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Charles Dickens
 A talk about Charles Dickens :
Have you heard of Charles Dickens? After Shakespeare he is
probably the most famous writer in the English language. He is
the best known for his novels about life in the nineteenth –
century Britain. Dickens was born in 1812 into a good family in
Portsmouth, in the south of England. When he was still a young
boy, his father went to prison in 1824, because he had got into
debt. Charles went to London to earn money for the family. At
age of twelve he was working for ten hours a day in a London
factory. He saw how hard life was for poor people and many of
the ideas for the stories of his novels and the characters in them
came from this time.
After he left the factory. Dickens went to work as an office
clerk, but he did not enjoy this. In 1834 he started work as a
newspaper journalist. While he was working for the newspaper,
he was also writing magazine stories about life in London.
Instead of using his real name he called himself Boz for these
stories. In 1836 Dickens married Catherine Hogarth. He went on
to write Oliver Twist in 1838 and Nicholas Nickleby in 1839.
David Copperfield followed in 1850. In 1858 Dickens went to
America to read his novels to people.
A tale of two cities in 1859, and Great Expectations in 1861.
In Oliver Twist Dickens show the dark side of life in the
nineteenth – century London. He describes the lives of child
workers and life in the workhouse, where very poor people were
sent to live and work. Dickens died in 1870. When he died,
 England and its people at the time of Dickens :
In the nineteenth century when Dickens was writing,
England was a rich country, but there were many poor people.
At this time, cities like London and Manchester grew very
quickly. Large numbers of people came to the cities to look for
work because they had lost their jobs in the country. Men,
women and children worked very long hours in factories to earn
enough money to live. There were not enough houses or flats for
everybody, so many families shared rooms in crowded
buildings. Thousands of children, whose parents died, lived in
the streets of big cities. Many people died when they were
young because they were ill or didn’t have food.
 A summary of Dickens’s novel Oliver Twist :
Oliver Twist grew up in a workhouse because his mother
had died when he was born. Life for the young boy was hard
there. When he asked for more food because he was hungry, he
was punished. So Oliver ran away to London where he met a boy
called Jack Dawkins who was in a gang of thieves. Old man,
Fagin, had taught the gang how to be thieves and Oliver went to
live with them.

One day Oliver was with the gang when they tried to take
something from a man's pocket. The man, Mr. Brownlow, caught
them but he was kind and stopped the police from arresting
Oliver. Instead he took him back to his house and looked after
him. Oliver lived happily with Mr. Brownlow until one of the
gang, Bill Sikes, kidnapped him and took him back to Fagin.

Oliver had to go with the gang when they broke into country
house which belonged to Mrs. Maylie and her niece Rose. The
thieves were discovered Oliver was shot. When Oliver told Mrs.
Maylie and Rose that he didn’t want to be a thief they believed
him and invited him to live with them. One day, at their house.
Oliver saw Fagin and another man called Mr. Monks looking at
him through a window.

Finally the police arrested all of the gang. Oliver discovered

that Monks was his half brother, He wanted Oliver to be in
trouble because he would get their father's money. In the end,
Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver and they went to live with Mrs.
Maylie and Rose. Oliver found out that Rose was mother's sister.

1- Novel : ‫رواية‬
- A story about people that are not real.

2- Prison :‫سجن‬
- A building where people who do something wrong are sent.

3- Debt :‫دين‬
- Money that you owe to someone.

4- Journalist :‫صحفى‬
- Someone who writes for newspapers.

5- Character : ‫) شخصية ) فى كتاب – فى مسرحية – فى قصة – فى فيلم‬

- A person in a book, play or film.

6- Adopt :‫) يتبنى ) شخصــا ( أو ) فكرة‬

- Let someone else’s child become a part of your family.

7- gang : ‫عصـــابة‬
- A group of bad people that do bad things together.
- A group of criminals who work things together.

8- Arrest :‫يقبض على‬

- When the police take someone away and guard them for
doing something illegal.

9- Kidnap :‫يختطف شخصـــا‬

- To take someone away by force and keep them as a prisoner.

10- Grow up :‫ينضج – يكبر‬

- Change from being a child to an adult.

11- Niece :‫إبنة الخ أو الخت‬

- The daughter of your brother or sister.

12- Pocket :‫) جيب ) جاكيت – بنطلون – قميص‬

- A place in clothes for keeping small things.

