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What's Wrong With


Some traditions are good and some traditions is in the same category as when
Yshua spoke against the traditions of men causing them to break the
Commandments of YHVH.

Mat 15:3 But He answered and said to them, Why do you also transgress
the commandment of Elohim by your tradition?

The same verse applies to us today when we do Questions you need to ask your self?
things that are in our culture or part of our
traditions but it is not found in Scripture, and its Why decorate evergreen TREES on the
origins may also go against the Commandments in
Why kiss under MISTLETOE?
the Scripture. Is Christmas one of these traditions? Where did "jolly old Saint NICK" come
Can we celebrate Christmas without transgressing from.
the Commandments in Scripture? How do we Why do we put presents under a TREE?
know if Christmas is safe to celebrate so that we Is Christmas a Myth or found in Scripture?
do not transgress YHVHs Commandments? Can a true Believer celebrate Christmas?

Every tradition that we do that has a spiritual connotation to it must be researched to

see where its roots are and where it originated. If the feast is rooted in Scripture then
it is safe, but if it is rooted in some man-made tradition or even worse, in a pagan
form of worship, then the red lights start flashing, and you should not have any part of
it. In this study we will look into the celebration of Christmas, its roots and what the
Scripture have to say about certain aspects thereof and if it is safe to celebrate as
the Birthday of our Messiah?

Babylon, Rome & the Winter Solstice
To find the Roots of Christmas, we need to go back to
an ancient time during the Babylonian kingdom.
Before the Roman traditions regarding the season of
the Winter Solstice, we find that it originated from
ancient Babylon, where the feast of the Son of Isis
(Goddess of Nature) was celebrated on December
25, falling in the same season.

Babylon's supreme Sun-god, Bel, was also

worshipped in northern Syria. From one of the Sun-
temples in Palmyra Syria, namely from the temple of Bel, the great image of Bel was
removed and taken to Rome where it was erected. This was done by Emperor
Aurelian of Rome, who was known as "the sun emperor." These SUN-worshippers
were fearful that the SUN would continue to decline in the sky and not return and so
celebrated the WINTER SOLSTICE.

In Rome, the Winter Solstice was celebrated many years before the birth of Messiah.
The Romans called their winter holiday Saturnalia, honouring Saturn, the god of
Agriculture. In January, they observed the Kalends of January, which represented the
triumph of life over death. This whole season was called Dies Natalis Invicti
Solis, the Birthday of the Unconquered Sun. The festival season was marked by
much merrymaking. This Feast was celebrated with rough partying, gluttonous eating
and drinking and gift-giving.

This Feast was also celebrated in Mithraism where on December

21st the SUN'S path in the heavens starts to rise. Franz Cumont
wrote, "The Mithraists also observed SUN-day and kept sacred
the 25th of December as the birthday of the SUN" (Textes et
Monuments 1:339). Sir James Frazer says, "The largest pagan
religious cult which fostered the celebration of December 25th as
a holiday ... was the pagan SUN-worship, Mithraism ... This
winter festival was called ... 'The Nativity of the SUN.'" (The Golden Bough, p.471).

Tertullian wrote, "Babylon ... is a figure of the city Rome". Augustine wrote that
"Rome was founded as the second Babylon and as the daughter of the former
Babylon" (City of God 5:439). In the same book Augustine again said, "Babylonia as
the first Rome ... Rome itself is like a second Babylon" (ibid. p.371). Rome adapted
and build on the traditional foundations of Babylon and it was due to Rome that we
found the idea of Christmas celebration in the Christian (Catholic) faith. In northern
Europe, many other traditions that we now consider part of Christian worship were
begun long before the participants had ever heard of the Messiah.

Mario Righetti, a renowned Catholic liturgist, writes, "the Church of Rome, to facilitate
the acceptance of the faith by the pagan masses, found it convenient to institute the
25th December as the feast of the temporal birth of Christ, to divert them from the
pagan feast, celebrated on the same day in honour of the 'Invincible SUN,' Mithras."
(Bacchiocchi's From Sabbath To Sunday, p.260).

Babylon Mixing & Confusion
This came into being through the clever plan of Constantine to
MIX in Pagan traditions with the One True Faith (Believers in
Messiah), and Catholicism was born. YHVH calls the mixing of
pagan traditions with His Word an Abomination and Revelation
refers to it as the System called Babylon. Babylon literally
means mixing and confusion. If you mix pagan worship
traditions in with YHVHs Word and Worship, you are then part of
the System Satan created (Babylon and sun worship).

