pecial issue. "merican .ehavioral Scientist 4C#2%, 242)249.
16. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2447, =une%. E!panding the
reach and impact of consumer e)0ealth tools. >etrieved from
59. +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices. #2452%. Kenomics. >etrieved
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5. Aimick, 1. #2454, Ma-%. 0ealth IT for the people: /n increasing movementWbut
no road mapWfor patient)centered health IT. =ournal of /0IM/ B5#;%, 24)2:.
2. Aimick, 1. #2454, $ebruar-%. Empowered patient: "reparing for a new patient
interaction. =ournal of /0IM/ B5#2%, 27)(5.
(. $eero, '.K., 0olden, ., F $uller, <. #2448, 6ovember)Aecember%. Kenomics
and 0IM: Three areas of increasing intersection. ,ournal of "H8" C%#55%, ;2)
;(, ;B.
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management :;
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
:. Daplan, /. M. F 0aenlein, M. #2454%. +sers of the world uniteX The challenges
and opportunities of social media. <usiness 0oriLons ;(#5%, ;8)7B. Y1onnecting
for 0ealth 1ommon $ramework for 6etworked "ersonal 0ealth Information:
,verview and "rinciplesZ published b- Markle $oundation 1onnecting for 0ealth,, =une 244B.
;. Delso, L., F 'alker, >. #2448, ,ctober%. The consumer view of "0>s:
,bservational stud- finds most value "0>s, but issues remain. ,ournal of
"H8" C%#54%, ;7);9, ;8.
7. Deckle-, "., F Eelius, L. #244B%. 1onsumerism in health care. >etrieved from<rowse)b-)1ontent)>1>A.htm
9. Markle $oundation. #244:, =ul-%. 1onnecting /mericans to their healthcare: $inal
report. >etrieved from;4)connecting)
B. Mead 6., F <ower ". #2444%. "atient)centredness: a conceptual framework and
review of the empirical literature. Social Science - 8edicine. >etrieved from
8. 6ational 1ommittee on 3ital and 0ealth tatistics. #2447, $ebruar-%. "ersonal
health records and personal health record s-stems. >etrieved from
54. "ringle, .L. #2454, Ma-%. Trusting "0>s: The standards that protect the securit-
and confidentialit- of "0>)stored "0I. ,ournal of "H8" C9#;%, :4):5.
55. >obinson, T.6.& "atrick, D.& Eng, T.>.& F Kustafson, A, for the cience "anel on
Interactive 1ommunication and 0ealth. #588B, ,ctober%. /n evidence)based
approach to interactive health communication: / challenge to medicine in the
Information /ge. ,ournal of the "merican 8edical "ssociation, #C%#5:%, 527:)
52. >ose, <., F 1assid-, <. #,ctober, 2448%. "0> certification: <uilding consumer
trust. /0IM/ 1onvention "roceedings.
5(. 3aldeL >., Eoon, ".'., ?ureshi, 6., Kreen, >. $., F Dhour-, M. =. #2454, /pril%.
$amil- histor- in public health practice: / genomic tool for disease prevention
and health promotion. "nnual )eview of 3ublic Health 49, 78)B9.
5:. 'arner, A. #2454, =ul-%. Managing patient)provided information in E0>s. ,ournal
of "H8" C9#9%, ::):;.
Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
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Component 6/,nit :
,nit )itle
'(ministrati#e1 =illing1 an( 2inancial Systems
,nit /escription
Lecture a e!amines the relationship of administrative, billing, and financial s-stems to
the health care information s-stem, e!plains applications that need to be integrated in
health care information s-stems, e!plores health care organiLationsJ integration
strategies, identifies the critical elements for integration of these s-stems with clinical
information s-stems, and discusses how health care organiLations ma- gain valuable
insights from integrated data through data anal-tics and trending. Lecture b defines a
master patient inde! or M"I and describes its core elements and discusses current
trends to establish a uni*ue patient identifier.