13- Punish :‫يعـــاقب‬

- To do something unpleasant to someone because they have
done something wrong.

14- Choice :‫إختيار‬

- When you can choose between two or more things
( actions OR people )

15- Moral :‫حكمة – مغزى‬
- A lesson to be learned from a story.

Vocabulary :
* century (n) :‫قرن‬ * dark (adj) :‫مظلم‬ * workhouse :
* play (n) :‫مسرحية‬ * crew (n) :‫طاقم السفينة‬ ‫مكان للعمل والمبيت معا للفقراء‬
* felucca : * hard (adj) :‫صعب – قاسى‬ * wrong (adj) :‫خطأ‬
‫مركب – قارب صغير‬ * moral (n) : ‫عبرة –حكمة‬ ≠ right = correct :‫صحيح‬
* fishermen (n) : * country house : * half brother :
‫صيادو السمك‬ ‫منزل ريفى‬ ‫أخ غير شقيق‬
* finally :‫أخيرا‬ * dangerous (adj) : ‫خطير‬ * find out = discover :
≠ in the beginning :‫بداية‬ ≠ safe (adj) :‫آمن‬ ‫يكتشف‬
* break into :‫يقتحم‬ * danger (n) :‫خطر‬ * understand :‫يفهم‬
* (believe (v) – d – d):‫يعتقد‬ * punish :‫يعاقب‬ ≠ misunderstand :
* belief (n) :‫إعتقاد‬ ≠ reward :‫يكافئ‬ ‫ل يفهم‬
* believable :‫يمكن تصديقه‬ * ( kidnap (v) – ed – ed ): * (characterize(v)– d –d):
* ( choose (v) – chose – ‫يختطف شخصـا‬ ‫يميز‬
chosen ) :‫يختار‬ * kidnapper (n) :‫مختطف‬ * character (n) :‫شخصية‬
* choice (n) :‫إختيار‬ * kidnapped (n) :‫مخطوف‬ * characteristic :‫مميز‬
* chosen (adj) :‫مختار‬ * nearby (adj) :‫قريب‬ * adult :‫بالغ – ناضج‬
* ( describe (v) – d – d ) : * thieves (n) :‫لصوص‬ * report (n) :‫تحقيق صحفى‬
‫يصف‬ * ( earn (v) – ed – ed ) : * (interview(v)– ed – ed):
* ( introduce (v)– d – d ): ‫يكسب مال‬ (‫يجرى حديثا )صحفيا– تليفزيونيا‬
‫يقدم شخصـــا‬ * office clerk (n) :‫موظف‬ * ( pay (v)– paid – paid ):
* (shoot (v)– shot – shot): * ( invite (v) – d – d ):‫يدعو‬ ‫يدفع‬
‫يطلق الرصاص على‬ * group (n) :‫مجموعة‬ * British :‫بريطانى‬
* belong to :‫يخص‬ * illegal :‫غير قانونى‬ * England :‫إنجلترا‬
* birth (n) :‫ميلد‬ ≠ legal :‫قانونى‬ * French : ‫فرنسى‬
* birthplace : ‫مكان الميلد‬ * in debt :‫مديون‬ * France :‫فرنســـا‬
* British (n) :‫بريطانى‬ * instead of :‫بدل من‬ * sew (v) :‫يخيط‬
* clerk (n) :‫موظف‬ * kinds = types :‫أنواع‬ * society (n) :‫مجتمع‬
* criminal (n) :‫مجرم‬ * main :‫رئيسى‬ * (share (v) – d – d):‫يشارك‬
* crowded (adj) :‫مزدحم‬ * nationality (n) :‫جنسية‬ * thousand :‫ألف‬
* death (n) :‫موت‬ * novelist (n) :‫روائى‬ * writer (n) :‫كاتب‬
* details (n) :‫تفاصيل‬ * refer to :‫يشير إلى‬ * factory (n) :‫مصنع‬
* in details :‫بالتفصيل‬ * (reflect(v)–ed–ed) :‫يعكس‬ * force (n) :‫قوة‬
* edge (n) :‫حافة‬ * sequence :‫تتابع – توالى‬ * ( force (v) – d – d ):‫يجبر‬
* events (n) :‫أحداث‬ * ( die (v) – d – d ) :‫يموت‬ * invite (v) :‫يدعو‬
* by the end :‫قرب النهاية‬ * glasses (n) :‫نظارة‬ * (check(v)–ed– ed):‫يفحص‬
? ..… What is the difference Between