We also find this system in the story of Balak and Balaam where Balaam could not
curse Israel because they obeyed His Commandments. Balaam then suggests that
the daughters of Moab should go down to the sons of Israel and intermarry with them
and bring their traditions into the house of Israel.

Num 25:1-3 And Israel lived in Shittim, and the people began to
fornicate with the daughters of Moab. (2) And they called the
people to the sacrifices of their gods. And the people ate and bowed
down to their gods. (3) And Israel joined himself to Baal-Peor. And
the anger of YHVH was kindled against Israel.

This worked because the sons of Israel fornicated with them and they soon
worshipped and bow down to their gods while worshipping YHVH, mixing the
traditions in with the worship of YHVH and that caused a curse to come upon them.
Balaam no longer has to curse Israel because YHVH anger was kindled against
them. Do you want to be cursed by YHVH mixing in the traditions of the nations? This
is a very serious matter and should not be taken lightly!

Celebrating Christmas is one of those traditions that YHVH did not instruct us to
celebrate, and where it is mentioned, it is condemned. Nowhere will you find that
Yshua commanded the celebration of His birth and you will also not find any of the
Apostles or Disciples ever celebrating Yshuas birth and let alone Christmas.

But you might say they are very sincere in doing these things, and they do not know.
You are right, but they are still sincerely deceived and should do what John wrote in
Revelation Come out of Her (Babylon), My people, that you may not be
partakers of her sins, and that you may not receive of her plagues. Are
you brave enough to stay ignorant and do things that are part of this System?

December 25th (or the winter solstice) has been celebrated as the birthday of the
Sun god for 4000 years. Should we partake in anything associated with sun god
worship? The Scripture says:

Gen. 35:2 "Put away the strange gods that are among you, and be

Deut. 12:30-31 Inquire not after their gods, saying, HOW DO THESE
NATIONS SERVE THEIR GODS? ... You shall not do so unto YHVH
your Elohim.

Jer. 10:2 Learn not the way of the heathen

Deut. 4:19 And take heed, lest you lift your eyes to heaven, and when
you see the SUN, and the moon, and the stars, even all the host of
heaven, shouldnt be driven to WORSHIP them, and serve them,
which YHVH your Elohim has divided unto all nations under the
whole heaven.

Scripture is clear that we should not learn the things of the Pagan nations and
worship YHVH in the same manner. We should keep our faith in YHVH set apart and
we are not to MIX in any other traditions that are rooted in the worship of false gods
it is an abomination unto YHVH.

Presents Under The Evergreen Tree

The FIR TREE was worshipped in Rome as the same newborn god
called Baal-Berith who was restored to life by the serpent, and a
feast was held in honour of him on December 25th, called the
"BIRTHDAY of the Unconquered SUN "The Saturnalia, like
Christmas, was a time for giving presents.." In private the day
(SATURNALIA) began with the sacrifice of a young pig (because
Adonis died from a boar's tusk wound) ... all ranks devoted
themselves to feasting and mirth (amusement), PRESENTS were
interchanged among friends, and crowds thronged the streets,
shouting; 'Io Saturnalia!'" (Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 3rd ed. vol.2,
art. "Oscilla"). Those who put presents under the tree like these pagans are
reprimanded by Ezekiel who says:

Ez.6:13 "UNDER every GREEN TREE (evergreen)... they did OFFER

sweet savor to all their IDOLS"

Ezekiel 20:39 "Pollute ye my Holy Name no more with your GIFTS,

and with your IDOLS"

Jer 10:1-4 Hear the Word which YHVH speaks to you, O house of
Israel. (2) So says YHVH, Do not learn the way of the nations, and
do not be terrified at the signs of the heavens; for the nations are
terrified at them. (3) For the CUSTOMS of the people are VAIN; for
one cuts A TREE out of the forest with the axe, the work of the hands
of the workman. (4) They adorn it with silver and with gold; they
fasten it with nails and hammers so that it will not wobble.