,nit "%&ecti#es
<- the end of this unit the student will be able to:
5. E!plain applications that need to be integrated in health care information
2. Aescribe the strategies used b- health care organiLations to ensure
integration of functions
(. Aiscuss the critical elements needed to integrate billing, financial, and
clinical s-stems
:. Aiscuss the core elements of a Master "atient Inde! #M"I%
;. Aescribe current trends to establish a +ni*ue "atient Identifier #+"I%
,nit )opics / *ecture )itles
8a Introduction /dministrative, <illing, and $inancial -stems and 0ealth 1are
Information -stems Integration
8b Master "atient Inde! and the +ni*ue "atient Identifier
,nit 0eferences
#/ll links accessible as of 2.54.2452%
*ecture :a
1. /gosta, L. #2454, =une 5%. Aata integration delivers healthcare meaningful use.
/lleingang >esearch. >etrieved from"ervasive0IT>.pdf
2. /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation. #2452%. 3ocket !lossary
for health information mana!ement and technolo!y #(
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
3. 1linfowiki. #2455%. <usiness intelligence. /vailable from: http:..www.informatics)!.php.<usiness@Intelligence@F@Aata@'arehousing@for@0e
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management :9
Information -stems
3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
4. 0ealthcare $inancial Management /ssociation. #n..d.%. 0$M/ glossar-.
>etrieved from!.search.asp!
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or!ani2ations #2
ed.%. 1hicago, IL: /uthor.
54. Loshin, A. #244(%. <usiness Intelligence: The avv- ManagerPs Kuide, /ddison
'esle-, 244(
11. ,ffice of the 6ational 1oordinator for 0ealth Information Technolog-. #=ul- 2B,
2454%. 0ealth Information Technolog-: Initial et of tandards, Implementation
pecifications, and 1ertification 1riteria for Electronic 0ealth >ecord Technolog-&
$inal >ule, :; 1$> "art 594. >etrieved from
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organiLations. In hortliffe. E. 0., F 1imino, =. =. #Eds.%, .iomedical informatics6
Computer applications in health care and biomedicine #(
ed% #pp. :97);54%.
6ew Eork, 6E: pringer cience G <usiness Media.
*ecture :a 2igure
lide 22: /gosta, L. #2454%. $rom islands of information to meaningful use Rimage on the
InternetS. /vailable from:"ervasive0IT>.pdf
*ecture :%
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matching power team recommendations. >etrieved from"T/>K@4@52B55@8;;(55@4@4@
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Interoperabilit- F standards. >etrieved from
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&".topics@integration.asp
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master patient inde!. /0IM/Ps 98th 6ational 1onvention and E!hibit "roceedings
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
9. >oop, E.. #244B, $ebruar- 5B%. "resenting a new number. 1or the )ecord.
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Stu(ent 'pplication 'cti#ities
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Component 'cronym 9lossary
'cronym !ame
//$" /merican /cadem- of $amil- "h-sicians
/<IM /merican <oard of Internal Medicine
/1D /cknowledgment #Aata networks%
/1Ls /ccess 1ontrol Lists
/1M /ssociation for 1omputing Machiner-
/1MI /merican 1ollege of Medical Informatics
/1> /merican 1ollege of >adiolog-
/AaM /nal-sis Aata Model #/AaM%
/A/ /merican Aental /ssociation
/AEs /dverse Arug Events
/A> /dverse Arug >eaction
/AT /dmissions, Aischarge, Transfer
/0I1 /merican 0ealth Information 1ommunit-
/0IM/ /merican 0ealth Information Management /ssociation
/0I" /mericaPs 0ealth Insurance "lans
/0>? /genc- for 0ealthcare >esearch and ?ualit-
/M /mplitude Modulation
/M/ /merican Medical /ssociation
/MI/ /merican Medical Informatics /ssociation
/6I /merican 6ational tandards Institute
/"I /pplication "rogramming Interfaces
/>>/ /merican >ecover- and >einvestment /ct
/1 [52 /ccredited tandards 1ommittee
/TM /merican ociet- for Testing /nd Materials
/? /merican ociet- for ?ualit-
/T/ /merican Telemedicine /ssociation
/T1< /uthoriLed Testing and 1ertification <odies
/TM /s-nchronous Transfer Mode
/+" /cceptable +se "olic-
<1M/ <ar 1ode Medication /dministration
<1" <usiness 1ontinuit- "lanning
<I <ispectral Inde!
