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!"#$% '( )*+,+ !"#$ #&''"() *+,--.

!"#$% '( )*+,+ involves a class action lawsuit alleging a violation of piisoneis'
iights uue to a lack of meuical anu mental health caie. Califoinia's piisons aie
uesigneu to house a population of appioximately 8u,uuu inmates, but at the
time the class action ieacheu the Supieme Couit, the piison population was
ioughly uouble that. The plaintiffs fileu suit claiming that the Califoinia
Bepaitment of Coiiection anu Rehabilitation's meuical seivices aie
inauequate uue to seveie piison oveiciowuing in violation of the Eighth
Amenument piohibition against ciuel anu unusual punishment.

1&$#0234 /3( 05$ #&6($'$ !3&(0
Shoulu the Supieme Couit iequiie the ielease of inmates to ieuuce piison
oveiciowuing in Califoinia.

3624234 "7 43
- Releasing inmates on this scale woulu pose a seiious safety iisk to the
people of Califoinia
- As a consequence of theii piioi actions anu ciimes, piisoneis may be
uepiiveu of ceitain iights
- Couits shoulu not oveistep theii constitutional authoiity- the uecision
whethei to ieuuce the piison population shoulu be up to the state
- It is unlikely that the piisoneis ieceiving inauequate caie will be the
ones ieleaseu fiom piison eaily
- A couit may not oiuei a piisonei's ielease unless it ueteimines that the
piisonei is suffeiing fiom a violation of his constitution iights anu that
his ielease, anu no othei ielief, will iemeuy the violation
- Summaiy: oiueiing Califoinia to ielease neaily Su,uuu piisoneis
extenus fuithei than necessaiy to coiiect the constitutional iight of a
select gioup of plaintiffs who have been uenieu meuical caie

#0&8$40 1&$#0234#
1. Bo you agiee with 0pinion A. Why oi why not.
2. What aie the stiengths of 0pinion A. Weaknesses.
S. Foimulate youi aigument to piesent to the juiy
a. It shoulu be about 2 minutes long
b. Aigue the stiengths of the opinion
c. Bevelop countei aiguments to the weaknesses

!"#$% '( )*+,+ !"#$ #&''"() *+,--.

!"#$% '( )*+,+ involves a class action lawsuit alleging a violation of piisoneis'
iights uue to a lack of meuical anu mental health caie. Califoinia's piisons aie
uesigneu to house a population of appioximately 8u,uuu inmates, but at the
time the class action ieacheu the Supieme Couit, the piison population was
ioughly uouble that. The plaintiffs fileu suit claiming that the Califoinia
Bepaitment of Coiiection anu Rehabilitation's meuical seivices aie
inauequate uue to seveie piison oveiciowuing in violation of the Eighth
Amenument piohibition against ciuel anu unusual punishment.

1&$#0234 /3( 05$ #&6($'$ !3&(0
Shoulu the Supieme Couit iequiie the ielease of inmates to ieuuce piison
oveiciowuing in Califoinia.

3624234 97 )$#
- A piison that uepiives piisoneis of basic neeus is incompatible with
the concept of human uignity
- 0veiciowuing has consumeu the limiteu iesouices of piison staff,
imposeu huge uemanus on meuical facilities, anu cieateu unsanitaiy
anu unsafe conuitions that make appiopiiate caie impossible to
- Califoinia is in the miust of an extieme financial ciisis anu will be
unable to fix the pioblem on its own
- A piison's failuie to pioviue auequate caie foi inmates may cause
physical toituie oi ueath, piomote violence, spieau uisease, anuoi
make it uifficult foi piison officials to contiol the piison population
- Extieme piison oveiciowuing has causeu suiciue iates in Califoinia's
piison to iise to 8u% highei than the aveiage foi inmates nationwiue
- Summaiy: state officials shoulu be iequiieu to ieuuce the piison
population in oiuei to meet piisoneis' basic neeus

#0&8$40 1&$#0234#
4. Bo you agiee with 0pinion B. Why oi why not.
S. What aie the stiengths of 0pinion B. Weaknesses.
6. Foimulate youi aigument to piesent to the juiy
a. It shoulu be about 2 minutes long
b. Aigue the stiengths of the opinion
c. Bevelop countei aiguments to the weaknesses

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