In at least ten Biblical references, the "green tree is associated with

idolatry and false worship [Deut. 12:2; 1 Kings 14; 2 Kings 16:4,
17:10; 2 Chron. 3:6, 13; 17:2; 28:4; Isa.57:3-5; Jer. 2:20; Jer. 3:6,13;
17:1-2 Ez. 6:13]. What does a TREE symbolize in these forms of idol
worship? Now, of course, all trees are GREEN at one time or
another. Apparently then, the references to the "GREEN" tree refer
to a tree that is especially noted for being GREEN, the
EVERGREEN. At the time of their Saturnalia the Romans decorated
homes and temples with FOLIAGE on which they hung IMAGES of
their GODS (p.333, How Did It Begin? by Brasch).

Having a tree or any symbol that is connected to a god or to Satan is an idol and an
image of that god. Believers in Messiah are warned against partaking of things
OFFERED to IDOLS (Acts 15:29; 21:25; 1 Cor. 8 & 10; Rev. 2:14,20). It is interesting that
wherever we find GIFT-GIVING at someone's birthday party, and Christmas is the
celebration of the Sun-gods birthday. The custom started with the death of Nimrod,
where Semiramis (mother/wife) taught the young Tammuz to go into the groves
(forests) and place a gift on a tree at the winter solstice. This was an offering to his
father, Nimrod, who was now the sun. The Christmas tree ~ whether an oak,
evergreen, or palm, is really Nimrod; representing the sun god. Having a
Christmas tree is an idol and a symbol of the Sun-god or Lucifer in your home.
Lucifer literally means bright light. Having this in your home breaks the
2ndCommandmant. The custom of tying a yellow ribbon around an oak tree
represents a prayer to the sun. We as true believers of Yshua are not to imitate the
customs of the heathen, to cut down trees and decorate it with silver and gold
(decorations) or place gifts under it.

At this point, branches of trees came to symbolise Nimrod also, so decorating

Pagan temples and homes with holly, boughs, and wreaths was the custom.
The wreaths are branches twisted into circles so the branches would be
associated with the sun. Ezekiel 8:14-18 shows how the women in Jerusalem
were weeping for Tammuz, and the Levite priests (25 men) were facing the
rising sun and putting a branch to their nose. These customs were called a
detestable thing.

Oh Christmas Tree is referred to as O Tannenbaum and in Hebrew the word

TANNIN means "dragon" or "serpent" and BAMAH means "high place." (pp.7, 49
Young's Index-Lexicon). "O TANNENBAUM or the OH CHRISTMAS TREE then
actually means how evil are thy serpent in high places. The serpent as we know
refer to Satan. After Nimrod was slain, he was portrayed as the old dead tree or
YULE LOG. But the serpent Aesculapius coiled around this dead stump and from the
roots of the dead tree came forth a young living EVERGREEN TREE representing
reincarnated Nimrod (Tammuz).

In 350, Pope Julius I declared that Christs birth would be celebrated on December
25. There is little doubt that he was trying to make it as painless as possible for
pagan Romans (who remained a majority at that time) to convert to Christianity. The
new religion went down a bit easier, knowing that their feasts would not be taken
away from them. The earliest record of an evergreen tree being decorated in a
Christian celebration was in 1521 in the Alsace region of Germany. A
prominent Lutheran minister of the day cried blasphemy: Better that they
should look to the true tree of life, Messiah.

The MiSTLETOE branch is another reincarnation of Tammuz
because it never touched the ground but instead seemingly came
down from heaven to join a TREE growing up from earth. This
heaven-and-earth reconciliation is typified by KISSING. But Yeshua
the Messiah is our true Branch that came down from heaven
(Zech. 3:8; 6:12). Mistletoe was considered a sacred plant, and the
custom of kissing under the mistletoe began as a fertility ritual.
Hollyberries were thought to be a food of the gods, and you will also
see all of these symbols in our modern-day Christmas celebrations.

According to Francis Weiser's Handbook of Christian Feasts
and Customs, page 113, we read:

"THOR was the god of the peasants and the common people.
He was represented as an elderly man, JOVIAL and friendly,
of HEAVY BUILD, with a LONG WHITE BEARD. His element
was the FIRE, his color RED. The rumble and roar of thunder
were said to be caused by the rolling of his CHARIOT, for he
alone among the gods never rode on horseback but drove in a
CHARIOT drawn by two white goats(called - CRACKER and
GNASHER). He was fighting the giants of ICE AND SNOW,
and thus became the YULE-god. He was said to live in the
'NORTHLAND' where he had his palace among the icebergs.