<MI <od- Mass Inde!
bps <its "er econd
<>IAK <iomedical >esearch Integrated Aomain Kroup
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;2
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</ <od- urface /rea
<LM <ioinformatic e*uence Markup Language
1/ 1ertificate /uthorit-
1aA> 1ancer Aata tandard >epositor-
1/" 1ollege of /merican "athologists
1</ 1abarrus 0ealth /lliance
11A 1ontinuit- of 1are Aocument
110IT 1ertification 1ommission for 0ealthcare Information Technolog-
11,' 1linical 1onte!t ,bject 'orkgroup #0L9%
11> 1ontinuit- of 1are >ecord
1A/ 1linical Aocument /rchitecture
1A/0 1linical Aata /c*uisition tandards 0armoniLation
1A1 1enters for Aisease 1ontrol and "revention
1AE 1ommon Aata Elements
1AI1 1linical Aata Interchange tandards 1onsortium
1AM 1hronic Aisease Management
1A 1linical Aecision upport
1A> 1ochrane Aatabase of -stematic >eviews
1A 1linical Aecision upport -stem
1E6 European 1ommittee for tandardiLation
1K 1linical Kenomics
10$ 1ongestive 0eart $ailure
10I 1onsumer 0ealth Informatics
1I1/ 1onte!t Inspired 1omponent /rchitecture
1I 1linical Information -stem
1MET 1ommon Message Element T-pe
1MM 1apabilit- Maturit- Model
1MMI 1apabilit- Maturit- Model Integration
1M 1enters for Medicare and Medicaid ervices
1,"A 1hronic ,bstructive "ulmonar- Aisease
1,T 1ommercial ,ff)the)helf
1"M 1ommon "roduct Model
1",E 1omputeriLed "rovider ,rder Entr-
1"T 1urrent "rocedural Terminolog-
1?I 1onsumer ?ualit- Initiatives
1>L 1ertificate >evocation List
1>T 1athode >a- Tube
1I 1omputable emantic Interoperabilit-
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;(
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1M/.1/ 1arrier ense Multiple /ccess.1ollision /voidance
1M/.1A 1arrier ense Multiple /ccess . 1ollision Aetection
1T 1omputed Tomograph-
1T/ 1enter for Technolog- and /ging
1T/ 1linical Translational cience /ct
1'M 1ommon 'arehouse Model
A/1 Aiscretionar- /ccess 1ontrol
A/M Aomain /nal-sis Model
A$As Aata $low Aiagrams
A01" A-namic 0ost 1onfiguration "rotocol
A00 Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices
AI1,M Aigital Imaging and 1ommunications in Medicine
AM/I1 Aefine, Measure, /nal-Le, Improve, 1ontrol
AMIM Aomain Message Information Model
A6 Aomain 6ame ervice
AoA Aepartment of Aefense
Ao Aenial of ervice
A>K Aiagnosis)related Kroup
AL Aigital ubscriber Line
A Aecision upport -stem
AT+ Araft tandard for Trial +se
ATA Aocument T-pe Aefinition
A+>/ Aata +se and >eciprocal upport /greement
E/ Enterprise /rchitecture
E<M Evidence <ased Medicine
E1K Electrocardiograph-
EA Emergenc- Aepartment
EAI Electronic Aata Interchange
EAM Electronic Aocument Management -stem
EEK Electroencephalogram
E0> Electronic 0ealth >ecords
E0>)$M Electronic 0ealth >ecord)-stems $unctional Model
E0>) Electronic 0ealth >ecord)-stems
E0>3/ Electronic 0ealth >ecord 3endors /ssociation
eM/> Medication /dministration >ecords
EME/ European Medicines /genc-
EMI Electromagnetic Interference
eM> Electronic Medical >ecords
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;:
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
EM> Electronic Medical >ecords. "atient Management
EM>."M Electronic "rotected 0ealth Information
e"0I Enterprise Master "atient Inde!