* as : ‫) كــــ ) تأتى بعدها وظيفة حقيقية‬

* like : ‫) كـــ ) تأتى بعدها وظيفة غير حقيقية ( ) أى أسلوب تشبيه‬

- Ali works as a teacher.
- Ali works like a donkey -------» ( Ali is a hard worker )

* ( rob (v) – robbed – robbed ) :‫يسرق مكان‬

* ( rob ) + ( ‫ ) شخص‬+ of + ( ‫يسرق شئ من شخص‬: ( ‫الشئ‬
* ( steal (v) – stole – stolen ) :‫يسرق شيئا‬
- A gang robbed the bank yesterday.
- The thief robbed the lady of her watch.
- The thieves stole money from the bank.

* ( share (v) – d – d ) :‫ يشارك شخصا فى شئ‬/ ‫يتقاسم شئ مع شخص‬

* ( divide (v) – d – d ) :‫ُيقسم شئ‬
* divided into :‫ينقسم إلى‬
- I share a room with my brother.
- The two boys shared a meal.
- Mum divided the cake among us.
- The class students divided into two groups for a game.
* Country :‫دولة‬
* The country = The countryside :‫الريف‬
* The village :‫القرية‬
- Egypt is my country.
- I live in the country (OR) the countryside.
- Life in the village is quieter than life in the city.

* On board :‫على متن السفينة‬

* Broad (adj) :‫عريض‬
* Abroad : ‫الخارج‬
- I climbed on board of the ship.
- Ali has broad shoulders.
- My uncle traveled abroad.
* Look at :‫ينظر إلى‬
* Look over :‫تطل على‬
* Look after :‫يعتنى بــ‬
* Look for = search for :‫يبحث عن‬
Exs: - Ali looked at the sky and saw the plane.
- I bought a flat which looked over the bank of the Nile.
- She looked after her grand parents.
- Ali looked for his lost pen.

Note The Following

* (be) best known for : * go to prison :‫يدخل السجن‬ * get into debt :‫يستدين‬
‫أحسن ما يعرف به‬ * (be) in debt :‫مديون‬ * child workers :
* magazine stories : * at the edge of :‫على حافة‬ ‫عمالة الطفال‬
‫قصص المجلت‬ * run away :‫يهرب‬ * live happily :
* based on : * take (‫ )شخص‬back : ‫يعيش فى سعادة‬
‫مبنى على – قائم على‬ ‫يعيد شخصا‬ * earn money :‫يكسب مال‬
* write about :‫يكتب عن‬ * hear of :‫يسمع عن‬ * complete a form :
* nationality :‫جنسية‬ * reason :‫سبب‬ ‫يمل استمارة‬
* ask for : ‫يطلب شئ‬ * punish :‫يعاقب‬ * take turn to:‫يأخذ دوره لكى‬
* (be) in trouble :‫فى مشكلة‬ * punishment (n) :‫عقاب‬ * earn his living:‫يكسب قوته‬
Questions & Answers
1- Where did Oliver Twist grow up? Why?
----» In a workhouse because his mother died when he was born and his father went to
2- Why did Oliver leave the workhouse and go to London ?
----» When he asked for more food because he was hungry, he was punished. So he ran
away to London.
3- Where did Oliver go to live ?
----» He went to live in Fagin’s house. Fagin taught a gang how to be thieves.
4- Who did Fagin’s boys try to rob ?
----» They tried to rob Mr. Brownlow.
5- How was Brownlow kind to Oliver ?
----» He stopped the police from arresting Oliver. Instead, he took him back to his
house and looked after him.
6- Who kidnapped Oliver and took him back to Fagin?
----» Bill Sikes, one of the gang, did that.
7- What happened to the gang when they took Oliver to rob Mrs Maylie's house?
----» The thieves were discovered and arrested by the police and Oliver was shot but he
didn't die.
8- What did Oliver discover about Monks?
----» Monks was his half brother. He wanted Oliver to be in trouble because Monks
would get all their father's money.
9- Who adopted Oliver and where did they live?
----» Mr. Brownlow adopted Oliver and they went to live with Mrs Maylie and her
niece, Rose.
10- Did Oliver do the right thing when he became a thief ? Did he have a choice?
----» No, Oliver didn't do the right thing when he became a thief. But he had no choice.
11- Why do you think Mr. Brownlow stopped the police from arresting Oliver?