By our pagan forefathers he was considered as the

CHEERFUL and friendly god, never harming the humans, but,
rather, helping and protecting them. The FIREPLACE in every
home was especially sacred to him, and he was said to COME DOWN through the
CHIMNEY into his element, the fire."

o "Old NICK" refers to "the evil one" (Noah Webster's 1828

Dictionary 2:22).
o SANTA was a name for Nimrod used throughout Asia Minor
(p.37, Langer's Encyclopedia of World History).
o More importantly, SANTA is SATAN, with the letters merely
rearranged, who counterfeits Messiah returning from the
NORTH POLE (Isa. 14:13; Ps. 48:2; 75:6).
o He flies through the air wearing a RED garment and WHITE
BEARD -- just like the returning Messiah (Rev.19:13; 1:14).
o Yes, SATAN sees you when you're sleeping and knows when
you're awake just like Messiah (Pr. 5:21).
o He knows if you've been bad or good just like Messiah (Pr.
o SATAN has counterfeited all these traits. Truly, SATAN is "the god of this
world" (2 Cor. 4:4; Isa. 14:14). and has a sinister, uncontrollable laugh -- "Ho,
Ho, Ho," that is a counterfeit of the way the Seraphim worship YHVH; Holy,
Holy, Holy, by which Satan mock YHVH

Isa. 14:14 I will ascend above the heights of the clouds

(as he is pulled by reindeer in his sleigh); I will be like
the Most High.

Doesnt SANTA usurp YHVHs glory and YHVHs praise and actually
take the place of YHVH every winter solstice in the minds and hearts
of millions of children and do we allow this?

Luk 17:2 It would be better for him if a millstone is put

around his neck, and he were thrown into the sea, than that he
should cause one of these little ones to stumble.

Yule Logs and Round Ornaments
The pagans of northern Europe celebrated
their own winter solstice, known as Yule.
Yule was symbolic of the pagan Sun God,
Mithras, being born, and was observed on
the shortest day of the year.

Huge Yule logs were burned in honour of

the sun. The term "YULE LOG" means
"child log" because children were made to
stand in a large circle around a tall oak
pole. At sunrise, the shadow of the pole
would fall upon a single child. The child
was tied up and burned in a BONE PYRE
(bonfire), a human sacrifice unto the Sun

The word Yule also means wheel, the

wheel being a pagan symbol for the sun.
The tree is the one symbol that unites almost all the northern European winter
solstices. Live evergreen trees were often brought into homes during the harsh
winters as a reminder to inhabitants that soon their crops would grow again.
Evergreen boughs were sometimes carried as totems of good luck and were often
present at weddings, representing fertility.

Was Yshua Born on December 25th?

If not, When?
Here are some questions we would like to answer:

Wouldn't it have been way too cold for the shepherds to

be out with their flocks at night in late December?
Can we prove from the Scriptures that Yshua (Jesus)
was NOT born during the winter?
Do the Scriptures give us any information about when
Yshua (Jesus) actually was born?
Was there a real historical reason why the inns were full
when Mary and Joseph were looking for a place to
Was there a festival that was instituted by YHVH (the LORD) over a thousand
years before Yshua (Jesus) was born that prophetically foreshadowed the
circumstances and timing of His birth?
The truth is that there is a whole lot about the birth of Yshua (Jesus) that you
were never taught in church.

No one knows exactly what day the Messiah was born. From the biblical description,
most historians believe that his birth probably occurred in September, approximately
six months after Passover. Can we prove from Scripture when He was actually born?
The answer is yes. We will now go through the verses that will prove that Yshua was
not born in December, but in late September or October, during the Feast of
Tabernacles or Sukkot.

We are first going to see when Johns father, Zacharias, served in the Temple when
he received the news that his wife Elisabeth was going to have a son.

Luk 1:5 In the days of Herod, the king of Judea, there was a certain
priest named Zacharias, of the course of Abijah. And his wife was of
the daughters of Aaron, and her name was Elizabeth.

Of the course of Abijah shows us which priestly division he was under and when he
served in the Temple. The house of Aaron was divided into 24 groups and every
group had a set schedule in serving in the Temple.