E"MI Electronic "rescribing
E)> Entit-)>elationship
E>As Entit-)>elationship Aiagrams
e>[ Electronic "rescribing
E3 Enterprise 3ocabular- ervice
$/1/ $ederal /dvisor- 1ommittee /ct
$A/ $ood and Arug /dministration
$AAI $iber Aata Aistributed Interface
$E>"/ $amil- Educational >ights and "rivac- /ct
$M $re*uenc- Modulation
$ME/ $ailure Mode and Effects /nal-sis
$T" $ile Transfer "rotocol
$?01 $ederall- ?ualified 0ealth 1enter
KA6 Klobal Aata -nchronisation 6etwork
KELL, an object)oriented e!pression language for clinical decision support
KEM Kuideline Elements Model
KI6 Keneric Incident 6otification
KI Keographic Information -stem
KLI$ KuideLine Interchange $ormat
01A 0uman 1entered Aesign
01I 0ealth 1are Information -stem
0A1 0ealth Aisparities 1ollaborative
0A$ 0ierarchical Aata $ormat
00 +.. Aepartment of 0ealth and 0uman ervices
0IE 0ealth Information E!change
0IM 0ealth Information Management
0IM 0ealth Information and Management -stems ociet-
0I"// 0ealth Insurance "ortabilit- and /ccountabilit- /ct
0I 0ealth Information -stem or 0ospital Information -stems
0I"1 0ealth Information ecurit- and "rivac- 1ollaboration
0IT 0ealth Information Technolog-
0ITE10 0ealth Information Technolog- for Economic and 1linical 0ealth
0IT"1 0ealth Information Technolog- "olic- 1ommittee
0IT1 0ealth Information Technolog- tandards 1ommittee
0IT" 0ealth Information Technolog- tandards "anel
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;;
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
0L9 0ealth Level even
0MA 0ierarchical Message Aescriptions
0>/ 0ealth >esources and ervices /dministration
0" 0ealthcare ervices pecification "roject
0TT" 0-perte!t Transfer "rotocol
0' 0ardware
0L 0ertL
I/6/ Internet /ssigned 6umbers /uthorit-
I1A International 1lassification of Aiseases
1M International 1lassification of Aiseases, 54th >evision, 1linical Modification
International 1onference on 0armonisation of Technical >e*uirements for
>egistration of "harmaceuticals for 0uman +se
I1M" Internet 1ontrol Message "rotocol
I1"1 International 1lassification of "rimar- 1are
I1> Individual 1ase afet- >eport
I1T Information and 1ommunication Technologies
I1+ Intensive 1are +nit
IA Intrusion Aetection -stem
IE Internet E!plorer
IE1 International Electrotechnical 1ommission
IEEE Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers
IET$ Internet Engineering Task $orce
IK Implementation Kuide #0L9%
I0E Integrating the 0ealthcare Enterprise
I0 Indian 0ealth ervices
I0TA, International 0ealth Terminolog- tandards Aevelopment ,rganiLation
II Internet Information ervices
I6> International 6ormaliLed >atio
I,M Institute of Medicine
I" Internet "rotocol
I".," Inpatient.,utpatient
I Information -stem
IA6 Integrated ervices Aigital 6etwork
I, International ,rganiLation for tandardiLation
International ,rganiLation for tandardiLationPs #I,% Technical 1ommittee
#T1% on health informatics
IT Information Technolog-
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;7
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
IT Implementable Technolog- pecifications #0L9%
=I1 =oint Initiative 1ouncil
L/< Laborator- Aata Model
L/6 Local /rea 6etwork
LA/" Lightweight Airector- /ccess "rotocol
1onsortium of major companies and other large private and public healthcare
LIM Lab Information Management -stem
LL1 Logical Link 1ontrol
L,I61 Logical ,bservation Identifiers 6ames and 1odes
M/1 Mandator- /ccess 1ontrol
M/> Medication /dministration >ecord
MA Medical Aoctor
MA/ Model Ariven /rchitecture
MAE Master Aata Element
MA$ Methodolog- Aevelopment $ramework
MAM Master Aata Management
-stem of standardiLed medical terminolog- developed b- Medicomp
MedA>/ Medical Aictionar- for >egulator- /ctivities
MI1> Multipurpose Internet Mail E!tensions
MIME Magnetic Ink 1haracter >ecognition
MI Management Information -stem
MLM Medical Logic Module
MLL" Minimal Lower La-er "rotocol
Medicare "rescription Arug, Improvement, and ModerniLation /ct or Medicare
ModerniLation /ct
MMI Medicaid Management Information -stem
M,T Modifiable ,ff)the)helf
M"I Master "atient Inde!