----» Because he felt that Oliver had no choice when he ran away from the workhouse.
Mr. Brownlow wanted to help Oliver.
12- What can we say about the character of Brownlow?
----» He was kind - hearted, helpful and charitable.

13- In what way do you think Mr. Brownlow was rewarded for helping Oliver?
----» He lived happily with Oliver, Mrs. Maylie and Rose.
14- What is the moral of Oliver Twist?
----» Bad people are punished. Good people lead (live) a happy life.
15- How should society look after children like Oliver today?
----» They should put them in an orphanage, provide them with the knowledge and
skills which enable them to earn their living hi the future.
16- How is life better for children now than it was hi the 19th century?
----» They are treated fairly thanks to human rights. Each child has the right to a
name and a nationality, to know his or her parents and be cared for. Children
have the right to education. Governments must make sure that children survive
and develop.
17- Make a list of the jobs that you do hi your home.
----» Clean the flat, go shopping, help in washing up, washing clothes and in cooking.
18- Do you think you should be paid for this work?
----» No, I think I shouldn't be paid because I'm helping my parents who work hard to
earn money for us.
19- If you say no, should you be rewarded in another way?
----» Parents can buy their children the things they like as a reward for their work. They
can also invite them to spend an evening or a weekend outdoors.
20- Make a list of the jobs your parents do hi your home.
----» Going shopping, washing clothes, washing up, cleaning the flat, sweeping the
floor, cooking food and helping their children in doing their homework.
21- Are they paid or rewarded for this work?
----» No, they aren't paid. They are rewarded by their children who love them and buy
them presents on various occasions.
22- What kind of work do people do without being paid?
----» Working in charities and volunteering to help old people, disabled children,
teaching the illiterate to read and write.
23- Why do you think they do this work?
----» To make other people feel happy and comfortable.
24- How do you think they are rewarded?
----» Some of them get prizes from social societies, others may even get the Nobel
Prize for their social work.
25- What did you learn about England in the 19th century from reading about
"Oliver Twist"?
----» In "Oliver Twist," Dickens shows the dark side of life in 19th century London. He
describes the lives of child workers and life in the workhouse where very poor
people were sent to live and work.
26- What do you think life was like for Fagin's boys?
----» It was a poor, miserable and unhappy life.

27-Do you think the rest of Oliver's life is going to be happy? Why? Why not?
----» I think the rest of Oliver's life is going to be happy as Mr. Brownlow is a kind –
hearted man. He adopted Oliver and they went to live with Mrs. Maylie and Rose.
28- What was life like in Egypt hi the nineteenth century?
----» In the 19th century, Egypt was not a rich country. There were many poor people.
Farmers did not own their land. They worked from dawn to sunset for very little
money. Workers worked in factories for long hours and got low wages. Women
were not working or taking partGrammar
in public life. Child workers were badly paid.
The Past --------------------------------------------------------------------
Simple & Continuous & Perfect Tenses
‫زمن الماضى البسيط و المستمر و التام‬

1) The Past Simple Tense :‫زمن الماضى البسيط‬

: ‫⇐ التكوين‬
. ‫* هو التصريف الثانى للفعل‬
- She went to the cinema with her friends.
- I played football with my brothers.
: ‫⇐ الستخدام‬
: ‫* يستخدم زمن الماضى البسيط للتعبير عن التى‬
1- ‫ يعبر عن حدث بدأ وانتهى فى الماضى‬.
- We saw the film two days ago.
2- ‫ يعبر عن أحداث قصة‬.
- Once, I saw an old poor man walking in the street. He asked me to ………
3- ‫ للتعبير عن عادة أو موقف فى الماضى‬.
- When I was young, I played football everyday.
Note The Following
‫ علـى الجملـة الثانيـة الـتى ل يوجـد بهـا‬used to ‫ تـدخل‬.... ( when ) ‫ ( فى جملـة بهـا‬used to ) ‫* عند إستخدام‬
. ‫ثم يأتى بعدها المصدر‬ when
* When he was young, he walked to school everyday. ( used to )
⇒ When he was young, he used to walk to school everyday.