1Ch 24:5-10 So they divided them by lot, one sort with another. For
the governors of the sanctuary, and governors of the house of
Elohim, were of the sons of Eleazar, and of the sons of Ithamar. (6) And
Shemaiah the son of Nethaneel the scribe, of the Levites, wrote them before the
king, and the rulers, and Zadok the priest, and Ahimelech the son of Abiathar,
and before the chief of the fathers of the priests and Levites. One principal
household was taken for Eleazar, and one taken for Ithamar. (7) Now the first
lot came out to Jehoiarib, the second to Jedaiah, (8) the third to Harim, the
fourth to Seorim, (9) the fifth to Malchijah, the sixth to Mijamin, (10) the
seventh to Hakkoz, the eighth to Abijah,

Zacharias was divided under Abijah who was in the 8th slot in
the group of 24 groups. The Biblical Calendar starts in the
month of Nissan (Spring/Mar/April) and started with the first
group of priests, the group of Jerhoiarib for seven days and
the group of Jedaiah the next week and so on. The third
week would be the Feast of Unleavened Bread (Passover)
where all the priests would serve. Then after that the schedule
would resume with the third group of priests. This would
continue until the 24 groups have served and then the cycle
would repeat again. This shows that Zacharias served during
the 10th week of the year that means that both Unleavened
Bread and Pentecost would have occurred before his
scheduled duty. When he completed his service, he went
home, and his wife became pregnant according to the Word of YHVH he received in
the Temple.

Luk 1:24-25 And after those days his wife Elizabeth conceived and
hid herself five months, saying, (25) , So YHVH has dealt with me in
the days in which He looked on me, to take away my reproach
among men.

After her conception on that day, she hid herself for 5 months. She became pregnant
on the day of his service in the Temple (or very shortly after) and this was on the 3rd
Sabbath of the 3rd month. This is the month of Sivan according to the Hebrew
Calendar. Why is this information important to us regarding the birth of Yshua?

Luk 1:26-31 And in the sixth month (of Elizabeths pregnancy) the angel
Gabriel was sent from Elohim into a city of Galilee, named
Nazareth, (27) to a virgin betrothed to a man whose name was
Joseph, of the house of David. And the virgin's name was Mary. (28)
And the angel came in to her and said, Hail, one receiving grace,
YHVH is with you. Blessed are you among women. (29) And when she
saw him, she was troubled at his saying, and considered what kind of greeting
this might be. (30) And the angel said to her, Do not fear, Mary, for
you have found favor with Elohim. (31) And behold! You shall
conceive in your womb and bear a son, and you shall call His name

So Yshua was conceived

on the 6th month of
Elizabeths pregnancy,
which makes it on the 9th
month of the Hebrew
Calendar, the month of
Kislev and most probably
on the Feast of Hanukkah
which is celebrated from
the 25th of Kislev.

To confirm this further, we

read that Mary stayed with
Elizabeth for about 3
months before she
returned home. This was
the time Elizabeth was on
her last, and gave birth to
John the Baptist, on the
month of Nissan, the first

If you count six months on

(she stayed 3 months with Elizabeth), we find that Yshua was born during the 7th
month, the month of Tishri, the month in which the Feast of Tabernacles (Sukkot) is
celebrated. The Feast of Sukkot or Tabernacles is the fall and its theme is YHVH
tabernacling among His people Should this surprise us? No, because we know that
YHVH ALWAYS let His most important events on His Feast days.

Joh 1:14 And the Word became flesh, and tabernacled among us.
And we beheld His glory, the glory as of the only begotten of the
Father, full of grace and of truth.

The second witness to prove the time of the Birth of Yshua being on the Feast of
Tabernacles is the fact that all the people travelled to Jerusalem and they could not
find a place to stay. Herod commanded the people to pay taxes and he did this while
the people all had to go to Jerusalem because of the observance of the pilgrims
Festivals. (Luke 2:1-5). TAXES were probably paid around the FALL HARVEST
season since Palestine was basically an AGRICULTURAL economy. Women weren't
required for TAXING purposes, so Mary must have come to ATTEND the
FESTIVALS, as she did on a later occasion (Luke 2:41).