M0 Message 0eader egment
M+ Meaningful +se
6/0IT 6ational /lliance for 0ealth Information Technolog-
6/T 6etwork /ddress Translation
61"A" 6ational 1ouncil for "rescription Arug "rograms
61I 6ational 1ancer Institute
61I)1<IIT 6ational 1ommittee on 3ital 0ealth tatistics
6ational 1ancer Institute 1enter for <ioinformatics and Information
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;9
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
6A1 6ational Arug 1odes
6A$ 6ational Arug $ile
6A$)>T 6ational Arug $ile)>eference Terminolog-
6EM/ 6ational Electrical Manufacturers /ssociation
6EA 6ational Electronic Aisease urveillance -stem
6ET 6ational Electronic Telecommunications -stem for urveillance
6et<+I 6et<ios E!tended +ser Interface
6K1 6ational Kuideline 1learinghouse
60IMK 6ational 0ealth Information Management Kroup
6I1 6etwork Interface 1ards
6I0 6ational Institutes of 0ealth
6IT 6ational Institute for tandards and Technolog-
6ational Institute for tandards and Technolog-)/dvanced Technolog-
60I6 6ationwide 0ealth Information 6etwork
6L< 6etwork Load <alancing
6LM 6ational Librar- of Medicine
6"I 6ational "rovider Identifier
6>T 6on >eturn to Tero
6T$ 6ew Technolog- $ile -stem
6?$ 6ational ?ualit- $orum
,/I ,rganiLation for the /dvancement of tructured Information tandards
,11 ,ffice of 1are 1oordination
,1L ,bject 1onstraint Language
,1> ,ffice of 1ivil >ights
,AM ,perational Aata Model or ,ptical 1haracter >ecognition
,IA ,bject Identifier
,L/" ,nline /nal-tical "rocessing
,MK ,bject Management Kroup
,61 ,ffice of the 6ational 1oordinator for 0ealth Information Technolog-
/T1< ,ffice of the 6ational 1oordinator /uthoriLed Testing and 1ertification <od-
,,A ,perating >oom
,> ,bject ,riented Aesign
, ,perating -stem
,I ,pen -stems Interconnection
,T" ,ne)Time "asswords
,+I ,rganiLational +ni*ue Identifier
,'L 'eb ,ntolog- Language
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;B
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
"/1 "icture /rchiving and 1ommunication -stems
"<M "harmac- <enefit Managers
"1I "eripheral 1omponent Interconnect
"1T "rimar- 1are Trust
"A/s "ortable Aigital /ssistants or "ersonal Aigital /ssistants
"A1/ "lanOAoO1heckO/ct
"A/ "lan)Ao)tud-)/ct
"A+s "rotocol Aata +nits
"0A1 "ublic 0ealth Aata tandards 1onsortium
"0E> "ublic 0ealth Emergenc- >esponse
"0I "rotected 0ealth Information
"0II "ublic 0ealth Informatics Institute
"0> "ersonal 0ealth >ecord
"0>)$M "ersonal 0ealth >ecord)$unctional Model
"I1 "rocess Improvement 1ommittee #0L9%
"I[ "atient Identifier 1ross)>eferencing
"DI "ublic De- Infrastructure
"M "roject Management
"M0 "ast Medical 0istor-
"MI "atient Master Inde!