( got into the habit of + ( v + ing ‫* من الممكن أيضا للتعبير عن عادة إستخدام‬
( was in the habit of + ( v + ing
* When he was young, he walked to school 23 everyday. ( in the habit of )
⇒ When he was young, he was ( got ) in the habit of walking to school everyday.
: ‫⇐ الكلمات الدالة على زمن الماضى البسيط‬
once & once upon a time & one day & yesterday
ago & last & in the past & in the ancient times
in + ( ‫ & ) تاريخ‬from + ( ‫ ) تاريخ‬+ to + ( ‫) تاريخ‬
2) The Past Continuous Tense : ‫زمن الماضى المستمر‬
: ‫⇐ التكوين‬
( was / were ) + ( v + ing ) : ‫* يتكون من‬
: ‫⇐ الكلمات الدالة على زمن الماضى المستمر‬
( While & As & Just as & When & all + ‫) فترة زمنية ماضية‬
* I was lying on the beach all day yesterday.
* While he was eating, my mother called him.

As ( ( ‫ماضى مستمر‬ ‫) ) ماضى بسيط‬
Just as

( ‫) ماضى بسيط‬ as ( ‫) ماضى مستمر‬
just as

. ‫* تستخدم هذه القاعدة عندما يكون هناك حدث قصير قطع حدث طويل‬
- While he was playing, he fell down.
- The phone rang while he was watching the film.

As ( ( ‫ماضى مستمر‬ ‫) ) ماضى مستمر‬
Just as

( ‫) ماضى مستمر‬ as ( ‫) ماضى مستمر‬
just as

. ( ‫* تستخدم هذه القاعدة عندما يقع الحدثان فى وقت واحد ) أى لم يقطع أحدهم الخر‬
- While she was reading a story, they were watching TV.
- She was talking on her mobile phone while she was driving.
Note The Following
. ( v + ing ) ‫ << يأتى بعدها‬-------- ‫ ( فاعل‬while ) ‫* إذا لم يأتى بعد‬
- While eating, the phone rang.
- While running, he fell down.
. ‫ اسم‬...( During ) ‫* يأتى بعد‬
During + ( Noun ) + ( ‫) ماضى بسيط‬
- During my visit to Alex, I saw Nadia.
: ‫ نتبع الخطوات التالية‬... ( While ) ‫ ( إلى‬During ) ‫* عند التحويل من‬
. ‫ يحول ضمير الملكية إلى ضمير فاعل‬-1
‫ضمائر الفاعل‬ ‫ضمائر الملكية‬
I & He & She & It My & His & Her & Its
We & They & you Our & Their & Your
: ‫لحظ‬
. ‫ نستعين بفاعل الجملة الخرى‬... ‫ إذا لم نجد فى الجملة ضمير ملكية‬-
. ( was / were ) ‫ نضع‬-2
. ‫ ( من السم‬v + ing ) ‫ نضع‬-3
* During my visit to Alex, I saw Nadia. ( While )
⇒ While I was visiting Alex, I saw Nadia.

When ( ( ‫ماضى بسيط‬ ‫) ) ماضى مستمر‬

( ‫) ماضى مستمر‬ When ( ‫) ماضى بسيط‬

- When I ran into an old friend, I was walking down the street.
- I was reading a story when my father arrived.
( noun OR v+ing ) ‫ ويأتى بعدها‬.... ( When ) ‫ ( محل‬On ) ‫* من الممكن أن تحل‬
* When my father arrived, I was studying. ( On )
⇒ On my father’s arrival, I was studying.
Note The Following
: ‫* ل يستخدم زمن الماضى المستمر مع التى‬
. ‫ الحداث المتكررة فى الماضى‬-1
- We visited our village three times last year.
. ‫ المواقف الدائمة أو ذات المدى الطويل‬-2
- When I was a child, I played tennis. 25
. ‫ ل يستخدم مع أفعال الحواس والشعور والدراك وأفعال أخرى‬-
* agree * assume * believe * belong to
* contain * cost * feel * hate
* hope * know * like * look
* dislike * love * own * prefer
* realize * regret * resemble * smell
* taste * touch
The Past Perfect Tense
‫زمن الماضى التام‬
: ‫* يتكون من‬
( .Had + ( P.P
: ‫* الستخدام‬
‫ نضع الحدث‬... ‫ أحدهما حدث قبل الخر‬... ‫ يستخدم زمن الماضى البسيط للتعبير عن حدثين حدثا فى الماضى‬-
. ‫ ونضع الحدث الثانى فى زمن الماضى البسيط‬... ‫الول فى زمن الماضى التام‬
Note The Following