Because of the enormous FESTIVAL CROWDS meeting together in Jerusalem,
there "was NO ROOM in the inn" (Luke 2:7). There were three Festivals YHVH
commanded Israel to go up to Jerusalem; the Feast of Unleavened Bread/Passover
(1st month or Nissan), Pentecost (3rd month or Shivan) and Tabernacles (7th month or

Mary and Joseph would have travelled to Jerusalem on one of these three Festivals
and the most likely one that fits the timing with Johns birth is the Feast of

We also read in Revelation 12:1-5 that "there appeared a great wonder in

heaven -- a WOMAN clothed with the SUN, and the MOON under her feet ...
And she, being with child, cried, travailing in birth, and pained to be
delivered.... And she brought forth a man child, who was to rule all nations
with a rod of iron." If an astronomer were to read this passage, he would
automatically think of the constellation VIRGO at the point in time when the
SUN'S PATH in the heavens crosses through her body. This event always
occurs in MID-OCTOBER, the exact time of the FEAST of TRUMPETS in
many years. The fact that the MOON was VISIBLE indicates that the
CRESCENT NEW MOON begins the month rather than the astronomical
new moon. TRUMPETS can occur as many as 29 DAYS AFTER September
21st, 22nd or 23rd (Autumnal EQUINOX) or as few as the SAME DAY if the
equinox and the crescent occur on the same day. Thus, MID-OCTOBER is a
very typical time for Tishri one, starting the month of Tabernacles.

Watchman on the Wall

Now that you know the truth about Christmas and its
origins, what are you going to do about it? Do nothing; say
nothing, to maintain peace? What does the Scripture say
regarding issues like this?

Eze 3:17 Son of man, I have made you a

watchman to the house of Israel. Therefore hear
the Word of My mouth, and give them warning
from Me.

We are all part of Israel (Righteous people of Elohim) and we are all watchman that
are to hear the Word of YHVH regarding the enemy and WARN people when we see
him approaching. What should you do when you see your brother or sister doing
things that are wrong in the eyes of YHVH?

Eze 3:20 And when the righteous turns from his righteousness and
commits iniquity, and when I lay a stumbling block before him, he shall die.
Because you have not given him warning, he shall die in his sin, and his
righteousness which he has done shall not be remembered; but his blood I
will require at your hand.

What will happen if your brother or sister commits iniquity and you do nothing and
say nothing? Their blood will be on your hand. We as the righteous people of Elohim
should give warning regarding the enemy and his tactics so that people will not be

bound in the consequences, receive curses, make YHVH angry, go astray or die
spiritually, because of doing this iniquity called Christmas.

What we have learned here we saw that celebrating Christmas is an iniquity because
it is rooted in sun worship and if you mix in these myths into your faith, you are
trapped in the system called Babylon and under the teaching of Balaam, and you will
not be blessed but stand a good chance of being under a curse.

What if I stay out of it and do nothing, but allow it and therefore indirectly give my

Rom 1:29-32
being filled with all unrighteousness, fornication, wickedness,
covetousness, maliciousness; being full of envy, murder, quarrels, deceit, evil
habits, becoming whisperers, (30) backbiters, haters of Elohim, insolent,
proud, braggarts, inventors of evil things, disobedient to parents, (31)
undiscerning, perfidious, without natural affection, unforgiving, unmerciful;
(32) who, knowing the righteous order of Elohim, that those
practicing such things are worthy of death, not only do them but
have pleasure (approve of) in those practicing them.

Christmas is a feast that is celebrated by the unrighteous, it has a wicked origin, it

creates evil habits in man and is an evil habit itself, it was invented by evil (Satan)
and if you know better and say or do nothing when you see people you know doing
this, you make yourself guilty of doing the same even if you are not physically doing
it. Your silence and you're not acting against it, makes people think it is right and
indirectly approve of it and make yourself guilty of the same iniquity and evil
practices. Lead by example and warn your brother in love if you see these things,
then you are really a friend and truly love your brother.

If there come any (Christmas celebrants) unto you (wishing you a Merry
Christmas); and bring not this doctrine (Word-based), receive him not into your
house, neither bid him God speed (Dont wish him Merry Christmas): For he that bid
him God speed is partaker of his evil deeds (2 John 10-11).

Some people say: But celebrating Christmas is not a big deal; it is something small
and will not hurt anybody. Adam and Eve did a small sin when they ate the fruit of
the tree, that was not if the murdered someone or did something major. This small
sin they broke cost humanity to be cursed and cast from the presence of YHVH. We
should not allow small things in our lives that are against everything YHVH is or
says. Allowing this will cause spiritual death to enter into your life as well as a curse.
Do not take this lightly and allow myths to destroy your and your childrens lives.
Take YHVH and His Word serious because this is a serious matter!