"M "ractice Management -stem
"," "ost ,ffice "rotocol
""" "oint)to)"oint "rotocol
?/" ?ualit- /ssurance "roject
?$A ?ualit- $unction Aeplo-ment
?I ?ualit- Improvement
>/ >egistration /uthorit-
>)/AT >eservation.>egistration)/dmission, Aischarge, Transfer
>/IA >edundant /rra- of Independent Aisks
>/M >andom /ccess Memor-
></1 >ole <ased /ccess 1ontrol
>1>IM >egulated 1linical >esearch Information Management
>ELM/ >egenstrief L,I61 Mapping /ssistant
>$ >adio $re*uenc-
>$I >adio $re*uenc- Interference
>$IA >adio $re*uenc- Identifiers
>$" >e*uest $or "roposal
>0I,s >egional 0ealth Information ,rganiLations
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management ;8
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Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
>IM >eference Information Model
>I >adiolog- Information -stems
>MIM >efined Message Information Model
>M"I >egistr- Master "atient Inde!
>,I >eturn ,n Investment
>"M >emote "atient Monitoring
>" >egulated "roduct ubmission
>6/ >adiological ociet- of 6orth /merica
>[ "rescription
/E/$ ervices)/ware Enterprise /rchitecture $ramework
/I$ ervices /ware Interoperabilit- $ramework
/6 torage /rea 6etwork
/T/ erial /dvanced Technolog- /ttachment
1, A, 1harter ,rganiLation
1I mall 1omputer -stem Interface
AL1 oftware Aevelopment Life 1-cle
AM -stems Aevelopment Method
A, tandard Aevelopment ,rganiLation
ATM tud- Aata Tabulation Model
EI ubject Matter E!pert
ME oftware Engineering Institute
MT" imple Mail Transport "rotocol
6,MEA -stematiLed 6omenclature of Medicine
1T -stematiLed 6omenclature of Medicine))1linical Terms
>T -stematiLed 6omenclature of Medicine))>eference Terminolog-
6," -stematiLed 6omenclature of "atholog-
,/ ervice ,riented /rchitecture
,/" imple ,bject /pplication "rotocol
," tructured "roduct Labeling
"1 tatistical "rocess 1ontrol
"L tandard ,perating "rocedure
/ ocial ecurit- /dministration
IA ervice et Identifier
L ecure ocket La-er
6 ocial ecurit- 6umber
, ingle ign),n
T" hielded Twisted)"air
0ealth IT 'orkforce 1urriculum 0ealth Management 74
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T1".I" Transmission 1ontrol "rotocol . Internet "rotocol
TE"> Toward an Electronic "atient >ecord 1onference
TL Transport La-er ecurit-
T,1 Table of 1ontents
T" Twisted)"air
T" Transaction "rocessing -stem
T1 0L9 Technical teering 1ommittee
TTL Time to Live
+/T +ser /cceptance Testing
+A" +ser Aatagram "rotocol
+ML +niform Modeling Language
+ML +nified Medical Language -stem
+>Ls +niversal >esources Locators
+"I +ni*ue "atient Identifier
+" +n)interrupted power suppl-
+ +ltrasound
+< +niversal erial <us
+ T/K +.. Technical /dvisor- Kroup
+T" +nshielded Twisted)"air
3/ 3eterans /dministration
>T 3eterans /dministration 6ational Arug $ile)>eference Terminolog-
vM> 3irtual Medical >ecord
3"6 3irtual "rivate 6etwork
3 3olume hadow 1op- ervice
3+0IA 3oluntar- +niversal 0ealthcare Identification -stem
3+M1 3anderbilt +niversit- Medical 1enter
'(1 'orld 'ide 'eb 1onsortium
'/6 'ide /rea 6etwork
'/" 'ireless /ccess "oint
'0, 'orld 0ealth ,rganiLation
'L/6 'ireless Local /rea 6etwork
'orld ,rganiLation of 6ational 1olleges, /cademies and /cademic
/ssociations of Keneral "ractitioners.$amil- "h-sicians. #'orld ,rganiLation
of $amil- Aoctors%
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
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This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&
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3ersion (.4.pring 2452
This material was developed by Duke University funded by the Department of Health and Human Services, Office of the National
Coordinator for Health nformation Technolo!y under "ward Number U#$OC%%%%#$&

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