After ( Past Perfect ) ( Past Simple )

As soon as ‫ماضى تام‬ ‫ماضى بسيط‬
Because ( ( ‫حدث أول‬ ‫) ) حدث ثانى‬

( Past Simple ) after ( Past Perfect )

‫ماضى بسيط‬ as soon as ‫ماضى تام‬
( ‫) حدث ثانى‬ because ( ‫) حدث أول‬

.After I had played the match, I went home -
.As soon as I had done my homework, I ironed my clothes -
.The teacher was angry because we hadn’t done the homework -
.I had done my homework when I had come home -

When ( Past Simple ) ( Past Simple )

‫ماضى بسيط‬ ‫ماضى بسيط‬

: ‫* تطبق هذه القاعدة‬

. ( ‫ إذا تم الحدثان فى نفس الوقت ) أى بدون فاصل زمنى‬-
- When Ali saw the lion, he shouted for help.
: ‫لحظ‬
. ( ‫ ) ماضى تام‬.... ( ‫ ) ماضى بسيط‬.... ( when ) ‫* من الممكن أن يأتى بعد‬
. ( ‫ ) ماضى بسيط‬.... ( ‫ ) ماضى تام‬.... ( when ) ‫* ومن الممكن أيضا أن يأتى بعد‬
} ‫{ ولكن يكون الختلف فى المعنى‬
* When the doctor arrived, the patient had died.
( The patient died before the doctor arrived)
* When the doctor arrived, the patient died.
( The patient died the moment the doctor arrived )

: ‫لحـــظ‬
‫ والحــدثين الخريــن‬... ‫ نضع الحدث الول فى زمن الماضى التام‬... ‫ ثلثة أفعال‬... ( when ) ‫* من الممكن أن يأتى بعد‬
. ‫فى زمن الماضى البسيط‬
- When she returned home she found out that someone had stolen her jewellery.

Before ( Past Simple ) ( Past Perfect )

By the time ( ( ‫ماضى بسيط‬ ‫)ماضى تام‬ )

( Past Perfect ) before ( Past Simple )

(‫) ماضى تام‬ by the time ( ‫) ماضى بسيط‬

- By the time I arrived at the cinema, the film had started.
- The pupils had entered their classes by the time Ali arrived at school.
- Before I took the medicine, I had had a meal.

( Past Simple ‘negative’ ) till ( Past Perfect )

( ( ‫ماضى بسيط منفى‬ ‫) ماضى تام‬ )
( didn’t ) + ( ‫) التصريف الول‬ until

- I didn’t answer the question until I had understood it carefully.
- She didn’t play the match till she had trained well.

No sooner than
Hardly + had + ( ‫ ) الفاعل‬+ ( p.p. ) + …. + when + ( ‫ ) ماضى بسيط‬+ ( ‫) الفاعل‬
Scarcely ( ‫) حدث أول‬ when ( ‫) حدث ثانى‬

- No sooner had we finished our27 exams than we traveled to Alex.
- Hardly had they known the news when they phoned me.
no sooner than
( ‫ ) الفاعل‬+ had + hardly + ( p.p.) + …. + when + ( ‫ ) ماضى بسيط‬+ ( ‫) الفاعل‬
scarcely when

- He had no sooner left the house than it began to rain.
- He had hardly left the house when it began to rain.
Note The Following
. ‫ إذا لم يأتى بعدهم فاعل‬.... ( Before ) ⇐ ( v + ing ) ‫ ( أو‬After ) ‫* يأتى بعد‬
* After he had played the match, he went home. ( playing )
⇒ After playing the match, he went home.
* Before he killed the man, he bought a big knife. ( Killing )
⇒ Before killing the man, he bought a big knife.
: ‫ وتكون القاعدة كالتى‬... ( After ) ‫ ( بدل من‬Having ) ‫* من الممكن أن تحل‬

Having + ( p.p. ) + …….. + ( ‫ ) ماضى بسيط‬+ ( ‫) فاعل‬

* After he had finished his work, he went out. ( Having )
⇒ Having finished his work, he went home.

( Immediately on + ( V + ing ) / ( Noun

* He had hardly arrived when the phone rang. ( Immediately )
⇒ Immediately on his arrival, the phone rang.


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