Commandments broken Celebrating

Mat 15:3 But He answered and said to them, Why do you also
transgress the commandment of Elohim by your

The Second Commandment - You shall have no other gods before Me. You
shall not make to yourselves any graven image, or any likeness of anything that is
in the heavens above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under
the earth. (Ex. 20:3-4).

What is an image of a god? An image of an idol or god is a representation of

something spiritual, a demonic force or entity. The concept of idols came from Satan
where he created the idea of images that are connected to demonic entities, and
when people worship these images, they are actually worshipping the demon or even
Satan himself. If you have an image that is the symbol or representation of that
demonic power or even Satan, you allow them into your house and give them the
right to manifest their evil in your house. We have learned that the tree represents
the sun god, which is another symbol for Lucifer, that literally means bright light,
and by having a tree in your house, you give Satan an open door and a right to be in
your house and to do his work and bring curses upon you and your household.

When you worship YHVH in your house with the image of Satan in your house, you
have brought an image of Satan before YHVH. When you put presents under the
tree or decorate it, you literally bow down before the tree (Satan) while doing this.
This is literally breaking the Second Commandment, which is a very serious
Commandment with very serious consequences. You can read for yourself what
happened with Israel when they broke this Commandment. The Commandment says
specifically, you shall have no other gods before YHVH, including images that
represent other gods. Get rid of the tree and any other symbols that are associated
with Sun god or Satan worship and rather be safe than sorry.

The Third Commandment - You shall not take the Name of YHVH your Elohim in
vain (Ex. 20:7).

Vain - is the Hebrew word shav that means - the sense of desolating; evil (as
destructive), literally (ruin) or morally (especially guile); figuratively idolatry (as
false, subjectively), uselessness (as deceptive, objectively; also adverbially in
vain): - false (-ly), lie, lying, vain, vanity.

If you connect anything to His Name that is evil, guile, any idol, anything false (myth),
anything that is not the truth, then you are breaking this Commandment. If you
Celebrate Christmas or passively agree to it or allow it, you definitely break the 3 rd

The Fifth Commandment You shall honour your Father This Commandment is
not only for your physical father and mother; it is also about honouring your heavenly
Father. If you celebrate Christmas, you are mixing in traditions of pagan nations and
idol worship and sun worship practices and traditions, and that is against His Word,
and by doing these things, you are not honouring Him doing things forbidden in His

The Ninth Commandment You shall not lie People tell their children there is a
Father Christmas, that you should ask pray to him what gift to bring, that he is
driving in a slay that fly through the sky. They also teach their children that there
were two wise men at the manger the when Yshua was born. (there were many wise
men, and Yshua was about two years old). And the worst one, they tell the people
that Yshua was born on the birthday of the Sun-god on the 25th of December and
that we should honour Him the same way they honoured the Sun-god centuries
before He came to the earth.

Do you think that you will be blessed, live out a life free from bondage and curses if
you celebrate Christmas or approve of it or allow it? I think not, the Scripture is clear
when it says:

Rom 1:29-32
who, knowing the righteous order of Elohim, that those
practicing such things are worthy of death, not only do them, but
have pleasure (approve of) in those practising them.

Exo 20:5-6 You shall not bow yourself down to them, nor serve
them. For I YHVH your Elohim am a jealous El, visiting the iniquity
of the fathers upon the sons to the third and fourth generation of
those that hate (not choose to follow) me, (6) and showing mercy to
thousands of those that LOVE Me and KEEP My Commandments.

If you love YHVH, then you will think twice, think about celebrating something that is
not rooted in the Word. If you love your brother or sister, you will be a watchman, and
when you see things in their lives that is not according to Scripture, you will approach
them in love and correct them so that you will help to lift the curses they brought
upon themselves and help them to stand righteous before YHVH. If not, their blood
will be on your hands

Christmas is a time to shine your light and to be set apart.

This is the time where everybody does what the people in
the world do, and being different, will give you an opportunity
to witness the truth about Babylon, about Messiah and about
His Second Coming. Be different, be set apart and be used
by YHVH during this dark time of pagan sun worship.


o The Two Babylons Alexander Hissop

o Fossilized Customs Lew White
o Bacchiocchi's From Sabbath To Sunday
o The Golden Bough
o Dictionary of Greek and Roman Antiquities, 3rd ed. vol.2, art. "Oscilla
o How Did It Begin? by Brasch
o Noah Webster's 1828 Dictionary
o Langer's Encyclopedia of World History


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